fearnhill school 13th march 2020 headteacher’s message · deiisioミ makiミg f ieミdl┞ c...

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13th March 2020

Issue 557

Fearミile - out e┗er┞ t┘o ┘eeks!

Sta┞ Calマ aミd

Keep Leaヴミiミg

WelIoマe to this ediioミ of Feaヴミ-ile. We aヴe iミ Ihalleミgiミg iマes ┘ith the Ioヴoミa┗iヴus outHヴeak aミd I hope e┗eヴ┞-oミe is feeliミg ┘ell iミfoヴマed aHout the steps ┘e aヴe takiミg as a sIhool. Ouヴ ke┞ pヴioヴit┞ is to keep e┗eヴ┞oミe iミ ouヴ sIhool Ioママuミit┞ safe aミd I aマ ヴeIei┗iミg dail┞ updates fヴoマ PuHliI Health Eミglaミd, the Depaヴtマeミt foヴ EduIaioミ aミd HCC. As a gヴoup of loIal headteaIheヴs, ┘e aヴe sta┞-iミg iミ Ilose IoミtaIt aミd ┘oヴkiミg ┗eヴ┞ マuIh as a teaマ. The staf at Feaヴミhill aヴe also ヴisiミg to the Ihalleミge ┘oミdeヴfull┞. Studeミts ha┗e ヴespoミded ┘ith マatuヴit┞ aミd Ialマ; the┞ aヴe a Iヴedit to theマsel┗es aミd theiヴ paヴeミts aミd Iaヴeヴs. Please IheIk all updates that aヴe seミt so that ┞ou aヴe full┞ iミfoヴマed aHout this ヴapidl┞ Ihaミgiミg situaioミ.

As al┘a┞s, theヴe is lots goiミg oミ ┘ith ouヴ studeミtsげ leaヴミiミg e┝peヴieミIes. Although ┘e ha┗e postpoミed tヴips foヴ the iマe Heiミg iミ liミe ┘ith go┗eヴミマeミt guid-aミIe, this has Heeミ Woヴk E┝peヴieミIe Week foヴ Yeaヴ ヱヰ aミd the┞ ha┗e had a host of ミe┘ ad┗eミtuヴes. I ha┗e Heeミ foヴ-tuミate eミough to ┗isit soマe of theマ iミ theiヴ ┘oヴkplaIes aミd heaヴ fヴoマ eマplo┞-eヴs just ho┘ iマpヴessed the┞ aヴe ┘ith Feaヴミhill studeミts. Studeミts al┘a┞s Ioマe HaIk fヴoマ ┘oヴk e┝peヴieミIe Ihaミged iミ soマe ┘a┞; it is a gヴeat マoマeミt iミ theiヴ de┗elopマeミt as the┞ ヴealise the ヴealit┞ of

adult life, aミd マake the IoミミeIioミ ┘ith ┘hat the┞ aヴe ┘oヴkiミg foヴ iミ sIhool e┗e-ヴ┞ da┞. This Yeaヴ ヱヰ gヴoup ha┗e Heeミ ミo e┝Iepioミ. Gヴeat thaミks マust go to the teaマ of staf ┘ho マake this happeミ, es-peIiall┞ Miss BalIhiミ aミd Miss Chaヴteヴ.

BaIk iミ sIhool ┘e IeleHヴated Woヴld Book Week, ┘ith a ┗aヴiet┞ of aI-i┗iies desigミed to get studeミts talkiミg aHout aミd e┝peヴieミIiミg gヴeat Hooks. The Maths Feast ┘as also a gヴeat suIIess, aloミg ┘ith the DodgeHall Touヴミaマeミt foヴ Spoヴt Relief. Yeaヴ ヱヱ had a け┘alkiミg talkiミg マoIkげ iミ Eミglish as a pヴelude to the full set of マoIk e┝aマs that ha┗e ヴuミ this ┘eek. Theiヴ appヴoaIh has Heeミ e┝-eマplaヴ┞ aミd ┘e aヴe ┗eヴ┞ pヴoud of theマ. You Iaミ also ヴead Josh Kiミgげs aIIouミt of the けSue CヴaIkミell Siミgiミg Coマpeiioミげ iミside.

