fall 2010 opening headcount - university of alaska anchorage...% change '09‐10 9.4% 6.8%...

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H  I  G  H  L  I  G  H  T  SOpening Fall 2010 Compared to Fall 2009: Credit Headcount and Student Credit Hours



Fall 2010 18,586 167,637 7,924 122,637 28,601 1,036 7,439

Fall 2009 17,825 160,945 7,291 116,802 28,543 773 7,537

% Change '09‐10 4.3% 4.2% 8.7% 5.0% 0.2% 34.1% ‐1.3%

ANCHORAGE CAMPUSFall 2010 14,933 136,303 5,343 94,915 27,626 981 7,439

Fall 2009 14,191 132,309 5,043 91,560 27,548 621 7,537

% Change '09‐10 5.2% 3.0% 5.9% 3.7% 0.3% 58.0% ‐1.3%

KENAI CAMPUSFall 2010 2,107 13,119 894 11,831 378 16

Fall 2009 1,926 12,280 772 11,014 429 65

% Change '09‐10 9.4% 6.8% 15.8% 7.4% ‐11.9% ‐75.4%

KODIAK CAMPUSFall 2010 516 2,364 227 2,050 48 39

Fall 2009 390 1,847 193 1,615 39

% Change '09‐10 32.3% 28.0% 17.6% 26.9%

MAT‐SU CAMPUSFall 2010 1,742 13,000 1,337 11,114 549Fall 2009 1,543 11,517 1,174 9,777 566% Change '09‐10 12.9% 12.9% 13.9% 13.7% ‐3.0%

PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND CCFall 2010 548 2,851 123 2,728Fall 2009 594 2,992 109 2,836 48% Change '09‐10 ‐7.7% ‐4.7% 13.4% ‐3.8% ‐100.0%


1. Headcount represents students enrolled in credit courses at the 050 level and above, including auditors.

2. Student Credit Hours does not include auditors.

3. Devel= 050‐099 courses, Lower = 100‐299, Upper = 300‐499, Prof = 500‐599. Graduate = 600+

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Anchorage Campus75.2%

Kenai College10.6%

Kodiak College2.6%

Mat‐Su College8.8%

Prince William Sound Community 


Credit Headcount by CampusFall 2010 Opening

4.3% 5.2%














MAU Total Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su PWSCC

% Change in Credit HeadcountOpening Fall 2009 to Fall 2010

% Ch i S d C di HUAA S d C di H b C L l














MAU Total Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su PWSCC

% Change in Student Credit HoursOpening Fall 2009 to Fall 2010






UAA Student Credit Hours by Course LevelFall 2010 Opening


Total Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su Prince Wm


Total Credit Headcount 18,586 14,933 2,107 516 1,742 548

Full‐time Headcount 8,069 6,621 369 47 501 74Part‐time Headcount 10,517 8,312 1,738 469 1,241 474Full‐time as a % of Total 43.4% 44.3% 17.5% 9.1% 28.8% 13.5%

ALL STUDENTS 19,153 15,006 525 2,222 1,790 873


Developmental (050 ‐ 099) 7,924.0 5,343.0 894.0 227.0 1,337.0 123.0Lower Division (100 ‐ 299) 122,637.0 94,914.5 11,831.0 2,050.0 11,114.0 2,727.5Upper Division (300 ‐ 499) 28,600.5 27,625.5 378.0 48.0 549.0Professional (500 ‐ 599) 1,036.0 981.0 16.0 39.0Graduate (600 ‐ 699) 7,439.0 7,439.0TOTAL CREDIT HOURS 167,636.5 136,303.0 13,119.0 2,364.0 13,000.0 2,850.5

Audited Hours 541.0 324.0 91.0 93.0 19.0 14.0

ENROLLMENT (Seat Count) 

Developmental (050 ‐ 099) 2,710 1,813 316 78 462 41Lower Division (100 ‐ 299) 44,194 34,047 4,167 898 4,075 1,007Upper Division (300 ‐ 499) 9,736 9,409 132 12 183Professional (500 ‐ 599) 694 665 16 13Graduate (600 ‐ 699) 2,551 2,551TOTAL ENROLLMENT 59,885 48,485 4,631 1,001 4,720 1,048


Undergraduate FTE 10,610.8 8,525.5 873.5 155.0 866.7 190.0Graduate FTE 706.3 701.7 1.3 3.3 0.0TOTAL STUDENT FTE 11,317.0 9,227.2 874.9 158.3 866.7 190.0


Developmental (050 ‐ 099) 119 64 20 10 18 7Lower Division (100 ‐ 299) 2,318 1,523 313 77 243 162Upper Division (300 ‐ 499) 670 635 20 1 14Professional (500 ‐ 599) 60 57 2 1Graduate (600 ‐ 699) 308 308Adult Basic Ed (ABE) 18 8 2 8Continuing Ed Units (CEU) 16 7 4 4 1Non‐credit (NCR) 25 10 2 4 9TOTAL COURSE SECTIONS 3,534 2,604 369 91 283 187

Cancelled Credit Course Sections 150 94 35 6 8 7NOTES:

1.  Numbers reflect data extracted from Banner Student Information System.

2.  "Headcount" includes auditors.  It is unduplicated within each unit.

3.  "All Students" includes non credit students it is unduplicated at the campus level, however duplication may occur between campuses.

4.  "Course Sections" do not include cancelled sections.

5.  "Audited Hours" are not included in student credit hours.

Fall 2010 Opening Summary:  Headcount, Credit Hours, Student FTE, and Course Sections

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Total UAA Headcount Trend by Student Characteristic

Fall  Semester Opening % Change

Student Characteristic 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 06‐10 09‐10

Total Students 17,023 17,351 17,361 17,825 18,586 9.2% 4.3%

Class StandingFirst‐time Freshman 1,719 1,668 1,669 1,964 2,143 24.7% 9.1%Freshman 2,313 2,218 2,243 2,571 2,769 19.7% 7.7%Sophomore 2,252 2,145 2,291 2,502 2,661 18.2% 6.4%Junior 1,734 1,744 1,784 1,889 2,155 24.3% 14.1%Senior 2,532 2,675 2,847 2,937 3,125 23.4% 6.4%Graduate 733 757 841 880 874 ‐83.8% ‐0.7%Not Declared 5,403 5,768 5,255 4,647 4,328 490.5% ‐6.9%Other Programs 269 308 345 330 400 48.7% 21.2%Licensure/Post Certificate 68 68 86 105 131 92.6% 24.8%

Full‐time by GenderFemale 4,212 4,225 4,156 4,300 4,366 3.7% 1.5%Male 3,210 3,193 3,273 3,553 3,694 15.1% 4.0%Unspecified 1 2 13 16 9 800.0% ‐43.8%Total 7,423 7,420 7,442 7,869 8,069 8.7% 2.5%

Part‐time by GenderFemale 6,047 6,234 6,176 6,168 6,639 9.8% 7.6%Male 3,537 3,678 3,707 3,738 3,822 8.1% 2.2%Unspecified 16 19 36 50 56 250.0% 12.0%Total 9,600 9,931 9,919 9,956 10,517 9.6% 5.6%

EthnicityAfrican American 648 619 654 599 673 3.9% 12.4%Alaska Native 1,398 1,364 1,438 1,142 1,159 ‐17.1% 1.5%American Indian 219 231 242 180 166 ‐24.2% ‐7.8%Asian 1,139 1,241 1,292 987 1,093 ‐4.0% 10.7%Hawaiian Pac Is 1 175 172 ‐1.7%Hipanic 764 838 830 555 589 ‐22.9% 6.1%Minority Total 4,168 4,293 4,457 3,638 3,852 ‐7.6% 5.9%White 11,910 12,038 11,837 11,752 11,950 0.3% 1.7%Muti Race 4 6 7 955 1,156 21.0%Unspecified 1,356 1,433 1,656 2,193 1,628 20.1% ‐25.8%

