epr steering inequalities from entropic uncertainty relations · epr steering inequalities from...

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EPR Steering Inequalities from Entropic Uncertainty Relations

James Schneeloch,1 Curtis J. Broadbent,1, 2 Stephen P. Walborn,3 Eric G. Cavalcanti,4, 5 and John C. Howell1

1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 146272Rochester Theory Center, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627

3Instituto de Fısica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,Caixa Postal 68528, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21941-972, Brazil

4School of Physics, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia5Quantum Group, Department of Computer Science,

University of Oxford, OX1 3QD, United Kingdom(Dated: September 18, 2018)

We use entropic uncertainty relations to formulate inequalities that witness Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering correlations in diverse quantum systems. We then use these inequalities toformulate symmetric EPR-steering inequalities using the mutual information. We explore the differ-ing natures of the correlations captured by one-way and symmetric steering inequalities, and exam-ine the possibility of exclusive one-way steerability in two-qubit states. Furthermore, we show thatsteering inequalities can be extended to generalized positive operator valued measures (POVMs),and we also derive hybrid-steering inequalities between alternate degrees of freedom.


The ability to witness explicitly quantum correlations(i.e. entanglement) between arbitrary observables with-out having to characterize the density operator is ex-tremely useful, and has received much attention [1–11].Entropic witnesses of entanglement, formed from thebuilding blocks of information theory, may play an im-portant role in the development and implementation ofsuperior quantum information protocols such as quan-tum key distribution (QKD) [12]. For certain tasks, suchas verifying security in QKD with as few assumptionsas possible, it is not sufficient only to witness entangle-ment [13]. Fortunately, there are witnesses which de-tect stronger levels of quantum correlation (e.g. Bell-nonlocality) in exchange for witnessing entanglement infewer states. Between Bell-nonlocality [14] and mere non-separability [15], there is another category of entangle-ment known as EPR steering [4] corresponding to a levelof quantum correlation strong enough to demonstrate theEPR paradox [16], but not strong enough to rule out allmodels of local hidden variables (LHV).

In this article, we develop new EPR-steering inequal-ities for any set of observables which share a nontrivialentropic uncertainty relation. We use those inequalitiesrelating discrete observables to create symmetric steeringinequalities based on the mutual information [17]; we ex-amine the qualitative differences in states violating one-way vs symmetric steering inequalities; we derive steeringinequalities between disparate degrees of freedom usefulin studying hybrid-entangled states [18–20]; and we willexplore applications of these steering inequalities beyondtheir direct use as entanglement witnesses.


EPR steering is the ability to nonlocally influence theset of possible quantum states of a given quantum sys-

tem through the measurements on a second distant sys-tem sufficiently entangled with the first one. By choosingwhich observable to measure on the second system, onecan “steer” the first system to be well-defined in any ofits observables without directly interacting with it. How-ever, one cannot know or determine in advance what theoutcome of a measurement will be, as these outcomes areintrinsically random. It is only when measurement out-comes between systems are compared that we are able tosee the effect of measuring one system on the other. Itis this nonlocal influence that is embodied in EPR steer-ing. It is this randomness in measurement outcomes thatreinforces the no-signalling theorem [21] (i.e. that rulesout EPR steering as a possible means of faster than lightcommunication).

Strong correlations across conjugate observables (e.g.in both position and momentum) is a signature of en-tanglement, and it is these correlations that make EPRsteering possible. In the original EPR situation [16], ifwe assume that the effect of measurement cannot travelfaster than light, then any details of the observables ofsystem B obtained from measurements on system A mustbe embedded in the local state of B, independent of anymeasurement performed on A. Following EPR, we as-cribe inferred, “elements of reality”, to each of these in-ferred properties of B. The paradox arises when A andB are so entangled that the inferred elements of realityof say, position and momentum, of B are so well local-ized that they begin to violate uncertainty relations forsingle systems. If the inferred elements of reality of B vi-olate an uncertainty relation, then there cannot be a localquantum state for B that reproduces such measurementresults. If the inferred elements of reality of B rule outa local quantum state for B, then this implies that itcannot both be the case that quantum correlations arelocal, and that conjugate observables of a given systemalways satisfy an uncertainty relation (as quantum the-ory stipulates). Unwilling to discard locality, EPR con-cluded that quantum mechanics must give an incomplete





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description of B.

