error report learning

Post on 23-May-2017






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Source Q_type

OG 140S

OG 139S

OG 134S

OG 133S

OG 132S

OG 130S

OG 128S

OG 127S

OG 124S

OG 125S

VB 13S

VB 20S

OG 94S

OG 95S

OG 92S

OG 97S

OG 100S

OG 102S


OG 104S

OG 105S

OG 107S





OG 113CR

OG 113CR

OG 115CR

OG 114S

OG 117S

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OG 122S

OG 133S

OG 132S

OG 139S


VR 110S

VR 108S

NewSC1 255


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NewSC1 249

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NewSC1 244

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NewSC1 229

NewSC1 229

MT1_CR 7


MT1_CR 9

MT1_SC 26

NewSC1 218

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NewSC1 213


Important Validity of Alternate Cause

Important SC-Meaning Issue

Important CR-QPA

IMPORTANT Noun+Verb after Subordinate Clause

Very Important Participles

SC Important100 60

SC Important100 59

Very Important Exception to Comma+ing rule - Sentence Structure- Comma+Phrase+Comma+Modifier

SC Important100 Prepositional Phrase

SC Important100 Double vs Twice

SC Important100 Abstract vsConcrete Noun

Very Important


Mnht Test CR

DUE TO vs Because of


because of X VERBing

Various types of As____ As

Right Usage of Possesive

Awkward construction of Because As much __AS BECAUSE

New SC2-90 Uses of While

New SC2-98 That Comparison Construction

 active use of the verb is -----require + [noun] + [infinitive]

OG10 Q258 Prepositional Phrase

Error Detail

Dated at is right.Dated to be is wrong

Comparision when 'AS'is used. Prepos vs prepos.In vs In

In situation requiring Contrast- While should be used.

Their Complaince-It is singular like Your bag or Their Bag.

Proper Noun Heirloom should be placed earlier than its referring pronun -They

Whereas is Comparision Marker

Evidence to and Evidence That -both are right. Is Descended -shows Ancestory.Has Descended-Coming downwards or to a low level.

Persuaded to is right

Two independent clause connected by comma without conjunction after comma.Conjuntive Adverb-Nevertheless-coming after Subject Jacobi-doesnot change the sentence into subordinate clause.It could have converted the sentence into subordinate clause , had it been placed in the beginning of the sentence

Statistic or any percentage or number followed by Comma+Twice - Then TWICE will function as a Appositive , which means it shows actual statistic that is twice as much as some other actual statistic. For e.g Population in India has grown by 20%,Twice the population in Pakistan. So Twice is Appositive for 20%-and signifies 20% is twice 10%. Where as Double is more of used as a Active Verb. For e.g I doubled his amount invested in Equity stock.

Conjunctive Adverb such as Therefore,nevertheless etc are not neccesary after Semicolon.

one real problem with choice (d) is the modifier “to borrow against”, which ends with a preposition. modifiers are not allowed to end with prepositions.

When one clause is compared to another, the two clauses generally will be PARALLEL in form. Since this year serves as a MODIFIER in the first clause, the default interpretation is that its COUNTERPART in the second clause -- last year -- also serves as a modifier.

NOT so much....But....(it is not an idiom)

Both...And...(words after 'Both' and 'And' should exactly match in Structure. b)Occupation+Name (without comma) or Article+Occupation+Comma+Name or Adjective+Comma+Name are correct structures.

THAT' should follow Dash '-'

Usage of Being-

Construction 'Which Means' (not 'Which') should follow the Name of a Term( in literal sense) ..

Look at the structure- My Grandfather thought and said that .... This sentence does not have sentence as such, thus it cannot be regarded as independent clause .

Sub+Comma Present Participle modifier Comma+Sub = In this structure , Present Participle will modify the Subject or Clause Preceding Comma. See its application in Incorrect choice B. Make sure that you keep the Subject closer to main verb of the sentence as in Correct option C.

Read payal Response to Ellipses issue -

In this question, we have to put ourselves in the shoes of Environmentialist, and try to see how he puts his argument in opposition to the commisioner. So whatever is the commisioner's argument - opposite of it, will be the environmentialist's conclusion.

Argument has two conclusions , out of them, second conclusion is the Main conclusion which author has reached. While first conclusion is depositior's conclusion, that author feels is not true. Some of the answer options use word - 'a conclusion' or Main conclusion , which means that Option A- reference to 'a conclusion' is the people's conclusion which is not a main conclusion.

See the incorrect option D- here it uses the word 'Attempted' to stimulate .. That does not means that retailers are successful in their attempt.In correct option C-It is designed in a way that tricks us into believing that if retailers are less (or forced to leave) then the payment received will be less, However argument is not talking about the amount of payment or credit but it is emphasizing on Proportion of Credit extended, for e.g 50% of credit given in first year , out of which only 10% received in 1st year then some of the creditors go bankrupt, now there are less creditors. In second year, Remaining creditors who have the finances to payoff on tie are left, so if 50% of credit is given to them, entire amount is paid off by them on time... which means that proportion reached to prerecession level as to be in the case in good old days.

Sometimes we need to use our common sense that we have developed so far in order to answer the question.

Defence Mechanism- Assumption Case- In this case Author assumes in the argument that only A can cause B and nothing else can cause B. So as a Defence Mechanism, that is Defend this viewpoint that Only A can cause B , We assume that C cannot cause B, We can check this Assumption by Negating it, if we negate that C can cause B then entire argument or conclusion( that is Only A can cause B) will Fall apart.

Other Wrong Options in this question are not the Assumption , but they are the results of Conclusion that is What can happen if this conclusion is true. However, Assumption is something that is a cause of a Conclusion not the effect of Conclusion.

Learning-Ensure that Sample is representative of Total things in question. In given question, it is assumed, that houses built before 1930 which are Noticed by Guide are representative of all the houses that are built before 1930. We can use this point to weaken the argument.

IMPORTANCE OF COMMA BEFORE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASEIn correct option B, Sentence Starting with ' WITH the animal sometimes....' serves as a Prepositional phrrase that is modifying entire clause 'If one arm is lost it is quickly replaced'. We can say this with confirmation because there is Comma before With. If we remove the Comma, then it will appear to modify verb Replace , then the meaning will be changed to - it is replaced with animal- which is wrong.

Incorrect Option B says - Hypothesis Of and Correct Option C says Hypothesis That , so usage of Of or That with Hypothesis is not wrong , but there is a meaning difference

In Correct Option C - 'Comma But except in' modifes the following clause not the preceding clause. So whenever we have a Comma+Conjunction ,then it modifes the following clause

Prepositional Phrase usually serves as a extra information thus it should be placed between Commas

Laws requring vs Laws to Require. Noun +Verbing vs Noun + To Verb - 1st case Specifies or describe the content of Noun for e.g Laws requiring - What is that Law about. 2nd Case - Purpose of Noun- For e.g Injection to grow - What is the purpose of Injection

Independent Clause and Dependent Clause can be connected with Comma.

Very Important - the incorrect option B- THERE ARE TWO MISTAKES- 1)First Bold faced statement is not disputed by Editor rather

editor rejects the conclusion or proposal based on that observation.2) Second Bold Statement is a Judgement NOT

conclusion from the the first boldfaced statement, Conclusion from Firstbold faced statement is 'the watch

commander's approval no longer be

Usage of Having Been in the Sentence -

Placement of Modifer 'Prevented from' made such a huge difference to the meaning of the question -

When to ELIMINATE BEING - (Convert Being into 'To be' and then see whether it fits.

Whenever we are finding conclusion- we need to see it from the point of view of a person who is making an argument as in this question -Hunter is making an argument. Secondly Bold statement is not a Finding - Finding is something that came out of research- as mentioned in the line 'In the past ten years, the forest's protected black bear population has risen ....' . Bold Statement is a claim of Hunter ,that he concluded. To support this claims, he has given evidences.

Parrallelism- When to repeat verb after parrallel marker such as THAN -

Like vs As, As need to be used with Preposition and Clause, Usage of Propotion as Singular or Plural depends on the meaning -

In Option A - Look at the modifier written within the commas after AND -compared with most sport utility vehicles- Subject Minivans repeat itself after word AND , thus the given modifer modifes Minivans.

