euroscepticism in france_sp

Post on 25-May-2015






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Euroscepticism in France

I / What is the euroscepticism ?

• The Euroscepticism is a political idea which is against the European Union and the process of European intergration.

• We can see the indiference of people for the UE in the strong abstention to vote for the members of the European Parliament.

• A lot of people doesn't know what Europe brings to them, that's why they're aren't particularly attached to this union.

• The rules of the EU are too complex and don't help citizens to get closer with the institutions.

• During the referendum for the European constitution, majority of French people refused the text. That proves the lack of trust in the European institutions.

• When €uro is arrived, French weren't satisfied because it decreased them purchasing power.

• Both of the extreme right and the extreme left are against the European Union but they advance different arguments.

• Some of the people are against the current fonctioning of this Union, the others want it to be deleted.

• In fact, Many believes that the EU was built against the will of the people.

• For the Eurosceptic, the European Union hasn't brought peace in Europe while it was its main objective.

• They aslo say that Europe doesn't appear as a independent diplomatic power opposite to the USA.

• On a cultural point, it still critized that the European Union erases national identities

• Moreover, lot of people think that the UE is not really democratic : It seems to be to much “bureaucratic”.

What are the arguments of the

french extreme right against the UE ?

• Europe weakens the national sovereignty of states and makes them lose their independence.

• Moreover, they say it will forbid them to

lead to their foreign politic.

• They denounce the laxity of the EU against the immigration.

What are the arguments of the

french extreme left against the UE ?

• Some of people think that Europe isn't enough social because it encourages the capitalism.

• The UE forces French public companies to becoming private.

II / Who are the eurosceptics in France ?

The extreme left French parties as the French communist party (Parti Communiste

Français),the new anticapitalist party (NPA) ...

-Olivier BESANCENOT is the leader of the new anticapitalist party,He condemns firmly the « libera »European Union.

Certain members of the the socialist party (Parti Socialiste)

as Laurent Fabius or Jean Luc Mélanchon. Another left party : the MRC (Mouvement Républicain et Citoyen) .They just want a different Europe, with more social Actions to help the European.

Laurent Fabius, he was the French Prime minister between 1984 and 1986.

Jean Luc Mélanchon was a socialist minister between 2000 and 2002

Some of UMP members (this is the party of french governement) as Nicolas Dupont Aignant.

• French Extreme Right parties want the end of the European Union.

• Jean Marie le Pen and her daughter Marine le Pen are leaders of the « Front National », the most « popular » extreme right party.

• There is also Phillipe de Villiers , leader of the MPF (Mouvement pour la France) who is an eurosceptic.

• Most of the right or left politicians are Europhile. Indeed eurosceptics are concentrated in the extreme.


• Sources : Wikipédia,, …

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