Schrodinger [22] was the first to use the term “steer-ing” in response to the original EPR paradox [16] as ageneralization beyond position and momentum. It wasn’tuntil recently, however, that Wiseman et al. [4] formal-ized EPR steering in terms of the violation of a local hid-den state (LHS) model, a general class of models where,say, system B has a local quantum state classically cor-related with arbitrary variables at A. An entangled pairof systems is said to be one-way steerable if only onesubsystem does not admit an LHS model. If neither sub-system admits an LHS model, the entangled pair is saidto be two-way or symmetrically steerable. If B has alocal quantum state classically correlated with A, thenthe measurement probabilities of system B must not vi-olate any single-system uncertainty relation, even whenthey are conditioned on the outcomes of A (or on any-thing else). Because of this, EPR steering is witnessedwhenever conditional measurement probabilities violatean uncertainty relation. EPR steering requires entan-glement because probability distributions on separablestates can always be represented by an LHS model.

Though the concept of EPR steering was first formal-ized by Wiseman et al. [4], Reid [7] was the first to de-velop an experimental criterion for the EPR paradox us-ing conditional variances and the Heisenberg uncertaintyrelation. A general theory of EPR-steering inequalitiesbased on the assumption of an LHS model was devel-oped in [9], where Reid’s criterion was shown to emergeas a special case. Later, Walborn et al. [1] formulated asteering inequality based on Bialynicki-Birula and My-cielski’s entropic position-momentum uncertainty rela-tion [23]. Since their entropic uncertainty relation im-plies Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation, the set of stateswitnessed by Walborn et al.’s steering inequality containsall the states witnessed by Reid’s inequality, making Wal-born et al.’s steering inequality more inclusive. The sameis not true in the discrete case, as we will show later.

An interesting open question regarding EPR steeringwas raised by Wiseman et al. [4]: are there states whichallow steering in only one direction (say, from Alice toBob), but not vice-versa? Some evidence that this maybe the case was given for continuous-variable systems byMidgley et al. [24], who showed, at least in the casewhere Alice and Bob are restricted to Gaussian measure-ments, that there are states that demonstrate steering inone direction only. Though a proof of the existence of ex-clusively one-way steerable states is beyond the scope ofthis paper, in Sec. 6, we do extend the results of Midgleyet al., i.e., we show that at least in the case consideringmutually unbiased measurements, there are states whichcan demonstrate steering using our inequalities in oneway, but not in the other.


In order to develop our new entropic steering inequal-ities for pairs of arbitrary observables, we use the workof Walborn et al. [1], which considered the case for con-

tinuous observables as follows. Let xA and kA be con-tinuous observables of system A with possible outcomes

xA and kA, and let xB and kB be the correspondingobservables of system B. According to its definition in[4], EPR steering occurs when the observed correlationsdo not admit an LHS model. The system is said to ad-mit an LHS model if and only if the joint measurementprobability density can be expressed as follows:

ρ(xA, xB) =

∫dλ ρ(λ)ρ(xA|λ)ρQ(xB |λ), (1)

where ρQ(xB |λ) is the probability density of measuringxB to be xB given the details of preparation in the hiddenvariable λ. The subscript Q denotes the fact that this isa probability density arising from a single quantum state,i.e. that it is a probability density arising from quantumsystem B whose details of preparation are governed onlyby the hidden variable λ. On the other hand, no assump-tions have been made about the origin of A’s probabilitydistribution.

Using the positivity of the continuous relative entropy[17] between any pair of probability distributions or den-sities, Walborn et al. showed that it is always the case forcontinuous observables in states admitting LHS modelsthat (since the relative entropy between ρ(xB , λ|xA) andρ(λ|xA)ρ(xB |xA) is always greater than zero,)

h(xB |xA) ≥∫dλ ρ(λ)hQ(xB |λ), (2)

where hQ(xB |λ) is the continuous Shannon entropy aris-ing from the probability density ρQ(xB |λ).

