exploring itools

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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A start to iPhone Application Development- iTools


Exploring the ‘ iTools ’

A start to iPhone Application Development

Apple Developer Suite:

Apple Developer Suite includes 3 applications:


Interface Builder

iPhone Simulator

These three provide all the iTools needed to design,

develop and test the iPhone applications.

XCODE is the Integrated Development Environment

that let us create and manage iPhone applications.

Getting Started-

Create a new project,

File -> New -> Project or (Shift + Command + N)

Select a Single View Template from any of the options (as

shown in Screenshot)

Exploring the ‘XCODE’

Make sure Application item under ‘iOS’ is selected in the left

panel, then Click Next.

Now, We need to choose a Product and Organisation name

for the project.

Make sure ‘iPhone’ is selected in ‘Device’ option, then Click


Then choose a path to save the project on the hard drive.

Creating a First Program :

A set of groups and files are created automatically when we proceed to the next page, which includes headers, images, controllers , etc.

The MessAppDelegate.m page includes all the default methods which are used by iPhone default functionality, like terminating an app, loading an app, etc.

The MainStoryboard.storyboard page represents the view page for iPhone applications, which is displayed by the help of content in MessViewController.m

Find and select MessViewController.m that includes functions responsible for displaying the Application content.

The screenshot shows how storyboard page will look like.

The main function that is first loaded when an application is started is - (void) viewDidLoad

The following code needs to be written in the - (void)viewDidLoad function.

We need to enter the following lines of code to display “Hello World” on an iPhone Screen.

UILabel *myMessage; //Defiines a variable

myMessage=[[UILabel alloc] //allocates memory and sets position on screen


myMessage.text=@" Hello World !"; // Any Text

myMessage.backgroundColor=[UIColor redColor]; // Sets the background color

[self.view addSubview:myMessage]; //Add the variable myMessage to the view

Using iPhone Simulator

After we have completed with the code part. We need to run the app and test.

For that, we either need an iOS device or iPhone Simulator. iPhone Simulator is great deal to test the app because we don’t need to install the modified app again and again on the physical device, which is the case if we test with iOS device.

Using iPhone Simulator, displays the app exactly as it should display it on an actual iPhone.

The application is shown running in the iPhone Simulator in the screenshot

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