eva mendes: secrets de perte de graisse

Post on 02-Apr-2016






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How to Meet Women on Facebook

Get Girls on Facebook™ by Ann Onymous



With the digital revolution and the rise of the internet, the world is more connected than it has ever been. Consequently, there has been a huge flux of social networking websites such as Facebook that allow people to communicate with one another with the simple touch of a mouse. And with communication there is always the ability to create attraction. In this E-book I discuss a step by step strategy for meeting women on Facebook. After extensive trial and error, this strategy has come to together as the most effective way to meet women from this particular demographic. Of course with any type of interactive process, this strategy is not infallible. Every women is different and every interaction generates at least some unique quality. But that’s the beauty of this game… First things first… If you don’t have a Facebook account, go to Facebook.com and set one up. It’s free and takes no longer than 5 minutes to set up. Secondly… This system makes usage of cold approaches where you have no prior relationship with the girl you are gaming. This doesn’t imply that you can’t ‘game’ girls on Facebook that you have met before. You can and you should but this book won’t cover that.

Step 1:Create an attractive profile

Because a women cannot actually see you in the flesh, a great deal of a women’s initial judgment of you is going to come from your profile page. For an attractive women to even consider communicating with you online, you must display some sort of value. You need to show that you are a cool guy. You can do this by creating a profile that screams you are high value male who get what he wants and has all the women he wants. To get a women believing you are high value guy she has to “see” you in action, so to speak. More specifically your profile needs pictures. Particularly ones that show you are fun, cool guy. Basic evolutionary theory assumes men and women are driven by very old and very primitive drives that have a central goal of surviving and keeping the genes alive. As a result, women are drawn towards men (even if they aren’t aware of it) who actively display they are the leader of men, socially aligned, wealthy (or at least can provide a good life), humorous, and live an active lifestyle. Fortunately, you can display all of these qualities in your photos. This includes pictures of you with women (the more attractive, the better). It can include pictures of you with friends. It can include pictures of you traveling (worldliness can be substituted for experience). It can include pictures taken in exclusive places with exclusive people. The more pictures you have, the better. If you go to a person’s profile and see they appear in 1000 photos, you don’t need to see all of them to know that this person is a actor in life and not a spectator. In reality, you don’t necessarily have to be a superstar. You just want to appear that way. (Side note: If you are lacking in this department, go out and buy yourself a small digital


camera. I think you can get them for as cheap as $125. Take it everywhere you go. In time, you will build up a good amount of photos you can post on your page. You can also hop into pictures from other peoples cameras. A good majority of the pictures on my profile are in fact photos someone else took but tagged me in. In terms of the photos where I’m not looking so hot, I might untag them. Put your best foot forward and always have more attractive photos than unattractive photos, period! If you don’t know how to judge your looks, create a hotornot.com account and submit photos. People will let you know within a week or two which pictures are your best.) If you have some extra coin and you’re an over achiever, there’s another way to appear like you’re a somebody. You can hire a professional photographer and do a photo shoot. If you want to take it step further, you can also hire models to be in the photos with you. It is by no means a necessity and if not done right can be a bit excessive and silly. But if done tactful it can make you appear pre selected by beautiful women. Filling in your personal information For areas that require you to fill in personal information you want to display you are a high value, fun, chill guy. The easiest way to do this is to include fun, interesting details about yourself in your profile. In your personal section it’s fine to list your actual interests and activities but avoid interests showing dependency, lack of social life and Star trek. These are unattractive qualities and will not score you points in the eyes of an attractive women. If you want to come off like an attractive person, you need to appear intriguing and interesting. A good way to do this is to string together an eclectic list of interests. For example I might write something like: Interests: Europe, hiking, running the Biz, chocolate, silk sheets, deep conversations, glasses of Pinot in the hot tub, guitar, pull ups, Stunna Shades, random unplanned roadtrips, Red Lights, Trees, popcorn, green tea, Audis, interpretive dancing, Jack Kerouac, long boarding in the wee hours, pita chips and hummus. Here’s an example of a BAD interest section: (poor) INTERESTS: books, Halo 3, Second Life, programming, Star Trek, McDonalds, fishing, bowling. DON’T DO THIS…..KEEP IT INTERESTING!!! I have never found it helpful to put sexual themes in my personal section. A lot of guys do. It tends to give off the “I’m trying to be a player!” attitude and knowing how skeptical women are already regarding strangers online, this is a first impression that I don’t want her to have of me. Also cater to the type of women you wish to attract. If you are simply looking for a short term relationship, you should communicate you live an independent, free spirited, non committal lifestyle. Likewise if you are interested in a long term girlfriend you will want to display qualities that a committed boyfriend would have. Talking about things like smoking weed, chillin with homies, mackin bitches, and drinking till the sun comes up


won’t have your future wife falling head over heals when she takes a gander at your bio. Some DON’Ts in the realm of filling in your personal Facebook Bios are… DON’T have misspelled words or incorrect grammar. You don’t need to sound like Shakespeare just make sure you aren’t coming off as uneducated. You want to control every single variable that you can. If double check what you write you should be fine. DON’T brag. It reflects insecurity more than anything else. It’s fine to demonstrate you are person of value but there is a huge difference between showing you are a cool guy and overtly telling everyone how great you are. For example if you were to say “I have so much money!” you would come off as bragging. However, if you were to say “I enjoy taking the yacht out to the coast” you wouldn’t be bragging but rather letting people know about an activity you enjoy and consequently that activity costs a lot of money. Also, when creating a profile it is fine to stretch the truth a tiny bit. If you say you are a sailing enjoy sailing even if you’ve only been once it won’t make much difference in the relationship and how she feels about you. If you do stretch the truth and she bring it up, you can tell her that that was an inside joke between you and a friend. No harm, no foul! On the other side, you don’t want a profile that is comprised solely of falsehoods. If she detects you are trying to be someone you are not, this will instantly raise her suspicion of you, which will make it much harder to create a connection with her. In setting my relationship status rarely do I check the box single. It is less threatening to the women if she sees you are “In a relationship” or “It’s complicated”. Likewise it is better to say you are “single” than to say you are “engaged” or “in an open relationship.” Engagement is often perceived as literal online. If you do check you are engaged be willing to explain yourself because she will ask about it. The reason I don’t like checking “In an Open relationship” is that it signals you are a player or at least trying to be a player. You want to keep her skepticism to a minimum. You can do this by not going this route. Setting your relationship status is not a make or break thing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work it towards your advantage. Be Social You’ve got to appear as social as possible. Add as many friends as you can. Acquaintances in real life should always be friends on Facebook no matter how long you’ve known each other. Ideally, you want your social network to be as large as possible. So add as many friends as you can. The exception to this rule is girls that you actually want to game. Don’t add them. Adding them as friends implies you are interested in them. The same goes for poking. Attractive girls won’t buy it so avoid doing it at all costs. The Wall An interesting fact about Facebook is that when you send someone a message they will send you a message back. If you write on their comment wall, they will write on your comment wall. Expect people to use identical mediums to communicate. The great thing


about wall comments is that they are viewable to anyone. If someone sees you have a 1000 people who have written on your wall, it shows you are social aligned and connected to a lot of people. As a result, your value goes up in their eyes. I love writing on peoples walls because I know they will write on mine. I make a point to write on all of my friends and distant friends’ walls partly because of this reason. Note: I also enjoy talking to my friends and being social. I’m not just in it for self serving purposes. Nonetheless, write on peoples walls as often as possible and watch as the number of your wall comments increase. Joining Networks Unlike the many spammers or ‘phishers’ on Myspace, Facebook prides itself on being Spam free. This is good in regards to the security of your account but bad in regards to meeting new people. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this idea, let me clue you in. As of right now, you can only view profiles that are within your social network/s. You can only be in two networks at any given time: your college/school network that is dictated by your primary email address(you need this to access your account) and your city network which you may join. You cannot view profiles of people who are outside your network/s. You are however, able to change city networks despite there being some restrictions for changing back. Just be aware of this. The good news is, unless a person has privatized their profile (a small amount of girls do) you can check out hundreds of thousands of girls profiles within your network and see what their all about. TRICK: If you want to view profiles within a network you are not a part of (universities, etc) find a good friend who is a part of that network. Get his account information so you can get into his account. Of course let him know why you are doing this and reassure him you won’t do anything other than what is described next. In another window, access your account so that you have two Facebook accounts open. And what you will do is browse profiles using your friend’s account and message the girls from your account. Rarely do girls ever realize that you were outside of their network yet were able to see their profile. It’s that easy! Selecting a Target To get started, if you look to the top left of your Facebook page you should see an ICON that says “SEARCH.” Click on that. It will bring you to a page with a series of options. CLICK on the ICON Browse. This will bring you to a page where you can modify your search. You should modify your search by checking the FEMALE sex preference. In terms of checking relationship status-you will get the best results when you only check the boxes-Single, In an Open relationship, or It’s Complicated. Trying to spark something with Engaged, Married, or ‘in a relationship’ is much harder and requires a tremendous amount of extra work. That doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. But if you are going invest time into this, why not make it as easy as possible. For the most part, you will need to see a girls profile before you send her a message. Often times, her default picture is not a strong enough indicator of what she looks like and what she is all about. Her bio will give you a glimpse of this. If you click the ’view photos of her name’ you will get a more balanced perspective on what she looks like and what kinds things she enjoys doing. The more information she has available, the easier it will be to ‘game’ her. Be careful here though. Profiles can be deceiving and the


last thing you want is a psycho who won’t leave you alone. Let your intuition guide you and you should be okay. In terms of the actual interaction at hand, Facebook game follows a similar structure of real life game -Open

-Create Attraction


-Comfort /Rapport


Step 2: Opening

The goal of opening is to get a response from her. If she doesn’t message you back, you have been unsuccessful in opening her. If she does, you have successfully opened her. It’s that black and white! When learning how to open, it would be wise to first go over the Do NOTs. Never show any interest right off the bat. As I mentioned already, this can include “poking” her or adding her to your friends list. You will also want to avoid opening by writing on her comment wall space where everyone can see. The exception to the rule is if you are already acquainted with her and have had some past interaction with her. If that is the case by all means comment on her photos and wall. You’ve got nothing to lose in that arena. Your opening message should always be short. A long message may seem like it would be good because you can say a whole lot. But more than likely, the only thing she will see is how much time and effort you put into talking to her-a girl who you don’t know. In her eyes, this puts up a red flag screaming “CREEPER!” More is not better. Keep it short and you reduce the chances of this happening. A sentence or two is optimal. To open, you should send her a message that is nondirect, and has no hints that you are even remotely interested in her. Like I said before, the purpose here is merely to get a response (neutral or positive). You aren’t trying to get her hot and bothered. You aren’t trying to make her your girlfriend…. yet. The basic ingredients for a good Facebook opener consist of the following- observation, non-interest, and intrigue. Before you send her a message find something on her profile to comment on. More specifically, find something unique and even marginally “uncool.” For simplicity purposes we’ll simply call this ‘uncoolness” an Indicator Of Disinterest or IOD(credit: Mystery). There are two functions of an IOD 1)It separates you from the average guy who compliments a girl at the first chance he gets and 2) It will let her know you are not trying to hit on her. Note: this does not mean you should be mean, rude, or disrespectful. Doing this will immediately raise the alarm bells and cause her to put your message in the trash. I like to think of an IOD as a tease or a means to poke fun of her in a playful way. Some excellent words to call girls that convey this are “nerdy, goofy, goofball, goon squad, dorky, etc. Words such as these have relatively neutral


connotations and won’t overly offend her yet will still demonstrate you aren’t just another horny guy. You can also start messages off by saying things like “Ohh No!, Not again! , Not another! Etc) An IOD I often start off with may go something like this: “ Ohhh NO, A Harry potter lover! That’s so nerdy!” Pairing IOIs with IODs If you want a consistent response from the girl, an IOD won’t stand alone. It would not make sense for you to message someone to tell them how much you are not interested them. They would see through it instantly and assume that you were in fact trying to hit on them but doing it in a sneaky way. To get women to consistently respond to your opener you must pair a compliment or Indicator of Interest (IOI) with your Indicator of Disinterest. In other words, you must balance out your message and give a reason for why you actually messaged her. It doesn’t have to be profound. In fact, it shouldn’t be. You could say something as simple as “ I love it!” “that’s awesome” “that’s rad! “you rock!” etc… If you take the previous example and add an IOI you will get this opener “Ohhh NO, A Harry Potter lover. That’s so nerdy! I love it” When you put the two statements together, it comes off as almost a linguistic contradiction. How can you hate something and love it at the same time? However, in online game, it really doesn’t matter. Attractive women are rarely ever told how goofy, nerdy, or dorky they are. Instead they are told how beautiful, stunning, hot, funny, and sexy they are. When you message an attractive girl and the first thing you say is something that adheres to a side of her that isn’t attractive, you will instantly have her attention. And when you compliment her “unattractiveness” it will only intrigue her more. CAUTION: Never tease a girl on something she shouldn’t be teased for. For example, if you were to say “ Ohh wow, you like Rihanna. That’s so dorky. I love it!” she would mostly likely be suspicious purely because liking Rihanna is not the least bit nerdy or dorky. Occasionally there will be little information available on her profile for you to make an IOD. If you face this dilemma, the next best bet is to comment on her hometown, or residence. It works much better if she is originally from a smaller town but occasionally it will still work if she is from larger areas . Ex. You could say “ohh NO, not another (Podunkville) girl. Haha I love it!” I encourage you to come up with your own openers based on this system. In time you will be able to generate original openers that work just as well as the ones I provide. First Moves Seeing as you are a high value guy (or at least acting as one), you really are too busy to fret around wondering if the person you messaged has messaged you back yet. This means even if you choose to check your inbox 6 times a day, there is no purpose in


messaging her back the second that you see inbox(1). In fact, a general guideline for messaging should consist of no more than one exchange a day on your part. This means that no matter how many times she sends you messages during the day, you only send her one. If you are sending her multiple messages a day, it reflects how much time you have on your hands and how little you are actually doing. As you become more acquainted with this type of game, you’ll find that extremely attractive, high quality girls won’t message more than once a day. Generally a girls first message will be brief. This is especially the case with the more desirable girl who gets messages constantly from guys. Knowing this, don’t expect to get a monologue that ends in her confessing her love to you. More often than not, she will still be a little suspicious of your intent. Here are some common responses you will get from girls “hell ya (your initial IOI) rocks. Blah blah” “yea I love (your initial IOI. Blah blah” “who are you?” --my least favorite response The more she reveals to you, the more information you will have to work with and incorporate into dialogue with her. Don’t expect her to carry the conversation at any point in the interaction. In Facebook game, you are always leading and controlling the direction and outcome.

Step 3: Responding Message

Although the content of every single message you send is crucial, your first response message is the “maker” or “breaker.” And consequently, this is where most guys get it wrong. They key to your first response message is based purely on her first message. When creating your first response message you must ask yourself these questions: Could she still think I’m trying to hit on her? What could I use to further capture her attention in a non- threatening way? How can I start shifting this conversation to a topic she is passionate about? More often than not, your first message will have disqualified you enough to get a response but not enough to keep it going. For this reason, unless she has displayed overt interest in the first message, you should throw a second IOD-IOI pair in your response message. Again, It should be authentic/playful and not too insulting. The first response message as well as every following message should end with you asking a question. Keep reading and you will find out how you can do this effectively.

