feynman rules and β-function for the bf yang-mills theory

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22 May 1997


ELSEVIER Physics Letters B 401 (1997) 62-68

Feynman rules and p-function for the BF Yang-Mills theory

Maurizio Martellini a, Maw-o Zeni b,* a Dipartimento di Fisica,CJniversitri di Milano, LNXN. - Sezione di Milan0 and Landau Network at “Centro Volta”, Como, Italy

b Dipartimento di Fisica, Universitci di Milan0 and l.N.EN. - Sezione di Milano, Italy

Received 10 February 1997

Editor: L. Alvarez-Gaumi


Yang-Mills theory in the first order formalism appears as the deformation of a topological field theory, the pure BF theory. We discuss this formulation at the quantum level, giving the Feynman rules of the BF-YM theory, the structure of the renormalization and checking its uv-behaviour in the computation of the p-function which agrees with the expected result. @ 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

PACS: 11.10; 11.1S.B; 02.4O.P Keywords: Yang-Mills; Topological BF theory; Feynman rules; Beta-function

1. Introduction

Gauge theories, which play a central role in our understanding of high energy interactions, are usu-

ally described in terms of the Yang-Mills action. In this letter we consider the first order formulation of Yang-Mills theory, in which an auxiliary tensor field B couples to the physical degrees of freedom of the gauge theory. This formulation, which has been used

in [ 1,2] to introduce an explicit representation of the ‘t Hooft algebra [ 31, makes closer the connection be- tween Yang-Mills theory and topological field theories of BF type [ 4,5] ; we will call this formulation BFYM theory. We give Feynman rules for BEYM theory and discuss the structure of one loop divergent diagrams and renormalization and check the uu-behaviour of the theory computing the p-function which turns out to

* Corresponding author. Dipartimento di Fisica Universita di Mi-

lano, Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milano, Italy. Tel.: 2-2392-723; fax:

2-2392-480; e-mail: zeniQvaxmi.mi.infn.it.

agree with the expected value; some of these results have been anticipated in [ 21.

The first order form of pure euclidean Yang-Mills

theory is described by the action functional


Tr[iB A F + g2B A *B]

= s

d4X( +@B;~F:~ + ~~B;,B”PV) , (1.1)

where F = F&,dxfl A dx’?’ is the usual field strength, D = d + i[A, .] and B is a Lie valued 2-form [6]. The generators of the SU( N) Lie algebra in the fun- damental representation are normalized as TrpFb = 1/2&b and * is the Hodge product for a p-form. The field equations of ( 1.1) are


DB=O. (1.2)

0370-2693/97/$17.00 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII SO370-2693(97)00379-l

M. Martellini, M. Zeni /Physics Letters B 401 (1997) 62-68 63

The standard YM action is recovered performing path integration over B or by using Eqs. ( 1.2) in ( 1.1). Therefore the BFYM action ( 1.1) is on-shell equiv- alent to YM theory and its classical gauge invariance

is given by


pv,b -

A&~(P) = +,wpa f s”b ,



SB = i[Ro, B] . (1.3)

The question arises whether the two formulations are equivalent at the quantum level and to which extent this equivalence holds. Note that off-shell the field B is not constrained by any Bianchi identity and this fact has been related to the presence of magnetic vortex lines in the vacuum of the theory in [ 11, in the picture

of the dual superconductor vacuum [ 7,8]. In the limit of vanishing coupling, g + 0, the ac-

tion ( 1.1) flows in the pure BF theory [4,5] which is

known to give a topological field theory,

SBF=Z Tr[BAF]. *s


as a true vertex; in this case the kinetic kernel is the same of the pure BF theory and requires gauge fixing and quantization also of the topological symmetry, al- though anomalous at the classical level. The procedure

of quantization of the topological symmetry is quite involved, requiring a ghosts of ghosts structure due to the reducible nature of the topological symmetry [ 51. The anomalous term induces a dynamics also for the topological group degrees of freedom which add to the field content of the theory and compete with the topological ghosts to restore a local field theory; we will address to this case elsewhere. [ 91.

