experiment of one - mark's daily...

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Experiment of One

By: Mark’s Daily Apple Readers

Mark’s Daily Apple Readers Share Their Goals, Hypotheses and Ideas for Personal Experiments



Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3

Goal 1 - Lose Weight ............................................................................................................... 4

Goal 2 - Get Better Sleep ........................................................................................................20

Goal 3 - Reduce Stress ............................................................................................................32

Goal 4 - Increase Energy ....................................................................................................... 37

Goal 5 - Improve Fitness ........................................................................................................ 42

Goal 6 - Improve Diet and Digestion ..................................................................................... 54

Goal 7 - Address Personal Health Issues ............................................................................... 65

Goal 8 - Improve Work Life ................................................................................................... 74

Goal 9 - Miscellaneous Goals ................................................................................................ 80

Table of Contents


On June 12, 2012, I asked Mark’s Daily Apple readers for their ideas for personal experiments. What’s a personal experiment, you ask? It’s a way to uncover how your body works, and to learn how it responds to certain foods and different types of exercise, amongst numerous other things. It’s a way to discover how the Primal Blueprint way of life can be personalized and customized to meet your unique needs. It starts with a goal (to lose weight, gain muscle or have more energy, for example) and hypothesis, and ends with you making observations based on empirical results.

Hundreds of Mark’s Daily Apple readers responded to the call for personal experiments. This ebook showcases the best of them. Use them as a jumping off point and as a source for ideas along with The Primal Blueprint 90-Day Journal in your own journey to fi nding what makes you tick.




Lose Weight


Goal: Lose the Goo (body fat) and gain muscle.

Hypothesis: Home-workout boot camp programs (using P90X2 for my experiment program) can be just as successful when modifi ed to resemble a PB Fitness and Nutrition Laws.

The Experiment: I will complete 60 days of P90X2 using modifi cations that fall in line with the PB Fitness Laws. Modifi cations include scheduling, workout duration, workout intensity and subtraction of chronic cardio routines.

Measurements: Standard physical measurements of weight, waist, hips, chest and body fat % and progress pictures will be taken on days 1, 30 and 60. A journal will be kept to subjec-tively score soreness, fatigue, mood and desire to continue with the program on a scale of 1–5 (low - high). Previous experience with such programs will serve as a reference point. Typically programs like this will burn you out or cause injury if executed as the manufacturer intended.

Duration of Experiment: 60 days.

Variables to Test: After 60 days, I will conduct additional experiments to see if other popular at-home programs can be modifi ed to achieve desired results while maintaining satisfactory subjective scores in the categories listed above.


Lose Weight

Goal: Get leaner.

Hypothesis: Adding a few sprint intervals after weight training will improve body composition.

Experiment: I’ll add fi ve 30-Metre sprints after each session of weight lifting (Mon, Wed, Fri).

Measurements to Take: I will measure my body-fat percentage before implementing this change and then record it a second time at the end of a four week period.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I will test the effects of more or less sprints after workouts and the effects of a change in sprint distance.


Goal: To feel more confi dent and look more aesthetically pleasing via fat loss

Hypothesis: If a test subject is able to undergo intermittent fasting for one month, they will be able to undergo signifi cant fat loss.

Experiment: If the test subject is able to fast for 16 hours and give themselves an 8 hour time-block to eat (for example, from 12PM to 8PM, the subject will be able to body fat.

Measurements to Take: The test subject will have to measure body fat percentage with a consistent measuring instrument such as a caliper once every week and measure their results 4 times to determine the net fat loss percentage.

Duration of Experiment: One month (roughly 4 weeks).

Variables to Test: One variable that must stay consistent is the food that the person eats daily so that the macronutrient ratio does not change. The independent variables include amount of ex-ercise and quality of the macronutrients that are being consumed by the test subject. The depen-dent variable the body fat percentage that is determined by both independent variables.

Goal: Lose body fat.

Hypothesis: Eating Primal will allow for reduction of body fat levels without actively monitor-ing calorie intake.

Experiment: Eat according to the Primal Blueprint (with an understanding that the previously-indicated experiments regarding dairy and dried fruit will be simultaneously conducted).

Measurements to Take: Each Monday morning after waking I will both measure my waist, weigh myself, and rank my subjective “clothes fi t better than last week” on a yes/no indicator.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I will test additional variables such as number of daily servings of fruit, quantities of fat (using avocados, nuts, salami, and heavy fat cheese), and alcohol.


Lose Weight


Goal: Lose body fat.

Hypothesis: Fully submerging in cool water for ten minutes after working out will help me to lose body fat.

Measurements to Take: Each week I will measure waist, biceps and thighs and rank my sub-jective “clothes fi t better” assessment on a scale of 1–10.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I will conduct additional experiments with cool water after a work out using a shower rather than submersion and different lengths of time and amount of body submerged.

Goal: Lose body fat. Feel energized throughout the day.

Hypothesis: Getting adequate sleep without disturbance from light every night will improve my ability to lose body fat while maintaining current eating and exercise habits. It will also help me to wake up with energy in the morning, and remain energized throughout the day.

Experiment: I will shut off lights (except low watt lamps), TV, computer, and phone by 8:30PM

(approximate time of sunset) each evening, fi ve nights a week. I will do chores around the house, exercise (usual evening activities), or read by dim light before going to bed by 10PM. I will set my alarm for 6AM. The remaining two nights I will get 8 hours of sleep, but may not be as strict about the light levels.

Measurements to Take: Each week I will measure my waist circumference, and daily rate the following on a scale of 1-10 (1 = “Very Low Energy”, 10 = “Very High Energy”)1. Energy upon waking in the morning (ease of getting out of bed)2. Energy level at 1:30PM (ability to concentrate on work)3. Energy level after work 5:30PM (energy to exercise?)

Duration of Experiment: Three weeks.

Variables to Test: After 3 weeks, I will vary sleep time by an hour each way (a week for each) while keeping alarm set at 6AM.


Lose Weight


Goal: To lose weight.

Hypothesis: Eating better and walking will help me reach this goal.

Experiment: I will eat low carb leaning toward Primal Blueprint and I will take a walk each night after supper.

Measurements to Take: Once a week I will weigh myself and I will also keep track of how I feel in my clothes.

Duration of Experiment: Two months.

Variables to Test: After a month I will decide if I need to cut carbs further. I will also decide if I can increase my miles walked... at the end of two I will return to the doctor to see if my blood test results have improved.

Goal: Lose body fat.

Hypothesis: That applying IF principles on an alternating basis will result in loss of body fat, with an additional expectation of appetite reset and/or positive change in mind-set about skip-ping meals.

Duration of Experiment: Three days per week, max 2 consecutive: IF protocol of morning coffee with cream, all other food in an eating window 4–7PM. Other days: three normal meals, no restrictions (80:20 Primal approach).

Measurements to Take: Weigh self before morning shower once per week.

Duration of Experiment: 4 weeks.

Variables to Test: Exercise type, duration and timing on IF days.


Lose Weight


Goal: To Lose Body Fat.

Hypothesis: By using Intermittent Fasting I will lower my body fat.

Experiment: I will fast 16 hours per day and eat 2 or 3 meals in an 8 hour period of time.

Measurements to Take: Each week I will measure my waist, legs and arms (where I have the most body fat). I will also test to see if my summer clothes are fi tting me better.

Duration of Test: 4 Weeks.

Variables to Test: After 4 weeks I will try different methods of fasting to see which one works best. I will try two other methods, fasting for one full day a week and then fasting daily and having only 1 meal instead of 3 in the feeding phase.

Goal: Fit into my old size 8 clothes.

Hypothesis: Eating the SAD diet is affecting my body composition, even while restrictingcalories.

Experiment: Complete the 30 day Primal challenge.

Measurements to Take: Weight and waist measurements

Duration of Experiment: 4 weeks.

Variables to Test: After the 4 weeks I will take a look at my body composition and decide ifI have made enough of a difference and can be less strict or if I would like to continue.


Lose Weight


Goal: Lose body fat.

Hypothesis: Taking a walk in a fasted state every morning will lower my body fat.

Experiment: I will walk 1 mile every morning before 8AM while fasting with a 16/8 daily method.

Measurements to Take: Each week I will measure my body fat percentage.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks, I will conduct additional experiments by doubling my daily walking for an additional four weeks.

Goal: Lose body fat while maintaining milk supply

Hypothesis: Dropping to around 100 grams of carbs per day will allow me to lose body fat while maintaining my milk supply.

Experiment: I will drop to a range of 90–110 grams of carbs per day while nursing the same amount of times per day (roughly 8–10 times).

Measurements to Take: I will weigh myself and my baby once a week. Wet diaper amounts should remain the same. Baby should remain content.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks

Variables to Test: If baby seems even more content than previously, has more wet diapers, less gas, dare I say it ─ maybe even sleep better, due to the possible higher content of fat and protein and lower amounts of irritants such as exposure to grains and dairy.


Lose Weight


Goal: Lose body fat.

Hypothesis: Cold plunges will help me lose body fat.

Experiment: I will either get in the tub with only cold water or in the pool for at least 20 min-utes 3 times a week. Preferably post workout.

Measurements to Take: Each week I will both measure my waist and rank my subjective “clothes fi t better” assessment on a scale of 1–10.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I will conduct additional experiments: adding ice, plunging for 30 minutes, hot shower fi rst, then cold, effect on recovery/soreness, effect on sleeping, effect on daily energy.

Goal: Reduce body fat.

Hypothesis: Doing 1 strength exercise a day will help me lose fat.

Experiment: Every morning I will do 1 strength exercise.

Measurement: Once a week I will measure my waist and judge the fi t of my clothes on a scale of 0–5, 1 meaning clothes are a little looser, 5 meaning a lot looser.

Duration of Experiment: 4 weeks.

Variables to Test: After 4 weeks I will experiment with doing 1 or 2 strength exercises per day; adding in 1 interval session per week; doing the strength exercises before breakfast.


Lose Weight


Goal: To break a month long weight loss plateau.

Hypothesis: Too much dairy can stall fat loss.

Experiment: I will stop consuming all dairy.

Measurements to Take: Each week I will measure around my belly and hips.

Duration of Experiment: 4 Weeks.

Variables to Test: After 4 weeks I will conduct additional experiments to test whether limiting fruit intake will result in additional fat loss.

Goal: Lose that stubborn belly fat!

Hypothesis: Cutting out all dairy and liquid calories will free my abs from their fatty prison.

Experiment: I will cut out said items for thirty days.

Measurements to Take: Each week I will snap a photo of my belly.

Duration of Experiment: Thirty days.

Variables to Test: After thirty days I will experiment with reintroducing butter to see if I can tolerate this less offensive type of dairy. Also, I will try reintroducing wine in tiny amounts, maybe a couple glasses two nights a week.


Lose Weight


Goal: Lose body fat.

Hypothesis: Ice packs on upper back/neck will reduce fat loss like an ice bath.

Experiment: I will put ice packs on my upper back/neck in the evenings for 30 minutes, 5 days a week.

Measurements to Take: Waist circumference and clothing fi t.

Duration of Experiment: Six weeks.

Variables to Test: After six weeks I will conduct additional experiments with full immersion ice baths, icing at different times of the day and how cold it needs to be to be effective.

Goal: Lose body fat.

Hypothesis: Following a strict low carb Primal Blueprint diet and exercise regimen will lower my body fat.

Experiment: I will follow a strict ketogenic Primal Blueprint diet, limiting my carbs to below 20 grams per day, and I will follow Robb Wolf’s suggested beginners workout plan (from his book, The Paleo Solution.)

Measurements to Take: Once each week I will measure my waist, hips, and thighs and record them, along with my weight.

Duration of Experiment: 12 weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will conduct further experiments by increasing my carbs by 5 grams per week to see if I can maintain fat loss while increasing carbohydrates.


Lose Weight


Goal: Reduce overall body fat and increase endurance.

