final ansys

Post on 14-Sep-2015






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ansys assigment


1) First of all you have to give a tittle to the job by following these steps: go to utility menu bar>File>cgange title. A window will pop up, enter the job tittle then click ok.2) ENTERING THE KEYPOINTS Go to main menu of ANSYS then click on Preprocessor => Modeling= > Create= > Keypoints => In Active CS. The following window will be apeard

Enter keypoint number 1 in the appropriate box, and enter the x,y coordinates: 0, 0 in their suitable boxes (as shown above). Then Click on 'Apply' to accept what you have typed. Then enter the remaining keypoints using same mathod. 3) FORM LINES In the main menu select: Preprocessor = > Modeling= > Create => Lines= > Lines => In Active Coord. The following window will then appear:

Now connect the all key points by using mouse. When you're done, click on 'OK' in the 'Lines in Active Coord' window, and minimize the 'Lines' menu and the 'Create' menu. Your ANSYS Graphics window should look similar to the following figure.

Any line we have created now diapered. To appeared go to Utility menu then select Plot=> Lines.4) Define the Element type Now we are going to define the element type by following these steps: go to Preprocessor Menu, select Element type=>Add/Edit/Delete. The window will appeared Now click on Add button to define the Element type. The following window will appeared. We will use the 2D spar element as selected in the above of image. Select the Element shown and click 'OK'. You should see 'Type 1 LINK1' in the 'Element Types' window.

5) Define Geometric Properties Now to define geometric properties go to Preprocessor menu, select Real Constants => Add/Edit/Delete. A window named real constant will appeared. The following window will appear now.

Enter the cross-sectional area value 3250mm, as shown in the above window. Then click ok. Set 1' now appears in the dialog box. Click on 'Close' in the 'Real Constants' window box.6) Element Material Properties To specify material properties: In the 'Preprocessor' menu select Material Props => Material Models

Now double click on Structural => Linear => Elastic => Isotropic

We are going to give the properties of Steel. Put the value 200000 in EX box. Now click ok. A window will pop-up PRXY will be set to 0.0'. Click OK on the window to continue. Close the "Define Material Model Behavior" by clicking on the 'X' box in the upper right hand corner.7) Mesh Size In the Preprocessor menu select Meshing =>Size Cntrls=> Manual Size =>Lines= > All Lines. The window will come out as follow

Now enter the value 1 in NDIV box, and then click OK to close the window.8) MeshIn this step the frame will be meshed Go to 'Preprocessor' menu select Meshing => Mesh => Lines and click 'Pick All' in the 'Mesh Lines' Window. The model is now appearing as shown in the following window.

9) Plot Numbering To plot the numbering go to Utility Menu select PlotCtrls => Numbering... Fill in the Window as shown below and click 'OK'

Assigning Loads and Solving Now apply the load(s) and constraint(s) and solve the resulting system of equations.1) Define Analysis type From the Solution Menu, select Analysis Type => New Analysis

Click on static because we are going to do a static analysis on the truss as opposed to a dynamic analysis. Then click OK.2) Apply Constraints In the Solution menu, select Define Loads => Apply => Structural => Displacement => On Keypoints

Select the left end of the bridge (Key point 1) by clicking on it in the Graphics Window and click on 'OK' in the 'Apply U,ROT on KPs' window.

Select 'All DOF' by clicking on it and enter '0' in the VALUE field and click 'OK'. By using the same method, apply the roller connection to the right end (UY constrained).3) Apply LoadsAs shown in the diagram, there are four downward loads of 280kN, 210kN, 280kN, and 360kN at Key points 1, 3, 5, and 7. Go to Preprocessor then select loads =>Define Loads => Apply => Structural => Force/Moment => on Key points. Select the first Key point (left end of the truss) and click 'OK' in the 'Apply F/M on KPs' window.

Select FY in the 'Direction of force/mom'. This indicates that we will be applying the load in the 'y' direction. Enter a value of -280000 in the 'Force/moment value' box and click 'OK'.

The force will appear in the graphics window as a red arrow. Now apply the remaining loads with same method.

4) Solving the System Go to 'Solution' menu select Solve => Current LS. This indicates that we desire the solution under the current Load Step (LS). The window will be appeared as below.

Once the solution is done the following window will pop up. Click 'Close' and close the /STATUS Command Window.

Post processing- viewing the results 1) Reaction forces From the Main Menu select General Postproc => List Results => Reaction Solution.Select 'All struc forc F' as shown above and click 'OK'. The below window will appeared.

2) Deformation Go to General Postproc menu then select Plot Results => Deformed Shape. Then a window will appear. Select 'Def + undef edge' and click 'OK'.

3) Deflection From the 'General Postproc' menu select Plot results => Contour Plot => Nodal solution. A window will appear as contour nodal solution data Choose DOF solution' and 'USUM' as shown in the window. Leave the other selections as the default values. Click 'OK'.

Looking at the scale to use more useful intervals. From the Utility Menu select Plot Controls => Style => Contours => Uniform Contours. Fill in the following window as shown and click 'OK'.

You should get the following.

Now go to General Postproc => List Results => Nodal Solution select 'DOF Solution' and 'ALL DOFs' from the lists in the 'List Nodal Solution' window and click 'OK'.

4) Axial Stress Go to General Postprocessor menu select Element Table =>Define Table and then Click on 'Add...' As shown in the below image, enter 'MATE' in the 'Lab' box. This specifies the name of the item you are defining. Then in the 'Item, Comp' boxes, select 'By sequence number' and LS, Then enter 1 after LS, in the selection box. Click on 'OK' and close the 'Element Table Data' window.

Now Plot the Stresses by selecting Element Table => Plot Elem Table. The following window will appear. Ensure that MATE is selected and click 'OK'.

Utility Menu => PlotCtrls= > Style => Contours > Uniform Contours

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