february 2014 ~ volume 35 - watchmen of america · 2014. 2. 6. · bug out bag must when talking...

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  • February 2014 ~ Volume 35

    The Roman month Februarius was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa held on

    February 15 (full moon) in the old lunar Roman calendar.


  • Water Water is the basis of life. A person may only go 2-3 weeks without food,

    it will be quite difficult on the body, but you can. You can’t go without

    water for more than 3 days. Without water consumption in some form

    daily it would be a slow very painful death.

    Consider carrying water at all times. Water is everywhere in some form

    that can augment the quantity you are carrying. If it’s hot, you need at

    least a gallon day or more. If it’s cold you need about the same. Water in

    cold weather helps keep you warm.

    Col. Bayou

    Watchmen of Alabama

    Commanding officer


    Bug Out Bag Must When talking about the preparation of a Bug Out Bag, we all can think of the items that are

    essential for a Bug Out Bag. We all think of food, water, first aid kit and some sort of fire starting

    device. I'm sure all of you can name many more things to include on that list, but there is one

    essential item many people tend to overlook when assembling their Bug Out Bag that is just as

    vital as food and water. What item do I speak of you ask? It's actually quite simple, really. Socks.

    Now I'm not going to compare socks to "make sure you have a clean pair of underwear on in case

    you're in an accident". Socks are more important to a survival situation than many people may

    think or believe. I'll explain so as not to look foolish and make people wonder why I'm writing an

    article about socks as an important item in survival and your Bug Out Bag.

    If you're in the situation of having to bug out, most likely you will be bugging out on foot at some

    point, your feet will be your most tried and true mode of transportation. You will inevitably be

    walking through streams or possibly flooded areas to get to your bug out location, and if you're

    not careful to keep your feet dry, you could develop a condition known as Trench Foot, medically

    known as Immersion Foot Syndrome. The Trench Foot moniker comes from the trench warfare

    style of World War I where a majority of battles would take place in trenches. Those trenches

    would be filled with water in bad weather, and soldiers would be trapped in those trenches for days

    on end with there feet soaked.

    Trench Foot is a condition where the feet are exposed to damp and or unsanitary conditions for

    prolonged periods of time. Depending on the conditions, the foot will turn red from heat or blue

    from cold, then develop a fungal infection which would lead to gangrene, and if left untreated,


    So it is important to make sure you take care of your feet in a bug out/survival situation. Once a

    condition such as Trench Foot sets in you are no longer mobile, and when you're no longer mobile

    survival has become slim to none. Keep an extra pair of thick light colored socks in your Bug Out

    Bag, you never know when that extra pair could save your life.



  • Beware One Ring Phone Scam If you receive a call on your cellphone preceded by just one or two rings, chances are it’s part of the new One Ring phone scam spreading across the U.S. faster than a summer wildfire. Here’s how it works: International scammers have programmed computers to blast out millions of calls to cellphone numbers, ring once or twice, then disconnect. The objective is to make you curious enough to dial that number back. The “gotcha” happens when you return the call. You’ll be charged $19.95 for the international call fee itself and $9 per minute thereafter. “Oftentimes consumers say they hear music and then advertising, so they think nothing of staying on the phone. It’s easy to see how quickly charges for these international calls can add up," said Shelley Polansky, vice president of communications for Better Business Bureau Serving Northern Colorado and Wyoming Consumers who have been duped by these calls report calls coming from Dominican Republic (809), Jamaica (876), British Virgin Islands (284), Grenada (473) as well as Minnesota and Canadian area codes. If you think you’ve are a victim of the One Ring scam, you should immediately alert your phone carrier and keep an eye on your cellphone bill. If you have not already done so, opt out of all third-party billing to your phone.


    To Indy ~ As we grow older together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change, I will always

    keep falling in love with you! Happy Valentines Day Honey!! I love you! Your Angel.


