f a m i l y @ b e t h s h o l o m · frances krumbein z’l, father of dr. simeon krumbein and...

Post on 09-Nov-2018






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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Shacharit …………………………………………...………………...8:00 AM Pre-Sukkot & Simchat Torah Pump Up Party…………………..…...10:00 AM Mincha/Maariv …....………………………………………..………...6:45 PM Candle Lighting …………………………………………...………….6:46 PM  

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 (Sukkot, Day 1) Shacharit (Hashkama).......………………………………....…………...8:15AM Epstein Minyan …………………………………………...………….9:00 AM Dvar Torah - Rabbanit Fruchter Sephardic Minyan………………………………………...…………...9:00 AM Fox Wing Minyan……………………………………...……….……..9:15 AM Sukkah Hop……………………………………………….………….4:00 PM Daf Yomi…………………………………..…………...…………….6:00 PM Mincha/Maariv….………………………………………………..…..6:45 PM Candle Lighting (and Preparations for 2nd day) after……………...….7:46 PM  

KIDDUSH SPONSORS: Ilene and Syd Schneider in commemoration  of Ilene’s father, Abraham Liebman and Syd’s father, Isadore Schneider.  

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 (Sukkot, Day 2) Shacharit (Hashkama).......……………………………………...……...8:15AM Epstein Minyan ………………………………………………..…….9:00 AM Dvar Torah - Jonathan Cannon - Head of School Ramaz -  "Should it bother us that 80% of Kids Care More About Achievement  Than Helping Others? A Sukkot Message" Sephardic Minyan……………………………………..……………...9:00 AM Fox Wing Minyan……………………………………..……….……..9:15 AM Daf Yomi…………………………………..…………...…………….6:00 PM Mincha/Maariv….…………………………………..………………..6:45 PM Havdallah…….. ……………………………………..……………….7:41 PM  

KIDDUSH SPONSORS: Tsippora and Jim Rosenberg in memory of Frances Krumbein z’l, father of Dr. Simeon Krumbein and grandmother of  Tsippora Rosenberg; Beth Sholom Kiddush Fund.  

WED. SEPT 26 (Chol HaMoed 1) & THURS. SEPT 27 (Chol HaMoed 2) Shacharit……………………………………………...……....6:10AM/9:00AM Mincha/Maariv ………………………………………………...……..6:45 PM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 (Chol HaMoed Day 3) Shacharit……………………………………………………...6:10AM/9:00AM Mincha/Maariv ………………………………………………………..6:40 PM Candle lighting………………………………………………………….6:38 PM  


4:00 - 4:15  Band/ Diamond Family 11619 Greenlane Drive 

Frank Family 12114 Greenleaf Avenue 

4:20 - 4:35  Siegel Family 11709 Tifton Drive 

Rubin Family 7801 Renoir Court 

4:45 - 5:00  Billington Family 11901 Enid Drive 

Greenblum Family 11910 Whistler Court 

5:15 PM  Antine Family -- with special activities 11800 Seven Locks Road 


HAPPY BIRTHDAY: September 22 - September 28, 2018  Miriam Charnoff, Jacob Fisher, Jonathan Galitzer, Paul Glashofer, Amanda Jach, Moses Lisker, Anthony Marill, Avital Nadel, Aaron Rank, Sanford Richman, Robert Shorr, Perry Slomnicki, Staci Smith, Ellen Werner, Colin Winston.  

Our apologies if your name was omitted, but this means that we do not have your birthday information. Please update your birthday info directly on your account at www.bethsholom.org or email office@bethsholom.org  

THOSE OBSERVING YAHRZEITS Sept 22-28, 2018/13 - 19 Tishrei Sat Esther Cohen, her mother, Yetta Weisblatt Sun Stephen Bashein, his mother, Sadie Bashein 

Bev Anker, her grandfather, Asher Lieberman Rosalie Kolko, her grandfather, Morris Edelman 

Mon Syd Schneider, his father, Isadore Schneider Judith Schwadron, her father, Norman Guttman 

Tues Beverly Anker, her uncle, Nathan Lieberman Beth Berman, her aunt, Bernice Cohen Donald Drazin, his father, Alexander Drazin Bernice Garoon, her husband, Jerry Garoon Barbara Karp, her mother, Frances Illowsky Terrie Ship, her uncle, Jerry Rieger Mindy Suchinsky, her father, Jerry Garoon 

Wed Rose Belmont, her mother, Sarah Belmont Max and Norman Dekelbaum, their grandmother, Ida Schoen Annette Lakein, her father-in-law, David R. Lakein Terri Sanker, her mother, Joan Bobrow 

Friday Alan Fisher, his cousin, Fred Rachlin Phyllis Pollack, her mother, Lillian Leibowitz 


Our apologies if a Yahrzeit listing is either missing or incorrect. Please update Yahrzeit info directly on your account at www.bethsholom.org or email, Jessica Pelt, jpelt@bethsholom.org.  