Step 4: Creating Attraction One of the biggest keys to getting Attraction on Facebook is getting her to reveal things about herself to you. Every little tidbit of information is useful and will help you generate an appropriate, attractive response. To get her to open up, you need to ask the right questions at the right times. Your initial questions should always be fun, playful, and not


too deep. Keep it informal and avoid coming off as an employer interviewing a potential employee. That’s what every other guy does and guess what? It’s boring. It’s uninteresting. And it’s unattractive. Not to mention, asking too heavy or irrelevant questions too early on could set off her “creeper” alarm. Here are some questions that are fun, playful and intriguing… If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? If you had the power of invisibility, what would you do and where would go? If you were given a million dollars but only had 2 days to spend it, what would you do? What’s your super secret power? (credit: Mehow) Where is the craziest place you’ve ever been? If you could be any celebrity who would you be? What’s the craziest concert you’ve ever been to? And I’m sure you can come up with a ton more… The goal here is to get her more invested into you and the interaction. A lot of times, you can take her response and use it to create a little mini future projection, which is where you talk about something fun/funny the two of you will do together in the future. For example: if you ask her ‘what’s your super secret power?’ and she responds “I’d have the power of flight“(most girls say this) you can say “Yes and we’ll fly across the ocean and ride elephants and kangaroos!” Don’t use this alone though! Keep reading! Demonstrating Value in Your Messages As I mentioned before, the last thing you want to do is brag about how awesome you are. You can and should however slip in little tidbits of information that allude to your awesomeness. And by awesomeness I am referring to the underlying qualities that women are drawn to- status, wealth, humor, worldliness, sophistication, non-neediness, social alignment, leader of men, etc. How do you convey these things? You make it appear accidental. To let a her know you are wealthy say something like “Yea, remind me never to stay at the Four Seasons Hotel again. At least the ones where you find a hair in the room service food. Yuck!” Let her know you’re cultured: “Yea I wish I could go back to Switzerland. The people are so friendly there. And the food is amazing. Yumm” Let her know you’re socially aligned: “Yea last week was crazy. My buddies band was performing at Coachella and decided


to fly us all in to come watch. Good friends are priceless! ” As you can see, you want to hint at being a high value guy rather than just saying it. I will also occasionally tell a girl she is blowing her chances with me. I stole that line from David DeAngelo who uses it in face to face game. It’s just as effective in Facebook game. It lets her know you are choosey when it comes to women-an attractive quality. Another thing you can do is leave holes in your stories and details about yourself. You want her wanting to know more and that will prompt her to ask you questions. How to tell if she is becoming attracted to you? Your number one indicator that she is becoming attracted to you comes in the form of her asking questions. If she starts asking you questions, she is becoming attracted to you. Another indicator that is a bit more passive but still an indicator. is when you see her messages becoming longer and more detailed. This means she is taking the time and care to talk to you.

Step 5: Qualification While you are creating attraction, it is important make a girl qualify herself to you. It answers the question “why does he like me? If she qualifies herself, she will know exactly why you are drawn towards her. To get a girl to qualify herself, you must prompt her to do so with questions. I’ve already touched on asking questions a little bit and if you are wondering what the difference is between asking a qualifying question and asking one that will create attraction the answer is: they are basically the same. The only difference is that qualifying questions can be a bit more catered to who she is as a person and not just “what her super secret power would be” However, as long as she is answering questions you ask, she will be for the most part, qualifying herself. To get responses to questions consistently there is a little trick you can use Precede the question with a compliment related to the question you are asking. Ex. “You seem like a spontaneous person. What’s the craziest place you’ve ever visited” By giving her a compliment, it makes her feel good about herself. If you make her feel good, she will want to keep feeling good and as a result will continue to jump through your hoops and prove herself. This is the same way when dealing with any person in real life. God Bless human psychology. Especially when it applies to meeting women.

Step 6: Creating Comfort More often than not, the line between you building attraction and developing rapport won’t be clearly marked out. Much of the time they will happen simultaneously. But for simplicities sake, you should make an effort to build attraction before you build comfort. The key to creating comfort/rapport with a girl on Facebook lies within the two of you relating to one another. In essence, you want to find as much in common as possible.


You also want to eliminate any lingering thoughts she may have about you being another internet “creeper”. This is the part when you can have a normal, genuine conversation and talk about the things you are passionate about. For me it’s friends, family, music, love, soccer, guitar, hiking etc -basically all of the intimate details that make me who I am. Family is huge and nearly all women resonate with that particular concept. I almost always talk about family to create some rapport and show her I’m a good guy. Ex. “Yea, It‘s my parents anniversary next week so I‘m thinking of flying them somewhere warm. Any ideas?” Note that you should intermittently reward girls for qualifying themselves. This reward will come in the form of a compliment. Don’t do this all the time or you will look like a try-hard. But when she reveals a deeper, more interesting part of herself, let her know. “That’s so awesome you like X” “ That’s so cool. It’s rare to find a girl who likes X” Or something along those lines… If you are feeling sneaky you can take notice of emotional words or phrases she uses frequently and feed them back to her in your messages. This will strengthen the emotional connection between the two of you. Another trick you can utilize to build comfort is to plant her name in a message. If done not too often it can be effective in making her subconsciously believe the both of you have known each other for longer than you have. I generally won’t do this more than once or twice in a thread. A couple examples are… “ I don’t know about you Sara!” “ Erica, you’re nuts!”

Step 7: Seeding There will come a time, maybe 7-12 messages deep where the conversation will peak and there won’t be much more for the both of you to talk about. It could come down to where if you send her another message, it will seem as if you are trying to keep the interaction alive. This conveys neediness. Likewise, if you don’t message her, the interaction dies then and there. This is why it so important to seed and close before it gets to this. A good clue that the interaction is about to peak is when she stops asking you questions. When this happens, you know it is time to seed and close. Seeding the interaction is slipping in a future event into normal conversation. A good amount of the time, you should start seeding at about 5 -6 messages in (depending on the interaction of course). I always seed the interaction with something that I plan on doing. It may be that I’m


throwing a party. It may be I’m going to some fun event. Initially, I won’t invite her. I’ll just talk about it -maybe when I’m talking about my friends or something. But as I start to see the interaction peak, I’ll bring it back up and tell her she should come by. Note: the more you hype the event, the more interested she will be. Another note: You can do this even if you don’t have an event or party to go to. If it becomes an issue later, you can say it was cancelled.

Step 8: Closing

Closing on Facebook is nearly always going to take the form of getting her phone number. Rarely is there ever enough comfort for a 1 on 1 meet up unless she is a psycho or extremely desperate. A number close allows you to transition to a mode of communication that enables you to build more comfort and eventually meet face to face. And if you’re thinking, “wait don’t some girls already have their phone numbers on their profile?” The answer is yes, but never the girls you would want to call. And even if you did call them, you would need some initial comfort for them to answer/talk to you. You are much better off getting a girls number off her personally. A recap here!! So Let’s say you’ve done everything right up to this point. You’ve opened. You’ve built some attraction. She’s qualified herself to you. You two have a ton in common. She feels comfortable you are a good guy. You seed a future event and invite her by saying something like… “Yea you should totally come by!” From this point in the interaction you will often get one of two responses 1. She will say YES and inquire about further details or 2. She will ask for more details regarding the event. Either case allows for a perfect opportunity to number close. You can say something like… “Yea I think it’s at X spot at X time but it might be subject to change. I’ll tell you what …I’ll send you a text in the next day or two when I have all the details worked out. What’s your number?” I love this close because it almost seems as if you are doing her a favor by taking her number. And even if you plan on calling her (which you should, always say “text” because it’s less obliging compared to a phone call. In fact, it actually requires the same amount of commitment as messaging on Facebook. Also, you are never asking if I can have her number. You are commanding “What is your number?” If you’ve done everything right up to this point, you will almost always get her number. If you get to this point and she denies giving you her phone number, you more than likely did something wrong earlier on and did not create enough comfort with her. Nonetheless, if she does this you can poke fun of her, offer her your number and ask for hers again. If that doesn’t work send her another message giving a date and time where you will be somewhere and tell her to bring some friends and come by.


Post Close After you get her number, you should still send her another message. You don’t want her thinking you were just trying to get her number and that’s it. It’s the same in face to face game. A single fluff message will suffice. BELOW is a full thread from beginning to end of an interaction I had a few weeks back. It’s not perfect, but it is a great example of this system being applied. For privacy purposes I changed the girls name and the location. Everything else is exactly verbatim from the thread. Enjoy!

Dthomas Ohhhh No, A Pooley girl. Haha… I love it!

Jessica Whats wrong with a poolley girl? Nothing at all.. I just know how to get down! :) -Jessica

DT yah you guys get down with the cow tippin! but I must say you do have a good taste in Music (Dave rocks live!). what's the craziest concert you've ever been to?

J Not so much cow tippin but alot of huntin and fishin :) But speaking of Dave I’m going to watch him and Tim Reynolds play in April, Im so stoked!! But I would have to say that the craziest concert I have been to was Tool in Seattle, and then U2 and Pearl Jam in Honolulu.. They were both amazing!! So are you from x-ville??

DT What? Seriously? That’s awesome. So you’ve completely redeemed yourself!!! One of the coolest concerts I went to was Pepper in Seattle. Not a huge venue but soo good. Have you ever heard of them? And yes I was born and raised herre. I just graduated tho, so I’ll soon be off to grad school wherever that may be. What about you? What's you life story?

J Pepper! Are you kiddin me, OF CORSE! They are one of my favorites! I have seen them 2 times, The Gorge, and in Hawaii. I used to live there right out of high school then moved back to WA now im here in x-ville. I use to party up here all the time back in the day.. But that’s all really.. Just slavin away and goin to school.. But let the good times roll!!!!!


DT Wait you lived in Hawaii and then decided to move back to the x-ville? Wow Jessica, your slippin! J/p! It would be nice to live in the sun for a change tho. Why did you move? I think if I could live anywhere though I’d go back to Spain and live in Seville. It’s beautiful there. And they seriously party until 7 am on the weekends. I’ve never seen anything like it! Have you ever been to Europe?

J Yea it wasn't that I wanted to come back.. It was this whole roommate situation, it was dumb. I wasn't ready to move yet.. But oh well, everything happens for a reason right.. But anyways Europe uh? You lived there? Thats so awesome! I haven't been yet, but Ive been saving up money to travel for a couple years and Europe is first on my list. I hope to start with in a year, and I want to see everything! The way I see it is that your only young one time and I plan on doin my best to live it to the fullest! So do u have any big plans before your start grad school? And what are you going for by the way?

DT That’s awesome! I totally feel the same way about living life to the fullest. It’s the only way to live! My plans… right now I work with adults with disabilities. They are so fun( and kinda funny :p). I love it. I’m going for clinical psych by the way…And yea I’d love to do more spontaneous traveling before I go back to hitting the books. Like maybe Thailand or Panama!! There is really nothing more fulfilling than just throwing yourself in a completely foreign environment and just living in the moment. Are you a spontaneous girl? Other than that, I’ve been chillin with amazing friends and family, playing soccer, whoopin booty in beer pong and just livin the good life! But yea.. You’re a free spirited girl. What are your big plans and ambitions?


J Aw thats great that your help people like that.. Its the best feeling i bet! Speaking of Panama, I never really put much thought into going there until recently when I started watching this show Prison Break. You ever watched it? Anyways part of it take place there and is now on my list of places to see. And yes i am a spontaneous girl, sometimes too much.. It can get me into trouble :) but I never have any regrets in the long run, only good memories. But in the mean time I have been pretty much been doin the same as you.. Friends, Beer, Soccer, Music, Dirtbikes, Snowboarding, hiking, campfires on the beach and waitin for summer! I cannot wait!!! Sunny days on the lake wakeboarding! Hotdog roasts! Im so stoked! Anyways besides that I just getting ready to finish up my Business Degree and go from there.. Let the wind take me where ever ☺

DT yes I love Prison Break…except they’ve already broken out and gone back right? They should just change the name to Prison Breaks! Lost is the same way. Good show 2 tho. YOU play soccer? Are you serious? That’s rad. Outdoor Co-ed starts in two weeks. I’m so stoked. In fact, we are havin a little pre season party this Weekend. You should def come by. It’s going to be sick!

J Co-ed outdoor uh?? Thats awesome! Ive only played indoor Co-ed, I perfer outdoor anyways.. Where and when are you havin the party?

DT Yea we are having it our house off State St. It's going to be on Saturday. I'm not sure what time yet. I'll send you a text later on thurs or Fri when I know all the details. What's ur number?

J my number is X6X X10-0X4X. I don’t normally answer numbers I don’t know so just send me a text..

DT yea. I’m the same way with unknown numbers. I’ll send u text prolly tomorrow after I get off work and we get all the details worked out. Laterz

J yea just hit me up, I have to work on Saturday i just don’t know what time yet.. So I’ll be talkin to ya :)


So there it is, DThomas’ Facebook game. I hope it brings you success in meeting women off of Facebook. As I mentioned before, this system is not infallible but I am hoping it will be a building block that can be used and improved upon.

Cheers, DThomas

To step up your Facebook Game and increase the success rate... check this out!

Get Girls on FB™ by Ann Onymous

Table Of Contents


Girls 101

You have an EGO for a reason

Breaking Bad Habits

You’re doing it all wrong

What She Doesn’t Want You to Know about Her

The Magic Formula

4 Fundamental traits of any girl’s personality

Her Psychology

Desire: It all starts in her mind

Emotion: It’s always about how you make her feel

Female Fantasy

What Really Turns a Girl On

The fun factor


The Chase

Mental Seduction

The number one attraction tip

The biggest turn off

Girls are emotional reflectors

The Alpha Male Syndrome all girls secretly desire

The Facebook Game

Your Profile

Profile Prep: the basic elements of what a girl looks for in a profile

Pictures: your face, your name and everything else in between

Your profile picture

The Facebook Cover Photo

How to use shirtless photos

Photo Albums


Your About section

Friends – How many do you have?

Status updates and comments

Finding and Meeting Girls on Facebook!

Hunting ground rules

The easiest way to meet a girl is through common Friend

Groups: search and location

How to use singles related Pages and Groups in your area to meet hot girls

How to use any parties and other Events to meet hot girls in advance

How to use local venues, hangouts and past jobs to flirt with local girls

How to properly flirt with her friends

Reputation management

The Attention Getting Game

The Approach: First Messages

Message Writing Tips

What to do if she has NOT responded

Wall Posts

Comments and her Status Updates

Private Messaging Magic

How to Read a Girl’s Response

What to do if she doesn’t respond

Conversation Tips



The game SHE is playing

Hot Girl Tests

The top 3 tests any hot girl will throw your way when chatting on Facebook

The Friend Zone


How to avoid her Friendship Zone

What to do if you’re already in her solidly established friendship circle

A Few Final Words From Me


You are about to read how to make use of Facebook to land more and more of God’s gift

to men: GIRLS. And this read is a must… because I’ve seen (hundreds of times) what guys like you

use as “flirts” and “introductions” on girls like me. I can understand why you adore beautiful,

sexy, attractive, fit and delicious girls of all kinds. And I have a feeling you want to learn some

serious date grabbing, panty dropping, game changing skills that will transform the direction of

your social and sex life forever. I’m here to be your teacher. In fact, I’m probably the type of

teacher that your mind’s most sexually charged teacher-student fantasy would enjoy. I am your

guide into gorgeous girl hunting-ville. I’m about to become your new favorite person and your

key to success with as many beautiful girls as you so choose. All using Facebook; Because it’s the

single largest collection of hot women from around the world, and (more importantly) from your

hometown and backyard. And it’s also the easiest place to meet them, chat them up and get

them eager to meet you. Oh and no, you cannot Facebook me.

My mission is to make you a success when it comes to your game with gorgeous girls, but

MY bra size, my hair color, my likes and who I’m friends with (or what city I live in) won’t get you

laid - I’m not your end goal. Dream up whatever you think I look like, I’ll even give you a hint

(because I know your imagination needs a little help) … 36C, and they’re lovely. But this book is

not about my body or me. Who I am won’t end up with you spending more and more time with

girls. So let’s focus on you listening and learning and me guiding you on how to Get Girls On


Why am I qualified to teach you? Because I have an obsession with human psychology

and understanding people; I get hit on at a half dozen times a day just for stepping out; I can

introduce myself to any hot guy I want in person or online and have him playing with himself in

eagerness at the opportunity to meet me (especially because I know marketing as well and know

how to “package myself” so I become a must-have fantasy in his mind before we ever even meet;

But I also enjoy what my beautiful ladies dish out in the sexy dresses and those curves. Put a girl

in some low light and nothing but high heels and that’s worth getting excited about, I don’t

care what sex you are. I can appreciate the lure of a beautiful set of tits just as much as you can.

OH and one other small fine-point detail … I worked as 1 of 3 partners in launching and building

a now well established dating/seduction company and have personally coached at least 400 men

(well, “boys” that we turned into men) at getting girls offline and in all sorts of circumstances.

After seeing the daily emails and Pokes (my god that’s a stupid way to attempt to meet someone)

and messages waiting for me in my accounts like Facebook from guys doing a real SHIT job at

trying to impress me… I figured it was time to teach you guys how to meet, greet, flirt and fuck

with girls using one of my personal human-playgrounds: Facebook.

As for my name: call me Ann – Ann Onymous – and yes, you great puzzle master, that is

a completely fabricated name. Do us both a favor and stop worrying about me and my identity.

Instead, I need you to focus on what I’m about to teach you - incredibly powerful information

that will help you find, mingle, meet, hang out with, fondle, flirt, kiss and fuck as many girls as

you like. You put in the work using what I teach you and you WILL be getting girls you choose

once I’m done with you.

I’m a girl, but I adore beautiful girls myself and I appreciate you, in all your manliness and

I think that you deserve to be surrounded by gorgeous girls. So I’m going to break it down for you

minus the bullshit, because that’s the last thing you need. Believe me when I tell you, gorgeous

girls are an interesting and slightly complicated bunch if you don’t understand how they work.

