fiddler on the roof sing along • annual social justice...

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March at TvS…Passover • Shabbat Evening and Morning Services • Pizza, Pasta and Havdalah

Community Career Networking Event • End-of-Life Workshop Fiddler on the Roof Sing Along • Annual Social Justice Community Seder

In this issue… Board/Committee Info 2Calendar 12Community Announcements 6Community Career Networking 8Congregational Meeting 10–11Contributions Form 13

End-of-Life Workshop 5Fiddler on the Roof 7From Rabbi Anna 3In Our Shul 6Mitzvah Corner 9Retreat Info 11

School/Shul Trip 9Services and Celebrations 2Spiritual Life 4Teen/Tween News 4, 6Tikkun Olam News 4

March 2010 Adar/Nisan 5770 Volume 14, Issue 7

Our Community Seder HEAR YE!, HEAR YE!Elana Braz is coordinating our seder once again. She urges you to… “Get your pekalach ready to leave Egypt with our awesome leader Anna/Moshe. As in the past we are planning for a wonderous journey through the hagaddah and the desert. Please be in touch with Elana to coordinate the flavors of the manna we will share.” or (215) 750-0836

This year’s seder theme will be WATER. We will focus on the centrality of water in the seder and the centrality of water in our lives. As a limited natural resource, the world’s water supply is currently threatened and often the source of conflict. Our Tikkun Olam committee (and anyone else who would like to contribute their two cents) will brainstorm ideas for our community seder and will link those ideas to our seder to form a cohesive whole. Please contact the Tikkun Olam committee through its chairpeople, Ruth Jampol (215-860-8903 or or Rob Weintraub (215-968-7616 or with your ideas.

Please join us!Tuesday, March 30

5:30–8:30 Newtown Friends Meeting HouseCourt StreetNewtown, PA

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Tzedek v’Shalom P.O. Box 863

Newtown, PA 18940(215) 860-0119

Anna Boswell-Levy 215-287-5128Rabbi and Education Director

Co-Presidents: Wendy Friedman 215-579-9275 Ruth Jampol 215-860-8903 Noa Kuzma 215-493-8418 Secretary: Jennifer Paget 215-736-9525Treasurer: Joel Bacher (Finance Chair) 215-860-3565Communications Liaison and Webmaster Jerry Manas 215-698-7957Education (Committee Chair) Wendy Friedman 215-579-9275Jordan Wallis Fund Administrator Jerry Wallis 215-547-1971Membership (Committee Chair) Carolyn Bacher 215-860-3565Spiritual Life (Committee Co-Chair) Bobbie Posmontier 215-579-2644

Tikkun Olam (Committee Co-Chair) Ruth Jampol 215-860-8903 Rob Weintraub 215-968-7616Past Co-Presidents: Ralph Posmontier 215-579-2644 Rob Weintraub 215-968-7616 Fund Raising (Liaison): OPENIntergenerational Activities/Events/ Adult Ed (Liaison) - OPEN

Please feel free to contact any member of our Board for any additional information.


Non-Board Committee Chairs and Coordinators:Acts of Caring - Debbie Chong 215-504-9268 Jeannie Ryersbach 215-943-4565Spiritual Life (Committee Co-Chair) Diane Gold 215-295-2028 Bobbie Posmontier 215-579-2644Shammus Coordinator - Ralph Posmontier 215-579-2644Oneg Coordinator - OPENTeen Advisor - Debby Bossio 215-801-2005Newsletter Editor: Naomi Mindlin 215-757-8921

To submit news to the newsletter:email:

News Deadline: 22nd of the month. Any submissions after that date will be included in the next newsletter.