LAMPLIGHTERS:    Rosh Chodesh Tishrei: Aviva and Adam Landa & the Nadaner Family Yom Kippur Yizkor: Arlene Udler & the Kreisler Family Shmini Atzeret Yizkor: Andrew Field & David Glassman   The Beth Sholom Lamplighters each month have the privilege of demonstrating Kavod - proper respect for those who are no longer with us physically - by continuing the Beth Sholom tradition of lighting the individual bulbs on the Memorial Boards in commemoration of Yahrzeits and all the individual bulbs when Yizkor is recited. Lighting the bulbs on the Memorial Boards is an obligation the Congregation assumes when members purchase plaques.   YAHRZEIT PLAQUES: Contact Pearl Bassan 301.279.7010 x 200 or at donations@bethsholom.org.  

BRINGING BOOKS OF COMFORT is a program sponsored by Beth Sholom that helps families in our community begin a conversation about grief, using books as the springboard. For more information, please contact gilly@bringingcomfort.org.   

 13 Tishrei 5779 / September 22, 2018 Ha’Azeinu

FRIDAY Candle lighting…………………………………………….….…….....6:50 PM Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: ………………...…………….….…….…..6:45 PM Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: (Sephardic Minyan)....................................... ..6:45 PM SATURDAY  Cold Brew Coffee served in atrium until 9:30!   Hashkama Multi-Purpose Room...……………………………………..8:15 AM Weekly Review of the Daf………………………………….……….…8:15 AM Spiritual Coffee -with Russ Roberts Teen Minyan Room………..……. 8:45 AM Sephardic Minyan: Bobrow Chapel….. …...……..……..…..……….... 9:00 AM Epstein Minyan…………….………….…………….......…...….............9:00 AM Drasha with Rabbi Antine “Three Sukkot Halachic Questions and their connection to Ha’azinu” Fox Wing Minyan: Herschel Hall……………………………………...9:15 AM Library: Open during Kiddush. Info contact, library@bethsholom.org Daf Yomi: Rabbi Antine in Bobrow Chapel……………………..…..... 5:55 PM Today’s Daf will be very relevant even to those not studying daf. It discusses whether women are obligated in Tallis and the requirement to have 100 blessings a day Mincha………........……..……………………………………….……..6:40 PM Shabbat Ends….………….…………………..………………….…......7:46 PM  

KIDDUSH SPONSORS: Harriet Ganson and Elliot Pinta wish Happy Birthdays to Moria and Philip Pinta; Beth Sholom Kiddush Fund.  SEUDAH SHILISHEET this week is sponsored by Gail & Steve Bashein in memory of Steve’s parents, Sam and Sadie Bashein, whose yahrzeits are observed this month (11th & 14th Tishrei), and prepared by the Ashendorf, Bashein, Katz(K/G), Berliner/Klinger and Neuberg families.  

SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOP - SUKKOT FLASH SALE! Sunday, September 23rd, 11 AM - 12 noon. One Hour Only! 25% off everything (except klaffs and cookbooks). Sisterhood@bethsholom.com  BEER AND SOUP IN THE SUKKAH (and learning!): Join us on Wednesday and Thursday evening for our Mishnah Berurah class (September 26 and 27) at 7:15 PM in our Sukkah to learn some laws of Sukkot over beers and delicious hot soup!   SIMCHAT TORAH BBQ: Our Annual Simchat Torah BBQ is October 2, immediately following davening. Sponsorship and contribution opportunities are available on-line. All sponsorships received by Wednesday, Sept 26 will be acknowledged on Simchat Torah.  PRE-SUKKOT PUMP UP PARTY: THIS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd at 10:00-11:30 AM! Kids of all ages are invited to join Mrs. Wilegus and Tomer for a fun morning in the Beth Sholom Sukkah! We’ll be making Sukkah decorations, candy Sukkah’s, and writing letters to Israeli soldiers in honor of the new year!     