SO' is coordinating conjunction that joins two Independent clause. But in the incorrect option A , 'SO' is followed by 'It would be ' which gives an impression that this sentence is dependent on the previous sentence,thus usage of 'Would be ' made the second sentence -Dependent clause. ' SO' cannot be used to join Independent and Dependent clause.

Usage of It -context is obvious (it's clear that "it" is the age of 30, not massachusetts) (When the tenses are same

then we dont need to repeat the Subject and Verb in the second part, see haley comet question)

* parallelism between "it" and "the age of 30" (both are objects of prepositions)

* nonparallelism between "it" and other nouns

What is Sentence Fragment - When a Sentence does not have a Main Verb or Subject For e.g in option B - Just As should be followed by Independent clause which means Subject+Verb , but the sentence has Archaeologist + who (relative clause) ,there is no main verb after Subject Archaeologist. What is Run on Error - When two independent clause are joined by only comma without any coordinating conjunction.nope, still wrong.

if you write "Like A, [modifiers], B must xxxxx", then the meaning is that both A and B must xxxx.


Like professional athletes who need extra flexibility, physical-therapy patients often take dance lessons.

--> this sentence implies that professional athletes and PT patients take dance lessons.

thus, your new version is not sensible, because the art person doesn't need to know about ships.

(by the way, this is the exact reason why the more bulky "(Just) as..." construction even exists in the first place --

because "like" can't draw an analogy between two different things. if you could do that with "like", then the "as"

construction most likely wouldn't even exist in the language, because there'd be no need for it.)

Usage of 'AND ALSO' and 'Determined by' , 'Determined From' , 'THAT' cannot be used as a relative pronoun for Person, rather use 'WHO'.Present Perfect Usage -"present perfect = still going" is generally restricted to sentences in which the actual

timeframe is given.

for instance:

i have had the flu --> by default, this means that i have had the flu at some time in the past (and that this is somehow

relevant to the current conversation).

Standard logic rules tell us that, when given "If A, then B," the only definite conclusion we can draw is "If not B, then not A." In other words, if A always leads to B, and B doesn't happen, then A can't have happened either.

Given Statement or Premise If A , then B . False Conclusions - 1)If B then A 2) IF A then C 3) IF NOT A, then NOT B. Only Correct Conclusion- IF NOT B , THEN NOT A.

Difference between MOST and AT LEAST-

LIKE should be Preceded and Followed by Parrallel Structure - Check incorrect option D.

Ones' cannot be used as a pronoun for People. Learn about application of parallelism in Option B -

Usage of 'Including'-"including" can also refer to NOUN + MODIFIER. Usage of Which- sufficient + enough is REDUNDANT. redundancy is very bad.

same reason you wouldn't say "reply back", "added bonus", or "determined as a result of" (see #138 in OG11, if you

have that).

(2) make sure you know that "enough THAT" is incorrect.

the 2 idioms mentioned above are only need the 2nd helping verb if the sentence is ambiguous without it.

here's an example:

james is more likely to meet with thomas than lydia

--> unacceptable, because there are two meanings.

in this case, you have to add a helping word to dispel the ambiguity:

a)james is more likely to meet with thomas than is lydia (meaning #1)

b)james is more likely to meet with thomas than with lydia (meaning #2)


james is more likely to drive to work than lydia

you don't need "is" here, since this sentence can only mean one thing. (it's not wrong to include "is" -- just not


In above Sentence (a) Parallel Markers are - More Than. This sentence is showing the comparison between Subjects

James and Lydia- Comparison made on the basis of their likeliness to meet thomas.Plus One Subject is preceding the

marker More that is Subject 1-James and another Subject 2 that is Lydia is outside or followed by marker Than. In

Sentence (b) Comparison is made between the objects which are written within the parallel markers More than-

Like/Unlike should be followed by Noun/Pronoun/Noun Phrase not by preposition.

Kernland imposes a high tariff on the export of unprocessed cashew nuts in order to

ensure that the nuts are sold to domestic processing plants. If the tariff were lifted and

unprocessed cashews were sold at world market prices, more farmers could profit by

growing cashews. However, since all the processing plants are in urban areas, removing

the tariff would seriously hamper the government’s effort to reduce urban unemployment

over the next five years.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A. Some of the by-products of processing cashews are used for manufacturing paints

and plastics.

B. Other countries in which cashews are processed subsidize their processing plants.

C. More people in Kernland are engaged in farming cashews than in processing


D. Buying unprocessed cashews at lower than world market prices enables cashew

processors in Kernland to sell processed nuts at competitive prices.

E. A lack of profitable crops is driving an increasing number of small farmers in

Kernland off their land and into the cities.f X and Y, the conclusion says that X will lead to Y (X: removal of tariffs, Y: urban unemployment).Option E weakens

this by indicating that by not doing anything (i.e. with the status quo of high tariffs), we'll have more urban

employment. This indicates that X will probably lead to reduction in Y, than increase in Y. Option E does not give

Alternate Cause rather It is saying that if X , then Y not going up but going down, which is contrary to conclusion

which says X will increase Y. In option E, Same cause that is 'Removal of Tariff' is modified to show situation when

Tariff is not Removed (Farmers going out of work). Alternate Cause would look like the example given below-A lack

of funds available for training the unemployed youth in the urban areas is leading to their continued unemployment.


Correct:  The skyscraper (in the process of) being built downtown is ugly.

Incorrect:  Sue, being a student at NTU, is a hard worker. (She is not in the process of being a student; she is just a student.)

D. during the arrangement of a bouquet of roses just picked from his garden

first, when a COMMA + -ING modifier is applied to a complex construction such as this one, it is USUALLY applied to the nearest clause -- even if that clause is embedded within a subordinate construction.

for instance, if you had the following --

the marquee contains several lights that blink in a predetermined sequence, VERBing...

-- then it's overwhelmingly likely that "comma + VERBing" just modifies "blink in a predetermined sequence", not the whole preceding complex clause. however, you would be wise to check both contexts.

in this case, however, this distinction doesn't really matter, as the comma -ing modifier doesn't make any sense with either of the two preceding clauses.

i.e., "enabling the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away" is not a property that has anything to do with butterflies, so it doesn't make sense if you apply it to the large preceding clause, and it still doesn't make sense if you apply it to the smaller, embedded clause.

See ron response to smilepinks -

EGMAT Special*

studies show facts. (this is what studies do - they show facts. they may find patterns in other facts, but those patterns are still ... facts)

* CONCLUSIONS are CLAIMS, never facts.

facts don't need arguments at all, so an "argument" whose conclusion consisted of facts would be wholly superfluous.

A theory and an observation are two separate things.

An observation: I have noticed that my cat meows when I take out her food.

A theory: I believe that she sees the food and becomes excited about eating, causing her to meow.

An observation is simply noting that something is occurring. A theory is an attempt to explain the phenomenon that we are noticing.

"due to" means "caused by". 

if you can't replace "due to" with "caused by", then it's wrong.

for instance:

i was late due to the construction  --> incorrect (because you can't say "i was late caused by the construction")

i was late because of the construction  --> correct.


in general, "due to" only applies to nouns, since it means "caused by".

for instance, 

the traffic jam was due to an obstruction in the left lane  


the traffic jam due to the obstruction in the left lane caused 30-minute delays  

these are correct because "caused by" works just fine - the noun modified is "the traffic".


choice (e) can be knocked out for its bad parallelism. 

the two actions described at the beginning - cost plummeting, phones becoming more common - are clearly simultaneous , so we need to use parallel structure for these simultaneous events.

the first is "the cost ... has plummeted", so the second MUST be "phones ...have become  increasingly common". it's not written that way, so (e) is incorrect.

in addition, (e) uses while  in a questionable sense. when while  appears at the beginning of a clause like this, it's normally used to introduce contrast  ("while most of the class spent the weekend studying for class, i spent the weekend at the beach").


now, an analysis of the grammatical weirdness that's going on in the correct answer:

i'm learning something new here, but that happens decently often with these things. sentence correction is a slippery fish.

it appears that 'with' may be used with a present participle  (-ING form)to represent circumstances that are contemporaneous with the action described in the main clause.

that's what's going on here: the "with ___ing" constructions are used to describe things that are contemporaneous with the described uptick in the use of mobile phones.