March Services and Celebrations at TvSShabbat Evening Service Leader: Rabbi Anna Boswell-LevyFriday, March 5th at 7:15–8:45 p.m.Location: Newtown Friends Meeting House (NFMH)Oneg: Posmontiers

Shabbat Morning ServiceLeader: Rabbi Anna Boswell-Levy

Saturday, March 13th at 10 a.m.Naomi Mindlin Bat Mitzvah

anniversaryLocation: NFMH

Pizza, Pasta and HavdalahSaturday, March 27th at 7 p.m.Bring your hametz to the last TvS event before Passoverat the home of Diane and Arnie Gold

1 Eton Road, Yardley, PA 19067 215-295-2028 or

TvS Community Social Action SederLeader: Rabbi Anna Boswell-LevyAn RSVP potluck eventTuesday, March 30th at 5:30–8:30 p.m.Location: NFMH Please RSVP to Elana Braz at or (215) 750-0836.

Have a seder? Need a seder?If anyone has/needs a place for 1st night seder, please

contact Rabbi Anna so that everyone can enjoy Passover.Rabbi Anna — 215-287-5128 or

“Let all who are hungry come and eat.”

- 3 -

At the Purim Carnival on Sunday, I was approached by someone who wanted to know if I had any comment on the murderous acts that the Jews committed against the Persians at the end of the Book of Esther. The quick answer, I replied, is that (for me, at least) we shouldn’t take it so seriously. Why? I certainly wouldn’t say the same thing about troubling parts of the Torah. But the Book of Esther is different. I believe that the whole story, besides being a historical fiction, is a big farce. There is no conclusive evidence that a King Ahashverosh or a Queen Esther existed, or that there was a big plot to kill all the Jews of Persia. Interestingly, though, the Megillah is the only book in the Tanach that doesn’t mention God, and it is the only one that uses the term “Jews” — yehudim in Hebrew. It is clear to me the Book of Esther occupies a unique place in the canon of our holy scriptures. But what exactly is that place? The Tanach, which includes the five books of Moses, all of the prophetic writings, and other writings such as Psalms, Proverbs, the five scrolls of Esther, Jonah, Lamentations, Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes, contains a variety of genres and writing styles — narrative, poetry, instructional writings, and prayer. To my mind, it can and does also include fictional storytelling. You might then wonder then, what is the difference between Esther and the biblical texts of which we liberal Jews question the historical veracity? Biblical scholar Adele Berlin writes that it has to do with the intent of the author. She writes, “The author of Esther was not writing history; he was imitating the writing of

history, even making a burlesque of it. Historiography [the recording of authentic history] is not a comic genre, and Esther is very comic.” The Megillah is not a book to be taken seriously; every part of it is meant to be subject to total ridicule. This is the aspect of Purim that is essential, and very serious. We are commanded to party until we don’t know the difference between the absolutely righteous Mordechai and the absolutely evil Haman. That the Book of Esther is included in the Tanach tells me that there is a place for comedy and farce in our traditions and celebrations. It also tells me that comedy is holy. In a world that is full of very real Hamans and grave threats to the things we hold most dear, we are instructed to laugh, mock, and party until everything is a blur. At some point we need to make silly jokes, we need to break down all the walls, we need to remind ourselves that life is only worthwhile if there is laughter in it. Just as on Yom Kippur we are instructed to fast and atone and sober ourselves, on Purim through the exact opposite behavior we aim to achieve the same intent: remembering what is essential in our lives and returning to a life of meaning and purpose. And thus Purim sets us up wonderfully for our rebirth as a people through the holiday of Passover, which comes in a few short weeks! I look forward to celebrating with you at our annual Community Social Justice Seder on March 30th. Blessings, Rabbi Anna

From Rabbi Anna Boswell-Levy…Seriously, Purim?

R e m e m b e r to save your Acme and McCaffery tapes (and earn cash back for TvS). Bring them to events and give them to Rob Weintraub, Ralph Posmontier or Arnie Gold.

OR register your Genuardi’s discount card to Tzedek v’ Shalom and a percentage of your purchases will be credited to TvS each month. You can register at the store front desk.

