final ideas exchange 30 may 2014 armenia belarus bulgaria georgia moldova romania kyrgyzstan...

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Final Ideas Exchange30 May 2014

• Armenia• Belarus• Bulgaria• Georgia• Moldova• Romania• Kyrgyzstan• Azerbaijan• Kazakhstan• Turkmenistan• Tajikistan

• Uzbekistan• Kosovo• Macedonia• BiH• Albania• Ukraine• Turkey• Macedonia

Advocacy Issue: Lack of guaranteed modern contraceptives for vulnerable population

Advocacy Goal: Guaranteed providing modern contraceptive for vulnerable populations until the end of 2016

Команда страны: АРМЕНИЯ

Target Decision-maker(s):1 - Minister of Health 2 - Minister of Social Welfare and Labour 3 - Finance Minister 4 - Chairman of the Standing Committee of Parliament on motherhood and childhood

Key Influencers:1 - Coordinating Committee for RH at MOH Armenia 2 - The main experts and national experts 3 - Deputy Ministers 4 - Head of Department 5 - Reputable and well-known faces at the national level 6 - Members of the media - TV, press, radio 7 - International Organizations and donors (UNFPA, WHO, USAID, Oxfam, IPPF etc.) 8 - Interested NGOs 9 - Human rights organizations and human rights activist RA

Messengers:1 - Deputy Ministers2 - Head of Department3 - Head Obstetrician-Gynecologist4 - The First Lady

Potential Partner(s):1 - Pharmaceutical companies and major suppliers of contraceptives2 - Division of the MOH on procurement and distribution of medicines and medical supplies3 - NGO Coalition and on RH, motherhood and childhood, youth and others4 - USAID, UNFPA, IPPF and international organizations5 - Private Sector

Country Team: Armenia

Objectives:1. Implement guaranteed provision of modern

contraceptive methods for vulnerable population into the basic package of free medical care and services before the end of 2014

2. Increase awareness of vulnerable populations about the benefits of modern methods of contraception and the demand for effective contraception before the end of 2016

3. Develop strategies and mechanisms for the centralized purchase and distribution of modern contraceptives for vulnerable populations before the end of 2015

4. Achieve public funding for guaranteed provision of modern contraceptive means for vulnerable population before the end of 2015

Activities:1. Meeting Coordinating Committee MoH on

reproductive health work in working groups, drafting changes project for the basic package, review and approval of the package by the MOH and the RA Government. (before the end of 2014)

2. Develop a strategy and program of action, implementation of planned activities, monitoring and evaluation. (before the end of 2016)

3. Analysis of market segments, the work of the working groups, together with experts, preparation and implementation of computer programs and logistics forms. (before the end of 2015)

4. Budgeting based on an assessment of demand of vulnerable populations to modern contraceptives. (before the end of 2015)


Advocacy Issue:

Insufficient provision of teenagers with contraceptive methods

Advocacy Goal: Upholding the rights of adolescents aged 15-18 alone give consent to medical intervention in the sexual and reproductive field

Country Team: Republic of Belarus

Target decision-makers: Minister of Health, Chairman of the Council of the Republic; President of the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly

Key Influencers:First Deputy Minister of Health;Deputy Minister of Health (finance);Head of Main Division for medical care;Organization of medical care;Head of medical care for mothers and children;The Standing Committee on Health,Administration of the President, ROC

Messengers:Director of the RSPC "Mother and Child";First Deputy Minister of Health;Deputy Minister of Health (finance);Chairman of the Standing Commission on LP;Chairman BYPU "Reproductive Health";Member of the House of Representatives.

Potential partners: RSPC "Mother and Child"; BYPU "Reproductive Health"; UNFPA

Country Team: Republic of Belarus

Objectives 1. Bill Development on NP by MOH and its introduction to the Parliament in 2017;

2. Adoption of the bill by the House of Representatives of the National Assembly before 2018;

3. Adoption of the Draft by the Council of the Republic in 2018;

Activities:1. Collection and analysis of statistical data;

2. Analysis of international experience;

3. Effectiveness analysis;

4. Drafting of documents on the bill;

5. Roundtable on the issue with representatives of both Houses;

6. Dealing with the media.


Advocacy Issue:Low access of vulnerable populations to modern contraceptives and FP serveces

Advocacy Goal: Adoption of National Program on Sexual and Reproductive Health by the Council of Ministers through the Ministry of Health (MoH) till 2014

