extending the reach of the priester conference with sm 100611

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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How to extend the reach of a conference using social media technologies


  • 1. 2012 PriesterNational Extension Health Conference
    Extending the Reach of the Conference
    with Social Media

2. Favorite Quote
Social networks arent about Web sites. Theyre about experiences.
~Mike DiLorenzo
3. Lets Start with an Activity
Do this right where you are sitting.
Stretch both arms out beside you- then bring your hands together, finger tips touching
Now fold your hands so that your fingers are intertwined- some of you have your right thumb over your left and others left over right.
This feels good doesnt it?
Now repeat the process, but this time switch your thumbs to the opposite position.
No cheating- put the opposite thumb on top this time. How does this feel?
Its uncomfortable isnt it? THATS the point- today I would like you to be okay with something new, something that is perhaps a bit uncomfortable.
Theres nothing wrong- just something you are not used to Shall we begin?
4. Why Social Media?
Vertical Engagement:

  • This type of conference experience is vertical, one-directional, from the organization and speakers to the attendees.

5. Here, the organizers control the conference experience, the message, and ultimately, what the audience is thinking.http://jeffhurtblog.com/2011/10/05/four-conference-model-options/
6. Why Social Media?
Multi-Directional Engagement

  • This type of conference uses social networks offering attendees the ability to create content, comments, posts, videos, etc. pertaining to the conference.

7. Social Media provides opportunities for attendees to participate with each other creating a unique customized experience for all attendees.http://jeffhurtblog.com/2011/10/05/four-conference-model-options/
8. A Few Ways to Connect
Moderated Online Discussions, Webinars,
QR Codes
Conference HashTag:
TwubsConference Suite
Lanyrd Site:
http://lanyrd.com/2012/ priesterhealth/
QR Codes
9. Why a Conference Hashtag?

  • Hashtags: The # symbol is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet.

10. Hashtags were created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages. 11. Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message shows you all other Tweets in that category. 12. Hashtags are regularly used at conferences to aggregate and curate information.

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