- 4 -

Spiritual Life News The next Spiritual Life committee meeting is Sun-day March 7 at 1 p.m. at Bobbie Posmontier’s house at 32 N. Lincoln Ave., Newtown, 18940. All congregants are invited to attend. The “Jewish Sensibilities and End of Life Deci-sions" workshop with Rabbi Dayle Friedman takes place Sunday, March 14th at 1–2:45 p.m. The flyer with complete information is on page 5 of this newsletter. For any questions or comments about Spiritual Life at TvS, please contact Rabbi Anna or either of us. – Diane Gold and Bobbie Posmontier Spiritual Life Co-Chairs or

Y Y YTikkun Olam News Our Tikkun Olam committee (and anyone else who would like to contribute their two cents) will brainstorm ideas for our community seder and will link those ideas to our seder to form a cohesive whole. Please contact the Tikkun Olam committee through its chairpeople, Ruth Jampol (215-860-8903 or or Rob Weintraub (215-968-7616 or with your ideas. Also, be sure to see the flyer on page 8 for a jobs program TvS is participating in on Monday, March 8.

TvS Tweens and Teens The “tweens” (up through grade 7) got together at the Bortman’s home (friends of Debby, Al, and Austin Bossio). The Bortman’s and other Yardley families entertained us with icebreakers, movies, and ice cream. The main purpose of our get together was to get to know Jewish teens in our area, pack shelach manot bags [Purim gift bags] for the Patz House (Sinai Hospital) in Baltimore, and hear about the Patz House through the eyes of a young man who has spent a good amount of time there as a patient. It turned out that Aus-tin knew this boy from his elementary school, yet had no idea that he was in a wheelchair as a result of over 12 surgeries! Although he has been through many trau-mas, he is a fun-loving young man who is very grateful to the Patz House for taking such good care of him and his family. If you want to know more about the Patz House and what you can do to help this agency, visit the website for Sinai Hospital. Our kids who attended the event were Austin, Jordyn, Michela, Kyle, and Emily. Next time we hope to have even MORE TvSers! We would like each family to contribute a monthly idea for Tikkun Olam. Each month a family will pres-ent their family’s idea to the “Tweens” and “Teens.” The Tweens/Teens families will present the ideas and we will get together to fulfill the mitzvot! More info to follow. Please contact Debby Bossio with your ideas and suggestions at

TvS Tween at a February “get together” with friends.

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Congregation Tzedek v’Shalom presents a special workshop

“Jewish Sensibilities and End of Life Decisions”

Guest speaker: Rabbi Dayle Friedman Director of Hiddur: The Center for Aging and Jewish Life

Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

Sunday, March 14, 2010 George School Meeting House.

Rt. 413 Newtown, PA 1:00 pm – 2:45 pm

Judaism embraces life and accepts death as part of the natural cycle of life. This workshop addresses the hard decisions that we may have to make as the end of life approaches, for ourselves or for our loved ones. We will explore how these difficult decisions are guided and informed by Jewish spiritual wisdom and traditions. “The days of our lives are seventy, maybe eighty if we are strong…they are soon gone and fly away. SO TEACH US TO TREASURE EACH DAY, that we may attain a heart of wisdom”. Psalm 90

To register, visit

or call 215 943-4565 or 215 295-2028

All are welcome – a donation of

$10.00 is suggested.

We wish to thank Joseph Levine and Sons for their support and participation.

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- $35 pp in advance, $50 pp after 4/7/10 - for more information, contact Lisa Licht at (215) 635-8940 x1217 or Street updates: One part of J Street’s mission is to broaden the conversation on how best to achieve real peace and security for Israel and the Middle East. To that end, “Word on the Street” will be coming your way every Friday, featuring opinion pieces by some of the best commentators on issues of concern to J Street supporters, headlined two to three times a month by Media Matters’s MJ Rosenberg. You can sign up to receive regular updates at


In Our Shul…ContributionsJordan Wallis Fundfrom Joy and Jerry Wallis — In honor of Joel Bacher’s

barbershop quartet “As Time Goes By”

Lifecycle Events at TvSBirthdays:David Pastor March 6Daniel Adler March 9David Fein March 12Karen Courtney March 7Jerry Manas March 15Sarah Vizer March 20, 1974Arava Braz/Reese March 21Liz Basseches March 25Ethel Kernis March 29Frances Heyman March 31Yahrzeits:

Yahrzeit dates are listed here by the Jewish death day (according to the Jewish calendar) and its Gregorian equivalent this year. The original death date follows in parenthesis when available.