    Elinor Otto is still at it at age 94, she popped fasteners on World War ll bombers and today she still gets up at 4 am and pops rivets on cargo planes at the Boeing Plant in Long Beach, California and she gets paid $40/hr.


  • Factoid: The TSA spent $900 million on behavior detection systems over the last 5 years and detected ZERO terrorists. According to the General Accounting Office, 18 people were arrested but not for being terrorists. This is proven evidence that the government does NOT do anything well and for failure, it is damned expensive.

    Juice the BladeGlider by Nissan is powered by 2 in-hub electric motors at each rear wheel but not yet in production.

  • Octocopter

  • The southwestern part of the United States is facing real rainfall shortages, hence

    California is about out of water and many legislative actions are being taken that

    will affect farmers. This will result in several things, cows are being sold and or

    slaughtered in record numbers and horses are being abandoned. Agricultural

    produce is taking a hit with production, so it is suggested that you begin your own

    garden and start inside.

    So while it is still chilly outside, some of us continue to face the threat of winter

    storms. But spring is almost here, and now is the perfect time to plant seeds and

    start growing your garden indoors. You'll get a jump on the outdoor season and be

    the first person in town with fresh veggies and blooming flowers when summer

    finally comes.

    Seeds are less expensive

    than plants, so you'll save

    money, but the package may

    contain more seeds than

    you need. When you grow

    seeds indoors, any number

    of items can make good

    containers. Empty yogurt

    cups are the perfect size—

    about 2 inches square by 2

    to 3 inches deep. Pick a

    convenient spot in the

    house for the garden. When

    the seeds are first planted,

    heat is more important than




  • The State of New York would like to send our best wishes to Indiana. Congrats and

    Welcome aboard to Tact and Tank.

    Now, let me touch this topic of Valentine’s Day. To be honest, I hate this day.... now I am

    sure a bunch of you have your mouth's open in disbelief or have a comment as to “why”. I

    will tell you first hand WHY... To me personally I find it over rated and over

    commercialized. If you love someone do you really need a day on the calendar to “tell you”

    to celebrate it? How many stuffed animals can one own? I must a zillion of them (which I

    love each and everyone) however, they are dust collectors. Then you have your “favorite”

    restaurant that puts together a menu at a rate that's off the charts...

    Then on the other hand, the simple way, the way I like things. I make a wonderful dinner at

    home and celebrate not only with my husband but with my daughter. I show them year

    round that I love them, and they love me. Even at the worst of times. I find that even

    though our days are busy and our nights are even more so then usual, we as a family unit

    pull it together, we know that at the end of each night before the lights go out... the words “I

    love you” come out, and with true meaning, and no one is allowed to go to bed mad. Life is

    too short for that. In my opinion, save your money from that one big day each year... and

    spread it out over the year if you want to send flowers “just because” or you want to spend

    an hour or two in your favorite restaurant together.. You really don't need a calendar to tell

    you that. I have the most wonderful husband who to everyone's astonishment is very

    romantic in his own way, and for that I love him every day. Now the only thing you GUYS

    need to be reminded of for some god forsaking reason is your Anniversary. GEEZSSHH...

    Please remember one thing, this is only MY OPINION on this. This does not reflect the

    opinions of other members within the group of New York or any member of the WoA.

  • [12:24:04 PM] OldBulldog: Roses be red... Violets be blue... They can kiss my ass... And Targus can too! hehe

    The Watchmen of

    America wish all

    brothers and

    Sisters across the land a

    Valentine’s Day full of

    Fellowship, truth and


  • [12:31:29 PM] OldBulldog: Roses be red... Violets be blue... They say I'm an asshole... And that's probably true. :P

    [12:36:28 PM] OldBulldog: My roses be dead... My violets is too... But that doesn't matter... My battery is too.

  • [12:33:56 PM] OldBulldog: Roses be red... Violets be blue... You give me more static... I sic Gracie on you. (rofl)

    “The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.” -- Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America

  • A Love Song

    Let me sing you a love song

    About what I feel in my heart;

    Butterflies can't find nectar

    Whenever we're apart.

