february 2014 newletter (first for the year)

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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"Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every obstruction from my people's way." Isa 57:14

Greetings to all our friends and family.

Billy Graham said; ‘Plan the work then work the Plan’. While we read the Word of God and are lead by His Holy

Spirit it is of utmost importance that we prayerfully PLAN the work for the year and then work the plan. In this

way we will not be found wanting when God directs our footsteps as we will be in ‘motion’…..

Our prayerfully considered plan thus for 2014 is as follows:


1. Complete the ‘Bush Camp’ facility

2. Assist in Maintenance Projects at Mission Station

3. Prepare both Boat and Unimog for Outreach on and across the river

4. Have English tracts translated into Luvale

5. Upgrade outreach equipment such as—Projector, Sound System and Laptop

6. Execute River and Cross River Mission Outreaches


1. Continue to Train/Disciple helpers (Local and Visitors)

2. Self Study of the Bible

3. Ernest Prayer

Having returned from South Africa after a relaxing holiday where much fellowship was had with friends and

family we continue with the work God has called us to here.

Having prayerfully planned the work we set out to work the plan.

Progress on the ‘Bush Camp’ is continuing though at a much slower pace as we await more funding for the

Plumbing, Electricity, etc.

Stone Floor in Kitchen being Laid Ablution Walls being Built Retainer Wall being Grouted

Our boat is pretty small and can only accommodate 3 x people with kit. We do trust that in the future we will be

able to acquire a larger one. With the upgrade planned we started with the building of the canopy. Below you

see the framework done and on our next visit to Lusaka a 1000km from here, we trust we will be able to

purchase the Canvas. It is now our rain season and when the heavens open we have ‘monsoon’ type

outpourings. When the sun comes out we reach temperatures of 38 degC plus. Now as I have mentioned in

previous newsletters I do not have much hair left so the ol’pip burns badly.

With regards the translation of Tracts and New Believers handbook; we have obtained permission from other

Mission Organizations to use their materials which we find applicable and user friendly. Luvale, in a sense is still

a developing language with new words being added regularly.

Joseph (left) one of the young men who I am training up and who you

would have seen in previous newsletters has stayed faithful and is busy

with the translation of this material from English into Luvale. Once

done the work will be edited to ensure that there is no error. I aim to

get Joseph his passport so that he can travel to South Africa where he

will be doing some of the training required to assist when the

envisaged young applicants do discipleship training at our facility here

at the Bush Camp.

We thank God for the UNIMOG (Buffalo). Without this vehicle we surely would have struggled in getting

materials to site. Besides this we have been of assistance in pulling bigger trucks out of the mud here in

Chavuma as they attempted to cross water logged areas. While the mission station does have a tractor I do feel

that another tractor to take the load off the UNIMOG is necessary. A relatively new tractor with trailer is

available for purchase and I ask that you pray with us in acquiring it. It is a ‘New Holland’ 4x4 tractor and the

asking price is R170 000 ($US 17 000). Below are some pics of the ‘MOG’ in action.

The snr. missionary, Uncle Bob and Beth have gone home to the USA on holiday for three months. I will be hold-

ing the fort this side until their return in April.


Visitors/Helpers are always a blessing. Last year we had a total of thirteen folk who left the comforts and safety

of their homes to brave the outback here in Chavuma.

Already this year twenty-one folk have confirmed that they will be visiting!!! A further team of youth and their

leaders totalling ten as well as three families have indicated that they will visit and we await their confirmed

numbers and dates.

Lesley’s News

Sarah – Need I say had herself a really good holiday down in SA. It all started with 3 of her good friends Abigail, Dominique and Chanel, arriving to meet her at the airport, accompanied by 2 awesome mom’s, Christene and Margaret. After that we struggled to get her to overnight with us. Boring!!!

We were told “ you guys have me all year to talk to it’s my friend’s turn now” . Well, we couldn’t argue that.

A whole 17 days was spent in Cape Town, then to Knysna for 5 days, and en route to Gauteng, we popped into the De Greeff’s home in Kimberley, also met Simeon their new baby.

Good quality, bonding time was spent with Joshua and Irma for the rest of the holidays in JHB, and one day was spent, re-connecting with some of her cousins, aunt’s and uncle’s.

Thanks to all who made her feel so welcome and special. It meant a lot to her.

John – Well “Mr Buff” gained 6 kgs within the first 2 weeks of the holiday. But, since being back and working that physique, he has managed to shed it all. John, has a new found occupation, better described as “The Transporter.” The Unimog has proved to be most useful, especially now in the rainy season. People having to be towed out of the mud, one evening it was 2 trucks that needed help. Aside that, there’s stone, sand, bricks and wood , needing to be picked up and delivered on sites. Managing the base here while Uncle Bob’s away, keeps him out the bush, which is frustrating for him, but he is doing all the necessary prep work, so he’s ready the minute Uncle Bob’s back. His favourite statement; ”The longer I sit around here the weaker I get, the longer the pagan squats in the bush the stronger he gets, I need to go on a mission” Hence the mission to GO! There’s no holding this OUPA back. I pray that the Lord would send some medium long term help. There is so much work to do here.

Back home, it’s been head down and study, study, study. With her sights' still set on Forensics DNA analysis as her career choice, Sarah is determined to give it her all. Sarah will be coming through to Cape Town in May to write exams over the 2 months. And on that note, please keep her in your much needed prayers, as her Intec College IGCSE is proving to be quite incompetent, with emails and phone calls back and forth. Been totally frustrating trying to make headway with them. Your constant encouragement, calls and messages, to Sarah are always appreciated.

Myself – Having thoroughly enjoyed my holiday , seeing family, cousins and friends, which was my big treat. I am just so enjoying the fact that I am going to be GRANNY in May. It’s put a whole new spin on sewing. Making cute baby things, is just so much fun. Lord willing I will fly out with Sarah in May, and stay in JHB for the birth. Back home, it’s been a big clean up getting the garden beds ready for sowing seed. With a team of 21 people coming in July, I certainly will have to have my fresh produce flourishing.

Looking forward to what 2014 holds for us here in Chavuma.

This Poem by Rudyard Kipling is an inspiration to me. Advice for this life!


If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself

when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired of waiting,

Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated, don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor

talk to wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master, If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim, If you

can meet with Triumph and Disaster, And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the

truth you’ve spoken, Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools Or watch the things you gave your life to,

broken, And stoop, and build ‘em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again

at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew,

To serve your turn long after you have gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will, which

says to them: “Hold on!”

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch, If neither

foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving

minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And—which is

more—you’ll be a man, my son! —Rudyard Kipling

Traveling Pics:

Over the years I have been privileged to travel many miles on the African Continent. Some of the pics below you

might have seen but I do believe they are still appreciated. (All pics were either taken by myself or those traveling with me)

Thank you to ALL who pray and support this work—May our Lord’s Richest blessings abide on you.

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