In developing our steering inequalities for arbitrary ob-servables, we note that the same arguments used to de-velop LHS constraints for continuous observables can beused to formulate LHS constraints for discrete observ-ables as well. Consider discrete observables RA and SA

with outcomes RAi and SAi , respectively, and wherei runs from 1 to the to the total number of distinct eigen-states N . Let RB and SB be the corresponding observ-ables for system B. Since the positivity of the relativeentropy is a fact for both continuous and discrete vari-ables, we can derive the corresponding LHS constraintfor discrete observables in the same way;

H(RB |RA) ≥∑λ

P (λ)HQ(RB |λ), (3)

where HQ(RB |λ) is the discrete Shannon entropy of theprobability distribution PQ(RB |λ), where again the sub-script, “Q”, means that it corresponds to a quantumstate. All observables of systems admitting LHS mod-els must obey inequality (3) for discrete observables, or(2) for continuous observables.



Consider the right hand side of inequality (2). Where

position x and wavenumber k are continuous observablesconstrained by the entropic uncertainty relation [23]

hQ(xB) + hQ(kB) ≥ log(πe), (4)

we readily see that if we take a weighted average of theseentropies with weight function ρ(λ), we get the right handside of (2). From there, it is straightforward to show (asWalborn et al. did), that any state admitting an LHSmodel in position-momentum must satisfy the inequality,

h(xB |xA) + h(kB |kA) ≥ log(πe). (5)

Indeed, for any pair of continuous observables with anentropic uncertainty relation resembling (4), there is al-ways the corresponding steering inequality (5).

As explained in Ref. [25], given any pair of dis-

crete observables R and S in the same N -dimensionalHilbert space, with eigenbases |Ri〉 and |Sj〉, respec-tively (such as for different components of the angularmomentum), there exists the entropic uncertainty rela-tion

HQ(R) +HQ(S) ≥ log(Ω) (6)

: Ω ≡ mini,j



). (7)

When the discrete observables R and S are maximallyuncertain with respect to one another, all measurementoutcomes of one observable are equally likely when thesystem is prepared in an eigenstate of the other observ-able. These maximally uncertain observables (termedmutually unbiased) have an uncertainty relation whereΩ obtains its maximum value given by the dimension Nof the Hilbert space. The uncertainty relation is satu-rated when the system is prepared in an eigenstate ofone of the unbiased observables.

Using the discrete entropic uncertainty relation (6)along with our LHS constraint for discrete observables(3), we immediately arrive at a new entropic steering in-equality for pairs of discrete observables

H(RB |RA) +H(SB |SA) ≥ log(ΩB). (8)

where ΩB is the value Ω, given in definition(7) associated

with the observables RB and SB .For quantum systems in which conjugate bases are

discrete and continuous, such as with angular positionand angular momentum, the entropic uncertainty rela-tion will have a sum of both discrete and continuous en-tropies. This doesn’t give rise to any complications be-cause the LHS constraints deal with only one measuredobservable at a time. Given a continuous observable xand a discrete observable R with uncertainty relation[26],

hQ(x) +HQ(R) ≥ C, (9)

where C is a real-valued placeholder dependent on theparticular uncertainty relation, we readily find a newsteering inequality between a discrete and a continuousobservable,

h(xB |xA) +H(RB |RA) ≥ C. (10)

In fact, an EPR-steering inequality of this type has re-cently been experimentally tested for discrete and con-tinuous components of position and momentum variablesof entangled photons [27, 28].


Up until now, all the EPR-steering inequalities dis-cussed here have been asymmetric between parties; theyrely on conditional probability distributions, and theirviolation rules out LHS models from describing only oneof the parties’ measurements. Violating a more restric-tive EPR-steering inequality that is symmetric betweenparties would allow one to rule out LHS models for bothparties at the same time.