"because of X VERBing..." construction.

this construction is incorrect  if the causal agent (i.e., the thing that the "because" is attributed to) is the VERB. 

for instance, 

* we laughed all day because of tony walking into the girls' bathroom  --> incorrect, because the verb (walking into the bathroom) is the reason why we were laughing all day. 

the correct version of this sentence would read we laughed all day because of  tony's  walking into the girls' bathroom . in other words, if the causal agent is the action  (which appears in -ing form), then it must be preceded by a possessive . 

* estelle was afraid to move because of a spider sitting on the wall  --> correct, because estelle is afraid because of the spider itself, not because of the spider's sitting on the wall. 

this sentence should be read as an instance of the latter: it's the law  itself that caused the immigrants' problems

The idiomatic expression "as _____ as" needs to include an adjective, not a noun

well, there are two major uses of "while": 

1) simultaneous events (as you've stated) 

2) CONTRAST (e.g., while  most of my friends studied for several hours per day, i only studied for half an hour a week. ) 

in this sentence, though, neither  of these possible meanings makes any sense, so the sentence is illogical and therefore wrong.

you can't use 'that' in this sort of construction, because constructions using 'that of' (or other preposition after 'that') must have EXACTLY parallel structures. in other words, if the second half says 'that during 10,000 years', then the preceding half must say 'the growth of ___ during something else' (or some other time preposition, such as before  or after , in place of during ).

Time Spent

Evidence to and Evidence That -both are right. Is Descended -shows Ancestory.Has Descended-Coming downwards or to a low level.

Two independent clause connected by comma without conjunction after comma.Conjuntive Adverb-Nevertheless-coming after Subject Jacobi-doesnot change the sentence into subordinate clause.It could have converted the sentence into subordinate clause , had it been placed in the beginning of the sentence

Statistic or any percentage or number followed by Comma+Twice - Then TWICE will function as a Appositive , which means it shows actual statistic that is twice as much as some other actual statistic. For e.g Population in India has grown by 20%,Twice the population in Pakistan. So Twice is Appositive for 20%-and signifies 20% is twice 10%. Where as Double is more of used as a Active Verb. For e.g I doubled his amount invested in Equity stock.

one real problem with choice (d) is the modifier “to borrow against”, which ends with a preposition. modifiers are not allowed to end with prepositions.

When one clause is compared to another, the two clauses generally will be PARALLEL in form. Since this year serves as a MODIFIER in the first clause, the default interpretation is that its COUNTERPART in the second clause -- last year -- also serves as a modifier.

Both...And...(words after 'Both' and 'And' should exactly match in Structure. b)Occupation+Name (without comma) or Article+Occupation+Comma+Name or Adjective+Comma+Name are correct structures.

Usage of Being-

Construction 'Which Means' (not 'Which') should follow the Name of a Term( in literal sense) ..

Look at the structure- My Grandfather thought and said that .... This sentence does not have sentence as such, thus it cannot be regarded as independent clause .

Sub+Comma Present Participle modifier Comma+Sub = In this structure , Present Participle will modify the Subject or Clause Preceding Comma. See its application in Incorrect choice B. Make sure that you keep the Subject closer to main verb of the sentence as in Correct option C.

Read payal Response to Ellipses issue -

In this question, we have to put ourselves in the shoes of Environmentialist, and try to see how he puts his argument in opposition to the commisioner. So whatever is the commisioner's argument - opposite of it, will be the environmentialist's conclusion.

Argument has two conclusions , out of them, second conclusion is the Main conclusion which author has reached. While first conclusion is depositior's conclusion, that author feels is not true. Some of the answer options use word - 'a conclusion' or Main conclusion , which means that Option A- reference to 'a conclusion' is the people's conclusion which is not a main conclusion.

See the incorrect option D- here it uses the word 'Attempted' to stimulate .. That does not means that retailers are successful in their attempt.In correct option C-It is designed in a way that tricks us into believing that if retailers are less (or forced to leave) then the payment received will be less, However argument is not talking about the amount of payment or credit but it is emphasizing on Proportion of Credit extended, for e.g 50% of credit given in first year , out of which only 10% received in 1st year then some of the creditors go bankrupt, now there are less creditors. In second year, Remaining creditors who have the finances to payoff on tie are left, so if 50% of credit is given to them, entire amount is paid off by them on time... which means that proportion reached to prerecession level as to be in the case in good old days.

Defence Mechanism- Assumption Case- In this case Author assumes in the argument that only A can cause B and nothing else can cause B. So as a Defence Mechanism, that is Defend this viewpoint that Only A can cause B , We assume that C cannot cause B, We can check this Assumption by Negating it, if we negate that C can cause B then entire argument or conclusion( that is Only A can cause B) will Fall apart.

Other Wrong Options in this question are not the Assumption , but they are the results of Conclusion that is What can happen if this conclusion is true. However, Assumption is something that is a cause of a Conclusion not the effect of Conclusion.

Learning-Ensure that Sample is representative of Total things in question. In given question, it is assumed, that houses built before 1930 which are Noticed by Guide are representative of all the houses that are built before 1930. We can use this point to weaken the argument.

IMPORTANCE OF COMMA BEFORE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASEIn correct option B, Sentence Starting with ' WITH the animal sometimes....' serves as a Prepositional phrrase that is modifying entire clause 'If one arm is lost it is quickly replaced'. We can say this with confirmation because there is Comma before With. If we remove the Comma, then it will appear to modify verb Replace , then the meaning will be changed to - it is replaced with animal- which is wrong.

Incorrect Option B says - Hypothesis Of and Correct Option C says Hypothesis That , so usage of Of or That with Hypothesis is not wrong , but there is a meaning difference

In Correct Option C - 'Comma But except in' modifes the following clause not the preceding clause. So whenever we have a Comma+Conjunction ,then it modifes the following clause

Laws requring vs Laws to Require. Noun +Verbing vs Noun + To Verb - 1st case Specifies or describe the content of Noun for e.g Laws requiring - What is that Law about. 2nd Case - Purpose of Noun- For e.g Injection to grow - What is the purpose of Injection

Placement of Modifer 'Prevented from' made such a huge difference to the meaning of the question -

When to ELIMINATE BEING - (Convert Being into 'To be' and then see whether it fits.

Whenever we are finding conclusion- we need to see it from the point of view of a person who is making an argument as in this question -Hunter is making an argument. Secondly Bold statement is not a Finding - Finding is something that came out of research- as mentioned in the line 'In the past ten years, the forest's protected black bear population has risen ....' . Bold Statement is a claim of Hunter ,that he concluded. To support this claims, he has given evidences.

Parrallelism- When to repeat verb after parrallel marker such as THAN -

Like vs As, As need to be used with Preposition and Clause, Usage of Propotion as Singular or Plural depends on the meaning -

In Option A - Look at the modifier written within the commas after AND -compared with most sport utility vehicles- Subject Minivans repeat itself after word AND , thus the given modifer modifes Minivans.

SO' is coordinating conjunction that joins two Independent clause. But in the incorrect option A , 'SO' is followed by 'It would be ' which gives an impression that this sentence is dependent on the previous sentence,thus usage of 'Would be ' made the second sentence -Dependent clause. ' SO' cannot be used to join Independent and Dependent clause.

What is Sentence Fragment - When a Sentence does not have a Main Verb or Subject For e.g in option B - Just As should be followed by Independent clause which means Subject+Verb , but the sentence has Archaeologist + who (relative clause) ,there is no main verb after Subject Archaeologist. What is Run on Error - When two independent clause are joined by only comma without any coordinating conjunction.

Usage of 'AND ALSO' and 'Determined by' , 'Determined From' , 'THAT' cannot be used as a relative pronoun for Person, rather use 'WHO'.

Standard logic rules tell us that, when given "If A, then B," the only definite conclusion we can draw is "If not B, then not A." In other words, if A always leads to B, and B doesn't happen, then A can't have happened either.

Given Statement or Premise If A , then B . False Conclusions - 1)If B then A 2) IF A then C 3) IF NOT A, then NOT B. Only Correct Conclusion- IF NOT B , THEN NOT A.