Hypothesis: Exercise and daily cold showers/Epsom salt baths will increase strength and recov-ery while reducing body fat.

Experiment: 3x week body weight exercises (via simplefi t.org) alternated with running, along with daily cold therapy will help me transform my body composition.

Measurements to Take: I am taking daily measurement of my weight as well as my waist cir-cumference. Also taking a diary of food to see if quality/quantity affects the process.

Duration of Experiment: Six weeks.

Variables to Test: After six weeks I will refl ect on the process with specifi c focus on diet and see if there are particular strengths or opportunities in my diet. I also plan to test this further with high volume kettlebell training in place of body weight exercises after 6 weeks.

Goal: Losing stubborn body fat.

Hypothesis: Lifting heavy in a reverse pyramid style three days a week in a fasted state will cut body fat down while building lean muscle mass.

Experiment: I will be doing dead lifts, chin-ups, pull-ups, bench press, squats, Pendlay rows, leg extensions and overhead press in a fasted state over three days per week. I will be doing low reps/heavy weight in a reverse pyramid style lift. On the 7th day of the week, I will do Tabata sprints, kettlebell swings and kettlebell man makers. I will be maintaining less than 80g of carbs per lift day and less than 40g of carbs per off day (ketosis). I will not run (sustained run-ning) more than once a month.

Measurements to Take: Each week I will measure my waist increase the amount of weight I am lifting for each exercise. For kettlebell swings, I will increase the number of swings.

Duration of Experiment: Twelve weeks.

Variables to Test: After Twelve weeks I will conduct additional experiments testing the effect of combining functional exercises like kettlebells, slosh tubes, sand bags, climbing, etc as well as the heavy lifting like the above.


Lose Weight



Lose Weight

Goal: Lose body fat/optimize GI function.

Hypothesis: Implement Intermittent Fasting for 16 hours at a time, and provide an 8 hour eating window to lose body fat and improve Gi function–digestion and elimination.

Experiment: I will fast from 8:00PM–12PM every day for 2 weeks. These times do not have to be static. As long as there is a 16 hour fasting period, I’m good. This could include eating from 6:00AM–2:00PM or 10:00AM–6:00PM etc.

Measurements to Take: I will measure my waist at the end of the two weeks, and gauge based on clothes “fi tted-ness”. I will also weigh myself before and after this experiment.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I can experiment with 24 or 12 hour fasts and see how my body responds. Also experiment with re-feeding periods, etc.

Goal: Lose body fat by reducing waist measurement.

Hypothesis: Fasting 2 days per week will lower body fat.

Experiment: Fasting on Monday and Wednesday ─ Eating normally the rest of the time.

Measurements to Take: Track weight daily but calculate a weekly average. At 5 pound average lose measure waist.

Duration of Experiment: Five weeks.

Variables to Test: After fi ve weeks eat more Primal. Cut sugars, grains and other starchy foods from diet.



Lose Weight

Goal: Lose body fat and improve sleep quality.

Hypothesis: Walking/jogging with the use of the zombies run app for 4 times a week in the late afternoon/early evening will help me lose body fat and improve my sleep without a loss of moti-vation to complete the experiment.

Experiment: I will walk for one full mission (approximately 30 minutes) with the zombies! Run approx. 4 times a week after work with the zombie attacks (intervals) on.

Measurements to Take: Each week I will both measure my waist, step on a scale and rank my subjective “sleep quality” on a scale of 1–10. Distances and average speed will also be tracked.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I will conduct additional experiments testing the effect of walking in different times of day including fasted morning walks (suspect decrease in sleep quality but better fat loss results), higher speed walking without intervals (as endurance increas-es) in the evenings, and indoor walking to remove the Vitamin D/full-spectrum light exposure variables.

Goal: To lose body fat around my mid section.

Hypothesis: Continuing a Paleolithic diet along with lots of water consumption and daily fat burning exercises targeted at my midsection will reduce the amount of body fat around my mid section.

Experiment: I will eat a strict Primal Blueprint diet spread out over 4 or 5 small meals a day. I will drink 128 ounces of water a day. I will walk uphill for 30 minutes in the morning and in the evening after my last small meal. I will do resistance weight training 3 times a week.

Measurements to Take: Every four days I will measure my waist and the area around my love handles, which will give me 7 total measurements of each part I measure.

Duration of Experiment: 4 weeks.

Variables to Test: After 3 weeks I will double the amount of time I spend walking uphill to one hour twice a day and do resistance training 5 times a week rather than 3 and then measure the difference between the fi rst 3 weeks compared to the last week.



Lose Weight

Goal: Lose body fat with a broken foot/limited mobility.

Hypothesis: By reducing my daily carb intake to under ~50g of carbs per day, my body will enter a state of ketosis, and I will lose body fat even with limited mobility.

Experiment: I will limit my carbs to under ~50g on non-workout days and under ~75g of carbs on lifting days, with high-carb meal days cycled in every 7–10 days for the during of time I have to wear a medical boot on my broken foot (6 weeks).

Measurements to Take: Each week I will both measure my waist, hips, thigh, and biceps, as well as rank my subjective “clothes fi t better” assessment on a scale of 1–10. I will also perform a hydrostatic body fat analysis at the end of the 6 weeks to be compared against a hydrostatic test completed 5 weeks (4/25/12) prior and an electronic body composition analysis completed 2 weeks prior (5/30/12).

Duration of Experiment: Six weeks.

Variables to Test: I will limit myself to 50–75g of carbs for the entire duration of the fi rst 14 days, after which I alternate “cheat” days every 7 and then 10 days.

Goal: Lose Body Fat.

Hypothesis: Regular Intermittent Fasting will lower my body fat.

Experiment: I will perform Intermittent Fasts twice per week, once on Wed and then again on either Sat or Sun (depending on our weekend plans). For the Wed fast I will fi nish eating dinner on Tues, and then not eat again until Wed dinner. Sat/Sun fast will follow a similar time line.

Measurements to Take: Each week I will measure my chest, waist and hips.

Duration of Experiment: 4 weeks.

Variables to Test: After 4 weeks I will alter the experiment by changing the fasting window (shorter, longer) and also go from planned days to a more fl exible schedule, to see if it makes the fasting hard or easier.



Lose Weight

Goal: To lose body fat.

Hypothesis: Shifting my body into a state of ketosis will force my body to start burning body fat for fuel.

Experiment: I will lower my carbohydrates to fi ve percent of my caloric intake.

Measurements to Take: I will monitor my body fat percentages using fat calipers every other day.

Duration of Experiment: 10 Days.

Variables to Test: After 10 days I will conduct additional experiments to see if High Intensity Interval Training combined with a ketosis diet produces accelerated fat loss.

Goal: Burn fat and tighten the #1 problem area most women complain about; the gluts and thighs.

Hypothesis: Doing squats and lunges when fi rst waken up will tighten and better the problem area. Its quick and convenient and in time for swim suit area. Not to mention give a little defi ni-tion before heading out for the day in those shorts and skirts.

Experiment: Do 4 sets of squats and 4 sets of lunges when waking up.

Measurements to Take: Each week measure the hips buns and thighs.

Duration of Experiment: 6 weeks.

Variables to Test: After the 6 weeks I will add more repetitions and more weight to see the difference and fat loss between body resistance and weights.



Lose Weight

Goal: Lose body fat.

Hypothesis: Taking daily cold water plunges will cause me too lose body fat.

Experiment: Everyday I’ll take my dog for her daily walk by the river but instead of throwing sticks for her to jump into the river after I’ll jump in myself!

Measurements to Take: Weekly measurements of my waist, hips, and chest along with LGN assessments in the mirror.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: Cold showers vs. the river plunges, duration of plunges, time of day (early in the morning when it is also cooler out vs. late in the day when it’s stinkin’ hot).

Goal: Restart stalled weight loss.

Hypothesis: Increasing protein intake and NOT skipping breakfast (even if not hungry) can restart a weight loss plateau for a post-menopausal woman.

Experiment: Instead of IF’ing until noon, I will increase my protein by initiating a 26g whey protein drink of just whey protein and water. My regular food consumption will remain con-stant. I will make sure I eat similar macros for one week prior (the control).

Measurements to Take: Weight before and after.

Duration of Experiment: One week.

Variables to Test: After one week I will add fat in the form of coconut milk or oil, after another week I will add blueberries and 2 cups spinach. Then I will replace the shake with 26g of cold chicken or beef on a SAS (small ass salad) with olive oil for 2 weeks and see if real food works better or the same as a whey smoothie.


Get Better Sleep



Get Better Sleep

Goal: Improve sleep quality.

Hypothesis: Using a sleep mask to block out ambient light will improve my sleep quality.

Experiment: I will wear a sleep mask every night to bed.

Measurements to Take: Each day I will record the time at which I naturally awake and rate my subjective sleep quality by ranking my feeling of being rested on a scale from 1–10. I will also record the number of times I awoke during the night.

Duration of Experiment: Three weeks.

Variables to Test: After three weeks I will attempt a week of sleeping without the mask and record the same data as the fi rst test for comparison.

Goal: To test effi cacy of biphasic sleep.

Hypothesis: Biphasic sleep is the pattern that is naturally ingrained in our neurophysiology. Therefore, it should provide a more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Experiment: I will sleep an average 9 hours every night for two weeks using the monophasic pattern and then sleeping an average 9 hours each night but splitting it into two 4.5 hour ses-sions, for another two weeks.

Measurements to Take: I will rate (1–10) and record energy levels immediately upon waken-ing in the morning as well as well as monitoring my energy levels throughout the day every four hours.

Duration of Experiment: 4 weeks.

Variables to Test: I could test additional experiments where I manipulated the time I went to sleep each night as well the total amount of time I sleep each night.



Get Better Sleep

Goal: Get a better nights sleep.

Hypothesis: Going to sleep when it gets dark, eliminating noises and waking naturally.

Experiment: I will eliminate all unnatural light and distracting sounds during the evening and try to fall asleep when it becomes dark outside. Also slowly eliminate the need for an alarm, try-ing to wake more naturally in the morning.

Measurements to Take: The amount of time it takes to fall asleep. How restful my sleep was; whether I slept completely though the night. How diffi cult it is to wake in the morning without added stimulus.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After the fi rst two weeks I will try adding in static noise to see if it helps lull out any other nightly sounds (I live in a big city, there’s ALWAYS something). Try going to sleep with the curtains open, so I can wake when the morning light enters the room. Different amounts of sleep; 6 hours, 7, 8.

Goal: To sleep more relaxed and with enough hours each day.

Hypothesis: By creating a personal moment with for example a book or some meditation before going to bed (8.5 hours before you need to wake up) your circadian rhythm will be improved.

Experiment: Every day for two weeks I’ll stop anything I’m working on 8.5 hours before my alarm goes off. In the half hour I have I prepare for sleep, but instead of really sleeping I pick up a book, do some meditating or use some relaxing music to have a moment of peace.

Measurements to Take: Each day I will write down before I go to bed what my mark (1–100) of the previous day was. After two weeks I change to this experiment and measure if I generally ‘feel’ improved.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I’ll check if I can prolong the peaceful moment.



Get Better Sleep

Goal: To wake up earlier, by at least 6:30AM every day, without compromising the amount of sleep I get.

Hypothesis: Exposure to morning light during summer months will stimulate my natural bio-rhythms.

Experiment: I will leave my blinds open on the southern exposure of my bedroom every day for two weeks.

Measurements to Take: I will note the time upon awaking (already a habit I’m in), and I will record it in the morning during coffee time. I am already in the habit of logging my food during that time, so this additional log should not be so intrusive as to blow the experiment itself.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: Reduced exposure to artifi cial light before bed (½ hour, 1 hour, and 2 hour increments), reduced alcohol intake, effect of sexual activity on waking time.

Goal: To sleep the entire 8 hours a night without waking up to urinate.

Hypothesis: Drinking raw milk helps me sleep the entire night without waking to urinate.