We’re used to getting attention, we probably know (on some level) how hot we are – we know

what we’re working with, and if you don’t understand the process (the working intricacies of our

minds) by which we size you up to determine your sexual potential – we’re going to walk all over

you. Tis is just a simple fact of life. So man-up and pay attention to EVERYTHING I tell you

throughout the pages of this book.

Throughout the pages of this book I’m not only going to give you the HOW of approaching,

attracting and bedding hot girls, but I’m also going to tell you exactly WHY you need to do things

exactly the way I tell you to. I’ve chosen to focus on Facebook when teaching you how to

surround yourself with beautiful girls because Mark Zuckerberg is a damn genius based on this

one simple fact alone: he leveled the playing field for all men, regardless of dollars, social status

or even physical attractiveness. Facebook was originally created so that men (like yourself) could

find and interact with the hot girls within their local vicinity, which at the time was Harvard

University. So, my personal recommendation is that you give the guy a serious man-hug should

the two of you ever meet, or just take a quick break from this reading and do a little circle-chant

dance in honor of Mark’s name. He’s responsible for building you the world’s simplest, easiest

and FREE tool for getting girls.

Here are a few highlights with regards to using Facebook as your new wingman – just to

cover your ass in case you missed the first memo party:

1) Facebook is the world’s largest database of girls and it’s the single largest selection of

girls anywhere in this galaxy and the next.

2) Unlike a dating site like POF or OkCupid etc, the girls here don’t wake up to 100-200+

NEW messages daily, so the competition is far lower and your attention grabbing

messages (which I’m going to teach you how to construct) will REALLY stand out and

catch her attention – giving you an immediate in.

3) Facebook offers THE BEST ‘warm market’ ways to meet these girls through common


4) Facebook gets a lot of complainers about “privacy” and has companies milking it because

it’s the #1 venue for targeted advertising in the world… why? Because we all fill in a

ridiculous amount of detail about ourselves by Liking pages, joining Groups, posting

statuses and comments that include certain keywords and more. Well that’s exactly what

you get to use to YOUR advantage too. Finding and meeting girls based on past

employment, schools, local hang-outs, favorite Likes and interests, Groups they are a

part of. You’re going to want to eat me out… I mean eat me up for what I teach you in

this section alone.

As a side note of extreme importance: another reason I’m using Facebook is because I see

how absolutely lousy guys are on there. I get approached by guys in the laziest and dumbest

ways, and I promise you right here and now that the ones who get my attention aren’t the muscle

monkeys or the guys posing in front of an Audi R8 ... what I mean is, the toys, the fame, the

fortune, the muscles, the bullshit... sure that’s fun and attractive but that is not even remotely

close to your key for success with me, my girlfriends and other beauties. You want our attention?

You want the attention of one of your Friends’ hot girlfriends? You want that deliciously hot

brunette with the arousing cleavage from your favorite restaurant to add you as a friend, flirt

with you, meet up with you and fuck you? Then you need something very different from what

the majority of guys are dishing out… and I’ve seen PLENTY of what they’re dishing out, it’s

complete horseshit.

Just for fun, I’ll paint a bit of a picture for you. Yes, I get dudes, duds and dummies hitting

on me… but I get hit on by girls too. And it’s hot. Even if I don’t plan on doing anything with, it’s

hot as fuck when someone gorgeous is hitting on you and very obviously wanting you. I get playful

at times and send a flirtatious messages to a girl I’ve never met. It’s a turn-on and an ego-stroke.

And I love it. And so do other girls. We crave and NEED this kind of stimulation. We like to know

that someone is paying attention… BUT we damn well prefer to hear all this from a MAN instead.

So for the love of all feminine curves in the world, please pay attention to this training and let’s

get a lot more fondling and eroticism going on.

A small word of caution before we start…

What I’m about to share with you is incredibly powerful information that will change your

sex life and your relationships with girls forever; this can be a dangerous toolkit to have if you

don’t decide – right here, right now – to use it properly, and with respect. Quality girls, the girls

you actually want to be spending time with, these are the girls who will be able to spot bullshit

from a mile away. Sure, I’m going to show you how to get countless hot dates using Facebook

but you're probably (more likely than not) reading this because you actually want to have sex

with these hot girls and that requires some sort of physical interaction. Girls are emotional

reflectors which means they mirror your emotional states back to you (they do this

subconsciously and we'll get into this in more detail later) – but what you need to know right now

is simply this: If you use the knowledge contained within these pages for evil - ie: breaking hearts

and collecting pussy like a little boy, you will end up getting BURNED, my friend, because

eventually your short-sighted and selfish mentality will result in a an asshole stamp that all of us

ladies can scent from miles away. So, for the sake of your sex life, don’t become a red flag

bearing A-hole, your dick will hate you forever. There’s no need. Women love an adventure, and

that’s where you want to use “game” to get the girl. But don’t mess with their minds. It’s

disrespectful and will COST you more girls than it will gain you. Remember pussy-fucking is good.

Mind-fucking is bad. With that, let's get started!

Girls 101:

You have an EGO for a reason

There is a reason that you want to surround yourself with stunning girls, other than the

fact that they are – well, gorgeous and fun – you have an ego that relentlessly seeks satisfaction

and it can be equated with a girl’s self esteem. It is from this place that you view and structure

your world, which determines how you interact with the world around you. You see, it all starts

with you, and if I’m to teach you how to pick-up girls, we’ve got to make sure that you’re actually

worth spending time with (which, I’m sure you are) but this is incredibly important to realize

because girls have a heightened intuition, or ‘sixth sense’ ability to spot insecurity. It’s a survival

mechanism that spans back to cave men days. She needed to survive, men were typically stronger

(physically), which means she needed to ‘play her cards right’ and use her innate female charm

to get what she wanted – protection.

So how does this relate to your ego today? A gorgeous girl needs you. I’ll say it again: she

needs you, she wants you because you can give her what she will always need: a sense of security.

I’m not talking about finances or even physical protection - I’m referring to her self

esteem, feeling secure in who she is. The truth is that girls long to be fabulous, just as guys long

to be seen as a hero; Not necessarily Iron Man or Batman hero… but hero none the less. Any girl

wants to be appreciated for her beauty – this makes her feel happy and associate those positive

feelings with you… and I know that you want to make her happy – right? So here is how your ego

can help:

This is your first important lesson: you always want to find a way to give a gorgeous girl

what she doesn’t already have. You need to make her feel like she needs you… and I’ll say it again

so you get it: she does need you to help her feel secure in her own skin. She may not even know

it yet, but she wants your approval. Which means (drum roll please) your ability to satisfy a

beautiful girl will feed that ego of yours and girls are attracted to a man who shows security and

confidence within himself. A healthy ego is going to help you feel less insecure in all areas on your

life, including during your interactions with beautiful girls. Have you ever seen that fat, short guy

with a gorgeous model, or that broke-bastard with a stunningly sexy female? These guys know

two secrets:

Number one: Alpha male tendencies do wonders to make you feel like “the man” aka: develop a healthy, secure, perhaps overly inflated ego. You want to be the type of man that is

both playful and strong. (More about alpha male attributes later….)

Number Two: Make a girl feel a certain way, namely secure and comfortable being

around, and interacting with, you. As a result she will adore you (she will crave you more than

her stereotypical need for chocolate.)

The game always boils down to how you make a girl feel – always.

The female species is programmed to spot insecurity and avoid it like the plague, so if

you’re always beating yourself up, telling yourself that you can never ‘get’ a hot girl, or that ‘they

are all just bitches anyway’ (a lame excuse for your inability to interact with them) then you’re

probably not feeling too great about yourself and this means you reek of insecurity. I need you

to STOP treating yourself like shit right now. I know what I’m talking about when I tell you this:

we women NEED you. This is the truth. However, you’ve got to help open her eyes to this

realization and I’m going to teach you how to do that: keep reading…

Simply embrace and understand this simple fact for now: being able to attract, interact

with and keep beautiful girls in your life is first and foremost about you. Make the lifestyle

changes necessary to feel good about yourself (if needed) but know for certain that a beautiful

girl 99% of the time will not care what you look like, about how much money you make or who

you know if you can give her what so many other men (in her mind: no one) can give her – those

feelings of security, comfort and intimacy.

Look … if you’re tuning out thinking this is a snippet out of a romance novel and is all

about “the one”, the “soulmate”, “love” and things you probably aren’t even interested in… stop

being narrow minded my impatient student. I’m helping you understand women’s NEEDS and

what makes us tick and respond to your messages, invites … and what will turn us on quickest

(not a picture of your dick!).

If you’re heading out to hunt whatever, you need to first learn where you can find them,

what tempts them and how you can lure them, what frightens them and so on. Whether that

hunting session is out of necessity as a meal or as a sport for a trophy on your walls… that part is

up to you.

I’m not telling you what to do with your “hunt”. Marry her? Love her? Relationship the

shit out of her? Or sport-fuck, fondle, massage, flirt, tease, booty call her. I don’t care. That’s

between you and here. But to GET HER, you need to understand her. So slow down your

impatience. I’ll get to the how-to and the “tricks to get tricks” in a few minutes.

In fact, what I want you to learn is how to get countless hot girls to CHASE YOU by using

that built-in male need of yours: to feel like you know exactly what you’re doing – next page.

Breaking Bad Habits

I want you to think about this. You’re the boss at a major company (see, I told you that

you’d love me, I just made you the boss and CEO at some major company already). For whatever

reason though, you’re still the one approving all the hires... and as of this week your company is

hiring for a photo shoot. You need a model to pose with the new gadget your company is about

to unveil – this is a major gig for any model and you only have ONE spot for this ad. Your marketing

department (which for a girl, our marketing is the makeup, push-up bras, high heels, and

everything else we put on) ... your marketing department does a good job of spreading the news

of how prestigious this one modeling gig is going to be. Major modeling agencies and

undiscovered amateurs are all over this opportunity.

Every single day you wake up to new emails and Facebook messages from beautiful

girls. You go to the gym and girls recognize you, they want to be hired so they are there sweet

talking you because they want you to fuck them… I mean hire them for the modeling gig. You go

shopping, the cashier recognizes you, and for some reason she’s stunning and models in her spare

time. Random girls in the aisles stop you to say a seemingly innocent. “Hi” (though what they are

actually wanting is to put their hands all over your goods – the modeling gig you’re in charge of

hiring for.) You go to a nice lounge with your executives and your high powered friends, girls of

all types won’t leave you alone. Your mobile is constantly pinged with emails, Facebook

notifications, text messages – even from girls you’ve already turned down politely. Every single

day, everywhere you go, girls are competing for your attention because they want that one

modeling job. Meaning, every single day, you have DOZENS of “options” handed to you on a silver

platter. They are chasing YOU because they want something from YOU.

Now picture yourself, big boss man, in that scenario - I bet you’re pretty much loving this.

It’s a sweet spot to be in, right? The choice. The power. The confidence!?!

Okay ... now THAT is what I NEED you to drill very deep into your inner being because you

NEED to know that every hot girl you want, actually LIVES that life. Every hot girl, on facebook,

off facebook, wherever that you have wanted to strip naked gets roughly the same level of


You, as a man, don’t necessarily know this. Because we, women, grow up in this world

where men chase US. Sure there are guys I’ve pursued. And always will be. But in any given day,

I have at least half a dozen offers for sex. Not necessarily in a direct way but you know full well

that a guy giving attention is the first step towards what he wants with you: sex. And I say “half

dozen”, that’s without logging into Facebook or any of my social accounts. Let alone dating


Imagine having this much CHOICE.

THAT is what you’re competing against. BUT… let’s talk marketing for a second… Which

girls are getting this much attention? Every girl? No. The ones who know how to “package

themselves” well. There are plenty of girls walking around with no real care or effort in how they

look. That girl doesn’t get remotely the same attention as I do. Or my girlfriends do. Or the types

of girls you most likely want.

See, we know that for us to get attention from guys and have guys chasing us, we need

to “package” ourselves well. This means sexy tight dresses, push up bras, staying fit. Hell even

when we’re in the gym we get dolled up. It’s really excessive but it’s also very simple BAIT.

Because we get MEN chasing us.

However, what we want isn’t just “any guy”. Just like you don’t want “any” girl. You want

quality. And the good news for you is, though we easily get a lot of quantity of men, we get very

little worth-a-second-thought quality.

And the majority of your competitors (other men) are dumb as bricks when it comes to

knowing how to put a best foot forwards to build up our intrigue and sexual arousal. You want

us horny, right? Well we definitely know how to get you men horny. That bit of science works

both ways. Except WE look for different things then what you look for.

It’s not a matter of flexing more muscle (though working on yourself to be continually

more fit doesn’t hurt) or throwing more cash around, it’s about strategy and being the best

version of you so that you can have the confidence to attract and keep girls who are constantly

bombarded with an unlimited amount of sexual propositions. So in order to stand out, to get into

her panties, or even just get a date, you’ve got to get her attention in ways which seem different

and therefore impressive compared to what all the other idiots are dishing her way. Like I’m

telling you, girls are living that fantasy I described to you as their daily reality – they are never

short on male attention. So you’ve got to pay special attention to this next part because, in order

to attract these types of sexy girls, you need a serious arsenal of mental weapons, including – a

solid understanding of why you’re currently not having the type of success you dream of having

with very gorgeous girls. Keep reading, my boy, we’re about to get very real.

You’re doing it all wrong

Obviously, you’re doing everything wrong when it comes to interacting with gorgeous

girls because, if you were doing anything right you’d be getting at least some lucky hits. So (no

apologies) I’m about to scar your ego slightly by spelling out for you in layman’s terms exactly

what you are doing wrong. (Oh, so very wrong) and yes, you will probably cringe as you

remember times when you made these brutal mistakes. However, I promise to re-build that

wonderful ego of yours right back up by making you feel like a freaking rock star by the end of

this book – because, I will say it again, you will be able to pick-up (aka: seduce) countless hot girls

with the tools I’m giving you throughout these pages.

You are NEVER, ever again to do the following things: (seriously, you need to STOP – right now,

just STOP doing the following lame-ass shit.)

Chase her relentlessly and shamelessly (have some self respect man!)

Worship at her feet (hypothetically speaking – if you’re literally into doing that behind

closed doors, that’s cool…)

Disregard your own value

Annoy the cake out of her by being pathetically over eager (desperate cologne does not

smell good on anyone and should never be worn.)

Bombard her with countless messages and ‘reminders’ that you exist (even if she is, quite

obviously, not responding or has even politely asked you for ‘space’ – which is really code

for: leave me alone you weak idiot!)

Pay so much attention to her profile and pictures that she could start a freaking blog with

all your comments.

Creepily mention her body parts, or sex, in every damn conversation (nice one man – that

will totally make her feel comfortable and not like a sexual object.)

Negativity is an epic and most definite turnoff. Blatant negativity is going to get you friend

zoned (or Deleted) faster than she can bat those pretty little eye-lashes your way.

The angry-because-I-neglected-you-follow-up message (She’s not your mother, she does

not care if you are ‘sad’ or ‘upset’ because she didn’t respond to one, or any, of your

messages. Don’t be lame – just leave it alone.)

The instantly ineffective “You’re Hot” message of any kind (this is basically a message that

states the obvious about her appearance – this stuff is what she always hears from almost

every guy she meets, she doesn’t need it from you.)

Being generic and boring (I promise you this: you have an imagination and I’m going to

insist that you use it if you want to bag those sexy, quality girls – we will come back to this

important factor a little later.)

Lying and other low-class, low-ethic habits. A man’s reputation always precedes him, and

it’s one of your most valuable assets if you want surround yourself with gorgeous girls

who adore you. Keep in mind, girls gossip and talk a hell of a lot more than guys.

Rushing into wanting to meet-up too soon. That scares a girl because it’s, again, over-

eagerness and raises a red flag that you may be desperate, or worse, a predator.

A girl's confidence in a man hinges on the all important element of trust, without which

dating online – using Facebook to get girls - is a mere waste of time and doing all of the above (in

any shape or form) nullifies your chances of building trust, respect and rapport as a man in the

eyes of the girl you are pursuing. Again, the point of showing you what you are doing wrong is so

we can get to the parts where you will do it right and create a life for yourself filled with endless

streams of beautiful girls - the steps to seduction always remain the same, whether you want to

have a hot stream of one-night stands, or find that one awesome relationship, you’ve got to

understand a girl... deep inside her very core. You've got to first understand what you’re doing

wrong before I can teach you the technicalities of doing it right, otherwise you’re going to mess

up your game, man, because basically, you’re making her feel all the wrong things about you, and

It will always come down to how a girl feels about you. The game of sexual attraction and

seduction is all about painting an illusion for her that she will connect with. You can use her

emotional tendencies to your advantage, in fact you have to use them to your advantage if you

want to go anywhere near her naked body and I’m going to show you how to do this with pristine

brilliance, but you’ve got to stick it out with me here, this is VERY important platform building


The goal is always to get a girl to chase you, to have those “I can’t stop thinking about

you” and those “I have to have you” feelings. This means you’ve got to start fresh, right now –

this is your fresh start. You are a now a new man going forward – I have the power to say such

things, and you will NEVER again, ever repeat your old mistakes with sexy girls.