Thaミk ┞ou as al┘a┞s foヴ ┞ouヴ suppoヴt.

Liz Ellis HeadteaIher

Headteacher’s Message

Please follo┘ us oミ FaIeHook oヴ T┘itteヴ to fiミd out ┘hat is goiミg oミ iミ sIhool.


Careers Corner

Yeaヴ ヱヰ Woヴk E┝peヴieミIe

This ┘eek, Γth – 13th MaヴIh, Yeaヴ ヱヰ studeミts ┗eミtuヴed out iミto the ┘oヴld of ┘oヴk. Ha┗iミg staヴted theiヴ pヴepaヴaioミs HaIk iミ SepteマHeヴ the┞ ┘eヴe ヴead┞ to pヴo┗e to theマsel┗es, aミd otheヴs, ┘hat the┞ aヴe IapaHle of iミ the Hig ┘ide ┘oヴld. This ┘eek ┘ill see theマ de┗elopiミg theiヴ teaマ ┘oヴk aミd iミiiai┗e, pヴoHleマ sol┗iミg, IoママuミiIaioミ aミd gaiミiミg aミ uミdeヴstaミd-iミg of ┘oヴkiミg pヴaIiIes ┘hilst iマpヴo┗iミg theiヴ self-IoミideミIe aミd self-Helief. Studeミts ┘eヴe gi┗eミ a Woヴk E┝peヴieミIe LogHook to keep a dail┞ ヴeIoヴd of theiヴ ┘eek at ┘oヴk aミd, at the eミd of the ┘eek theiヴ eマplo┞eヴ ┘ill ha┗e pヴo┗ided a ┘ヴiteミ assessマeミt of theiヴ o┗eヴall peヴfoヴマaミIe. MeマHeヴs of staf ha┗e sigミed up to ┗isit studeミts duヴiミg theiヴ plaIe-マeミts aミd the feedHaIk so faヴ has Heeミ ミothiミg Hut posii┗e. Staf Ioマiミg HaIk fヴoマ ┗isits ha┗e Heeミ Hヴiママiミg ┘ith pヴide at the feedHaIk the┞ ha┗e ヴeIei┗ed aミd the Huzz aヴouミd the sIhool that Yeaヴ ヱヰ ha┗e Iヴeated has Heeミ palpaHle. Well doミe Yeaヴ ヱヰ - ┘e look foヴ┘aヴd to IeleHヴaiミg ┞ouヴ suIIess upoミ ┞ouヴ ヴetuヴミ.

O┗eヴ the ミe┝t fe┘ ┘eeks studeミts ┘ill He iミ┗ol┗ed iミ Woヴk E┝peヴieミIe De-Bヴief aIi┗iies duヴiミg theiヴ PSHCE lessoミs aミd iミ loミg ヴegistヴaioミ sessioミs iミ oヴdeヴ to ヴe┗ie┘ aミd shaヴe theiヴ e┝peヴieミIes.

WatIh this spaIe… Look out foヴ the ミe┝t ediioミ of Feaヴミile ┘heヴe the Yeaヴ ヱヰ studeミts ha┗e theiヴ sa┞ aミd shaヴe theiヴ stoヴies oミ theiヴ ┘eek iミ the ┘oヴld of ┘oヴk - ┘e Iaミげt ┘ait! Visiiミg Staf, Tutoヴs, theiヴ PSHE TeaIheヴ, Head of Yeaヴ & PCC ha┗e Heeミ asked to ミoマiミate studeミts ┘ho the┞ thought ┘eヴe ┘oヴth┞ of aミ けOutstaミdiミg WEX Studeミtげ IeヴiiIate as a ヴesult of theiヴ pヴogヴess, aitude & o┗eヴall suIIess duヴiミg. Those ミoマiミated to He aミミouミIed...

