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Post on 04-Oct-2020






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BBC 1st and 2nd Timothy

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God

may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV

“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be

able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.”

Philippians 1:9-11 NIV

The aim of our Bible study is to help each of us become more like Jesus Christ. Each week we will study one chapter from the books of 1st and 2nd Timothy. We will do homework, discuss it in a small group, and then listen to a sister in Christ teach us more about the chapter. Your homework will include your observation of the text and some questions which will help you comprehend, interpret, and apply the passage to your life.

Comprehension: What does it say? A good student reads for understanding and the joy of discovery. So, we will read the passage for each week utilizing careful observation. What words are used? What is repeated? Notice grammar, connecting words, and figures of speech. Look for who, what, when, where, and how. A copy of the text has been prepared for you to use.

Interpretation: What does it mean? How does this passage help you to understand the Gospel? Read the passage with the entire context in mind. Use cross references—remembering to use Scripture to help interpret Scripture. Use Biblical tools, such as dictionaries, maps, concordances, and charts. Make comparisons between the ESV, NIV, and NASB translations. Some people enjoy using online resources which include the original Greek.

For the purpose of this study, please refrain from relying on commentaries.

Application: How should the truths of the passage change me? As we study the Scripture, it’s important to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to become more like our Savior. The following questions are important:What am I in awe of? What have I learned about myself and how I relate to God and my neighbor? What does this passage teach me about God? How does this aspect of God’s character change my view of self? What am I inspired and compelled to do in response?

Practical suggestions: Set aside some time to read through or listen to First and Second Timothy a few times. This will help to put the meaning of Paul’s letters into context. Feel free to mark directly on the text provided. You might find it helpful to record running lists of key words, important truths, and other observations. (Some suggested lists are in your homework and are included on the following pages.)


Opener Questions

Each week, we will begin our small group sessions getting to know each other. Following are suggested questions. Choose one:

Week 1 (1 Timothy 1) Introduce yourself in a few phrases. Paul calls Timothy "my true son in the faith.” Do you have a spiritual daughter? Tell us about her.Describe the town where you grew up (or spent a good amount of time living) in 2-3 sentences. What has been the greatest impact on your life from growing up there?

Week 2 (1 Tim 2) Share about something you have learned in the study. Give an example of when you have felt at peace.Tell about an outfit that is special for some reason.

Week 3 (1 Tim 3) Share about something you have learned in the study. Tell about a leader you admire and why.Tell about a favorite song or hymn.What comes to mind when you hear the word creation?

Week 4 (1 Tim 4) Share about something you have learned in the study. Tell about a training course or learning experience you’ve started and accomplished; what were some of the stumbling blocks that hindered you during this time?Share some of the people, groups, communities in which you have influence.

Week 5 (1 Tim 5) Share about something you have learned in the study. Tell us about your family/family of origin.Share about an older person or mentor whom you admire/admired.

Week 6 (1 Tim 6) Share about something you have learned in the study. Tell about one of your first jobs.Tell about something tangible or intangible that filled you with joy.

Week 7 (2 Tim 1) Share about something you have learned in the study. Tell about someone who treasures you.Tell about some responsibilities that you have been given either now or in the past.

Week 8 (2 Tim 2) Share about something you have learned in the study. What are some sayings that you grew up with?What are your favorite tools?How would you like to be remembered?

Week 9 (2 Tim 3) Share about something you have learned in the study. Share about a difficulty you have gone through where you saw God’s hand.What is a lesson you learned in childhood?

Week 10 (2 Tim 4) Share about something you have learned in the study. Tell about a time when Heaven came up in conversation in a memorable way.Was there a time that you, like Paul, felt all alone? What are some items you CAN’T go on a trip without?


Week 1; I Timothy 1

1. Read I Timothy 1. Mark or list your observations of the text.

2. Re-read I Timothy 1:3. Why did Paul leave Timothy in Ephesus?

3. According to I Timothy 1:5 what is the goal of Paul’s charge to Timothy?

Doctrine is defined as: a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group. A page has been provided for you to keep a record of what you learn about doctrine throughout this study.