We’re going to get into more of the technicalities of using Facebook to pick-up gorgeous

girls soon – I promise. Stick with me here, any game of seduction requires that you understand

exactly who you’re dealing with, so let me do you a favor by quantifying us, female types, for you,

because I know you’re going to need this knowledge.

What She Doesn’t Want You to Know about Her

Here is a breakdown of the 4 fundamental personality traits of any girl. These key aspects

of her personality, her very way of being, will help you figure out how to approach her, how to

talk to her, how to set up dates, even – how to work with her. Knowing these fundamental traits

of her personality make-up will allow you to hook up with almost any gorgeous girl when you

understand how to use them, and you’re going to do it using Facebook as your platform, armed

with in depth knowledge of the hot girl psyche. So before we go further: let me state the obvious

– any girl that you meet and are interested in, you want to get her added as a friend on Facebook

ASAP because then you can start using pretty much an assembly line approach to the end result

of more girls to play with. However, there is a very specific way to do this (and yes, we’re going

to address it again later – just go with the flow here, we’re building up to the orgasmic magic.)

Just know this for now: in this day and age you’re playing a Facebook name getting game, NOT a

“get her number” game because almost every girl you’re going to want to hook up with is on


If you do get her number first, then text her using some of the same psychology and tips

I’m about to lay out, but then goal #1 should be to get her onto Facebook. You might say “that’s

crazy! I have her number, I want her to hook up not get her onto Facebook”. Don’t be short-

sighted. You want (1) better ability to attract her (2) access to her friends (3) more girls on deck

than you can fit into your schedule. Right? I mean those are 3 goals you do have right? Well then

don’t dick around on this. Trust me. Get her as a “Friend” on facebook FIRST.

Girls are the gate keepers of sexuality, but guys are the gate keepers of commitment.

That’s why you’re reading this because instinctively you know this – so going forward just know

that you really hold all the power in the long run. This is not to say that every girl wants a

relationship of some kind, oh no – that is a gross myth, and if you believe that – scrap that

mentality right now. Let’s also be blunt for a second. When YOU meet girls, what do you run into

the most? Relationship types, right? Boyfriend/girlfriend or marriage types. The ones who want

you to wait 3 dates before you get some because they don’t want to be just “some girl”. That’s

MOSTLY what you find, right? Okay … now think of what a girl mostly finds. The “baby you’re

beautiful, I want to fuck you” types. The physical attraction, just want to get laid, let me fuck you

types. It doesn’t mean men don’t want relationships… but damn it, you just want to have some

fun. Why are all these women wanting you to date and marry them? Now consider the opposite…

it’s not like women wouldn’t just love to take a guy home from a club or have a random adventure

with a boy they just met on Facebook for some very fun sex … but damn it, why is it that just

about every guy only treats us as some pussy to fuck?

My point is this. EVERY girl would love to meet a guy to just fool around with and have

careless sex with. But, on their terms. With the “right guy”. Because every guy is offering them

that and nothing more. Just another dick offering dick.

You need to go beyond this. I’m not talking about dating her. (That’s your choice). I’m talking

about being different… and not in some goofy wear-goggles-on-your-head way. But in a way that

grabs her attention and makes her take notice in a GOOD way.

All girls work on a very specific formula when it comes to when or if they’ll let your tongue

play with their nipples (there you go, a fun little visual for you).

Imagination = Emotions = body

This is how it works: Imagination (her mind) = Emotions (what she feels for you) = body

(what she wants you to enjoy.) A girl is lead by her imagination (the illusive perception she has

created about you in her mind) and when you figure out how to give her what she needs, she is

going to start imagining you as the star Hero in her life – this is when her emotions get involved,

and this triggers those quintessential feelings of attraction for you, this is when she starts losing

her marbles (her sensibilities and logical brain center when it comes to thoughts about you.) For

example: if she’s the hyper sexual type, and you’ve triggered those small but all important

feelings of attraction within her by first playing her mental game – she’ll probably start touching

herself with thoughts about you – because you’ve captured her imagination in one way or

another… and if you keep working the right angles she will eventually make her way into your

bed. This is why your mind is such a crucial tool when learning how to score with countless sexy

ladies. I speak truth. This is how it works, rather simple – really – once you understand how to do


Four Fundamental Traits of any Girl’s Personality:

1. NEED: there are two types “open need” and “closed need.”

2. DRIVE: there are two variations: "rational drive" and "emotional drive."

3. FOCUS: there are two extremes: "global focus" and "specific focus."

4. DIRECTION: there are two attention directions “External Direction” and “Internal


Memorize these traits because, as you learn how to use them, you will be able to interact with

any girl successfully - regardless of cultural background or upbringing. Following is a solid

breakdown about each trait and how to spot each one:

1. NEED: there are two types open need and closed need.

An open need girl usually hates having things planned and scheduled without any breathing room

for change. She’s the type of girl who will tend to prefer anything spontaneous over something

scheduled. An open need girl will be hard to pin down, or get a hold of – she may very well be

late often and be kind of ‘flaky.’

If she’s a closed need type of girl then she needs situations and circumstances to be settled,

decided and final. She won’t be comfortable with things left hanging and unfinished. If she’s a

closed need girl you better be on time, because, if you run late even just once – you had better

have Abercrombie and Finch Model worthy attractiveness, or have some other seriously good

game if you expect her to give you a second chance, this type of girl is obsessed with timing,

planning and her schedule.

2. DRIVE: there are two variations: rational drive and emotional drive.

An emotionally driven girl is driven by her emotions. She will make decisions based on what

she is feeling at a certain point in time. She is influenced heavily by how she ‘feels’ about you,

a certain interaction or a particular situation. Read: show a little emotion to make progress

with this girl. She will be impressed by emotionally charged gestures on your part and she’s

going to wait to see these from you because this is how she relates to the world around her.

The second type of girl in this category is the rationally driven girl. No, not all girls are

emotionally driven – this is a myth. (Do not mistake this fact for the knowledge that all girls

are emotional creatures, they are, but the way in which they approach people within their

realm varies based on personality.)

The rationally driven girl will take a logical approach to the people and situations in her life,

including you. She’s going to expect you to be logical and rational when dealing with her –

read: don’t lose your rational logic around her, she’s not going to be cool with that because

it will mean (in her mind) that she has a better head on her shoulders than you do. This girl is

going to expect you to impress her with some intelligence and she’s going to test you for that.

If you pass her tests then her guard will come down and her imagination will be free to take

over, leading to an emotional attraction – and you know where that leads… to all things good.

3. FOCUS: there are two extremes: global focus and specific focus.

A globally focused girl will live in the future and in a world of abstractions. She’ll come across

as having her head in the clouds. You’re going to want to chat with her about dreams (yours

or hers) and abstract concepts such as hypothetical’s concerning the two of you ‘doing this,

or doing that.’

A specifics focused girl is going to come across as feet on the ground and totally sensible and

concerned with practical application. A specifics focused girl is going to care about the past

and the now – the future is probably of minimal interest to her, comparative to her globally

focused peer.

Just a personal note of caution: since opposites tend to attract (and have the best amounts

of physical chemistry – at first) if you find yourself relentlessly attracted to a certain type of

girl, 9 times out of 10 she is your exact opposite in this area. Figure out if you are globally or

specifics focused yourself, then pay attention to which females make you desperate with

desire – because the girl you so desperately desire is probably your exact opposite in this very

specific area. Get used to lots of negotiation and compromises – which will actually work in

your favor with regards to coming across as a challenging and strong man (more about this


DIRECTION: there are two main directions in which attention is focused: external direction

and internal direction.

This trait is all about where she spends her time. An externally driven girl is going to be very

outgoing and sociable. She’ll be the girl surrounded by lots of people on a constant basis and

have lots of friends. However, she won’t necessarily have deep relationships with all those friends

– this girl mostly cares about social proof (something we’re going to discuss soon concerning the

creation of your perfect hot girl attracting profile.) An externally driven female is probably going

to care more about what kind of date you take her, so you’ve got to know who you’re dealing

with as you construct your interactions with girl. This is all part of the research process:

understanding girls, and then really paying attention to what type of girl you are dealing with, so

that you can strategize how to approach her by executing on a perfect pantry dropping, girlfriend

making (whatever your deal is) plan.

An internally direction orientated girl will have fewer friends but will have deeper relationships

with those few friends. She’s going to be harder to get to know because she’s probably incredibly

sweet, but also shy and slightly withdrawn – but once you get inside her world she will open up

in delightful, most often, very surprising ways - don’t say I didn’t warn you.

The bottom line: what you don’t know will stop you from bedding the girls you desire.

Start paying some serious (not creepy) attention to the girls you want to hook-up with and use

those stereotypical male analytical skills to notice what she does and how she does it, focus on

one trait at a time and become familiar with each of these four central elements of a girl’s

personality (and how they relate to yourself.) You’ll very soon start seeing the connections

between the girls in your life and how you interact with them. As you notice each one of these

traits you will learn how to use them and create an elusive sex appeal about yourself, because

you know how to give her what she needs – she will just simply think that “you really understand

her,” or that you’re “really smart” or whatever goes through her mind.

And, on Facebook, all of the above becomes very simple. That’s why I told you to get

“Friends” on facebook, not phone numbers.

The game of charm and seduction is all just smoke and mirrors, my friend, and that’s why

it is so important to always know who you are dealing with (which type of girl.) It’s your job to

make her believe the things that will spark massive amounts of attraction within her for you, and

knowing how she works, at her very core, will help you to successfully do this because you will

understand, on a structural level, how to make any beautiful girl feel exactly what you want her

to feel for you (this is strategy at its best) and from here on out – watch her slowly come over to

needing you…inside her. Yes, I just said that.

These 4 fundamental personality traits are that powerful when you learn how to spot

them and apply the knowledge you have gleaned from me so far. Knowledge is the ultimate

power in the game of seduction when applied correctly, and I’m teaching you how to do that.

Side Note: Creep her Facebook profile and look for clues as to what type of girl she is (seriously

– we all do it, we’re all little creepers who check each other out online, the trick is not to act

impulsively when you’re snooping – you want to make calculated interactions with the object of

your desire.) I’m going to show you how to do that with smooth and flawless game on Facebook,

but first you MUST KNOW a few crucial facts about hot girls which will make or break your game

of sexual seduction.

Her PsychologyDesire: It all starts in her mind

Let’s talk about sex for a moment. Recently, the New York Times ran various articles

about the study of female arousal. The conclusions were varied, but one thing is very clear:

there is a distinct difference between subjective and objective arousal in a girl. What does that

mean? A girl will become physically aroused, as a precautionary measure, when sex is simply

discussed or showcased in any form within her surroundings. This is an evolutionary, instinctual

response and what you need to know, my fellow lover of sexy female company, is that arousal

in a female (the type of arousal you want to achieve which will result in delicious amounts of

sex) is objective. This means, cupcake, it all starts in her mind.

Imagination = Emotion = body.

Are you starting to see why Facebook will be your best hook-up tool ever?

A girl will decide to sleep with you for many different reasons, which is outside the scope

of this book, but what you need to know is that because female desire is objective, it does not

really matter what you look like, or who you are – it matters who she thinks you are. Sometimes

perception is just as good as reality, and the goal of this book is to teach you how to use

Facebook to create a certain perception about yourself which will capture her imagination.

You see, us, females, are very analytical creatures when it comes to men – especially those

we have the slightest hint we’d like to sleep with. We’re always over-analyzing EVERYTHING,

living in our minds. No matter how impulsive the girl is, we choose to sleep with you because

you’ve gotten inside our mind first. You’ve helped us to create a story about who you are, and

that has made us want you in a deeper, more intimate way.

Now hear me very clearly: I’m going to show you, very soon, how to use Facebook to

capture a girl’s mind so that you can generate a specific emotion inside of her, which will – if

done correctly – lead to glorious amounts of sex. I’m speaking the truth. I’ll admit, I’ve used this

same play to get girls (those who shy away from and claim they’d never “be with a girl”), I’ve had

them in the downstairs games room of a house party, smiling eagerly, completely naked in a

stranger’s house, while I went down on her. I’ve had one girl who I had only 2 online interactions

with, drive over to my house. The given reason was “to talk in person” (that’s how I invited her

over) but it didn’t take long before a few compliments of her skin, an offer for a neck massage,

turned to “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” and then a pretty sexy shower at my place.

I’ve also seen my male friends use this formula out and about and… you guessed it, on

Facebook to find and excite seriously hot girl – some for random play, some for continuous

amounts of hot sex, and I’ve even seen it work for my friends who are looking for ridiculously hot

girlfriends. Believe me when I tell you, this formula works, and very soon I’m going to show you

exactly how to apply it to the realms of your Facebook kingdom.

Just remember this simple, but very important, fact from now on: the art of seducing

any girl all starts in her mind.

Emotion: It’s always about how you make her feel

Remember when we were discussing the very basics of female psychology in “Girls 101”

and I said it’s all about how you make her feel? Well, I’m now about to piece together the most

important part of the formula which will enable you to bed countless sexy, gorgeous girls. You’ve

got to figure out what a girl needs (and I’m going to show you exactly how to do this) so that you

can make her feel a certain way about you. Remember, perception is as good as reality, and us,

ladies, do not like to change our perceptions once we have carefully constructed them around

the idea of you – whatever that idea may be.

Female Fantasy

If there is one thing you should understand by now is that female fantasy is a domain

manipulated by her. Whether that means agreeing to meet up with you, or wanting to sleep with

you – the power all lies in how you capture her mind (imagination) and how you make her feel

(emotion) because the power for a girl lies within the allure of being desired by you. That is

why the goal is always to get her to think she is chasing you, because it is in her very DNA to want

your approval of her sexual prowess. However, because girls are complex species, simply being

desired is not enough for her to want to ride you into all hours of the early morning. You’ve got

to make her feel other things as well, and this obviously applies to how you make her feel when

interacting and engaging with her on Facebook.

Following is a break-down of a few key aspects of how the female psyche works and how

you can use these to turn her on – when you first chat and interact on Facebook, when you finally

get her on the phone, and when you’re interacting in person.

What Really Turns a Girl On

You must know by now that how you make a girl feel is the name of the game here, but

in order to do that with extreme brilliance, you need to not only know what her key driving and

decision making factors are, you need to know how to use these to gently, patiently and

deliberately lure her into wanting you.

The first thing you need to know is that girls are not like you. All you need to be turned

on is cleavage, ass and legs. But not her – a beautiful girl knows how hot she is and sure, if you

are totally cut and ripped she wants to look at your abs, touch your pecks and maybe be under

you, but she doesn’t desire you yet – not with full force abandon. In order for that to happen

you’ve got to know what turns her on in the same way her naked body would make you need to

(at the very least) tug one out.

The fun factor

All girls like and appreciate a man who can make her laugh. The Daily Mail recently ran

an article which concluded – and I quote, “the best way to get a sweet young thing back to the

heezy is to down on yourself a bit.” To put things in perspective, the data upon which they based

their conclusions were from a study titled, ‘Dissing Oneself: the sexual attractiveness of self

depreciating humor.’ Translate that as: humor and humility work. This is different from putting

yourself down in gross ways, but having a little fun and not taking yourself too seriously is a

massive turn on for all girls. Again, you want to be playful but also show your strength. Being able

to make a girl laugh is one of your biggest assets in the game of seduction because laughter and

humor make her feel (there’s that word again) comfortable around you. Making her feel good,

wanted and in charge (meaning, she is the one seducing you, she is the one chasing you - you are

the one surrendering to her need for you), this is the key to your success.

What I’m trying to drill home for you here is simply this: have some fun with this whole

thing, man, don’t approach this ‘gorgeous girl hunting thing’ like your very life depends on it. She

may be hella hot, but she’s just a girl – and now, thanks to me, you’re starting to understand how

they work – it’s really not that big a deal. The element of playfulness to seducing any girl is a

must. Have some fun as you go about interacting with her on Facebook, and interacting with her

in person, and you may just get to the part where she will let you ‘hit that’ from the front, and

maybe the back. Bringing a playful attitude to interacting with a lady is that powerful – there is a

reason why comedians (regardless of shape or size) are lusted after by girls worldwide, humor

and playfulness make panties drop by the dozen.