Indeed the action ( 1.4) has a second gauge symmetry, namely

We then consider the “minimal” first order formu- lation and divide the action ( 1.1) in a quadratic part and in a vertex one;

$A=O, Lc = iP@B~v~aA~ + B fv Bapy , (1.6)

8B = DA1 , (1.3

where hi is a l-form. The presence of this “topolog- ical” symmetry cancels out any local degree of free- dom from the theory ( 1.4).

Lr = ;gf”bcFBB$,A;A;, (1.7)

Therefore YM theory in the BF formulation appears as a deformation of the topological field theory ( 1.4) ; the ?B” term which allows gaussian integration in ( 1 .l ) is an explicit breaking term for the symmetry ( 1.5). Since pure BF theory is known to be a finite theory [ 51, the explicit symmetry breaking is expected to lead to a renormalizable one.

where as usual the fields have been resealed as A + gA, B -+ B/g in order to have the coupling constant on the vertex terms.

The BRS invariant action is obtained by adding to ( 1.1) the usual gauge fixing lagrangian, with the co- variant gauge fixing condition t?,A, = 0. Feynman rules are read out of this lagrangian.

One can cast a perturbative framework in BFYM, in order to check its uv-behaviour and in comparison with the standard perturbative expansion in YM. Ac- tually there are two different ways to quantize BFYM theory and define Feynman rules. The first one is to regard the topological symmetry breaking term 2B2 belonging to the kinetic part of the lagrangian ( 1.1) ; in this way only the gauge symmetry needs gauge fix- ing and quantization and this is the case considered in this letter. The second one regards the term g2B2

The kinetic terms display an off-diagonal structure and we obtain the following propagators in momentum space for the fields A and B:

The derivation of the propagators is sketched in the appendix; in particular the transversal form of ABB, as displayed in Fig. 1, does not coincide with the one obtained by naive inversion of the kinetic operator. One must properly take into account the correction due to the spurious contribution of the topological zero modes which do not enter in the gaussian integration leading to YM theory; this point is discussed in the appendix, where the relative Ward identities are con-