Lou Gold 18 Adar/March 4 (3/8/07)Ida Cohen 18 Adar II/March 4 Coleman Berg 24 Adar I/March 10 (2/27/84)Ada Abrams 25 Adar I/March 11 (3/2/00)Dr. N. Trachtenberg 26 Adar/March 12 (3/1/92)Edward Maene 5 Nisan/March 20Ruth Schwalb 8 Nisan/March 23 (4/4/98) Victor Yaffe 8 Nisan/March 23 (4/8/76)Jason Wallis 13 Nisan/March 28 (4/18/08)Lillian Mindlin 19 Nisan/April 3 (4/6/07)

You may also recall that last year we had represen-tatives from BBYO come and chat with us at Newtown Friends about their GREAT youth group offerings in our area. They are very interested in our joining, either as a group, or individual membership. There’s a Newtown group that meets once per month, and offers teen events with other jewish youth groups and BBYO members. If you’d like to join BBYO, or want more information, visit Please talk to Debby Bossio if you have suggestions for activities for our group and/or questions. Debby Bossio, TvS Teen Coordinator

Y Y YCommunity Announcements NPC Career Networking Group assists those who have been down-sized or laid-off, or expect to be! We talk about the common challenges and how to maximize opportunities to land the next job. The Career Networking Group is open to all! If you have a friend or neighbor they are absolutely WELCOME! We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at the church. If you have information about possible job opportunities, please send information to or contact Mike Bishop at 215-595-4216 or or Ed Johnson at 215-968-6284 or We meet at Newtown Presbyterian Church, 25 N. Chancellor Street, Newtown, PA, 215-968-3861.National Havurah Committee Chesapeake Retreat - March 12–14, 2010 at Pearlstone Conference & Retreat Center, Reisterstown, MD - For further information, contact or Multifaith Evening of Music, Food & Conversation featuring Atsilut Musicians for peace and Cedars Middle Eastern & Lebanese Cuisine, Sunday, March 21st at 5–8 p.m. at the Newtown Presbyterian Church, 25 North Chancellor Street, Newtown PA, with Muslim/Christian/Jewish table discussion hosted by Interfaith Community for Middle East Peace (ICMEP) - a free will offering will be collected to Support Interfaith Community for Middle East Peace.Rosalind Wiseman on “Navigating the New Realities of Girl World and Boy World” about the effects of technology on children’s interpersonal relationships and concrete strategies for helping them navigate conflict ethically. April 14 at 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Adath Jeshurun, 7763 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA

- 7 -

See the Classic Film on the Big Screen and Sing-Along!

Special Matinee Showing. One Time Only!

Bring the whole family , classroom, or school to

see this classic TOPOL film in the big screen in the

Nation’s Oldest Movie Theater!!!

Choose from orchestra seats or the spacious

balcony—seating is first come first serve!

Sing-Along with the film!

Dress as your favorite character!

DON”T WAIT! Tickets are limited. Order now!!

To order, visit :

Visit for more details

Note: There is limited free parking in the rear of the



Newtown Theater

120 N. State St, Newtown PA

Sun, March 21st

Time: 2:00 PM Adults: $10

Kids 12 and under: $7

- 8 -

Community Career Networking Event

MondayMarch 8, 2010 7pm to 9pm

Newtown Presbyterian Church 25 Chancellor Street

Ettenger Hall Newtown, PA 18940

Please Join us for a Special Job Networking Event Dedicated to the Power of Community

Local churches and synagogues have joined together to sponsor a community-wide networking event connecting job seekers with community and business leaders.

