estland university of tartu

Post on 01-May-2022






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Trotz sorgfältiger Bearbeitung alle Angaben ohne Gewähr 1

Estland – University of Tartu

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

Fundamentals of Information Literacy 3 Winter (1)

International Criminal Law 3 Winter (1)

Current Issues In Religion, Law And Politics 6 Winter (1)

International Courts and Tribunals 4 Winter (1)

Developing Social Rights in Estonia: Right to Work and Right to Social Security 3 Winter (1)

Introduction to International Business Law 3 Winter (1)

Contemporary Legal Philosophy 6 Winter (1)

Introduction to U.S. Securities Laws - a Life Cycle of a Silicon Valley Technology Company

3 Winter (1)

Dispute Resolution and Negotiation Skills 3 Spring (2)

Today's challenges for (German) Civil Procedure Law 3 Spring (2)

Introduction to Information Research 3 Spring (2)

ESP English for Law Students I (Introduction), Level B2.1 3 Spring (2)

Law and Practice of the United Nations 6 Spring (2)

International Humanitarian Law 3 Spring (2)

Frankreich – Université Paris Est Créteil Val de Marne

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

Law of obligations 5 Winter (1) Year 2

Criminal Law 5 Winter (1) Year 2


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International Commercial Law 5 Winter (1) Master

European Tax Law 7 Winter (1) Master

Current Issues in EU Law 5 Winter (1) Master

Citizenship, Market and Democracy in the European Union 5 Winter (1) Master

Fundamental Rights 5 Winter (1) Master

Frankreich – Université de Straßbourg

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

Introduction to English Law 1 N/A Winter (1)

Law of Liability N/A Winter (1)

Introduction to English Law 2 N/A Winter (1)

Italien – Università degli Studi di Firenze

Course Title CFU Credits

Term Comments

Comparative Legal Systems 9 Winter (1)

Comparative Legal Systems 6 Winter (1)

European Social Law 9 N/A

History and politics of globalization and human rights 6 Spring (2)

International Law 9 Winter (1)

Introduction to the Italian Legal Culture 6 Winter (1)+ Spring (2)

Current Challenges to International Law 9 Winter (1)

International Human Rights Law 6 Spring (2)


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Economic Law 6 Winter (1)

Financial Services and Markets Law 6 Spring (2)

International Law 6 Winter (1)

Law and Economics 6 Winter (1)

Tourism and Law 6 Spring (2)

Travel and Tourism Contracts 9 Spring (2)

Italien – Università degli Studi di Verona

Course Title CFU Credits

Term Comments

International economic law 6 Spring (2) Postgraduate and Master's programmes

International Law 9 Spring (2) Postgraduate and Master's programmes

International business law 9 Spring (2) Postgraduate and Master's programmes

European Private Law 6 Spring (2)

International Trade Law 6 Winter (1)

Law of international organizations 6 Winter (1) + Spring (2)

International arbitration law 6 Winter (1) + Spring (2)


International criminal law 6 Spring (2) Bachelor


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Niederlande – Radboud Universiteit Nijmween

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

Criminology 7 Winter (1)

European Legal History 7 Winter (1)

International and Comparative Copyright law 7 Winter (1)

Institutional Law of the EU 6 Winter (1)

Law and Society 7 Winter (1)

Philosophy of International Law 7 Winter (1)

Private International law 7 Winter (1)

The Law of International Organisations 4 Winter (1)

Topics Typical to Dutch Law 2 Winter (1) Compulsory

Public International Law Advanced 7 Winter (1) Advanced

European Law Moot Court Competition (not available in 2017-2018) Winter (1) Advanced

International Arbitration (not available in 2017-2018) Winter (1) Advanced

Comparative Constitutional Law 7 Spring (2)

European Employment Law 7 Spring (2)

European Private Law 7 Spring (2)

European Public Procurement Law 7 Spring (2)

Fundamental Rights in Europe 5 Spring (2)

Harmonisation in the EU 4 Spring (2)

International and European Tax Law 7 Spring (2)

International Individual Criminal Responsibility 7 Spring (2)

Introduction to Dutch Criminal Law 3 Spring (2)

Key Concepts in the Philosophy of Law 7 Spring (2)

Substantive Law of the European Union 10 Spring (2)