Girls love a good mystery because we are wired to want to ‘figure you out.’ It’s in our DNA to

be curious and you, Mr., need to learn how to spark her curiosity for you. I’m going to show you

how to apply all these factors to your profile and message interactions with hot ladies, but just

know for now that what a girl doesn’t know about you is probably the very thing that will get her

to adore you. Loose lips sink ships, and spilling your life story, and every aspect about yourself

too early on in the game just makes a girl feel like you want a mother, and most of us aren’t

looking to baby you – we’ve got our own shit to handle.

To summarize – this means two things for you:

1) The tall, dark and handsome stereotype exists mostly as a metaphor for any type of man

who are both intriguing and mysterious (I’m soon going to show you how to weave these

elements into your Facebook profile.)

2) It’s the very thing that she doesn’t know about you that will drive her to want to get to

know you more… and more… and more…

The Chase

All my hot female friends admit it – the chase is what drives them crazy, absolutely insane.

Look, it’s in a girl’s very nature to realize that she holds a very powerful tool: her sexuality, and

if you think for one minute that she doesn’t want to seduce you – you’re crazy. She wants to use

her sexy deliciousness to drive you crazy with lust and desire. She needs to believe that she is the

one in charge and that you are surrendering to her efforts to seduce her. How do you get her to

that point of no return? Keep reading…

Mental Seduction

We’ve already discussed this: the gate keeper of a girl’s sexy-time bliss is her mind. This is

why so many stunningly attractive girls enjoy playing mind games because it makes them feel

powerful, in charge and sexily untouchable - welcome inside the mind of a beautiful girl: she

knows how powerful her physical beauty is, yet she is incredibly insecure about it for two

important reasons which are ultimately, your best weapons in this hunt:

1) She knows that one day her beauty will be gone, and someone else will/can replace her.

2) She’s also well aware of the fact that many men want to ‘love her long time’ – so she’s

constantly on guard to weed out those men who only approach her based on how

attractive she is.

It all seems like a contradiction right? Here’s the catch. Gorgeous girls are insecure as hell.

That’s right, you heard me. NO matter how confident and beautiful she may appear to be, she’s

secretly terrified that she is not good enough, not attractive enough etc – and if you get inside

her mind by making her feel an attraction for you she’s going to want to prove to you that she’s

worthy of your attention – and that’s going to want to make her show you exactly how hot she

really is. Basically, she wants to drive you crazy because she is so damn insecure –she needs to

prove to herself that her physical seductive powers are desirable. All girls want to feel desired by

the objections of their affection and that is exactly where your power lies: turning the tables on

her in a devilishly sly way that will make her pursue you.

This is exactly why the entire Facebook game of getting hot girls to adore you is about getting

them to a point where they feel they need to chase you, and that is all found within the game of

mental seduction using some cleverly constructed Facebook strategy, some smart keyboard

action and an LED screen - technology has never had a better use.

The number one attraction tip: Emotion

Every interaction with her (whether that’s a wall post, photo comment or private message

etc.) is extremely important because every time is an opportunity to create an impression in her

mind of who you are and what you’re about. Her perception of you is her reality about you, and

you are now gaining the tools to wield that perception in any which way you choose so that she

can feel the right type of feelings for you. In other words, my friends, I’m teaching you how to

influence her emotional tendencies.

Let’s review:

Girls are fundamentally emotional creatures, so the entire game of seduction, and really

understanding anything about her, is all in how you make her feel. If you’re not getting a

successful result then you’re not making her feel the right things about you.

In order to get inside her panties, or get a date with her, you’ve got to go through the

doorway of her mind. Perception is reality in a girls’ world.

All these little tricks and gimmicks (this intimate knowledge of her psyche) is really just a

finely tuned system by which to get her to chase you. Once she is pursuing you (at least

in her mind), she’s going to want to get you alone.

Girls are Emotional Reflectors

I’m going to tell you a story about a gorgeous girl I know. She’s a model, pin-up poster worthy

and both guys and girls (of all kinds) constantly tell her how beautiful she is. She is basically a

walking, air-brushed photo-shop advertisement, yet – her discomfort around men, and even

other girls, is at sky-high levels of insecurity. How can a girl like this be that insecure?

The truth can be found in this simple fact: girls are all emotional reflections, which means we

mirror back your exact emotional state to you. If you are feeling nervous and insecure when

chatting with a gorgeous girl, she’s going to feel nervous and insecure as well. So guess what?

That gorgeous girl you’re hitting on all the while needing to pee yourself because you’re so

intimidated by her beautiful attributes, well, she is feeling every inch as nervous as you – and

then some, WAY more – because she is now asking herself, “What is it about this guy that makes

me feel so uncomfortable and nervous?” So, right there, you’re losing the battle because she is

going to equate feelings of negativity to interactions with you. This is NOT what you want, so

you’ve got to learn to control your emotional state and exhibit an air of comfort and calm. I’m

telling you right now, how safe and comfortable you can make a beautiful girl feel is in exact

proportion to how often you will get laid.

Girls love to ride their emotions, no matter how rational she may appear- and as we have

already discussed, she is an emotional creature, which means your biggest asset is learning how

to stimulate her emotional state. Now, this very topic alone can fill an entire book on its own, so

we’re just covering the basics here to make you a master at getting girls on Facebook – ok,


Above all, I want you to always remember this key element of gaming the girls of your choice:

keep validation and attention just slightly out of her reach. If she feels like she can ‘get’ you too

easily she will quickly lose interest and become bored (obviously, she’s not going to give you

attention if you immediately shower her with compliments because you’ve already given her the

validation her insecurity requires. Likewise, if you act as if you are completely unattainable, she

will give up and lose interest in you.) There is a very fine balance and a line that you need to learn

how to walk. I’m teaching you how to do this – so I hope you’re paying careful attention; you’re

going to need this information when we get to the technicalities of interacting with beautiful girls

on Facebook.

The biggest TURN OFF for ALL Girls

Pay serious attention here dude: THE biggest HELL NO for girls according to the 2012

Harlequin Romance report is: Neediness. Posting on her Facebook wall 100 times a day,

consistently commenting on almost all her posts, all her pictures and messaging her relentlessly,

comes across as needy, insecure and generally pathetic because it clearly indicates one of two

things to a girl who already has the attention of many men at her disposal: 1) you’re obsessed

with her and you have no other options 2) you don’t have a life. Both options are undesirable

qualities, and since she already has the attention of many, many men (being the gorgeous female

that she is), she has options – so you’ve got to level the playing field by acting like you have

options (even if you don’t) and even if she is “the one” you’ve been searching for all your life –

play it cool, Facebook is not the way in which you want her to know these things, but it is the

perfect tool to stimulate her emotional state and make her feel attraction for you because you’ve

carefully constructed a desirable perception about yourself. It is your job to create the illusion

that you don’t really care – her company, her presence, her naked body in your bed, is only an

option, not a desperately sought after necessity.

Emotional dependency, of any kind, is a highly unattractive trait to all females: go re-read

the section, What you are doing WRONG, if you still have any doubts in your mind about the

validation of my instruction. I’m sure you can see, by now, why all those things you were doing

to try and get her attention were NOT working. It’s all good though, man, clearly - I’ve got you

covered here. Get ready because I’m about to bring you to place of subliminal wonder and rock-

star ecstasy with your new found abilities to interact with hot girls and gorgeous creatures of all


The Alpha Male Syndrome all girls secretly desire

This is the truth: all girls crave a cave man type caring, no matter how independent or

feminist orientated she may appear to be. What does this mean for you? Your ego is your biggest

asset, as we have already discussed, even if you’re migrating into the area of arrogance, this male

thing you have – called your ego – is your gift. All girls, regardless of type, stereotype, cultural

upbringing or background want, on some level, to be taken care of. They want to feel like the

fairer sex. They want to feel like you can “handle stuff” because this makes her feel safe around

you. The feelings of security and comfort are two of the biggest factors which play into whether

a girl will sleep with you or not. If she feels comfortable with the idea of you, she will agree to

meet up with you in person. If she feels comfortable being around you (and you’ve ignited those

other sparks of desire we’ve chatted about), she’s going to want to sleep with you. It’s simple

math, but before I can break it down for you some more I want to discuss your psychology briefly

and show you why you need to start exhibiting and embodying a few key traits that all Alpha

Male’s have which make them seem very attractive to all girls.

In short – these are the qualities of an Alpha male:

They are fun and fun loving (they are great to be around because they bring an aura of

happiness and positivity with them.)

They are confident and determined (no doubting yourself!)

A side note about presence here: confident men are irresistible men (and that includes in your

messages, and any and all interactions with her.)

Alpha men demonstrate wealth and intelligence but not in a “look at me way” (the same

way a girl may push up her large tits, bare her midriff, and wear ass cleavage all at the

same time out on the street – interesting, good to look at perhaps – but not all that

intriguing – the same goes for you, show a little at a time.)

Alpha males are fair and humble, they do not brag about their status, because they know

that they don’t need to. They are confident, proud and sure within themselves.

They display strong Alpha male body language, taking up space and ensuring you know

they are there (standing legs apart, torso facing your subject etc.)

They are aloof but enticing (that means, yeah – she is hot, we already know this, but stop

focusing on that – make something else in your surroundings, or something else about

her, your focus. Always remember, she is only an option for you.)

Hot girls have beta males laying themselves down at their feet like doormats all day long.

An Alpha male will never, under any terms, do that because you need her to be more than

just beautifu. (Beauty works for beta males because they don’t value themselves and are

prepared to do anything for a little romp in the hay with a half good looking girl – alpha

males require more than good looks.)

It is a girl’s wish to be beyond will, beyond thought – that’s where we want you to take us

to that place of, “I knew I shouldn’t have, but I just had to… (insert explicit details of your

greatest sexual fantasy)” We need you to make us (beautiful womankind) get out of our

minds and into our bodies, and you do that by acting like you can handle stuff because you

are secure and confident in who you are. We want you to be in control, we want you to be

an Alpha male, so that we can let our guard down and feel safe, secure and comfortable being

around you.

As a final note, keep these facts about girls and seduction in mind as we go forth into the

territory where I teach you to how use, and interact on, Facebook to attract and seduce hot girls

of all kinds. And now… welcome to the intimate details of the Facebook game!

The Facebook Game

Welcome to Facebook, Mr. fellow worshipper of sexy girls, this is your prime hunting

ground for seeking delicious female company. Now that you are finally armed with a head full of

knowledge about how the segment of the gorgeous female population works, we’re going to dive

head first into the technical specifics of how to use Facebook to pick-up countless hot girls.

Your Profile

Profile Prep: the basic elements of what a girl looks for in your profile

A girl is going to view your profile in detail if she is even remotely interested in you, and

with the stuff I’m about to teach you, re: getting her attention – she will be. On Facebook, this is where all the magic happens, where all your new knowledge of the female psyche comes into


You’ve got to know the truth, sizing up men is a fun past time for any girl. (Hey, you’re doing it to us – it’s human nature.) It’s in our blood to decide right away if a guy is worth our

attention, so here are the cold hard facts: we rate you, we checkout your profile to decide if you are worth our time as a sexual option.

Ok, so what every girl first looks at is your cover picture and your profile picture, and then she’s onto scrolling through your wall quickly to see who you’re chatting with (this is social proof

scouting which we’ll get to shortly), and then, she may check out a few pictures from your photo album. Facebook will also politely display if you have any “mutual friends” (which is a valuable

asset for you, but we’ll get to chatting about that soon enough.) These are the basic elements of any Facebook ‘stalking’ session and I’m going to show you how to use them to attract hot girls.

Remember that the game of seduction is all about creating a desirable perception of yourself, and Facebook is the perfect place to do this because you can control what she knows about you.

Also, you can use this to your advantage and create massive intrigue surrounding yourself, so that by the time you two meet up, she is already majorly interested in knowing more about you

– at this point she is chasing you, seeking your approval.

What you post about yourself on Facebook is really important in the game of seducing sexy girls, and being able to score hot dates, so pay attention here and do things the way I tell

you to.

Pictures: your face, your name and everything else in between

Your profile picture has got to be your best shot and has got to look as bad-ass as you can

make it.

Fact: girls appreciate and respond to men of action. Statistically, the best profile pictures

are those of men doing something they love to do – boating, reading, fishing, skydiving – basically

whatever you enjoy doing in your spare time, get a GREAT picture of you doing it and make that

your profile picture, however – and this is the most important point concerning your profile

picture - it’s got to be your best picture possible. This means nothing lame such as: you pulling a

gross face, a bad angle pic of you and your buddy downing as much beer as humanly possible, no

implied nudity – and sure as shit, don’t use another beautiful girl as your profile picture if you’re

not actually in the picture yourself (this is intimidating for the girl you’re hitting on and obnoxious

for more reasons than one.)

Your profile picture should be a shot of you being and looking awesome. Your picture is

one of the first things that a girl will see when first visiting your profile, and as I’m sure you’ve

heard, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and this is especially true in the case of wanting to

get hot girls on Facebook. Sure, “looks don’t count” on a guy, but everyone appreciates an

attractive person – so, no matter what you’re working with – get a great picture of yourself

(preferably doing something awesome) and make that sexy-fine picture your Facebook profile

picture. Do it – now!

The Facebook Cover Photo

Since Facebook has done us all the courtesy of introducing the relatively new time-line and

accompanying cover picture, you now have the equivalent of a billboard on your profile to

‘advertise’ what you’re all about. However, if your goal is to attract and seduce hot girls then

there are a few rules you need to follow when choosing which picture to display as your cover


Unless you are an Abercrombie and Fitch model of some sort (aka: ripped as hell, and you

make wearing boxer briefs look like you’re wearing too much material) then I strongly

recommend that you DO NOT use a picture of yourself as your ‘banner advertisement.’

No pictures of hot girls (without you in the picture) it makes you look like a desperate frat

boy who is more obsessed with looking at boobies then actually being able to feel them.

You don’t want to use general pictures of your family, unless it’s a REALLY great picture

(an action shot.) In general, I’d recommend AGAINST family pictures being used as your

cover photo (your personal advertisement of you) because it just looks rather dependant.

You’re trying to create the illusion of presence, independence and capability.

Animals and other cute stuff: you can totally use these – but tread lightly, you want to still

look super manly. A picture of your cat as your cover photo may make your heart sing,

but even a hot girl with a cat may look at that and think, “Ok, here’s a man who clearly

doesn’t have a life.” The old lady with 9 cat’s stereotype exists for a reason. (Don’t be that


Offensive slogans and pop culture sayings such as “M.O.B” (money over bitches) –

although, your buddies may find this hilarious – I promise you, any girl – regardless of

sense of humor will look at that type of slang on your cover picture and instantly click

away. You’ll just end up looking like a loser when you plaster potentially offensive slang

all over your Facebook domain.

Sparkles and anything that looks, well, not heterosexual. (Yeah, there are hot chicks who

are into bisexual guys, but I PROMISE you, these types are incredibly rare on any surface

level interaction. So until you know the girl personally, no pictures of you in drag. Cool


A good cover picture contains any of the following elements:

Motivational phrases

You doing something incredibly awesome where you are NOT the focus, but the thing you

are doing (or looking at) is the focus

Sunsets, space pictures – anything cool from this world we live in.

Bad-ass movie and music references (tread lightly here, make sure your chosen picture

doesn’t violate any of the ‘don’t use’ rules.)

That’s about it, other than that – have at ‘er! Just remember, it’s better to choose a cover

picture that will blanket over many niches, genres and appeal to many different types of people

(aka: different types of hot babes) versus a picture that strictly expresses the uniqueness that is


A personal note to any mama’s boys: I’m telling you right now, ONLY your MOTHER will “love

you for you” and I’m pretty sure your mom is not anywhere on your hot female fantasy list… so

stop acting like she’s the queen of the party. Scrap that “mama’s boy mentality” (at least when

you’re on a quest to make your downstairs area sing with joy) and make sure that not only your

mom thinks your Facebook profile is awesome.

How to use shirtless photos

Are you super cut, super buff and just extra delicious when you take your shirt off

yourself? I’d love to see that! However, there are discreet ways to use sexy fine pictures which

increase your sex appeal and DON’T make you look like a desperate dude who is simply looking

to get some random play. You want to look cooler than that, and here is how you do it when it

comes to using topless pictures of yourself.

Thou shall not take an Iphone picture of yourself in a full length, or bathroom mirror

and post it on Facebook! I’ve only seen ONE example out of all the other thousands of

topless mirror pictures that have worked to increase excitement and sex appeal of said

gentleman. Generally speaking you just look desperate for attention and really, really vain

when you do this. Most girls will frown on these types of shots because it screams all

types of insecurity. You’re trying to bed a super hot girl, right? So you want the focus to

be on her, not on you. Trust me, if you’re that delicious looking without your shirt, she’s

going to notice and want you even more when you do things the right way.