Please bring your resumes/CVs for expert review.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity

and don’t forget your business cards!!

Business Casual Recommended

Email Bobbie Posmontier with any questions:

Join our LinkedIn group: Community Building Network Bucks County, PA

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Mitzvah Corner

PURIM - Too many thank yous, too little space. So let's start with Rabbi Anna, who brought order out of chaos to our shpielmeisters and our school. Then thank you to those shpielmeisters — Naomi, Carolyn, and Ralph — who helped move the evening along, announcing shpiels, acting in multiple shpiels, crowning and re-crowning our ever-changing monarch, and who knows what else. Thank you to Wendy Friedman and her band of parents who made sure our school shpielers had all of their props and were where

Thank You to…Everyone who helped with services in February, includ-

ing our shammus, the Bossios, and our Oneg hosts, Rob Weintraub, the Abrahamsons, and Cindy Weiss-Fisher.

Debbie and Victor Chong who hosted and lead our February Torah study.

Jeannie Ryersbach for contributing such a full article on “Visiting the Sick” for the February newsletter.

Debbie Bossio for singlehandedly organizing the tween event in February.

Our Board and committee chairpeople who organized and presented reports at our annual congregational meeting — including Ruth Jampol, Noa Kuzma, Joel Bacher, Bobbie Posmontier and Diane Gold, and Jerry Manas. And and extra thank you to Jerry for leading us through the activity to brainstorm activi-ties to fulfill our mission.

Religious school Family Field Trip! * * SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 2010 * *

NATIONAL LIBERTY MUSEUM 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (time allotted includes lunch)**

90 min. group tour of amazing exhibits

Heroes of CharacterOn this tour we examine heroes from all over the world – from well-known heroes like Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Jr. to the people in our group — who make choices every day to stand up

for justice and equality. We’ll focus on the qualities that make someone a hero. Through interactive galleries and the discussions, our group will come away from this tour convinced of the

power of one to make a difference.

Visit the website at

** We will be having lunch at a Kosher Chinese Restaurant in the Center City area (location-TBD) and we would like our families to take the train into Center City — it was so nice for everyone to

travel together last year!) **Price TBD — Jordan Wallis Fund will be sponsoring a portion of this trip so it is important to

RSVP your attendance ASAP so that we can determine total cost of the trip.

they were supposed to be, when they were supposed to be. Thank you to all of our zany shpielmeisters — to our kings, queens, Mordechais, Esthers, and myriad other characters of all ages from our youngest (Audrey Fisher?) to our unnamed eldest. And last but not least, thank you to everyone who brought hamentashen, ate hamentashen, or just plain sat there and laughed! And finally, mazel tov to our shpeilmeisters “on deck”— Debby Bossio, Jordyn Friedman, and Michela Lewis (in alphabetical order).

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Tzedek v’Shalom Board Update: Ruth • The Board has been working on supporting volun-

teers, renewing Rabbi Anna’s contract, and fiscal soundness: increasing donations, membership, and fundraising. We are pleased to have had growth in new membership when most congregations are experiencing a loss of membership during this economic recession.

• The Board will be working to align committee work with core purpose and mission, revise our bylaws, and encourage more volunteer participa-tion and recruit new leadership.

• Board positions that remain open: Fundraising and Intergenerational community events.

• Special report on our new torah: We recently had an appraisal of our new torah in order to insure it. In the process, we discovered an issue that we must now address — the condition of a significant por-tion of the scroll. We are looking for a few con-gregants to take on the task of learning more about the torah, considering our options for what to do, and then making a recommendation to the Board. Meanwhile, the torah has been insured for the price we paid for it.