Experiment: Drink 6–8oz of raw milk approximately 60 minutes before sleeping. Sleep in a pitch black room, devoid of artifi cial light, and electronics.

Measurements to Take: Every morning, I will keep track if I wake up to urinate.

Duration of Experiment: 20 Days.

Variables to Test: After a 10 days I will stop drinking the milk before bed.



Get Better Sleep

Goal: To improve my sleep through eliminating “light pollution” in my bedroom and surround-ing areas.

Hypothesis: Removing some of the light pollution in my home will allow me sleep more deeply and wake up less, feeling more rested/less fatigued when I do wake up.

Experiment: I will cover or unplug or otherwise dim any windows, lights, LEDs, displays on electronic devices, etc. that threaten to disrupt my sleep and circadian rhythm by creating artifi -cial light.

Measurements to Take: I will rank and record my state of “feeling rested” on a scale of 1-10 upon waking up and at my typical “sleepy point” in the afternoon (2–3PM), and I will also keep track of how often (or not) I wake up during the night and whether or not I require an alarm clock to wake up on time.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will conduct additional experiments to see if I can achieve the same improvement of sleep quality with a sleep mask or if the lights actually have to be diminished/extinguished for the body to not feel the effects of the light. If no improvement is actually achieved by diminished/extinguished lights, I will test with the removal/unplugging of all electronics with the exception of a battery powered alarm clock.

Goal: To sleep better.

Hypothesis: Eating non-Primal foods, drinking alcohol and/or eating chocolate is inhibiting my ability to fall asleep at night.

Experiment: Cutting out all grains and processed foods including chocolate and wine.

Measurements to Take: Since I do not want to be clock watching after I go to bed (induc-ing stress over how long it is taking to fall asleep) I will write down what time I wake up each morning since I am lucky enough to have a fl exible job where I can wake up whenever I do naturally.

Duration of Experiment: 3 weeks strict Primal eating, no alcohol or chocolate.

Variables to Test: After the three weeks I will add back my beloved dark chocolate and red wine (in moderation) and test to see if it affects my sleep. If it does I will have to make better choices about when I indulge.



Get Better Sleep

Goal: Adequate sleep will improve my morning run.

Hypothesis: Sleeping 8–9 hours a night will improve my morning run.

Experiment: I will go to bed before 10PM and wake at 6AM to run.

Measurements to Take: I will assess my exhaustion level, total run distance and run time each morning.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: At four weeks I will decrease sleep to 6 hours to see if running is adversely affected.

Goal: Sleep through the night for 5 days straight.

Hypothesis: Eating Primal foods (no dairy for me) ─ allows me to sleep again.

Experiment: I will eat only Primal foods (doing the “whole 30”) for the next 30 days.

Measurements to Take: recording my food intake daily and my sleep!

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I will conduct additional experiments testing the effect of exercising regularly on sleep.



Get Better Sleep

Goal: Improve morning energy levels by improving sleep quality.

Hypothesis: No longer consuming caffeine or sugar after 12PM will help me get to sleep soon after going to bed, and will lead to an increase in morning and possibly overall energy levels.

Experiment: I will not drink coffee, tea, any form of soft drink after lunch, and I will not eat anything with sugar in it after 12PM except a single piece of fruit with dinner.

Measures to Take: Each day I will record my perception of how easy/hard it was to fall asleep the night before, and my energy level in the morning, both on a scale of 1 to 10.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will experiment with the effects on my sleep and energy levels of drinking certain non-caffeine herbal teas after lunch (e.g. chamomile, blackberry), cut-ting out fruit after lunch completely, and cutting out caffeine completely.

Goal: To wake up feeling more rested.

Hypothesis: Not using computers or any electronics after sunset will increase the quality of my sleep.

Experiment: I will rate my sleep for one week with no changes to my lifestyle. After that I will turn off my phone, computer, and TV by sunset and spend the rest of my evenings before bed reading books and relaxing.

Measurements to Test: Upon waking, and at three intervals around mealtimes during each day, I will make notations that describe how I feel as far as energy, alertness, and focus.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks. One week of baseline, then one week of the experiment.

Variables to Test: After the two weeks I will experiment with eating right before bed, to see if reducing the night’s fast creates a change in how I feel the next morning.



Get Better Sleep

Goal: Sleep MORE.

Hypothesis: Sleeping at least 8 hours a night consistently will lead to higher energy levels and a better quality of life.

Experiment: I will get in bed by 11PM every night with the lights out. I will not set an alarm, but wake up naturally.

Measurements to Take: No caffeine or chocolate after 10AM. I will keep a sleep log daily, not-ing how long and how well I slept; also noting if there were factors that I think helped or hurt my sleep.

Duration of Experiment: 1 month.

Variables to Test: Getting into bed before 10PM, wearing an eye mask, changing the tempera-ture, changing bedding, changing sleep position.

Goal: Sleep better (which includes not grinding my teeth every night).

Hypothesis: Cutting out coffee will improve my sleep quality.

Experiment: Quit coffee for 3 weeks and measure my own perceived sleep quality

Measurements to Take: For 2 weeks before quitting caffeine, every morning record length of sleep, whether I woke up during the night, whether I was grinding my teeth (ask boyfriend about this one), and whether I feel rested in the morning. Then after the fi rst week of quitting (since I will be headachy and grouchy for that week, probably not worth measuring then), record same information for another two weeks.

Duration of Experiment: 5 weeks.

Variables to Test: Afterwards, maybe try black tea and see if that affects my sleep.



Get Better Sleep

Goal: To fall asleep earlier and get more hours of sleep in per night.

Hypothesis: By committing to not engage in any stimulating activities after 9PM, I will be able to be asleep by 10AM and achieve a minimum of 8 hours of sleep.

Experiment: I will commit to relinquishing any household chores or internet browsing after 9PM.

Measurements to Take: I will record the number of hours of sleep I achieve per night and sub-jectively rate my ease in waking the next day on a scale from 1–10.

Duration of Experiment: Three weeks.

Variables to Test: After one week, I will introduce the aid of a sunrise/sunset replicating lamp to see if that affects my ability to fall asleep. I will take it at the start of the 3rd week of the experiment.

Goal: To regulate my sleep cycle.

Hypothesis: If I wake up at the same time every morning for one month, my circadian rhythm will stabilize, I will be able to fall asleep better, and I will have more energy overall.

Experiment: Every day for one month, no matter what, I will set my alarm for 6:15AM and will spring out of bed immediately without pressing the snooze button.

Measurements to Take: I will record the time I get out of bed, the time I go to sleep, and how alert I feel at four–hour intervals throughout the day.

Duration of Experiment: One month.

Variables to Test: At the end of the month, I will stop setting an alarm and will see if my body sticks to this new schedule.



Get Better Sleep

Goal: To have more energy due to getting adequate amounts of sleep every night.

Hypothesis: Sleeping at least 9 hours a night will give me more energy during the day and a sense of well–being.

Experiment: I will go to bed at 9:00PM every night and wake up at 6AM every morning. I will remove anything in my bedroom that could distract me from sleeping such as TV, Radio, etc.

Measurements to Take: After I wake up I will measure how rested I feel by using a scoring system of 1–10 and I will measure at 6PM how energetic I feel by using the same scoring system.

Duration of Experiment: 3 weeks.

Variables to Test: After 2 weeks I will start to go to bed at 11PM and wake up at 6PM so as to get only 7 hours of sleep. I will continue to measure how restful and energetic I feel.

Goal: To sleep more deeply and wake refreshed.

Hypothesis: Eating more liver will improve my sleep and energy levels by increasing my intake of B vitamins.

Experiment: Following a two-week baseline period in which I will eat no liver, I will eat liver (equivalent to half one lamb’s liver) once a week at the beginning of the week.

Measurements to Take: Every day I will rate the previous night’s sleep by recording the num-ber of times I remember waking and how long my awake periods lasted (subjectively measured as Brief, Not So Bad, and Awake Half The Night), along with any known reasons for waking (e.g. too cold, unusual noises outside, kicked by husband). I will also rate my mood on waking on a fi ve-point scale from 1 (groggy) to 5 (perky), and note whether I awoke naturally before the alarm.

Duration of Experiment: Initial baseline period: two weeks. Test period: six weeks.

Variables to Test: After the six-week test period, if my sleep has improved I will discontinue the liver and see if my sleep patterns worsen, and how long it takes. This will give me an idea of how much liver (or other B-vitamin-rich food) I should be eating.



Get Better Sleep

Goal: Be able to wake-up consistently without use of an alarm.

Hypothesis: Calculating when to go to bed based on the length of an average sleep cycle will allow me to wake up easily and naturally at the time I want to.

Experiment: Assuming that my natural sleep cycle is 90 minutes long (average) and I need to wake up at 9AM each morning, I will go to bed at 11:30PM in hopes of falling asleep at 12AM.http://sleepyti.me/ <─this website is helpful! :)

Measurements to Take: Record the number of times I successfully wake up on my own at 9AM after falling asleep at 12AM, as well as the number of failed attempts.

Duration of Experiment: One week.

Variables to Test: Amount of sunshine in my room in the morning (may want to try curtains vs. no curtains); May also want to try changing amount of sleep I will be getting, trying 8 or 7 hours rather than 9 to see amount of success.

Goal: To sleep better/longer.

Hypothesis: Biphasic sleep mimics how our ancestors slept, in two separate sleep cycles.

Experiment: Go to bed shortly after dark and sleep till my normal wake up about 5 hours later. Get up and proceed rather than staying in bed wishing and hoping that I had slept a full night. After lunch, when I normally hit the wall and slump big-time, take an extended nap till I wake normally.

Measurements to Take: I will rate my daytime sleepiness and alertness. I will try not to stress so much about how little I sleep.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After the fi rst two weeks, I will experiment with going to bed earlier/later and record my results for another couple of weeks.



Get Better Sleep

Goal: To have more restorative sleep. Human circadian rhythms are trained by light. Nighttime indoor lighting and a lack of daytime sun exposure have perturbed this natural cycle. One par-tial solution is to maintain absolute darkness during sleep.

Hypothesis: Wearing an eye mask at night will improve the quality of sleep.

Experiment: I will sleep one week without the eye mask and one week with.

Measurements to Take: I will take measurements with a zero clock to track my length and quality (measured by depth/RAM length) of sleep. Alternative low-tech version: I will track my duration of sleep and rate my restfulness in the morning and evening from 1–10.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: Future experiments can include the effect of scheduled time outdoors at the morning, at midday, and at night.



Reduce Stress



Reduce Stress

Goal: Experience less stress during fasting or CR and wake up feeling more refreshed.

Hypothesis: Eating gelatin every night before bed will increase my satiety and provide more energy after sleep.

Experiment: I will eat one container of gelatin nightly before bed and gauge my stress level and hunger/energy levels the following day especially during fasting or calorie-restriction for 30 days.

Measurements to Take: Make notes in food journal related to stress level related to fasting or CR.

Duration of Experiment: 30 days.

Variables to Test: After 30 days withhold gelatin to provide better or worse results.

Goal: To reduce the intensity of my stress response and cope better when confl icts occur.

Hypothesis: If adrenal glands are supported, calmed and nourished, I will have a lesssevere “fi ght or fl ight” adrenaline response to confl ict and other stressors.

Experiment: I will avoid all caffeine and alcohol and practice heart-centered/focused breathing(especially when I recognize a physiological stress response).

Measurements to Take: I will rank and record my physiological stress response on a scale of 1–10 immediately after each perceived confl ict/stressor, and twice daily away from stress.

Duration of Experiment: Five weeks.

Variables to Test: After three weeks I will add caffeine and alcohol back to my diet to seeif those chemicals impact my stress response while continuing the heart-centered/focusedbreathing. After another two weeks I will stop the breathing exercise and record if my stressresponse changes without that variable.



Reduce Stress

Goal: To calm down and reduce my overall stress.

Hypothesis: If I go outside to the park down the street and do a short yoga routine once per day in the morning, I will feel more centered and less stressed throughout the day.

