expert growers level - advanced nutrients

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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Combining the

Hobbyist and Expert

Grower Bundles

gives you all the

supplements you need

for bigger flowers at

the Expert Grower

Level from your plants’

roots to the top of

your flowers andeverything in between.

level, you get even larger yields, even more protection for your

crops. You’re climbing the stairway to heavier harvests!

metering and adjusting in all

types of water. Your plants

get all the nutrition they

need, and you never have touse those meters ever again.

• The Bigger Yields Bundles

are the only specifically engi-

neered hydroponics flower-

ing System with all formulas

guaranteed to work together

so your plants give you the

largest flowers ever grown.

• Standardized mixing and

measuring just 4 ml per liter

for the System base nutrients

and 2 ml per liter for all sup-


• Exclusive bloom-feeding

ingredients for big fat flowers.

Get one of our new and im-

proved base nutrients alongwith a Hobbyist Bundle™ and

this Expert Grower Bundle™,

and go to the checkout counter so you get started on bigger

yields right now.

Oh, one more cool thing we almost forgot to tell you about.

There’s a free formula in the Hobbyist Bundle™ and another

free formula in the Expert Grower Bundle™. Better yet, our

base nutrients are five in one products that combine four

powerful formulas F-1, H-2, Wet Betty and a special blend of amino acids that you can’t buy as a stand alone product, you

can only get it in the “System” base nutrients. So when you

get your base nutrients and your two bundle boxes, you’ll be

getting 12 products for the price of 6!

Go ahead and start “stacking” your bundles, and take the

Expert Grower Bundle™ home and try it, then you’ll see the

power and elegance of this System. It’s backed by our No-Risk

100% Money Back Guarantee so you won’t even be risking

one penny and then you can see for yourself the bigger yields

you’ll be getting.

Even better, your plants are taken care of from roots to

shoots and everything in between, this Expert Grower Bun-

dle™, a Flowering System base nutrient

and our Hobbyist Bundle™ combine to

deliver stacked nutrition to every part of 

your flowering plant. The Expert Grower

Bundle™ gives you so much…

• Piranha Beneficial Fungi increases your

root mass as well as create a thick mat of 

lateral and vertical roots, enabling your

plants to support your larger yields and

allow your plants to take in nutrients faster

during the critical phases of the flowering

cycle where gains are won or lost.

• Bud Candy is like cotton candy for your

flowers, gooey, sticky and radiating with

colorful glints of light catching your eyes,

and sparkles flying off in every direction.

Bud Candy is the world’s only 100% organic

aroma, taste and bigger yields enhancer

that also cures your plants’ mid-bloom stall

so they have the energy to make larger,

tastier more aromatic flowers for you.

• Final Phase flushes your crops getting

rid of any left over residual fertilizer that

sometimes can affect the taste of your

harvest. This Bigger Yields Bundle givesyou a free container of Final Phase, the

super-efficient flushing formula that won’t

slow down bud growth or decrease flower


Combining The Hobbyist And

Expert Bundles Gives You:

• All the supplements you need for bigger flowers at the

Expert Grower Level from your plants’ roots to the top of your

flowers and everything in between.

• pH-Perfect™ formulas that work with all the Flowering

System base nutrients so you can forget about pH and PPM

Expert GrowerBUNDLE™

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Discover How Increasing Your Root Mass by 700% Gives You

bigger yieldsR

oots are what eed your

plants nearly everything,

and now you can increase

your plants’ root mass as much

as 700% so your plants get more

nutrition to make larger, more

potent owers. You do this by us-

ing benecial ungi that accom-

plishes the ollowing or you:l Benecial ungi protect roots

against root rot, pythium, and

lea/ower diseases such as

gray mold

l Benecial ungi increase

root absorption o oxygen,

nutrients and water

l Benecial ungi increase

root size & mass or greater

eciency so you get bigger

and better owers

l Expand root mass surace

area by as much as 700%

l Benecial ungi increase

production o oral essential


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You exploit the hidden world o your plants’ roots using Piranha benefcial ungi to increase the security,

productivity and value o your harvests.