Age Groups17 & Under  473 476 400 374 315 ‐33.4% ‐15.8%18 ‐ 18  932 873 915 910 932 0.0% 2.4%19 ‐ 19  1,593 1,623 1,608 1,747 1,651 3.6% ‐5.5%20‐24  5,799 5,815 5,930 6,221 6,548 12.9% 5.3%25‐29  2,570 2,710 2,843 3,003 3,317 29.1% 10.5%30‐39 2,507 2,488 2,519 2,636 2,852 13.8% 8.2%40‐49 1,678 1,779 1,724 1,599 1,614 ‐3.8% 0.9%50‐59 1,110 1,184 1,066 965 991 ‐10.7% 2.7%60 & Over  352 390 344 362 358 1.7% ‐1.1%Unspecified             9 13 12 8 8 ‐11.1% 0.0%Mean 28.9 29.2 28.8 28.4 28.4 ‐1.7% 0.0%Median 24 24 24 24 24 0.0% 0.0%

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Total UAA Headcount Trend by Student Characteristic

Fall  Semester Opening % Change

Student Characteristic 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 06‐10 09‐10

Total Students 17,023 17,351 17,361 17,825 18,586 9.2% 4.3%

Primary Degree TypeOne Year                67 76 69 149 186 177.6% 24.8%Two Year                2,941 2,874 2,911 3,855 4,172 41.9% 8.2%Four Year               6,939 6,875 7,160 7,857 8,494 22.4% 8.1%Master Programs 781 754 840 880 874 11.9% ‐0.7%

Licensure/Post Certificate 91 132 105 131 24.8%Not Declared/Other 6,295 6,681 6249 4,979 4,729 ‐24.9% ‐5.0%

Attempted Hours0   ‐   2.9 1,248 1,542 1,278 1,021 1,158 ‐7.2% 13.4%3   ‐  5.9               3,525 3,535 3,624 3,535 3,406 ‐3.4% ‐3.6%6   ‐  8.9               2,979 3,036 3,050 3,221 3,541 18.9% 9.9%9   ‐  11.9              1,998 1,960 2,132 2,323 2,554 27.8% 9.9%12  ‐ 14.9 5,034 5,005 4,999 5,374 5,564 10.5% 3.5%15 & Over             2,239 2,273 2,278 2,351 2,363 5.5% 0.5%


1.  Total UAA  is an unduplicated credit headcount at MAU Level.

2.  Headcount includes students enrolled in credit courses at the 050 level and above, with auditors.

3.  See page 3 for First‐time Freshman definition.

4. Data for Summer 05 includes Northern Military Program students.

5. In early years, the "Licensure/Post Certificate" under Class Standing differs from that under Primary Degree Type.  This is due to changes made 

over the years in defining it between degree and nondegree categories.

6. Ethnicity and Race grouping has been adjusted based on the new data collection approach retroactively.








2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Trend of Student Headcount Fall 2006 ‐ Fall 2010 (Opening)

Total Students

- 5 -

N % of Total N % of Total N % of Total

UAA Total 18,586       100% 989                100% 17,597                    100%

Class StandingFirst‐time Freshman 2,143          11.5% 2,143                       12.2%

Freshman 2,769          14.9% 2,769                       15.7%

Sophomore 2,661          14.3% 2,661                       15.1%

Junior 2,155          11.6% 2,155                       12.2%

Senior 3,125          16.8% 3,125                       17.8%

Graduate 874             4.7% 874                88%

Not Declared            4,328          23.3% 4,328                       24.6%

Other Programs 400             2.2% 400                           2.3%

Licensure/Post Certificate 131             0.7% 115                12% 16                             0.1%

Full‐time by GenderFemale 4,366          23.5% 153                15.5% 4,213                       23.9%

Male 3,694          19.9% 87                  8.8% 3,607                       20.5%

Unspecified 9                 0.0% 0.0% 9                               0.1%

Total 8,069       43.4% 240           24.3% 7,829                  44.5%

Part‐time by GenderFemale 6,639          35.7% 491                49.6% 6,148                       34.9%

Male 3,822          20.6% 257                26.0% 3,565                       20.3%

Unspecified 56               0.3% 1                    0.1% 55                             0.3%

Total 10,517     56.6% 749           75.7% 9,768                  55.5%

EthnicityAfrican American 673             3.6% 41                  4.1% 632                           3.6%

Alaska Native 1,159          6.2% 37                  3.7% 1,122                       6.4%

American Indian 166             0.9% 9                    0.9% 157                           0.9%

Asian 1,093          5.9% 39                  3.9% 1,054                       6.0%

Hawaiian Pac Is 172             0.9% 2                    0.2% 170                           1.0%

Hipanic 589             3.2% 27                  2.7% 562                           3.2%

Minority Total 3,852       20.7% 155           15.7% 3,697                  21.0%White 11,950       64.3% 754                76.2% 11,196                     63.6%

Muti Race 1,156          6.2% 27                  2.7% 1,129                       6.4%

Unspecified 1,628          8.8% 53                  5.4% 1,575                       9.0%

Age Group0 ‐17 315             1.7% 315                           1.8%

18 ‐ 18 932             5.0% 932                           5.3%

19 ‐ 19 1,651          8.9% 1,651                       9.4%

20 ‐ 24 6,548          35.2% 82                  8.3% 6,466                       36.7%

25 ‐ 29 3,317          17.8% 256                25.9% 3,061                       17.4%

30 ‐ 39 2,852          15.3% 311                31.4% 2,541                       14.4%

40 ‐ 49 1,614          8.7% 191                19.3% 1,423                       8.1%

50 ‐ 59 991             5.3% 118                11.9% 873                           5.0%

60 & Over 358             1.9% 30                  3.0% 328                           1.9%

Unspecified             8.0              0.0% 1.0                 0.1% 7.0                            0.0%

Mean 28.4            36.5               28.0                        

Median 24.0            33.0               24.0                        

UAA Fall 2010 Opening Headcount by Student Level and Characteristic

UAA MAU Total UndergraduateGraduate

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N % of Total N % of Total N % of Total

UAA Fall 2010 Opening Headcount by Student Level and Characteristic

UAA MAU Total UndergraduateGraduate

Region of OriginIn State 16,875       90.8% 807                81.6% 16,068                     91.3%

Out of State 1,300          7.0% 146                14.8% 1,154                       6.6%

Foreign 380             2.0% 32                  3.2% 348                           2.0%

Unspecified 31               0.2% 4                    0.4% 27                             0.2%

Primary Degree TypeOne Year 186             1.0% 0.0% 186                           1.1%

Two Year 4,172          22.4% 0.0% 4,172                       23.7%

Four Year 8,494          45.7% 0.0% 8,494                       48.3%

Master Programs 874             4.7% 874                88.4% 0.0%

Licensure/Post Certificate 131             0.7% 115                11.6% 16                             0.1%

Not Declared/Other 4,729          25.4% 0.0% 4,729                       26.9%

Attempted Hours0   ‐    2 1,158          6.2% 71                  7.2% 1,087                       6.2%

3   ‐  5.9               3,406          18.3% 311                31.4% 3,095                       17.6%

6   ‐  8.9               3,541          19.1% 367                37.1% 3,174                       18.0%

9   ‐  11.9              2,554          13.7% 151                15.3% 2,403                       13.7%12  ‐ 14.9 5,564          29.9% 43                4.3% 5,521                      31.4%15 & Over             2,363          12.7% 46                4.7% 2,317                      13.2%


1.  Total UAA includes Anchorage, Kenai, Kodiak, Mat‐Su, and PWSCC.

2.  Headcount includes students enrolled in credit courses at the 050 level and above, including auditors.

3.  Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding.

4. The following definition was used for first‐time freshman:

     Student admitted with an admit code of "FT" (first‐time admitted), and having a student type of "F" (first‐time enrolling),

     or a student type of "C" (continuing enrollment)‐‐for those continuing to Fall from Summer. The current semester is the

     first time the student has ever attended an institution of higher education.  Except, the student could have been first‐time

     in Summer semester and continued into Fall, and still be a first‐time freshman.  First‐time Freshman also includes current

     high school students who may have taken courses for credit previously.