Country Team: Bulgaria

Target Decision-maker(s): Minister of Health, Chair of Health Commission of the Bulgarian Parliament, Minister of Finance

Key Influencers:•Head of the Cabinet of the Minister of Health•Director of Department “Medical Services” in MoH•President of the Medical Doctors’ Union, •National Association on Ob./Gyn.•Department for demographic development in MLSP

Messengers:Chief of the cabinetProf. Chernev (MU, professional organizations)Dr. Stamenkova (BFPA)

Potential Partner(s):•Professional societies•NNHMs•International agencies (WHO, UNICEF)•Sofia Medical University •

Country Team: Bulgaria

Objectives:1. Ministerial order to create task force group by the end of July 2014

2. Finalized NP by the end of Sept. 2014

Activities:1. Common message development

2. Meetings with the minister/ members of the political cabinet of MoH

3. Meetings with parliamentarians

4. Participation in the process of finalizing the NP


Advocacy Issue: Private Sector refuses to allow social products in its chains.

Advocacy Goal: Increase access to social products for vulnerable population in the Country by the end of 2016

Country Team: Georgia

Target Decision-maker(s):Minister of MoH; Health Care committee; Prime Minister and President

Key Influencers: NGO, Donors, Professional Associations, Mass Media, MoH

Messengers: 1-at MoH-Head of Healthcare Department, Deputy of MoH, UNFPA, 2-at Parl. Minister of MoH, Opposition MPs in the Committee of HCC , other Parliamnet Committees.

Potential Partner(s): NGO, Donors, Professional Associations, Mass Media, NCDC, Youth clubs,

Country Team: Georgia

Objectives:1. Increase and define the concept of Social Product into the National Law on Medicine and Pharmaceutical Activities by the end of 2016.

2. To ensure the continuous supply of the contraception to the vulnerable and high risk groups through the pharmacies.




Activities:1. NGOs and donors address the MoH. 2. MoH will review and prepare the project3. The Project will be sent to the Prime Minister Office

4. The Report will be sent to the Parliament

5. Renewal and logistical strategy to cover the whole territory of Georgia.


Advocacy Goal: Limited access of vulnerable groups to contraceptives

Advocacy Goal: Improving the financial mechanism for the procurement of contraceptives for vulnerable groupsChanging laws to ensure procurement of contraceptives through AccessRH (procurement system at the lowest prices UNFPA) by 2016

Country Team: Moldova

Target Decision-maker(s):1. Minister of Health

2. Minister of Finance

3. Minister of Economics

4. Director of the Procurement Agency

Key Influencers 1. Vice-Ministers

2. Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Social Protection

3. Members of Parliament

4. Chief Specialist on SS

1. Messengers: 2. Specialists of the Center for

Reproductive Health and Medical Genetics

3. academic sector

4. NGOs

5. Media

Potential Partner(s): 1. National Health Insurance Company

2. Medicines Agency


Country Team: Moldova

Objectives:1. By 2015, the MOH and the National Health Insurance Company will develop new normative document regulating the purchase of contraceptives for socially vulnerable segments of the population

2. By 2016 MOH will develop normative documents with an action plan for the procurement of contraceptives through Access RH

Activities:1. Establishment of a working group

under the MOH and develop an action plan

2. Assessing needs of socially vulnerable segments of the population (of reproductive age) for contraceptives

3. Development of a draft regulatory document and its approval

4. Inclusion of contraceptives in the list of medicines for centralized procurement

5. Procurement and distribution of contraceptives to socially vulnerable groups.


Romania policy advocacy strategy• Issue

– Lack of appropriate FP service delivery system within primary health care• Goal

– The MoH will to adopt a ministerial order to regulate FP service provision,(at different levels of national health care system) including referrals, by the beginning of 2016

• Target decision makers– Minister of health + president of NIH– Secretary of state from MoH– Director of Health Care Directorate (MoH)

• Key influencers– Members of political party to which the minister is member– Personal counselors– Technical staff of MoH– Professional associations (ob-gyns, family doctors, pharmacists)

Country Team: Romania

Potential partners: Sexual and Reproductive Rights Coalition, Family Doctors Association, Roma Health Mediators AssociationMessengers: Technical staff of MoH, leaders from NGOs, technical RH experts

• Objectives– The MoH will appoint a

working group responsible for drafting the support documents for ministerial order by January 2015

– Health Care Directorate will develop support documents and draft of ministerial order by September 2015

– Minister of Health will adopt the ministerial order who will regulate FP service at the beginning of 2016

• Activities– Develop situation analysis – Organize a roundtable – Consultations with

professional associations and other ministries

– Development of documents– Public consultation of the

final draft– Issue of the ministerial order– (Publication of ministerial

order on the Official Journal

Romania policy advocacy strategy


Advocacy issue: Limited access of vulnerable groups of population to contraceptives: lack of vulnerability criteria with regards to Family Planning and supply of contraceptives.