Ms BalIhiミ & Ms Charter

Work E┝perieミIe Teaマ

Moヴe Useful Caヴeeヴs WeHsites

Coミiミued fヴoマ eaヴlieヴ iミ the ┞eaヴ heヴe aヴe マoヴe details oミ soマe iミteヴesiミg aミd iミfoヴマai┗e sot┘aヴe a┗ailaHle iミ sIhool aミd oミliミe that studeミts マa┞ iミd HeミeiIial ┘heミ deIidiミg theiヴ futuヴe plaミs. Jed - Jed, the JoH E┝ploヴeヴ DataHase, has seaヴIhes, ケuizzes, piItuヴes aミd te┝t to help ┞ou iミd out マoヴe aHout huミdヴeds of joHs. Studeミts Iaミ e┝ploヴe Iaヴeeヴ ideas H┞ goiミg thヴough all the seIioミs. Youミg people Iaミ Ioミsideヴ theiヴ stud┞ aミd tヴaiミiミg opioミs. AIIess ┗ia: htps://Ihas.Iaヴeeヴsot.Io.uk/jed/ChoosePヴoile.asp┝

AppヴeミiIeships.oヴg.uk – AppヴeミiIeships.oヴg.uk has all ┞ou ミeed to kミo┘ aHout appヴeミiIeships.

AppヴeミiIeships aヴe aミ e┝Ielleミt ┘a┞ of gaiミiミg ケualiiIaioミs aミd ┘oヴkplaIe e┝peヴieミIe. As aミ eマplo┞ee, ┞ou Iaミ eaヴミ as ┞ou leaヴミ aミd ┞ou gaiミ pヴaIiIal skills fヴoマ the ┘oヴkplaIe. ┘┘┘.appヴeミiIeships.oヴg.uk

What aヴe ┞ou ┘aiiミg foヴ? Get suヴiミg!!! Ms BalIhiミ

Head of Careers, Work Related Learミiミg & PSHE

Page 3 F EA R NFI LE

Naioミal Caヴeeヴs Week Follo┘ Up

Dヴi┗e Eミthusiasマ





Opeミ Miミded


Coミgヴatulaioミs to Rh┞s Mata ヱヱP foヴ Heiミg the iヴst to IoヴヴeItl┞ aミs┘eヴ the Naioミal Caヴeeヴs Week Quiz ケuesioミs…

ヱ. Who saミg the soミg けTa┝マaミげ? The Beatles

ヲ. Who ┘as a PE teaIheヴ Hefoヴe he HeIaマe oミe of Holl┞┘oodげs Higgest staヴs? Hugh JaIkマaミ

Duヴiミg Naioミal Caヴeeヴs Week staf Hヴaiミstoヴマed to Ioマe up ┘ith ke┞ skills that help e┗eヴ┞da┞ iミ the ┘oヴkplaIe. Belo┘ aヴe soマe of the skills the┞ Iaマe up ┘ith:













Risk Takiミg Kミo┘ledge Williミgミess

PヴoHleマ Sol┗iミg

ReseaヴIh AdaptaHilit┞

Passioミ Teaマ Woヴk


Teaマ Woヴk

Posii┗it┞ Pヴeseミtaioミ





DeIisioミ Makiミg Fヴieミdl┞


AppヴeミiIeship Oppoヴtuミiies

Self A┘aヴeミess


ReliaHle PeヴsisteミIe Coマpassioミ PuミItual

Ms BalIhiミ

Head of Careers, Work Related Learミiミg



Performing & Expressive Arts

Studeミts of the Moミth - FeHヴuaヴ┞

Mr Marsh

Head of Perforマiミg & E┝pressi┗e Arts

Ha┗e ┞ou got ┘hat it takes to He Studeミt of the Moミth? Tヴ┞ ┞ouヴ Hest iミ all lessoミs aミd e┝tヴa-IuヴヴiIulaヴ aIi┗iies aミd ┞ou Iould iミd ┞ouヴself ミoマiミated aミd Iヴo┘ミed!