Experiment: Every other day for two weeks, I will perform my yoga routine in the park after waking up in the morning.

Measurements to Take: I will record my overall level of stress or calm upon waking up, imme-diately after the yoga routine if applicable, and twice more throughout the day, each day. I will then contrast the yoga days with non-yoga days.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After the experiment, I may test the yoga routine at different times during the day, alterations to the routine, etc; or I may experiment with alternative relaxation tech-niques to see which ones work best for me.

Goal: To reduce stress.

Hypothesis: My stress level is increased by sensory overload ─ I don’t have enough truly “down” time.

Experiment: Every day, I will take 15 minutes with no stimulation whatsoever. Not trying to sleep, no watch, no books, preferably no lights or sounds of any kind.

Measurements to Take: Rate my stress from 1 to 10 every day and see if the number goes down. Try rating before and after “down” time.

Duration of Experiment: 8 weeks

Variables to Test: Test if it needs to be soundless or if nature sounds help. Test if walking in the woods works as well.



Reduce Stress

Goal: Feel more energized, less stressed, and more “fl exible”!

Hypothesis: Starting 13th June, perform at least one Yoga session (one session is about 30 min-utes) per day (without giving up on Primal workouts of course!).

Experiment: Everyday, no excuse: at home, at the hotel or on holidays, morning or evening , perform at least one session of yoga. I will use the very good (and free) Yoga Journal (video) podcasts from Jason Crandel.

Measurements to Take: I will assess weekly the change on my overall stress level, energy level and fl exibility.

Duration of Experiment: 100 days.

Variables to Test: Study any difference on measurement when two sessions are performed in one day.

Goal: Reduce daily stress through dietary means.

Hypothesis: Eating a diet that supports a healthy gut population of Lactobacillus will reduce stress, as these bacteria are known to produce GABA (a calming neurotransmitter).

Experiment: I will, in addition to already eating a Primal diet, eat a serving (about two TBSP) of fermented kimchi every morning before breakfast.

Measurements to Take: Every evening I will rate my overall perceived stress level for that day on a scale of 1–5, and record incidences of anger, anxiety, etc.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After the initial experiment, and depending on the results, I may try adding prebiotic to my diet, changing the time at which I eat the fermented food, or changing to a dif-ferent fermented food such as greek yogurt, kefi r, or sauerkraut.



Reduce Stress

Goal: To reduce the high level of internal frustration and enable me to meet problems and mis-behaving 9 year old with inward and outward serenity thereby reducing stress levels.

Hypothesis: Exposure to the outdoors in a peaceful and natural environment will give me an internal serenity and help me face day to day life challenges more calmly without internally spiking stress levels.

Experiment: While ensuring sleep hours remain the same, I will get up 1 hour earlier and walk in a nearby nature preserve alone for ½ hour.

Measurements to Take: Throughout the day I will make a note of my internal feelings of frus-tration and anger on a scale of 1–10 in response to negative stimuli such as leaky roofs, strange noises in cars, and a misbehaving 9 year old to name but a few. I will chart them in a graph for seeing results visually is stronger than just seeing numbers.

Duration of Experiments: 2 weeks.

Variables to Test: After the 2 weeks, I can increase the time to 45 minutes and them reduce it to 15 to see if there is a correlation to my level of serenity. Then I can reduce the number of days, increase the number of days, change the time of day (daybreak, sunset) plus track how the rain, the sunshine and cloudiness affects my levels as well.

Goal: Struggle less with hunger pains and food obsession as well as irritability when fasting.

Hypothesis: Eating more protein, especially more “complete” protein and less “incomplete” protein will provide make an intermittent fast/calorie-restriction more tolerable and enjoyable/less stressful.

Experiment: I will track macronutrient intake daily for 30 days. I will determine complete vs. incomplete protein intakes and how macronutrient differences affect energy/hunger/irritability levels during a subsequent fast.

Measurements to Take: I will make notes about my hunger pains and irritability levels in my food journal daily, and I will see if I can fi nd a correlation between stress level and complete protein gram intake.

Duration of Experiment: 30 days.

Variables to Test: After 30 days I will manipulate my diet purposely to include more or less complete protein grams to provide better or worse results.



Increase Energy



Increase Energy

Goal: Increase cardiovascular and muscular stamina for ultimate.

Hypothesis: Training by engaging in low to moderate level activities (e.g., walking/hiking) and short sprints will do more to increase stamina than clocking huge number of km’s.

Experiment: I will continue logging 20+ km’s a week for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, I will cease running and walk or hike 5 days/week, and include two 15 minute sprint sessions for 2 weeks.

Measurements to Take: Each week after my ultimate game I will rate my perceived level of tiredness on a scale of 1–10, and I will rate my perceived level of performance on a scale of 1–10. I will also rate my perceived level of soreness the next morning using a 1–10 scale.

Duration of Experiment: 6 weeks.

Variables to Test: After comparing how I feel during the 2 weeks of running and the 2 weeks of walking, I will do nothing for 2 weeks to observe the effects.

Goal: To increase energy levels throughout the day.

Hypothesis: Minimising time spent sitting in a conventional chair will boost my energy levels.

Experiment: I will approximate how long I sit over the course of one average day and attempt to reduce it by at least 75%.

Measurements to Take: I will rank and record my energy levels on a scale of 1–10 every two hours, not including normal sleeping hours.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: Different activities undertaken instead of sitting, for example standing, standing on one leg, stretching, marching on the spot, Grok squatting, etc.



Increase Energy

Goal: Increase energy while working a desk job.

Hypothesis: Consciously performing more incidental movement during my “seated” hours will cause an increase in my energy levels.

Experiment: At least every 30 minutes during my shifts I will get up to move around (pacing, push ups, squats, lunges, stretching and limb shaking, dancing, doing the hokey pokey), and whilst seated I will try not to stay still for too long by consciously performing ‘nervous’ activi-ties like leg jiggling.

Measures to Take: At the end of each shift I will rate my overall ‘energy’ for the shift out of 10, and at the end of each week I will rate my energy level out of 10 for the whole week plus record any other noticeable effects.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I will experiment with different time periods between ac-tivity (shorter or longer than 30 mins), and different activity levels (does more vigorous activity like squat jumps work better for energy levels than standard air squats, for example).

Goal: To increase overall stamina/physical fi tness.

Hypothesis: I walk a lot; if I incorporate all-out sprints several times per day into my walking, I will see positive results with respect to energy and endurance.

Experiment: When on my usual walks, I will sprint all-out for one minute, 2–5 times per day.

Measurements to Take: I will record the number of all-out sprints completed and compare it against other exercise done that day. I will record my overall endurance levels once per week on Saturdays based on how I feel during my dance classes.

Duration of Experiment: One month.

Variables to Test: After one month I will evaluate the resulting effect that sprinting has had on my overall stamina levels, and adjust the frequency and duration accordingly in order to see if that makes a difference.



Increase Energy

Goal: To have more energy and positive attitude.

Hypothesis: That eating high quality protein with a healthy carb every two hours, along with going for a walk three times a day will increase my energy levels and attitude.

Experiment: Eat upon waking, and continue eating small amounts ever two hours along with increased walking daily.

Measurement to Take: Just see if clothes fi t better daily!

Duration of Experiment: 2 weeks

Variables to Test: Not sure?

Goal: Feel more energetic and happy.

Hypothesis: Magnesium activates ATP to create cellular energy but its lack of emphasis as a supplement and mineral defi cient soil means I am likely magnesium-defi cient too.

Experiment: every morning and afternoon spray a solution of magnesium chloride approximat-ing around 200mg to the skin (12 sprays). Emphasize magnesium rich foods.

Measurements to Take: Monitor daily urge to be spontaneously active and overall enthusiasm. Monitor for loose stools which could indicate magnesium saturation.

Duration of Experiment: Six weeks.

Variables to Test: Try soaking feet in Epsom salts. Try magnesium citrate and magnesium tau-rate oral supplements.



Increase Energy

Goal: To feel more vibrant after spending time sitting down.

Hypothesis: Continuous movement while sitting down will leave you active and ready to move.

Experiment: Before getting up after prolonged periods of sitting (an hour or more) I will move listen to music for a minimum of fi ve minutes and dance along with it while continuing my work. Including rocking of shoulders, tapping of feet and tightening and release of random muscles.

Measurements to Take: I will record my stiffness before and after the “dancing while sitting”, on a scale from 1–10.

Duration of Experiment: 30 sittings.

Variables to Test: After 30 sittings I will try one minute dances, as well as seven minute ones, and check if the relief changes.



Improve Fitness



Improve Fitness

Goal: Gain lean muscles while fasting.

Hypothesis: Working out in a fasted state will build more lean muscle.

Experiment: HIIT training 3 times a week. I will eat dinner at 7 or 8 and make sure to have at least 14 hours of fasting before doing weight training. I will do a 30–45 minute workout of muscle intensity. Immediately after, I will break my fast with at least 50 grams of protein and carbs in the form of fruits and veggies.

Measurements to Take: I will take strength measurements. I will do the most weight I can on bench and preacher curl for 5 reps. I will do as many dead leg pull-ups as I can.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: Must make sure to eat my body weight in protein. I need to make sure I get enough in the meal following the HIIT training session.

Goal: Gain muscle and weight.

Hypothesis: Lifting heavy, eating more and following a lean gains protocol will allow me to add lean muscle.

Experiment: Mon/Wed/Fri lift heavy with an 16/8 eating window daily, increasing calories to 3000 on lifting days and 2100 on rest days.

Measurements to Take: Weighing myself weekly.

Duration of Experiment: Two Months +

Variables to Test: After two months I will change my workout to help increase intensity and fi x my caloric intake for maintenance rather than weight gain.



Improve Fitness

Goal: Gain muscle mass and become stronger.

Hypothesis: If I workout in a fasted state every morning and lift heavy things in compound movements, then I will gain muscle and overall strength.

Experiment: I will wake up every morning and workout for about an hour prior to breakfast 4 times per week. In my workouts, I will do one main compound movement where I will be lifting heavy with low reps, following 3 or 4 other workouts with lower weight & high reps.

Measurements to Take: I will take before and after pictures to view my progress visually, as well as fi nding out my 1 rep max for each main compound movement before and after the test.

Duration of Experiment: 4 weeks.

Variables to Test: After this experiment, I may do further testing in regards as to how long I work out for; whether dumbbells, barbells, or machines will enhance my strength; whether be-ing in a fasted state improves my workouts; and the time period of the day I will be working out.

Goal: Do more bloody push-ups!

Hypothesis: ‘Grease the Groove’ with smaller sets of push-ups throughout the day will increase the maximum amount of push-ups I can do in a single set.

Experiment: I will record the max number of push-ups I can do then each weekday do a set of 15 push-ups upon waking, a set of 15 push-ups at noon, and a set of 15 push-ups 2 hours before going to bed.

Measurements to Take: At the end of two weeks I will attempt to do as many push-ups as pos-sible and record the number, comparing it to my previous record.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will conduct additional experiments to test the effects of higher reps for practice sets and test the effects of more frequent practice (4 or 5 sets a day) with higher or lower reps.



Improve Fitness

Goal: Improve my Olympic and power lifts.

Hypothesis: Increasing my volume on specifi c lifts will increase my strength.

Experiment: I will be doing my normal schedule workout 3 days a week. I will be adding in 3 extra strength sessions on same 3 days and I will be doing just strength on the other 2 days.

Measurements to Take: I will be using my 1 RM or 3 RM at beginning and after a couple weeks to determine increase in lifts.

Duration of Experiment: 12 weeks.

Variables to Test: I will retest at 4 weeks and 8 weeks. I will be testing squats, cleans, and snatch.

Goal: Increase running speed.

Hypothesis: Sprint workouts will improve my distance running pace.

Experiment: 1 Novice sprint workout each week.

Measurements to take: Pace of my 4–mile run each week.