This is the correct way to use shirtless pics of yourself:

Have a buddy take a few pictures of you with some friends playing beach

volleyball/soccer/rugby – whatever sport you enjoy, however you got so ripped – stage

it. Have an action shot (or a few) of you doing the thing that got you so manly looking


Show yourself shirtless at the beach, at a boat party, at a protest (if you do those types of

things) or any other place where it’s appropriate to be shirtless. The key here is that you’re

not taking the picture of yourself. Obviously, someone else has taken the picture and you

“just happen” to be shirtless.

End of "Preview" Chapters

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Text God VIP™ by Robbie Hemingway


There was a time in my life when I thought that text messaging was worse than chewing on aluminum foil. Therapists live to have patients with the

range of terrible emotions that it inflicted upon me.

! Confusion: sitting there, looking down at my phone. “come up with ! something !clever… come on… what should I SAY to her?” 

! Self-Loathing: just sent a text, not sure if it’s the right one “did I really

! just send that? stupid stupid stupid.”

! Anxiety: haven’t heard back from her in one hour, twenty two ! minutes, and thirty four seconds. “Oh God. I blew it. should I send

! another text and apologize? wait, my phone just buzzed! Is it her?! ! Ahhh, crap, it’s a free AT&T notification. I hate those guys, getting my

! hopes up like that.”

Nothing you haven’t experienced before, right?

And heck, if you turn on your phone right now and open up your "contacts"... I'm willing to bet there's at least one girl stored away in there

who you're really attracted to.

Maybe you even have a straight-up crush on one of the girls saved in your phone...


But right now, it's just a number. You've got it tucked away safely in your

phone, so what next?

Well, for years and years men debated fiercely over the big dating question of the 20th century:  "How long should I wait before I call her?"

But it's the 21st century now, and a new question is clawing at single men

around the world:


As one of New York’s top dating coaches, I’ve talked to more guys in recent

years about this very topic than anything else.

I’ve also talked to a lot of women about it. And they all know what’s up:

Most guys are clueless when it comes to texting. Our screw-ups, awkward texts, and failed attempts are the hot topic of conversation on girls night


But with this report, and all of the material I’m putting it out on texting, I want to change that. Because it’s not our fault.


Sure, there are some artsy poet laureate's out there who “just get it”... but

for the rest of us, it’s a struggle.

The good news: there are some amazing breakthroughs in psychology that are going to turn the tables in your favor.

But before we can get to those, I want to give you a “lay of the land.”

Understanding this stuff is your first step towards having an unfair advantage, so pay close attention.



You absolutely have to understand this:

When she gave you her number, it wasn’t a binding contract to see you


I can guarantee that she was not thinking “I really hope to have this guy’s babies.”


She was experiencing positive emotions with you. When you got her number, her feelings

toward you were pretty good. And she thought to herself “I’d like to see this guy again.”

Congrats! You made a girl like you.

Then she went off to meet her friends, or to class or work. A day or two

passed. Her mood changed a hundred different times. And those positive feelings she had towards you began to fade away.

But it might be even worse than that. She might be getting texts from an ex

she’s not totally over, and five other guys who also have her number. She might have had a date lined up for the night after you met her. Heck, she

might not even remember giving you her number.

So by the time your first text to her arrives, her feelings about you have changed. She just doesn’t feel as strongly as she did about you in

the moment when you got her number.

And what is the typical first text message that a guy sends?



Short and simple. Cool. Yet it does absolutely nothing to get her feeling good about him again. Not surprising that girls think it’s the worst first text

of all time. Let’s look at another one:

“Hey Jen, it’s John from the bar the other night. Great to meet you!

Want to get together on Tuesday?”

It’s got a little more personality than “hey.” But again, it doesn’t do anything

to change her mood, her emotions, or her feelings towards him.

And when it comes to making decisions, people are not logical - especially when it comes to love and dating.

A girl’s not sitting there with a spreadsheet, doing an analysis of the

different guys she could be dating, so she can decide who she’s going to see on Wednesday night.

Nope, decisions like who to text back, who to go out with, who to

sleep with, and who she wants as a boyfriend are emotionally-driven decisions.

Let’s consider another first text. I have a first text formula, which I used to

come up with this one, and I gave it to a client. The night prior, he’d met a


girl who was wearing this stunning dress, hit it off with her, and walked away with a great number. His first text read:

“ur dress last night = weapon of mass destruction. i trust you put it

somewhere that the CIA won’t find it”

Good first text? You betcha. It does so many little things right, but the most important thing it does is to make her smile, and giggle. It activates

her emotional circuitry. It makes her feel something.

A great start. But there’s still a long ways to go.


Let’s recap: when a girl decides she wants to go out with you, it’s a decision that’s driven by her feelings and emotions towards you.

So basically, you have the best chance of getting her to say “yes” when

she’s feeling really good about you.

Let’s take a little journey back in time to see how this worked before text messages.


It’s 1984 again. Ronald Reagan just won re-election,

theatre-goers can’t stop talking about Ghostbusters, and text messaging is unheard of. Caller ID is still a

ways in the future. Even the answering machine hasn’t caught on yet. You called someone, and either

they picked up, or you called back.

I was only four back then, but I’m told that in such ancient times, there were very few points of contact between when you’d

meet a girl, and when you’d go out on a date.

You met her and took her number. You talked once or twice on the phone. And then you went out with her. Bada boom, bada bing.

So her feelings towards you - and whether she went out with you or not -

would depend on only one or two phone calls.

A woman would use this time to “screen” a guy out if he acted creepy or nervous, had a terrible phone voice, or otherwise made her feel “bad” on

the call.

Those one or two phone calls were the only “data points” she could use when deciding if she wanted to see a guy again.


I remember calling girls back in college (texting didn’t really catch on until I

was in my mid twenties). It was definitely stressful, because you knew you had twenty minutes to rekindle the feelings she had when you met her, and

ask her out again. But if you did well on that phone call, it was all good.

Ok, fast forward to modern times. On any given day, you get more calls, beeps and notifications on your smart phone than most people got in two

weeks back in 1984.

In a little bit, we’re going to learn about how this makes for all sorts of interesting psychological “loopholes” that you can use to make girls really,

really like you. The science is going to blow you away.

But for now, let’s think about how text messaging changes the “dating game” - and not in your favor.




Before text messaging, asking a girl out used to take place over a single, 20-minute phone call. But now it takes place over the course of days, with

a bunch of tiny little messages.

This is both a blessing and a curse. If you’re great at texting, you can make her like you a lot more than you can with a mere phone call. We’ll

get to that in a little bit.

But there are also a lot more opportunities to screw it up.

You can send a crappy first text, and ruin it from the start.

You can text too much, too soon, and make her think you’re needy.

You can text too little, too late, and cause her to lose interest or get bored.

You can send texts that are weird, misunderstood, or offensive (without meaning it).

And you can screw it up at any point. You might do ok for five texts, then

send a sixth one that totally kills it. Things might go great all the way through the first date, then get ruined when you’re asking her out on the

second date.


Heck, I’ve seen clients who screw it up after they’ve had sex with a girl because they were texting the wrong thing. The following critique came

from a client - this was the text exchange the day after he slept with a girl for the first time. He tried to be cool and nonchalant, but actually came

across like a dick.=============================


Her: Shit. Can you check your bag/car for my cell charger?????


Her: Just kidding I found itttt


Client: haha ok






& Niiiiice... the cell phone charger gods were looking out for you






Her: Thanks again for inviting me. Your so sweet I had a wonderful



Well you’re always good company haha










In the previous example, the girl got really turned off and didn’t want to see my client anymore - she thought he was a jerk. He didn’t mean to be... he

just didn’t know how to text her the right thing. Just one example (of many) of how easy it is to screw things up.


Worst of all, if you’ve got her number, there’s a good chance that a few other guys do too... so her inbox is a literal battleground of guys vying for

her attention. Every message you send is another entry in a competition for her time and her interest.

So that sucks. But we’re not out of the woods just yet.

DEALING WITH HER FEELINGSRemember - women make the decision about whether or not to see you again based on emotion, not logic. Based on how they feel about you.

Along those lines, here’s another important thing you need to


Feelings are “transmitted” across a number of “channels.” Your eyes, your facial expression, your body language, your vocal tonality, and yes, the

words you speak.

So the best chance you have of making someone feel good about you is to use all of your channels well. Good eye contact. Nice smooth vocal

tonality. Solid conversation and flirtation. Great nonverbals.


The fewer channels you have to work with, the harder it is to influence someone’s feelings.

Live, in-person is better than a video call. A video call is better than a

phone call. A phone call is better than texting.

Given how “narrow” of a channel texting is, you’re already at a disadvantage. So why not just proclaim “I don’t do texting” and just call


Well, put yourself in a girl’s shoes for a second. She’s given her number out to a few guys. The right move for her is to sit back and let them “duke it

out” for her interest. She can let the messages roll in, take her time to respond to them, and see who she’s liking the most.

Girls say they like it when a guy calls them, but in my experience, it’s

almost never in your best interest. Especially with girls under 30. They rarely pick up, so all it really does is brand you in a girl’s mind as “that guy

who really likes me because he called me.”

The one caveat - every now and then you need to do it when you’re coordinating times for something - a movie, for example. But in general, if

someone is telling you that you should call a girl instead of texting her, you can pretty much ignore them. It strips you of your power and value.


And make no mistake - most guys just don’t have the power when they’re

trying to get a girl to go out with them. It’s just how the dating game is played.

A girl’s text message inbox is one of the most efficient “guy

screening” tools ever invented.

So woe be upon you if - with this very narrow communication channel - you can’t make her feel good about you.

Not only do you have to avoid making any dumb mistakes or turning her

off, but you also have to amplify her emotions towards you with every additional text you send.

Rather than making her feel good on one phone call, you’ve got to

make her feel better and better about you over the course of five, ten or twenty text messages.

And it never really ends, does it? Until you’re in a proper relationship with

her, you have to keep “getting it right” with texting. You really need to get good at this stuff, because text messaging is the bridge between every time

that you see her.


It’s become an integral part of the dating game.

High stakes. If you’ve ever felt like texting was unfair, annoying, or frustrating, you probably now have a better understanding of why it feels

that way.

It’s literally a different form of communication than anything else out there. Comparing texting to real conversation is like comparing English to


To carry the metaphor further: if you visited France but only spoke English, it’d be pretty darn tough to connect with all of the beautiful women you’d

meet there.

So let’s look at the “language” of texting.



When you text a guy friend, think about what’s going on.


You’re probably already his buddy. You’re not worried about him “having other options” or “losing interest” if things don’t go right. And importantly,

you’re not trying to get into his pants or get him out on a date. Rigggggght?

Think of a text conversation you had with one of your guy friends recently.

Chances are it wasn't emotional, or flirty, or sexy... I mean, I hope it wasn’t.

And if your buddy texts or calls you up just to “say hi” or “chat” about

whatever, chances are you’d wonder what drug he was on. I might even give my friend an emoji slap if he pulled something like that with me. It’s

like “dude, we’ll talk when we hang out.”

The dynamics of texting your buddy just aren’t that complicated. It’s information exchange, pure and simple.

But the dynamics of texting a girl involve two things:

1.) the specific words you choose to send her

2.) your subcommunication


We’ll get to the specific words in a little bit. For now, let’s look at subcommunication, because SO many guys mess this stuff up.

Here’s the deal:

When you text her, a girl is gathering so much more information than the

specific words you’re pecking out. For example, she’s paying attention to stuff like...

! the time between messages: if you’re super quick to respond when

! you’re getting to know her, it’s going to subcommunicate that you’re ! needy.

! whether or not you use emoticons: if you make occasional smilies

! and winky faces, it’s going to subcommunicate your positive and ! playful emotions.

! how enthusiastic, or “cool” you are to her: if you’re too cool at the

! wrong time (like in the post-sex example above) it could ! subcommunicate that you don’t care or are a jerk.

! your use of proper spelling and grammar: if you write your texts

! like you’d write a term paper, it’s going to subcommunicate that you ! are uptight and nervous.


All of these dynamics are “under the radar” - that’s why we call them

subcommunication. But make no mistake, she can feel them.

If you mess this stuff up, it will absolutely KILL you. Funny thing is, I see a lot of guys who are great at talking to girls in “real life” who don’t get the

texting subcommunication right.

Let’s look at another critique I did for a client. He had set up a date the night before, and was texting her this day to confirm it.



Client:&I hope you’re gearing up for a night you won’t forget. Did I say

id get u at 6 or 630? Either works for me






& Heyyyy [nickname], ready to get some delish on tonizzight?

Running a lil late, so ! prolly closer to 7-ish for me.






Girl: Is like closer to 630 ok? Sorry its been a long day.


Client: No worries babe. I have the perfect evening planned out to

unwind ;)






& For sure. I’m gonna squeeze in a quick run so just holla when

you’re about ready












When you’re excited about a girl, you don’t think about stuff like this, but she’s able to pick up on the “under the surface” stuff, loud and clear.

So that’s subcommunication.

There’s also the specific word choice: you’ve got a LOT less space to work

with than you do on a phone call or an in-person conversation. Every word matters. And I’ve seen guys screw it up in all sorts of ways.

Some guys don’t get texting, period. They’re formal, and act like it’s a real


Some guys try to “overgame” a girl with cockiness. I see this one a lot.


Some guys get WAY too silly or overeager, and the girl can’t take them seriously.

And so on...

Becoming “fluent” in the language of texting isn’t something that comes

naturally to most of us.

Hey - no one said mastering a new language was going to be easy. But if you’ve read this far, you’re already ten steps ahead of the next guy.

Because you now understand the key dynamics of text messaging. You

understand the “under the radar” stuff that most guys will never know. You understand why the odds of the game aren’t in your favor.

And if this report ended here, it’d be pretty depressing. Good thing for you

that we’re just getting started.

A little later on in this report, I’m going to get into some very advanced psychology and brain science. It’s for guys who want total control, total

power and total mastery.

But I know that not every client has the time or interest to devote to that. They just want to get a girl out on a date.


If that’s you, I get it. But I hope I’ve impressed upon you that it’s in your

best interest to get as good at this stuff as possible. I can give you some good texts that will get a girl out on a date, but that doesn’t mean you

won’t screw it up somewhere else.

So I hope you’ll take advantage of everything that I’m making available to you. Consider yourself warned if you’re just skimming, or looking for

quick tips.

Still with me? Nice.... onwards.


At it’s most basic level, the goal of texting is VERY simple: to see a girl again. As we discussed, texting is the bridge between when you see

her, and when you see her again.


The advanced stuff we’ll get to later will basically accelerate her feelings towards you so that she likes you a LOT more than she would if you were

just doing basic texting.

But hey, if - with some basic texting - you can consistently go out with every girl whose number you get, you’re already in the top 10% of guys. Most

guys can’t even do that.

That’s because they don’t understand the 5 different “phases” of a texting relationship:

! 1.) SPORADIC: occasional texts back and forth. you’re usually

! initiating. gaps of 2-3 hours between texting

! 2.) RAPID RAPPORT: lots of texting back and forth. you’re usually ! initiating. gaps of 1-2 minutes between texts, with occasional breaks

! of 12-24 hours.

! 3.) SHE’S LEADING: lots of texting back and forth. she’s the one ! initiating. very short gaps between texts, with occasional breaks of

! 12-24 hours.

! 4.) RELATIONSHIP: lots of texting back and forth. both of you initiate. ! very short gaps between texts, with occasional breaks of 3-4 hours.


! 5.) PURGATORY: you messed up. she’s not responding much or

! giving you a lot to work with. long gaps between responses.

Obviously, the goal is to go from Phase 1 to Phase 4, without ending up in Phase 5. And the biggest mistake I see - besides sending lousy first texts -

is that guys just wait too damn long to ask a girl out.

You can and should ask her out in Phase 1. Here’s an example from my phone. Quick backstory: there is a pizza place here in New York called

Artichoke that is absolutely amazing. Also - when I met the girl who I’m texting here, I mentioned that I was on a pretty strict low-carb diet.



me: carb withdrawal is bad today. just saw a child eating pizza and

thought about bribing him for a bite.


her: I’d pay to see you do that. Go get a slice somewhere and stop

torturing yourself!



me: yeah, I can’t stop fantasizing about the white pizza at artichoke.

best in the city.


her: I’m slightly embarassed to say I’ve never had it :(


me: whaaaaaaaa... I was impressed to hear about all of your acting

and where your heart is in it, but this is a new and disappointing side

of you.


her: I know I know, I really need help.


me: ok I know what we’re doing next time I see you. I hope you like

your pizza crispy and delicious


her: I do I do! sounds amazing!



me: niiiice. let’s make this dough/cheese/sauce-fest happen... how’s ur

week lookin?