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UAA % of

Total Total Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su Prince WmTotal Headcount 18,586 100.0% 14,933 2,107 516 1,742 548

Class Standing 1,680 101 29 193 16

First‐time Freshman 2,143 11.5%

Freshman 2,769 14.9% 1,953 241 53 260 60

Sophomore 2,661 14.3% 2,096 148 31 170 21

Junior 2,155 11.6% 1,841 81 14 70 9

Senior 3,125 16.8% 2,812 75 11 44 4

Graduate 874 4.7% 872

Not Declared 4,328 23.3% 2,969 495 167 203 218

Other Programs 400 2.2% 585 966 211 802 220

Licensure/Post Certificate 131 0.7% 125

Full‐time by GenderFemale 4,366 23.5% 3,578 171 30 269 37

Male 3,694 19.9% 3,038 194 17 232 37

Unspecified 9 0.0% 5 4

Total 8,069 43.4% 6,621 369 47 501 74

Part‐time by GenderFemale 6,639 35.7% 5,206 1,097 333 823 326

Male 3,822 20.6% 3,094 604 136 418 141

Unspecified 56 0.3% 12 37 7

Total 10,517 56.6% 8,312 1,738 469 1,241 474

EthnicityAfrican American 673 3.6% 626 34 8 29 8

Alaska Native 1,159 6.2% 947 125 51 68 48

American Indian 166 0.9% 129 19 7 23 6

Asian 1,093 5.9% 1,038 33 33 25 13

Hawaiian Pac Is 172 0.9% 159 8 4 8 4

Hipanic 589 498 46 30 42 12

Minority Total 3,852 20.7% 3,397 265 133 195 91White 11,950 64.3% 9,474 1,420 323 1,236 337

Muti Race 1,156 6.2% 1,025 73 31 93 14

Unspecified 1,628 8.8% 1,037 349 29 218 106

Age Group 107 69 10 19 110

17 & Under 315 1.7% 668 140 16 86 42

18 ‐ 18 932 5.0% 1,355 148 16 183 27

19 ‐ 19 1,651 8.9% 5,652 552 125 588 87

20 ‐ 24 6,548 35.2% 2,784 350 83 272 80

25 ‐ 29 3,317 17.8% 2,254 425 100 276 86

30 ‐ 39 2,852 15.3% 1,204 203 74 192 55

40 ‐ 49 1,614 8.7% 704 138 59 88 49

50 ‐ 59 991 5.3% 202 80 32 38 10

60 & Over 358 1.9% 3 2 1 2

Unknown 8 0.0%

Mean 28.4 27.9 30.4 34.2 29.0 28.9

Median 24.0 24.0 26.0 30.0 24.0 25.0

UAA Fall 2010 Opening Headcount by Student Characteristic by Campus

- 8 -

UAA % of

Total Total Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su Prince Wm

UAA Fall 2010 Opening Headcount by Student Characteristic by Campus

Region of OriginIn State 16,875 90.8% 13,387 1,976 487 1,673 513

Out of State 1,300 7.0% 1,171 101 21 61 31

Foreign 380 2.0% 349 24 8 6 4

Unspecified 31 0.2% 26 6 2

Primary Degree TypeOne Year 186 1.0% 107 10 14 49

Two Year 4,172 22.4% 2,255 636 124 688 109

Four Year 8,494 45.7% 8,020

Master Programs 874 4.7% 871

Licensure/Post Certificate 131 0.7% 125

Not Declared/Other 4,729 25.4% 3,555 1,461 378 1,005 439

Attempted Hours0   ‐    2 1,158 6.2% 894 124 96 73 61

3   ‐  5.9               3,406 18.3% 2,779 902 267 552 297

6   ‐  8.9               3,541 19.1% 2,674 506 66 369 88

9   ‐  11.9              2,554 13.7% 2,103 206 40 246 28

12  ‐ 14.9 5,564 29.9% 4,413 288 41 449 56

15 & Over             2,363 12.7% 2,070 81 6 53 18


1.  Total UAA includes Anchorage, Kenai, Kodiak, Mat‐Su, and PWSCC.

2.  Headcount includes students enrolled in credit courses at the 050 level and above, including auditors.

3.  Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding.

4.  See page 3 for First‐time Freshman definition.

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Anchorage % of

Total Total CAS CBPP CTC COE SOEN CHSW UDCLTotal Headcount 14,933 100.0% 4,233 1,590 1,713 776 903 2,163 3,555

Class StandingFirst‐time Freshman 1,680 11.3% 807 143 279 67 134 250

Freshman 1,953 13.1% 828 208 378 99 104 336

Sophomore 2,096 14.0% 784 302 353 96 146 415

Junior 1,841 12.3% 701 263 280 81 139 377

Senior 2,812 18.8% 973 481 405 122 243 588

Graduate 872 5.8% 140 191 13 209 129 189 1

Not Declared 2,969 19.9% 2,969

Other Programs 585 3.9% 585

Licensure/Post Certificate 125 0.8% 2 5 102 8 8

Full‐time by GenderFemale 3,578 24.0% 1,434 447 351 251 134 702 259

Male 3,038 20.3% 1,107 364 582 52 448 175 310

Unspecified 5 0.0% 3 1 1

Total 6,621 44.3% 2,544 811 933 303 583 877 570

Part‐time by GenderFemale 5,206 34.9% 1,027 491 321 370 79 1,095 1,823

Male 3,094 20.7% 661 288 457 103 240 190 1,155

Unspecified 12 0.1% 1 2 1 1 7

Total 8,312 55.7% 1,689 779 780 473 320 1,286 2,985

EthnicityAfrican American 626 4.2% 174 84 67 22 16 118 145

Alaska Native 947 6.3% 242 118 145 44 76 158 164

American Indian 129 0.9% 33 15 16 5 3 23 34

Asian 1,038 7.0% 257 177 117 39 80 190 178

Hawaiian Pac Is 159 1.1% 30 21 23 4 4 44 33

Hipanic 498 169 54 49 22 23 69 112

Minority TotalWhite 9,474 63.4% 2,706 935 1,059 551 563 1,289 2,371

Muti Race 1,025 6.9% 343 100 128 45 77 143 189Unspecified 1,037 6.9% 279 86 109 44 61 129 329

Age Group17 & Under 107 0.7% 11 2 3 1 1 6 83

18 ‐ 18 668 4.5% 266 44 79 23 53 76 127

19 ‐ 19 1,355 9.1% 609 100 157 53 89 163 184

20 ‐ 24 5,652 37.8% 1,980 671 724 227 368 702 980

25 ‐ 29 2,784 18.6% 680 374 319 126 182 483 620

30 ‐ 39 2,254 15.1% 431 244 252 169 145 410 603

40 ‐ 49 1,204 8.1% 158 115 121 112 45 200 453

50 ‐ 59 704 4.7% 77 39 54 54 18 102 360

60 & Over 202 1.4% 21 1 3 10 2 21 144

Unknown 3 0.0% 1 1 1

Mean 27.9            24.6 26.9 26.6 31.0 25.9 28.7 32.2

Median 24.0            22 24 24 28 23 26 27

Fall 2010 Opening Anchorage Majors by Student Characteristic by College

- 10 -

Anchorage % of

Total Total CAS CBPP CTC COE SOEN CHSW UDCLTotal Headcount 14,933 100.0% 4,233 1,590 1,713 776 903 2,163 3,555

Fall 2010 Opening Anchorage Majors by Student Characteristic by College

Region of OriginIn State 13,387 89.6% 3,766 1,356 1,528 692 813 1,951 3,281

Out of State 1,171 7.8% 402 107 159 72 68 180 183

Foreign 349 2.3% 61 120 25 11 19 29 84

Unspecified 26 0.2% 4 7 1 1 3 3 7

Primary Degree TypeOne Year 107 0.7% 1 8 80 5 7 6

Two Year 2,255 15.1% 431 222 888 39 18 657

Four Year 8,020 53.7% 3,661 1,167 727 421 741 1,303

Master Programs 871 5.8% 140 191 13 209 129 189

Licensure/Post Certificate 125 0.8% 2 5 102 8 8

Not Declared/Other 3,555 23.8% 3,555

Attempted Hours0   ‐    2 894 6.0% 50 10 22 39 7 42 724

3   ‐  5.9               2,779 18.6% 420 226 201 170 108 339 1,315

6   ‐  8.9               2,674 17.9% 638 330 301 189 127 472 617

9   ‐  11.9              2,103 14.1% 611 256 256 105 99 449 327

12  ‐ 14.9 4,413 29.6% 1,745 506 604 173 325 644 416

15 & Over             2,070 13.9% 769 262 329 100 237 217 156


1.  Headcount includes students enrolled in credit courses at the 050 level and above, including auditors.

2.  Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding.