ANNOUNCEMENTS @ BETH SHOLOM  The office is looking for volunteers to help out with reception in the office. Please be in touch with Jessica (jpelt@bethsholom.org) if you are interested in more details, or to sign up!  

Beth Sholom needs a car for our shaliach, Tomer Hilel. If you have a car you’d like to donate, please contact Jessica (jpelt@bethsholom.org).   UPCOMING @ BETH SHOLOM (Save the Dates)  COMMUNITY DINNER - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 Mark your calendars for a great Community Dinner, upcoming Friday, October 26. Watch for details and registration information.  TEAM TOV GROUP - Plans for the Team Tov Kosher Winery tour are being finalized. We plan to visit Molon Vineyard in Warrenton, VA on Sun., Oct. 28 from 11 am-12:30 pm. The cost is $12.50. We are encouraging people to carpool but we will hire a bus if there is enough interest. Cost of the bus will be determined by the number of people using the service. All reservations must be paid by Oct. 14. Look for an email with all of the particulars concerning this event. For further information email teamtov36@gmail.com.   Chazzan Sherwood Goffin is joining us November 3, 2018 for a special Shabbat in memory of Abe Cherrick's parents, Sylvia and Samuel Cherrick z"l. Chazzan Goffin is a Baal Tefillah at Lincoln Square Synagogue and an Instructor and Director of Outreach at the Belz School of Jewish Music at Yeshiva University.   Rabbi Joseph Telushkin is joining us November 30/December 1, 2018 as this year’s Lieberman-Silverman Memorial Shabbaton’s Scholar-in-Residence. Mark these dates on your calendar...it will be a Shabbat program not to be missed!   Beth Sholom Library-National Philharmonic Concert, February 23, 2019 at 8:00PM, Strathmore. More information is forthcoming.  This year the Shoah Shabbat booklet will be including a list of Beth Sholom members who were Holocaust survivors who are no longer with us. If you would like the name of your loved one listed, please email their name(s) to suzettetanen@gmail.com   

Reading Together Builds Friendships in the ECC  


THE DANIEL PEARL YOUTH CENTER  Group Ages Program Time  Muffins & Midrash …..Quiet room (106).......1st-6th Gr 9:45AM   Torah Tots*......Torah Tots room....................8 Mo. – 3 Yr. 10:30 AM  Kochavim….Morah Rachel’s room………..3.5 Yr. – Gr. 2 10:15 AM Jr Cong……..Jr. Cong. room……………...3rd-5th grade 10:15 AM  No Teen Minyan      MUFFINS AND MIDRASH IS BACK! M&M is lead by a parent volunteer each week, and involves parent-child parshah learning and snacks! We strongly encourage and invite parents and adults to stay and learn with their children throughout the program, so it can be a meaningful experience together. Please spread the word to your friends, and be in touch if you have any questions!   Sukkot and Simchat Torah @ the Daniel Pearl Youth Center Pre-Sukkot and Simchat Torah Pump-up Party Sunday, 9/23 10-11:30 AM Kids of all ages are invited to join Mrs. Wilegus and Tomer for a fun morning in the Beth Sholom Sukkah! We’ll be making Sukkah decorations, candy Sukkah’s, and writing letters to Israeli soldiers in honor of the new year!   Playground: The Upper playground will be open on Sukkot with parent or adult supervision only -- all children, regardless of age, need adult supervision when using the playground.  

Annual Beth Sholom Sukkah Hop, Monday, 9/24 starting at 4:00pm Two routes, so much fun! Please join us for an amazing afternoon of Sukkot fun and meet all routes back at the Antine Sukkah for a closing activity. See the schedule of routes listed with the Sukkot schedule  Hoshana Rabba Family Minyan, Sunday 9/30 9:00 AM We will come together for a festive family davening as we sing Hallel and shake lulav for the final time this Sukkot. Followed by a bagel brunch in the Sukkah.   Kids Hakafot, Monday evening, 10/1 approx 7:00 PM  On the evening Simchat Torah begins, we celebrate by dancing with the Torah! Bring your homemade flags as we celebrate completing the cycle of reading the Torah. Featuring special candy treats.   The Talmud Torah @ the Daniel Pearl Youth Center  With great excitement, we are happy to announce the re-opening of the William & Stella Robinowitz Hebrew School/Beth Sholom Talmud Torah taking place in the Daniel Pearl Youth Center! It will provide supplemental religious classes available to all youth in the community (and beyond!). Classes will emphasize both Judaics and Hebrew and will meet from 10-12 on Sunday mornings, starting on October 7th. SIGN UP NOW! Children from kindergarten through post Bar/Bat Mitzvah are invited to enroll on our website, www.bethsholom.org/talmudtorah.-------Jonathan Helfgott & Audrey Thurm, co-chairs of the Talmud Torah committee  Wednesday Evenings with Marci Serfaty, 4-6th grades:  Starting in the Fall, there will be a special opportunity for 4th-6th graders to learn the basics about Judaism and Hebrew at Beth Sholom. For info and fee, email rabbanitfruchter@bethsholom.org.   