4. Look for and mark every mention of the word doctrine in the text.

5. Paul describes “different” (or unsound) doctrine and sound doctrine. Use the next page to note what you learn. Include the reference.

6. Read Acts 16:1-3, I Timothy 1:2, II Timothy 1:2-5 and list what you learn about Timothy and his relationship with Paul.

7. Summarize the main idea or “theme” of I Timothy 1 in 5-7 words or less.

8. Mark the saying in verse 15 and the hymn in verse 17. List them on the following page.

9. Application questions:

What can I thank God for?

What does this passage challenge me to do?


Observations about Doctrine

Use this page throughout the study of First and Second Timothy to record your observations about doctrine. Include descriptions, goals, characteristics and outcomes. Note the references.

Sound doctrine:

Unsound doctrine:

Hymns and Sayings

Paul uses several sayings, hymns, and benedictions throughout these 2 epistles to help teach about sound doctrine. Mark them in your text and use this sheet to keep a record of them.


Week 2; 1 Timothy 2

1. Read the entire book of 1 Timothy.

2. Re-read 1 Timothy 2. Mark or list your observations. Include descriptions, and word repetitions.

3. In verses 1-8, what do you learn about prayer? Answer who, what, when, where, why and how questions.

4. In verses 1-8, mark every reference to God and Jesus Christ. What does the passage teach about God’s character?

5. Note the 3 verses where the word quiet or quietly is used. What do you learn from this?

6. Define ransom:

7. In verses 5 and 6, the gospel is clearly stated. Restate it in your own words:

8. Read I Timothy 3:14-15. What is Paul’s purpose for writing I Timothy?

9. With Paul’s purpose in mind, read I Timothy 2:8-15 again. Note what a woman is to do and not to do and why. Where is this pattern of behavior to be implemented?

10. Application: In light of verses 8-12, what could I ask God to help me change?

11 Read Genesis 2:15-3:24. Paul references what 3 things from these verses? (Hint: note the woman’s curse.)

12. Summarize Genesis 3:16:

13. The curse of sin separates us from a Holy God, but Jesus Christ gave Himself as a ransom. To better understand 1 Timothy 2:15, read this:

14. Application: What am I convicted about as a result of studying this passage? What changes could I ask God to work in me?


Week 3; 1 Timothy 3

1. Read 1 Timothy 3. Mark or list your observations, including word repetitions, connecting words, and common themes.

2. Note the saying in verse 1 and the early church hymn in verse 16. Record them on page 4.

3. What leadership qualifications for the elder do you recognize from the expectations of a believing woman in 1 Timothy 2:8-15?

4. What other qualities exemplified by leaders are expected of believers in general? See Romans 12:3-8, Ephesians 4:1-6.

5. What is the one ministry skill listed among the aspects of character in v 1-7?

6. Pause to consider “the church.” What is it? How would you describe it to someone else?

7. Look up Ephesians 4:11-16. Why did God give apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to the church?

8. What is the purpose of Paul’s writing (see verses 14-15)?

9. In light of 1 Timothy 1:1-7, what may be one reason/motivation for Paul’s focus on qualifications for leaders of the church?

10. What is the “mystery” of faith (v9) and of godliness (v16)?

11. In your own words, summarize 1 Tim 3:16.

12. What is the relevance of Christ being “manifested in the flesh?”

13. What would the church look like if it “believed on” Christ fully?

14. How is Christ proclaimed among the nations? What is the church’s role in it? What is your role?

15. Where/how are you tempted to not “believe on” Christ? Specifically, what verse of Scripture can you use to preach the gospel to yourself when experiencing such temptation?

16. What quality/character trait in verses 1-13 would God have you grow in? How will you seek to mature in that trait?

6Week 4; 1 Timothy 4

1. Read 1 Timothy 4. Mark or list your observations. Include repeated themes, commands, and references to the gospel.

2. A recurring topic in 1 and 2 Timothy concerns apostasy, or abandoning “the faith.” This does not mean believers who have received saving faith can lose it. (See John 10:28 and Phil 1:6.) But it is a warning that some who say they are believers are not. What does verse 1 say about apostasy?

