
Post on 02-Nov-2014






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Charlotte McCaffrey4126




Front cover analysis

The main image is a long mid shot, and the shot is in depth of field they are all

looking at the camera which shows domination of them being a new band.

I decided to do the image in black and white as I did research into

how other magazines present their main band image on the

front cover and black and white isn’t commonly used. I thought

that using black and white would be a good difference and it

emphasis the image of being outside and to show that they are

a calm group not shown in vivid colours.

This is a pull-quote, which relates the interview inside

the magazine to the band which is the main image on

the front cover.

This is the magazines slogan, ‘Tuned’ is a term that can be used in the music industry. The strapline emphasis how the magazines is going to keep the audience up to date with the latest music.

The main image has been done to be the whole background for the

image, this is so they are the centre attraction of the page.

The magazines masthead ‘Unison’ has been placed at the top of the page, as we did research into how other magazines place their masthead. By it being at the top it emphasis that’s the title of the magazine and no other magazine is called ‘Unison’.

This is the splash of the front page; this is to represent the main story which is about ‘Modif’. I have chosen to do the title in an old typewriter font, in white to contrast with the background.

I have chosen red as it contrasts with the background, it accentuates the masthead.

The ear and puff of the front cover. Is selling posters to the audience, so the audience gets pulled in to see the meaning about being ‘more…’ posters than they have listed. This is conventional as most of the music magazines have ears.

This is a puff as the word ‘official’ is a superlative which promotes the interview.

I have got many coverlines on my front cover, to link to the inside contents.

I had chosen this image as it is dominating the fact of them being a new band as they are looking straight into the camera. I had chosen to do the image as the whole background, and not cutting them out of the shot and to have them on their own; as I liked the background of where they are as it contrasts well with how they are all standing as the braches are above them which frames them.

The headlines on the front cover are suitable for the age range that we have chosen for our target audience: 16 – 25 and is for both genders. As the inside story’s are linked to party’s in the summer holidays and concerts that the audience may have intended. I also took into consideration about the social classification which is B,C1,C2.

My front cover page has got many Gratification and Solutions, Information, Identify, Entertained and Escape are the gratifications on the front page. These all make the cover more appealing to our target audience. Isolation - Community and Boredom – Excitement ; are what our magazine front cover brings to the audience.

Conventions –

The bar code is generic as all magazines have a barcode and including the issue number. I have chosen to put the barcode near the bottom left corner so it is out of the way and not blocking the image.

The mast head is also generic as all magazines have it, also most magazines have the title at the top of the page; as we found this out in our research and discovered that people prefer to have the masthead at the top of the page.

Front cover

Contents page analysis

This is a pull quote, I decided to add this as there was space due to the image is at the right side. The pull

quote is linked to the image.

The masthead of the page is at the top middle to signify that it is the contents page. The colour white contrasts with the blue banner, the title is over lapping over the top of the banner; so the white is also contrasting well with the grey background.

The Unison title, is at the top left to …

The colour white is contrasting with the grey background, I have chosen the magazine title to be white as it links to the other writing on the page.

This image is big and bold, to show the link between the image to the main image on the front cover. To show the audience that they are the big main story going on in the magazine in this issue.

The contents layout for the inside story's, is a simple layout; this is generic with most magazines as all magazines have the inside story's with the page numbers. I have decided to do the layout of the writing into two columns to separate the page.

The contents numbers are blue to contrast with the banner at the top and to link with the big page numbers with some of the images on the page.

The background is an gradient tool from grey to white from the bottom left corner; as it contrasts with the white text and the orange dividers and box.

The orange dividers contrasts with the grey background. We chose to use dividers to add structure to the page.

The number pages, are linking to the smaller

numbers with the inside story’s; also as I have put

them with images that are linking to the inside


The editors section, is a generic convention.

The editors section adds enthusiasm

towards the audience. The image is cut out so

it highlights that he is the editor.

We decided to use a handwriting tool for the

editors section for the signature, this adds


I chose to have a couple of images on the contents page to fill up the page however also to

add a various of images that link to the contents.

Contents page

The story’s that I have chosen to have included within my magazine, the titles I have chosen to go with the month as it is end of summer so I have linked story’s to how the month has been and what has been going on in the month. Also I have took into consideration about the audience and how the story’s will be linked to them.

On the contents page there is also gratifications and solutions on here, the gratifications on the page are Information, Identify and Escape. These are due to them receiving what the magazine is going to give to the audience in this months issue. The solutions is again Isolation - Community as it is bringing the audience in to see what has been going on in the month.

Conventions –

The page is free flowing, as the contents is not in set groups. In my research I discovered that some magazines have the contents in set groups and some don’t we were more attracted to the free flowing contents pages as we could then add more individual detail into it.