Duration of Experiment: 4 weeks.

Variables to Test: After the initial 4 weeks, I will conduct additional experiments to test the effect of Grokball workouts on my running pace.



Improve Fitness

Goal: To improve push-up training effi ciency (could be any exercise) by fi nding optimum rest periods.

Hypothesis: A certain amount of rest time will provide maximum strength gains while mini-mizing risk of overtraining. This time could vary by individual.

Experiment: Do one set of push-ups to failure. Wait 7 days before repeating. If rep count stays the same or improves, test again after 6 day wait. Then 5 day wait, and so on, continuing to shorten rest period until lack of full recovery brings down rep count.

Measurements to Take: I will track the number of reps performed.

Duration of Experiment: 3–4 weeks.

Variables to Test: After the shortest adequate rest period is found, three sessions with this amount of rest should confi rm whether it will provide adequate rest over the long term. Another exercise can then be tested using the same format, to see how rest requirements vary based on exercise or muscle group.

Goal: To stay fi t AND Primal during my second pregnancy.

Hypothesis: Primal style nutrition and exercises are benefi cial and sustainable during pregnan-cy and beyond!

Experiment: Stay Primal and active during all three trimesters; compare with my last (pre-Primal lifestyle) pregnancy. Up carbs through safe starches like sweet potatoes, dried cherries, etc. Regular snacks of cold water fatty fi sh, coconut oil and omega-3 eggs, grass-fed beef. Raw Primal-friendly pre-natal vitamin, cod liver oil as supplements. In other words, Groking-it all the way!

Measurements to Take: By happy accident, I took my body composition numbers about the time I got pregnant. Compare at intervals during pregnancy; monitor food intake; monitor symp-toms (so far NO nausea or exhaustion at 6 weeks!).

Duration of Experiment: Nine months, baby!

Variables to Test: Compare to last pregnancy and monitor nutrition needs (i.e., possibly more safe starches/carbs, reintroduce full fat greek yogurt if needed) and adjust as needed.



Improve Fitness

Goal: To give up chronic cardio classes at the gym and introduce sprint workouts.

Hypothesis: By eliminating chronic cardio and introducing sprint workouts for the fi rst time, I will gain more energy and leaner muscles.

Experiment: I will incorporate various sprint workouts into my exercise routine once a week.

Measurements to Take: I will rank my energy level on a scale of 1–10 both one hour after and one day after sprint workouts. I will judge muscle leanness by taking a picture of myself each week and comparing photos.

Duration of Experiment: Five weeks.

Variables to Test: After fi ve weeks, I will add in a second sprint workout to see if this increases energy and leanness even further. I will also test how sprint distance affects results and also how total workout time affects results. I can also add in some of the cardio gym classes to deter-mine the effect.

Goal: Become “lean and mean”.

Hypothesis: Hone in Primal Blueprint diet and exercise plan to fi t weight loss and lean muscle growth.

Experiment: Track food and work outs daily.

Measurement to Take: I will measure weight and body fat %.

Duration of Experiment: 3 weeks.

Variables to Test: After 3 weeks, I will test different forms of exercise to see what garners the greatest results.



Improve Fitness

Goal: Improve overall foot health and strength.

Hypothesis: Walking for 30 minutes a day in bare feet will make the muscles in my feet stron-ger and improve my fallen arches and bunion.

Experiment: I will walk for 30 minutes everyday in just my bare feet (inside or outside).

Measurements to Take: Each week I will take a picture of my feet from various angles to see if there is any change in arches and big toe/bunion.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I will conduct additional experiments testing the effect of barefoot walking versus wearing “fi nger shoes”, extending the period of time and trying out dif-ferent terrains.

Goal: To increase balance by developing lower leg and foot strength.

Hypothesis: Switching to Vibram 5-Fingers will increase my balance. (I currently wear Merrell Trail Gloves, and my VFF are due to arrive Friday.)

Experiment: I will wear my new Vibrams for my daily 10,000 steps 4–5 days per week and continue to practice Tai Chi barefoot.

Measurements to Take: I will record how many consecutive cycles of single-leg kicks I can perform with perfect balance before, at one week, and after two weeks of wearing VFF; I will also record how long I can hold Rooster Stands on One Leg at the same intervals.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will reduce VFF to max. 3 days a week to see what effect that has on balance.



Improve Fitness

Goal: To improve my experience participating in local outdoor activities that I enjoy, such ashiking, mountain biking and skiing.

Hypothesis: If I become stronger and better conditioned (especially for my high altitude home) I will be able to participate in outdoor activities longer, with more pleasure, and the ability to carry more equipment and gear.

Experiment: I will start a structured strength and conditioning program.

Measurements to Take: For a baseline: I will perform one hike, mountain bike and ski eventand immediately after record my time, levels of fatigue and muscle soreness, and overall enjoy-ment using a scale of 1–10. I will choose a standard route and record the time of day and diet for that day. At the end of three weeks I will perform the same events on the same routes, at the same time of day and mirroring the same diet. I will again record my time, levels of fatigue and soreness and overall enjoyment, and compare my metric to see if there was improvement.

Duration of Experiment: Five weeks.

Variables to Test: Change the diet and time of day, perform same routes.

Goal: To increase mobility and fl exibility.

Hypothesis: If I perform yoga and stretching in addition to my regular strength and condition-ing program, my overall mobility and fl exibility will improve.

Experiment: I participate in a yoga class twice a week, and two other days I will focus onstretching and mobility exercises.

Measurements to Take: I will use a video recorder to document my mobility performingspecifi c movements and my fl exibility, and rank and record each one on a scale of 1–10.

Duration of Experiment: Three weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will replace the yoga classes and stretching with bicycleriding and walking for one week.



Improve Fitness

Goal: Tone up my arms.

Hypothesis: Doing targeted weight lifting 3–4 times a week will help build muscles in my arms.

Experiment: I will walk for 30 minutes upon waking and prior to eating breakfast.

Measurements to Take: Each week I will take photos of my arms from a few angles to show progress and measure around the center to chart any size differences.

Duration of Experiment: 2 months.

Variables to Test: Reassess after 2 months to see if signifi cant progress has been made. If not, try to see if different types of exercises or a more rigorous routine will produce results.

Goal: To do a full chin up from the hanging-down position without my shoulders subluxing or dislocating (I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome).

Hypothesis: If I increase the strength of the muscles around my shoulders it will assist in stabil-ity and prevent my shoulders from clicking, subluxing, or dislocating when I do a chin up from a hanging-position.

Experiment: I will do body resistance exercises such as planks, pull ups (with the arms at less than 180 degrees), and push ups twice a week.

Measurement to Take: One day a week I will have my signifi cant other fi lm/watch/take photo-graphs of how much I am able to extend my arms without my shoulders clicking or coming from their socket.

Duration of Experiment: Eight weeks.

Variables to Test: After eight weeks I will see if I am able to do a fully extended chin up with complete muscular and skeletal stability, and I will be able to tell if I am able to improve the stability and function of my joints, specifi cally my shoulders, through resistance exercises.



Improve Fitness

Goal: Increase lean muscle mass.

Hypothesis: Exercising in a Primal Blueprint Fitness fashion, coupled with a Primal Blueprint diet each week will make my body build muscle without fat.

Experiment: I will have one training session on Mon dedicated to “The Essential Four Move-ments”. On Thur, I will have a session dedicated to an archived “WOW”. On Saturdays, I will have a day dedicated to sprint training for 6–8 rounds.

Measurements to Take: I will measure my waist for fat measurements and my upper and lower arms and legs for checking on muscle development. I will also take weekly pictures and com-pare each of them for progress measurement. Finally, I will weigh myself weekly along with these pictures at the same time of day to check on weight fl uctuations/gains.

Duration of Experiment: 12 weeks.

Variables to Test: After 12 weeks, I will take another 12–week cycle and see if fasted workouts (in a Leangains style, minus the BCAA supplementation) promotes faster muscle growth if fol-lowed by a wholesome meal (Primal of course.)

Goal: Increase strength.

Hypothesis: Getting exercise frequently and early in the day will add up to more strength and more minutes than I’m putting in now!

Experiment: I will walk to the park with husband and dog Monday through Saturday, and do resistance exercises at the workout station at least three of those days.

Measurements to Take: Each Monday, I will hold a ‘plank pose’ when done working out, and have my husband time me.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: Beginning July 10th, I’ll revise the ‘program’ and schedule the personal trainer Groupon my sweet hub bought me.



Improve Fitness

Goal: To improve my half marathon personal best time.

Hypothesis: Intervals (sprints) will improve my running speed.

Experiment: On Tuesdays and Thursdays I will complete a set of intervals (sprint 75 secs, easy jog 3 mins, sprint 45 secs, easy jog 2 mins, sprint 30 secs, easy jog 2 mins, repeat 8 times), and a long run each Sunday.

Measurements to Take: I will record the distance covered during each session, and also the time/pace achieved on the long runs.

Duration of Experiment: Two months.

Variables to Test: After two months I will evaluate the distances covered to see if it has in-creased. I can then conduct additional experiments to see if one or three sessions per week provide more/less improvement.

Goal: Reduce my average hike time from an average of 50 minutes to an average of 47 minutes.

Hypothesis: Sprint interval training will increase my VO2 max resulting in my breathing being more effi cient and improving my time.

Experiment: I will do intervals for 15 minutes three times a week and the hike once a week.

Measurements to be Taken: I will record my time and average heart rate throughout the hike.

Duration: Now till the end of August.

Variables to Test: How do longer distance intervals (400m) affect my time as opposed to shorter (50m) intervals.



Improve Fitness

Goal: Be able to do a full pull-up by the end of June.

Hypothesis: I am a 118 lb. female, 21 years old and have been working up to being able to do a pull-up for some time now, but have never achieved it. I believe that using the progressions out-lined in Mark Sisson’s Primal Blueprint Fitness guide, I will be able to do a pull-up by the end of the month.

Experiment: I will move from chair assisted pull-ups for one week (every other day or so), to reverse or negative pull-ups for the next 1–1.5 weeks.

Measurements: I suppose I could take biceps measurements, but really I would like to objectively gauge my success on how much I am able to pull my own body weight up from a standard starting (hanging) position.

Duration: About 2.5 weeks.

Variables to Test: After the two weeks, I may want to try different numbers of reps and sets to see if more or less makes a difference. I may also try different frequencies (#days/wk).

Goal: Perform a pull-up without any assistance.

Hypothesis: Practicing a few pull-ups every day (rather than randomly as they come up in my gym workouts) will allow me to stop using assistance bands.

Experiment: Every day perform 10 pull-ups using the smallest assistance band possible. The pull ups don’t have to be continuous but there should be minimal rest in between. Then perform 5 negatives.

Measurements to Take: Note the size assistance bands needed to perform 3 pull ups in a row.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: Adjust the number of pull-ups done each day, train using only negatives or only regular pull-ups.


Improve Diet and Digestion



Improve Diet and Digestion

Goal: Eliminate uncomfortable gas, bloating, and constipation.

Hypothesis: Optimizing diet and supplementation will improve my digestive function.

Experiment: I will eliminate grains, dairy, sugar/sweeteners, and legumes from my diet and take probiotics as per label directions daily.

Measurements to Take: Each day I will assess my digestive function with my scale ratings for three statements: I felt constipated. I had lower abdominal pain relieved by passing stool or gas. I had hard, dry, or small stool. (0=never, 3=always).

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I will conduct additional experiments testing the effect of adding back in starches in the form of yams/sweet potatoes and possibly supplementing with betaine HCL.

Goal: Improve digestive regularity.

Hypothesis: Eating sauerkraut thrice weekly will increase my digestive regularity.

Experiment: I will eat a single portion of sauerkraut Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and observe and record the frequency and ease with which bowel movements occur.

Measurements to Take: I will record the time of ablutions and rate their subjective ease of passing on a scale of 1–5.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will conduct a similar test and this time record the time of eating sauerkraut in addition to the time of ablutions.