Page 5 F EA R NFI LE

Music Department News

Josh Kiミg

Deput┞ Head Bo┞

けSue CヴaIkミell Siミgiミg Coマpeiioミげ I ヴeIeミtl┞ Ioマpeted iミ the Sue CヴaIkミell Siミgiミg Coマpeiioミ oミ the ヲヶth of FeHヴuaヴ┞. It ┘as マ┞ iヴst e┝peヴieミIe of siミgiミg iミ fヴoミt of aミ audieミIe iミ the st┞le of a ヴeIital. Litle to マ┞ kミo┘ledge, it is a Ioマpletel┞ difeヴeミt at-マospheヴe Ioマpaヴed to siミgiミg oミ the stage duヴiミg a pヴoduIioミ. Wheミ I iヴst heaヴd aHout the Ioマpeiioミ, I ┘as sIepiIal to iミ┗ol┗e マ┞self as Iげ┗e oミl┞ just staヴted siミgiミg lessoミs ┘ith a teaIheヴ. Ho┘e┗eヴ ateヴ speakiミg to マ┞ paヴeミts aミd the マusiI depaヴtマeミt, I deIided to appl┞ foヴ a IhaミIe to audiioミ at the Noヴth Heヴts MusiI SIhool. Sooミ ateヴ doiミg so I ヴeIei┗ed aミ eマail askiミg マe to Ioミiヴマ I Iaミ ateミd the audiioミ oミ the ヶth of FeHヴuaヴ┞. I ┘eミt, aミd saミg けOh Faiヴ Eミough Aヴe Sk┞ aミd Plaiミげ H┞ Johミ Moeヴaミ iミ fヴoミt of the fouヴ judges. Theミ ┘e had a lo┗el┞ litle Ihat aHout マ┞ life aミd the thiミgs that ┘eヴe iミ the appliIaioミ.

A fe┘ ┘eeks lateヴ, I got aミ eマail iミ┗iiミg マe to ateミd the iミals of the Ioマpeiioミ. I had to ill a iマe slot of Α マiミutes ┘ith ┘hate┗eヴ ヴepeヴtoiヴe I ┘aミted. M┞ siミgiミg teaIheヴ aミd I deIided that I should leaヴミ a ミe┘ soミg foヴ the Ioマpeiioミ. That seeマed like a sIaヴ┞ idea at iヴst Hut ateヴ listeミiミg to it, aミd ヴeall┞ eミjo┞iミg it, I ┘as aHle to leaヴミ it ケuiIkl┞. The da┞ Iaマe aヴouミd fasteヴ thaミ e┝peIted Hut goiミg iミto the hall, I felt ヴead┞, aミd I ┘as pヴe-paヴed. I ┘eミt last, ha┗iミg to sit thヴough aミd ┘ait foヴ e┗eヴ┞oミe else to ha┗e theiヴ tuヴミ – this ┘as the ┘oヴst Hit! Theミ all of a suddeミ it ┘as the peミuliマate peヴsoミ. I ┘as ミe┝t. Aミ┝iet┞ hit マe, Hut theミ I ヴeマeマHeヴed ┘h┞ I ap-plied. I ミeed the e┝peヴieミIe iミ pヴepaヴaioミ to マ┞ A le┗el ヴeIital. Aミd aloミg ┘ith the faIt that I lo┗e to siミg, itげs aミ esIape. I ┘eミt up aミd saミg けNellげ H┞ Fauヴe, aミd theミ saミg けJohaミミaげ fヴoマ けS┘eeミe┞ Toddげ.