Also the images that are scattered on the page are conventional as all the magazines I researched into had images on their page; which linked to the contents of inside the magazines.

The editors column is also a convention as magazines have a section for the editor to welcome the audience into the magazine and to talk about what they think about the latest news going on in the specific month.

Double page analysis

The main image I have placed for part of the background. The image is going across over the two pages.

This is the page number, and we decided to have the website and the date linked to the page number, as it will give the magazine more attraction towards it.

The headline for this page is the name of the band. I have chosen to do the title the same as the font on the front page, to link them together as they are both in the old typewriters font. The colour is black instead of the white which is the front covers colour, as the black contrasts more with the background as it is a colour image.

This is an offer to promote what we have in the magazine, which is a poster of the band that is the main subject on the double page spread.

For the headline of the double side page I used a pull quote from the interview.

The column layout is a simple two column layout, the interview has been sectioned as there are gaps between parts of the interview.

This is an introduction to the interview to tell the audience who and to tell them what we are going to discover about the band.

This is a pull quote from the interview, which is separating the contents; to add structure to the page.

The colour of the text is co-ordinating with the colour scheme of the front cover and contents page. The blue and orange are contrasting with the black background. The black background is contrasting with the colour image.

Double page spreadThe shot is a wide long shot, the band members are standing at different levels which shows the audience that they are young and not serious as they are not in a structured order. The image is showing the domination of the group as a new band; they are all looking towards the camera to emphasise the dominate look.

The Conventions –

The page number is generic as all magazines have the page numbers as it links to the contents page, some magazines also have the website or/and the date next to the page number to promote their magazine.

The main image as that goes over both pages is very common in other magazines.

Having the headline is conventional to show the audience what the page is about; however some magazines have there headline as a pull quote as I have done which makes it generic.

Having the band name in a font different compared to the others on the page is conventional; as it is to show the audience that’s the name of the band. Some magazines in my research might also have a explanation under the band name, however I thought that may be to much for the page as the image has a lot of distraction.

The names of the band members are contrasting with the background, and are is a different colour to the white so the audience can tell that which member are speaking in the interview.

From preliminary to final production

My preliminary task of making the school newsletter was a successful project, as it was my first task of designing a newsletter I think it was good as me and my team members did very well; I completed the task in time and thought out how the layout would look professional compared to traditional school newsletters. However starting my final production of the music magazine me and my group put more thought into it and how we are going to produce it in stages. My journalism skills have improved since the preliminary task as I thought more into what the audience would want to read; I have used more correct vocabulary and professional wording for the music magazine. My skills with using adobe Photoshop have improved as I did all my pages for my magazine on this programme so my work looked more professional; as I looked more into layers and the layout. Also my photography increased in looking more professional as I thought how I wanted the banc to look and how they would be presented; also my editing skills have improved.

My use of technology

Here is the part of the Photoshop programme which I organised the layers; so I could place objects/shapes/images above or underneath each other. Also so I could add text either under something or above.

This is the moving tool to move objects around so I can try different ways to get the best way for the magazine page to look.

This is the text tool, so I can have a variety of different styles.

The paint tool, I used this tool for highlighting underneath the cover lines on the front cover.

Shape tool I used a lot as I used dividers for sections on my contents page to add structure, also used a circle to advertise the posters; and also had boxes to highlight under text.

I used Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 and 8, as this specialises in layering and photo editing.

Photography and editing

I enhanced the front image to black and white; I chose black and white as in my research I discovered that black and white front covers were very rare. And the black and white conotates the band as a calm area.

This is the original image before I did editing, the image was very bland and wasn’t very appealing to the target audience.

This is the after image which is much more appealing to our target audience; as it has more of an individual look.

This is the burn tool which darkens areas which are over exposed.

The dodge tool is the opposite to the burn tool as it lightens parts of the image.

Photography and editing

The magnetic lasso tool is to cut out an image from it’s original background; I used this tool on this specific image as the background wasn’t appropriate for our editors section on our contents page. By using this it allowed me to move the main picture to an plain background for professionalism .

This is the original image which had a distracting background from the main focus of the photo.

This is the after image after from cutting it out from the background; by placing the image on a colour background the focus is more on the editor for the audience to know who he is.

Internet sources

This is the website we used for getting our different fonts to add more of a variety and as the text that were offered in the Photoshop didn’t suit the type of magazine and our target audience.

This font was for our front cover to capture the target audience; as the font is edgy and is dominate for our magazine.

I chose this font for the titles of my band that was the main feature of the magazine in this issue. I changed the colour for how the background looked as the front cover is black and white and the double side page is in colour.

This font was used for the title of the contents page as it is bold; we use this font on the front page as well for continuity.

To add professionalism we used handwriting for the editors section.

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