Treasurer’s Report: Joel We are head of budget because members are paying earlier, donations are up, and we have 6 new families. Joel reminded us, “We are all on the membership com-mittee…Tell your friends about us.”

Committee ReportsCommunication: Jerry Manas

• We have been using the following technology to improve our communications for outreach and op-erations: Google group is being used as a list serve, Google docs to allow more and easier collabora-tion, Twitter and Facebook.

• All agree: our website created by Garfield Group looks great and is easy to maintain. Regularly up-dated, it shows upcoming events, and we now have a yartzeit page online.

• We are working with a media list to increase publicity.

• Continuing efforts include Naomi Mindlin with the newsletter and Noa Kuzma with weekly announce-ments.

Education: Rabbi Anna (in Wendy Friedman’s stead)

• Many families are new to religious education• Rabbi Anna has been working to diminish the

school/shul divide: Services are included in school every week building competence in children when they attend services; for Tu B’Shvat and Purim, we had one congregational celebration.

• Plans are underway to create an Education Com-mittee to look at the goals of the school as well as to plan events

Fundraising: Noa Kuzma (in Wendy Friedman’s stead)

• We need more members on this committee.• The January Chocolate dance party raised more

than $500.• Sing Along Fiddler on the Roof will be March 21.

Josh Boswell is planning the extra activities that will accompany the movie. He is seeking a fiddler.

• Flea Market May 16: Please contribute items to sell.

Membership: Joel Bacher (in Carolyn Bacher’s stead) We have 55 members (family and singles), includ-ing 6 new individual members or families since the beginning of this fiscal year.

Spiritual Life: Bobbie Posmontier/Diane GoldThe committee is working to serve as a “spiritual

compass” for our congregation. Upcoming holiday celebrations and special events include:

• End of Life presentation and discussion March 14 with Rabbi Dayle Friedman (though not planned as a fundraising event, we will be collecting donations)

• “Tzedek and Friends:” This group for in-person job networking is growing “virally.” Next meeting

(continued on the next page)

From our Board Secretary, Jennifer Paget…

Congregational Meeting SummaryOn Sunday February 21, 2010, Tzedek v’Shalom members gathered for our Annual Meeting to hear all about this year’s doings and to offer ideas about future directions. Attendees included 24 participants representing 17 families. The following is a summary of the summary by our TvS Board Secretary Jennifer Paget. For

the complete four-page, unedited summary, please contact Jennifer Paget at

- 11 -

(Congregational Meeting Summary continued from page 10)

is Monday 3/8 at Newtown Presbyterian (See flyer on page ???).

• Retreat is May 21–22, 2010 at Diamond Ridge in Jamison

• Second Night Pesach Seder March 30

Tikkun Olam: Ruth This year’s efforts so far include job networking (in collaboration with Spiritual Life and the Quakers), collecting necessities for Haitian refugees, and our col-lection for one family at Christmas. TvS members are continuing efforts to oppose gas drilling, inspired by the informative presentation by our own Talia Delone on the imminent dangers and hazards of drilling for gas in Pennsylvania. In general, the committee is attempt-ing to bring more tikkun olam learning, discussion, and action to congregational services and celebrations. Ideas for future efforts include a speaker series on social justice, facilitating volunteer opportunities, ongoing Israel discussion, forming a children of aging parents’ group, and current events discussions.

Ruth then presented a review of Tzedek v’Shalom’s Core Purpose and Mission Statement. She reviewed our past work to develop a core purpose to serve as our “North Star,” along with our core values and missions, as we develop goals and allocate resources. She pointed out that after working on our core purpose, we discov-ered that what we had developed lined up well with the original vision. We were pleased that we had sustained such continuity even with growth and turnover. We then began to work on planning committee goals and activities in line with our core purpose, core values and mission. Jerry Manas followed up with a TvS Goals — Brainstorming Session. He gave a brief overview of short term/long term goal development process and broke us into groups of 3–4 to brainstorm new ideas for committees. At the end, everyone present rated the ideas for each committee. Next, committees will analyze how to use these ideas to best meet the congre-gation’s core purpose and values.