3.  See page 3 for First‐time Freshman definition.

- 11 -

Primary Major by MAU/Campus Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su Prince Wm

Anchorage CampusAccounting AAS 88 13 4

BBA 332 12 5 14

Adult Education MED 1

Air Traffic Control AAS 95 1 2 1

Anthropology BA 67 5 3

BS 14 1

MA 30

Appl Environ Science & Techno MO 7 1

MS 9

Applied Ethics CT1 1

Apprenticeship Technology AAS 3 3 1

Archit & Engr Technology AAS 43 2 5

Architectural Drafting CT1 7

Arctic Engineering MS 13

Art BA 120 8 6

BFA 12

Automotive Technology AAS 40 1

CT2 13

Aviation Administration AAS 3

Aviation Maint Technology AAS 35 1 1

CT2 15 2

Aviation Technology BS 242 7 7 1

Biological Sciences BA 86 10 3 12 3

BS 373 17 10 25 1

MS 25

Bookkeeping Support OEC 2

Business Administration MBA 33

Business Computer Info Systems AAS 15 2

CAD for Building Construction OEC 1

Career & Technical Education MS 13

Chemistry BS 67 4 2 3

Children's Behavioral Health OEC 3

Children's Residential Service OEC 1

Cisco Cert Network Associate OEC 3

Civil Engineering BS 177 5 1 5

MCE 11

MS 16

Clinical Assistant OEC 1

Clinical Psychology MS 25 1

Computer & Networking Tech CT2 32

Computer Info Office Systems AAS 42 1 3 3

Computer Science BA 40 1 1 2

BS 99 3 9 1

Conflict Resolution OEC 2

Campuses Where Courses Were Taken

Fall 2010 Opening UAA Students by Primary Majors by Campus

- 12 -

Primary Major by MAU/Campus Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su Prince Wm

Campuses Where Courses Were Taken

Fall 2010 Opening UAA Students by Primary Majors by Campus

Anchorage Campus (continued)Construction Management AAS 39 1 1

BS 107 6 13 1

Counselor Education GCRT 3

MED 25

Creat Writing & Lit Arts MFA 43

Culinary Arts AAS 98 5 2

Dental Assisting AAS 9

CT2 3

Dental Hygiene AAS 19 1

Desktop Publ & Graph OEC 1

Dietetic Internship GCRT 5

Dual Language BA 15 2

Early Childhood BA 120 11 3 9 2


Early Childhood Development AAS 39 6 3 5 3

CT1 3

Early Childhood Spec Educ MED 19

Earthquake Engineering GCRT 1

Economics BA 44 1 1

BBA 37

Education MAT 41 1

Educational Leadership MED 107

Elementary Ed (K‐6) PBCT 9 1 3 1

Elementary Education BA 293 49 18 51 2


Engine Performance OEC 3

Engineering BS 441 14 19 2

Engineering Management MS 10

English BA 190 7 4 9 4

MA 16

Environment & Society BA 11 2

BS 6 1

Environmental Quality Science MS 1

Environmental Reg & Permitting GCRT 6

Exchange Student NDS 10 3

Finance BBA 120 5 2 1

Fire & Emergency Services Tech AAS 49 3 4

Fitness Leadership OEC 4

General Management MBA 114 1

General Program AA 431 38 7 26 8

Geographic Information Sys CT1 7 1

Geological Science BS 80 4 1 9

- 13 -

Primary Major by MAU/Campus Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su Prince Wm

Campuses Where Courses Were Taken

Fall 2010 Opening UAA Students by Primary Majors by Campus

Anchorage Campus (continued)Geomatics AAS 18 1 3

BS 45 2 4

Global Log Supply Chain Mgt BBA 29 1 3 2

Global Logistics Mgmt BBA 21 1 1

Global Supply Chain Mgmt MS 1

Health Sciences BS 2 1

Heavy Duty Trans & Equip AAS 17 1

CT2 5

History BA 140 13 2 28 1

Hospitality Restaurant Mgt BA 68 2 2 1

Human Services AAS 120 15 2 3

BHS 45 8 15

Inactivated Program NDS 7

Indust Weld Tech CT1 3

Interdisciplinary Studies BA 1 1

BS 1

MA 1

International Studies BA 79 3 1 2

Journalism & Public Comm BA 164 4 2 8 4

Justice BA 219 17 1 13

Languages BA 111 1 4 1

Liberal Studies BLS 43 4 2 1 1

Limited Radiography OEC 5

Logistics CT1 2

Logistics & Supply Chain Ops AAS 7

CT1 4


Logistics Operations AAS 7

Management BA 1

BBA 346 14 12 4

Management Information Systems BBA 67 2 1

Marketing BBA 133 1 5

Master Teacher MED 3

Mathematics BA 24 2 1 2

BS 57 4 2

Mech & Elect Drafting CT1 1

Medical Assisting AAS 10 1

Medical Lab Technology AAS 5 1

Medical Office Coding OEC 9

Medical Office Supp OEC 1

Medical Technology BS 86 5 1 3 1

Music BA 4 1

Music Performance BM 11 1

Music, Music Education Emphasi BM 29

- 14 -

Primary Major by MAU/Campus Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su Prince Wm

Campuses Where Courses Were Taken

Fall 2010 Opening UAA Students by Primary Majors by Campus

Anchorage Campus (continued)Natural Sciences BS 103 7 4 5

Non‐Degree Seeking NDS 2,584 92 25 70 18

NonDestruct Testing CT1 5 1

Nursing AAS 160 1 1 1

Nursing Education GCRT 4

Nursing Science BS 148 1

MS 46

Nutrition BS 30 2 2

Office Foundations OEC 2

Office Support OEC 2

Paralegal Studies CT2 7

Pending Degree Seeking PDS 369 21 2 14 7

Pharmacy Technology OEC 19 1 1 3

Philosophy BA 35 1 1

Phlebotomist OEC 8

Physical Education BS 133 5 10

Political Science BA 104 3 1

Port & Coastal Engineering GCRT 1

Pre‐Major Accounting BBA 8 2

Pre‐Major Civil Engineering BS 74 3 6 1

Pre‐Major Dental Assisting AAS 11 1 1

CT2 3

Pre‐Major Dental Hygiene AAS 82 9 4 9 2

Pre‐Major Early Childhood BA 2

Pre‐Major Finance BBA 2

Pre‐Major Fine Arts BFA 61 3 4 1

Pre‐Major Health Science (BS) BS 26 1 1

Pre‐Major Human Services BHS 9 3 1

Pre‐Major Languages BA 5

Pre‐Major Management BBA 13

Pre‐Major Management Info Syst BBA 4

Pre‐Major Marketing BBA 7

Pre‐Major Medical Assisting AAS 44 3 2 2 2

Pre‐Major Medical Lab Tech AAS 22 1 1 1

Pre‐Major Music BA 19 1 1

Pre‐Major Music Performance BM 16 1 1 1

Pre‐Major Music, Music Educ Em BM 28 4

Pre‐Major Nursing AAS 259 86 18 37 12

Pre‐Major Nursing Science BS 770 92 19 72 12

Pre‐Major Paralegal Studies CT2 22 1 1

Pre‐Major Social Work BSW 70 3 1 4

Pre‐Major Technology BS 38 2 4

Pre‐Mjr Global Logistics Mgmt BBA 1 1

- 15 -

Primary Major by MAU/Campus Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su Prince Wm

Campuses Where Courses Were Taken

Fall 2010 Opening UAA Students by Primary Majors by Campus

Anchorage Campus (continued)Pre‐major Economics BA 1


Pre‐major Elementary Education BA 6 1

Pre‐major Engineering BS 4

Premajor Radiologic Technolog AAS 89 13 3 15 1

Principal GCRT 37 1

Professional Piloting AAS 17 1

Project Management MS 61

Psychia & Mentl Hlth Nur Pract GCRT 3

Psychology BA 345 35 4 22 6

BS 95 8 2 6 2

Public Administration MPA 43

Public Health Practice MPH 69

Radiologic Technology AAS 32

School‐Age Care: Admin OEC 1

School‐Age Care: Practitioner OEC 1

Science Management MS 1

Small Business Administration AAS 70 1 1 4 1

Social Work BSW 14

MSW 74 1

Social Work Management GCRT 1

Sociology BA 59 5 1 3

BS 9

Special Education GCRT 40 3

MED 13 1

Structural Drafting CT1 1

Superintendent GCRT 7

Supply Chain Management GCRT 2

Teach Cred‐Spe Ed LIC 2

Technical Support OEC 2 1

Technology BS 23 6 1 4 2

Telecomm Elect & Computer Tech AAS 57 4 4 1

Theatre BA 50 1 1

Undeclared BA 888 32 8 46 4

Weld & NonDestruct Test Tech AAS 79 5 4

Welding Technology AAS 1

e‐Learning GCRT 1

Total 14,348 803 168 756 134

- 16 -

Primary Major by MAU/Campus Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su Prince Wm