    You're a flower in bloom.

    In the dark, in the gloom,

    It's you who brightens my day.

    How many ways do I need you?

    Every day, every way, come what may.

  • When he was 7, Vin

    Diesel and some friends

    broke into a New York

    theater with intentions to

    vandalize it. Instead of

    calling the police, the

    theater’s artistic director

    handed them scripts and

    offered them parts in the

    upcoming show. This

    became Diesel’s first

    acting role.

    2 Factoids

  • [12:48:40 PM] OldBulldog: Roses be red... Violets be blue... I would have sent flowers... But ammo should do.

    [12:54:26 PM] OldBulldog: Roses be red... Violets be blue... Brunettes are my favorite... But I love Denise too.

  • Obama’s Pen vs. the Constitution, by Phyllis Schlafly Barack Obama has now revealed that he unilaterally plans to use

    executive orders to “bypass” Congress. His shocking words were: “We are

    not just going to be waiting for legislation. … I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a

    phone. And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive

    actions and administrative actions.”

    I hope every American actually sees Obama speak those words on a TV

    or computer screen. His dictatorial attitude, layered with arrogance and

    condescension, should be repudiated by a self-governing people.

    Obama claims to have taught constitutional law but he doesn’t seem to be

    familiar with the Constitution’s words. Lost in his shuffle are “all legislative

    powers” are vested in Congress, and the President “shall take care that

    the laws be faithfully executed.”

    He refused to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (overwhelmingly

    passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton). He used his now-

    famous pen to wipe out key sections of the 1996 bipartisan Welfare

    Reform law and of Obamacare (which his appointees repeatedly bragged

    is “the law of the land”), and to “legislate” the Dream Act which Congress

    refused to enact.

    For decades, the liberals have tried to take total control of public school

    curriculum so they can mold the minds of our youngsters into activists for

    leftwing causes. Obama’s famous “pen” can now achieve that goal.

    Back in 1951, the National Education Association (NEA) published the

    “American Citizens Handbook,” which proclaimed, “It is important that

    people who are to live and work together shall have a common mind — a

    like heritage of purpose, religious ideals, love of country, beauty, and

    wisdom to guide and inspire them.” That goal was fortified by selections

    for memorization, including Old and New Testament passages, Ten

    Commandments, Lord’s Prayer, Golden Rule, Boy Scout oath, and

    patriotic songs. Read More


  • Then public schools started to change under the influence of Humanist John

    Dewey and his followers. Sidney Simon sold a million copies of his book

    “Values Clarification” urging kids to abandon their parents’ old-fashioned

    values and make their own choices about what is right or wrong.

    Schoolchildren were no longer taught to read by phonics but were subjected

    to what was called “whole language,” which taught them to guess text from

    pictures and memorize one-syllable words. That entire sorry story was told in

    Rudolf Flesch’s landmark book “Why Johnny Can’t Read.”

    In a famous and widely quoted 1992 letter to “Dear Hillary,” the then-

    incoming First Lady, education guru Marc Tucker called on the government

    “to remold the entire American [school] system” into “a seamless web that

    literally extends from cradle to grave and is the same system for everyone.”

    Then came a series of fads marketed as improving test scores, but which

    actually continued the dumbing-down process.

    Meanwhile we had the Kinsey invasion of curriculum to teach explicit sex

    education to younger and younger children, shredding them of their natural

    modesty. Fads continued with death education, suicide education,

    environmental education, and endless promotion of “self-esteem.”

    We had a year of toying with new History Standards, which omitted many

    historical leaders and facts that most Americans believe students should

    learn, and we had the highly touted “Goals 2000″ and “School to Work.” More

    recent fads were “No Child Left Behind” and “Race to the Top,” which were

    used to delude parents into believing that schools were producing a new

    generation where, like the kids in the Lake Wobegon radio program, every

    child is above average.