Difference between MOST and AT LEAST-

Ones' cannot be used as a pronoun for People. Learn about application of parallelism in Option B -

Usage of 'Including'-"including" can also refer to NOUN + MODIFIER. Usage of Which-



Incorrect:  Sue, being a student at NTU, is a hard worker. (She is not in the process of being a student; she is just a student.)

first, when a COMMA + -ING modifier is applied to a complex construction such as this one, it is USUALLY applied to the nearest clause -- even if that clause is embedded within a subordinate construction.

-- then it's overwhelmingly likely that "comma + VERBing" just modifies "blink in a predetermined sequence", not the whole preceding complex clause. however, you would be wise to check both contexts.

in this case, however, this distinction doesn't really matter, as the comma -ing modifier doesn't make any sense with either of the two preceding clauses.

i.e., "enabling the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away" is not a property that has anything to do with butterflies, so it doesn't make sense if you apply it to the large preceding clause, and it still doesn't make sense if you apply it to the smaller, embedded clause.

See ron response to smilepinks -

studies show facts. (this is what studies do - they show facts. they may find patterns in other facts, but those patterns are still ... facts)

facts don't need arguments at all, so an "argument" whose conclusion consisted of facts would be wholly superfluous.

A theory: I believe that she sees the food and becomes excited about eating, causing her to meow.

An observation is simply noting that something is occurring. A theory is an attempt to explain the phenomenon that we are noticing.

i was late due to the construction  --> incorrect (because you can't say "i was late caused by the construction")

the two actions described at the beginning - cost plummeting, phones becoming more common - are clearly simultaneous , so we need to use parallel structure for these simultaneous events.

the first is "the cost ... has plummeted", so the second MUST be "phones ...have become  increasingly common". it's not written that way, so (e) is incorrect.

in addition, (e) uses while  in a questionable sense. when while  appears at the beginning of a clause like this, it's normally used to introduce contrast  ("while most of the class spent the weekend studying for class, i spent the weekend at the beach").

i'm learning something new here, but that happens decently often with these things. sentence correction is a slippery fish.

it appears that 'with' may be used with a present participle  (-ING form)to represent circumstances that are contemporaneous with the action described in the main clause.

that's what's going on here: the "with ___ing" constructions are used to describe things that are contemporaneous with the described uptick in the use of mobile phones.

this construction is incorrect  if the causal agent (i.e., the thing that the "because" is attributed to) is the VERB. 

* we laughed all day because of tony walking into the girls' bathroom  --> incorrect, because the verb (walking into the bathroom) is the reason why we were laughing all day. 

the correct version of this sentence would read we laughed all day because of  tony's  walking into the girls' bathroom . in other words, if the causal agent is the action  (which appears in -ing form), then it must be preceded by a possessive . 

* estelle was afraid to move because of a spider sitting on the wall  --> correct, because estelle is afraid because of the spider itself, not because of the spider's sitting on the wall. 

this sentence should be read as an instance of the latter: it's the law  itself that caused the immigrants' problems

2) CONTRAST (e.g., while  most of my friends studied for several hours per day, i only studied for half an hour a week. ) 

in this sentence, though, neither  of these possible meanings makes any sense, so the sentence is illogical and therefore wrong.

you can't use 'that' in this sort of construction, because constructions using 'that of' (or other preposition after 'that') must have EXACTLY parallel structures. in other words, if the second half says 'that during 10,000 years', then the preceding half must say 'the growth of ___ during something else' (or some other time preposition, such as before  or after , in place of during ). 

Two independent clause connected by comma without conjunction after comma.Conjuntive Adverb-Nevertheless-coming after Subject Jacobi-doesnot change the sentence into subordinate clause.It could have converted the sentence into subordinate clause , had it been placed in the beginning of the sentence

Statistic or any percentage or number followed by Comma+Twice - Then TWICE will function as a Appositive , which means it shows actual statistic that is twice as much as some other actual statistic. For e.g Population in India has grown by 20%,Twice the population in Pakistan. So Twice is Appositive for 20%-and signifies 20% is twice 10%. Where as Double is more of used as a Active Verb. For e.g I doubled his amount invested in Equity stock.

When one clause is compared to another, the two clauses generally will be PARALLEL in form. Since this year serves as a MODIFIER in the first clause, the default interpretation is that its COUNTERPART in the second clause -- last year -- also serves as a modifier.

Look at the structure- My Grandfather thought and said that .... This sentence does not have sentence as such, thus it cannot be regarded as independent clause .

Sub+Comma Present Participle modifier Comma+Sub = In this structure , Present Participle will modify the Subject or Clause Preceding Comma. See its application in Incorrect choice B. Make sure that you keep the Subject closer to main verb of the sentence as in Correct option C.

In this question, we have to put ourselves in the shoes of Environmentialist, and try to see how he puts his argument in opposition to the commisioner. So whatever is the commisioner's argument - opposite of it, will be the environmentialist's conclusion.

Argument has two conclusions , out of them, second conclusion is the Main conclusion which author has reached. While first conclusion is depositior's conclusion, that author feels is not true. Some of the answer options use word - 'a conclusion' or Main conclusion , which means that Option A- reference to 'a conclusion' is the people's conclusion which is not a main conclusion.

See the incorrect option D- here it uses the word 'Attempted' to stimulate .. That does not means that retailers are successful in their attempt.In correct option C-It is designed in a way that tricks us into believing that if retailers are less (or forced to leave) then the payment received will be less, However argument is not talking about the amount of payment or credit but it is emphasizing on Proportion of Credit extended, for e.g 50% of credit given in first year , out of which only 10% received in 1st year then some of the creditors go bankrupt, now there are less creditors. In second year, Remaining creditors who have the finances to payoff on tie are left, so if 50% of credit is given to them, entire amount is paid off by them on time... which means that proportion reached to prerecession level as to be in the case in good old days.

Defence Mechanism- Assumption Case- In this case Author assumes in the argument that only A can cause B and nothing else can cause B. So as a Defence Mechanism, that is Defend this viewpoint that Only A can cause B , We assume that C cannot cause B, We can check this Assumption by Negating it, if we negate that C can cause B then entire argument or conclusion( that is Only A can cause B) will Fall apart.

Other Wrong Options in this question are not the Assumption , but they are the results of Conclusion that is What can happen if this conclusion is true. However, Assumption is something that is a cause of a Conclusion not the effect of Conclusion.

Learning-Ensure that Sample is representative of Total things in question. In given question, it is assumed, that houses built before 1930 which are Noticed by Guide are representative of all the houses that are built before 1930. We can use this point to weaken the argument.

IMPORTANCE OF COMMA BEFORE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASEIn correct option B, Sentence Starting with ' WITH the animal sometimes....' serves as a Prepositional phrrase that is modifying entire clause 'If one arm is lost it is quickly replaced'. We can say this with confirmation because there is Comma before With. If we remove the Comma, then it will appear to modify verb Replace , then the meaning will be changed to - it is replaced with animal- which is wrong.

Incorrect Option B says - Hypothesis Of and Correct Option C says Hypothesis That , so usage of Of or That with Hypothesis is not wrong , but there is a meaning difference

Laws requring vs Laws to Require. Noun +Verbing vs Noun + To Verb - 1st case Specifies or describe the content of Noun for e.g Laws requiring - What is that Law about. 2nd Case - Purpose of Noun- For e.g Injection to grow - What is the purpose of Injection

Whenever we are finding conclusion- we need to see it from the point of view of a person who is making an argument as in this question -Hunter is making an argument. Secondly Bold statement is not a Finding - Finding is something that came out of research- as mentioned in the line 'In the past ten years, the forest's protected black bear population has risen ....' . Bold Statement is a claim of Hunter ,that he concluded. To support this claims, he has given evidences.

Like vs As, As need to be used with Preposition and Clause, Usage of Propotion as Singular or Plural depends on the meaning -

SO' is coordinating conjunction that joins two Independent clause. But in the incorrect option A , 'SO' is followed by 'It would be ' which gives an impression that this sentence is dependent on the previous sentence,thus usage of 'Would be ' made the second sentence -Dependent clause. ' SO' cannot be used to join Independent and Dependent clause.