3. Read Matthew 24:10-11 and Acts 20:29-30. How do these verses pertain to 1 Timothy 4:1?

4. Paul gives Timothy three main warnings and three main truths or actions to take. List them under the following scripture:

Verses 1-5 Verses 6-10 Verses 11-16



5. One prevalent false teaching in Paul’s lifetime involved self-denial, or asceticism. What sound doctrine refutes this in verses 4-5?

6. Paul warns Timothy in verses 1-5 about false teachers. What concepts from those verses can I apply to my life?

7. Paul challenges us about how we spend our time. What priorities of mine ought to change in light of the truths in verses 6-10?

8. In verse 8, Paul shares another saying. Record it on page 4.

9. Define progress (verse 15).

10. What do you think would signify progress as referred to in this verse?

11. In verse 10, the gospel is declared. Restate it in your own words:

12. What is a major goal of Paul’s letter? (verse 16)

7Week 5; 1 Timothy 5

1. Read 1 Timothy 5. Mark or list your observations, including repeated words and themes.

2 Read verse 1 in the NASB. Note the verbs rebuke and encourage. Compare and contrast them. Note the phrase sharply rebuke. It is the only occurrence in the New Testament. Why might that be? (Cf. Tit 1:13, 2:15; 2 Tim 4:2; Prov 16:31)

3. What metaphor is used to instruct the way that church members relate (5:1-2)? List examples of how these kinds of relationships are demonstrated and the effect they have (See: Jn 13:34-35).

4. Paul doesn’t merely command Timothy to treat younger women as sisters. What sort of absolute manner does he caution Timothy to maintain (5:2)? How can women make it easy or difficult for spiritual leaders to follow this command?

5. How is the treatment of widows connected to the 5th commandment? List examples of times you or others have honored widows (5:3; Cf. Ex 20:12; Acts 6:1-4; Jn 19:25-27).

6. What are the contrasts between a woman who is a true widow and one who is not (5:5, 6). What life occurrences might qualify a woman as a widow?

7. What two very strong condemnations are made of one who will not provide for their family (5:8)? Read John 19:26-27 and James 1:27 before you answer.

8. List the standards for which widows are to be enrolled and which are to be rejected (5:9-15)? What does Paul advise un-enrolled widows to do and why (5:14)?

9. Who has the primary responsibility to care for the widow and why is that (5:8, 16)? How does this principle relate to your life and relationships?

10. How should elders who rule well be considered, especially if they labor in word and doctrine?

11. What basis does Paul give for compensating elders (5:18; Cf. Deut 25:4; Lk 10:7)?

12. What requirements must be met before receiving an accusation against an elder (5:19); what should be done with elders who persist in sin and for what purpose (5:20)?

13. What serious charge was given to Timothy before God, the Lord, and the elect angels (5:21)?

14. What three commands of caution are given to Timothy in verse 22?

15. In what ways are sins and good works similar (5:24-25)? How can that thought change your daily choices?

8Week 6; 1 Timothy 6

1. Read 1 Timothy 6. Mark or list your observations. Include descriptions, word pictures, and common themes.

2.Note references to sound and unsound or “different” doctrine. Add what you learn to page 4.

3. Verses 1-2 do not condone slavery. What does 1 Timothy 1:10 teach us about enslavers?

4. The aim of an honorable regard toward masters was for what purpose? (verse 1)

5. Mark the word godliness in verses 3-11. What do you learn from these verses? Godly and godliness are found 12 times in 1 and 2 Timothy. What conclusion can you draw?

6. Mark or list references to wealth. What is Paul teaching us concerning money, treasure, and riches? (Compare to 1 Tim 3:3 and 3:8.)

7. Mark the two references to craving. Of what danger are we warned?

8. Define contentment, as used in verse 6.

9. Note the common theme in 1 Tim 2:8, 3:3, 6:4, 6:20, 2 Tim 2:14, 2:23, and 2:24. Explain why quarrels and a craving for controversy is damaging to relationships in the church.

