film poster analysis

Post on 12-Dec-2014






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The brightest colour used on the page is the orange used for the characters hair colour, this draws the audiences attention straight to her which suggests she is the main character in the film. The colour orange has connotations of passion and a fiery nature which implies this young girl isn’t going to be as innocent as she looks. Also as there are Celtic style symbols in the heading above her it suggests that this is a film set in Scotland which is commonly associated with ginger hair.

The colours blue and gold are the two prominent colours on the poster. Gold has connotations of wealth and importance which suggests she comes from some sort of wealthy/privileged background. The colour blue is very calming which provides a contrast with her bright hair which suggests she brings disruption to the calm. The mysterious blue mist surrounding her suggest all is not what it seems and also that magic could be involved in this film somehow.

This character is located right in the middle of the page which immediately draws the audiences attention to her which implies she is the main character in the film. Her stance seems quite protective, she is bent over with her bow and arrow slightly lowered whilst maintaining eye contact with the audience. This implies she is wary of her surroundings and is perhaps ready to attack something or someone. The tagline ‘Change your fate, June 22’ is aimed at the audience and is asking them to come along and see the film. It also suggests that the character in the film is trying to change her fate in some way which gets the audience interested in what it might be.

‘Disney PIXAR’ helps to sell the film as they are well established and popular companies known for their animated films. The genre of this film is animated yet the bow and arrow and her protective could also suggest it has elements of action and adventure in it. The fact this film is by Disney suggests that it is targeted more at younger children however, due to the bow and arrow it suggests that also adults may enjoy it too due to the elements of action in it. The film also has to appeal to the parents as they will be the ones taking their children to the cinema to see it and they won’t pay for something they think they aren’t going to enjoy at all.

‘Brave’ is written right above the characters head which suggest the title is linked to her. It also has Celtic style symbols on the text which is another link to the Scottish roots of the film. The bear in the background of the poster suggests that it is going to play an important role in the film but because it is not in the fore front of the poster it is not going to be a main character as she is. Also as the bear is placed behind the title ‘Brave’ it implies that the character of the bear is not going to be considered brave despite its tough appearance.

The mysterious blue glowing dots seem to be setting out a path down into the forest, this suggests to the audience that this character is going to have to follow a certain path to reach her desired fate which interests them as they will want to find out where this path will lead.

The main colours used in the poster are dark colours like black and grey and then the colour red in the title of the film. Black has connotations of the supernatural, evil, death and mystery these all tie in with the fact that this is quite a sinister film about vampires. The colour red has connotations of danger and in this poster it is primarily representing the blood from the vampires. The colours black and red imply that this film is of a horror genre as these colours are most commonly associated with this genre. The target audience for this film seems to be people interested in the supernatural and also potentially people who are interested in history. The dark colours used on the poster and also the vampire plot behind the film suggest that this film is more aimed towards boys. The film is also rated a 15 which shows that it is more suitable for older teenagers and adults.

The character of Abraham Lincoln is sitting right in the middle of the poster which immediately draws the audiences attention to him which shows he is the main character in the film. He has his hat tipped down so that the audience cannot see his face, this adds a sense of mystery to the poster and could suggest he is ashamed of something and is hiding. The fact they don’t show the actors face implies that they are not counting on his popularity but the character of Abraham Lincoln and the twist on the original story. Making a well known president a vampire hunter catches the audiences attention as it is something which has not been done before and they will want to see how it comes across on screen. His top hat is also a symbol of wealth and of being in an upper social class. The axe is used as a symbol of violence and death and implies that the film is going to involve lots of action and possibly gore. The moon is also commonly associated with the horror genre as the idea is that the supernatural always come out to attack at night.

The phrase ‘President by day, hunter by night’ immediately grabs the audiences attention as it is a plot they would not expect to see for a film. It also suggests that he leads some sort of secret life that no one else is aware of which also entices the audience as we want to know what exactly it is he does. The tagline is short, sharp and straight to the point which almost shocks the audience.

The title of the film is written in a font which makes it look old and worn down, the copy for ‘Vampire Hunter’ is the largest text on the page which shows that it is the main selling point behind the film. The red colour is also used on this heading to connote blood.Under the heading there is ‘Coming soon in 3D’ which may also attract the audience as it may be a nice thing for them to experience a film in 3D. Above the title of the film it also includes Tim Burton’s name which is a major selling point of the film as he is a well known director/producer who has been involved in many popular films similar to this genre such as Sweeney Todd.

The main image on the poster is of half Sam Worthington’s face and half of his Avatars face, this straight away grabs the audiences attention as it tells them that he is one of the main characters in the film. It also shows that the humans are somehow going to be joined with the Avatars to become one and this interests the audience as they will want to learn more about the plot of the film. Also by having Sam Worthington as the main focus of the poster is shows that the film company are relying on his popularity as an actor to draw in an audience. Him being involved in the film could also indicate the genre of the film, this is because he seems to star in primarily action films which suggests this is also of the same genre.

The Avatar crouching down on the tree is a female, this suggests to the audience that these characters are going to be romantically involved in the film. The bottom of the poster also shows some of where the film is set, it shows it to be quite a mystical world which implies to the audience that this is set on another planet. To the right of that shows the forest to be burnt down and destroyed this implies some kind of war is going to happen where the mystical world is going to be damaged. The fact the poster shows both the Avatars and the humans suggests that the war could be between these two. This again implies that the film is part of the action genre. The target audience for Avatar can be quite widespread. This is because the action genre and the fact it is set in another world could appeal to boys as they like the idea of fighting and something involving conflict. It could also appeal to girls though as the poster incorporates a female into it which suggests she is also an important part of the film which will tempt females to go and see it. The film can also appeal to most age ranges as it features a well known actor and it has a plot that ages over 12 will be able to understand.

At the bottom of the poster it says ‘A James Cameron Film’ this will draw in an audience as he is a very popular film director, this was also his first film after his massive success from the film Titanic so the audience will be eagerly anticipating his next film. It also says that the film is by 20th Century Fox who are a well established and popular company, this will also attract the audience as they will think this film will be a big budget blockbuster with plenty of special effects and top actors.

The title of the film is in a very futuristic metallic style font which reinforces the idea that this film is set in some kind of other world. The main colours used in the poster are blue and green. The colour blue connotes calmness and also ties in with the blue colour of the Avatars. The colour green connotes nature and suggests that maybe this planet and its inhabitants are very at one with nature.

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