The good news is that we make sure

our Piranha benecial ungi are the ully-

loaded ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower

powerplant, not the Chevy Malibu!

l Advanced Nutrients hires world-class

microbiologists who practically live in

the laboratory — that’s how competi-tive and dedicated they are about de-

veloping what they call “superstrains”

o ungi that biologically bond with

the roots o your plants. One o our

scientists is especially impressive: shehas three Ph. D. degrees!

l Our perectionist scientists demand

we supply them all the most expen-

sive, precision equipment and sup-

plies so they can identiy each mi-crobial strain’s special characteristics

that make them superstrains. That’s

why our ungi are extremely ast-rep-licating so they quickly colonize root

zones or rapid results (yes, one o our

most important tests is comparing

Piranha increases root mass so you get strongerplants that produce more valuable harvests.

Here’s How We Do It...














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Root Zone Enhancer/Plant Protector


Piranha has been specially designed or use with all

hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing

mediums. Piranha has been developed or use with any and

all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, ood & drain,

drip emitters and continuous liquid eed growing systems.


Cloning, early seedlings, transplanting, early vegetative

phase, early bloom phase


Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 and 2 o your oweringphase


Expert, Proessional and Grand Master Growers

QUESTION: Is Piranha going to get

me bigger buds in soil and in an organic

program, not just in hydroponics?ANSWER: Piranha enhances growth

and yield and protects plants in any type

o gardening situation, including soil and

organics. It is a 100% organic ormula.

QUESTION: My riend told me that

Piranha can be used with some other o 

your ormulas to get even more impact.

ANSWER: It’s true that using Piranhawith our two other benecial microbes

products (VooDoo Juice and Tarantula) will

create the most ertile, naturally-enhanced

root zone or stronger plants and bigger


QUESTION: Does Piranha help protect

owers, and does it leave a bad residue?

ANSWER: Piranha oliar spray protectsowers and leaves rom molds, mildew

and ungi, but it leaves no toxic residue. We

always recommend that you lightly mist your

owers about a week beore harvest and

then don’t apply any more oliars to them

ater that.

ast versus slow replicating ungi).

l Piranha is never outsourced. We’re the only hydroponicsnutrient company in the world manuacturing all our mi-crobial products ourselves with a ull-time Ph.D. microbi-ologist personally supervising all aspects o production

at all times. (The same is true or our VooDoo Juice andTarantula products).

l Each o our microbial strains is individually bred in a pur-pose-built 10,000 liter breeding reactor (we’re the onlycompany that uses this technically advanced process, notvats or tubs). Our microbes are later taken to an evapo-ration tower and gently dried. Then the Piranha super-strains are careully recombined.


To ensure Piranha’s reputation or very long shel lie andviability, ungi are put into hibernation with an “antago-nist” compound that keeps the microbes dormant untilyou mix Piranha into a nutrient reservoir or oliar spray,and the antagonist is diluted.

l As soon as the antagonist is diluted, Piranha ungi imme-diately exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and burst intoaction or you by wrapping themselves around and pen-etrating roots, creating ower-boosting hormones, and

increasing root size and unction.

The bottom line is Piranha increases your root size as muchas 700% so your plants’ roots are strong enough to give youan upgrade the weight, value and potency o your harvest.What’s more, when you get Piranha today, you’ll see why it’smoney-back guaranteed to pay or itsel in increased yieldand overall plant health.

Frequently Asked Questions





Company Founders’ NO-RISK,100% Money Back 

GUARANTEEPiranha was specifically built for growers just like you,who have specific demands and expectations from yourhydroponic needs. When you use Piranha it must performflawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quicklyinto your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.

What’s more..., Piranha will work every time for you usingany and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soilgrowing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, dripirrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuousliquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it!

