firm foundations lesson 11: god’s promise and curse memory verse: proverbs 9:10

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Firm Foundations

Lesson 11: God’s Promise and Curse

Memory verse: Proverbs 9:10

Introduction What was life like in

the garden before there was sin?

What trick did Satan use to disguise himself? What’s another way that Satan can disguise himself?

What would be the consequence of Adam & Eve’s sin?

Keep in mind… God created them in his OWN image They belonged to Him He loved them He gave them everything they could

ever need He had warned them of the

consequences of disobedience They had chosen to disobey Him

God called Adam Genesis 3:9 They didn’t come out to talk to

God Why did God call them? God still calls today

His Creation His Word

God wants us to know Him

Adam and Eve tried to hide Genesis 3:10 – “I was

afraid…” They were afraid

because they had disobeyed God

They had good reason to be afraid They knew what they

had done And they knew what God

said would happen if they disobeyed

God questioned Adam Genesis 3:11 God gave them

opportunity to repent

God had the right to question Adam

Acts 17:25 – “…he gives life and breath…”

Hebrews 4:13

Adam and Eve tried to pass the blame

Genesis 3:12,13 “…the woman gave

to me…” “…the serpent

deceived me…” Nothing is hidden

from God

God promised a Deliverer Adam and Eve became children

of Satan “…whose spirit now works in the

sons of disobedience…” Eph. 2:12

Satan became the god of this world

He is “…the ruler of this world…” John 12:31

God promised a deliverer Genesis 3:15 – the Deliverer

would be the child of a woman The man is not mentioned The head of Satan will be

crushed Isaiah 7:14 – the mother would

be a virgin Psalm 145:8

God’s curse on the woman Genesis 3:16

She and all her descendants would suffer in childbirth

Her husband would have authority over her

God’s curse on the man and on the earth Genesis 3:17-19 Adam listened to Eve instead of

obeying God The whole world was cursed

Why? What was affected?

The world is still cursed God didn’t create us to die – but

we must Romans 6:23

Adam and Eve are the parents of all people

Genesis 3:20 We all came from the

same parents Acts 17:26 – “…made

of one blood all nations of men…”

Adam’s sin set off a chain of sorrows Romans 5:12

Conclusion The devil did not “make them do

it” Adam and Eve knew what God said They knew that God loved them They disobeyed anyway

Sin brought terrible consequences We live with those consequences

every day The Bible shows how all sorrows in

life began God promised to send a Deliverer to

rescue man

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