Advocacy Goal: The Kyrgyz government will obtain the Resolution on defining criteria for vulnerable groups on issues of PS and provide contraceptives

Country Team: Kyrgyzstan

Target Decision-maker(s): 1. Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs - Sarieva E.2. Minister of Health - Sagynbaeva D.3. Minister of Social Development - Bazarbayev KB4. Director the MHIF - Shakirov G.

Key Influencers:Parliament of the Kyrgyz RepublicDeputy ministers and heads of administration

Messengers: Department MOH Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Social Policy and the Department of Social Affairs

Potential Partner(s): UNFPA, GIZ, Department of the Ministry of Health, NGO ARZ, CBSA, Ministry of Social Development

Country Team: Kyrgyzstan

Objectives:1. By September 2014, coordinated by the MoH Kyrgyzstan it is needed to create an interagency, inter-sectoral working group on the development of criteria for vulnerable groups concerning the contraceptives at state expense2. By the first quarter of 2015 under the coordination of the Ministry of Health it is needed to inform partners and agree with the decision-makers on draft criteria for vulnerable groups concerning the contraceptives at state expense3. By the end of 2015 the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic will adopt the criteria for vulnerable groups concerning the contraceptives at state expense

Activities:1.1 Develop and approve a list of the working group on the development of vulnerability criteria 1.2 Develop and approve the TOR for WP 1.3 Conduct an orientation meeting WG 1.4 Develop draft vulnerability criteria 2.1 Initiate discussed within the project criteria of vulnerability. 2.2 Presentation of the draft vulnerability criteria for partners and stakeholders. 2.3 Develop the final version of vulnerability criteria. 3.1 Approve the vulnerability criteria at the cabinet meeting


Advocacy issue: Increase the number of consumers of modern contraceptive methods

Advocacy Goal: Define and adopt a list of professionals and services in the Ministry of Health of the SS until the end of 2015

Team country: Azerbaijan

Target Decision-maker(s):Minister of Health Deputy Minister Head of Organizational Department of health services unit

Key Influencers: Members of Parliament, the Ombudsman Management strategies and innovation, MOH Ministry of Labour and Social Security UNFPA, WHO, UNICEF

Messengers: ombudsman parliamentarians International organizations

Potential Partner(s): Ministry of Health Public Health and Reforms Center (PHRC), MOHOffice of the Ombudsman UNFPA National Office of the Reproductive Health

Команда страны: Азербайджан


1. Establishment of a working group to develop changes in duties and services of nurses and family doctors in September 2014.

2. Collection and analysis of data and pilot projects conducted by DHS in 2011 by a working group in order to create an evidence base before February 2015.

3. Prepare environment for the issue


1.1 Holding negotiation and business roundtable for interested parties identification1.2 Creation and distribution of the working group’s duties and responsibilities1.3 Collection and analysis of existing material1.4 Preparation of the sample position duties1.5 Getting feedback of prepared draft from the MOH experts and authorities

2.1 Data processing and analysis reports2.2 Preparation of an analytical document for the consideration of the Minister of Health2.3 Conform analytical document with those influencing minister decisions аnd send to the minister3.1 Increase public awareness about situation of the contraceptives use in the country and need for expanding and improving FP services through TV, radion, newspapers3.2 Push debates in the Parliament on the issue using Ombudsman as messenger


Advocacy issue: Lack of contraception for teenagers under 18 years old in the guaranteed volume of free medical care

Advocacy Goal: The Government of Kazakhstan will approve a decree "On Amendments and Additions to the “List of services and medicines within GVFMA“ regulating provision of adolescents under 18 years old with free contraceptives by the 4th quarter of 2015

Team country: Kazakhstan

Target Decision-maker(s):Minister of Health

Minister of Economy and Budget Planning

Prime minister

Key Influencers The Members of Parliament (two deputies supervising the health sector)