And when you use Piranha you’ll never have to risk evenone penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if forany reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refundall your money back it’s that simple.

As always, dedicated to yourgardening success.

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Feed Your Plants

Carbohydrates, L-Aminos

And Vitamins, And You

Get Tastier,

More Aromatic,More Potent Buds!

Get Tastier,

More Aromatic,More Potent Buds!

Seeing your room ull o huge owers that smell like candy (maybe like the cotton candy at anamusement park), and then ater harvest, savouring the fne taste, aroma and potency o hugeamounts o potent, sweet-tasting owers with your riends is what REALLY makes you happy 


The smiles on their aces, and them patting you on the back, that’s what the good lie is all about ... So, what can you do right now to grow the biggest harvests o the most potent, best-tastingowers?

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Start by ProvidingFlower-Boosting EnergyWhen Your Plants Most Need It

Getting sweeter, bigger harvests is easy when you giveyour plants carbohydrates that jolt them with an energy boost.

Remember that during peak bloom cycle your plants’need or sugars exceeds their ability to manuacturethem. The more you push them, the more C02 andnutrients you give them, the more they need carbs, andthe more they all behind. The resulting carb defcit isthe same thing that happens when athletes collapsenear the end o grueling competition. And it’s why carb-loading is a cherished tactic athletes use to keep goingstrong or victory, when others all and ail.

Not Just Any Carbohydrates,

But The Right Ones For Your Plants

Carb-loading your plants requires a specialty ormula.In actuality, your plants best absorb simple or complexcarbohydrates when they are present as arabinose,dextrose, glucose, maltose and xylose rom raw caneextract, malt extract, cranberry extract and otherpremium carbohydrate sources.

Not only does this end mid-bloom slump but thesematerials uel benefcial bacteria and ungi in your root zone. When you’ve installed benefcial bacteria andungi in your root zone, they thrive best when they haveexternally-provided carbos to eed on (these benefcialbacteria and ungi increase root mass, increase nutrient absorption, protect roots, and produce hormones that stimulate oral size, potency and value).

So you know carb-loading provides energy and root enhancement, but what can you do to create gourmet 

owers with enhanced taste, size, potency, and aroma?The good news is providing the list o carb sources wejust discussed also enhances the taste and aroma oyour plants!

The Benefits Of UsingAmino Acids And Other Compounds

In the Correct Form For Your PlantsPlease remember: the advantages you get by eeding

your crops depends on the quality o specifc ingredientsin the products.

“What I got was that the buds are tighter andsomewhat larger while alsosmelling more sweet. BudCandy worked well or meand people are asking mehow I got it to taste andsmell so good.”

Mark, rom Gainesville, Florida

For example, you see hydroponicsormulas containing “molasses.” But like almost every individual ingredient inhydroponics ormulas, there are many grades and types o molasses, andthe dierences between them decidewhether they will deliver your bigger,better yields.

Fact is, most types o molasses areloaded with sulphur or made rommaterials or processes that lowertheir sugar content and quality. Whensulphured, low-grade molasses are ina hydroponics ormula, the extraneous

How sweet it is when you send favor enhancers

into your crops so your buds taste like candy! 

turn page ¾

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minerals throw o your nutrient ratioswhile providing smaller percentages osugars.

Now let’s see how this relates to thetypes and orms o amino acids in

hydroponics ormulas ...Amino acids are crucial building

blocks or proteins that uel metabolicprocesses and physical structure inyour owering plants. Few hydroponicsormulas contain amino acids,but almost all the ones that haveaminos provide them in a orm called“D-Aminos.”

Although these aminos are cheaperto source and manuacture, they arenot very helpul to your plants. On theother hand, the L-orm o amino acidsis totally biologically available or rapiduptake and ormation o proteins that rapidly increase your crop health andyield.

As with molasses and other ingredientsin hydroponics ormulas, it mattersa lot what orms and manuacturingprocesses are used.