    William Blackstone’s summary of English law in 1765 included the right of

    parents to direct the care and upbringing of their own children because

    parents were assumed to act in their kids’ best interest. Unfortunately,

    American law was shuffled around by our lawyers in the 1970s, and the “best

    interest of the child” was taken away from parents and given to judges.

    Read more

  • Family court judges now exercise discretion (a.k.a., personal bias) to

    make thousands of decisions about children instead of their parents,

    including where they live and with which parent for how many hours a

    week, how family money is spent and by whom, and even where kids

    may go to school and church.

    Don’t look to the regular courts for a remedy. The federal Ninth Circuit

    ruled against parents, and in the 2005 version of its opinion ruled that

    parents’ rights do “not extend beyond the threshold of the school door”

    and that public schools have the right to provide students with

    “whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise.”

    Obama’s pen is now forcing schools to use the Common Core

    standards, and parents are up in arms nationwide about what they see

    as defective methods, bad choices of readings, obnoxious federal

    control through required tests, and the computerizing of very private

    information on all students.

  • Facebook is celebrating its 10th anniversary

    this month, and the company wants you to

    celebrate along with them.

    Click on Facebook’s A Look Back page and

    you’ll be greeted with a slideshow

    retrospective of your time on the social

    network, generated from your photos, profile

    pictures, and most-favorited posts, all set to

    a cheesy soundtrack of orchestral strings.

    The slides are even timed to the music.

    It’s the kind of video that might be expected

    at a wedding or a funeral, but with memories

    you… might not want to actually remember.

    My personal Look Back started with a shot

    from my high school prom, which is way

    better off buried forever, deep in Facebook’s


    Describing Facebook’s launch on February

    4, 2014, a young Mark Zuckerbeg told the

    Harvard Crimson in 2006: “If I hadn’t launched it that day, I was about to just can

    it and go on to the next thing I was about to

    do.” He’s probably glad he decided to go

    ahead with it a decade on.


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  • Directions In a blender, chop the garlic. Pour garbanzo beans into blender, reserving about a tablespoon for garnish. Place lemon juice, tahini, chopped garlic and salt in blender. Blend until creamy and well mixed. Transfer the mixture to a medium serving bowl. Sprinkle with pepper and pour olive oil over the top. Garnish with reserved garbanzo beans.

    I clove garlic chopped 1 (19 oz.) can garbanzo beans 4 Tablespoons lemon juice 2 Teaspoons Tahini 1 Teaspoon salt 2Tablespoons olive oil Black pepper to taste


  • Quote of the

    Month: It is not easy to explain Liberty to those that are not familiar with Liberty. Kevin Jamison, on explaining firearm regulation to a Massachusetts lawyer. Jeff City, MO 18 Apr 2013.

  • How Things Have Changed It is 11:45 AM, February 3rd, 2014. As I sit at my keyboard suffering from a severe case of writers block, it occurred to me that today's date has great significance. 55 years ago today, Feb 3rd, 1959, was the day the music died. Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens. and J.P. (The Big Bopper) Richardson were killed in an airplane crash just outside Lubbock, Texas shortly after taking off in bad weather. For you youngsters who have no idea...they were the moving force that made rock and roll music what it is today. Buddy was a musical genius who had an incredible reservoir of unrealized talent that went far beyond simple rock and roll songs. I was 11 years old, and was just getting in to rock and roll music. I had no idea who the artists were back then, I just liked what I heard on the radio. As bad as it may sound, their deaths really didn't mean much to me at the time. But now, as I sit here thinking back to those days, I realize just how much everything has changed. And not just the music. I'm sure that many of you remember those days as well.