What is Sentence Fragment - When a Sentence does not have a Main Verb or Subject For e.g in option B - Just As should be followed by Independent clause which means Subject+Verb , but the sentence has Archaeologist + who (relative clause) ,there is no main verb after Subject Archaeologist. What is Run on Error - When two independent clause are joined by only comma without any coordinating conjunction.


first, when a COMMA + -ING modifier is applied to a complex construction such as this one, it is USUALLY applied to the nearest clause -- even if that clause is embedded within a subordinate construction.

-- then it's overwhelmingly likely that "comma + VERBing" just modifies "blink in a predetermined sequence", not the whole preceding complex clause. however, you would be wise to check both contexts.

i.e., "enabling the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away" is not a property that has anything to do with butterflies, so it doesn't make sense if you apply it to the large preceding clause, and it still doesn't make sense if you apply it to the smaller, embedded clause.

the two actions described at the beginning - cost plummeting, phones becoming more common - are clearly simultaneous , so we need to use parallel structure for these simultaneous events.

in addition, (e) uses while  in a questionable sense. when while  appears at the beginning of a clause like this, it's normally used to introduce contrast  ("while most of the class spent the weekend studying for class, i spent the weekend at the beach").

it appears that 'with' may be used with a present participle  (-ING form)to represent circumstances that are contemporaneous with the action described in the main clause.

the correct version of this sentence would read we laughed all day because of  tony's  walking into the girls' bathroom . in other words, if the causal agent is the action  (which appears in -ing form), then it must be preceded by a possessive . 

* estelle was afraid to move because of a spider sitting on the wall  --> correct, because estelle is afraid because of the spider itself, not because of the spider's sitting on the wall. 

you can't use 'that' in this sort of construction, because constructions using 'that of' (or other preposition after 'that') must have EXACTLY parallel structures. in other words, if the second half says 'that during 10,000 years', then the preceding half must say 'the growth of ___ during something else' (or some other time preposition, such as before  or after , in place of during ). 

Statistic or any percentage or number followed by Comma+Twice - Then TWICE will function as a Appositive , which means it shows actual statistic that is twice as much as some other actual statistic. For e.g Population in India has grown by 20%,Twice the population in Pakistan. So Twice is Appositive for 20%-and signifies 20% is twice 10%. Where as Double is more of used as a Active Verb. For e.g I doubled his amount invested in Equity stock.

When one clause is compared to another, the two clauses generally will be PARALLEL in form. Since this year serves as a MODIFIER in the first clause, the default interpretation is that its COUNTERPART in the second clause -- last year -- also serves as a modifier.

Argument has two conclusions , out of them, second conclusion is the Main conclusion which author has reached. While first conclusion is depositior's conclusion, that author feels is not true. Some of the answer options use word - 'a conclusion' or Main conclusion , which means that Option A- reference to 'a conclusion' is the people's conclusion which is not a main conclusion.

See the incorrect option D- here it uses the word 'Attempted' to stimulate .. That does not means that retailers are successful in their attempt.In correct option C-It is designed in a way that tricks us into believing that if retailers are less (or forced to leave) then the payment received will be less, However argument is not talking about the amount of payment or credit but it is emphasizing on Proportion of Credit extended, for e.g 50% of credit given in first year , out of which only 10% received in 1st year then some of the creditors go bankrupt, now there are less creditors. In second year, Remaining creditors who have the finances to payoff on tie are left, so if 50% of credit is given to them, entire amount is paid off by them on time... which means that proportion reached to prerecession level as to be in the case in good old days.

Defence Mechanism- Assumption Case- In this case Author assumes in the argument that only A can cause B and nothing else can cause B. So as a Defence Mechanism, that is Defend this viewpoint that Only A can cause B , We assume that C cannot cause B, We can check this Assumption by Negating it, if we negate that C can cause B then entire argument or conclusion( that is Only A can cause B) will Fall apart.

IMPORTANCE OF COMMA BEFORE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASEIn correct option B, Sentence Starting with ' WITH the animal sometimes....' serves as a Prepositional phrrase that is modifying entire clause 'If one arm is lost it is quickly replaced'. We can say this with confirmation because there is Comma before With. If we remove the Comma, then it will appear to modify verb Replace , then the meaning will be changed to - it is replaced with animal- which is wrong.

Whenever we are finding conclusion- we need to see it from the point of view of a person who is making an argument as in this question -Hunter is making an argument. Secondly Bold statement is not a Finding - Finding is something that came out of research- as mentioned in the line 'In the past ten years, the forest's protected black bear population has risen ....' . Bold Statement is a claim of Hunter ,that he concluded. To support this claims, he has given evidences.

SO' is coordinating conjunction that joins two Independent clause. But in the incorrect option A , 'SO' is followed by 'It would be ' which gives an impression that this sentence is dependent on the previous sentence,thus usage of 'Would be ' made the second sentence -Dependent clause. ' SO' cannot be used to join Independent and Dependent clause.

What is Sentence Fragment - When a Sentence does not have a Main Verb or Subject For e.g in option B - Just As should be followed by Independent clause which means Subject+Verb , but the sentence has Archaeologist + who (relative clause) ,there is no main verb after Subject Archaeologist. What is Run on Error - When two independent clause are joined by only comma without any coordinating conjunction.

i.e., "enabling the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away" is not a property that has anything to do with butterflies, so it doesn't make sense if you apply it to the large preceding clause, and it still doesn't make sense if you apply it to the smaller, embedded clause.

you can't use 'that' in this sort of construction, because constructions using 'that of' (or other preposition after 'that') must have EXACTLY parallel structures. in other words, if the second half says 'that during 10,000 years', then the preceding half must say 'the growth of ___ during something else' (or some other time preposition, such as before  or after , in place of during ). 

Statistic or any percentage or number followed by Comma+Twice - Then TWICE will function as a Appositive , which means it shows actual statistic that is twice as much as some other actual statistic. For e.g Population in India has grown by 20%,Twice the population in Pakistan. So Twice is Appositive for 20%-and signifies 20% is twice 10%. Where as Double is more of used as a Active Verb. For e.g I doubled his amount invested in Equity stock.

See the incorrect option D- here it uses the word 'Attempted' to stimulate .. That does not means that retailers are successful in their attempt.In correct option C-It is designed in a way that tricks us into believing that if retailers are less (or forced to leave) then the payment received will be less, However argument is not talking about the amount of payment or credit but it is emphasizing on Proportion of Credit extended, for e.g 50% of credit given in first year , out of which only 10% received in 1st year then some of the creditors go bankrupt, now there are less creditors. In second year, Remaining creditors who have the finances to payoff on tie are left, so if 50% of credit is given to them, entire amount is paid off by them on time... which means that proportion reached to prerecession level as to be in the case in good old days.

IMPORTANCE OF COMMA BEFORE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASEIn correct option B, Sentence Starting with ' WITH the animal sometimes....' serves as a Prepositional phrrase that is modifying entire clause 'If one arm is lost it is quickly replaced'. We can say this with confirmation because there is Comma before With. If we remove the Comma, then it will appear to modify verb Replace , then the meaning will be changed to - it is replaced with animal- which is wrong.

Whenever we are finding conclusion- we need to see it from the point of view of a person who is making an argument as in this question -Hunter is making an argument. Secondly Bold statement is not a Finding - Finding is something that came out of research- as mentioned in the line 'In the past ten years, the forest's protected black bear population has risen ....' . Bold Statement is a claim of Hunter ,that he concluded. To support this claims, he has given evidences.

you can't use 'that' in this sort of construction, because constructions using 'that of' (or other preposition after 'that') must have EXACTLY parallel structures. in other words, if the second half says 'that during 10,000 years', then the preceding half must say 'the growth of ___ during something else' (or some other time preposition, such as before  or after , in place of during ). 

See the incorrect option D- here it uses the word 'Attempted' to stimulate .. That does not means that retailers are successful in their attempt.In correct option C-It is designed in a way that tricks us into believing that if retailers are less (or forced to leave) then the payment received will be less, However argument is not talking about the amount of payment or credit but it is emphasizing on Proportion of Credit extended, for e.g 50% of credit given in first year , out of which only 10% received in 1st year then some of the creditors go bankrupt, now there are less creditors. In second year, Remaining creditors who have the finances to payoff on tie are left, so if 50% of credit is given to them, entire amount is paid off by them on time... which means that proportion reached to prerecession level as to be in the case in good old days.