Various Branches of International Law 6 Spring (2)

European and Comparative Refugee Law 7 Spring (2) Advanced


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European Internal Market Law 7 Spring (2) Advanced

Judicial Protection in the European Union 7 Spring (2) Advanced

Roman Law and Society 5 to 10 Spring (2) Advanced

Polen – Kardynala S.Wyszynski w Warszawie

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

International Criminal Law 8 Winter (1)

Protection of the Right of a Child 8 Winter (1)

International Institutional Law 8 Winter (1)

Law-making process - rules of legislation 8 Winter (1)

International standards of constitutional review 8 Winter (1)

Parliamentary Oversight over the Council of Ministers and Ministers 8 Winter (1)

Introduction to Polish Constitutional Law 8 Winter (1)

Anti-discrimination law 8 Winter (1)

Introduction to Public International Law 8 Winter (1)

Anglo-American Business Law 8 Winter (1)

The Position of Persons in Roman Public and Private Law 8 Winter (1)

Comercial law 8 Winter (1)

Data protection in case law of the Court of Justice of the EU 4 Winter (1) each two weeks

E-commerce. Selected aspects 4 Winter (1) each two weeks

Data protection in international relations 4 Winter (1) each two weeks

An Advanced - level drafting workshop - Intelectual Property Rights 4 Winter (1) each two weeks

Law and customs in ancient Rome 4 Winter (1) each two weeks

Roman Administrative Law 4 Winter (1) each two weeks


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The Constitution of the Roman Republic 4 Winter (1) each two weeks

Das politische System in Österreich 4 Winter (1) each two weeks

International Humanitarian Law 8 Spring (2)

Introduction to Polish Personal Law 8 Spring (2)

Constitutional Review in Poland 8 Spring (2)

Financial Law 8 Spring (2)

Tax law 8 Spring (2)

The Criminal Law of Romans 8 Spring (2)

Pharmaceutical Law 8 Spring (2)

Legal English - Twarrds Legal Erudition 8 Spring (2)

European Intellectual Property Law 8 Spring (2)

American law of capital companies 8 Spring (2)

Woman in Roman Private and Public Law 8 Spring (2)

Schweiz – Université de Lausanne

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

American Law 6 Spring (2)

Contract drafting 3 Spring (2)

International Arbitration 6 Spring (2) Only in Spring 2020 and 2022

International Human Rights 6 Spring (2)

Microeconomics et Game Theory 6 Winter (1)

Advanced International Law and ist Relations with Domestic Legal System 3 Spring (2)


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Schweiz – Universität Zürich

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

Big Data: Technology and Law 6 Spring (2)

European Institutions 6 Spring (2)

Internet Law 6 Spring (2)

Contemporary History of Law 6 Spring (2)

International Commercial Arbitration 3 Spring (2)

International Commercial Arbitration & Workshop 6 Spring (2)

International Economic Law 6 Spring (2)

International Finance Law 6 Spring (2)

Introduction to Sports Law 6 Spring (2)

International Human Rights 6 Spring (2)

Introduction to US Cusiness Law 6 Spring (2)

Islamic and Middle Eastern Law 6 Spring (2)

Legal Sociology 6 Spring (2)

Selected topics in pulic Internationa law: History of International Law 6 Spring (2)

Comparative Administrative Law 6 Winter (1)

Comparative Civil Procedure 6 Winter (1)

Comparative Private Law 6 Winter (1)

European Economic Law 6 Winter (1)

European Tax Law 6 Winter (1)

Company Law 6 Winter (1)

International Organisations 6 Winter (1)

Introduction to Swiss Law 6 Winter (1)

Law and Economics 6 Winter (1)

Legal Theory 6 Winter (1)

Priciples of Common Law 3 Winter (1)


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Recent Case Law of International Courts 6 Winter (1)

Regulation Without Law? Law and the Technologies of the 21th Century 6 Winter (1)

Römisches PrivatR Gruppe 2 6 Winter (1)

Workshops & Lecture Series on the Law & Economics of Innovation 6 Winter (1)

Slowenien – Univerza v Ljubljana

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

Civil Medical Law 6 Winter (1)

Comparative Family Law 6 Winter (1)

Comparative Human Rights Law 6 Winter (1)