Chairman of the National Commission for Women, Family and Demographic Policy under the President of RK

Minister of Health

Director of the department of medical service organization MoH

UNFPA - director and executive representative of the country office

KASRH - Executive Director

Messengers: Vice - Minister of Health for Economic Affairs

Deputy of the Majilis in charge of social issues

Deputy Chairman of the Majilis

Chairman of the National Commission for Women, Family and Demographic Policy under the President of RK

Potential Partner(s):

UNFPA, Kazakhstan Association on Sexual and Reproductive Health (KASRH)

Team country: Kazakhstan


1. Interagency Working Group established by MOH will prepare analytical information to justify the inclusion of the COP into GVFMA for teens and will receive the approval from concerned departments in the 2nd quarter of 2015

2. Interdepartmental working group will prepare a draft of the Resolution and forward it for approval to the Office of the Prime Minister and the President's Administration by December 2015


1. MOH will create an order to interdepartmental working group to amend the GVFMA

2. Interdepartmental working Group will prepare analytical information to justify the need for changes and additions to the GVFMA

3. Interdepartmental working Group will hold orientation meetings for technical performers from concerned departments for obtaining approval of analytical reference

4. Interdepartmental working group will develop a draft resolution stating the form of funding and calculations

5. MoH will send the project for approval to AP (Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan ) and OPM (Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan)


Team country: Turkmenistan

Advocacy issue: Vulnerable groups’ access to contraceptives, purchased at the expense of the state budget

Advocacy goal: Adoption of a resolution (Protocol) MOH and MI of determining the list of people eligible to receive benefits when issuing contraceptives from the state budget by October 2015.

Target Decision-maker(s):MHMI of Turkmenistan, Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Potential partners: MHMI of Turkmenistan, MCH, international organizations, UNFPA, NIDHR, Ministry of Social Welfare, Women's Union, NGO, Main Pharmacy Union.

Key Influencers:Mejlis (Parliament of Turkmenistan), Ministry of Social Welfare, National RH Centre, NIDHR under the President of Turkmenistan.

Messengers: Deputy Minister of MHMI, MCH Director, Head of the treatment and prophylaxis department of MHMI of Turkmenistan.

Команда страны: Туркменистан

Objectives:1. Recognition of the need to collect data

relating to vulnerable groups (low-income families, women with disabilities, women in prison, teens are having sex, etc..) October 2015.

2. Further improvement of the legislation on family planning offices to the new realities, in particular, public procurement of contraceptives, the introduction of the TMA and the system of public health insurance. May 2015.

3. Strengthening the system on improving of quality of services in the family planning through clinical audit.

Activities:1.1. Defining the goals and objectives of the working group on the implementation of the TMA.1.2. Consideration of proposals of the working group on the importance of protection needs of vulnerable groups in the field of family planning services in order to improve reproductive health indicators in the country.1.3. Information support in the mass media. 1.4. Discussion of the vulnerable groups issue during the meetings with UNFPA Directors. 1.5. Focus group discussions with representatives of vulnerable groups and the presentation of the results of the working group.

2.1. Development of reporting documentation to control the release of contraceptives on a preferential basis to vulnerable groups 2.2. Involvement of internal / external expertise to further integration of reproductive health, HIV and family planning services at the primary level of health care. 2.3. Strengthening of health insurance system

3.1. Knowledge management on quality improvement in the piloting points through involving the experience from other regions.3.2. Promotion of solutions adoptions in order to improve the quality of services in the field of family planning on the basis of clinical audit.


Advocacy issue:No provision of low-income population with contraceptives from public funds

Advocacy Goal: MoH Tajikistan with its internal order regulates the responsibilities of managers of PHC for the dissemination of contraceptives by the end 2014Provide the population with low income contraceptives from public funds by introducing amendments to the PGU by the end to 2020.

Team Country: Tajikistan

Target Decision-maker(s):1. Minister of Health, 2. First Deputy Minister, 3. Head of motherhood and childhood MH

Key Influencers MoH MF The Parliament Religion

Messengers: UNFPA1. WHO2. UNICEF3. TFPA

Potential Partner(s): 1. TSMU (Tajikistan State Medical University)2. TBMC3. Tajik Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology4. Mental Health Research Center

Team Country: Tajikistan

Objectives:1. MoH creates a working group to analyze the situation

concerning provision of contraceptive services at PHC level until the end of August 2014.