Improve Diet and Digestion

Goal: Understand my body’s reaction to dairy products.

Hypothesis: My body may have a limit to the type/quantity of dairy it can effectively process.

Experiment: Limit dairy intake for 1 week to 1 tbsp. cream in coffee (this my body is already comfortable with). On week 2, each day introduce a moderate to large quantity of one form of organic dairy product, in this order: 2 cups goat yogurt, 2 cups cow yogurt, 2 cups cow cottage cheese, 8 oz. raw milk grass-fed cow cheddar, 2 cups raw grass-fed cow’s milk.

Measurements to Take: I will rank and record any stomach discomfort immediately before and after each session, and 2 hours following each session.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will conduct additional experiments to see if more or less of each type of dairy will create different responses from my body. Additional dairy types will also be considered (e.g., sheep’s/goat’s milk cheese, goat’s milk, heavy-cream cheese, etc.)

Goal: Understand my body’s reaction to dried fruit.

Hypothesis: My body may have a limit to the type or quantity of dried fruit it can effectively process.

Experiment: Eliminate dried fruit intake for 1 week. On week 2, each day introduce different quantities/types of dried fruit, in this order: 6 prunes, 6 dried apricots, 6 prunes + 6 dried apri-cots, 15 prunes, 15 dried apricots, 15 dried prunes + 15 dried apricots. If at any point during this progression my body reacts negatively, I will halt the experiment at that point (measurement will have been achieved).

Measurements to Take: I will rank and record any stomach discomfort immediately before and after each session, and 2 hours following each session.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will conduct additional small experiments to see if differ-ent types of dried fruit elicit similar responses. (Prunes and apricots were chosen because they are what I most commonly have on hand, are cheap, and anecdotally seem to have caused nega-tive responses previously.)



Improve Diet and Digestion

Goal: Work up to comfortable intermittent fasting

Hypothesis: By slowly downsizing a meal that you think you can’t live without will lead to bet-ter ability to fast.

Experiment: Example: Breakfast. If daily breakfast is 3 eggs, 4 bacon, ½ cup blueberries: Over a period of three days eliminate 1/3 of the foods you are eating each day for breakfast.

Measurements to Take: Each day eat at the same time. Track then how long each day it takes before “hunger” hits and you are ready to eat again. See if you can work your way into a com-fortable fast on day 4 where breakfast is all together skipped.

Duration of Experiment: 4–5 days.

Variables to Test: Experiment with types of dinner foods you eat to see how hungry you are when you wake up. Vary exercise times during the day and log how much this affects hunger.

Goal: Get digestive system back on track.

Hypothesis: A more targeted/tailored Primal way of eating can quickly repair the digestive damage of too many non–Primal indulgences

Experiment: Follow a general Primal way of eating, as close to 100% as possible with a focus on the following: total avoidance of all gluten, even the trace amounts in delicious beer; total avoidance of all dairy, even butter and non–cow’s milk dairy; no coffee ─ very limited dark chocolate; a little wine is OK, but no other alcohol and don’t go crazy ─ use more as a relaxation mechanism; no spicy foods limited lectins (avoid if possible); repairing foods to include daily ─ kombucha and other fermented foods (go crazy), coconut oil (as much as tolerated) and other coconut products, garlic.

Measurements to Take: Take 2 ratings per day on a 1–10 scale ─ one for digestive function and one for dietary adherence ─ chart after duration of experiment ─ journal anything interesting (secondarily, take mental note of general mood and skin condition).

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks

Variables to Test: During the experiment, take note of any foods that trigger any digestive dis-tress. After the experiment, slowly bring in some of the foods being avoided and document any digestive setbacks ─ never test more than 1 food at a time a few days apart to truly assess any reactions.



Improve Diet and Digestion

Goal: To go grain free.

Hypothesis: Eating grain free should have numerous effects on my health including making me less hungry all the time, less sleepy after lunch (a common complaint of mine) and sleep better.

Experiment: Give up grains for the summer (start with 1 month). I already eat Primal except for the grains, which I was only eating sprouted or fermented per WAPF.

Measurements to Take: I will assess stress, sleep quality, hunger between meals, and workout quality using a 1–10 scale, where 5 is the normal sleep quality, stress, hunger, and workout qual-ity I have before giving up grains.

Duration of Experiment: 1 year.

Variables to Test: I will try IF for 2 weeks in the AM (not eating until 11AM) and 2 weeks of eating a big protein and fat breakfast to determine if morning IF is right for me.

Goal: To eliminate muscle cramps (which began after switching to the Primal life).

Hypothesis: By drinking coconut water and therefore replenishing my body with electrolytes, my muscle cramping will subside

Experiment: Each day I will drink a small glass of coconut water which contains electrolytes: potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium. I will drink a larger glass on harder training days.

Measurements to Take: I will record if/when I get muscle cramps. Also, after workouts I will rate how cramped my body feels on a scale of 1–10.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will vary the amount of coconut water I drink. I will also vary when I drink the water ─ before, during, after workouts. I can also replace drinking coco-nut water with taking a multivitamin that includes above listed minerals, or determine if I need larger doses of those minerals.



Improve Diet and Digestion

Goal: Replace one meal per day with a plant-based protein supplement with added essential fats.

Hypothesis: By eliminating meat from one meal a day and replacing it with a plant–based supplement, I will feel better digestion and obtain more fi ber.

Experiment: Replace my 2PM “meal” with a 30g vegan protein shake with 2 TBSP added al-mond butter.

Measurements to Take: I will note any changes in bloating, digestion, and BMs.

Duration of Experiment: Six weeks.

Variables to Test: After six weeks, I will replace the protein powder with real foods.

Goal: Discover importance, or lack there of, of soaking nuts before eating them.

Hypothesis: If the nuts have a large amount of enzyme inhibitors on them they should cause digestive issues when eaten with other things if they aren’t soaked.

Experiment: Week 1: I will eat a half-cup of raw, non-soaked pecans 30 minutes before lunch. For lunch I will then eat a can of salmon and a tin of sardines. Week 2: I will do the same but with pecans that have been soaked for at least 12 hours and then dried (but not roasted).

Measurements to Take: Subjective scale of 1–10 of fullness, indigestion, “time till hungry”, and satisfaction.

Duration of Experiment: 2 weeks.

Variables to Test: After 2 weeks I will conduct additional experiments testing the effect of roasting the nuts, roasting and soaking the nuts, sprouting the nuts, sprouting and roasting the nuts.



Improve Diet and Digestion

Goal: To see if Primal eating has lessened my severe sun sensitivity.

Hypothesis: The elimination of unhealthy grains and sugar and introduction of healthy fats has increased my ability to tolerate sun exposure, which has been, up until now, almost non-existent.

Experiment: I will expose 40% of my skin to the sun for increasing periods of time.

Measurements to Take: I will place eight small patches on my back and ribs, where they can-not normally be seen. Each week I will remove a patch to see if the surrounding skin has dark-ened and compare it to the covered skin from the week before. I will increase time slowly, from 10 minutes (which currently results in sunburn) to 45 minutes.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks

Variables to Test: Some of the patches will be exposed to the sun at midday when the sun is strongest; others at 4PM.

Goal: To fi gure out exactly how my own body responds to different Primal foods in terms of blood sugar levels after meals.

Hypothesis: Different groups of foods eaten together will have different effects on my own blood sugar.

Measurements to Take: Using a blood glucose meter, which I have yet to purchase, I will check my blood sugar level after different meals to see the effects at specifi c time intervals.

Duration of Experiment: At least a month to gather suffi cient data.

Variables to Test: Different types of Primal foods as well as different combinations of Primal foods eaten together.



Improve Diet and Digestion

Goal: Start to feel fi tter and healthier in a month.

Hypothesis: Eating Primal for the fi rst time will start my journey of getting leaner and being better able to do my workouts.

Experiment: I will no longer eat grains, sugars, bad fats, dairy and legumes for a month - I plan to be very strict with eating Primal for the whole month.

Measurements to Take: Every week I will take pictures and also measure my waist and hips. After a month I will measure my body fat. When I start, I will do a timed WOD for reps, at the end of the month I will do the same WOD to see how I fare.

Duration of Experiment: 1 month.

Variables to Test: At the end of the month I plan to continue eating Primal. I may try some dairy here and there to see how I feel. I will continue with my measurements and every now and then I will do my timed WOD to see how I improve.

Goal: To eat only whole foods: ethical animal products and organic plant products, local when-ever possible for one month.

Hypothesis: If I plan my menu and shopping expeditions ahead of time, I will be more mindful of what I am buying and when, thereby making it fi nancially and physically feasible for me to eat the most nutritious foods.

Experiment: On Sundays I will sit down and plan out all of my meals for the coming week. I will then plan on where to get the foods I need. Sources will include farmers markets, natural foods co-ops, small local grocery stores, and if necessary, other sources. I will only buy animal products from humane sources, and only organic plant foods.

Measurements to Take: I will record how much money I am spending on food and how much time I am spending planning and shopping for food. I will then compare this with previous results.

Duration of Experiment: One month.

Variables to Test: After the experiment, I may decide to conduct further experiments aimed at spending less time and/or money on food, but this will depend greatly on the results of this experiment.



Improve Diet and Digestion

Goal: Get of the carb wagon

Hypothesis: Eating Primal for 4 weeks will decrease my carb addition

Experiment: I will only eat foods that fi t the Primal lifestyle especially reducing my carb gram each week beginning with 100 grams a day.

Measurements to Take: Each day throughout the 4 weeks I will track my carb cravings by assessing them on a scale from 1–5.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I will conduct additional experiments testing the effective-ness of eating Primal by reducing or increasing the amount of carb grams a day to see if I get better or worse results.

Goal: To achieve nice bowel movements, regularly everyday.

Hypothesis: Times involving inadequate sleep usually coincide with times of bowel movement irregularity; so times involving adequate sleep may potentially coincide with regular bowel movements.

Experiment: For the upcoming week, I will ensure that I achieve a good night’s sleep every night to the best of my ability. Following each night’s sleep, every morning I will see how my bowel movements are (if there are any) and record their shape, color, and texture by visual observation. For the second week of the experiment, I will sleep late and wake up early thus purposefully causing poor sleep. Every morning when I wake up I will again record the charac-teristics of my bowel movement (if there are any).

Measurements to Take: Frequency, color, texture, shape, regularity of my bowel movements.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: During the duration of the experiment, I will stick to a diet with very little variation between the fi rst and second weeks so that diet will not prove to be much of a con-founding variable.



Improve Diet and Digestion

Goal: To identify factors causing my IBS.

Hypothesis: Items I am eating are causing my IBS.

Experiment: Eliminate the most likely culprits: milk, excess fi ber.

Measurements: I will rank and record my IBS every evening before sleep.

Duration of Experiment: One week to life.

Variables to Test: I will add back fermented milk products, starting with hard cheese, and fermented products, one addition each day, or increase in the amount as appropriate.

Goal: To have improved bowl movements

Hypothesis: Routine squatting exercises will strengthen leg muscles to improve squatting posi-tion for deifi cation, leading to improved (more complete, easier) bowl movements.

Experiment: I will do 2 sets of 50+ squats 3 times a week.

Measurements to Take: I will keep a journal of my daily bowl movements.

Duration of Experiment: Three weeks.

Variables to Test: After three weeks I will begin intensifying/altering my workout plan to include a more robust leg workout. New workouts will include single leg squats, one legged dead lifts, etc.



Improve Diet and Digestion

Goal: To have more regular and productive BM.

Hypothesis: Using Squatty Potty for 2 weeks will help maintain a more regular BM.

Experiment: I will use SP at two specifi c intervals a day at wake and mid-day to help establish more productive and regular BM.

Measurements to Take: I will rank and record my productivity and regularity on 1–10 scale. (1=no change no increase ─ 10=positive change positive production).

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will conduct additional experiments to see if additional changes to current Primal eating affect production.