SAVE THE DATE!! Our Retreat is coming soon!!!

May 21-22, 2010at Diamond Ridge in Jamison!

Are you craving a spiritual and meditative experience interspersed with…

• walks in the woods • singing around the campfire • playing tennis, baseball or volley ball • climbing ropes • eating delicious meals • attending workshops to uplift your spirit?

Believe it or not, it's time to save the date for theTVS annual Shabbaton Retreat

Come join us as we delve deeper in Reconstructionist Judaism and bond witheach other as a synagogue during our 24 hour Shabbaton.

Please contact Bobbie Posmontier at if you are interested in attending.

Watch your email for the e-registration form.

- 12 -

Pizza, Pasta, and HavdalahSaturday, March 27th at 7 p.m.

Bring your hametz to the last TvS event before Passover!

at the home of Diane and Arnie Gold1 Eton Road, Yardley, PA 19067 215-295-2028 or

TvS Calendar — March 2010 • Adar/Nisan 5770

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

Midweek School


Midweek School


Shabbat Service

7:15–8:45 p.m.



Parshat Ki Tissa

Shabbat Parah


Religious School

Spiritual Life

Committee Meeting

at 1 p.m. at

Posmontiers’ home






7–9 p.m.

at Newtown



9 10

Midweek School

Board Meeting

7 p.m.


Midweek School

12 13

Shabbat Service

Naomi Mindlin’s Bat

Mitzvah anniversary

10 a.m.



Shabbat HaHodesh




BEGINS @ 2 a.m.

Religious School

End of Life Program

at 1 p.m.

at George School

Meeting House

15 16

Rosh Hodesh Nisan


Midweek School


Midweek School

19 20

Parshat Vayikra


Religious School

Fiddler on the Roof

Sing Along

2 p.m.

At Newtown Theater

At 23 24

Midweek School


Midweek School

26 27Pizza, Pasta and


7 p.m.

at the home of Diane and

Arnie Gold

Parshat Tzav

Shabbat Hagadol


Religious School

Search for leaven in

the evening.


Erev Passover



30Annual Social Justice

Community Seder

5:30–8:30 p.m.


Passover - Day 1




NO Midweek


Passover - Day 2

April 1

Midweek School

Passover - Day 3


Passover - Day 4


Passover - Day 5

- 13 -

Tzedek v’Shalom Tzedakah Opportunities

Donor (s) _____________________________________________Telephone ________________


Date ____________ Enclosed is a contribution of $ ___________ to the following fund:

q General Operating Fund

q Jordan Wallis Memorial Fund

q Prayer Books Fund

Please make checks payable to Tzedek v’Shalom.

Send to: Joel Bacher, TreasurerTzedek v’Shalom

Post Office Box 863Newtown, Pa. 18940

Some suggested occasions you may wish to commemorate with your donations:

œ With Gratitude to: ____________________________________________________

For _____________________________________________________________

œ Mazel Tov to: Name(s) ________________________________________________

q On the birth / naming / adoption

of: _____________

q On becoming a bat/bar mitzvah

œ Condolences to: ___________________________________________ on the recent

death of _________________________________________________________

œ In memory of ________________________________________________________

œ Get well wishes (Refuah Shelemah) to: ____________________________________

œ Special message: ______________________________________________________

Please send an acknowledgment to:

Name ____________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip Code ________________________________________________

q Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

q Torah Fund

q Tzedakah Fund

q On his/her graduation / birthday

q On their wedding / engagement / wedding anniversary

Phone: (215) 579-9816

32 N. Lincoln Avenue Newtown, PA 18940

Mobile: (215) 962-1494

Ralph’s Computer Service Ralph Posmontier - Owner

On-Site P.C. Upgrades, Repair, Training, and Software Support Windows 98/XP/Vista—Network Support - Established 1993

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