fad diets- weight loss plans that tend to be popular for only a short time

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Fad Diets- Weight loss plans that tend to be popular for only a short time

Body Image- The way you see your body

Weight Cycling- A repeated pattern of losing and regaining body weight

Eating Disorders- Extreme, harmful eating behaviors that can cause serious illness or even death

Anorexia Nervosa- An eating disorder in which an irrational fear of weight gain leads people to starve themselves

Bulimia- An eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating and purging, or attempts to rid the body of food

Metabolism- The process by which the body breaks down substances and gets energy from food.

Body Mass Index- (BMI) A measure of body weight relative to height.

Overweight- Heavier than the standard weight range for your height by 10%.

Obese- Having an excess of body weight of more than 20% of BMI standards.

Underweight- Below the standard weight range for your height

Binge Eating Disorder- An eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively

Insulin- a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life.

Type 1 diabetes -usually diagnosed in children and young adults, and was previously known as juvenile diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes -is the most common form of diabetes. Millions of Americans have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin.

Anyone can get type 2 diabetes. However, those at highest risk for the disease are those who are obese or overweight.

In addition, people who smoke, have inactive lifestyles, or have certain dietary patterns have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 

Vegetarian- A person who eats mostly, or only, plant based foods

Dietary Supplements- Products that supply one or more nutrients as a supplement to, not as a substitute for, healthy foods

Performance Enhancers- Substitutes that boost athletic ability

Herbal Supplements- Dietary supplements containing plant extracts

Mega Doses – Very large amounts

Nutrients that give the body energy-Carbohydrates-Fats -Proteins

Nutrients that regulate the body- -Vitamins -Minerals-Water

Obese Binge Eating Disorders Weight Cycling Overweight Metabolism Vegetarian

Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Eating Disorders Fad Diets Body Image Underweight BMI

Insulin Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes

3 nutrients that regulate the body 3 nutrients that provide energy

Calorie- a measurement of the energy content of food

Dietary Supplements Herbal Supplements Ephedra Metabolic fitness- burn calories at a faster

rate Foods that are fat burners Purging

3 things that give us energy High Fructose Corn Syrup Omega 3- oil that is good for the heart Health risks with being obese Why is low carb/high protein diet bad for

you Glucose- What makes up a good weight management


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