Sweeter FlowersAre Worth More

Sweeter owers are yours when you boost your crop’staste, potency and aroma by urnishing anthocyanins,isoavonoids, polyphenols, isoterpenes and tanninsound in cranberry and grape extracts. Growers usingthese compounds report that a sudden bouquet opleasant scent arises rom their owers within momentso the compounds being ed to plants in water ... and ...ater harvest, you and your riends will enjoy the extra-sweet aroma and taste that your owers provide (Plus,there’ll be more owers to enjoy too!)

Another technique or upgrading the aroma, taste andvalue o your crop is to eed vitamins to your plants.For example, Vitamin C stimulates photosynthesis andcell replication while also protecting your plants romnegative eects o intense light and heat. To go alongwith Vitamin C, studies show that eeding your plantsB vitamins provides many ower-boosting benefts while

also protecting crops rom stress.

So how can you get this extensive menu o crop-boosting compounds you’ve just ound out about?Fortunately, Advanced Nutrients scientists have

Bud Candy eeds carbohydrate energy to your plants when they need it most so your plants avoid mid-bloom slump

and keep going strong or maximum fower production all the way to harvest.

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 Blind taste tests conducted by experienced growers and 

connoisseurs showed that Bud Candy buds have better 

favor, aroma, potency & market value.

“I love the way Bud Candy smells, and Inoticed that my crops started smellingand tasting the same way. I can see why you call it Bud Candy!”

  Robert, rom San Francisco, Caliornia

successully managed the complex task o sourcing,processing, and combining all these aminos, carbs,and vitamins into Bud Candy so you get bigger, sweeterbuds right away.

Best o all, you’re getting two products in one because

Bud Candy gives you everything in Sweet Lea andCarboLoad, but it also gives you a lot more in an easy touse ormula. Whether your plants are in bloom phaseright now, or you’re preparing or bloom phase, this isthe time to procure 100% organic Bud Candy and get cotton candy taste, atter buds, and stronger plants.

Fast Facts

PRODUCT TYPE:Bloom Booster, Taste/Aroma Enhancer,Plant Protector

GARDEN TYPES: Bud Candy has been specially designedor use with all hydroponics, sphagnum,coco coir and soil growing mediums.Bud Candy has been developed or use

with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic,drip irrigation, NFT, ood & drain, dripemitters and continuous liquid eedgrowing systems.

WHEN TO USE: Bloom phase.


Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1through 6 o your owering phase


Expert, Proessional and Grand MasterGrowers

Company Founders’ NO-RISK,100% Money Back 


Bud Candy was specifically built for growers just like you,who have specific demands and expectations from yourhydroponic needs. When you use Bud Candy it mustperform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily andquickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’relooking for.

What’s more..., Bud Candy will work every time for you

using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir andsoil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics,drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters andcontinuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it!

And when you use Bud Candy you’ll never have to riskeven one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as alwaysif for any reason you’re not absolutelydelighted we’ll refund all yourmoney back it’s that simple.

As always, dedicated to yourgardening success.




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WHEN YOU FLUSH THEM BEFORE HARVESTVALUEclearing flush solutionFinal Phase

F lushing is a simple

yet powerul process that

cleanses your crops just

beore harvest so you get:

• Cleaner,SaferCrops• Tastier,Sweeter-Smelling


• HigherQualityCrops



Let’s take a look at this provenmethod or immediately

improving the quality and

market price o your harvests…

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Your Plants AreAbsorbing Things YouDon’t Want To Consume

Not All FlushesAre Created Equal

Your crops store excess nutrient salts that can make them taste bad, smell strange, and cure poorly. Final Phase

saely ushes your crops, and it’s easy to use too.

turn page ¾

As you’re aware, your plants grow by absorbingcompounds rom nutrients, water, and the atmosphere.

These compounds become part o your plant tissues. But,

as your plants age, they accumulate excess nutrient salts

and other substances that decrease the quality and value

o your end product. Can you recall a time when you almost

coughed your lungs out? It was polluted crops that did it.