Cavalcanti et al. [9] were the first to develop such asymmetric steering inequality by showing that the vari-ance of sums and differences always exceeds the largestof the conditional variances in Reid’s inequality [7]. Forposition and momentum, the sum/difference steering in-equality takes the form

σ2(xA ± xB)σ2(kA ∓ kB) ≥ 1

4, (11)

which is just Mancini et al.’s separability inequality [29]with a tighter bound of 1

4 instead of 1.It turns out that we can also create an entropic steering

inequality using sums and differences for the same reasonas we now show. The entropy of a sum or difference oftwo random variables is never less than the larger of thetwo conditional entropies.

h(xA ± xB) ≥ maxh(xA ± xB |xA), h(xA ± xB |xB)= maxh(xA|xB), h(xB |xA) (12)

This is true for both discrete and continuous random vari-ables, which allows us to assert that both

h(xA ± xB) + h(kA ∓ kB) ≥ log(πe) (13)


H(RA ±RB) +H(SA ∓ SB) ≥ log(Ω) (14)

are valid steering inequalities coming from (5), and(8) re-spectively, but which are symmetric between parties, andwitness EPR steering both ways at the same time. Wenote also that inequality (13) is just Walborn et al.’s 2009separability inequality [2] with the tighter bound log(πe)instead of log(2πe). Whether the symmetric steering in-equality (14) is similarly a separability inequality with atighter bound is the subject of ongoing investigation.


These new symmetric steering inequalities (13) havethe added benefit of not needing to measure full jointprobability distributions, let alone reconstructing den-sity operators to witness that a state is EPR-steerable.The functions xA ± xB and kA ∓ kB as well as their dis-crete counterparts are commuting observables that canbe measured directly in many physical systems, whichmeans in those cases where these inequalities can be vio-lated, it takes fewer measurements to witness that a stateis EPR-steerable.

However, there’s a subtle but important point to benoted here. Demonstration of EPR steering throughthese sum/difference inequalities requires that the ob-servables xA, xB , kA, and kB be measured individually;violation of these inequalities through a direct measure-ment of xA ± xB does not, strictly speaking, demon-strate EPR-steering (or equivalently, demonstrate theEPR paradox). This is because: (i) to determine whichexperimental procedure corresponds to xA± xB , etc. re-quires extra assumptions about the quantum operatorscorresponding to Alice’s measurements which goes be-yond the assumption of an LHS model; and (ii) measure-ments of the sum/difference observables require that weinteract the systems A and B, undermining the assump-tion of locality. On the other hand, violation of thesesum/difference inequalities does imply that the state isEPR-steerable in the sense that if the individual mea-surements were performed instead, those statistics wouldnot be describable by an LHS model. This might beuseful when the objective of the experiment is to charac-terize the state rather than a fundamental demonstrationof nonlocality.

A useful property of discrete observables and discreteapproximations to continuous ones [30] is that the Shan-non entropies are bounded above either by the logarithmof the dimensionality of the system N , or by the numberof discrete windows into which the observable is parti-tioned. With this upper bound, we can create symmetricEPR-steering inequalities using the mutual information.

The mutual information of the joint probability distri-bution of measurement outcomes of RA and RB is definedas

I(RA : RB) ≡ H(RA) +H(RB)−H(RA, RB) (15)

= H(RB)−H(RB |RA).

We can express the steering inequality (8) in terms ofthe mutual information and use the maximum possiblevalues of the marginal entropies to arrive at a generalsymmetric steering inequality;

I(RA : RB) + I(SA : SB) ≤ log



). (16)

This mutual information inequality yields some impor-tant insights. We choose the minimum of ΩA,ΩB sincewe want this symmetric steering inequality to witnesssteering both ways, i.e. to rule out LHS models for bothparties.