From “first text” to “asking her out” in five texts. And notice that there were fairly large time gaps between our texts. This is all in the “sporadic” phase

of our exchange.

It doesn’t always happen this easily, but a good first text can go a long way in setting the right tone and making it easy to ask her out. There’s a lot of

other great stuff going on here, as well - specifically with the word choice.

But the important point is that it’s not hard to ask her out after just a few good text messages.

Once you get further along into the phases, you can really start to have

some fun. Here’s an example of a technique that I call “Fauxmance” a.k.a. false romance. It’s a very fun way to flirt with a girl. I’m using it here in

Phase 3 (She’s Leading).




her: Hey Mr. Important, so what are you up to today?


me: getting my hustle on so we can go on that romantic cruise we’ve

been talkin about, and enjoy champagne under the mediterranean moon.


Obviously, I have no intention of taking a girl who I’m just getting to know

on a mediterranean cruise. But it’s a funny and romantic sentiment. Girls love this sort of stuff if you do it at the right time.

Notice something else in there. I didn’t end the my text with a question like

“how about you?” That’s because I already know she’s leading, and will be sending me a follow up. When she’s leading, the goal is to make sure that

she keeps leading, asking more questions, and moving things along.

Why? Well, let’s flip the situation for a second. Think about a time when you were texting a girl, and you felt like you had to keep putting effort and

work into the interaction. It made you feel like she was a little more important than you, didn’t it? It kept you on the edge of your seat, making

sure that you wrote the right thing.


Well, that’s the exact thing we’re trying to do here. I use the fauxmance technique because it gives her a “shot” of emotional energy that will get her

feeling really good, and will ensure that she keeps leading for awhile.

Once you know which phase you’re in, it’s easy to apply the right technique at the right time, and make the next date happen.

And the faster you can do that, the more fun you’ll have, and the more that

YOU will be the one in control of your dating life.



Think about all of the things that drive you nuts about texting...

- spending five or ten minutes on each message because you want to it to be “perfect”

- wondering if you sent the wrong message, and screwed things up

- waiting patiently for a response, your heart racing with every passing hour


- feeling like you have no power or control - that your fate is in her hands

Wouldn’t it be great if you never had to deal with those things ever again? And even better, what if you could flip them around, so that...

- she spent five or ten minutes on every message she sent you, wanting it

to be perfect

- she nervously wondered if you would respond favorably to what she wrote

- she sat by her phone anxiously, hoping beyond hope that you’d write her back

- she felt like you had all the power and control - that her happiness was in

your hands

Well, it just so happens that I’ve discovered some psychological “hacks” and “backdoors” with texting that can consistently and reliably make that


Use them right, and you will literally get a girl addicted to you. The science behind this is going to blow you away.


Become a master of this, and she will be sitting by her phone, anxiously awaiting your next text... trying to prove herself to you in every message

she sends... and vividly fantasizing about what will happen when she meets up with you.

The techniques are based on proven, inescapable science and psychology.

Learning this stuff is going to give you powers that few men will ever possess.

Sound good? Then let’s get on with it.



I need you to follow me here. This is important.

There’s a chemical in your brain called dopamine. It’s the neurotransmitter that gets released when you’re rewarded by something - think sex, or a

delicious bite of food.

Dopamine makes you feel good.


And not surprisingly, dopamine is released when you get a text from a girl

you like.

But you’re not the only one who gets the dopamine squirt. When you “speak the language of texting” properly, her dopamine system gets

activated too.

And when you get really good, you can put a girl into a "dopamine induced loop" where she is literally addicted to texting you (and the only thing that

will satiate her addiction is to be with you).

It all happens with word choice and subcommunication, and the emotions they create in her. It’s the ultimate psychological hack.

Sounds insane, I know. I couldn’t believe it when I discovered this either.

Stick with me.


Once you get really good at texting, you’ll stop looking at your cell phone

the same way.


It's not just a "tool for communication".

The cell-phone is a pleasure device.

Whether you want to get her on a date... whether you want her as your girlfriend... whether you want her in your bedroom... you're going to know

without a shadow of a doubt that she wants what you want.

After I discovered this, it saved my clients hours of time and effort that they used to put into dates. It cut out the uncertainty of not knowing what would

happen when they met up with a girl. It was the ultimate dating short-cut.

Here’s what’s up:

! BAD texting causes no emotion inside of her. There are no ! chemicals - dopamine or otherwise - being released in her brain, so

! she feels indifferent towards you.

! GOOD text messaging conditions her responses and feelings ! towards you. You can train her to associate whatever emotion you

! want with you.

But before this "training" metaphor causes any trouble, I want to make one thing completely clear:



I absolutely love the women in my life. I respect their humanity and do

everything I can to celebrate their inner and outer beauty. I hope you will do the same with the women in your life.

With that said...both men and women react like dogs in response to text


We’ll use you as an example.

Let's say you are texting back and forth with a girl you're really attracted to. She's doing some of the texting tricks that I’ll give you in a moment (women

are naturally good at this stuff).

Every time you get a message from her, you feel a rush of positive emotions.

But let's say she hasn't texted you back for a few hours... you're beginning

to get worried... when all of a sudden you feel your phone buzzes, alerting you that you've got a new message.


As you reach for your phone, your heart rate increases, and the dopamine starts pouring into your neural receptors. You feel a wave of anticipation as

you open up the message...

Only to discover that the text message was from your Mom!

Bummer... the emotion dies down down as you feel a twinge of disappointment.

But that doesn't change the fact that you still felt a burst of desire when

your phone went on.

Why did you feel these things?

Because it was a conditioned response to her previous text messages. You had been trained to feel that way, based on the messages she sent you


This is called "Pavlovian Conditioning". It was first used on dogs in psychology experiments in the 1920s, and it has proved true in humans as



Here’s how it works with humans: when John creates positive emotional responses in Mary, she can be conditioned to associate those responses

with an outside stimuli.

To put it simply - it means that you can condition her to feel a rush of positive emotions, and immediately think of you, the second her phone

goes off... every time.

I hope you understand what this means for you...

Anytime she gets a text... even if it’s not from you... she thinks of you, and gets more excited about seeing you again.


Just imagine the emotions that are going on inside of her...

You've done everything right. You've activated her dopamine system, and successfully associated it with you.

She is sitting by herself, in hot anticipation of your next message to her.

And when someone else messages her, all in the span of less than 10

seconds, she feels a positive rush of dopamine, and a negative feeling of disappointment.

That mix of positive and negative emotions is exactly what causes

addiction, on a psychological level.

It's like drugs - the positive feeling of an intense high, and the inevitable comedown. That's how people become addicted to anything.

And we've just short-circuited the process, so the addiction grows in

intensity every time she gets a text.




A study of teens who frequently used text-messaging in the Seattle area

came to this conclusion:

"They get withdrawal-like systems if they don't have their phone or someone doesn't return a text quickly" (source = Q13 Fox News).

Are you beginning to see how this stuff can bring on a climatic feeling in


It's because this rush of chemicals activates a girl's "pleasure center".

Yep, the same pleasure center where she experiences sexual fulfillment.

If you have a hard time believing that girls can get completely turned on with a simple message on their

phone, then how about this one:

Brain Doctor Michael Seyffert concluded, "Neuro-imaging studies have shown that those [people] who

are texting have that area of their brain light up the


same as an addict using heroin."

And it happens because you followed the proven formula to activating her pleasure center with your text messaging.

Look, don't get me wrong... this is some intense stuff we're talking about


And most guys will never be able to elicit these responses in a girl they like.

But you’re going to be one step ahead of all the other guys in her phone who are texting her.

And we've gone into a lot of theory, and jargon. So let's tie it back to what

you actually want to do when you text her.

What kind of texts activate her brain's pleasure center?




There are three things that every guy who’s great at texting knows how to


! 1.) Stimulate Her Emotions: This is always the first thing you’ve got ! to do, because it’s going to set you apart from other guys in her

! phone, and make her ! enjoy her texting with you. What emotions do ! you want to stimulate? More on ! that in a second.

! 2.) Be Unpredictable: This is the first psychological hack we’ll use.

! You’ll vary up the style, length, and emotions in your texts, so that ! she’s left “wondering” about you - in a good way!

! 3.) Create Anticipation: This is the second psychological hack that

! we’ll use. You will send texts and manage your subcommunications ! in a way that leaves her “hanging”.

When you do all three of these things right, you’ll stir up a potent cocktail of

dopamine in her brain, and make her very excited about you.

Why do THESE three things work in concert to get her so addicted to you?


Because, when you get them right, they get the girl to invest in you.

Her first “investment” is small. A quick response to your first text.

Then there are a few texts exchanged, and she starts investing a little

more. She starts thinking about the “right” thing to send you.

Soon, she’s thinking about you a lot - about the fun times she’ll have with you. She’s “investing” in you even when you’re not texting her.

Before you know it, she’s sending you naughty

texts about stuff that she wants to do with you. She doesn’t do this for just anyone - she’s WAY

invested in you.

And if you play poker, or know anything about it, then what’s the ultimate form of investment?

Going all-in.

When you do the three things I just told you about, you’ll build her

investment in you to the point where she’s literally all-in.


Her subconscious thought process goes something like this, "well... I’ve been texting him a LOT... and I put a lot of thought into my texts... so I

MUST really like him."

Psychologists call this an "escalation of commitment".

Doctor Barry M. Staw, expert in Behavior and Psychology at University of California Berkeley, Haas School of Business, first discovered this principle

in 1976. And the rule is that humans justify their actions based on previous investment.

My larger

you how to make this happen. But let’s cover some high level stuff right now.


This is the “anchor” of good texting. It’s the thing that’s going to get her

stuck on hearing from you. When you stimulate her emotions properly, you’re going to get her dopamine system going.


Text God Program is full of texts and exchanges that show

And a great place to start is by making her smile and laugh. Think about two of the good first texts you’ve read about so far:

“ur dress last night = weapon of mass destruction. i trust you put it

somewhere that the CIA won’t find it”

“carb withdrawal is bad today. just saw a child eating pizza and

thought about bribing him for a bite.”

Both of those are engineered to make her smile and laugh. There is some

funny visual imagery, and there are some “hooks” for her to grab onto. Another Phase 1+ technique (i.e. you can use it in Phase 1, or any point

thereafter) I’ll use with a girl is the multi-line - you take multiple lines to type out a few words. It’s silly and childish, but it has never failed to get a great

response from a girl.


2:12 PMHer: Yeah that last round of shots was nothing but trouble, I’m so

hung over today.

2:16 PMMe: Y


Me: E

Me: S

Me: .

Me: M

Me: E

Me: .

Me: T

Me: O

Me: O

2:18 PMMe: can barely type

2:20 PM

Her: LOL that bad huh? You poor thing!!


This messages will also make her smile and laugh, “stimulating” her emotions in a way that gets her feeling good. And if she always felt good

when she texted you, she’d probably want to keep texting you, right?



But there are other emotions that take you texting from “enjoyable” to “addictive” for her. And that’s where we get to point two.


Dopamine is stimulated by unpredictability.

Behavioral Psychologist Susan Weinschenk, in a study on texting,

discovered that, "When something happens that is not exactly predictable, that stimulates the dopamine system... texts show up, but we don't know

exactly when they will or who they will be from. It's unpredictable."

This means that you CAN'T be predictable in your texts or responses to her texts. If she knows that every message you send is going to be funny, or

make her laugh, she’ll be able to “peg” you as predictable... and predictability is boring... so you can’t keep hitting the same emotional

buttons again and again.

Another emotion that’s GREAT to stimulate in a girl is defiance. Yep, you read that right. Once you’ve got some investment (and ONLY then), you

can challenge her a little bit.


One of my favorite second dates in New York City is to start somewhere swanky - usually the Oak Room bar at the Plaza Hotel - then head

somewhere dive-y. And my dive of choice is called Ace Bar. Besides the rock n’ roll ambiance, Ace Bar has two skeeball lanes. Makes the date fun,

active and even lets us do some betting for kisses and more. Here’s an example of me switching things up in a text message, challenging a girl,

and her getting a little defiant.



me: alright, so it’s on... I just hope you are

ok with losing at skeeball


her: whatever, you are gonna get smoked. I can hit the 50 with my

eyes closed


me: all I can say is you better not plan on betting anything u don’t

want to lose



This sort of texting can “charge up” her emotions heading into a date, and create some really good, playful tension that only gets released when

kissing happens ;)

There’s a LOT more you can do with unpredictability. Of course, you’ve got to be careful with this one. In

a guy tries to trigger defiance, but doesn’t have enough investment, and ends up pissing the girl off royally.

But when you get this stuff right, oh man... it takes you from “a guy she

likes texting” to “the only guy she wants to hear from.”

Even better - there’s still one more “psychological hack” we can use to get her even more into you.


Brain scan research shows that the dopamine system gets overwhelmingly

stimulated when someone anticipates a reward. In fact, anticipation is even more powerful than fulfillment.


Text God , I include case studies where

In other words, you secrete more dopamine in the moments leading up to a kiss, than you do when you’re actually kissing.

Applying this to texting, the key is to build anticipation that she’ll feel for

your next text, by sending texts that leave her wanting more.

For example, a lot of guys send long text messages to girls. They leave no stone unturned in their message, and they go into great detail about things.

They tell a girl every little detail about their lives.

But in order to build anticipation, you can't give her EVERYTHING at once. You should text her incomplete responses.

This works because of the "Zeigarnick Effect", the psychological effect that

proves that when we transmit an incomplete thought to someone... when we leave certain key details out of our text messages... their mind fixates

on it until it's completed.

When you use my texting techniques that employ the Zeigarnick Effect, you have to be careful... you will quickly develop the power to make her

instantly fixated on you and even obsessed with you, because every text message causes her mind to associate you with an array of addictive



One of my favorite ways to create anticipation is with what I call the “short text.” You use it when you’re in Phase 2 - Rapid Rapport. As a reminder,

this is when she’s quick to reply to your texts, and you’re texting her fairly frequently. That usually starts to happen after the first date, or with a girl

who you’ve met through a social circle.

So let’s say you’ve been texting back and forth with her for about 30 minutes straight, and she asks how your afternoon is looking. you’re going

to send her a one or two-word, very short text, and then drop it.



her: so how’s your afternoon looking?


me: good


her: nice, what’s going on?


her: hellooooooo



me: heyyyyy got pulled into a meeting... damn crazy day, I think a gin

and tonic is in my near future ;)


her: oh no! hope everything is ok!! and I have to admit that drinking

tonight sounds pretty good.


Why does this work? Well, after 30 minutes of back-and-forth, she’s

conditioned to expect a fast response from you. Then... boom: a one-word response, and no follow up for three hours. It creates all sorts of questions

in her mind: did she say the wrong thing? Is everything ok with you? What’s happening that she doesn’t know about?

It’s all happening in the subcommunications. It’s unpredictable, and for

those next three hours, her brain is releasing some dopamine every time a text message comes in... she’s hoping it’s from you, so she can get

“closure” on why you didn’t write back to her.

Critically, when you finally reply, it needs to be something sweet, fun, and explanatory. I’ve seen guys screw up the short text by being too

nonchalant when they get back to the girl. Doing that will only make her put her guard up.


The principle here is to create anticipation... then release it in a way that

makes her brain go “ahhhhhhh.”

And if I had to take a guess, I’m willing to be that a girl has done something like this to you... right?

Now you know why it made you feel the way it did, AND how you can use it



You’d be surprised how easy it is to get a girl to start responding to you


Even if you've already been on a date or two, and things have dropped off...

You need re-activate her pleasure centers again. It's a little more work this

time, because she's not as invested.


Here's how you should think of it...

Pretend that you had bet on (or in other words, “invested in”) a horse at the

racetrack. You think it’s a winner, but it loses the race. The jockey would probably have to put in a little work to make you bet on it again.

... But the possibility is still there because you really wanted it to win in the

first place.

You'd be skeptical, but you'd be even more invested the second time around because you really wanted your belief to pay off.

So once you get that investment back again, she will feel even more

powerful emotions for you than before.

And not every guy has the power to do that. Very few do. But it’s yours if you want it:



I care about the success of the guys who want to learn from me, and I put a

lot of time and effort into creating QUALITY material. I research the stuff I put out, I live it, and - because my real name is on it - I make sure that

it’s good.

There is a lot of gimmicky marketing out there, but I’m going to assume that you’re smart enough to discern between the good stuff, and the snake oil.

As I look back through this report, I’m thinking to myself “wow, there was a

lot of good stuff in there.” And I hope you feel the same.

You should now have a basic understanding of why and how you need to shift the dynamics of a texting interaction into your favor. We went over the

proven psychological principles that, when used properly, will cause any girl in your phonebook to feel attraction towards you - and ultimately start liking

you a lot, and even becoming addicted to receiving your messages.