See the incorrect option D- here it uses the word 'Attempted' to stimulate .. That does not means that retailers are successful in their attempt.In correct option C-It is designed in a way that tricks us into believing that if retailers are less (or forced to leave) then the payment received will be less, However argument is not talking about the amount of payment or credit but it is emphasizing on Proportion of Credit extended, for e.g 50% of credit given in first year , out of which only 10% received in 1st year then some of the creditors go bankrupt, now there are less creditors. In second year, Remaining creditors who have the finances to payoff on tie are left, so if 50% of credit is given to them, entire amount is paid off by them on time... which means that proportion reached to prerecession level as to be in the case in good old days.

See the incorrect option D- here it uses the word 'Attempted' to stimulate .. That does not means that retailers are successful in their attempt.In correct option C-It is designed in a way that tricks us into believing that if retailers are less (or forced to leave) then the payment received will be less, However argument is not talking about the amount of payment or credit but it is emphasizing on Proportion of Credit extended, for e.g 50% of credit given in first year , out of which only 10% received in 1st year then some of the creditors go bankrupt, now there are less creditors. In second year, Remaining creditors who have the finances to payoff on tie are left, so if 50% of credit is given to them, entire amount is paid off by them on time... which means that proportion reached to prerecession level as to be in the case in good old days.

Source Q_type







OG 134DS

OG 130DS

OG *

OG 124DS

OG 110DS




DS2 11

MT1 26

MT1 27

MT1 10

HOW TO WRITE the Range of values of X quickly

one more example case x^2+x-12>0


LHS needs to be positive so You need to put x<smaller value and x>greater value that is


Error Detail

Difference between - x increased by 110% and x is 110% of y .In first case, if x=50 ,then 50X110/100+50 or 50X2.1=105 , In second case x=110/100 X y, if y=10 , then x= 1.1X10=11.)

If in a Range question, we have not been given greatest and least number, but we are given difference between any two numbers , then we can figure out approx range(greater/less than) not exact.

Take the given statements as true, then test if keeping that statment in your mind as true ,you can check various alternatives that are driving you to same conclusion. Question above has to get solved through the facts given as the statements. We need to make sure that given statement though true,but not reaching conclusion via more than one way.

Question on integer =w-z=2,then there is only one integer between them.

Statement B has taken a specfic information that is difference between 10:30am and 11:10am and their respective work done during that.Then used the resulting info that is 1/3 of work in 40 min for finding the total time,which is 2hours.They have been able to use the resulting info of 40 min because in the question ,it has already been specified-Machine runs at uniform rate , which means that specific information about time(40 min) can be used to find total time because speed is uniform.)


If 100 is Total number that includes N(AUB) +N(notA Intersection notB) , THEN 100-N(notA Intersection notB)= Either A or B =N(A)+N(B)-N(A intersec B)

In a rectangular solid, all angles are right angles, and opposite faces are equal, so rectangular solid can have maximum 3 different areas of its faces, on the diagram: yellow, green and red faces can have different areas. I say at max, as for example rectangular solid can be a cube and in this case it'll have all faces equal, also it's possible to have only 2 different areas of the faces, for example when the base is square and the height does not equals to the side of this square.Volume of rectangular solid is Volume=Length*Height*Depth.

1st Case -If base is square then roof and the base which is LXB is one area and another area is the middle part which is LXH or BXH they will be equal (because l=b ,base is a square). 2nd Case - If all sides are equal as happen in cube then there is same area for all faces LXL=BXB=HXH. 3rd Case- LXH=Area1 ,LXB= Area2 , BXH= Area 3.

If something in Full or Whole outcome is given, but if that whole outcome depends on different prices or different wage rates etc , then we need to have different prices or rates.

Look at statement 2- Learning- If any member in a series has a value equal to Average or Mean of the given series then that value will also be the Median of the series because - For e.g if Average is Rs 2 , there are three members A,B,C. Salary of B is Rs 2, we need to find the median,then in order to keep the Average Salary equal to 2, We need to have the salaries of A &C equal to 2 or one of them would have salary more than 2 ,other one will have salary less than 2 (with equal distance from Average salary of Rs2) so A can have Salary of Rs 0 and C can have salary of Rs 4.

a given point is Equidistant from other two points only, if given point lie on the Perpendicular Bisector of line joining other two points.(See OG explaination pg321)

Average = 80 , AvgM <75 , AvgW>85 , both Avg M and Avg W will move in opposite direction with same magnitude or same distance from 80 , only,if Number of Men = Number of Women, For e.g Number of Men and Women =10 ,then if Group Avg=80 , then to keep this Group Avg constant, if one of Individual avg is moving up , then other Individual Avg will go down by same amount, let say AvgM=74 , Avg86. But if Number of Women is > Number of men , for E.g Number of Women =20,Number of Men=10 , then in order to keep the Group Avg to 80, Individual Avgs will move in opposite direction by Different Distance from 80. Because Women are more in number, thus the difference between Group Avg and Avg W will be Less than the difference between Group Avg and Avg M, so to counterbalance each other.So Group Avg=80, Avg W can be 83 Avg M can be 74.

Second statement does not give me any clue to where r is located, thus it gives me leeway to move r.

a)Remainder will always be smaller than divisor(for e.g 73/37). b)As divisor increases , remainder decreases.c) Dividend can be equal to Remainder only when Dividend is smaller than Divisor For e.g 1/2)

Even/Odd-For any set of consecutive integers with an odd number of terms, the sum of the integers is always a multiple of the number of terms. For example, the sum of 1, 2, and 3 (three consecutives -- an odd number) is 6, which is a multiple of 3. For any set of consecutive integers with an even number of terms, the sum of the integers is never a multiple of the number of terms. For example, the sum of 1, 2, 3, and 4 (four consecutives -- an even number) is 10, which is not a multiple of 4.

HCF-The greatest common divisor is the largest integer that evenly divides both 35x  and 20y .(1)Gross Revenue Will DIFFer because we are adding the Final amount from Ratios INSUFFICIENT: Statement (1) says

that the ratio of computers to printers sold in the first half of 2003 was 3 to 2; one set of values satisfying this

statement is 3 computers and 2 printers. Using example prices of $5 per computer and $1 per printer, we arrive at a

gross revenue of $15 from computers and $2 from printers.

During the second half of 2003, the ratio of computers to printers sold was 2 to 1; one set of values satisfying this

If exponentiation is indicated by stacked symbols, the rule is to work from the top down, thus:

a m n=a (m n ) and not (a m )n , which on the other hand equals to a mn .


(a m )n =a mn ;

a m n=a (m n ) and not (a m )n .

Bunnel Special









Do Bookmarked Ratio Questions and Search for Statistics Questions

(1) x^2-4x+3<0 (This rule will be true ONLY WHEN X itself is positive.)


as LHS is less than 0 or negative, then to write the range for the values of x - You need to put x>smaller value and x<greater value that is

1<x<3 (This rule will be true ONLY WHEN X itself is positive.)

(This rule will be true ONLY WHEN X itself is positive.)

(2) x^2+4x+3>0 -->

(This rule will be true ONLY WHEN X itself is positive.)

as LHS is more than 0 or positive, then to write the range for the values of x - You need to put x<smaller value and x>greater value that is

x<-3 or x>-1

(This rule will be true ONLY WHEN X itself is positive.)

one more example case x^2+x-12>0


LHS needs to be positive so You need to put x<smaller value and x>greater value that is


Time Spent


If in a Range question, we have not been given greatest and least number, but we are given difference between any two numbers , then we can figure out approx range(greater/less than) not exact.

Take the given statements as true, then test if keeping that statment in your mind as true ,you can check various alternatives that are driving you to same conclusion. Question above has to get solved through the facts given as the statements. We need to make sure that given statement though true,but not reaching conclusion via more than one way.

