fermented foods part ii...benefits as cow’s yogurt but they are an easy step to recommend to...

Post on 15-Jul-2020






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Fermented Foods Part II

YogurtIt is one of the oldest fermented foods

It is common to more cultures than any other types of fermented food except perhaps wine or cheese

Different cultures use different strains for making yogurt

It is made with a heating process which also makes it different from other fermented foods

Generally, it is made using only two strains

YogurtMost sources state that yogurt developed in warm climates, naturally from milk (held in containers) being jostled – the natural process occurred because beneficial bacteria and enzymes were present in raw milk

Cow, sheep, yak, goat milk – all have been traditionally used for yogurt

It was brought North America in the 17th century but did not become popular until the 1950s and 1960s

Today, it is one of the most popular types of fermented foods

Yogurt Types

Mesophilic which is traditionally produced in cooler climates and uses raw milk and is made at a cooler temperature

Thermophilic is traditionally from warm cultures and is typically how most yogurt is made

Both require heat and temperature control

YogurtIn North America, yogurt is made with the strains Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus

Other strains can be added but that is not common

The process of making yogurt has the beneficial strains of bacteria eating the lactose and producing lactic acid

This is what give yogurt its tangy taste

Also, as the milk ferments, enzymes are produced by the bacteria that can aid the digestion of the protein and the fat in the milk

YogurtCommercial yogurt may be fermented in as little as an hour with thickening agents such as gelatin or modified cornstarch being added

In order to break down enough lactose and have significant amount good bacteria – yogurt must be fermented for at least 4 hours or longer

Specialty yogurts are also popular like Mediterranean and Greek – both involve process of straining whey to make it thicker

0%Greek is made with non-fat milk

Ingredient ComparisonOrganic Meadow: Pasteurized organic milk ingredients (organic whole milk & organic skim milk powder), active bacterial cultures (L.acidophilus, Bifidobacterium sp., S.thermophilus and L.bulgaricus)

Skim milk, water, peaches, cane sugar, milk and whey protein concentrate, modified corn starch, gelatin, natural flavours, pectin, active probiotic culture (bifidobacterium lactis CNCM I-2494), active bacterial cultures, carrageenan, stevia extract, natural colour, sodium citrate, vitamin A palmitate, vitamin D3, malic acid. Made with vitamin A & D fortified skim milk

Liberte Kefir: Partly skimmed organic milk, bacterial culture, yeast

YogurtStudies on yogurt are inconsistent – mainly because they do not specify what type of yogurt was used.

There is considerable difference between commercial yogurt and traditionally fermented in terms of CFUs for the strains of good bacteria.

This make research results inconsistence

However, the research that does exist.

YogurtHere is what is known

Yogurt contains Lactobacillus bacteria (bulgaricus) which aids the inhibition of bad bacteria

It also aid immune response of the gut

Yogurt can also aid peristalsis and improve bowel movements

Many people who are lactose intolerant can tolerate yogurt (depending on fermentation time)

YogurtYogurt may also be helpful for diarrhea

Also L. Bulgaricus strains have shown the ability to inhibit cholesterol absorption

Has anti-h. pylori bacteria activity which can help prevent gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer

Can also reduce allergic reactions and inflammation in the gut and the body

Can also inhibit the toxic and pathogenic effects of C. Difficile

Contains anti-cancer benefits by aiding the detoxification of carcinogenic substances

YogurtOne study found that elderly participants consuming L. bulgaricus had 2.6 times less incidence of catching a cold

S. thermophilus produces folic acid

Aids the treatment of gastritis and ulcer caused by aspirin, ibuprophen and NSAIDs

Reduces the incidence of yeast infections

L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus both have anti-oxidant ability especially against the peroxidation of fats (prevent rancidity)

YogurtYogurt does come in non-dairy forms that can be bought but it is not an easy process to make it – gums and sugar are often added

Not sure if the alternative yogurts have the same benefits as cow’s yogurt but they are an easy step to recommend to clients

There are plenty of traditional fermented yogurts available – it is easier to get clients to consume it

Has definite benefits

Consuming both is best along with other fermented foods

Beet KvassBeet Kvass is well known in Caucaus Mountains along with milk kefir and other fermented foods.

It was used as a means to clean water – allowing the good bacteria to take care of the bad

Often raisins are added or other fruits or vegetables tocreate a unique beverage

Beets contain nitrates but fermentation converts nitrates to nitric oxide

Nitric oxide increases blood flow to the brain which will hep improve cognitive function and may help prevent dementia

Beet KvassAll the health benefits of beets apply to beet kvass –except the nutrients are more bioavailable plus kvass contains good bacteria

Beets contains different types of phytonutrients called betalains, - responsible for the red colour

Betalains are both antioxidants and anti-inflammatories

Beets aid the liver detoxification and support the kidney (fermenting prevents oxalates)

Beets also contain tryptophan which converts serotonin – which is our anti-depressant neurotransmitter – this also will aid our ability to sleep

Cultured VegetablesNumber one health benefit is making the vegetables more digestible and the nutrients more bioavailable

Each vegetable has it owns health benefits based on the vitamin, mineral and phytonutrient content