10. Refer to John 18:37; Matthew 27:11; and Luke 22:70. What was Christ Jesus’ good confession?

11. Jesus was crucified, risen, and is coming again These facts are part of the gospel message—they are good news!! Note and mark those references in this chapter.

12. Summarize the 4 imperatives or commands given to Timothy in verses 11-14. What can I learn from them?

13. Paul begins his closing remarks with a victory hymn in verses 15-16 Record it on page 4. What stirs you in these words of praise?

14. What aspect of God’s character has this chapter shown you more clearly?

15. Application: What have I learned about my fallen condition in these verses?What is one step I can take to change and become more like Jesus?

92 Timothy Background

It was 67 AD. Paul was imprisoned again because of the gospel. Some might argue that Christianity was on the verge of annihilation. Paul had closed 1 Timothy with the

plea, “O Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you.” Now, he writes another letter which opens with that same plea, “retain the standard of sound words which

you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. Guard through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been

entrusted to you.” (2 Timothy 1:13-14)

If Timothy fails, who will carry on the gospel?

The word “gospel” is used only three times in 2 Timothy (1:8, 1:10, 2:8). Yet, when you read this letter carefully, you discern that Paul’s great concern was that Timothy become a full partaker of and guardian of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A treasure was

deposited to Timothy’s trust and it was vital that he be found faithful.

10Week 7; 2 Timothy 1

1. Read the entire book of 2 Timothy prayerfully and carefully.

2. Mark or list your observations for Chapter 1. Look for repeated words and phrases.

3. List what you learn about Paul and Timothy, including the reference.Paul:


4. From these lists, look for repeated words which will identify key words. As you see these key words, a theme will show itself. Identify a key verse of 2 Timothy 1 and write it:

5. Note how Paul relates to Timothy. Record Paul’s spiritual encouragements to him.

6. What can I learn from Paul’s wise example concerning a blessed relationship with fellow believers?

7. Write down the instructions or commands that Paul gives to Timothy.

8. How do these spiritual commands relate to me and my responsibility to the gospel?

9. Define guard:

10. Read the following verses: 1 Tim 6:20, Luke 2:8, Acts 28:16, John 12:25, 2 Thess 3:3, 2 Tim 4:15. How do these verses amplify your understanding of the message of 2 Timothy? (The same Greek word for “guard” is used in all the above verses.)

11. On the next page, you will find a page entitled, “What is my Responsibility to the Gospel?” Read the instructions and complete it.

12. “Grace of God” may be used to refer to His favor and to His provision. Having carefully studied 2 Timothy 1, and knowing your own human nature, what spiritual “grace of God” do you need to cling to and apply to your life? (Hint: 3 provisions are in vs 7—power, love, and self-control or discipline.)

11What is My Responsibility to the Gospel?

The following passages reveal how Paul viewed his responsibility to the gospel. Summarize each passage. Record what Paul did and why. Keep in mind the main truth. Ask yourself, “How does it relate to me?”

Acts 20:18-38

Romans 1:14-17

I Corinthians 1:17-25; 2:1-5

I Corinthians 4:1-2

I Corinthians 9:16-18

I Corinthians 15:1-11

Galatians 1:16-24

Philippians 1:5-27 (“gospel” is used in 5,7,12,16, 27)

Compile the summaries into an outline to answer the question, “What is our responsibility to the gospel?” What are the facts of the gospel, strategies for guarding the gospel, suffering for the gospel, preaching the gospel and living the gospel?

12Week 8; 2 Timothy 2

1. Read 2 Timothy 2. Mark or list your observations. Look for key words, word pictures, and comparisons.

2. What are the 3 examples (metaphors) that Paul uses in verses 3-6? What can be learned from each analogy?

3. List or mark the imperatives (commands) in this chapter. (There are at least 12!)

4. Application: Re-read verse 4. What entangles me and draws me away from Kingdom work?

5. Paul asks Timothy to share in suffering as a good soldier. How can we apply this to our lives?

6. What important part of the gospel is mentioned in verse 8?

7. Summarize the “trustworthy saying” in verses 11-13. Add it to your list on page 4.

8. Paul says to “endure hardship.” Look up the following verses and note what they have in common: 2 Tim 1:8, 2 Tim 2:3; 2 Tim 2:9; 2 Tim 4:5; James 5:10; James 5:13.

