esl: phrasal verbs review quiz

Post on 13-Feb-2017






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Common Phrases & Responses


That looks heavy. Can I give you a hand with it? .........

(a) Normally, I don't like that kind of thing.

(b) Sure, that would be great.(c) My hands are wet.(d) I don't like to hold hands.

Are you going to call in sick tomorrow? .........

(a) I get a coffee break at ten in the morning.

(b) My boss is also sick.(c) I think so. I don't feel well.(d) I’d like that.

Do you think we should put the meeting off until tomorrow? .........

(a) Yes, it’s difficult to do.(b) No, I don’t like it.(c) No, let’s have the meeting

tomorrow.(d) Yes, tomorrow's fine with me.

Kristine's working a lot. Are you tied up this week? .........

(a) Yes, I look forward to it.(b) Yes, I believe you.(c) Yes, I'm really busy.(d) Yes, I'm really tired.

This training session is difficult. I had a really hard time reading that training manual. .........

(a) I agree. Her speech was really well done.

(b) I am going to the meeting soon.(c) I'm going to write it down again for

you.(d) Me too. It was very intensive.

What's your game plan for the holidays? .........

(a) Possibly. I'll eat out tonight.(b) I need a coffee break.(c) We'll discuss that during the

meeting tomorrow.(d) I think we're going to visit my

parents in New York.

Carrie pointed out that you're having some problems adjusting to your new job. .........

(a) Sure, if possible.(b) I like Carrie.(c) I liked my old job a lot.(d) I hope so.

Are you fed up with your job? .........

(a) Actually, I ate really well yesterday.(b) Somewhat, but I can't quit right

now.(c) I liked the speaker today.(d) I fed the dog this morning.

What are your plans for the weekend? .........

(a) We're going skiing in Montana.(b) I like ice fishing.(c) Cold weather is hard to deal with

sometimes.(d) I don't have a schedule printed out


When did you settle on a name for the baby? .........

(a) We haven't talked about the upcoming deal yet.

(b) Last week. We decided on Liam for a boy.

(c) We should go out tonight.(d) That sounds great.

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