evaluation question 3: how does your media product represent particular social groups?

Post on 10-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
  2. 2. Character stereotypes. Conventionally in horror films there is usually a small group of people- most likely teenagers who are slowly killed off throughout the film. The protagonist is usually a female which could be quite ironic as females are seen as the weaker sex for example in The Shinning. However in other occasions the protagonist is a male character as they are portrayed as the stronger sex. In some films the identity of the antagonist is made clear to the audience as it may have been filmed in their point of view as part of a dual narrative. However this isn't always the case in some other films. The identity of the villain is kept a secret as it helps to build up the atmosphere and create tension- it also makes the audience surprised at who the antagonist may be and what they are going to do next.
  3. 3. Antagonist Character The antagonist character in Tracks of Damnation is wearing all black clothing. The colour black shows connotations of death and danger. This could also be associated with Grim Reaper. The fact that our antagonist is wearing all black clothing supports the archetype that villains wear all dark. However this could also subvert the archetype as some other villains in other films have not worn black clothing. This could suggest that villains don't always have to wear dark items of clothing and that they could wear normal clothing therefore you may never know who the antagonist is as they are blending in with everyone else. Our antagonist is very tall and quite slim, I think this characteristic supports the archetype that is villains tend to be slimmer and taller. We tried to feature the antagonists dark clothing through a close up of him picking up his coat of the hook on the wall. The fact that our antagonist has longer hair suggests that he subverts the fact that villains in films are usually shown with shorter hair. The weapon of choice for our antagonist character is a axe, This weapon supports he archetype that murders usually kill with sharp weapons and also supports the weapon that would conventionally be used in a slasher film for example this is shown in close up. Our antagonist is wearing a mask throughout the duration of the film which suggest that people or villains who wear masks tend to e more intimidating and scary to the audience and as part of the narrative for example in Scream.
  4. 4. Secondary character The secondary character in tracks of damnation is wearing a costume of a hoody, baseball cap and a pair of jeans. This costume shows the audience that he is portraying a normal boy by wearing clothing typically associated with teenagers. The costume supports the archetype of the typical kind of clothing that teenagers would usually wear. Ton is wearing a baseball cap backwards. We decided to do this because we thought it supported the archetype of what teenage boys might wear or sport influenced boys might wear. We wanted Ton to represent the stereotype of a typical boy who is quite sport influenced for example this is shown in a medium close up. We decided to cast Ton because we thought his was conventional to the age of actors used in horror films in the media industry. It also supports the stereotype that the adolescence are used a lot in horror and slasher films. Another reason to why we picked Ton was because someone who is of similar age to our target audience means that the characters could become more relatable to the viewer.
  5. 5. Location 1: Garage. The first location the we used in our film opening was a garage. We chose to use the garage because we it was a convenient place to film as it is very close to were we all live. The man reason why we selected a garage to film in was because it was quite an ominous location therefore it fitted in well with what you would usually expect from a location in a horror or slasher film. The lighting used in the garage was very low key which helped to create an atmosphere and make the location look quite ominous. However to help create a more tense atmosphere we decided to use strobe lighting on a mobile phone to make it seem as if the lights were broken- the broken lighting shows connotations that the location is quite old and run down. To reinforce the atmosphere created using the flashing lights , the incidental music helped to create this atmosphere. Using a garage seemed like the perfect place to prepare a weapon as garages are stereotypically places that you would store tools and possibly axes. The use of a garage supports the archetype that slasher and horror films are set in low key lighting locations and possibly run down and abandoned areas.
  6. 6. Location 2: Woodland area. The second location that we used was a woodland area in Chacombe. We decided to use this location because it was local and meant that there would be no travelling issues. Conventionally in horror films woodland areas are used as a location for the film for example Cabin in the Woods. We decided to use a woodland area because it was very secluded which could show the audience that there wouldn't be anywhere to run to. Using a woodland area as a filming location support the stereotype that some murders are committed in secluded and distant locations. It could also support the stereotype that woods can be very dangerous and scary when your alone. We thought that using this location would support archetypes because it is a conventional setting for a horror film in the media industry and helps to create and build tension. For example this is shown in an extreme long shot. We linked the two locations and the dual narrative together by including a small sequence of radio report stating that the there was an axe murderer on the loose and murders had been committed in some woodland areas. We also included a radio report of the murder of Ton because it could be used to foreshadow his death to the audience and to help establish the narrative.
  7. 7. Props and Makeup For Tracks of Damnation we decided to use an axe as our weapon. We chose this as our weapon because it can be a very brutal, harsh and raw way of killing someone. Killing someone with an axe can show connotations that they are very strong and powerful. Axes are conventionally used as weapons in Slasher films for example the axe is used to kill in The Shining. Using an axe as a weapon can also seem quite outdated so using it in our film gives it a more modern twist and may intrigue our target audience. The use of an axe subverts the stereotype that axes aren't typically slasher weapons like knifes. The fact that our antagonist character is very slim subverts the archetype that axes are typically used by stronger and bigger people. Our antagonist is a male which supports the stereotype that men usually use axes and are the stronger sex. In our film opening we used some fake blood. The blood was home made using liquid glucose, food colouring and water. We used a YouTube video to create this. We used fake blood because it is conventionally used in Horror and in particular slasher films. The use of fake blood enabled the death shot above look more realistic and because blood is usually associated with death. We didn't want to use too much blood as our film is only rated 15 so we used enough to make it look slightly realistic. Fake blood supports the archetype that axe murders are usually bloody and violent.
  8. 8. Close up: This is the first shot of the antagonist and makes the audience wonder who it is and what they are doing. Medium shot: This shot shows the antagonist putting his coat on and shows the viewer he is getting ready but does not show identity which keeps audiences in the dark and encourages them to keep watching. Extreme Close up: This shot shows the villain wiping his axe to, shows connotations that he is cleaning up after a previous kill. Shows audience he has killed before. It is a tilt shot. Extreme Close up: This shot shows the villain sharpening and preparing his axe for the next murder. Extreme Close up: This shot shows the mask which is the icon for the film- this creates mystery as viewer doesn't know the identity. Close up: This shot shows the antagonist putting the mask on but camera focuses in and out to hide his identity- adds mystery for audience. Extreme Close up: This tilt shot shows radio whilst the non diegetic voice over is played. This shot and voiceover foreshadows Tons death- lets audience in with a secret. Close up: This shot shows a picture with Ton and camera zooms in on him to show he is the next target and to connect the dual narrative.
  9. 9. Extreme long shot: This shot shows the viewer the second location and also showcases the costume of the character. This shot shows he is alone. Medium Two shot: This shot tracks and shows the Ton is not alone and that he has been targeted for the next kill. It also shows how fast the antagonist is. Low angle Close up: This shot shows the audience what the character looks like and also shows part of the woodland location. Medium shot, slight lo angle. This shot shows the character and tracks him as he moves- the camera also shows his cocky expressions- which can be associated with teenagers. Close up: Showcases to the audience the location and the environment he's in. Extreme long shot: Shows how isolated the setting is and pans as he walks. Extreme Close up: This shows the environment and helps audience associate setting with the radio report. High angle Close up: This shot makes Ton look weaker and more vulnerable.
  10. 10. Close up: This shot tracks ton round in a circle and shows the panic on his face as he knows he may not be alone. Extreme close up: Shows that Ton might have heard something and is looking around for clues. Medium Two shot: This shot shows that the antagonist is hiding and is preparing to attack Ton. Medium Shot and point of view shot: This shows what is happening in tons point of view and shows the antagonist attacking and killing him. Extreme close up: This shows that Ton has been killed and relates back to the radio report of his body being found.

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