Diplomatic and Consular Law 6 Winter (1)

Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructurings 6 Winter (1)

European Human Rights Law 6 Winter (1)

Roman Law 6 Winter (1)

International and European Social Security Law 6 Winter (1)

International Labour Law 6 Winter (1)

Slovene Legal History 6 Winter (1)

European Constitutional Law 6 Spring (2)

International Criminal Law 6 Spring (2)

Introduction to the American Legal System and American Legal Writing 6 Spring (2)

Introduction to Discrimination Law 6 Spring (2)

Judicial Remedies in the EU 6 Spring (2)

Law of International Trade 6 Spring (2)

Law of the Sea 6 Spring (2)


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Public Services in EU Law 6 Spring (2)

Tuja pravna terminologija – angleščina (English Legal Terminology) 4 Spring (2)

U.S. Bankruptcy Law 6 Spring (2)

Spanien – Universidad de Almería

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

Es werden keine englischsprachigen, juristischen Kurse angeboten, allerdings ist es möglich, englischsprachige Kurse anderer Fachbereiche zu belegen!

Introduction to Business Administration 6 Winter (1) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Introduction to Marketing 6 Spring (2) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Introduction to Finance 6 Spring (2) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Introduction to Accounting 6 Spring (2) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Microeconomics 6 Spring (2) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Advanced Statistics 6 Winter (1) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Mathematics 6 Winter (1) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Direction and Management Skills 3 Winter (1) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Quantitative methods 6 Spring (2) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Statistics 6 Spring (2) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Organization design 6 Spring (2) Administration and Business


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Management Bachelor

Management control 6 Winter (1) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Strategic Marketing 6 Winter (1) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Entrepreneurship 6 Spring (2) Administration and Business Management Bachelor

Information Resources for Social Work 6 Spring (2) Social Work Bachelor

Spanien – Universidad de A Coruna

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

Economics: firm, market and competition 6 Winter (1)

Spain in the Historical and Legal Context of Europe 6 Winter (1)

EU Competition Law and Intellectual Property 6 Winter (1)

European Administrative Law 6 Winter (1)

Law and Religion 6 Winter (1)

Comparative Marriage Law 4.5 Spring (2)

Law and Biomedicine 4.5 Spring (2)

Natural Person, Human Rights and Non Profit Organizations 6 Spring (2)

Obligations and Tort Law: General Principles 6 Spring (2)

Criminal Proceedings 6 Spring (2)

Public International Law 6 Spring (2)


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Spanien – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

International and European Taxation 6 Winter (1) Law (Elective courses)

International Trade Law 6 Winter (1) Law (Elective courses)

SEMINARIO DERECHO PRIVADO II: Foundations of Comparative Law 6 Spring (2) Law (Elective courses)

SEMINARIO DE DERECHO ECONÓMICO II: European Company and Insolvency Law 6 Winter (1) Law (Elective courses)

SEMINARIO DERECHO PRIVADO III: Case-law of the European Court of Justice in Civil Matters

6 Winter (1) Law (Elective courses)

SEMINARIO DERECHO PÚBLICO IX: Taxation, Welfare and Political Theories 6 Winter (1) Law (Elective courses)

Contemporary Topics in Politics 3 Spring (2) Political Science and Public Administration (Elective courses)

Politics and Local Government 6 Winter (1) Political Science and Public Administration (Elective courses)

Financial Crisis and States 3 Winter (1) Interdiscisplinary courses

Emerging Human Rights: New Issues and Contemporary Solutions 3 Winter (1) Interdiscisplinary courses

Politics and Local Government (elective course) 6 Winter (1) Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

Political Actors and Collective Action 6 Winter (1) Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

Spanien – Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha Course Title ECTS Term Comments

Philosophy of Law 4,5 Winter (1)

Civil Law II 6 Winter (1)


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Spanien – Universidad de Murcia

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

Spanish Judicial System 3 Spring (2) English B2 required

English for Lawyers 6 Spring (2) English B2 required

Introduction to the International and the European Union Legal System 3 Winter (1) English B2 required

Tschechische Republik - Karlsuniversität

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

Czech Constitutional Law 6 Winter (1)

Public Policy: An Economic Perspective 6 Winter (1)

Private Law 6 Winter (1)

Administrative Law 6 Winter (1)

