evolusi persenjataan pasca perang dingin

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Berbicara mengenai persenjataan pasca-Perang Dingin, kita akan dibawa kepada beberapa episode perang yang sempat terjadi di dunia, dengan persenjataan yang mutakhir. Penulis mengawali dengan menyuguhkan sekilas mengenai beberapa perang mutakhir tersebut, di antaranya Perang Teluk I yang memfokuskan kepada Operation ‘Desert Storm’ , Perang Afghanistan, dan Perang Irak. Kemudian, penulis menganalisis lebih lanjut mengenai karakteristik dan dinamika persenjataan pasca-Perang Dingin.Pada akhirnya, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa revolusi sistem persenjataan yang terjadi pasca-Perang Dingin adalah suatu RMA Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Walaupun demikian, perlu dicatat bahwa, walaupun negara seperti AS mampu memenangkan battle dengan mendayagunakan seluruh teknologi persenjataan yang dimilikinya, teknologi ternyata belum mampu menjadi faktor determinan dalam menentukan kemenangan perang.


Revolution of Weaponry SystemGhita Yoshanti 0706291281Riris Dwi Adianti 0706291382Tangguh 0706291426

• Hi-tech gadgetary

• Professional military

• Lack of institutionalization of RMA


• Badly trained soldier

• Advanced military technology, still not better than the U.S.’s

• Miscalculation towards the U.S.

Iraq • Battles won by the U.S.,managing to drive out Iraq from Kuwait

• Saddam Hussein had yet to be defeated


GBU-31: Mk84 bomb fitted with JDAM

RQ-1 / MQ-1 Predator

RQ-4 Global Hawk

Al Qaeda waged netwar

U.S. response to al Qaeda’s rise was weak and ineffectual: World had changed—and U.S. had not yet changed sufficiently

Most important advance in U.S. capabilities: JDAM UAVs (RQ-1A Predator & RQ-4 Global Hawk) Siprnet

In the past, civilian casualties were regarded as routine; now those were a major scandal Growth of precision-guided munitions

Most important offer from U.S.: air power Victory still required close cooperation of air & ground action Heavy air strikes defeated Taliban

First air strike: a failure Best weaponry in the world was not much use without adequate intelligence

U.S. forces had grown since Desert Storm: technology, doctrine & organization Use of information technology had improved; Decision-making far more quickly, Transmission of

short messages became useful, Locating enemies far easier Army-marine coordination & “jointness”

Battle won, favorable political outcome couldn’t be achieved Fall of Saddam’s police state disintegration of law & order Failure to stop fleeing Baathists dissipating to communities Shortfall of coalition troops forces: fast conventional attack, failed reconstruction effort No planning for Phase IV—stability operations after Saddam’s fall Army of insurgents: Baathists and other Sunni Arabs with “classic guerilla-type campaign” U.S. soldiers not trained for “nation-building” and “peacekeeping”

U.S. troops facing dead end Isolated “inside the wire”—the Green Zone Threat of IEDs Lack of “up-armored” Humvees, supplies, and small equipments like the Interceptor system U.S. soldiers being a hierarchy fighting the insurgents being a network Frustrated battling a vicious enemy U.S. forces abused

4th generation war Political struggle: Ideological war, State vs. non-state, Private security /

military company Operation: asymmetric war; Political interaction, Bureaucratic

interaction, Media’s war Tactical; People: win heart and mind of the supporting mass, Protracted

war / long war

World had changed Cold War: bipolar world with visible & predictable threats Post-Cold War: threats from multiple sources, unpredictable

Emergence of netwar by networked, decentralized organization Modern communications & transportation technology: In the past,

terrorists abroad had little ability to inflict damage far from home; now they have

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