It ┘as of Iouヴse a ミeヴ┗ous staヴt, Hut as I got iミto the lo┘ of the マusiI the eミjo┞マeミt of the マoマeミt took o┗eヴ aミd マ┞ peヴfoヴマaミIe iマpヴo┗ed. Although I didミげt ┘iミ the マaiミ pヴize, I got soマe gヴeat Ioママeミts fヴoマ the judg-es. Siミgiミg to a hall of people has iミIヴeased マ┞ IoミideミIe to the poiミt ┘heヴe I aマ goiミg to siミg けJohaミミaげ iミ Highieldげs spヴiミg IoミIeヴt oミ the ヲヶth of MaヴIh.

We aヴe ヴeall┞ pヴoud of Josh. Not oミl┞ did he get thヴough to the iミals of the Ioマpeiioミ, Hut he ヴeIei┗ed soマe ヴeall┞ posii┗e Ioママeミts aミd has gaiミed soマe IヴuIial audiioミ e┝peヴieミIe to pヴepaヴe hiマ foヴ the futuヴe aミd iミ paヴiIulaヴ his A-le┗el ヴeIital. The judges pヴaised his IhoiIe of pヴogヴaママe aミd that he Ihose to siミg iミ FヴeミIh, ┘hiIh the┞ Ioママeミted is paヴiIulaヴl┞ diiIult! The┞ also said he gヴe┘ iミto the peヴfoヴマaミIe aミd has a lo┗el┞ toミe. Well Doミe Josh!

Mrs Laミdsマaミ

Lead TeaIher MusiI

Please remember to send your son/daughter to

school with a full water bottle.


Read to Succeed

Woヴld Book Week

We ┘eヴe thヴilled to ┘elIoマe FoヴHiddeミ Plaミet to the LiHヴaヴ┞ to kiIk of Woヴld Book Week ┘ith a ┘oヴkshop oミ gヴaphiI ミo┗els. Paz ヴaミ aミ eミgag-iミg sessioミ ┘hiIh sa┘ studeミts ha┗e aミ oppoヴtuミit┞ to desigミ theiヴ o┘ミ IhaヴaIteヴ. Yeaヴ ヱヱ Beミ Gal┗iミ desigミed a supeヴ ┗illaiミ fヴoマ aミ ad┗aミIed ish ヴaIe, a マaヴiミe sIieミIe e┝peヴiマeミt goミe ┘ヴoミg.

We also leaヴミt aHout all the difeヴeミt joHs a┗ailaHle iミ this e┝Iiiミg ield.

Liteヴaヴ┞ Paiヴs Challeミge

TeaIhiミg staf also took paヴt iミ a liteヴaヴ┞ paiヴs Ihalleミge. This iミ┗ol┗ed tヴaIkiミg do┘ミ theiヴ さotheヴ halfざ fヴoマ faマous ミo┗els, ┘ith the help fヴoマ studeミts. Readeヴ, I gi┗e ┞ou:

Aミthoミ┞ aミd Cleopatヴa…

Jaミe E┞ヴe aミd Mヴ RoIhesteヴ…

Roマeo aミd Juliet…

…aミd Will aミd L┞ヴa.

Mrs Huミt Head of LiHrar┞

Eマail us at liHヴaヴ┞@feaヴミhill.heヴts.sIh.uk

Follo┘ us oミ T┘iteヴ @FeaヴミhillLiH

Page 7 F EA R NFI LE

English Department News

ヶth aミd Αth Woヴd Millioミaiヴes of the Yeaヴ

Maミ┞ Ioミgヴatulaioミs to Yeaヴ Γ Maddi ┘ho is ouヴ ヶth ┘oヴd マillioミaiヴe of this sIhool ┞eaヴ.

This is the thiヴd ┞eaヴ ┘hiIh Maddi has aIhie┗ed ┘oヴd マillioミaiヴe status so ┘ell doミe to Maddi foヴ ┘oヴkiミg at heヴ ヴeadiミg so Ioミsisteミtl┞.

Well doミe also to Yeaヴ Α Chiaヴa T ┘ho is also aIhie┗ed the saマe status this ┘eek.

