ernest hemingway (1899-1961) presented by 戢婧 徐芙蓉

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Ernest Hemingway


Presented by

戢婧 徐芙蓉

1 Life

3. Introduction of The Old Man and the Sea

5 The Hemingway Hero

2 Major Works

6 Writing Style

7 Comment

4 The Lost Generation

1 . life

•born in Oak Park,Illinois / love boxing and football / influenced by his father

Happy Boyhood

• Rejected, a reporter for the Kansas City Star after graduating from high school at 17 in 1917

• WW I , ambulance driver in France ,correspondent for the Toronto

• Spanish Civil War, correspondent on the loyalist side.


War Experience

• 1953 ,the Pulitzer Prize / 1954,the Nobel Prize in Literature / for his novel The Old Man and the


For a true writer, each book should be a new beginning where he tries again for something that is beyond attainment. He should always try for something that has never been done or that others have tried and failed.对真正的作家来说 , 每本书都应该是全新的开始 , 他再度尝试未可及的新的东西 .


• July,1961,he committed suiside by shooting himself.


Epitaph( 墓志铭 ) for his tombstone:

"Pardon me for not getting up.".

2. Major works

• The Torrents of Spring « 春潮 »

• Three Stories and Ten Poems « 三个短篇故事和十首诗 »

• In Our Times « 我们的时代 »

• Men Without Women « 没有女人的男人 »

• Winner Take Nothing « 胜者无所得 »

• Indian Camp 《印第安人营地 》

• The Sun Also Rise « 太阳照样升起 »

• A Farewell to Arms « 永别了,武器 »

• Death in the Afternoon « 午后之死 »

• Green Hills of Africa « 非洲的青山 »

• To Have and Have not « 有钱人和没钱人 »

• The Fifth Column « 第五纵队 »

• For Whom the Bell Tolls « 丧钟为谁而鸣 »

• Across the River and into the Trees « 过河入林 »

• The Old Man and the Sea « 老人与海 »

3. Introduction of The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea is a short novel about an old Cuban fisherman Santiago and his battle with a great marlin.In Santiago we see the spirit of Hemingway type of individualism,contending with a force he knows it is futile to battle with.He keeps on fighting because he believes that “a man is not made for defeat .A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”However ,the old man eventually comes to the realization that in going far out alone,”beyond all the people in the world.”He has met his doom,and he feels good to be one of the human and the natural world.That he begins to experience a feeling of brotherhood and love not for his fellowmen but for his fellow creature in nature is a convincing proof that Hemingway’s vision of the world has undergone a profound change.

4 .The

Lost Generation

This term came from Gertrude stein who said in Hemingway’s presence that “you are all a lost generation”.

The lost generation included the young English and American expatriates as well as men and women caught in the war and cut from the old value and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad .

These writers adopted unconventional style of writing and reacted against the tendencies of the older writers in the 1920s.

5. The Hemingway Hero


”grace under pressure”

a world essentially chaotic and meaningless, man fights a solitary struggle against a force he does not even understand, end in defeat, engender a sense of despair

despairing courage, to behave like a man,to assert his dignity in face of adversity

typical Hemingway herores:Nick Adams ,Jake Barnes,Frederic Henry,and Santiago

6. Writing style

“Papa Hemingway”

colloquial style

simple ,apparently natural, direct,clear , fresh,and highly suggestive and connotative.

sentence short ,uncomplicated ,but active; words simple ,but filled with emotion; few modifiers, and great control of pause with action of the story continuing during the silences.

7. Comment

1 . Hemingway wrote best earlier in his career , and his chief contributions are in the sense of the short stories .

2 . Influenced by Mark Twain , Hemingway brought the colloquial style to near-perfection.

3. Emphasize emotion : want to recreate for the reader the emotion of being there.

limited his vocabulary to gain some control over his emotion.

4. Iceberg theory of writing , His sentences only give small bit of the meaning, the rest is implied. One must go very deep beneath the suface to understand the full meaning of his writing.

Thank you !

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