fake bag information - .:: geocities.ws · 2011-04-02 · example the chloe paddington bag. chloe...

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Is The Mulberry Roxanne You’re Looking At A Replica?

Don’t be fooled by a fake

How To Spot A Dodgy Fake A

Mile Off

A little word about Designer items and E-bay Today arrives and so does another article in a national daily newspaper reporting the crazy amount of fake designer merchandise available to us in this country as consumers. This particular article remarks upon the horrific conditions in which these ‘goods’ are produced – usually in the sweatshops of the Far east and Asia by, you’ve guessed it – children. Disgusting huh?

The profit made from the manufacture and sale of these knock offs has been linked to funding organised crime including drug cartels, people trafficking and even terrorism ‘ The link between fake goods and terrorism is so real that Interpol issued a warning earlier this year to the effect that terrorist organisations such as Al Queda and Hezbollah may be deriving income from counterfeiting’ (Daily Express 27/07/05) The very same article reports a worrying statistic. 95% of designer goods on E-bay are fake. 95% That is a pretty high percentage isn’t it? Now there are some great designer bargains to be had on E-bay and E-bay themselves are excellent at spotting dodgy listings and removing them very quickly and have a great VERO program which helps to protect you as buyers from fraudsters but they are still out there. Let me take a look – Righty ho, let me look right now – I type ‘Mulberry Roxanne’ into the search box I come across this item –

It’s a fake.

This one –

Fake This one –

Fake There are in total, 48 listings for Mulberry Roxanne bags – two of them, TWO as far as I can see are genuine. Let’s take Fendi. The new Spy is indeed a gorgeous bag. Carried by many a celebrity in tinsletown over the last couple of months. Six weeks ago were there any listings for Fendi spys’? No I don’t think so but now, there are let me see – 50. Genuine ones, how many – go on have a guess – none. NOT ONE and one of them is listed at $2,250. Shocking. Erm, what other lovely bags are there at the moment? Chloe Paddingtons let me pop that in. Right, 77 listings, two genuine. One fake listed by ‘Powerseller’ (as in ‘trust me I am one’!) for £849 Buy It Now. It is criminal – literally. I would type in Louis Vuitton next but I am scared too. Possibly they are the most copied designer – EVER, there are too many listings to go through at this time. As someone possibly looking for a designer bargain you need to know whether the bag you are looking at is indeed the real deal. Firstly do not be fooled by the words ‘real’, ‘auth’ or ‘authentic’ I shall tell you why.

‘Real’ – of course the bag is ‘real’ it is not pretend. I can touch it, it is actually here next to me, it is a bag, yes it is ‘real’. ‘Auth’- many sellers are now using ‘Authentique’ as a substitute for ‘fake’ therefore ‘Auth’ is an abbreviation of that and not Authentic as you may well think. ‘Authentic’ – Those sellers who haven’t cottoned on to the ‘Authentique’ thing will write Authentic in their listing because if they don’t it is quite likely that E-bay will remove the listing pretty much as soon as the seller has submitted it. They can tell you that they belive the bag to be authentic if you question them, although this in itself is a violation of E-bay policy. Before you list you must be 100% sure of an items’ authenticity. Some may write ‘Authentic’ and just be lying, hoping that the poor person that buys their bag doesn’t get it checked out. Please do not let yourself get drawn in by the clever wording or bear faced lies of some sellers. If the bag you are looking at sells in the shops for £1000+ then it is HIGHLY unlikely that you are going to find a genuine one for one tenth of the price on E-bay. It just isn’t going to happen. Step back and think, why would it? Oh, the seller can get them wholesale? PROBABLY not. Most designer items are not available wholesale, especially current season items, especially to average Joes and never at that kind of a discount!! Take for example the Chloe Paddington bag. Chloe staff are no longer even given a discount on this bag so do not believe a seller if they tell you they know someone/ they themselves work for Chloe. Oh, The bag was a gift or the seller just bought it and doesn’t want it anymore? Nonsense in my book. If you had a bag worth ££££’s and it was brand new and un used why on earth wouldn’t you just take it back to the boutique for a refund? Correct me if I am wrong but you would not stick it on E-bay for 10% of the original price!!!! Unless you were a bit doo-lally that is. DO NOT BE NAÏVE – Look after your hard earned cash. Don’t buy dodgy cheap fakes for £££’s that are going to fall apart in two weeks time! Don’t give money to these criminals. It is illegal to sell fake designer items and it is illegal to buy more than one fake designer item. Hints when looking for Designer items on Ebay •Do not be fooled if the, let’s say bag you are looking at comes with Dust-bag, tags, box, store bag – most fakes