By now, you’ve probably noticed the Daniel Pearl Youth Center Board! Please go to www.bethsholom.org/youth to fill out an information form to help us learn more about your children and to submit a photo of them for the wall!     

WEEKLY LEARNING @ BETH SHOLOM  DAF YOMI: Chuck’s Room - Mon-Wed: 7:20 AM; Yom Tov and Saturday afternoon time varies; Sunday: 8:45 AM; Sun-Mon taught by Nat Lewin, Tues–Shabbat taught by Rabbi Antine or Rabbanit Fruchter. On Shabbat @ 8:15 AM Weekly Daf Yomi Review: taught by David Felsen and/or Jud Subar.   

DAILY MISHNAH BERURAH SHIUR: Join us Sunday-Thursday after maariv for a 20-minute shiur exploring essential halachic concepts to learn the Chofetz Chaim’s classic Halachic work, the Mishna Berura.   

MONDAY MEYER KATZPER: 1:30 PM-Chuck’s Room. The Torah, Rashi and Commentaries sessions will be on hiatus till after the chagim. Contact: limmud@bethsholom.org.  TALMUD WITH RABBANIT FRUCHTER: On hiatus until after the Chagim. The topics of the Mishnah Berurah Shiur, which touches on Talmudic topics related to the holidays, will continue to take place every night after Mincha/Maariv!   

TUESDAY:  RABBI KAWIOR: 9:30 PM Talmud - Bobrow On hiatus; watch this space for when we’ll restart our classes!   

WEDNESDAY: On hiatus; watch this space for when we’ll restart our classes!  RABBI ANTINE: 9:15 AM Weekly Torah Portion  Please email Rabbi Antine to be added to class list. DROP-IN-CHEVRUTAH: Drop In Chevrutah on hiatus until October 17. Questions? contact Ira Kaminow at ikaminow@just-tzedakah.org. Best wishes for an easy fast and a joyous Sukkot.    

THURSDAY: RABBI ANTINE: 11:30 AM Tanya - Rabbi’s office/Chuck’s Room - An informal class.   Email Rabbi Antine to be added to class list. RABBI TEITELBAUM: Parsha Class – stay tuned for details  

CONNECTING @ BETH SHOLOM SEPTEMBER CHESED COMMITTEE: Sara Milner, 301-762-0248 - smilners@comcast.net Elissa Goldfarb, 301-279-9325 - elissa.e.goldfarb@gmail.com Elisa Subin, 301-299-3777 - elisa.subin@gmail.com To volunteer, please read the Kashrut standards document found online (bethsholom.org) followed by an email to Suzette stating that you agree to adhere to these Kashrut standards. Questions? Contact Suzette at chesed@bethsholom.org.  

TO COORDINATE AN ALIYAH OR OTHER HONORS: Epstein Sanctuary: Moshe Schwartz, mosheschwartzemail@gmail.com Carrying the Torah (Women): Sara Milner, sarapmilner@comcast.net Hashkama Minyan: Don Cymrot, dcymrot@msn.com Fox Minyan: info@trailerminyan.com  Sephardic EM Minyan: Maurice Betaharon, maurice.betaharon@montgomerycountymd.gov  

GETTING IN TOUCH: 301-279-7010 Rabbi: Rabbi Nissan Antine rabbiantine@bethsholom.org (ext. 210) Assist. Spiritual Leader: Rabbanit Hadas Fruchter rabbanitfruchter@bethsholom.org (ext 209) Executive Director: Jessica Pelt jpelt@bethsholom.org (ext 207) Early Childhood Center Director: Michelle Singer msinger@bethsholom.org (ext 212) Youth Director: Yael Wielgus ywielgus@bethsholom.org Talmud Torah Director: Mrs. Edna Ovadia talmudtorah@bethsholom.org Shaliach: Tomer Hilel thilel@bethsholom.org President: Arnie Hiller: president@bethsholom.org  

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