Statement B has taken a specfic information that is difference between 10:30am and 11:10am and their respective work done during that.Then used the resulting info that is 1/3 of work in 40 min for finding the total time,which is 2hours.They have been able to use the resulting info of 40 min because in the question ,it has already been specified-Machine runs at uniform rate , which means that specific information about time(40 min) can be used to find total time because speed is uniform.)

If 100 is Total number that includes N(AUB) +N(notA Intersection notB) , THEN 100-N(notA Intersection notB)= Either A or B =N(A)+N(B)-N(A intersec B)

In a rectangular solid, all angles are right angles, and opposite faces are equal, so rectangular solid can have maximum 3 different areas of its faces, on the diagram: yellow, green and red faces can have different areas. I say at max, as for example rectangular solid can be a cube and in this case it'll have all faces equal, also it's possible to have only 2 different areas of the faces, for example when the base is square and the height does not equals to the side of this square.Volume of rectangular solid is Volume=Length*Height*Depth.

1st Case -If base is square then roof and the base which is LXB is one area and another area is the middle part which is LXH or BXH they will be equal (because l=b ,base is a square). 2nd Case - If all sides are equal as happen in cube then there is same area for all faces LXL=BXB=HXH. 3rd Case- LXH=Area1 ,LXB= Area2 , BXH= Area 3.

If something in Full or Whole outcome is given, but if that whole outcome depends on different prices or different wage rates etc , then we need to have different prices or rates.

Look at statement 2- Learning- If any member in a series has a value equal to Average or Mean of the given series then that value will also be the Median of the series because - For e.g if Average is Rs 2 , there are three members A,B,C. Salary of B is Rs 2, we need to find the median,then in order to keep the Average Salary equal to 2, We need to have the salaries of A &C equal to 2 or one of them would have salary more than 2 ,other one will have salary less than 2 (with equal distance from Average salary of Rs2) so A can have Salary of Rs 0 and C can have salary of Rs 4.

a given point is Equidistant from other two points only, if given point lie on the Perpendicular Bisector of line joining other two points.(See OG explaination pg321)

Average = 80 , AvgM <75 , AvgW>85 , both Avg M and Avg W will move in opposite direction with same magnitude or same distance from 80 , only,if Number of Men = Number of Women, For e.g Number of Men and Women =10 ,then if Group Avg=80 , then to keep this Group Avg constant, if one of Individual avg is moving up , then other Individual Avg will go down by same amount, let say AvgM=74 , Avg86. But if Number of Women is > Number of men , for E.g Number of Women =20,Number of Men=10 , then in order to keep the Group Avg to 80, Individual Avgs will move in opposite direction by Different Distance from 80. Because Women are more in number, thus the difference between Group Avg and Avg W will be Less than the difference between Group Avg and Avg M, so to counterbalance each other.So Group Avg=80, Avg W can be 83 Avg M can be 74.

a)Remainder will always be smaller than divisor(for e.g 73/37). b)As divisor increases , remainder decreases.c) Dividend can be equal to Remainder only when Dividend is smaller than Divisor For e.g 1/2)

Even/Odd-For any set of consecutive integers with an odd number of terms, the sum of the integers is always a multiple of the number of terms. For example, the sum of 1, 2, and 3 (three consecutives -- an odd number) is 6, which is a multiple of 3. For any set of consecutive integers with an even number of terms, the sum of the integers is never a multiple of the number of terms. For example, the sum of 1, 2, 3, and 4 (four consecutives -- an even number) is 10, which is not a multiple of 4.

as LHS is less than 0 or negative, then to write the range for the values of x - You need to put x>smaller value and x<greater value that is

as LHS is more than 0 or positive, then to write the range for the values of x - You need to put x<smaller value and x>greater value that is

Take the given statements as true, then test if keeping that statment in your mind as true ,you can check various alternatives that are driving you to same conclusion. Question above has to get solved through the facts given as the statements. We need to make sure that given statement though true,but not reaching conclusion via more than one way.

Statement B has taken a specfic information that is difference between 10:30am and 11:10am and their respective work done during that.Then used the resulting info that is 1/3 of work in 40 min for finding the total time,which is 2hours.They have been able to use the resulting info of 40 min because in the question ,it has already been specified-Machine runs at uniform rate , which means that specific information about time(40 min) can be used to find total time because speed is uniform.)

In a rectangular solid, all angles are right angles, and opposite faces are equal, so rectangular solid can have maximum 3 different areas of its faces, on the diagram: yellow, green and red faces can have different areas. I say at max, as for example rectangular solid can be a cube and in this case it'll have all faces equal, also it's possible to have only 2 different areas of the faces, for example when the base is square and the height does not equals to the side of this square.Volume of rectangular solid is Volume=Length*Height*Depth.

1st Case -If base is square then roof and the base which is LXB is one area and another area is the middle part which is LXH or BXH they will be equal (because l=b ,base is a square). 2nd Case - If all sides are equal as happen in cube then there is same area for all faces LXL=BXB=HXH. 3rd Case- LXH=Area1 ,LXB= Area2 , BXH= Area 3.

Look at statement 2- Learning- If any member in a series has a value equal to Average or Mean of the given series then that value will also be the Median of the series because - For e.g if Average is Rs 2 , there are three members A,B,C. Salary of B is Rs 2, we need to find the median,then in order to keep the Average Salary equal to 2, We need to have the salaries of A &C equal to 2 or one of them would have salary more than 2 ,other one will have salary less than 2 (with equal distance from Average salary of Rs2) so A can have Salary of Rs 0 and C can have salary of Rs 4.

Average = 80 , AvgM <75 , AvgW>85 , both Avg M and Avg W will move in opposite direction with same magnitude or same distance from 80 , only,if Number of Men = Number of Women, For e.g Number of Men and Women =10 ,then if Group Avg=80 , then to keep this Group Avg constant, if one of Individual avg is moving up , then other Individual Avg will go down by same amount, let say AvgM=74 , Avg86. But if Number of Women is > Number of men , for E.g Number of Women =20,Number of Men=10 , then in order to keep the Group Avg to 80, Individual Avgs will move in opposite direction by Different Distance from 80. Because Women are more in number, thus the difference between Group Avg and Avg W will be Less than the difference between Group Avg and Avg M, so to counterbalance each other.So Group Avg=80, Avg W can be 83 Avg M can be 74.

Even/Odd-For any set of consecutive integers with an odd number of terms, the sum of the integers is always a multiple of the number of terms. For example, the sum of 1, 2, and 3 (three consecutives -- an odd number) is 6, which is a multiple of 3. For any set of consecutive integers with an even number of terms, the sum of the integers is never a multiple of the number of terms. For example, the sum of 1, 2, 3, and 4 (four consecutives -- an even number) is 10, which is not a multiple of 4.

Take the given statements as true, then test if keeping that statment in your mind as true ,you can check various alternatives that are driving you to same conclusion. Question above has to get solved through the facts given as the statements. We need to make sure that given statement though true,but not reaching conclusion via more than one way.

Statement B has taken a specfic information that is difference between 10:30am and 11:10am and their respective work done during that.Then used the resulting info that is 1/3 of work in 40 min for finding the total time,which is 2hours.They have been able to use the resulting info of 40 min because in the question ,it has already been specified-Machine runs at uniform rate , which means that specific information about time(40 min) can be used to find total time because speed is uniform.)

In a rectangular solid, all angles are right angles, and opposite faces are equal, so rectangular solid can have maximum 3 different areas of its faces, on the diagram: yellow, green and red faces can have different areas. I say at max, as for example rectangular solid can be a cube and in this case it'll have all faces equal, also it's possible to have only 2 different areas of the faces, for example when the base is square and the height does not equals to the side of this square.Volume of rectangular solid is Volume=Length*Height*Depth.

1st Case -If base is square then roof and the base which is LXB is one area and another area is the middle part which is LXH or BXH they will be equal (because l=b ,base is a square). 2nd Case - If all sides are equal as happen in cube then there is same area for all faces LXL=BXB=HXH. 3rd Case- LXH=Area1 ,LXB= Area2 , BXH= Area 3.

Look at statement 2- Learning- If any member in a series has a value equal to Average or Mean of the given series then that value will also be the Median of the series because - For e.g if Average is Rs 2 , there are three members A,B,C. Salary of B is Rs 2, we need to find the median,then in order to keep the Average Salary equal to 2, We need to have the salaries of A &C equal to 2 or one of them would have salary more than 2 ,other one will have salary less than 2 (with equal distance from Average salary of Rs2) so A can have Salary of Rs 0 and C can have salary of Rs 4.