come with these as standard and if not they are readily available from the same factories that manufacture them. •The seller has the original receipt. Designer receipt making templates are easy – peasy to come across on the internet. If they item you are interested comes with a receipt then ask the seller for the details on the receipt and check them out. If the seller is selling a genuine item then they will have no problems doing this and you should take the time to check it out. It could save you £££’s. • Get the serial number of the bag from the seller and check with the designer themselves. •Buy designer goods from reputable sellers that have a track record of selling authentic items. Good sellers to look out for are those recommended by mypoupette (a group devoted to all things designer and authentic) You can go to the mypoupette website at www.mypoupette.com. Here you will find a link that takes you to recommended E-bay resellers of designer goods •Pay with Paypal. You are then protected against dodgy sellers and can get your money back if your item is not as stated in the listing.

• The listing price is a good indication of whether or not the bag you are looking at is fake but not all the time. Many sellers sell fakes at near retail price of originals so you really do have to watch out

In this guide I will tell you all the things I look for in the Mulberry Roxanne to tell whether or not it is genuine. Each factor on its’ own may not necessarily be enough to

give you a definitive answer but when used together they certainly will. Mulberry Roxanne Since last year millions of Roxannes’ have been listed on e-bay – Millions have been fakes. Some people have bought the bags in full knowledge that they are buying a counterfeit item and they don’t mind – hey it is a fifth of the price of a real one! Some however are lulled into a false sense of security buy cheeky sellers who state their item is a genuine designer product. They think they are getting the real deal and get a cruddy, badly made bag the quality of which would be outdone by a carrier bag from your local supermarket. It isn’t on and it is my plan to try to help you, as a sensible buyer of this e-book suss out which of the bags listed are real and which ones you should not go near with a ten foot barge pole. Let me tell you reader if we are looking for a genuine, authentic designer bag on E-bay we have things stacked against us from the onset, the odds are stacked against us but we will give it a go! The pictures I showed you earlier. I shall now go through them and explain why, in my honest opinion I believe each and every one of them to be a dodgy replica (some of them exceptionally, laughably dodgy at that) I am going to start with the one that actually made me giggle out loud when I saw it. Firstly, take a look at one of the most gorgeous bags available at the moment. A genuine, real, authentic, ‘proper’ Mulberry Roxanne in Oak. This picture is taken from a Mulberry catalogue.

Hmmmmmm, isn’t it lovely? I think so. Take a look at the next picture. It is listed as a Mulberry Roxanne in Oak, get ready for it –

Ermmm, hello? Shouldn’t that be a Mulberry Roxanne in ‘Orange’? Look at the colour difference!!!! It is quite disgraceful. What is even more crazy is that the seller of this item has both of these pictures in their listing. How the bag has bids I will never know! This tangerine bag leads us nicely to my next section Colour Familiarise yourself with the colours that the Roxanne was/is made in. So far we have In Darwin leather Oak Pink Apple Chocolate Black In Matt Glove leather Rose Aqua White Gold (limited edition July 2005) Of course every season the colours change so to be really sure you should give Mulberry themselves a ring to check if the colour bag you are looking at was ever produced. You can contact them via e-mail through their website at www.mulberry.com

Leather Roxannes are made out of three types of leather. Matt Glove, Darwin or Congo. Congo looks like the large scales of a crocodile or similar reptile. This particular leather does not seem to have been replicated as far as I can see but you never know! Mulberry make specific colours in specific leathers. Therefore if you are looking at an Oak Roxanne in Matt Glove you are looking at a fake. Similarly if you are looking at an Oak in matt Glove it is a copy. Most of the fake bags available at the moment are made to resemble Matt Glove leather. However, they come with a tag that states the leather is Darwin. Below is a picture of a authentic Mulberry Roxanne in Oak Darwin

And a close up. The grain is not uniform and the leather itself is produced in a way that it will age quickly and scratches very easily. Here is a close up of a fake Roxanne in Oak supposedly made from the same Darwin leather

As you can see there is a MASSIVE difference. The grain of the leather here is very uniform, it just doesn’t look as good does it? Take note of the shine the leather has that the authentic oak doesn’t. This bag, although it is leather looks like plastic and to be honest may as well be! It resembles more closely Matt Glove leather but as I said earlier the Oak Roxanne does not come in Matt Glove. So, if you are looking at a Roxanne on E-bay note the colour and supposed leather type and see if they have actually been manufactured by Mulberry.