At times, this accumulation is visible as over-ertilization

or other crop ailures. More oten, it is an unseen burden

inltrating your crops rom the inside out. This burdencauses crops that have oensive taste and odor; crops

that burn with black ash or are hard to keep lit; and crops

that irritate and damage your respiratory system, causing

coughing and other health issues.

Many growers try “fushing” their cropsor they use all-organic nutrients to deal

with accumulated salts that aect nished

crop quality. Unortunately, most orms o 

fushing, or the use o all-organic ertilizers,

does not purge crops o harsh residues.

For one thing, the most common way that

growers fush their crops is by giving their

crops water that has no nutrients in it. Butthis doesn’t ully cleanse your crops. It only

starves your plants so they lose vigorous

foral growth and resin percentages just

beore harvest.




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Final Phase is scientifcally engineered to cleanse crops without causing the problems that other ushing

ormulas cause. Those other ormulas rob your crops o their fnal days o ower growth and essential oil 

production. Final Phase cleanses, but allows plants to continue to increase oral value right up until you cut.

Final Phase removes excess materials better than any other ush product or using only pure water. Crops

taste, look and smell better.











Other growers use fushing ormulasthat generally consist o a ew chemicals

that sometimes have the ability to pull

a limited amount o residues out o your

plants. These primitive fush ormulas

remove plant nutrition, resulting in smaller

harvests and decreased harvest potency.

Not only that, but they don’t provide the

ull-spectrum, value-enhancing cleanseyou’re looking or.

Truth be told, the stu that stores in yourplants comes rom ertilizers, water, and the

atmosphere, and organic ertilizer has no

crop-cleansing properties in and o itsel.

Fortunately, there’s a better way to ensurethat your harvests are crystal-pure.

The process o totally cleansing your

fowers begins 4 to 10 days beore you

intend to cut them or harvest. At thattime, you drain your reservoir, ll it with

resh water, and add just one ormula: Final

Here’s YourStep-By-Step GuideTo Crop Cleansing




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What’s A ChelateAnd How Does It MakeYour Harvests More Valuable?

Now Sit Back, Relax And Enjoy TheFruits Of Your Labor

Phase, the only fushing ormula ever specically designedand tested to provide complete, value-enhancing cleansing

o the specic type o plants you grow.

By the way, it’s important or you to realize that Final Phaseis the only ormula made or your plants. That’s important

because dierent species o plants respond in dierentways to pre-harvest fushing, and because the testing

and design o hydroponics fushing products has a direct

bearing on whether those products work or you or not.

Ater you have added Final Phase to your plants’ water

supply, you continuously irrigate your plants’ roots or

six hours to completely wash your roots and root zone

with Final Phase. Then, you drain your reservoir and ll it

with clean water. You do not add any nutrients or othersupplements to your water supply. You just eed your plants

pure water right up to harvest time.

As proven by thousands o tissue samples taken rom

the exact type o plants you grow, this procedure results

in crops that are almost totally purged o excess salts and

other burdens.

How does this amazing process work to ree your plants

and make them more valuable? I you could see down to the

molecular level, here’s what you’d witness:

• FinalPhasecontainsabroadrangeofingredientsknown

as “chelates.”

• Chelatesarelikechemical“claws” thatcangraspother

materials, such as individual nutrients, and bind to them.

• Duringthecourseofthesix-hourFinalPhasecleansing,the ormula’s proprietary, exceptionally broad range o 

chelates removes excess nutrient salts, heavy metals and

pollutants rom your plants’ roots and their root zone.

• Some of the chelates enter your plants and create adownward mobility o excess salts that exit your plants

and are washed into the Final Phase/water solution.

• AftertheFinalPhase/watermixturehasdoneitsjob,you

remove all that water rom your reservoir and rell your

reservoir with resh water.