There is very little research on the cultured vegetables themselves

Fermented foods in a traditional diet also help keep blood sugar stable and low inflammation both in the gut and the body

Phytonutrients also appear to help regulate how the good bacteria function

SourdoughSourdough is made from a starter –flour and water that has been fermented by wild yeasts and lactic acid bacteria

A good starter or “sponge” can last for decades and can be passed down from one generation to another

The fermentation process changes how the grain is used by the body

SourdoughIt makes the nutrients in the grains such as zinc, iron, magnesium, B vitamins and phytonutrients more available to be absorbed into the body and the yeast actually produces the B vitamins (even in white bread)

It also breaks down the gluten and starches making the bread more digestible

During fermentation, protease and peptidase enzymes act on the gliadin molecule

SourdoughLactic acid bacteria lowers the ph of the sourdough to 3.5- 4 which is the optimal ph for some protein enzymes to be active

One study found that gluten, fully degraded by fermentation was safe for celiacs to consume

Modulate dietary fibre complex, releasing the phytonutrients such as ferulic acid – a potent antioxidant that blocks nitrosamines and makes Vitamin C and E more potent


Produces glucan, fructans and gluco-and fructo- oligosaccharides with prebiotic properties

Provides metabolites from LAB fermentation which influence gut microbiota such as butyrate

Lowers symptoms in IBS sufferers, who are bothered by wheat

Provides a lower blood sugar and insulin response

SourdoughOne study found that sourdough in one meal for positively affect blood sugar for that meal and the next ( breakfast may be the best time)

This effect was with white sourdough and was more effective for blood sugar than regular whole wheat

One possible reason for low glucose response is sourdough delays the gastric emptying – it slows the uptake into the blood stream

Fermenting lowers the phytic acid content making minerals such as zinc, calcium and iron more available

Wine and Beer

Is there a place for wine and beer in a:

-A healthy diet

-A gut health protocol

The short answer is yes

Both are traditionally fermented foods

Both are low in alcohol (in comparison to hard liquor)

BeerTo be beneficial for gut health beer must be unpasteurized in order for the good bacteria and yeast be present

Beer has other benefits

B vitamins

Contains silicon which blocks the uptake of aluminum and may help prevent Alzheimers

Helps reduce kidney stones

Helps affect cholesterols levels and reduce bile concentration preventing gallstones

HopsIs a major anti-inflammatory

It helps stimulate gastric juices and pancreatic enzymes

Can calm spasms in the digestive tract

Hops is a natural sedative

Beer also contains lactoflavin and nicotinic acid which help to promote sleep

WineHealth benefits of red wine are well – known: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-cancer, may help prevent heart disease

The phytonutrients – the polyphenols are prebiotics

They feed the good bacteria and in turn, the good bacteria increase the bioavailability and effects of the polyphenols

Contain probiotics that aid digestion and can inhibit food-borne pathogen

Non-organic wines have been found to contain high amount of heavy metals

WineWine can also slow gastric emptying which may allow for more complete digestion and slower uptake of nutrients into the bloodstream (like glucose)

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that people have a higher levels of good bacteria and lower levels of bad bacteria in their intestines after drinking 2 glasses of wine daily.

In another study, in comparison to gin, wine increased good bacteria and reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, HDL, and C-reactive protein

White WineMost studies are on red wine

Phenolic compounds in wine vary depending on variety of grapes and technical processes

Studies have found the white wines can often have higher levels of phenolic compounds than red – however more research needs to be done to determine which compounds they have

Another study found white wine aided weight loss

Stimulates gastric acid and lowers malonaldehydes (MDA) a natural occurring chemical that occurs when fats oxidize

CandidaWild yeasts are naturally occurring in wine

However, red and white wine have been shown to inhibit Candida Albicans, as well as strains of pathogenic bacteria

Anecdotally, people report Candidiasis worse, when they stop drinking wine

Organic, sulfite free wine is best

Another study found that neither baker’s yeast or brewer yeast increased Candida Albicans in comparison to the control group

Wine and Beer Yeast

Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron is a gut microbe recently discovered that breaks down and ferments complex carbohydrates called yeast mannans

In doing so they produce short chain fatty acids to help the integrity of the gut lining and support the immune system

Researchers believe that this ability to degrade the yeast-cell wall lining can play a role in fighting yeast infections and may help those with Crohn’s Disease

In ConclusionModerate wine and beer consumption can be part of a healthy diet and a good gut health program

This can make the difference for compliance

The key is to explain to the client the traditional role of wine and beer to aid digestion and support gut health so they understand consumption is in moderation


Purchasing Fermented FoodsUnpasteurized fermented foods will always be in the refrigerator case in the store – not on a shelf

Help the client understand where to buy then and what to look for

Create a list of products in your area

Source local sourdough bakers

Discuss methods of incorporating fermented foods into the diet

Serving size is between ¼ cup to ½ cup but start slow and work up

Using Fermented Foods In The DietUse as a condiment, add it to dips, smoothies, top it onto soups, vegetable dishes or salads

Can you cook with them – yes the digestibility and the extra bioavailability of the phytonutrients remains

And there may be some remaining benefits from the dead bacteria

The key point is to get them into the clients diet

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