Consider the case where RA and SA (and similarly

RB and SB) are mutually unbiased observables. Theiruncertainty relation reaches the maximum lower bound,where ΩA = ΩB = N , which makes the bound on theright hand side of (16) log(N). This maximal bound isalso equal to the largest possible value of the mutual in-formation I(RA : RB) or I(SA : SB). If R and S (foreither A or B) were somewhere between being mutuallyunbiased and simultaneously measurable, the mutual in-formation bound would be between log(N) and 2 log(N);at the upper limit, the observables commute.

Though a pair of quantum systems can be classi-cally prepared (i.e. with local operations and classicalcommunication) to be strongly correlated in one vari-able, quantum entanglement is required to have strongsimultaneous correlations in observables which are mutu-ally unbiased, that is, strong enough to violate an EPR-steering inequality. Indeed, if a pair of systems were per-fectly correlated in one observable, any correlation in aconjugate observable is sufficient to demonstrate sym-metric EPR steering in particular and entanglement ingeneral.

Conditional and symmetric steering inequalities wit-ness different levels of nonlocality. While violating aconditional steering inequality rules out an LHS modelfor either party A or B, violating a symmetric steeringinequality rules out LHS models for both parties A andB. It is important to know whether these steering in-equalities witness entanglement in qualitatively differentsets of states, or if their violation is merely a signpostof progressively stronger entanglement. To answer thisquestion, we must determine what differences there arein the sets of states that violate each inequality.

Let VC be the difference between the bound and sum ofconditional entropies in the discrete conditional steeringinequality on party B (8) (i.e. the violation of (8) innumber of bits), and let VM be the difference between thesum of mutual informations and the bound in the discretesymmetric steering inequality (16). Here, VC and VM arepositive for positive violation and we limit ourselves forsimplicity to observables where ΩA = ΩB ≡ Ω. Thedifference, VC − VM , is expressed as

VC − VM = 2 log(N)−(H(RB) +H(SB)

). (17)

From this we know immediately that the violations arethe same, VC = VM if and only if the marginal mea-surement probability distributions are both uniform (e.g.that the density operator is one whose marginal states aremaximally mixed).

Since the Shannon entropies H(RB) and H(SB) arebounded below by the underlying von Neumann entropyS(ρB) [31], which is in turn bounded below by the entan-glement of formation E(ρ) [31], we see that the largestpossible difference in violations decreases with increasingentanglement:

VC − VM ≤ 2(

log(N)− S(ρB))≤ 2(

log(N)− E(ρ)).



Symmetric violation

Conditional Violation

Symmetric violation

Conditional Violation

(a) Scatterplot for pure states (b) Scatterplot for uniformly-sampled two-qubit states







FIG. 1: Scatterplots of the violation of the conditional and symmetric steering inequalities which use all mutuallyunbiased bases. Each point is a random 2-qubit state. Fig. 1b is color coded according to purity, P , as measured by

the von Neumann entropy, scaled and inverted so that 0 is maximally mixed and 1 is pure: P = 1− S(ρ)2 . The

well-defined diagonal line through the origin indicates that no matter the orientation of the mutually unbiasedbases, the symmetric violation never exceeds the conditional violation. The plots thin out to the upper right sincemaximally entangled states are rare when uniformly sampling over pure states, and rarer still when uniformlysampling over all states.

This agrees with our previous result since maximally en-tangled states also have maximally mixed marginal prob-ability distributions. Indeed, since the largest possiblevalue for the violations is the same in both inequalities,we expect there to be no difference in violations for max-imally entangled states. This is particularly well illus-trated in Figures 1a and 1b where we simulated random2-qubit states to compare VC and VM for the conditionaland symmetric steering inequalities (21, 22) using all mu-tually unbiased observables as discussed in the next sec-tion. In order to generate random two-qubit states, weuse the methods discussed in Ref. [6].

It is important to note that these inequalities are onlywitnesses for steering. Because violation of these inequal-ities are sufficient, but not necessary conditions for EPRsteering, we can have states that are symmetrically steer-able, but which fail to violate both kinds of steering in-equalities presented here. If a state violates a conditionalsteering inequality and not a symmetric steering inequal-ity, we know it is at least one-way steerable, but it mayyet violate a different symmetric steering inequality, orindeed a different one-way steering inequality in the otherdirection.

