figurative language practice

Post on 10-May-2015






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Students will enjoy reviewing and practicing the literary concepts of simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole and irony with this great PowerPoint presentation. Animations, examples, and terrific practice passages. Perfect for middle school.


Figurative Language


Metaphor, Simile, Hyperbole

Personification and Irony

PURPOSES Capture the reader’s interest Intensify the intended meaning Strengthen reader’s mental envisioning Contribute to the mood or tone Help the reader make personal


Simile A literary

comparison using “like” or “as”

Example: Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow.

Metaphor A literary comparison

between two things in which something is described as though it were something else. This type of comparison does not use “like” or “as.”

Example: Ronnie is a pig when he eats.

Hyperbole A literary technique that

uses exaggeration for emphasis or humorous effect

Example: Sherri said she was so hungry she could eat an elephant.

Personification A literary technique

where non-human things are given human characteristics

Example: The graceful tree stretched out her branches to touch the sky.

Irony A literary technique that

involves surprising, interesting, or amusing contradictions. A contrast between expectation and reality.

Example: The scientific genius Albert Einstein flunked out of math when he was in high school.

Correctly identify the type of figurative language being

used in the followingexamples:


1. Personification, Simile or Metaphor

He wore a white oxford (shirt) that was perfectly pressed and smooth as a newborn’s flesh.

--Mauren Stuart

Elements of Literature, First Course

2. Personification, Simile or Hyperbole

“Your grandmother must be as old as dirt,” Jonathan whispered to Joy.

3. Irony, Simile or Metaphor

Even at nighttime Mama is a sunrise that promises tomorrow and tomorrow.

--Evelyn Tooley Hunt

Elements of Literature, First Course

4. Irony, Hyperbole, or Simile

My sister wears so much make-up that she loses 30 pounds when she takes it off at night.

5. Personification, Simile or Hyperbole

The old car grumbled as grandpa tried to start the engine.

6. Irony, Personification, Metaphor

When Brooke, the drama queen, tried out for the school play, she was certain she would be awarded the lead part. However, when the cast list was posted she had been assigned to be the leading lady’s servant.

7. Irony, Personification, Hyperbole

Mr. Richards, an 89-year old man, won the PowerBall lottery for $7.8 million, and died in his sleep that same day.

8. Personification, Simile or Metaphor

For most of November, winter toyed with Two Mills, whispered in its ear, tickled it under the chin.

--Jerry Spinelli

Maniac Magee

9. Hyperbole, Simile or Irony

High above, a silver plane crossed the sky, silent as a spider.

--Jerry Spinelli

Maniac Magee

10. Hyperbole, Simile or Irony

I have a million things to do today complained Ms. Fredrick as she hurried across the parking lot.

11. Irony, Simile or Metaphor

“Humor is the shock absorber of life; it helps us take the blows.”

--Peggy Noonan

12. Personification, Simile or Metaphor

Although the cowboy pushed with all his might, the heavy rock refused to budge.

13. Personification, Simile or Metaphor

He slithered into town quietly so no one would notice when he dug his fangs in and slowly poisoned their minds.

14. Personification, Simile or Metaphor

He took a step further into the room, his head swinging from side to side like an old tiger scenting prey.

--Neil Gaiman

The Graveyard Book

15. Personification, Simile or Metaphor

The hills turned as soft and green as velvet.

16. Personification, Simile or Metaphor

“…now all my questions bunched up in my throat like a big wad of feathers.”

--Clare Vanderpool

Moon Over Manifest

17. Personification, Simile or Metaphor

“…he looked like a dandelion puff before the wind decapitated it.”

--Clare Vanderpool

Moon Over Manifest

18. Personification, Simile or Metaphor

The whole gym shakes when she lands after a lay-up.

19. Personification, Simile or Metaphor

My heart did a somersault in my chest.

20. Metaphor, Simile, Irony

A poacher who killed elephants for their tusks snuck into a wild life refuge's animal hospital area to kill a sick elephant because he thought it would be easy money. The elephant's problem was apparently constipation, and the medicine they gave the old fellow decided to take effect about this time. The poacher was trying to sneak up behind the elephant, trying to get close enough to pop it with a tranquilizer without making too much noise. As he got just behind the elephant, out gushed about 2 weeks worth of... well... crap. The poacher was completely buried and smothered to death.

Review Your Notes

What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?

Name an example of either hyperbole or personification in song lyrics.

Create a simile to describe your current mood.

Why would a writer use personification to describe a character’s emotions.

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