factors that influence students

Post on 03-Nov-2015






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Factors that influence students attitude towards copying and

plagiarismEmpirical Study on e Plagiarism: If its a question of Expectations versus reality

Growing perceptions that students exploit information technology to evade academic assignments

prompted surveys of student attitudes about unethical uses of information technology

(e.g., cutting and pasting excerpts from Web sites without attribution) at two institutions.To improve students functional understanding of plagiarism,

a variety of approaches was tried within a comprehensive information

literacy program.

Current concerns about plagiarism participate in a culture-wide anxiety that mirrors the cultural

climate in previous textual revolutions. In todays revolution, the Internet is described as the cause of

a perceived increase in plagiarism, and plagiarism-detecting services (PDSs) are described as the best

solution. The role of the Internet should be understood, however, not just in terms of access to text

but also in terms of textual relationships. Synthesizing representations of iText with literary theories

of intertextuality suggests that all writers work intertextually, all readers interpret texts intertextually,

and new media not only increase the number of texts through which both writers and readers work but

also offer interactive information technologies in which unacknowledged appropriation from sources

does not necessarily invalidate the text. Plagiarism-detecting services, in contrast, describe textual

appropriation solely in terms of individual ethics. The best response to concerns about plagiarism

is revised institutional plagiarism policies combined with authentic pedagogy that derives from an

understanding of IText, intertextuality, and new media.

Although students work and live in a remix culture, composition pedagogy does not always value the

discursive practices of that culture, especially when it comes to producing written work for academic

contexts. The reasons for these views are historically determined and tied, at least in part, to relatively

traditional notions of authorship and creativity. But writers in other contexts, both disciplinary and

popular, have developed interesting and useful remix approaches that can aid invention, leverage

intellectual and physical resources, and dramatize the social dimensions of composing in this day

and age. These approaches, however, ask teachers to reconsider taken-for-granted assumptions about

plagiarism and originality.

2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights rThe way in which students regard copying in exams and plagiarism depends on the goal that is

attributed to the educational process they are involved in and the perception of their relationships with the

classmates as competitive. The quality of the didactic performance influences the tendency towards fraud; on a

short term, the enforcement of academic regulations regarding frauds will reduce this frequency. On a mediumlong

term, a thorough knowledge of the complex of elements that influence fraud tendencies will facilitate the

reconfiguration of the didactic process and the reduction of the proclivity towards copying and plagiarism.

Ethnicity, Acculturation, and Plagiarism:

A Criterion Study of Unethical Academic Conduct

Daniel E. Martin, Asha Rao, and Lloyd R. Sloan

Ethics have received increased attention from the media and academia in recent years. Most reports suggest that one form of

unethical conduct-plagiarism-is on the rise in the business schools. Stereotypes of Asian students as being more prone to

plagiarize are frequently found in the literature, though not concretely substantiated. This study used a behavioral criterion

to examine the relationships among ethnicity, acculturation, and plagiarism in a sample of 158 undergraduate and graduate

students. Significant differences in plagiarism behavior were found based on level of student acculturation, but not ethnicity.

Considerations and implications for training and managing international students and workers are discussed.

Key words: Ethics, plagiarism, acculturation, ethnicity, criterion study

Internet Plagiarism Among College Students

A Dual-Process Model of Cheating Intentions

Although prior pedagogy research indicates significant

relationships between several student characteristics and

cheating intentions, no research has examined the simultaneous

effect of cognition and anticipated emotions on such

intentions. To explore the possibility that imagined

outcomesprompted by anticipated emotionsand select

cognitive factors antecede cheating intentions, the authors

developed and tested a model that relates anticipated regret,

anticipated elation, locus of control, and personal expertise

to willingness to cheat. The empirical results, which rely on

five extant scales and a new multiitem vignette measure of

cheating intentions, validate this dual-process model. Also,

the results show that anticipated elation is a source of value

for students, which positively affects their willingness to


Keywords: anticipated elation; cheating; emotions;

uncertainty; vignette

Cheating and electronic plagiarism scope, consequences and detection

Steve OConnor

Caval Collaborative Solutions


Plagiarism is.the appropriation or imitation of anothers ideas and manner of expressing them, as in art,

literature, etc., to be passed off as ones own, [Macquarie Dictionary]. It comes from the Latin Plagiarius,

a kidnapper.

This paper discusses the scope of cheating, and plagiarism from electronic sources including the Internet,

online databases and journals, peer essays and assignments, and e-books. It examines the types of

cheating and plagiarism and the issues associated with the increasing levels of plagiarism including the

ways in which students collaborate, retrieve and use information.

The consequences of cheating and plagiarism on the quality of the educational experience (for the

student) and educational standards (for the institution) will be examined.

Detection of electronic cheating, including plagiarism, is now possible using a range of products, both

Australian and international. The products will be discussed, including how they identify occurrences of

copied text and how they report their findings. The findings of the CAVAL/ALDIS Plagiarism Detection

Pilot Project conducted across 6 Victorian universities in 2002 will be examined in conjunction with the

earlier findings of international studies such as that conducted by JISC in the UK.

The paper will conclude by examining the post-study implications for Australian institutions

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