2. The Working Group will prepare an analytical report with recommendations and submit it at the meeting of the coordinating council MoH 2014 until mid-November.

3. On the basis of the analytical report MCH MoH will prepare an order regulating the responsibilities of managers of primary health care to the Minister of Health of RT until the end of November 2014.

Activities:1. Make a list of the working group (WG)2. Agree on the list of WG with heads of agencies of potential partners for the inclusion of their representative in WG.3. Preparing order to establish a WG and its agreement with the management entities of MoH.4. Submit the order for consideration and signing to the Minister of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan.5. Develop terms of reference for the WG;6. Familiarize WG with terms of reference , the order and sample the regions for analysis;7. Assess / research in selected regions;8. Preparation of the report and recommendations and its presentation in the Coordinating Council;

Solving the problem of contraceptives distribution at the PHC level is a key element in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality.


Advocacy Issue: Lack of equal access to quality SRH services and products/contraceptives for rural population

Advocacy Goal: Ministry of Health adopts regulatory document on improvement of the quality of SRH/FP services by the end of 2015

Country Team: Uzbekistan

Target Decision-maker(s): 1.Minister of Health (Mr. Anvar Alimov)2.Vice prime Minister (Mr. Adham Ikramov)3.Chairperson of Women's Committee (Ms. Elmira Basitkhanova); 4.Ob/Gyn Assoc. Prof. Najmitdinova

Key Influencers: Deputy Minister of Health (Tuychiev), MCH Department (Ismailov&group), Minister of Health, Wom. Committee, Cabinet of Ministers, WHO CO.

Messengers: UNFPA, Ministry of Health, Women's Commitee, professional associations

Potential Partner(s): Departments of MoH, Department of Women's Committee on social and family affairs, National research and education centres on health

Country Team: UZBEKISTAN

Objectives:1. MoH establishes a working group to draft a regulatory document by September, 2014

2.Working group accomplishes a draft document by July, 2015

3.Working group gets approval and endorsement for finalization of the regulatory document with line organizations and Ministries

Activities:1.UNFPA meets with MoH to agree on establishment of WG. Organization of round table meeting to address the issue to the potential partners and stakeholders.2.WG works on review of relevant documentation and analysis of situation. Organizes technical meetings .

3.Provides draft of the regulatory document for the review of partners and decision makers.


Advocacy issue: Contraceptives to remain in the Essential Drug List

Advocacy Goal:By the end of December 2014, the MoH will revise the Sectorial health strategy , to specify contraceptive availability on Essential Drug List.

Country Team: Kosovo

Target decision makers:• Minister of Heath;• General Secretary of MoH;

Key influencers:• Chief of Division for Mother and Child

Health; • Technical Advisers;

Messengers:• UNFPA Assistant Rep.• Chief of Division of MCH-MoH;• WHO Head of Office in Prishtina;

Potential Partner(s):• WHO • Parliamentarians;• Kosovo Women network;• Finance and pharmaceutical department of MoH;• Media (incl. communication department UNKT and MoH)

Country Team: KOSOVO

Objectives:1. The Working Group submits for

comments the revised strategy which specifies contraceptives to remain on EDL , by end of September 2014;

2. Comments are received and incorporated by the coordinator of WG into the final draft of strategy, by end of November 2014.

3. The Minister of Health endorses the Sectorial Health Strategy 2015-2020, by end of December 2014.


1. Develop, print and distribute a factsheet based on cost benefit analysis on contraceptives ;2. Meeting with General Secretary of MoH and working group on strategy revision, to inform them on importance of contraceptive remaining on EDL.3. Provide technical expertise to the working group on strategy revision.4. Organize a workshop with all relevant stakeholders to present revised draft strategy with incorporated comments, before sending to Minister for Approval.


Advocacy Issue: No free contraception available for vulnerable groups

Advocacy Goal:By December 2014 the Ministry of Health to introduce a budget line in the Preventive Health Care Programs for procurement of contraceptives for vulnerable groups

Country Team: Macedonia

Target Decision-maker(s):Minister of Health

Key Influencers: • Department of Preventive Health Care• State Advisor at the Ministry of Labor and

Social Policy dealing with population development

• Advisors of Prime Minister for Health and Social Policy

• Head of Parliamentary Commission for Gender Equality

Messengers:• Advisor of DPHC• Head of DPHC• UNFPA SRH

Potential Partner(s):• Parliamentary Commission on Equal Opportunities• Ministry of Labor and Social Policy • UNFPA• HERA NGO