64 M. Martellini, M. Zeni/ Physics Letters B 401 (1997) 62-68

a,b a b ---.---*------- P-+

Q;(p) = -$ P )

~~~~~~~~~~ = -i 9 fabC+ap . p,b

AC Fig. 2. obc ___+___

a C q&)-,,(P) = L7Pp.f


Fig. 3.

II AB = =

&3B = 1

= i

sidered. Note the mass dimensions of the given prop- agators which accord with the canonical scale dimen- sions of the fields; the propagator ABB has dimension zero and behaves as a contact term at high momentum.

From ( 1.7) we see that BFYM has no self- couplings for the gauge field A, the only relevant coupling being given by the vertex BAA:

As we will see is the off-diagonal structure of the propagators which reproduces the nonlinear self- couplings of the gauge field. To these Feynman rules we must add the usual ghost ones

2. One loop two-point functions

In this section we consider the calculation of one- loop self-energies. In Fig. 4 are shown all the relevant one loop diagrams. The calculations are done in the Landau gauge (cy = 0) using dimensional regulariza- tion, in dimension D = 4 - 2~. In order to study the one loop renormalization and the p-function of BFYM

theory we consider onIy the divergent parts of the di- agrams considered.

The regularized divergent part of the self-energies are then given by

II,&, = ig’z (E)@(p26”” - pPpp)

for the gluon self-energy; by

IIAB = $g*Z (E) PbPpnvpA

for the AB self-energy; by



nBB = -;2zw~“b&m?1

for the B self-energy and by


IICE = $g2z (E)@$ (2.4)

for the ghost self-energy. z (E) EE CV$$, where cv is the quadratic casimir for the Lie algebra of SU( N) _ Z[,,l[,pl = Pa8’~ - S~~LpsyLy is the antisymmetric identity.

M. Martellini, M. Z&/Physics Letters B 401 (1997) 62-68 65

< A( > = Y+ x Y

+ x Y+ x Y

Fig. 5.

As far as the self-energies involving the A and B fields are concerned, note that they all contribute to the one loop two-point functions. For example con- sider the cot-relator (AA); in Fig. 5 we see how due to the structure of the propagator matrix the one loop contribution to this function is recovered.

In an analogous fashion it works for the two-point

functions (AB) and (BE?).

3. Vertex one loop diagrams

The superficial degree of divergence for the vertex

diagrams is given by the formula

w=4- (EA+Ec) -2EB, (3.1) = J Tr[iZBs(ZAA+2ZBA)BRA\R+Z~BBR/\*BR where EA, EB and EC represent the number of external legs joined to the diagram via A, B and c respectively. We then obtain for BFYM theory the four divergent vertex diagrams reported in Fig. 6.

The full calculation of these vertices should take into account more than sixty diagrams including per- mutations; we restrict the calculation only to the diver- gent parts of the first two vertices. The divergent part of the ghost vertex IA& is vanishing as in the standard calculations, owing to the transversahty of the propa- gators in the Landau gauge. For the same reasons also the vertex IBAA is found to be finite at one loop order; this is the same vertex of the pure BF theory and seems to behave in a fashion corresponding to the topologi- cal theory. The last two vertices, ~YAAA and IAA,JA do not belong to the tree level BFYM action and corre- spond to the nonlinear self-interactions of YM which in this way are recovered into the theory. These ver- tices, joined to the gluon self-energy (2.1) , originate from an F* term which the symmetries of the theory allow to enter in the quantum action; we will see in the next section how renormalization has to be performed in order to produce all the required counterterms.


The renormalization of the ghost terms is performed in the usual way. Since Feynman rules of BFYM at tree level should not be modified we expect

ZAA = 1 +&de) + (...) +&),

ZBB = 1+&z@) + (...)+&),

%A =&z(E) + (...) +dg;), (4.3)

where dots ( . . .) represent finite terms at order gi. The value of the elements of the wave function renormal- ization matrix are assigned by direct comparison be- tween the Feynman rules for the quadratic countert- erms (4.2) and the divergent parts of the self-energies (2.1) -( 2.4). We obtain the following system

&?B(ZAA+2ZBA) = 1 +$g;Zk) + (-..)+o(g;),

z& = l- #Z(E) + (...) +o(g$,

4(z,2A+ZBAZAA) =-&&z(E) + (...) +dg;)


4. Renormalization and p-function

Renormalization is performed substituting the bare

quantities with the renormalized ones, where in gen- eral an operatorial mixing is allowed by the symmetry and parity properties of the fields. We then write

Bo = ZBBBR + i&IA * FR ,

Fo = ZAAFR, (4.1)

with FR = dAR + ZAAZ~~R [AR, AR], where go = z&R and where the gauge Ward identities among renormal- ization constants have been imposed. Note that B and F have opposite parity; moreover a mixing of BR in FO is not allowed since F must be a curvature ten-

sor. This field mixing introduces the term F* absent at tree level in the theory and the counterterms relative to the gluon self-energy and to trilinear and quadrilinear gluon vertices. We obtain


Tr[iBo A Fo + Bo A *Bo]

66 M. Martellini, M. Zeni/Physics Letters B 401 (1997) 62-68


4 i i

= + + pemutations

/ x

+ pemutations

+ permutations

Fig. 6.

(note that the factor 4 in the third equation is due to the usual normalization for the F2 term). Solving the Eqs. (4.4) at the order g” we find

13 a=E, b=-;, c=-$. (4.5)