• Insideyourplants,fromthetimeofushinguntilharvest

time, your plants are consuming on-board nutrients and

otherwise purging themselves o unwanted residues.• Bythetimeyouharvest,yourplantswillbefreeofatleast

85% o the stored materials they held beore fushing.

Now that you’ve fushed your plants, whatcan you expect rom your harvest?

To start with, your Final Phase crops cure

better and aster, with less susceptibility

to storage diseases such as molds and

ungi. You’ll notice that your curing crops

smell better and maintain a more pleasing

appearance. Better yet, essential oils andother resins will be preserved so your fower

clusters are more potent.

But the real test comes when you rst tasteyour Final Phase - fushed crops. Imagine your

delight when you get a smoother, sugary

taste that’s accompanied by enchanting

scent and other highly potent eects.

That’s the Final Phase dierence. The key

thing here is or you to get Final Phase todayand update your garden calendar to remind

you to use this uniquely eective ormula a

ew days beore harvest. Your riends, amily

and other growers will notice the positive

dierence you create using Final Phase.

turn page ¾

Increase the value, taste, aroma and saety 

o your crops using Final Phase- the only crop

cleanser that produces bigger harvests.





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QUESTION: Will fushing starve my plantsand make smaller harvests?

ANSWER: It’s true that some fushing

products have an unortunate tendency to

rob plants o vital nutrients and thus create

smaller, less potent harvests. Final Phase is

the only fush ormula engineered dierently.

In act, tests show that it results in either no

net loss o harvest size and potency, or aslight increase.

QUESTION: One o my riends uses Final

Phase i he has crop problems, not just beore


ANSWER: In situations when root zones

have become toxic with excess ertilizer

salts, Final Phase can be useul as a mini-fush to get back to a neutral root zone orre-balancing pH and making sure your plants

are not overertilized.

QUESTION: Can you explain the dierences

between Final Phase and other fush


ANSWER: There are several dierences that

give you more cleansing power. Final Phase

is the only ormula that’s actually made

or the plants you grow. Final Phase is also

dierent in that it has a very broad range o ree-fowing chelates. Nobody else has these.

There are many individual metals that need

to be pulled out o crops. Chelates come in

dierent shapes and sizes and are attracted

only to certain metals. The other fushingormulas don’t have a broad enough range o 

chelates to remove all the substances present

in your crops. It’s like the dierence betweenwashing the entire car, or only one door.

QUESTION: Can I use Final Phase to get

better crops in soil?

ANSWER: Absolutely. Just shorten the

cleansing wash time rom 6 hours to 2 hours

and run a lot o water through to ensure ull

cleansing. Then let your soil dry out so you

don’t waterlog your roots.

Frequently AskedQuestions

PRODUCT TYPE: Crop Cleanser, Flusher, PurierGARDEN TYPES: Final Phase has been specially designed

or use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir, and soil

growing mediums. Final Phase has been developed or

use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation,

NFT, food & drain, drip emitters and continious liquid eed

growing systems.

WHEN TO USE: Four to ten days beore harvest.

MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during the last

week o your fowering phase.

GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Expert, Proessional and

Grand Master Growers


GUARANTEE: I or any reason you’re not absolutely

delighted, we’ll reund all your money back it’s that simple.

Fast Facts

“I tried a lot o things to get my cropsto taste and burn better. I even triedpouring some honey and sugar waterinto them to get a better favor. It just clogged my drippers. The Final Phaseworked like you said. This is the bomb.” 

Jeff, from Ithaca, New York





Company Founders’ NO-RISK,100% Money Back 

GUARANTEEFinal Phase was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific

demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use FinalPhase it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly

into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.What’s more..., Final Phase will work every time for you using any and allhydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics,

aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquidfeed growing systems. We guarantee it!

And when you use Final Phase you’ll never have to risk even

one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always iffor any reason you’re not absolutely

delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that


As always, dedicated to your gardening success.

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