9. Describe the “workman” of God as seen in vs. 14-18. Ask yourself, “Am I actively striving to be approved to God?”

10. Restate verse 15 in your own words.

11. Describe the “vessels” of God as seen in vs. 19-22. How do we cleanse the vessel?

12. Application: What in my life needs “purging” so that I can be useful to the master?

13. What will be the result of our cleansing, according to verse 21?

14. The NASB uses the term “bond-servant” in verse 24. Define it. What makes that term significant?

15.List the desired attributes of the Lord’s servant mentioned in vs. 22-25.

16. Do any of these requirements prompt you to ask the Lord for help? If so, which ones?

13Week 9; 2 Timothy 3

1. Read 2 Timothy 3. Mark or list your observations. Include word repetitions, grammar, word pictures, connecting words, and figures of speech.

2. Who is Paul instructing Timothy to avoid? (v. 5)

3. What is reason is given for avoiding evil people? (v. 6-7)


5. Look up: Hebrews 1:1, Acts 2:16-17, 1Peter 1:20, 1 John 2:18. What is Paul referring to when he says “last days”? Support your answer.

6. What might Paul mean when he says “difficult days will come”? List several possibilities.

7. Who will suffer persecution? v. 12 (Also see 1 Peter 3:17-18, 1 Peter 4:1-2; 12-16, Romans 8:17,18).

8. Why is Scripture such a powerful and valuable tool? v. 16 (Also see Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:17-20)

9. Summarize Paul’s warning and his encouragement to Timothy in your own words.

10. What does this chapter tell us about the nature of man? What does it teach us about God?

12. Look at verse 14-15. What are the “Holy Scriptures” that Paul refers to. (Hint: Did Timothy have the New Testament?)

13. How does your answer to question 12 relate to the gospel?

14. What tool does Paul encourage Timothy to use to fight evil? (v.16) How can you better use that tool this week?

15. What types of persecution might you face this week? How can you persevere?

14Week 10; 2 Timothy 4

1. Read 2 Timothy 4. Mark or list your observations. Include word repetitions, grammar, word pictures, connecting words, and figures of speech.

2. Think about the word “charge” in verse 1. What does it mean? Why did God have Paul use that word? How does that word help us understand the importance of Paul’s message to us?

3. What are the key facts in verse 1 about God and Christ Jesus?

4. Why are those things about God and Christ Jesus included in Paul’s charge to Timothy?

5. What is the charge: what was Timothy to do and how was he to do it?

6. What reason does Paul give in verse 3 and 4 for this charge?

7. Do you think verses 3 and 4 are accurate descriptors of our present day? What in our time illustrates these verses?

8. How do verses 3-4 add to your understanding of 2 Timothy 3:1-10?

9. Application: Verse 5 contrasts how Timothy should act to what is described in verses 3 and 4. To which of the things do I need to pay the most attention? How will I work on it?

10. Verses 6 through 8 are sometimes referred to as Paul’s epitaph, yet it begins with the word “for.” Why does it start this way?

11. In verse 6 Paul uses two descriptions of his impending death. What are they and what do they tell us about his view of his death? Read also Genesis 35:14 and Isaiah 53:12.

12. How has Paul fought the good fight and finished the course? Support your answer. (vs. 17 -18)

13. Application: What challenges to fulfilling your ministry (Ephesians 2:10) do you face in which you need to rely more on God’s standing with you and strengthening you? What verses can you memorize to help you rely on Him in your particular circumstances?

14. In verses 10-21 Paul mentions 17 individuals by name. How is mentioning these specific names “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that [you] may be adequate, equipped for very good work?


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