Campuses Where Courses Were Taken

Fall 2010 Opening UAA Students by Primary Majors by Campus

Kenai CollegeComputer Electronics AAS 13 1

Computer Info Office Systems AAS 4 6 2 1

Corrections CT1 6

Digital Art AAS 17 1

General Business AAS 11 44 2

General Program AA 21 231 6 1 3

Industrial Proc Instrumentatn AAS 2 42 1

Mechanical Technology CT2 6

Non‐Degree Seeking NDS 19 443 2 3

Occupational Safety & Health AAS 24 54 1 3

Paramedical Tech AAS 1 15 1

Pending Degree Seeking PDS 1 52

Petroleum Technology CT2 5

Pre‐major Paramedical Tech AAS 1 16 1

Process Technology AAS 41 171 1 8

Small Business Administration AAS 1

Small Business Mgmt CT1 4

Welding Technology CT2 15

Total 125 1141 12 16 10

Kodiak CollegeAccounting AAS 1 18

Bookkeeping Support OEC 1

Computer Info Office Systems AAS 2 10 1

Computer Systems Technology AAS 3

Construction Technology CT1 1

General Business AAS 1 1 18 1

General Program AA 3 4 68 1

Indust Safety Program Support CT1 1

Non‐Degree Seeking NDS 7 5 154 3 2

Office Foundations OEC 2

Office Support OEC 1

Pending Degree Seeking PDS 1 13

Technical Support OEC 1

Technology AAS 1 7

Welding CT1 7

Total 13 13 305 4 4

Mat‐Su CollegeAccounting AAS 9 4 1 48 2

Archit & Engr Technology AAS 3 3 33 1

Architectural Drafting CT1 1

Bookkeeping Support OEC 1 1

Cisco Cert Network Associate OEC 1

Commercial HVAC Syst OEC 1

- 17 -

Primary Major by MAU/Campus Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su Prince Wm

Campuses Where Courses Were Taken

Fall 2010 Opening UAA Students by Primary Majors by Campus

Mat‐Su College (continued)Computer Info Office Systems AAS 4 25

CT1 1

Computer Systems Technology AAS 8 2 42 1

General Business AAS 1 7

General Program AA 68 37 5 373 10

Human Services AAS 12 10 3 78 5

Mech & Elect Drafting CT1 1 5

Medical Office Supp OEC 5

Non‐Degree Seeking NDS 65 4 2 178 1

Office Foundations OEC 2

Office Support OEC 1

Paramedical Tech AAS 2 3 6

Pending Degree Seeking PDS 2 2 1 25 1

Pre‐major Paramedical Tech AAS 3 2 1 13 1

Refrig & Heat Technology AAS 2 1 17 1

CT2 6

Renewable Energy OEC 2

Small Business Administration AAS 12 2 38

Telecomm Elect & Computer Tech AAS 1 2

Veterinary Assisting OEC 1 30

Total 195 68 16 940 23

Prince William Sound CCComputer Info Office Systems AAS 1 9

Disability Services AAS 1 20

CT2 1 1

General Program AA 1 1 62

Industrial Technology AAS 16

Non‐Degree Seeking NDS 3 2 218

Playwriting AFA 1

Theatre AAS 1

Total 4 5 1 328

UAF MajorsAdministration of Justice MA 1

Alaska Native Studies BA 1

All Hlth Non‐Major AAS 2 1 1

Art BA 1

Associate of Science AS 1

Biochemistry/Molecular Biology PHD 2

Biological Sciences BA 1

BS 1 1


Business Administration BBA 1 1 1

Child Develop & Family Studies BA 1

Clinical‐Community Psychology PHD 34

- 18 -

Primary Major by MAU/Campus Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su Prince Wm

Campuses Where Courses Were Taken

Fall 2010 Opening UAA Students by Primary Majors by Campus

UAF Majors (continued)Communication BA 1

Community Health AAS 1

Counseling MED 1 1

Education MED 1 1

Educator: Para‐Professional CT2 1

Electrical Engineering BS 1

Elementary Education BA 1

Emergency Services AAS 1 1

English MA 1

Fisheries PHD 1

General Program AA 6 1

General Science BS 1

General Studies BA 1 1 1 1

Geology BS 1

MS 1

History BA 1

Interdisciplinary Studies PHD 3

Journalism BA 1

Justice BA 1 1

Marine Biology PHD 2

Mining Engineering BS 1

Natural Res Mgmt & Geography MNRMG 1

Natural Resources Management BS 3

Non‐Degree Secondary Student NDS 1 5 1 1

Non‐Degree Seeking NDS 62 10 2 5 7

Paralegal Studies AAS 1

Petroleum Engineering BS 1

MS 1

Pre ‐ General Studies BI 1

Pre‐Nursing Qualifications CT2 1 1 1 1

Premajor ‐ Computer Science BI 1 1

Premajor ‐ Education BI 1

Premajor ‐ Natural Resourc Mgt BI 1

Process Technology AAS 2

Psychology BA 1 1

Resource & Applied Economics MS 3

Rural Development BA 2 1

MA 1

Safety, Hlth & Envn Aware Tech CT2 2 1

Social Work BA 1 1 1

Sociology BA 1

Teaching Credential LIC 1

- 19 -

Primary Major by MAU/Campus Anchorage Kenai Kodiak Mat‐Su Prince Wm

Campuses Where Courses Were Taken

Fall 2010 Opening UAA Students by Primary Majors by Campus

UAF Majors (continued)

Veterinary Science CT2 1

Total 153 33 8 14 19

UAS Majors

Accounting Technician CT2 1

Admin Office Supp OEC 1 1

Bachelor Intended BA 1 2 1

Biology BS 1

Business Administration AAS 2 1

BBA 11 10 3 3 3


Child Develop & Family Studies OEC 1

Computer Info Office Systems AAS 1

CT2 1

Ed Cert ‐ Elementary Education GLI 2

Education MAT 4

MED 4 3 1 1

Elementary Education BA 2 3 3

Environmental Science BS 1

Fisheries Technology AAS 1

General Program AA 3 3 1

Health Information Mgt AAS 1 1 1

Health Science AAS 1 1

Liberal Arts BLA 6 1

Non‐Degree Secondary Student NDS 9

Non‐Degree Seeking NDS 44 16 1 3 7

Nursing CT1 1 2 1

Outdoor Skills & Leadership CT2 1

Pending Degree Seeking PDS 1

Pre‐Major Liberal Arts BLA 1 1

Pre‐Major Marine Biology BS 1 1 1

Public Administration MPA 2

Social Science BA 2 1 1 1

Total 95 44 7 11 30

Total 14,933 2,107 516 1,742 548

- 20 -

UAA % of                                            Total Total Anchorage Kenai Kodiak  Mat‐Su  PWSCCTOTAL                                      167,636.5 100.0% 136,303.0 13,119.0 2,364.0 13,000.0 2,850.5

Class StandingFirst‐time Freshman 24,550.0 14.6% 19,383.0 1,017.0 233.0 2,002.0 208.0

Freshman 27,280.5 16.3% 19,360.5 2,135.0 387.0 2,382.0 577.0

Sophomore 28,912.0 17.2% 22,762.0 1,437.0 244.0 1,568.0 191.0

Junior 23,098.0 13.8% 19,788.0 691.0 100.0 549.0 66.0

Senior 32,297.5 19.3% 28,995.5 678.0 89.0 322.0 24.0

Graduate 5,529.0 3.3% 5,513.0

Not Declared 23,459.5 14.0% 17,035.0 2,310.0 439.0 1,060.0 899.5

Other Programs 1,824.0 1.1% 2,816.0 4,851.0 872.0 5,117.0 885.0

Licensure/Post Certificate 686.0 0.4% 650.0

Full‐time by GenderFemale 59,012.5 35.2% 48,603.5 2,233.0 385.0 3,434.0 499.0

Male 50,562.5 30.2% 41,788.5 2,662.0 215.0 2,984.0 496.0

Unspecified 125.0 0.1% 71.0 54.0

Total 109,700.0 65.4% 90,463.0 4,949.0 600.0 6,418.0 995.0

Part‐time by GenderFemale 35,415.5 21.1% 27,797.0 4,772.0 1,172.0 4,279.0 1,253.5