The value of a gives exactly the wave function renor- malization for A required in the Landau gauge for obtaining the correct value for the p-function of the theory. Indeed, introducing the ghost wave function renormalization, CO = ZCc~, from (2.4) we read

2, = I + &(E)g; + (...) + a(gi) , (4.6)

and from the finiteness of the gluon-ghost vertex in Landau gauge we obtain

Z,ZAAZ~ = 1 + (...) + o(g2,) , (4.7)

where no divergent part at order gi is present. From (4.7) the renormalization of the coupling constant turns out to be

z, = 1 - $+Z(& + (...) +o(&) , (4.8)

which gives /31 = -y [ 101. Therefore, as expected, the uu-behaviour of BFYM is the same of YM. Also

note that the values found in (4.5) give for the diver- gent part of the BAA counterterm at gi level

&W(ZAA+%A)ZAAZg = l+(...)+& , (4.9)

according to the finiteness of IBAA. After renormal- ization is performed is always possible to redefine BR

in order to reabsorb the F* term and recover the tree level structure of the theory. Indeed defining


FR = FR , (4.10)

where at gR order 5 = ZBA/ZBB, the renormalized action (4.2) becomes

S = J Tr[ i.&&.&R A FR + .&iiR ,, *@R] . (4.11)

The transformation (4.10) gives a finite renormal- ization and, not involving the coupling gR contained

M. Martellini, M. Z&/Physics Letters B 401 (1997) 62-68 67

in FR, does not modify the correspondence with the renormalized Yang-Mills theory

S = i J

Tr[Zj,FR A *FR] . (4.12)

In conclusion, we have shown that this theory can be given a proper perturbative expansion and that the asymptotic free behaviour of BFYM coincides with that of YM. The perturbative formulation and the study of renormalization can be further investigated using algebraic and cohomological tools and indeed the 3D BFYM theory has been studied in this way [ 1 l] and the analysis will be extended to the 4D case. Some perturbative work on BF-type formulation of gravity theories can be found also in [ 121.

BFYM formulation opens the study to the relations

between BF and gauge theories; in particular new non- local observables can be introduced. These observ- ables, describing topological higher linking numbers, were introduced in BF theories in [ 131 and can be naturally introduced in the gauge theory using the en- larged field content of BFYM. This investigation, dis- cussed in [ 1,2] and previously started in [ 14,151, should be even more richer in the nonminimal for- mulation [ 91 where the whole content of topological fields is present, added with new vectorial degrees of freedom, and is at most promising to produce a deeper

understanding of the nonperturbative sector of gauge theories.


M.Z. acknowledges A. Grassi and M. Pernici for useful discussions and suggestions. The authors en- joyed useful discussions also with M. Mintchev and are grateful to A. Accardi and A. Belli for checking some calculations. This work has been partially sup- ported by MURST and by TMR programme ERB- 4061-PL-95-0789 in which M. Z. is associated to Mi- lan.

Appendix A

In order to compute propagators consider Sc+s J@, the quadratic part of the action ( 1.1) with the cou- pling of the fields to the external sources. Propagators

are easily derived shifting for example the fields in momentum space by means of field independent func-

tions, A(P), B(P), b(p) -+ A(P) +cA(p), B(p) +

CB (p), b(p) +Cb (p), and solving for the C’s in such a way that linear terms in the fields disappear [ 161. b is the auxiliary field which implements the gauge fix- ing condition and playing a role only in the inversion of the kinetic operator. The corresponding solution is given by

CA(P); =--$'2~:p - P~P”J:~)

and produces the propagators given in Fig. 1 with the exception of the ABB term, which turns out to be

%$LV,P = $(p”pQffp + pap”@

- p~pqLp - p~“pW”) . (A.11

Note that this propagator is not transversal. Indeed one loop calculations of the self-energy ABB show that the correct structure is that reported in Fig. 1 and this fact agrees with what is predicted by the Ward identity

+&ABB~v~~ =o, (A.21

which can be derived by differentiation of the Ward identity on the connected Green functions generator functional.

To understand the mismatch between (A.l) and ABB note that in our treatment we have left undeter- mined the measure over B using the naive one. Indeed the correspondence beween first and second order for- malism should be written as

J [ DB] [DA] e--sBFyM 11 s

[DA] ePsyM , (A.3)

where [DA] is the usual gauge fixed measure and [DB] is the measure over the orbits of the topologi- cal group ( 1.5). In our measure instead we have also

68 M. Martellini, M. Zeni / Physics Letters B 401 (1997) 62-68

the integration over the zero modes of the topological group, i.e. the configurations B such that B = Dr], r) l-form, which are not coupled to F and do not con- tribute to the gaussian integration owing to the Bianchi identity. They give the overall factor


This contact term is exactly the amount of the mis-

match found, A = i - A. Therefore we have to take into account the presence of the spurious contribution of topological zero modes and assign to ABB the cor- rect tensorial structure following the Ward identity.


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