Country Team: Macedonia

Objectives:1. By October 2014 the DPHC to present to the Minister of Health evidence-based arguments for introducing budget line item in the Preventive Health Care Programs to procure contraceptives for vulnerable groups





Activities:1. Regular meetings of TMA Working Group

2. Development of evidence based Policy Brief




Bosnia and Herzegovia

Advocacy Issue:Lack of contraceptives on the essential drug list

Advocacy Goal:By December 2015 both BiH entities MoHs will implement a right to contraceptives as articulated by the SRH policy by updating the EDL to include the contraceptives

Country Team: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Target Decision-maker(s):1. Ministers of Health2. Advisory Drugs Board

Key Influencers:1. Chairman of PGPD2. Pharmaceuticals advisors Messengers:

Assistant Ministers Pharmaceutical advisors

Potential Partner(s):1. Assistant Ministers of Health 2. Professional Associations3. Civil Society4. Other UN Agencies/IPH5. PGPD

Country Team: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Objectives:1. Strategic advocacy framework of the coalition is created and functional by the March 2015

2. By June 2015 the Drugs Advisory Boards will make a recommendation to the Ministers of Health to add at least one contraceptive to the EDL on the entity level

3. By the end of 2015 the MoHs will add at least one contraceptive to the EDL on the entity level

Activities:1. Develop coalition’s official document/position paper for the Minister’s approval of adding contraceptive to EDL

2. Three meetings organized to define the goal and responsibilities of the coalition

3. To develop situational analysis of the contraceptives situation in BiH (Market segmentation analysis) conducted

4. Organize meetings with the representatives of the Drug Advisory Board

5. Organize regular formal and non formal meetings with the Ministers and the technical staff with the Ministers


Advocacy Issue: Lack of Enabling Political Environment in Support of Social Marketing Sector

Advocacy Goal: By June 2015 the Parliament will pass the amended VAT Law that removes 20% tax for Condoms

Country Team: Albania

Target Decision-maker(s): 1) Minister of Health2) Minister of Finance3) MPs – Deputy Chair of the Health and

Social Issues Commission

Key Influencers:1) Deputy Minister of Health2) United Nations Resident Coordinator3) Director of Public Health4) Director of Pharmaceutical Directory5) Parliamentary sub - committee on

population and development issues

Messengers:1) Deputy Minister of Health2) Deputy Chairwomen of the Health and

Social Issues Parliamentary Commission3) UNFPA Representative / Assistant


Potential Partner(s):Influential officials in the decision making process Ministry of Health officials and IPH technical expertsRH coalitionPrivate sectorInternational organizations and UNFPA

Country Team: Albania

Objectives:1. Minister of Health submits the proposal of amending the Law to the Minister of Finance by December 2014

2. Minister of Health presents to the Cabinet of Ministers the proposal to amend the Law on VAT waiver by March 2015

3. Minister of Health and Minister of Finance will advocate in favor of the draft amendment of Law to the Parliament Commissions of Health and Economy by May 2015

Activities:1) Revise the National Contraceptive Security StrategyConduct advocacy meetings with key officials from the MoHSubmit the proposal to Minister of Finance

2) Conduct advocacy round tables with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance experts (advisors from the respective Ministries)Conduct meetings with Prime Ministers advisors on health issuesInclude the proposal from the MoH in the Cabinet of Ministers agenda

3) Conduct advocacy meetings with the Health Parliamentary CommissionConduct advocacy meetings with the Economic Parliamentary CommissionInclude the issue on amendment of Law on VAT in the Parliamentary session agenda

Team country: Ukraine

Advocacy Issue: Lack of sufficient market contraceptives in the low price segment

Advocacy Goal: By 2017, ensure the availability of the smallest available contraceptives package contraceptives (-2-3 MPDK items of four modern methods) on the market on the

basis of the agreement on public-private partnership

Target Decision-maker(s): 1) Minister of Ministry of Health 2) Head of the Service for Medicines Control 3) Farm leaders. manufacturers of contraceptives 4) Distributors

Key Influencers:1) Deputy Ministers 2) Campaign SMD - data on market

segmentation, sales structure, research data 3) Group on Reproductive Health 4) UNFPA 5) WHFP IPPPF MA

Potential Partner(s):1. Potential partners: pharmacological companies, 2. Drugs Importing companies 3. Pharmacy chains

