explanation by nita a malia dolpin

Post on 06-May-2015






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  • 1.Dolphins Under theSea By: Nita Amalia XII IPA 2 SMAN 2 MATARAM Hi, welcome to our Dolphin Presentation.


  • We chose the dolphins because they areso friendly withpeople.
  • Another reason why we chose the dolphin is becausethey are a mammals like we are.

Why Did We Pick This Animal? 3. Description 4. DESCRIPTION

    • Dolphins have gray skin, they can also have different color skin. There is a pink dolphin in the Amazon.
    • The body is sleek and smooth; the hairless skin is rubbery to the touch. Most species have jaws that protrude into a beak like snout.
    • They are a warm-blooded vertebrateanimal.

5. Adaptations

  • Dolphins have smooth skin.
  • They have slippery bodies that help them glide through the water.
  • Blubber (fat) helps the dolphin stay warm in cold water.

6. Habitat 7.

  • General Habitat

This animal lives in warm salty waters. They are able to live in a wide variety of marine habitats, from deep oceans to shallow shorelines. Coastal living dolphins can be found in harbors, bays,lagoons, and river mouths that open into the oceans. Offshore living bottlenose dolphins do equally well in the deep, cold oceans far from shore. 8. Temperatures

    • Dolphins are sensitive to water temperature changes
    • The largest bottlenose dolphins live in the coldest waters. The smallest live in the warmest waters.
    • Ocean temperatures can also affect the kinds of foods that live in an area, which in turn affects dolphin behavior.

9. Water

  • Since dolphins live in the water it is very important to them.
  • Dolphins breath air even though they are water animals and they can drown in fishing nets.
  • Dolphins are very sensitive to changes in their habitat from trash being dumped to global warming.

10. Plant Life

    • There are different waterplants that are in a dolphin's enviroment.
    • Thereis seaweedandplankton
    • Dophins eats fish who live on this plantlife.

11. Animal Life

    • There are different animals that live in a Dolphins enviorment.
    • There are little fish that Dolphins like to eat like shrimp ormullet
    • The big animals that also share the same habitat are sharks and sea turtles.

12. Sensory Organs 13. Sight

    • Dolphins have very good vision both above and below the water.
    • They are able to see in both environments, because they can control the way light enters their eye.
    • One way they use their sight to escape predators

14. Smell

    • It is believed that they have no sense of smell
    • They rely on their other senses to help them in the wild
    • Tasting the water can be their way of "smelling" it.

15. Hearing

    • Dolphins hear about 7 times better thanhumans do.
    • They can hear vibrations in the water
    • It is believed that their teeth are arranged in a way that works as an antenna to receive the incoming sound

16. Taste

    • Little is known about a dolphin's sense of taste
    • They do have taste buds
    • Theyshow strong preferences for certain types offishes.


  • Touch
    • The dolphin's sense of touch is also well-developed
    • A bottlenose dolphin's skinis sensitive
    • It will shy away ifa human attempts to touch it.

18. Food and Life Cycles 19. Life Cycle

  • After eleven or twelve months, depending on the species, a pregnant dolphin gives birth.
  • Dolphins, like almost all mammals, give birth to live young, and nurse them
  • A calf stops nursing at 18 months. At 3-4 months old the calf gets teeth and begins to eat fish. When calves are only a few days old they can vocalize (make sounds).
  • A dolphins average life span is probably 20 years or less; even though, dolphins have lived as long as 48 years.

20. Food Chain

  • The sun warms the plants, which the small sea animals eat, and the dolphin eats the small sea animals, and the shark eats the dolphins.

21. Interesting Facts 22. Interesting Fact #1

  • These warm-blooded mammals belong to a group which also encompass all whales.

23. Interesting Fact #2

  • Dolphins have been clocked at speeds of 26.3 km/hr, which they maintained for about 1500 meters, leaping constantly.

24. Interesting Fact #3

A dolphins long nose helps them kill sharks. 25. Interesting Fact #4

  • They breathe through a special opening on their heads called a "blowhole". When dolphins are relaxed or underwater, their blowholes are closed.

26. Resources http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0215242/dolphins.htm http://thedolphinplace.com/facts.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolphin http://www.dolphinsplus.com/dolphin-information.htm#hearing http://www.dolphinsplus.com/dolphin-information.htm http://www.dolphins-world.com/Dolphin_Reproduction.html http://library.thinkquest.org/3935/DOLPHINS.HTM 27. The End Bye - Bye Hope you enjoyed the show!

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