Goal: Refi ne understanding of diet that works for me (celiac, microscopic colitis).

Hypothesis: A closer look at how I’m eating will give me more knowledge/power (and might even let me add something back in ─ I’m looking at you, eggies!)

Experiment: I will do a “whole 30” ─ in my case, this means no grains, no legumes, no sweet-eners, no alcohol, no white potatoes, no dairy ─ not even ghee, and no ‘additives’ (MSG, car-rageenan, guar/xanthin gums, etc.); sadly also no eggs (as my current diet). Continue coffee at 2 small cups/morning ─ no ‘extra’ for 30 days. Oh, right, this means no chocolate. Just thought that deserved saying out loud.

Measurements to Take: Each morning, I’ll write a quick ‘how do I feel’ note (including BP, it’s something I can measure). Also each day ─ and I do hate this part ─ I’ll write down everything I eat.

Duration of Experiment: June 24–July 23.

Variables to Test: Add wine back in carefully, occasionally, and slowly ─ that’s the only really signifi cant change from current diet; pending results of experiment, schedule re-test eggs.



Address Personal Health Issues



Address Personal Health Issues

Goal: Ease the infl ammation I have from Chronic Lyme Disease.

Hypothesis: Cutting nightshades, ALL dairy, and nuts will reduce the infl ammation that causes me pain.

Experiment: Eat a simpler diet that eliminates cream in my coffee and the occasional piece of cheese. No salsa, tomato-based sauces on food, and try recipes that don’t include nightshade-originated spices.

Measurements to Take: Daily pain on a scale of 1 to 10.

Duration of Experiment: 4 weeks

Variables to Test: After the fi rst week of clean eating, I will test one category of banned foods (nightshades, dairy, and nuts) by eating one serving of the food in question. I will then monitor the variance in pain/infl ammation for the next few days to see if there is a correlation.

Goal: To improve back pain and tightness.

Hypothesis: Daily mobility exercises (courtesy of MobilityWOD) will improve posture and will cause a decrease in back pain.

Experiment: Mobility exercises targeted at the back will be performed every day for a mini-mum of 15 minutes.

Measurements to Take: I will perform squats before and after each session and will rank the comfort in performing the movement on a scale from 1–10.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks, I will introduce different movements, such as the dead-lift, to determine if the mobility exercises done have carryover with different movements.



Address Personal Health Issues

Goal: Lower blood pressure.

Hypothesis: Drinking coconut water will result in a lower blood pressure reading.

Experiment: I will drink two servings of coconut water mixed into a smoothie every day.

Measurements to Take: Every week I will test my blood pressure at the same time of day using the same blood pressure monitor.

Duration of experiment: 5 weeks.

Variables to Test: After initial fi ve weeks, raise the amount of coconut water drunk.

Goal: Reduce my morning blood glucose levels.

Hypothesis: Consuming too much protein is causing my morning blood glucose levels to aver-age 100. I believe gluconeogenesis of the excess protein intake, combined with a degree of insu-lin resistance, is spiking my blood levels above my comfort zone. I have never had fasting levels this high. I have never been diagnosed as diabetic or pre-diabetic though I believe I was well on my way if not there before starting my Primal Blueprint journey over two years ago. I have been strict with my diet and exercise.

Experiment: Reduce protein intake, replacing protein calories with fat calories.

Measurements to Take: Test blood glucose level at 7AM, noon, 2h after lunch, before bed, and at random.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will conduct additional experiments by replacing some fat calories with vegetables and measure the impact for two weeks only if my levels have dropped. If they have not I will increase my activity level with added rigorous exercise and spend even more time moving at a slow pace. If all of these measures fail I will take a break from testing for a few months, continue my Primal Blueprint journey, and begin experimenting again until I am comfortable with my blood glucose levels. I can beat this.



Address Personal Health Issues

Goal: To be pain free, reduce infl ammation, rehabilitate from past injuries, and increase sense of wellness.

Hypothesis: Daily ice baths (Cold Thermogenesis) will reduce pain in body and help immunity.

Experiment: I will take daily a.m. ice baths (of 2–15 minutes, as tolerated) to see if Dr. Jack Kruse’s hypothesis is correct: Cold thermogenesis demolishes “the infl ammatory cytokine array or storm from disease.”

Measurements to Take: Blood test before and after experiment (prior to day 1 and at day 14) to measure c-reactive protein and other markers that detect infl ammation in the body; as well, I will keep a daily journal to detail infl ammation, pain, and illness responses from the day ─ ranking pain/infl ammation (scaled 1–10) and sense of well-being (scaled 1–10).

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: During test I make no changes to diet or exercise: 1) continue eating a Primal Blueprint diet, 2) continue exercise schedule that includes two CrossFit classes, one yoga class, 1-2 long walks, 1-2 CrossFit endurance workouts, and 1-2 rest days per week. After two weeks I will discontinue ice baths to see how pain, infl ammation, and sense well-being are affected.

Goal: Control migraine headaches.

Hypothesis: Exercise when experiencing a migraine headache will deaden the pain or make the headache go away.

Experiment: Upon getting a migraine, I will exercise as soon as possible after onset, either sprints or body weight calisthenics depending upon where I am.

Measurements to Take: At onset rank the headache on a scale of 1–10 and then again within 20 minutes after working out.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I will conduct additional experiments with different kinds of exercise: slow cardio, strength training, yoga, etc.



Address Personal Health Issues

Goal: Reduce dependence on asthma and allergy medication.

Hypothesis: Drinking unpasteurized, raw milk will reduce my dependence on asthma and allergy medication.

Experiment: For 2 weeks, I will reduce my twice daily asthma & allergy medications to an “as I feel is needed” basis with no changes to my diet or lifestyle. For the following 4 weeks after-wards, I will drink 8 oz of unpasteurized, raw milk every morning and maintain the as needed medication schedule and record any noticeable changes.

Measurements to Take: I will keep a daily journal of my asthma medication usage and of my self-evaluation of my breathing.

Duration of Experiment: Six weeks.

Variables to Test: I will have to take note of changes in the weather and how my asthma is af-fected by it. Additionally, after the fi rst six week trial, I will begin to introduce sprint training into my regimen 2–3 times per week and note changes in my breathing as a result.

Goal: To reduce or eliminate symptoms of keratosis pilaris.

Hypothesis: Increased intake of Vitamin A will reduce symptoms.

Experiment: Take 2 tsp cod liver oil daily.

Measurements to Take: Photograph arms weekly.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks. (Actually, I don’t know enough about the biochemistry to determine if this is a long enough duration.)

Variables to Test: If no improvement is seen, try increasing the dose. Alternatively, it is pos-sible that the body is not utilizing Vitamin A very well. Test the following to increase uptake of Vitamin A: increase sun exposure, increase Vitamin K intake through supplements or fermented foods. (Frankly there are a lot of variables here, such as level of infl ammation in the body and health of gut bacteria.) Avoid topical interventions such as exfoliation and skin moisturizing dur-ing the experiment.



Address Personal Health Issues

Goal: To not feel miserable during spring hay fever season.

Hypothesis: Grains produce infl ammation and dairy promotes infl ammation and mucus. If I re-move these from my diet, I can get through allergy season with a single over-the-counter allergy medicine, instead of having to use multiple medications and still having my eyes burn.

Experiment: Don’t eat any dairy or grains starting March 15 through at least May 15. Then try adding in dairy and grain occasionally and see if they promote hay fever symptoms.

Measurements to Take: Food logs and note allergy symptoms.

Duration of Experiment: At least 2 months.

Variables to Test: After two months I will add dairy and grains occasionally and see if I feel worse.

Goal: To improve mental focus in the afternoon.

Hypothesis: Fresh air and exposure to the sun will improve mental focus in the afternoon.

Experiment: At lunch, a minimum of 15 minutes will be spent outside.

Measurements to Take: Productivity in tasks will be measured through the use of a checklist that lists all the tasks completed in the afternoon with the time completed to perform them.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks; two weeks without fresh air and sun, two weeks with.

Variables to Test: After four weeks, the data will be assessed to determine if marked improve-ments were seen throughout the experiment and in specifi c tasks. Other future variables to con-sider are task diffi culty and personal stress level on a scale from 1–10.



Address Personal Health Issues

Goal: To not get cold while fasting (cold hands and feet, especially).

Hypothesis: Eating sugar or fruit as my last food before bed.

Experiment: Will try for one week to not eat sugar or fruit as my last food before bed.

Measurements to Take: Note the number of hours after last food before onset of feeling cold.

Duration of Experiment: 2 weeks.

Variables to Test: Try fat as a last food before bed. Try not to eat sugar or fruit at all before bed. Try not to eat sugar or fruit at all during the day.

Goal: Stabilize my metabolism and my mood.

Hypothesis: If I eat high-fat, high-protein snacks at regular intervals throughout the day for three weeks, I will wean myself off of carbs and not have so many mood/energy ups and downs throughout the day. I will then be in a better position to randomize my eating habits and not experience cravings for refi ned carbs.

Experiment: For three weeks, I will eat high fat and/or high protein, low carb foods in small increments at least every three hours throughout the day.

Measurements to Take: I will keep a detailed journal of what I eat and when. I will also evalu-ate and record fl uctuations in my energy, mood, and any cravings I have for refi ned carbohy-drates throughout the day, at least once per day.

Duration of Experiment: Three weeks.

Variables to Test: After three weeks, I will continue to stick to a Primal Blueprint model of eat-ing, but will experiment with intermittent fasting and variety of meal sizes and spacing between meals. I will experiment with adding “iffy foods” like legumes and sweet potatoes and see what their effects are on my metabolism.



Address Personal Health Issues

Goal: To have healthier skin and hair.

Hypothesis: Taking omega-3 supplements will give me healthier skin and hair

Experiment: For one month, I will take an omega-3 supplement once per day in the evening.

Measurements to Take: Once per week, I will evaluate the shine, durability, and softness of my skin and hair.

Duration of Experiment: One month.

Variables to Test: At the end of the month, I may experiment with an increase or decrease in supplement frequency, or with dietary changes instead of supplements.

Goal: To reduce my psoriasis.

Hypothesis: Daily sun, limited alcohol, and no caffeine will reduce the presence of psoriasis patches (compared to my current daily consumption of 2 cups of black tea, 5 drinks/week, and inconsistent sun exposure).

Experiment: Each day, I will spend at least a half hour outside, weather-permitting; each week, I will consume three or fewer alcoholic drinks; and I will eliminate caffeine from my diet.

Measurements to Take: I will rank and record the severity of my psoriasis on a scale of 1–5 at the end of each week.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After four weeks I will attempt very low-carb eating; I currently get under 150 a day, but I am curious whether under 50 might yield results.



Address Personal Health Issues

Goal: Increase sun exposure without a shirt on without burning, getting a tan. Spending more time in the sun with fewer cloths on.

Hypothesis: Supplementing Primal Blueprint diet with 1000 iU of Vitamin D will increase sun resistance, prevent burning while spending more time in the sun specifi cally with out a shirt on (something I have not done ever).

Experiment: Daily shirtless sun exposure of increasing duration while supplementing with Vitamin D.

Measurements to Take: Compare skin color to baseline “tan lines”, note exposure time each day and increase slowly, note burning based on exposure time and dose of Vitamin D.

Duration of Experiment: Summer.

Variables to Test: Increasing/decreasing sun exposure and D dose are both options.

Goal: Achieve a clear complexion (skin).

Hypothesis: Fasting will help to “detox” or “restart” my system and clear up my skin.

Experiment: Two different approaches: A) Eat Primal for 3 days, water fast for 1 (24 hrs) or B) Eat Primal for 3 days, lean gains fasting for the next 3.

Measurements to take: Take pictures of my face/skin twice a day (morning/evening) during the entire length of the experiment and compare; also record what I ate for each of those days in a food log.