Messengers:1) Mass media2) Technical experts3) Opinion leaders

Team country: Ukraine

Objectives:1. Before the end of 2014 Partners Group on Reproductive Health (PGRH) should attract potential private sector partners interested in collaborating on a public-private partnership2. Until mid-2015 PGRH together with private sector partners should agree on the composition of the minimum available package contraceptives (MAPC) and sign a Memorandum of Cooperation 3. Prior to 2016, together with the Ministry of Health PGRH should include provisions to ensure MAPC in the draft of the new State Program on Reproductive Health

Activities:1.1 Gather information on the cost of contraceptives in neighboring countries and reimbursement schemes1.2 Conduct a presentation of WAPS results for key stakeholders1.3 Based on these studies the aviation package for working with the private sector should be formulated1.4 Conduct individual meetings with representatives of Farm Companies1.5 Roundtable stakeholder MAPC2.1 Determine the price range MAPC;2.2. Agree on a list of actions on the part of partners to ensure adequate availability of products in this price range (price reduction, registration of new social products, etc.)2.3 Agree draft Memorandum, including the responsibilities of partners2.4. Sign the Memorandum and implement it, including media coverage.

3.1 To present the results of work on MAPC on the working group on the development of State Programs3.2 introduced the concept and the results of work on the parliamentary committee on MAPC3.3 Develop the relevant provisions in the State program, including indicators3.4. Organize support from the media and public organizations

Country Team: Turkey

Advocacy Issue:National Health Insurance Does Not Cover All Registered Family Planning Services and


Advocacy Goal:UHI essential drug and service list will cover and reimburse registered FP services and

commodities in collaboration with MoH, MoF and UNFPA by the end of 2017

Target Decision-maker(s):• National Essential Drug and Service List Commission• The President of Social Security Institution• Representati ve of Ministry of Finance/ Ministry of Development

and Treasury

Key Influencers:The General Directorate of Health Services (MoH)Representative of Private HospitalsRepresentative of University HospitalsMPsUNFPA

Potential Partner(s):Turkish Society of Obstetric and Gynecology PUBLIC HEALTH PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATIONTurkish Family Health & Planning FoundationCommunity Volunteers FoundationTurkish Family Planning Association

Messengers:MediaWoman NGOsYouth NGOsPatient’s Rights AssociationUniversitiesAcademicians

Country Team: Turkey


1. A report prepared by five partner organizations on sustainable access mechanisms of FP commodities by December 2014

2. A joint statement released by partners for the media on the benefits of the proposed change by Feb.2015

3. Submission of the finalized proposal to National Social Security Ins. by Gen D. Of Health Services of MoH by June 2015


Conducting a meeting with the 5 partner organizationsEstablishment of a technical commission on drafting Finalising the report on sustainable access mechanisms of FP commodities

Executive summary of the report will be draftedExecutive summary of the report will be finalizedDelivery (MPs, Partners, Stakeholders, Media)

The preparation of official memo to the National Social Security Delivering the official memo to the National Social SecurityPress Conference on Legislation

Country Team: Macedonia

Advocacy Issue: No free contraception available for vulnerable groups

Advocacy Goal:By December 2015 the Ministry of Health to introduce a system for distribution and a budget line in the Preventive Health Care Programs for procurement of contraceptives for vulnerable groups

Target Decision-maker(s):Minister of Health

Potential Partner(s):• Parliamentary Commission on Equal Opportunities• Ministry of Labor and Social Policy • UNFPA• HERA NGO

Key Influencers: • Department of Preventive Health Care• State Advisor at the Ministry of Labor and

Social Policy dealing with population development

• Advisors of Prime Minister for Health and Social Policy

• Head of Parliamentary Commission for Gender Equality

Messengers:• Advisor of DPHC• Head of DPHC• UNFPA SRH

Country Team: Macedonia

Objectives:1. By October 2014 the DPHC to present to the Minister of Health evidence-based arguments for introducing budget line item in the Preventive Health Care Programs to procure contraceptives for vulnerable groups

2. By December 2014 recommendations for establishing a functional LMIS system for RHC to be presented to the Ministry of Health

3. By October 2015 a budget line item for procurement of contraceptives for vulnerable groups to be introduced in the Preventive Health Care Programs



Activities:1. Regular meetings of TMA Working Group

2. Development of evidence based Policy Brief

3. Conduct an LMIS assessment in the country and explore possible options for establishing a system



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