Male 22,267.0 13.3% 17,986.0 3,216.0 592.0 2,303.0 587.0

Unspecified 254.0 0.2% 57.0 182.0 15.0

Total 57,936.5 34.6% 45,840.0 8,170.0 1,764.0 6,582.0 1,855.5

EthnicityAfrican American 5,991.0 3.6% 5,574.0 163.0 23.0 204.0 27.0

Alaska Native 10,891.0 6.5% 9,078.5 720.0 268.0 513.0 311.5

American Indian 1,408.0 0.8% 1,071.0 119.0 30.0 168.0 20.0

Asian 10,850.0 6.5% 10,329.0 151.0 176.0 138.0 56.0

Hawaiian Pac Is 1,592.0 0.9% 1,449.0 40.0 25.0 62.0 16.0

Hipanic 5,434.0 4,562.0 313.0 203.0 291.0 65.0

Minority Total 36,166.0 21.6% 32,063.5 1,506.0 725.0 1,376.0 495.5White 106,257.0 63.4% 85,146.5 8,829.0 1,325.0 9,212.0 1,744.5

Muti Race 11,760.0 7.0% 10,344.0 437.0 183.0 737.0 59.0

Unspecified 13,453.5 8.0% 8,749.0 2,347.0 131.0 1,675.0 551.5

Age Group17 & Under 1,647.0 1.0% 646.0 381.0 25.0 109.0 486.0

18 ‐ 18 9,931.0 5.9% 7,722.0 913.0 117.0 908.0 271.0

19 ‐ 19 19,092.0 11.4% 15,671.0 1,318.0 115.0 1,734.0 254.0

20 ‐ 24 70,925.5 42.3% 60,820.5 3,982.0 736.0 4,830.0 557.0

25 ‐ 29 29,138.0 17.4% 24,163.5 2,215.0 399.0 1,901.0 459.5

30 ‐ 39 21,238.0 12.7% 16,138.0 2,461.0 449.0 1,766.0 424.0

40 ‐ 49 9,941.5 5.9% 7,239.0 1,041.0 319.0 1,164.0 178.5

50 ‐ 59 4,687.5 2.8% 3,252.0 608.0 167.0 469.0 191.5

60 & Over 1,003.0 0.6% 636.0 191.0 34.0 119.0 23.0

Unspecified 33.0 0.0% 15.0 9.0 3.0 6.0

UAA Fall 2010 Opening Student Credit Hours by Characteristic by Campus

- 21 -

UAA % of                                            Total Total Anchorage Kenai Kodiak  Mat‐Su  PWSCC

UAA Fall 2010 Opening Student Credit Hours by Characteristic by Campus

Region of OriginIn State 150,622.0 89.9% 120,817.5 12,338.0 2,217.0 12,610.0 2,639.5

Out of State 12,895.5 7.7% 11,660.5 596.0 107.0 360.0 172.0

Foreign 3,893.0 2.3% 3,632.0 156.0 40.0 26.0 39.0

Unspecified 226.0 0.1% 193.0 29.0 4.0

Primary Degree TypeOne Year 1,299.0 0.8% 683.0 84.0 94.0 372.0

Two Year 39,772.0 23.7% 21,126.0 5,874.0 959.0 6,451.0 1,048.0

Four Year 95,049.0 56.7% 88,480.0

Master Programs 5,529.0 3.3% 5,513.0

Licensure/Post Certificate 686.0 0.4% 650.0

Not Declared/Other 25,301.5 15.1% 19,851.0 7,161.0 1,311.0 6,177.0 1,802.5

Attempted Hours0   ‐    2 1,321.5 0.8% 1,040.0 135.0 104.0 84.0 71.5

3   ‐  5.9               10,995.0 6.6% 8,971.0 2,829.0 884.0 1,794.0 955.0

6   ‐  8.9               22,628.0 13.5% 17,081.0 3,214.0 412.0 2,373.0 561.0

9   ‐  11.9              24,301.0 14.5% 20,017.0 1,992.0 364.0 2,322.0 268.0

12  ‐ 14.9 69,933.0 41.7% 55,510.0 3,629.0 507.0 5,592.0 705.0

15 & Over             38,458.0 22.9% 33,684.0 1,320.0 93.0 835.0 290.0

NOTE: SCH=Student Credit Hours which excludes audit hours.

- 22 -

UAA % ofTotal Total Anchorage Kenai Kodiak  Mat‐Su  PWSCC

UAA Total FTE 11,317.0 100.0% 9,227.2 874.9 158.3 866.7 190.0

Class StandingFirst‐time Freshman 1,636.7 14.5% 1,292.2 67.8 15.6 133.5 13.9

Freshman 1,818.8 16.1% 1,290.8 142.3 25.8 158.8 38.5

Sophomore 1,927.6 17.0% 1,517.6 95.8 16.3 104.5 12.7

Junior 1,540.1 13.6% 1,319.4 46.1 6.7 36.6 4.4

Senior 2,157.5 19.1% 1,937.4 45.2 5.9 21.5 1.6

Graduate 455.1 4.0% 454.1

Not Declared 1,595.4 14.1% 1,165.5 154.2 29.8 70.7 60.0

Other 130.6 1.2% 197.5 323.5 58.2 341.1 59.0

Licensure/Post Certificate 55.1 0.5% 52.7

Full‐time by GenderFemale 3,964.8 35.0% 3,270.6 148.9 25.7 228.9 33.3

Male 3,393.0 30.0% 2,807.5 177.5 14.3 198.9 33.1

Unspecified 8.3 0.1% 4.7 3.6

Total 7,366.1 65.1% 6,082.8 330.0 40.0 427.9 66.3

Part‐time by GenderFemale 2,422.2 21.4% 1,226.6 214.4 39.6 153.5 39.1

Male 1,511.6 13.4% 4.1 12.1 1.0

Unspecified 17.2 0.2% 1,913.8 318.3 78.7 285.3 83.6

Total 3,950.9 34.9% 3,144.4 544.9 118.3 438.8 123.7

EthnicityAfrican American 403.9 3.6% 376.1 10.9 1.5 13.6 1.8

Alaska Native 730.8 6.5% 610.0 48.0 17.9 34.2 20.8

American Indian 95.2 0.8% 72.7 7.9 2.0 11.2 1.3

Asian 729.2 6.4% 694.4 10.1 11.7 9.2 3.7

Hawaiian Pac Is 106.4 0.9% 96.9 2.7 1.7 4.1 1.1

Hipanic 366.7 308.4 20.9 13.6 19.4 4.3

Minority Total 2,432.2 21.5% 2,158.5 100.5 48.4 91.7 33.0White 7,190.7 63.5% 5,782.6 588.8 88.8 614.1 116.3

Muti Race 788.8 7.0% 694.4 29.1 12.2 49.1 3.9

Unspecified 905.3 8.0% 591.6 156.5 8.8 111.7 36.8

Age Group17 & Under 109.8 1.0% 43.1 25.4 1.7 7.3 32.4

18 ‐ 18 662.1 5.9% 514.8 60.9 7.8 60.5 18.1

19 ‐ 19 1,272.8 11.2% 1,044.8 87.9 7.7 115.6 16.9

20 ‐ 24 4,746.0 41.9% 4,072.3 265.5 49.1 322.0 37.1

25 ‐ 29 1,982.3 17.5% 1,650.5 147.7 26.7 126.7 30.6

30 ‐ 39 1,455.8 12.9% 1,115.5 164.1 30.2 117.7 28.3

40 ‐ 49 687.2 6.1% 506.9 69.5 21.3 77.6 11.9

50 ‐ 59 327.8 2.9% 231.9 40.6 11.2 31.3 12.8

60 & Over 70.9 0.6% 46.4 12.8 2.3 7.9 1.5

Unspecified 2.4 0.0% 1.1 0.6 0.3 0.4

UAA Fall 2010 Opening Student FTE by Characteristic by Campus

- 23 -

UAA % ofTotal Total Anchorage Kenai Kodiak  Mat‐Su  PWSCC

UAA Fall 2010 Opening Student FTE by Characteristic by Campus

Region of OriginIn State 10,157.3 89.8% 8169.5 822.8 148.4 840.7 176Out of State 879.5 7.8% 797.1 39.8 7.2 24 11.5Foreign 264.6 2.3% 247.2 10.4 2.7 1.7 2.6Unspecified 15.6 0.1% 13.4 1.9 0.3