International Protection of Human Rights/ Universal and Regional Standards 6 Winter (1)

Financial Law 3 Winter (1)

Introduction to Public International Law in the Czech Legal Context 3 Winter (1)

Natural Resources Law 3 Winter (1)

Czech Legal History 3 Winter (1)

An Introduction to the Central European Judicial Culture 3 Winter (1)

Emerging Legal Disciplines – Medical Law and Sports Law 3 Winter (1)

Legal Reasoning: First Amendment Case Law 3 Winter (1)

IP and IT Law 3 W

Czech and European Environmental Law and Policy 6 Summer (2)

European Law in the Czech - EU Accession Context 6 Summer (2)

Commercial Law and International Transactions 6 Summer (2)

Czech Criminal Law 6 Summer (2)


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Contracts and Torts 3 Summer (2)

Institutional Economics and Economics of the Public Sector 3 Summer (2)

Labour Law and Social Security Law 3 Summer (2)

Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution 3 Summer (2)

Legal Argumentation and Debate: First Amendment Issues in Context 3 Summer (2)

Comparative Constitutional Law 3 Summer (2)

International Administrative Law 3 Summer (2)

Islam in Europe - ECHR Case Law 3 Summer (2)

Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights 3 Summer (2)

Türkei - Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

Fundamentals of White-Collar Crimes I 6 Winter (1)

Introduction to Turkish Constitutional System 6 Winter (1)

Company Law 6 Winter (1)

General Principles of Administrative Law 6 Winter (1)

General Principles of Administrative Jurisdiction Law 6 Winter (1)

Fundamentals of White-Collar Crimes II 6 Spring (2)

Introduction to International Private Law 6 Spring (2)


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Ungarn – University of Szeged

Course Title ECTS Term Comments

International and European Social Security Law and Business Menagement 5 Winter (1)

Copyright Law Policy – National and International 4 Winter (1)

Introduction to the Hungarian criminal law in a comparative perspective 5 Spring (2)

Protection of Human Rights in Europe (lecture and seminar, consecutive) 5 Spring (2)

EU Competition Law 4 Winter (1)

Intellectual Property and Open Innovation 4 Winter (1)

Legal Profession in Different Legal Systems 5 Winter (1)

Comparative Constitutional Law and Governance Theory 4 Winter (1)

Basics of International Law 4 Winter (1)

Freedom, Security and Justice in the European Union 4 Winter (1)

Comparative Criminal Law – International Week of Criminal Law 5 Winter (1)

Comparative Criminal Justice 3 Winter (1)

Introduction to Hungarian Constitutional Law 3 Winter (1)

New Political Communication 3 Winter (1)

Tendencies in European Political Philosophy 4 Winter (1)

Commercial Communications in the Media Law 4 Winter (1)

Public Administration and Public Management 4 Winter (1)

European Public Policy 4 Winter (1)

Research Seminar in Intellectual Property Law 4 Winter (1)

An Introduction to US Law and Jurisprudence 3 Winter (1)

Introduction to Energy Law 3 Winter (1)

Selected Issues of Contemporary Sports Law 2 Spring (2)

Secured Transactions 2 Spring (2)

Legal Problems of International Economic Relations 4 Spring (2)

Introduction to Hungarian Public Administration Law 3 Spring (2)


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European Administration 4 Spring (2)

Territorial and local administrative system in Hungary 4 Spring (2)

Constitutional History of Hungary (1848-1918) 3 Spring (2)

Alternative Dispute Resolution 3 Spring (2)

The Roman Law Tradition in European Private Law 3 Spring (2)

International Organizations 4 Spring (2)

European Public Policy 4 Spring (2)

Political Science and the Analysis of Security Services 3 Spring (2)

Civil Sector and Law in Practice 4 Spring (2)

Comparative Digital Copyright Law 4 Spring (2)

Legal Education in Different Legal Systems 3 Spring (2)

Introduction to the Study of International Relations 3 Spring (2)

EU Consumer Protection Law 3 Spring (2)

Group Litigations in the EU and Hungary 3 Spring (2)

European Prison Law 3 Spring (2)

Criminal justice systems and Hungarian criminal procedure 3 Spring (2)

Settlement of International Commercial Disputes 4 Spring (2)

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