My goal is always to help clients understand why something works before getting into the nitty-gritty "how-to" stuff.


I need to teach you how to fish, instead of just giving you a fish, because new women will always be coming up with new stuff to keep you on your


With what you’ve learned here today, you are going to have a huge leg up over just about every other guy who’s sending texts to the girls you’re

interested in. I’ve given you a lot of theory, and a lot of practical techniques that you can use to text the girls in your phone book. First texts, tips on how

to ask ‘em out... and how to start getting that dopamine loop kicking ;)

So you can take what you’ve learned here, and go it alone. If you spend some time on this stuff, and don’t mind burning through some numbers

along the way, I’m sure you can take these principles and get some really good results with them.

The other option: if you want access to my whole texting playbook -

everything I know about texting... all of the messages I send, all of the examples and breakdowns, and how to make sure that you are a total

master at this, you can upgrade to my

The goals of the program are:


Text God Program .

! 1.) to give you the simple formula to ensure that every time you get a

! number, it turns into a date

! 2.) to “turn things around” with girls whose numbers you’ve screwed ! up

! 3.) to give you the “texting superpowers” that you’ve read about here

I created you don’t have to do the work to figure

this stuff out.

And I’d love to have you onboard with me :)

Talk soon,Robbie

Learn more at...

text god vip


Text God Program so that




Complete Physique

Transformation Program

Before beginning any new exercise, nutrition or dietary supplement program you should consult a physician first. The information presented herein is not meant to treat or prevent any disease or to provide the reader with medical advice. If you are looking for specific medical advice then you should obtain this information from a licensed health-care practitioner. This publication is intended for informational use only. Sean Nalewanyj and www.BodyTransformationTruth.com will not assume any liability or be held responsible for any form of injury, personal loss or illness caused by the utilization of this information. The individual results obtained from the use of this program will vary from person to person and we make no guarantee as to the degree of results that you will personally achieve.

- Disclaimer -


The No-Fail Workout System is an intelligently structured, step-by-step training plan designed to take you to your ultimate physique goals in the most effective and efficient way possible.

By now you should have read through the complete Top-Level Weight Training and Efficient Fat Burning Cardio chapters of the main Muscle Building & Fat Loss Decoded E-Course and should have a solid grasp of the proper principles behind an effective weight training and cardio workout.

There’s much more to structuring a proper training routine than merely following set in stone exercises, sets and reps. You should also understand why you’re doing what you’re doing and how to implement your plan in the most effective way possible. For that reason, you should make sure to read through those two chapters before beginning.

The routine is broken down into two plans: Weight Training and Cardio.

As you should already know by now, your weight training approach should be structured in exactly the same way whether your goal is to build muscle or lose fat. (If you’re unclear as to why this is the case, make sure to read through the Top-Level Weight Training and Efficient Fat Burning Cardio chapters for a complete explanation)

For that reason, the same weight training plan should be used regardless of whether you’re aiming to add size and strength or strip off body fat.

The only aspect of your training plan that will differ slightly based on your goals is your cardio approach, and I’ll give you some guidelines for that in the cardio section at the end.

Here’s how to get started…

First, make sure to read through the Workout Guidelines.

This section will give an overview of exactly how each individual workout should be performed. Again, this information is all broken down in great detail in the main e-course.

Next, make your way through the Weight Training Plan.

The weight training plan outlines which days you should train on, the exact exercises, sets and reps for each workout, along with a list of exercise substitutions you can use if necessary.

Finally, read through the Cardio section.

Depending on your individual body type and goals, a specific cardio protocol will be outlined for you that can be used alongside your weight training routine.

That's all there is to it.

Let’s get started...



No-Fail Workout Guidelines

Before you get started, make sure to read over these important workout guidelines first...

1) For a complete explanation of the principles behind a proper weight training workout, and to learn exactly why the workouts are structured the way they are, make sure to read through the Top-Level Weight Training chapter of the main e-course.

2) Before you begin any of the assigned workouts, you must have a proper understanding of how each exercise is performed. Consult the Video Exercise Database for this.

3) Aim to perform each set 1-2 reps short of muscular failure. This means that you should continue your set until the point where, if you were to give an all-out 100% effort, you would only be able to complete 1-2 more reps using proper form. You’ll get a better handle on this after a few weeks of training if you’re a complete beginner.

4) Don’t bother with any so-called “advanced techniques”, such as supersets, drop sets, forced reps, “burn out sets” or anything else. Every set in the No-Fail Workout should be executed as a standard straight set where you simply train 1-2 reps short of failure and then stop.

5) Always write down your workouts in detail by recording the exact weight lifted and reps executed for every exercise throughout the session. The next time you enter the gym to perform that same workout, you should be placing 100% of your focus on improving upon your previous performance by adding slightly more weight, performing more reps, or both.

6) Every workout should begin with a proper warm-up consisting of 5 minutes of very light cardio followed by 3 weight acclimation sets for your first major compound exercise of the workout. You'll perform 50% x 10 reps, 75% x 3 reps and 100% x 1 rep, where the percentage given is in relation to the amount of weight you'll use on your first working set.

7) After you have completed a set, you should only perform your next set when you feel that you are 100% recovered and can perform that set with maximum strength and focus. There is no concrete rest interval in between sets, as it will vary from exercise to exercise.

8) On the positive portion of the repetition, move the weight as fast as you can while still maintaining complete control. On the negative portion of the repetition, lower the weight in 3-4 seconds.

9) Breathe in as you lower the weight and breathe out as you lift it.

10) Purchase a set of lifting straps and use them for all back exercises.

11) Make sure to place equal focus and intensity on all muscle groups. You should not be favoring certain muscles over others, but instead should focus on developing your physique as equally as possible.

12) Muscle pump, muscle burn and muscle soreness are not indicators of a successful workout. The success of your workout should only be gauged by how well you execute the principle of intensity (training 1-2 reps short of muscular failure) and progression (adding more weight to each exercise over time).

13) Injury prevention should always be treated as a primary concern. Keep your joints and connective tissues healthy by properly warming up, lifting within your own limits, monitoring your intensity levels, using proper form and avoiding overtraining yourself.

14) After 8-10 continuous weeks of training, take 1 full week off from the gym. This will allow your body and joints to fully recuperate and will prevent overtraining. You may still perform cardio on your week off.

Weekly Workout Layout

The No-Fail Workout System utilizes what is known as a “Legs/Push/Pull” structure, which involves 3 individual workouts that you’ll be cycling through. For Workout A, you’ll be training your legs: quads, hamstrings and calves. For Workout B, you’ll be training all of your upper body pushing muscles: your chest, shoulders (front and side heads) and triceps. For Workout C, you’ll be training all of your upper body pulling muscles: your back, shoulders (rear head) and biceps. Abs will be trained at the end of each workout. This is an extremely effective training structure because it hits the muscles in groups that work together synergistically to perform their specific movement patterns. For example, all compound chest exercises also stimulate the shoulders (front head) and triceps, all compound shoulder exercises also stimulate the triceps, and all compound back exercises also stimulate the biceps and shoulders (rear head). This type of structure allows for maximum recovery in between workouts and prevents muscular overlap since each system is being trained in isolation. The way to implement this plan is simple: perform Workout A, then B, then C, and then repeat the cycle.

Since recovery ability will vary from person to person, there isn’t an exact set-in-stone number of days per week that every single individual must train on. Instead, your central aim should be to train with this cycle as often as possible while still making continued strength gains from workout to workout. For most people, this will mean a total of 4-5 workouts per week. If you’d prefer to train less often than this (based on your schedule or general preference) and are willing to progress at a slightly slower rate, or if you have lower than average recovery ability and need more time in between sessions, 3 workouts per week is also acceptable. If you choose to train 4 days per week, you can use a weekly layout of 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off, or you can just train every other day. For example, Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday, or Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Sunday. If you choose to train 5 days per week, any 5 days of the week is ultimately fine. Just choose the layout that fits best with your schedule. If you choose to train 3 days per week, just go with 3 non-consecutive days, like Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday. Okay, with the central workout guidelines and weekly layout established, let’s now dive into each individual workout…

Workout A – Quads, Hamstrings, Calves

Exercise # Of Sets Rep Range


Barbell Squat 3 - 4 5 - 7

Leg Press (45 Degree or Horizontal) 3 8 - 10


Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 3 - 4 8 - 10

Lying Leg Curl 3 5 - 7


Standing Machine Calf Raise 3 - 4 5 - 7

Leg Press Calf Raise 3 5 - 7


Kneeling Rope Crunch 2 8 - 10

Reverse Crunch 2 8 - 10

Exercise Substitution List

Whenever possible, I would recommend sticking to the workout plan as it is outlined above. That said, if you don't have access to certain pieces of equipment or have certain limitations (perhaps due to injuries), here are some potential exercise substitutions you can use instead...

Barbell Squat & Leg Press Front Squat Hack Squat Dumbbell Squat Dumbbell Step-Up Barbell Step-Up Barbell Lunge Dumbbell Lunge

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift Barbell Romanian Deadlift Good Morning Glute-Ham Raise

Lying Leg Curl Seated Leg Curl Standing Leg Curl Glute-Ham Raise

Standing Machine Calf Raise & Leg Press Calf Raise Standing One-Legged Dumbbell Calf Raise Smith Machine Calf Raise Hack Squat Calf Raise

Kneeling Rope Crunch Incline Crunch Weighted Floor Crunch

Reverse Crunch Lying Leg Raise Hanging Leg Raise Swiss Ball Leg Raise Seated Leg Tuck

Workout B – Chest, Shoulders (Front/Side), Triceps

Exercise # Of Sets Rep Range


Flat Dumbbell Press 3 - 4 5 - 7

Incline Dumbbell Press 3 - 4 5 - 7

Cable Crossover 3 8 - 10


Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press 3 - 4 5 - 7

Standing Cable Side Lateral 3 8 - 10


Tricep Pressdown 3 5 - 7

One-Arm Overhead DB Extension 3 8 - 10


Straight Plank 2 1-2 Minute Hold

Side Plank 2 1-2 Minute Hold

Exercise Substitutions

Flat Dumbbell Press & Incline Dumbbell Press Flat Barbell Press Incline Barbell Press Decline Barbell Press Decline Dumbbell Press Wide-Grip Dips Machine Bench Press Flat Smith Machine Press Incline Smith Machine Press Decline Smith Machine Press

Cable Crossovers Flat Dumbbell Flye Incline Dumbbell Flye Decline Dumbbell Flye Machine Flye Pec Deck

Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press Standing Military Press Seated Military Press Standing Overhead Dumbbell Press Overhead Smith Machine Press Overhead Machine Press

Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals Standing Cable Side Laterals Seated Dumbbell Side Laterals

Tricep Pressdown One-Arm Reverse Pressdown Decline Dumbbell Skull Crushers Flat Dumbbell Skull Crushers EZ-Bar Skull Crushers Close-Grip Bench Press Narrow-Grip Dips

One-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Extension Overhead EZ-Bar Extension Overhead Cable Extension Overhead Rope Extension

Straight Plank Swiss Ball Plank

Workout C – Back, Shoulders (Rear), Biceps

Exercise # Of Sets Rep Range


Barbell Deadlift 3 - 4 5 - 7

Overhand Chin Up 3 - 4 5 - 7

One-Arm Dumbbell Row 3 - 4 5 - 7

Face Pull 3 8 - 10

Shoulders (Rear Head)

Rear Lateral Cable Raise 3 8 - 10


Barbell Curl 3 5 - 7

Alternating Dumbbell Curl 3 5 - 7


Cable Wood Chopper 2 8 - 10

Pallof Press 2 8 - 10

Exercise Substitutions

Deadlifts Bent Over Barbell Row Bent Over Dumbbell Row Seated Cable Row T-Bar Row

Overhand Chin-Up Overhand Lat Pulldown V-Bar Pulldown Underhand Lat Pulldown Underhand Chin Ups

One Arm Dumbbell Row Bent Over Barbell Row Bent Over Dumbbell Row Seated Cable Row T-Bar Row

Face Pull Dumbbell Shrug Barbell Shrug Smith Machine Shrug

Rear Lateral Cable Raise Rear Lateral Dumbbell Raise

Barbell Curl Cable Curl

Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curl Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl

Cable Wood Chopper Plate Twist

Pallof Press Flat Russian Twist


The No-Fail Workout Routine: Cardio

Additional cardio exercise will be included in your program for one of two major reasons: 1) Your primary goal is to build muscle size, but you want to minimize the amount of body fat you gain.

2) Your primary goal is to lose body fat, and you're using cardio as a means of stimulating fat loss.

There are 3 specific cardio approaches outlined below that will be used alongside your weight training routine. Choose the program that most closely suits your individual situation.

Keep in mind though that optimal cardio protocols can vary quite a bit from person to person depending on a variety of factors, so treat these cardio plans as starting guidelines and adjust as you go along.

Before you get started, make sure to read through these important No-Fail Cardio Guidelines...

No-Fail Cardio Guidelines 1) For your H.I.I.T sessions, stick to cardio exercises that minimize the risk of injury and that do not require very much skill to perform. This way you won't have to worry about balancing yourself on the machine and can place 100% of your focus on generating a high level of intensity.

2) The most highly recommend machines for H.I.I.T cardio include the upright stationary bike, recumbent bike, treadmill and stairclimber. For advanced trainees, outdoor sprinting is also a great option.

3) "H.I.I.T Cardio" stands for "High Intensity Interval Training". This type of cardio only lasts 10-20 minutes in duration and uses alternating bouts of low intensity work followed by high intensity work. Although very challenging, this type of cardio provides the most powerful fat burning and muscle sparing stimulus possible.

4) Proper H.I.I.T Cardio is covered in detail in the Efficient Fat Burning Cardio chapter of the main e-course, and as a minimum you'll need to read the "Cardio Intervals" section before getting started.

5) "Moderate Aerobic Cardio" refers to steady pace sessions performed at a moderate intensity for 40-60 minutes. If you ranked your intensity level from 0 (no work at all) to 10 (100% effort), these types of sessions should fall into a difficulty level of about 5-6.

6) Moderate Aerobic Cardio doesn't always have to fall into a "traditional" gym setting. Many of you have other activates you enjoy outside of the gym that are still intense and challenging to perform. This might include things like sports, cycling, hiking or martial arts. These activities can be counted as moderate aerobic cardio as long as they allow you to generate a sufficient level of intensity.

7) Aim to space your cardio sessions at least 8 hours away from your weight training workouts to maximize recovery and spare lean muscle tissue. If your schedule does not permit this, perform your cardio immediately after your weight training workout.

8) Do not worry about the calorie readings on the machine or about reaching a specified “target heart rate”. Both of these factors are largely irrelevant. Simply focus on putting forth a hard, focused effort during each session and strive for improvement each time.

9) Always focus on making steady progression by increasing the workload for every successive cardio session that you perform. You can accomplish this in the following ways:

* Increase the resistance on the machine. * Increase the distance that you travel at a given resistance. * Decrease the resting time in between intervals. * Decrease the work period of an interval and raise the intensity as a result. * Increase the work period of an interval at the same intensity. * Perform a greater number of total intervals.

10) To get started, choose one of the 3 cardio layouts listed below. Keep in mind that these programs are not set in stone and can be modified and adjusted as you go along depending on your results...

Cardio Program #1 Your primary goal is to build muscle, and you do not gain body fat easily.

In this situation, cardio will not play a significant role in your program.

As a starting point, go with 1 H.I.I.T session and 1 Moderate Aerobic session per week. This should be sufficient to keep your body in a continual muscle building state while warding off unwanted fat gains.

If you're on the extreme end of the scale with a highly ectomorphic body type and never seem to gain an ounce of fat no matter what you do, your weight training sessions alone will likely be enough. In that case, you can eliminate any and all additional cardio from your program unless it’s for a specific activity you enjoy or for basic health reasons.


Cardio Program #2 Your primary goal is to build muscle, but you tend to gain excess body fat if you aren't careful.

In this situation, cardio will play a slightly more important role in your overall program.

As a starting point, perform 2 H.I.I.T sessions per week along with a Moderate Aerobic session once per week.


Cardio Program #3 Your primary goal is to lose body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass.

To maximize fat loss while sparing muscle, perform 2 H.I.I.T sessions per week along with 2 moderate intensity 40-60 minute aerobic sessions.

Remember that this is just a starting point schedule and can be modified as you go along.

If you aren't losing body fat at a significant rate, you can gradually increase your cardio frequency as necessary. (Though you can alternatively keep your cardio approach the same and simply decrease your calorie intake slightly)

Or, if you are find yourself losing lean body mass too quickly or are feeling excessively drained throughout the week, you can optionally scale back.

- End Of Workout Plan -

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