Average = 80 , AvgM <75 , AvgW>85 , both Avg M and Avg W will move in opposite direction with same magnitude or same distance from 80 , only,if Number of Men = Number of Women, For e.g Number of Men and Women =10 ,then if Group Avg=80 , then to keep this Group Avg constant, if one of Individual avg is moving up , then other Individual Avg will go down by same amount, let say AvgM=74 , Avg86. But if Number of Women is > Number of men , for E.g Number of Women =20,Number of Men=10 , then in order to keep the Group Avg to 80, Individual Avgs will move in opposite direction by Different Distance from 80. Because Women are more in number, thus the difference between Group Avg and Avg W will be Less than the difference between Group Avg and Avg M, so to counterbalance each other.So Group Avg=80, Avg W can be 83 Avg M can be 74.

Even/Odd-For any set of consecutive integers with an odd number of terms, the sum of the integers is always a multiple of the number of terms. For example, the sum of 1, 2, and 3 (three consecutives -- an odd number) is 6, which is a multiple of 3. For any set of consecutive integers with an even number of terms, the sum of the integers is never a multiple of the number of terms. For example, the sum of 1, 2, 3, and 4 (four consecutives -- an even number) is 10, which is not a multiple of 4.

Statement B has taken a specfic information that is difference between 10:30am and 11:10am and their respective work done during that.Then used the resulting info that is 1/3 of work in 40 min for finding the total time,which is 2hours.They have been able to use the resulting info of 40 min because in the question ,it has already been specified-Machine runs at uniform rate , which means that specific information about time(40 min) can be used to find total time because speed is uniform.)

In a rectangular solid, all angles are right angles, and opposite faces are equal, so rectangular solid can have maximum 3 different areas of its faces, on the diagram: yellow, green and red faces can have different areas. I say at max, as for example rectangular solid can be a cube and in this case it'll have all faces equal, also it's possible to have only 2 different areas of the faces, for example when the base is square and the height does not equals to the side of this square.Volume of rectangular solid is Volume=Length*Height*Depth.

Look at statement 2- Learning- If any member in a series has a value equal to Average or Mean of the given series then that value will also be the Median of the series because - For e.g if Average is Rs 2 , there are three members A,B,C. Salary of B is Rs 2, we need to find the median,then in order to keep the Average Salary equal to 2, We need to have the salaries of A &C equal to 2 or one of them would have salary more than 2 ,other one will have salary less than 2 (with equal distance from Average salary of Rs2) so A can have Salary of Rs 0 and C can have salary of Rs 4.

Average = 80 , AvgM <75 , AvgW>85 , both Avg M and Avg W will move in opposite direction with same magnitude or same distance from 80 , only,if Number of Men = Number of Women, For e.g Number of Men and Women =10 ,then if Group Avg=80 , then to keep this Group Avg constant, if one of Individual avg is moving up , then other Individual Avg will go down by same amount, let say AvgM=74 , Avg86. But if Number of Women is > Number of men , for E.g Number of Women =20,Number of Men=10 , then in order to keep the Group Avg to 80, Individual Avgs will move in opposite direction by Different Distance from 80. Because Women are more in number, thus the difference between Group Avg and Avg W will be Less than the difference between Group Avg and Avg M, so to counterbalance each other.So Group Avg=80, Avg W can be 83 Avg M can be 74.

Even/Odd-For any set of consecutive integers with an odd number of terms, the sum of the integers is always a multiple of the number of terms. For example, the sum of 1, 2, and 3 (three consecutives -- an odd number) is 6, which is a multiple of 3. For any set of consecutive integers with an even number of terms, the sum of the integers is never a multiple of the number of terms. For example, the sum of 1, 2, 3, and 4 (four consecutives -- an even number) is 10, which is not a multiple of 4.

In a rectangular solid, all angles are right angles, and opposite faces are equal, so rectangular solid can have maximum 3 different areas of its faces, on the diagram: yellow, green and red faces can have different areas. I say at max, as for example rectangular solid can be a cube and in this case it'll have all faces equal, also it's possible to have only 2 different areas of the faces, for example when the base is square and the height does not equals to the side of this square.Volume of rectangular solid is Volume=Length*Height*Depth.

Look at statement 2- Learning- If any member in a series has a value equal to Average or Mean of the given series then that value will also be the Median of the series because - For e.g if Average is Rs 2 , there are three members A,B,C. Salary of B is Rs 2, we need to find the median,then in order to keep the Average Salary equal to 2, We need to have the salaries of A &C equal to 2 or one of them would have salary more than 2 ,other one will have salary less than 2 (with equal distance from Average salary of Rs2) so A can have Salary of Rs 0 and C can have salary of Rs 4.

Average = 80 , AvgM <75 , AvgW>85 , both Avg M and Avg W will move in opposite direction with same magnitude or same distance from 80 , only,if Number of Men = Number of Women, For e.g Number of Men and Women =10 ,then if Group Avg=80 , then to keep this Group Avg constant, if one of Individual avg is moving up , then other Individual Avg will go down by same amount, let say AvgM=74 , Avg86. But if Number of Women is > Number of men , for E.g Number of Women =20,Number of Men=10 , then in order to keep the Group Avg to 80, Individual Avgs will move in opposite direction by Different Distance from 80. Because Women are more in number, thus the difference between Group Avg and Avg W will be Less than the difference between Group Avg and Avg M, so to counterbalance each other.So Group Avg=80, Avg W can be 83 Avg M can be 74.

Average = 80 , AvgM <75 , AvgW>85 , both Avg M and Avg W will move in opposite direction with same magnitude or same distance from 80 , only,if Number of Men = Number of Women, For e.g Number of Men and Women =10 ,then if Group Avg=80 , then to keep this Group Avg constant, if one of Individual avg is moving up , then other Individual Avg will go down by same amount, let say AvgM=74 , Avg86. But if Number of Women is > Number of men , for E.g Number of Women =20,Number of Men=10 , then in order to keep the Group Avg to 80, Individual Avgs will move in opposite direction by Different Distance from 80. Because Women are more in number, thus the difference between Group Avg and Avg W will be Less than the difference between Group Avg and Avg M, so to counterbalance each other.So Group Avg=80, Avg W can be 83 Avg M can be 74.

Average = 80 , AvgM <75 , AvgW>85 , both Avg M and Avg W will move in opposite direction with same magnitude or same distance from 80 , only,if Number of Men = Number of Women, For e.g Number of Men and Women =10 ,then if Group Avg=80 , then to keep this Group Avg constant, if one of Individual avg is moving up , then other Individual Avg will go down by same amount, let say AvgM=74 , Avg86. But if Number of Women is > Number of men , for E.g Number of Women =20,Number of Men=10 , then in order to keep the Group Avg to 80, Individual Avgs will move in opposite direction by Different Distance from 80. Because Women are more in number, thus the difference between Group Avg and Avg W will be Less than the difference between Group Avg and Avg M, so to counterbalance each other.So Group Avg=80, Avg W can be 83 Avg M can be 74.

Average = 80 , AvgM <75 , AvgW>85 , both Avg M and Avg W will move in opposite direction with same magnitude or same distance from 80 , only,if Number of Men = Number of Women, For e.g Number of Men and Women =10 ,then if Group Avg=80 , then to keep this Group Avg constant, if one of Individual avg is moving up , then other Individual Avg will go down by same amount, let say AvgM=74 , Avg86. But if Number of Women is > Number of men , for E.g Number of Women =20,Number of Men=10 , then in order to keep the Group Avg to 80, Individual Avgs will move in opposite direction by Different Distance from 80. Because Women are more in number, thus the difference between Group Avg and Avg W will be Less than the difference between Group Avg and Avg M, so to counterbalance each other.So Group Avg=80, Avg W can be 83 Avg M can be 74.

Maths Verbal

0 75 0 75

5 65 5 66

10 55 10 57

15 45 15 48

20 35 20 39

25 25 25 30

30 15 30 21

35 5 35 12

40 3

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