あいさつ・自己紹介 (no.1-1) ~ greetings self-introduction ...6. nice meeting you. = it was...

Post on 13-Sep-2020






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あいさつ・自己紹介 (No.1-1) ~ Greetings・Self-introduction~

出会いのあいさつ ~Greetings①~

1. Hello. 2. Hi! 3. Good morning. 4. Good afternoon. = Afternoon. 5. Good evening. = Evening. 6. Good night. 7. How are you? =How are you today? 8. How’re you doing? = How’s it going? 9. How’re things going? = How’re things with you? = How’s everything? 10. Are you as busy as ever? Ex) Are you as busy as ever? Not as bad as I used to. 11. You sound busy. Ex) I’ll go to China for business next week.

You sound busy.

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出会いのあいさつ② (No.1-2) ~Greetings②~

1. Fine, thank you. = I’m all fine, thank you. = I’m fine, thank you. = Pretty good. Ex) How are you? Fine, thank you. 2. Not too bad. = Okay. Ex) How’re things going? Not too bad. 3. What’s up? = What’s new? = What’s up with you these days? 4. Nothing much. = Not much. Ex) What’s up? Nothing much. What’s up with you? 5. How’s business? = How’s business going? Ex) How’s business? Okay, I suppose. 6. Same as usual. = Same old stuff. = Same as before. 7. You look very well. = You look great today. = You look good tonight.

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初体面の人と話す① (No.1-3) ~Speaking to the first meeting person①~

1. Nice to meet you. = Glad to meet you. Ex) Hello, I’m David. Nice to meet you, David. 2. Nice to meet you, too. Ex) Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 3. How do you do? Ex) How do you do, Mr. Brown? How do you do? 4. My name is Takashi Yamada. = I’m Hiroyuki Yamamoto. 5. Please call me Taka. = You can call me by name. 6. I’m glad to meet you. = Good to meet you. = I’m pleased to meet you. 7. I’m honored to meet you, Mr. Thomas. = It’s an honor for me to meet you, Mr. Thomas. = It’s a great pleasure to meet you, Mr. Thomas. 8. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. 9. I’ve always wanted to meet you. 10. I’ve been very eager to meet you in person.

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初体面の人と話す② (No.1-4) ~Speaking to the first meeting person②~

1. I’ve heard a lot about you. = I’ve heard so much about you. Ex) I’ve heard a lot about you. Only good things, I hope. 2. My sister is always talking about you. 3. I knew you just by name. Ex) Hello. I’m Paul Graham. I knew you just by name. It’s nice to meet you. 4. Have we met before? Ex) Have we met before? No, I don’t think so. 5. You look familiar. = Your face is familiar to me. 6. I’ve spoken with you on the phone. Ex) I’ve spoken with you on the phone. Yes, I remember. 7. It’s great to finally meet you. 8. Let me introduce myself. = May I introduce myself to you? 9. By the way, I’m Yuri Watanabe. 10. I live in Tokyo.

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長い間会ってなかった人と話す① (No.1-5) ~Speaking to the person who is not meeting for a long time①~

1. It’s been a long time. = It’s been so long. 2. Long time no see. = I haven’t seen you for a long time. = I haven’t seen you for ages. = We haven’t seen each other for a long time. Ex) Hi, Eric. Long time no see. Yeah, good to see you. 3. When did I see you last time? = When was the last time we saw each other? Ex) When did I see you last time? A few years ago, I guess. 4. I haven’t seen you for ten years. 5. Time flies. 6. How have you been? Ex) How have you been doing? How have you been? I’ve been fine. What about you? 7. What have you been doing? Ex) What have you been doing? I’ve just been busy with work. 8. Where have you been? 9. Nice to see you again. = Good to see you again. = I’m glad to see you again.

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長い間会ってなかった人と話す② (No.1-6) ~Speaking to the person who is not meeting for a long time②~

1. You haven’t changed at all. 2. You’ve changed a lot. = You’ve really changed. 3. I could hardly recognize you. 4. I was out of town for a while. Ex) Where have you been?

I was out of town for a while. 5. How’s your family? Ex) How’s your family? They’re all fine. 6. Sorry that I haven’t contacted you for so long. = Sorry that I haven’t reached you for so long. 7. I’ve been wondering how you’re doing. Ex) It’s been a long time, Laura. Chris, I’ve been wondering how you’re doing. 8. We’ve all missed you. = We really missed you 9. It’s good that you’re here again. = It’s nice that you’ve come back. 10. I missed you too.

= We missed you too.

