fear: children’s ministries...

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Equipped to Fight Fear “Put on the full armor of God so

that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6: 10-18 NIV As you talk about each piece of the armor, tell how it can help defeat fear. • Belt of truth – Psalm 19:14

When you have a c lear conscience because you’ve put on the belt of truth, you can face the enemy without fear and be confident of victory.

• Breastplate of Righteousness –

Proverbs 4:23NIV Guard your heart by watching good television programs, listening to good music, and reading good books so that satan cannot plant seeds of fear.

• Feet Shod with the Preparation

of the Gospel of Peace – Ephesians 2:14 Jesus is our peace and when we walk with him we have no fear.

• Shield of Faith – Hebrews 10:23-

25 God is faithful – even when our feelings tell us something different. Faith is acting on what you believe even when you have doubts.

• Helmet of Salvation – Romans

8:1 When Jesus died on the cross, he saved us from the punishment of our sins. When we accept His salvation we are no long guilty of those sins and we no longer have to fea r punishment for them.

• Sword of the Spirit – 2 Timothy

2:15 The Word is a powerful weapon that God uses to attack satan and put him on the run. Each verse that you learn and put

Give Your Fears to God “Cast all your anxiety on him for

he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 NIV Give each child a styrofoam cup and a water-based marker. Have him write the things he fears on the cup with the marker. Talk about how God will take our fears away and give us peace. Have children place their cups on a serving tray with sides. As you talk about God’s peace, pour acetone (available at a beauty supply store) over the styrofoam cups. The acetone will melt the cup to symbolize God melting away our fears. Give each child a list of Bible verses that defeat different fears.

“God had not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV In the make-believe movie Monsters, Inc., Sulley, as well as other monsters at the Monsters Inc. company, comes through a child’s bedroom door at night to scare the child. Each monster’s motivation was to capture the child’s screams to help fuel the monster world. However, Sulley discovers that the laughter of joy is much more powerful that the screams of terror. He changes the company’s structure to give joy rather than wreak terror. In our real world, satan has only one agenda, “to kill, steal and destroy.” His monsters of fear come in varying degrees of severity, but they are all defeated by the Living Word, Jesus Christ. The Word is the only way to defeat and conquer every fear that we face. We must not only use this weapon to defeat satan but we must equip our children with the Word to have victory in their lives. One of my childhood monsters was “The Storm.” At the first crash of thunder, my mother headed to the basement with my dad and all five of her children in tow. Being a lover of my sleep-time, I resented being awakened in the middle of the night to go downstairs to sleep on a concrete floor. As a child, I thought everyone feared storms and slept in basements or bathtubs until all was clear again. When I realized this was not normal procedure, I knew

Children’s Ministry Newsletter is published monthly by Children’s Ministries of the Church of God of Prophecy

Managing Editor: Kathy Creasy

Contibutor: Kathy Green Layout & Design: Shaun McKinley

P.O. Box 2910, Cleveland, TN 37320

Phone: (423) 559-5328 Fax: (423) 559-5302 Email: cgpkids@cogop.org

Visit Us On The Web: www.cogop.org/children

this was one fear I must conquer or loose much precious sleep. I discovered from Godly parents and teachers, that fear was a trick of satan and the only way to defeat him was through prayer and the Word. Now when I hear the thunder and see the crash of lightening and the paralyzing feeling of fear grips me, I begin to quote the Scriptures. Pat Verbal, founder of Ministry to Today’s Child states, “Children are born with two fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All other fears are learned from adults.” A l t h o u g h m y m o t h e r h a d unintentionally taught me to fear storms, she also taught me to overcome fear. Children learn to fear. We must also teach them to defeat fear through Jesus.

February 2003 ٠ Vol. 7, Issue 2

There are Monsters FEAR:

Children’s Ministries Newsletter

in the closet

into practice will defeat fear. FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real

“There they are in great fear where no fear was,” Psalm 53:5 Have older children keep a diary of times when they are afraid. As they express their fears they may realize that their fears are not as frightening as they seemed. Encourage the children to pray about these fears and trust the Lord to help them overcome them. Over time they will see their entries change. Have a time that they can share some of their entries with classmates. This time of testimony will be a strength for them and an encouragement to their friends.

Face Your Fears “Whenever I am afraid, I will

trust in You. In God (I will praise His word), In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?” Psalm 56:3,4 NKJV Have children make a mask out of a paper plate that shows how they see themselves – happy, sad, funny, scared, etc. Discuss with the children why they made the mask that they did. This will help them understand some of their feelings and behaviors.

Living God’s Way: How to Develop Right Attitudes

The world teaches children that there a r e m a n y acceptable ways to live, but children need to hear the truth—the only right way to live is God’s way! This t w e l v e - l e s s o n

series uses key verses and biblical examples to help children see the difference in right and wrong attitudes. Each lesson focuses on how to change a specific wrong attitude. One lesson focuses specifically on fear. Published by CEF Press PO Box 348 Warrenton, MO 66383-0348 800-748-7710 www.cefpress.com Cost: $14.99 Where’s God When I’m S-Scared?, a VeggieTales video After watching a scary Frankencelery movie, Jr. Asparagus works through his fears of darkness and monsters to learn that "God is bigger than the Boogie Man." In Daniel and the Lions' Den, our cast of rollicking vegetables performs a h i g h l y e n g a g i n g adaptation of the classic Bible story. Larry the Cucumber stars as God's humble and faithful servant Daniel. A supporting cast of green onions and asparagus--wisemen gone bad--sing their way to Daniel's fate: "We could use him as a footstool or a table to play Scrabble on then tie him up and beat him up and throw him out of Babylon." Available from White Wing Bookstores 3750 Keith Street NW Cleveland, TN 37312 800-221-5027 www.whitewingbooks.com

If their mask is of a positive feeling – rejoice with them. If their mask is of a negative feeling – ask them what needs to change for them to stop feeling that way, give them a scriptural encouragement and pray with them.

Never Alone in our Fear “Fear not, for I am with you; Be

not dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 NKJV or “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me;” Psalm 23:4 NKJV Create a dark room by blacking out windows and doors. Write one of the verses on a poster with glow in the dark paint. Talk about how God is always with us and that we don’t have to be afraid. Our trust in God is greater than fear. Ask children to share a time when they trusted God and he helped them overcome their fear. Turn on a flashlight to show how our trust in God is like a light in the darkness caused by fear. As more and more children share turn on more lights. Have children hold hands and pray for one another.

Join us for the… 2003 Institute of Children’s Ministry

May 28 - 31, 2003 Cleveland, Tennessee

The 2003 Institute of Children’s Minstry will help you become a master builder—inspired and equipped to build a hone for Christ in the hearts of boys and girls. ICM Workshops will provide you with needed tools for building with skill and confidence. On-site outreaches and tours of successful children’s ministries will give you first hand building experiences. Leadership presentations will provide you with a blueprint for constrcution . And the times of daily challenge and ministry will allow you to make sure you are building on a sure foundation. ICM offers all this and even more – free resources, opportunity to network with other children’s ministers, ministry spotlight of our special guests and a presentation by real kids. Make plans now to come build with us at ICM 2003!

Contact Children’s Ministries for

more information at (423) 559-5328

or visit us online at www.cogop.org/children

for more information, including this year’s featured



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