Both studeミts ヴeIei┗e a IeヴiiIate, goldeミ iIket to ouヴ IeleHヴaioミ of ヴeadiミg paヴt┞, マeヴit poiミts, a postIaヴd hoマe, aミd oミe of ouヴ ミe┘ Hadges foヴ ouヴ ヴeadiミg sIholaヴs.

Eミglish Walkiミg Talkiミg MoIk

Ouヴ Yeaヴ ヱヱ studeミts ヴeIeミtl┞ speミt the マoヴミiミg leaヴミiミg fヴoマ aミd ┘oヴkiミg ┘ith Taマsiミ ChuヴIh, Eミglish Ad┗iseヴ fヴoマ Heヴts foヴ Leaヴミ-iミg.

Taマsiミ ┘as heヴe to suppoヴt the studeミts ┘ith theiヴ GCSE Eミglish Laミguage ヴe┗isioミ iミ a pヴaIiIal aミd iミspiヴiミg ┘a┞. She ga┗e theマ lots of useful ips aミd ad┗iIe aミd helped theマ to ┘oヴk thヴough a GCSE papeヴ sho┘iミg theマ soマe saマple aミs┘eヴs.

Hopefull┞, this sessioミ ┘ill ha┗e gi┗eミ the studeミts the IoミideミIe aミd iマpetus to IヴaIk oミ ┘ith theiヴ ヴe┗isioミ aミd pヴaIise foヴ theiヴ Eミglish e┝aマs iミ the suママeヴ.

Mrs Nuミミele┞

Head of Eミglish


PE Department News

Spoヴt Relief DodgeHall Touヴミaマeミt

Thヴoughout the ┘eek IoママeミIiミg ヲミd MaヴIh, the Si┝th Foヴマ pヴefeIt teaマ ヴaミ a dodgeHall touヴミaマeミt to ヴaise fuミds foヴ Spoヴt Relief. It ┘as aミ aHsolute pleasuヴe eaIh luミIhiマe to ┘elIoマe studeミts ふaミd teaIheヴs!ぶ to Ioマ-pete iミ the seマi-iミals iミ oヴdeヴ to ケualif┞ foヴ the iミals oミ Fヴida┞. The touヴミaマeミt ┘as pla┞ed iミ gヴeat spiヴit aミd it ┘as ヴeall┞ pleasiミg to ヴaise £ヲΒ.Γヰ.

The ┘iミミiミg teaマs ┘eヴe the Dodgeヴs iミ ke┞ stage ン aミd Teaマ DoマiミaミIe foヴ the ke┞ stage ヴ, ヵ aミd teaIheヴsげ Ioマpeiioミ. The losiミg teaマ iミ the seミioヴs iミal, B-Teaマ, just ┘eヴeミげt ケuite good eミough to gヴaH ┗iItoヴ┞ iミ the iミal!

Mr Marsh

Head of Perforマiミg & E┝pressi┗e Arts

Yeaヴ Α NetHall The Yeaヴ Α giヴls pla┞ed iミ theiヴ iヴst e┗eヴ touヴミaマeミt - Lost ヱ,Dヴe┘ ヱ, Woミ ヱ. A gヴeat teaマ spiヴit aミd peヴfoヴマaミIe マakiミg pヴogヴess iミ eaIh gaマe.

Well doミe e┗eヴ┞oミe- ┗eヴ┞ pヴoud of ┞ou. Pla┞eヴ of the マatIh ┘as Isla- sIoヴiミg Α goals.

Ms BalIhiミ

PE Dept

Page 9 F EA R NFI LE

Maths Department News

Mr Philpot

2ミd iミ MatheマaiIs

Maths Feast

Foヴ the iヴst iマe, Yeaヴ ヱヰ studeミts ヴepヴeseミted the sIhool iミ the aミミual AMSP ふAd┗aミIed MatheマaiIs Suppoヴt Pヴogヴaママeぶ Maths Feast Ioマpei-ioミ. The e┗eミt looks to Ihalleミge studeミts iミ teaマs of fouヴ oミ Ihalleミgiミg Ioミteミt ヴelated to theiヴ Iuヴヴeミt studies aミd He┞oミd. This ┞eaヴ ケuesioミs ヴaミged fヴoマ siマple GCSE pヴoHleマs all the ┘a┞ up to the appeaヴaミIe of Fuヴtheヴ マaths A le┗el Ioミteミt, ┘ith oミe of ouヴ t┘o teaマs geiミg alマost full マaヴks oミ this ヴouミd!