  • Even though wages were substantially lower in 1959, the standard of living was much higher. Life was good. $1.00 would buy five gallons of gasoline. And it was pumped by a gas station attendant. Those jobs disappeared long ago, as cost accountants figured out a way to increase profits by making self-service the norm. Just try to find a full service gas station these days. They don't exist. In 1959, $15.00 would buy a week's worth of groceries for a family of four. Your groceries were bagged, and carried out for you, regardless of the weather. Today, $100.00 will barely get you two bags of groceries. Try to feed a family of four on that for a week. And forget good service, it's rare. Energy costs were so inexpensive in 1959, that most homes had electric ranges in the kitchen. In fact, an all-electric home was the rage back then. Today, utility costs are skyrocketing, forcing many Americans to make sacrifices just to afford the essentials. Policemen weren't feared back then. They were friends of the community, not jack boots. Unlike today, police cars had "To Protect and To Serve" painted on their fenders. Crime of any kind was almost unheard of. Unlike today, a criminal record was something to be ashamed of. Telephones were fastened to wires in your home. When you picked up the telephone, a pleasant voice would ask "number please", and connect your call. Dial telephones didn't change the service you received, all that much. If you needed a phone number, the operator was more than happy to assist you.

  • Today, if you don't carry a smart phone you're considered a Neanderthal. Heaven forbid if you were to miss a phone call, just because you weren't at home. No one seems to comprehend that life doesn't come to an end, just because you can't be reached at a moment’s notice. In 1959, one could expect that their children would get a good education in a public school. Math, English and History were considered essential parts of that education. Today, thanks to "Common Core", that is no longer the case. Little Johnny and Jane can't be left behind, even if they can't recite the alphabet, do basic addition, or read cursive writing. History is rewritten to omit the things that have made this Republic what it is. Today, it is more important to mold our children’s minds, teaching them the liberal way of thinking. In 1959, most Americans felt that our government served the people. We could count on our elected officials to make the right decisions, and do what was best for the country. Elections were important, and our votes counted. We had a voice. Today, over 70% of the population believes our government is headed in the wrong direction. Over 50% believe that our elected officials can no longer be trusted to do the will of the people. We have a president who refuses to recognize the Constitution, or the rule of law. Our economy is in shambles, and on the edge of collapse. And yet, Congress is determined to spend money that we simply don't have. Looking through my eyes, life in 1959 was considerably better than it is today. Even without the technology we enjoy today, I would have no issues with returning to those days. At least then, it was still America, and the music was good. God Bless, OldBulldog

  • I write this with ONE HUNDRED PERCENT conviction . . . throughout recorded history, the SWORD is drawn when the pen becomes the instrument of TYRANNY with no redress for those who crave to be FREE. THE TREE OF LIBERTY . . . By Thomas Jefferson, November 13, 1787

    “AMERICA HAS CROSSED THE RUBICON”, which makes America’s destiny with history inevitable . . . leaving only two questions: To which extent and extreme will the words of Jefferson be realized? And on which side of history will you be standing when the day of inevitability arrives?

  • An Oregon based startup might have revolutionized the way we heal gunshot wounds. Startup RevMedx, which develops products for military medics and members of the emergency services, has created a device that can heal a gunshot wound in 15 seconds, Popular Science reports. The device is called XStat, and its creators are hoping the FDA will approve it for use by medical professionals. XStat consists of an applicator filled with dozens of tiny sponges that soak up a ton of blood when injected into an open wound. It’s kind of like a tampon for bullet wounds, we guess. And those pesky little sponges won’t get lodged and lost in your body forever. They’re marked with something called a “radiopaque marker,” which means they’ll show up on an x-ray when the victim reaches the hospital.

    Currently, military medics and civilian first responders typically use gauze to heal gunshot wounds—a process that’s apparently painful as hell, and not particularly efficient. “A medic must pack gauze directly into the wound cavity, sometimes as deep as 5 inches into the body, to stop bleeding from an artery,” Popular Science explains. “It’s an agonizing process that doesn’t always work—if bleeding hasn’t stopped after three minutes of applying direct pressure, the medic must pull out all the gauze and start over again.”




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