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長い間会えない人と① (No.1-7) ~Words for the person who will not meet for a long time①~

1. I’ve come to say goodbye. = Farewell to you my friend. = Goodbye to you. 2. Let’s get together again some time. = I hope I’ll see you again some time. 3. It was really nice to get to know you. = I had a great time knowing you. 4. I’ll miss you. = I’ll miss you when you’re gone. = We’ll be missing you all. 5. Let’s keep in touch. Ex) Be sure to write. All right. Let’s keep in touch. 6. Call me some time. 7. Don’t forget to call me. 8. Please send me emails when you arrive. 9. Please make a call when you reach home. 10. Please take care.

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長い間会えない人と② (No.1-8) ~Words for the person who will not meet for a long time②~

1. Let me know your new address. Ex) Let me know your new address. I’ll write to you as soon as I know it. 2. You must come back. 3. When will we see each other again? = When will be the next time I see you? 4. I’ll see you next year. 5. Good luck in everything. = I wish you all the best. 6. I’ll be expecting your next visit. = I’d be happy if you’ll visit me again. 7. How I wish to see your family next time. = Don’t forget to bring your family next time. 8. Please take this for your souvenir. = I want you to keep this. It’s for you. 9. Keep it. I made it for you. = I hope you like it 10. I want you to be happy along your trip. = Keep smiling on your trip. 11. Have fun. = Extend my regards to your family.

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知人に他人を紹介する① (No.1-9) ~Introduce friends to the others①~

1. I’d like you to meet Cathy. = Let me introduce Cathy to you. = I’d like to introduce Cathy to you. 2. I’d like you to meet a friend of mine. 3. This is my sister. Ex) Bob, this is my sister, Yoko. Hello, Yoko. Nice to meet you. 4. Rose, this is Miki. Ex) Miki, Rose. 5. Tom, meet my wife. = Tom, this is my wife Cristy. 6. Have you met Sam? Ex) Have you met Sam? No, I don’t think I have. 7. Mika, I don’t think you’ve met Keiko. = Mika, you haven’t met Keiko yet, have you? 8. I haven’t had the chance to meet him yet. Ex) Have you met Takao Tanaka? No, I haven’t had the chance to meet him yet. 9. This is my friend Lucy. She’s from Tokyo too. = Lucy, this is Sam. He’s my friend from U.S. 10. Kiro, these are my officemates.

= This is Kiro, my brother. = This is Berna my younger sister.

11. Miki, this is William. He’s my old friend from Cebu.

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知人に他人を紹介する② (No.1-10) ~Introduce friends to the others②~

1. Have you met already? = Have you been introduced before? 2. I’ll introduce you around. = Let me introduce you to everybody. = I‘d like you to meet everybody. 3. Could you introduce me to Mr. Sato? = May I ask you to introduce me to Mr. Sato? 4. I’d like to meet your brother. Ex) I’d like to meet your brother. Sure. He’ll come home soon. 5. I’m here with an introduction from Mr. Takagi. = I’m here on the introduction of Mr. Takagi. Ex) I’m here with an introduction from Mr. Takagi. Yes, he called me about you. 6. I think you’ll be good friends. Ex) You’ll make good friends with Susan. 7. I think you’ll get along very well. = It seems that you’ve been friends for so long. 8. You two have a lot in common. = You know what? You two have something in common. 9. I’m sure you’ll like him. = I’m certain that you’ll enjoy his company.

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別れのあいさつ① (No.1-11) ~Words when you leave①~

1. Goodbye. 2. Bye. = Bye-bye. 3. See you later. = See you. = See you around. 4. See you soon. = I’ll see you again soon. 5. See you tomorrow. 6. I’m off now. = I’m leaving. Ex) Time to go. I’m off now. Goodbye. 7. I have to go. = I’d better be off. = I’d better get moving. = I must say goodbye. Ex) It’s getting late. I have to go. Okay. See you. 8. Have a nice day. 9. Have a nice weekend. 10. Farewell to you. 11. Farewell everyone. Hope to see you again.

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別れのあいさつ② (No.1-12) ~Words when you leave②~

1. Have a nice trip. = Have a good trip. 2. Have a wonderful vacation. = Enjoy your vacation. 3. Good luck! Ex) I’m going to an important meeting. Good luck! 4. Don’t work too hard. = Take care. = Take it easy. Ex) Bye, Mike. Bye, Meg. Don’t work too hard. 5. Drop in any time. Ex) Drop in any time. Thank you, I will. 6. Nice meeting you. = It was nice to meet you. Ex) I have to go. Nice meeting you. Nice meeting you, too. 7. Say hello to your wife for me. Ex) Say hello to your wife for me. Sure,I will. Thank you. 8. Please send my best regards to Mr. Howard. 9. I hope you enjoyed our company. = I’m hoping to have your company some time.

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