Duration: 4 days (method A) or 6 days (method B)

Variables to test: Elimination or presence of dairy may play a role (I do eat cheese and heavy cream occasionally); amount of sun exposure; stress level.



Improve Work Life



Improve Work Life

Goal: To feel more connected to nature despite the sterility of my cubicle.

Hypothesis: I will feel more connected to nature, less stressed, and more interested in deeper natural experiences with the introduction of a tiny natural oasis into the limited space of my work cubicle.

Experiment: In the 16” long x 7” deep x 8” high space I have in my work area, I will create a living oasis of greenery, fl owing water and (hopefully) natural(ish) sound. During the day at hourly intervals, I will become mindful of that space and allow it to infuse me with a Primal connection to the natural world.

Measurements to Take: On my hourly walk tally sheet, I will score a morning 1–10 rating of how connected I feel to nature as well as my stress level. I will score this again at the end of the day to see if my nature mindfulness and/or stress levels are improving over the course of the day. I will also note any rise in spontaneous need to experience nature fi rst–hand outside of this cubicle oasis (i.e. desire to go outside after work or on weekends).

Duration of Experiment: Two Weeks.

Variables to Test: How do scores change by having the oasis in constant view versus having the oasis behind me where I must turn away physically from my work in order to practice my mindfulness exercise?

Goal: Eliminate wrist pain from constant mouse use.

Hypothesis: Regular grip training and wrist stretching can reduce wrist pain and possibly wrist damage.

Experiment: At my desk, I will use a grip trainer as well as perform wrist stretches every hour.

Measurements to Take: I will rate my wrist fl exibility and comfort before and after each session.

Duration of Experiment: One weeks.

Variables to Test: After one week I will conduct additional experiments to see if other or dif-ferent exercises can be incorporated to improve relief.



Improve Work Life

Goal: To stand at my desk the entire work day.

Hypothesis: Standing at my desk instead of sitting is healthier based on research that correlates sitting all day to the same risk of disease as a smoker.

Experiment: I will stand for as long as possible each day and record the time in hours of stand-ing (I work 8 hours). This is challenging because I am at the laptop all day long, and work from home, so only need to get up to use the bathroom or to get lunch. Also, I work for a furniture manufacturing company that invented ergonomic seating, so I have one of the best most ergo-nomic chairs ever made. And yet I’m going to try to stand all day! :) I bought an adjustable ar-chitectural drawing desk, so I can lower and raise it at will manually. And I have a chair that is standing height, so I can stand at my desk or sit and not have to adjust desk height (Aeron Stool is the chair).

Measurements to Take: I will record the hours standing in a day at work.

Duration of Experiment: One month (likely it takes time to get used to standing all day).

Variables to Test: I am testing standing on an earthing mat vs. standing on the carpet with no earthling mat. 2 weeks of each. I am also testing barefoot, vs. shoed (shod?) standing (I work at the coffee shop one day each week and wear sandals and fi nd the tall tables to stand at).

Goal: To reduce fatigue, stiffness and eye strain at the end of my eight hour work day at a deskunder fl uorescent lighting with no windows.

Hypothesis: If I stretch, walk or otherwise move my body hourly while at work, and have briefperiods outside, I will feel less fatigued, stiff and will have less eye strain at the end of each work day.

Experiment: I will set a timer on my computer or smart phone for one-hour incrementsthroughout my entire work day and with each timer, I will get out of my offi ce chair and stretchand/or walk. As much as possible I will walk outside and break away from fl uorescent lighting.

Measurements to Take: I will rank and record my fatigue, stiffness and eye strain on a scale of1–10 immediately after each work day.

Duration of Experiment: Three weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will stop the timer/reminders, and only walk or move asbusiness needs require for one week.



Improve Work Life

Goal: To increase concentration at work.

Hypothesis: Increasing my egg consumption will help me to concentrate by providing me with more choline.

Experiment: I will eat an extra egg for breakfast every day.

Measurements to Take: Each day I will note how many times I got distracted and faffed on the internet instead of working.

Duration of Experiment: Three weeks.

Variables to Test: Can I increase the number of eggs consumed for a further benefi t? Does the time of day matter?

Goal: To spend less time sitting.

Hypothesis: It’s been proven that sitting affects your health and not in a good way.

Experiment: To do computer work at a counter standing, start with 1 hour, then add an addi-tional half hour each day. To practice yoga and incorporate leg and hip strengthening exercises before working and after.

Measurements to Take: I will increase the time each day so that by the end of my experiment that I can stands for 4 hours without feeling the need to sit.

Duration of Experiment: 30 days.

Variables to Test: After a few days, incorporate exercises while working at my computer ─ leg lifts, squats, counter push ups, back and arm stretches.



Improve Work Life

Goal: To feel less tired in the fl uorescent lighting of the cubicle.

Hypothesis: Meditating a midday break will make me feel less fatigued during the workday.

Experiment: During lunch break at work in a quiet place (namely, my car), I will attempt to meditate/observe my breath for 20 minutes.

Measurements to Take: I will record my level of fatigue on a level of 1–5 (1 being most fa-tigued; 5 feeling energized) immediately before and after the meditation session.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will bump up the 20–minute meditation time to 40 min-utes to see if I feel more or less fatigued.

Goal: Eliminate low back pain from sitting in offi ce chair (stand up desk not an option).

Hypothesis: Regular and simple exercises such as “good mornings” can help mobilize the hips and stretch the low back and hamstrings, thus reducing or eliminating low back pain.

Experiment: At my desk, I will take at least a 3–5 minutes standing break every 60 minutes and perform a few “good mornings.”

Measurements to Take: I will rate my back pain on a scale of 1-10 before and after the stretch-ing sessions.

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will conduct additional experiments to see if other or dif-ferent exercises can be incorporated to improve relief.



Improve Work Life

Goal: Sit less.

Hypothesis: Sitting at my computer less will make me more productive (less likely to get sucked into the internet) at work and at home.

Experiment: I will religiously use my 20 minute timer when I sit at the computer, and I will get up when it goes off and at least walk around the room.

Measurements to Take: I will determine “percentage of to-do list accomplished” daily at work and a subjective measure of how well my time was spent at home (1–10).

Duration of Experiment: Two weeks on, two weeks off.

Variables to Test: After two weeks, I’ll try some different time increments (10 minutes at my desk might be enough to get real work done), and try doing air squats instead of walking around.



Miscellaneous Goals



Miscellaneous Goals

Goal: Improve my memory.

Hypothesis: Daily sessions of memorizing poetry improves overall memory.

Experiment: Take 20 minutes daily to work on memorizing a poem. Besides improving memory – poetry adds beauty to the moment. Rate my overall memory: Good/Normal/Poor etc.

Measurements to Take: First Day Baseline: Choose a fairly lengthy piece of poetry. In 20 min-utes, try to memorize as many lines as possible, note length and accuracy! Daily: Practice each day memorizing and reciting lines from my poem, compare to the previous day’s session, note length and accuracy. Keep adding lines to increase diffi culty.

Duration of Experiment: Eight weeks.

Variables to Test: After the eight weeks sit down with a new piece of poetry, and try to see how many lines I can memorize and recite in just one 20 minute sitting. Rethink my rating of my overall memory. Has it improved??

Goal: To feel more organized.

Hypothesis: Cleaning for a short amount of time every day circumvents the need to do a “big clean”, thus keeping me from feeling overwhelmed.

Experiment: I will clean for 10 minutes everyday, doing a “deep” clean, if necessary, and laun-dry on Sunday.

Measurements to Take: I will rank and record my stress levels on a scale of 1-10 every morn-ing and evening.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: After two weeks I will conduct additional experiments to see if more or less daily cleaning time yields better results.



Miscellaneous Goals

Goal: To reduce hair oiliness.

Hypothesis: An omega-6 to omega-3 dietary ratio of between 4/1 and 1/4 will result in less hair grease.

Experiment: Keep the ratio of the aforementioned fatty acids between 4/1 and 1/4. Unfortunate-ly this will likely require cutting back on the bacon but science requires sacrifi ces.

Measurements to Take: Hair oil test: Every day before bathing run your hand through your hair and record the amount of oil on a scale of one to ten.

Duration of Experiment: One month.

Variables to Test: After two weeks test fatty acid ratios of 6/1 and 1/6, increasing (7/1 and 1/7, etc.) until a change in greasiness is recorded.

Goal: to wake up without an alarm.

Hypothesis: I will feel more wakeful if I can manage to get up without an alarm, and morning preparation will be less stressful.

Experiment: Starting on a weekend, don’t set an alarm and see when I awaken. Try to get enough sleep each night that I wake at 6AM without an alarm. (Unfortunately, a back-up alarm will have to be set for 7AM or I’ll be late for work.)

Measurements to Take: Track wake-up and bed times for the duration. Did I use the alarm? How did I feel upon awakening? A journal will be needed for this.

Duration of Experiment: 30 days.

Variables to Test: How much sleep do I really need? Does opening the shades help (bring in sunlight)?



Miscellaneous Goals

Goal: To get pregnant!

Hypothesis: Changing my diet to a Primal Blueprint diet full of healthy fats and omitting in-fl ammatory sugars and gluten will make my body a great home for a baby, and therefore I’ll get pregnant, even at my age (35).

Experiment: I have been eating Primal since April 18, 2012. (I will continue indefi nitely as I think its just a good idea.)

Measurements to Take: Trying to get pregnant as of August 1! Yay!

Duration of Experiment: Will be a measurement of effectiveness of diet change on pregnancy (all other variables pre-tested and equal).

Variables to Test: Variant between before (not eating Primal) and after (eating Primal) with a new attempt to get pregnant.

Goal: Use less or no deodorant without smelling revolting.

Hypothesis: Magnesium chloride sprayed under the arms will neutralize body odor causing bacteria.

Experiment: Saturate the underarms after every shower. If body odor is detected, spray with magnesium chloride.

Measurements to Take: Smell for unpleasant odor to gauge length of time until more spray is needed.

Duration of Experiment: 1 week.

Variables to Test: Eliminate the acid compound of chloride as the true treatment by using a solution of magnesium sulfate instead and then another round of tests using sodium chloride.



Miscellaneous Goals

Goal: To enhance creative thinking.

Hypothesis: Physical activity promotes creative thinking, independent of mood and energy levels.

Experiment: For two weeks, I will not partake in any physical activity outside my norm. Each day, I will spend 15 minutes brainstorming and writing about a new invention that could improve daily life or help solve a global problem. The following two weeks, I will perform 30 minutes daily of moderate physical activity in the form of walking, cycling, or lifting weights. Immediately fol-lowing each session I will perform the same brainstorming activity.

Measurements to Take: Before each brainstorming exercise, I will rank my mood and energy level on a scale of 1–10, 10 being most positive and most energetic, respectively. After the two weeks have passed, I will rank how creative each brainstorming session was on a scale of 1–28, 28 being the most creative. I will then compare the average creativity value of the two weeks without exercise to the average of the two weeks with exercise.

Duration of Experiment: Four weeks.

Variables to Test: To cursorily account for the possible enhancing/detracting effects of mood and energy on creativity, I will perform a modifi ed averaging of the creativity levels in each two-week group of measurements by multiplying the creativity value by the mood and energy values, and dividing by the 14 total measurements. If the modifi ed average creativity level is higher for the two weeks that include physical activity, this supports my hypothesis. Further support for the hypoth-esis could be collected by repeating this experiment nine more times and performing standard statistical analyses on the modifi ed average creativity value for each two-week period.

Goal: Stop using soap and shampoo.

Hypothesis: Using soap is not good for my skin and may be contributing to my dry skin and mild eczema.

Experiment: I will stop using all soap and shampoo for a period of 60 days.Measurements to Take: Each week I will examine my skin to see if it has improved, taking note of any change in my eczema patches.

Duration of Experiment: 2 months.

Variables to Test: After the 60 days I will note the overall look and feel of my skin as well as whether my eczema has improved at all. I will also get outside opinions on whether not using soap has affected my body door in any way.

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