Primary Degree TypeOne Year 86.8 0.8% 45.7 5.6 6.3 24.8

Two Year 2,651.9 23.4% 1,408.8 391.6 63.9 430.1 69.9

Four Year 6,340.9 56.0% 5,903.0

Master Programs 455.1 4.0% 454.1

Licensure/Post Certificate 55.1 0.5% 52.7

Not Declared/Other 1,727.2 15.3% 1,363.0 477.6 88.0 411.8 120.2

Attempted Hours0   ‐    2 99.6 0.9% 80.7 9.2 6.9 5.6 4.8

3   ‐  5.9               762.6 6.7% 627.1 188.6 59.5 119.6 63.7

6   ‐  8.9               1,553.1 13.7% 1,183.2 214.3 27.5 158.2 37.4

9   ‐  11.9              1,644.4 14.5% 1,358.9 132.8 24.3 154.8 17.9

12  ‐ 14.9 4,671.6 41.3% 3,710.0 241.9 33.8 372.8 47.0

15 & Over             2,585.8 22.8% 2,267.5 88.0 6.2 55.7 19.3

Note: FTE=Full‐time equivalent which is calculated by diving Student Credit Hours by 15 for undergraduate students 

and 12 for graduate students.

- 24 -

050‐099 100‐299 300‐499 500‐599 600‐699 Total

UAA Total 528.3 8,175.8 1,906.7 86.3 619.9 11,317.0

Anchorage Campus 356.2 6,327.6 1,841.7 81.8 619.9 9,227.2

Kenai College 59.6 788.7 25.2 1.3 874.9

Kodiak College 15.1 136.7 3.2 3.3 158.3

Mat‐Su College 89.1 740.9 36.6 866.7

Prince William Sound CC 8.2 181.8 190.0

UAA Fall 2010 Opening Student FTE by Campus and by Course Level

Note: FTE=Full‐time equivalent which is calculated by diving Student Credit Hours by 15 for undergraduate students and 12 for graduate students.

Student Full‐time Equivalent











050‐099 100‐299 300‐499 500‐599 600‐699

qFall  2010 Opening

Anchorage Campus Kodiak College Kenai College Mat‐Su College Prince William Sound CC

- 25 -

050‐099 100‐299 300‐499 500‐599 600‐699 TotalAnchorage Campus

AK Native Studies 410.0 47.0 457.0

Accounting 1,908.0 849.0 105.0 2,862.0

Air Force ROTC 156.0 42.0 198.0

Air Traffic Control 512.0 144.0 656.0

Amer Sign Lang 804.0 804.0

Anthropology 2,241.0 357.0 50.0 2,648.0

Arch Engineer Tech 537.0 537.0

Art 2,703.0 699.0 6.0 3,408.0

Astronomy 233.0 233.0

Auto‐Diesel Tech 906.0 906.0

Aviation Maint Tech 765.0 88.0 853.0

Aviation Tech/Admin/Mgt 984.0 624.0 1,608.0

Aviation/Prof Piloting 555.5 11.0 566.5

Biology 6,737.0 844.0 263.0 7,844.0

Biomed‐WWAMI 520.0 520.0

Business Admin 2,886.0 2,958.0 681.0 6,525.0

Career & Technical Ed 2.0 45.0 69.0 116.0

Chemistry 573.0 2,408.0 401.0 3,382.0

Chinese 164.0 164.0

Civic Engage & Learn 87.0 87.0

Civil Engineer 534.0 27.0 284.0 845.0

Communication 3,723.0 48.0 3,771.0

Computer Info Sys 1,275.0 876.0 72.0 2,223.0

Computer Netwk Tech 874.0 874.0

Computer Office Sys 891.0 891.0

Computer Sci 578.0 216.0 794.0

Computer Sys Engineer 210.0 66.0 276.0

Construction Management 549.0 300.0 849.0

Counseling 23.0 12.0 35.0

Creat Write‐Lit Arts 12.0 135.0 215.0 362.0

Culinary Arts 557.0 77.0 634.0

Dance 564.0 64.0 628.0

Dental Assist 297.0 297.0

Dental Hygiene 154.0 248.0 402.0

Dietetic & Nutrit 1,158.0 144.0 40.0 1,342.0

Disability & LT Supp 78.0 12.0 90.0

ED: Counselor ED 192.0 192.0

ED: Early Childhood 594.0 87.0 681.0

ED: Secondary Ed 384.0 384.0

Economics 1,527.0 459.0 10.0 96.0 2,092.0

Educ Dvlp & Leader 129.0 720.0 849.0

Educ: Foundations 72.0 217.0 176.0 465.0

Educ: PE 2.0 2.0

Educ: Special Educ 190.0 135.0 315.0 484.0 1,124.0

UAA Fall 2010 Opening SCH by Discipline and Course Level by Campus

Course Level

- 26 -

050‐099 100‐299 300‐499 500‐599 600‐699 Total

UAA Fall 2010 Opening SCH by Discipline and Course Level by Campus

Course Level

Anchorage Campus (continued)