The studeミts iミished ヴespeItaHl┞ aミd although the┞ didミ't ┘iミ, all agヴeed that this ┘as HeミeiIial to theマ iミ teヴマs of iミdiミg out マoヴe aHout theiヴ o┘ミ aHiliies iミ Maths aミd all ┘eヴe suヴpヴised at ho┘ マuIh the┞ Iould do. We hope that this spヴiミgHoaヴds マoヴe iミteヴest iミ takiミg A Le┗el iミ Maths ┘hiIh ヴeマaiミed iミ ヲヰヱΓ the マost populaヴ A le┗el IhoiIe aマoミgst post ヱヶ ┞eaヴ olds. Well doミe to those ┘ho paヴiIipated!

MaIie Maヴiミ Williaマ Mooヴe Kathヴ┞ミ LiミIolミ Ra┞ Del GヴeIo Aマ┞ BヴuIe Ella Coヴミe Keiヴoミ Ree┗e Daミiel LaマHle┞

The gauミtlet has ミo┘ Heeミ thヴo┘ミ do┘ミ to Yeaヴ Γ! Letげs see ho┘ the┞ get oミ ミe┝t ┞eaヴ.


Sixth Form Department News

Josh Kiミg

Deput┞ Head Bo┞

Si┝th Foヴマeヴs ateミd O┝Hヴidge Talk

Oミ Wedミesda┞, Miss CoヴHishle┞ took a gヴoup of Yeaヴ ヱヲ studeミts to Siマoミ Balle SIhool iミ Heヴfoヴd foヴ a talk gi┗eミ H┞ Balliol College, O┝-foヴd. The pヴeseミtaioミ Io┗eヴed all aspeIts of stud┞iミg at O┝foヴd aミd CaマHヴidge uミi┗eヴsiies, iミIludiミg iミfoヴ-マaioミ aHout the Iollegiate s┞steマ that Hoth uミi┗eヴsiies use, as ┘ell as the adマissioミ aヴヴaミgeマeミts aミd UCAS guidaミIe. The studeミts had the oppoヴtuミit┞ to マeet the ヴepヴeseミtai┗e fヴoマ Balliol ┘ho took iマe to aミs┘eヴ theiヴ ケuesioミs - a ヴeall┞ iミspiヴaioミal e┗eミt foヴ ouヴ si┝th foヴマeヴs.

"I ha┗e gaiミed a lot of iミsight oミ ho┘ O┝Hridge fuミIioミs: froマ e┝aマples of the terマ iマetaHle, to the ┗ast aマouミt of IluHs that are a┗ailaHle there - I also fouミd out ho┘ O┝Hridge slightl┞ difers froマ other uミi┗ersiies. As ┘ell as that, ┘e ┘ere gi┗eミ a fe┘ haミd┞ ips oミ the kiミd of appliIaioミ that appeals to the uミi┗ersiies - ┘hiIh ┘ill deiミitel┞ help us throughout the eミire appliIaioミ proIess!" Isshika Veヴマa, Yeaヴ ヱヲ.

Buildiミg oミ Feaヴミhill's paヴtミeヴship ┘ith O┝foヴd Uミi┗eヴsit┞, thヴee of ouヴ Yeaヴ ヱヲ Cheマistヴ┞ studeミts ┘ill He head-iミg of to Balliol College ミe┝t ┘eek foヴ a Cheマistヴ┞ Tasteヴ da┞ ┘heヴe the┞ ┘ill e┝peヴieミIe leItuヴes aミd a pヴaIiIal sessioミ iミ oミe of O┝foヴd Uミi┗eヴsit┞'s ヴeseaヴIh laHoヴatoヴies, as ┘ell as e┝ploヴiミg the Iit┞ ┘ith aミ uミdeヴgヴaduate guide, iミishiミg the da┞ ┘ith a deマoミstヴaioミ iミteヴ┗ie┘.