Take a closer look. Does the listing say Darwin but the leather looks like the second example above? If so the seller has made a mistake in the listing or is selling a fake. If the bag comes with all tags see if there is a close up. I think that a large number of Darwin tags may have been stolen from Mulberry. Either that or they have been cleverly replicated by the ‘fakers’ and now hang of off many a fake. If the leather looks like the second example and the seller shows a tag with ‘Darwin’ on it the bag is unlikely to be genuine unfortunately D-rings Look at the side of the bag. The Mulberry Roxanne is styled with two brass D-shaped rings at either side. These rings are so heavy that they pretty much lie flat against the bag. If the bag you are looking at has the D-rings sticking out to the side then it is more than likely to be a fake. The weight of the brass would not allow this in an authentic bag. However, it is possible to pull on the D-rings of a fake bag to get them to lie a little flater so, if the seller is cunning enough to have worked out this difference then they may have done that, or they could have tucked them into the sides of the bags so that they are hidden from view in the listing photographs.

Here- back to my favourite. Look at the D-rings, sticking out like there is no weight at the bottom of them.

Look at those babies!!!! They look like wings!!

The back view of an authentic Roxy note the flat D-rings.

Have a look at the piece of leather above the so called Brass studs. On an authentic Roxanne this should be suede, as the lining is. It should not

be just the same as the leather on the rest of the bag Serial Numbers New Roxanne’s do not come with serial numbers on the back of the brass tags. If a seller is showing a picture with the serial number 026904 then it is a FAKE

Plastic (not so) fantastic Fake bags come wrapped in plastic to protect them. Mulberry do not wrap their bags in plastic. It is possible that the seller may want to protect the bag from knocks and scrapes in transit to you and will therefore wrap it up but if the handles have been sealed in a plastic wrapping then the bag is a fake. Leather tags Mostly fake bags come with a little tag hanging from a bit of plastic showing a sample of the leather they have been made from. This is the same for the fake Chloe and Louis Vuitton bags that I have seen. Authentic bags do not come with this tacky add on (especially not with Chinese writing on the back!!). If the bag you are interested in has this ‘feauture’ it is a cruddy fake. Front strap It is generally true that when fake bags arrive the buckle on the front strap is set quite high so that when the bag is closed it does not reach particularly far down the front of the bag. From what I have seen on original, authentic Roxanne’s the front strap reaches nearly to the base of the bag. Of course if a fake seller is aware of this it is something that they can change by moving the buckle.

All serial numbers should be individual – this is the one that appears on most fake bags.

Please note the plastic handles, leather tag and short strap of this fake bag. Unfortunately some people are really snidey and will do and say anything to get your money out of you. I have just seen a listing for a Mulberry Roxanne in Oak and it is one of the most despicable yet. The seller states That the bag they are selling is genuine yet their first picture shows a bag with plastic around the handles, the leather tag on plastic – with the Chinese writing still on show!!! The bag also exhibits the signs of a fake in its’ leather. It is the orange, uniform look of the fake leather, not the beaten up, somewhat smoother authentic Darwin leather. The seller goes on to state that they do not condone the sale of fake items next giving details of what to look for in a fake, all of which the bag that they send out to the winning bidder will show. They say and I quote, “You get what you pay for in my eyes” In this case that is not true. You are actually paying for something that is of such bad quality you may as well use it as a chamois leather. Personally I would rather get one of those from Halfords and not pay £££’s for it on E-bay! People are low. Do not put your trust in anyone. I just wish I could add the picture to this e-book to show you but I cannot due to copyright rules and regs. If you give me a mail and the listing is still active I will tell you which one I mean. I hope this has been an informative read for you and will help you buy a genuine Mulberry Roxanne if you want to. I have no problem with people selling fakes as long as their buyers know that is what they are getting. Unfortunately there are too many people out there who just want to rip people

off. I hope you will now be able to separate these crooks from authentic item sellers. Oh before I forget I must add that I do believe it is possible for sellers to list items that are not authentic and for them to be under the impression they are. I do not deny this but I do think the situation is pretty rare. In the end E-bay sellers are only people and can be duped by conmen just like you and me. Please do mail if you have any questions about a particular Roxanne you see on E-bay. I do not claim to be an expert but I am sure together we will be able to work out the authenticity. Good Luck in your hunt for the perfect bag! Natalie

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