Education 282.0 282.0

Education: Research 116.0 116.0Elect Engineer 136.0 177.0 313.0

Elementary ED 247.0 247.0

Emerg Medical Tech 444.0 444.0

Engin Sci Mgmt 84.0 102.0 186.0

Engineering 1,393.0 1,393.0

Engineering Sci 354.0 711.0 1,065.0

English 6,630.0 1,190.0 105.0 7,925.0

English 2nd Lang 744.0 744.0

Environ Studies 279.0 52.0 331.0

Environm Sci & Tech 135.0 135.0

Extend Register‐CAS 0.0 0.0

Extend Register‐CBPP 0.0 0.0

Extend Register‐Engin 0.0 0.0

Extend Register‐NS 0.0 0.0

Fire Sci 288.0 288.0

French 672.0 106.0 778.0

Geographic Info Sys 79.0 71.0 150.0

Geography 714.0 48.0 762.0

Geology 1,163.0 323.0 1,486.0

Geomatics 518.0 114.0 632.0

German 515.0 93.0 608.0

Guidance 939.0 939.0

Health Care Assist 24.0 24.0

Health Sci 102.0 354.0 368.0 824.0

History 3,186.0 822.0 4,008.0

Honors 227.0 77.0 304.0

Human Services 658.0 579.0 1,237.0

Humanities 276.0 276.0

Interdisp Studies 168.0 168.0

Interior Design 39.0 39.0

Internatl Studies 138.0 138.0

Japanese 587.0 188.0 775.0

Journal & Public Comm 501.0 687.0 1,188.0

Justice 1,530.0 536.0 27.0 2,093.0

Latin 24.0 24.0

Lib Studies: Integ Core 84.0 162.0 246.0

Lib Studies: Integ Sci 566.0 566.0

Lib Studies: Soc Sci 105.0 150.0 255.0

Library Sci 15.0 15.0

Linguistics 150.0 150.0

Logistics 117.0 18.0 135.0

Logistics Oper 189.0 189.0

Mathematics 3,292.0 8,356.0 531.0 36.0 12,215.0

- 27 -

050‐099 100‐299 300‐499 500‐599 600‐699 Total

UAA Fall 2010 Opening SCH by Discipline and Course Level by Campus

Course Level

Anchorage Campus (continued)Mechanical Engin 373.0 45.0 418.0

Medical Assist 786.0 786.0

Medical Lab Tech 350.0 146.0 15.0 511.0

Military Sci 107.0 33.0 140.0

Music 1,726.0 480.0 5.0 2,211.0

Natn'l Stu Exchange 324.0 324.0

Nursing 1,746.0 1,746.0

Nursing Sci 308.0 2,055.5 344.0 2,707.5

PE & Recreation 1,194.0 1,194.0

Paralegal 267.0 33.0 300.0

Pharmacy Tech 246.0 246.0

Philosophy 1,536.0 747.0 2,283.0

Physic Ed Prof 437.0 468.0 15.0 920.0

Physical Educ 2.0 2.0

Physics 1,409.0 30.0 1,439.0

Political Sci 984.0 934.0 1,918.0

Prep English 1,478.0 2,307.0 3,785.0

Project Management 59.0 411.0 470.0

Psychology 4,227.0 2,084.0 491.0 6,802.0

Public Admin 56.0 261.0 317.0

Radiologic Tech 462.0 462.0

Russian 327.0 74.0 401.0

Social Work 216.0 474.0 630.0 1,320.0

Sociology 1,692.0 564.0 2,256.0

Spanish 1,652.0 220.0 1,872.0

Statistics 1,067.0 144.0 1,211.0

Technology 199.0 199.0

Theater 487.0 407.0 894.0

Vocational Educ 6.0 6.0

Welding Tech 864.0 864.0

Women's Studies 78.0 51.0 129.0

Total 5,343.0 94,914.5 27,625.5 981.0 7,439.0 136,303.0

Kodiak College

Accounting 126.0 126.0

Agriculture 11.0 11.0

Arch Engineer Tech 24.0 24.0

Art 85.0 85.0

Biology 272.0 48.0 320.0

Business Admin 66.0 66.0

Chemistry 47.0 47.0

Communication 69.0 69.0

Computer Info Sys 45.0 45.0

Computer Netwk Tech 9.0 9.0

Computer Office Sys 95.0 95.0

Construction Management 42.0 42.0

- 28 -

050‐099 100‐299 300‐499 500‐599 600‐699 Total

UAA Fall 2010 Opening SCH by Discipline and Course Level by Campus

Course Level

Kodiak College (continued)

Creat Write‐Lit Arts 7.0 7.0

ED: Early Childhood 39.0 39.0

Economics 48.0 48.0

Educ: Special Educ 37.0 37.0

Education 39.0 39.0

English 258.0 258.0

Guidance 39.0 39.0

History 27.0 27.0

Humanities 45.0 45.0

Journal & Public Comm 6.0 6.0

Lib Studies: Integ Sci 50.0 50.0

Mathematics 164.0 82.0 246.0

Music 60.0 60.0

Occup Safety & Hlth 82.0 82.0

PE & Recreation 65.0 65.0

Prep English 63.0 54.0 117.0

Psychology 73.0 73.0

Sociology 105.0 105.0

Spanish 24.0 24.0

Technology 6.0 6.0

Welding Tech 52.0 52.0

Total 227.0 2,050.0 48.0 39.0 2,364.0

Kenai CollegeAccounting 264.0 21.0 285.0

Agriculture 15.0 15.0

Amer Sign Lang 102.0 102.0

Anthropology 249.0 51.0 300.0

Art 627.0 45.0 672.0

Auto‐Diesel Tech 18.0 18.0

Biology 487.0 487.0

Business Admin 252.0 252.0

Chemistry 83.0 623.0 706.0

Commun Educ 41.0 41.0

Communication 558.0 558.0

Computer Info Sys 228.0 228.0

Computer Office Sys 194.0 194.0

Computer Sci 54.0 54.0

Creat Write‐Lit Arts 57.0 57.0

Culinary Arts 15.0 15.0

ED: Early Childhood 99.0 99.0

Economics 69.0 69.0

Educ: Foundations 15.0 15.0

Education 5.0 16.0 21.0

Electronics Tech 136.0 136.0

Elementary ED 12.0 12.0

- 29 -

050‐099 100‐299 300‐499 500‐599 600‐699 Total

UAA Fall 2010 Opening SCH by Discipline and Course Level by Campus

Course Level

Kenai College (continued)Emerg Medical Tech 90.0 90.0

English 1,110.0 1,110.0

English 2nd Lang 15.0 15.0

Fire Sci 12.0 12.0

Geology 56.0 56.0

Guidance 72.0 72.0

Health Care Assist 126.0 126.0

History 210.0 162.0 372.0

Human Services 120.0 18.0 138.0

Japanese 92.0 92.0

Justice 219.0 219.0

Lib Studies: Integ Core 57.0 21.0 78.0

Lib Studies: Integ Sci 0.0 0.0

Library Sci 7.0 7.0

Mathematics 685.0 1,112.0 15.0 1,812.0

Mechanical Tech 110.0 110.0

Medical Assist 60.0 60.0

Music 152.0 152.0

Occup Safety & Hlth 729.0 729.0

PE & Recreation 38.0 38.0

Paramedical Tech 216.0 216.0

Petroleum Tech 127.0 127.0

Philosophy 54.0 54.0

Physics 120.0 120.0

Political Sci 138.0 138.0

Prep English 111.0 291.0 402.0

Process Tech 1,218.0 1,218.0

Psychology 542.0 33.0 575.0

Social Work 3.0 3.0

Sociology 45.0 45.0

Spanish 164.0 164.0

Statistics 192.0 192.0

Technology 9.0 9.0

Welding Tech 232.0 232.0

Total 894.0 11,831.0 378.0 16.0 13,119.0

Mat‐Su CollegeAccounting 252.0 252.0

Amer Sign Lang 195.0 195.0

Anthropology 339.0 339.0

Arch Engineer Tech 206.0 206.0

Art 561.0 561.0

Biology 682.0 682.0

Business Admin 501.0 501.0

Chemistry 101.0 270.0 371.0

Communication 189.0 189.0

Computer Info Sys 99.0 99.0

- 30 -

050‐099 100‐299 300‐499 500‐599 600‐699 Total

UAA Fall 2010 Opening SCH by Discipline and Course Level by Campus

Course Level

Mat‐Su College (continued)Computer Netwk Tech 276.0 276.0Computer Office Sys 635.0 635.0Construction Management 47.0 47.0Counseling 16.0 16.0Creat Write‐Lit Arts 63.0 63.0ED: Early Childhood 27.0 27.0Economics 102.0 102.0Educ: Foundations 42.0 90.0 132.0Elementary ED 60.0 60.0Emerg Medical Tech 171.0 171.0Engineering 18.0 18.0English 768.0 18.0 786.0Environ Studies 105.0 105.0French 64.0 64.0Geography 138.0 138.0Geology 82.0 82.0History 663.0 147.0 810.0Human Services 270.0 135.0 405.0Humanities 48.0 48.0Interior Design 69.0 69.0Justice 147.0 147.0Lib Studies: Integ Sci 100.0 100.0Lib Studies: Soc Sci 48.0 48.0Library Sci 9.0 9.0Mathematics 774.0 796.0 1,570.0Medical Assist 126.0 126.0Music 180.0 180.0Paramedical Tech 72.0 72.0Philosophy 162.0 162.0Physics 213.0 213.0Political Sci 90.0 90.0Prep English 462.0 579.0 1,041.0Psychology 559.0 87.0 646.0Refrig & Heating 310.0 310.0Renewable Energy 169.0 169.0Russian 36.0 36.0Social Work 12.0 12.0Sociology 243.0 243.0Spanish 92.0 92.0Statistics 42.0 42.0Theater 69.0 69.0

Veterinary Assisting 174.0 174.0

Total 1,337.0 11,114.0 549.0 13,000.0

- 31 -

050‐099 100‐299 300‐499 500‐599 600‐699 Total

UAA Fall 2010 Opening SCH by Discipline and Course Level by Campus

Course Level

Prince William Sound CCAccounting 15.0 15.0

Anthropology 75.0 75.0

Art 197.0 197.0

Biology 59.0 59.0

Business Admin 12.0 12.0

Chemistry 39.0 39.0

Civic Engage & Learn 36.0 36.0

Communication 135.0 135.0

Computer Netwk Tech 1.0 1.0

Computer Office Sys 173.0 173.0

Economics 12.0 12.0

English 405.0 405.0

Geography 18.0 18.0

Geology 69.0 69.0

Guidance 72.0 72.0

Health Sci 120.0 120.0

History 171.0 171.0

Human Services 161.0 161.0

Industrial Tech 145.5 145.5

Marine Tech 55.0 55.0

Mathematics 123.0 232.0 355.0

Medical Assist 48.0 48.0

Music 57.0 57.0

Outdoor Studies 3.0 3.0

PE & Recreation 13.0 13.0

Political Sci 63.0 63.0

Psychology 138.0 138.0

Reading 27.0 27.0

Sociology 60.0 60.0

Spanish 52.0 52.0

Theater 64.0 64.0

Total 123.0 2,727.5 2,850.5

UAA MAU Total 7,924.0 122,637.0 28,600.5 1,036.0 7,439.0 167,636.5

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