We look foヴ┘aヴd to heaヴiミg all aHout it ┘heミ the┞ ヴetuヴミ. Miss CorHishle┞

TeaIher of Eミglisミ

Si┝th Foヴマeヴs Go Gヴeeミ! The Heヴfoヴdshiヴe Gヴeeミ Paヴt┞ ヴepヴeseミtai┗e Tiマ Lee Iaマe iミto the Si┝th Foヴマ to take a PSE sessioミ aミd talk to us aHout ┘hat he does iミ his life Heiミg a poliiIiaミ. The talk staヴted ┘ith soマe ┗isual leaヴミiミg usiミg plasiI aミd ヴeusaHle Hotles to e┝plaiミ ┘hat a poliiIiaミ is aミd ho┘, HeIause ┘e all ha┗e ┗ie┘s aミd opiミioミs iミ suHjeIt マateヴs, ┘e aヴe all poliiIiaミs iミ soマe ┘a┞. This theミ led oミto e┝plaiミiミg ho┘ as iミdi┗iduals, ┘e Iaミ help ┘ith the thiミgs ┘e iミd iマpoヴtaミt. Ateヴ ┘e listed soマe, he opeミed the sessioミ up foヴ ケuesioミiミg oミ these topiIs. He ┘as ┗eヴ┞ opeミ aミd hoミest ┘heミ speakiミg aHout his opiミioミs oミ the マateヴ, aミd ┘hat he thought should He doミe, aミd マost iマpoヴtaミtl┞, ┘hat ┘e Iaミ do. His ad┗iIe to us ┘as just to マake soマe ミoise oミ the topiI if ┘e thought it ┘as iマpoヴtaミt, he said けIf ┞ou doミげt speak, the peヴsoミ speakiミg al┘a┞s ┘iミsげ.

As oミe of the ヴepヴeseミtai┗es foヴ the Gヴeeミ Paヴt┞ duヴiミg the sIhool eleIioミ, it ┘as ┗eヴ┞ iミteヴesiミg to see ho┘ litle the eミ┗iヴoミマeミt ┘as Hヴought up H┞ hiマ iミ ouヴ Ioミ┗eヴsaioミ. I iミd this iミteヴesiミg HeIause ┘heミ ヴeseaヴIh-iミg foヴ the sIhool Iaマpaigミ it looked like e┗eヴ┞thiミg ┘as diヴeIted to┘aヴds the eミ┗iヴoミマeミt. Of Iouヴse, ┘e did ケuesioミ hiマ aHout the eミ┗iヴoミマeミt aミd his ┗ie┘s oミ ┘hat to do, Hut マost of the houヴ ┘as speミt oミ difeヴeミt

topiI. I spoke to hiマ aHout it ateヴ┘aヴds aミd he said that it ┘as HeIause ┘e e┝peIted hiマ to talk aHout the eミ┗iヴoミマeミt Hut, as a peヴsoミ, he is マoヴe passioミate aHout difeヴeミt thiミgs. It ┘as ┗eヴ┞ iミspiヴiミg to see soマe-oミe talk aHout suIh seヴious マateヴs, suIh as ┘elfaヴe aミd マoミe┞, ┘ith suIh a passioミ foヴ Ihaミge. Not oミl┞ did I leaヴミ aHout ┘hat itげs like to He a

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Thought of the Month—March

Fearnhill School, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 4BA

Tel: 01462 621200, E-mail: admin@fearnhill.herts.sch.uk, Website: www.fearnhill.herts.sch.uk

Headteacher: Ms E Ellis MA

Student of the Week

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