One is tempted to think that because all EPR-steerablestates form a proper subset of all entangled states (and aproper superset of all Bell-nonlocal states), there might

be some finite nonzero threshold to the entanglementneeded in a state to demonstrate EPR steering. Infact, it turns out that at least pure states with verylittle entanglement can, in principle, demonstrate EPRsteering. This was effectively proven [32] by generaliz-ing Gisin’s theorem [33] for any pair of discrete quantumsystems, which states that any pure bipartite state thatisn’t a product state is Bell-nonlocal (and so also EPR-steerable), even for very small entropies of entanglement.A proof of Gisin’s theorem for continuous variables re-mains an open topic for investigation.


Up to this point, the discussion has been limited to un-certainty relations between pairs of observables. We mustremember that for any entropic uncertainty relation, eventhose relating more than two observables, there is a corre-sponding EPR-steering inequality. Sanchez-Ruiz [34] de-veloped entropic uncertainty relations for complete setsof pairwise complementary (mutually unbiased) observ-

ables Ri, where i = 1, ..., N. When N , the dimen-sionality of the system, is a positive integer power of aprime number, it has been shown [35] that there are com-


plete sets of N + 1 mutually unbiased observables.When N is even, we have the uncertainty relation


H(Ri) ≥N










)≡ Geven

(19)and for odd N , we have


H(Ri) ≥ (N + 1) log

(N + 1


)≡ Godd. (20)

Here, Geven and Godd are defined as the bounds for theseuncertainty relations to condense these expressions lateron. These uncertainty relations can be adapted intoEPR-steering inequalities readily by substituting con-ditional entropies for marginal ones. Using knowledgeof the purity of the state, the bounds can be improved[34, 36], but using such improved uncertainty relations re-quires information about the quantum state beyond themeasured joint probabilities.

In the same way as was done to derive (8), we see thatfor N even, we have the EPR-steering inequality


H(RBi |RAi ) ≥ Geven, (21)

and in the same way as was done to derive (16), we havefor even N ,


I(RAi : RBi ) ≤ (N + 1) log(N)−Geven. (22)

For odd N , we have the same expressions (21,22) withGodd substituted in for Geven.

As a particular example, consider the case of a pairof qubits. N = 2, which makes Geven = 2. The fullsymmetric steering inequality for a pair of qubits becomes


I(RAi : RBi ) ≤ 1. (23)

which not only proves the entanglement witness first pos-tulated in Starling et al. [6], but also shows that it isa symmetric steering inequality whose violation demon-strates the EPR paradox.

We note that while similar EPR-steering inequalitiesexist for measuring the strength of linear correlations[37], they don’t register the same information-significantbehavior as inequality (22) for the same reason that vari-ances don’t capture as much of the necessary informa-tion about the uncertainty in a probability distributionas entropies can. Covariance and other measures of corre-lation are sensitive to specific functional dependence be-tween random variables (particularly linear dependence),while the mutual information captures correlations be-tween random variables whose dependence may be en-tirely arbitrary, but still well-determined.


For simplicity, we now look for violations of our in-equalities in entangled two-qubit states. We first exam-ine the Werner states [15], defined as

Wp = p|Φs〉〈Φs|+ (1− p)14, (24)

where |Φs〉 is the maximally-entangled singlet state, 1/4is the maximally mixed state for two qubits, and p isthe weight of the singlet state in Wp. These states wereshown in [4] to be steerable in principle (i.e. with an in-finite number of measurements) for all values of p > 1/2.In practice, (i.e. with finite numbers of measurements),this is not achievable. In [9] it was shown that thesestates violate a linear steering inequality with two mea-surement settings at each side for p > 1/

√2 ≈ 0.71 and

with three measurement settings for p > 1/√

3 ≈ 0.58,and violates a variance-based steering inequality for p >(√

5 − 1)/2 ≈ 0.62 and p > 1/√

3 ≈ 0.58, with threeand four measurement settings for Bob, respectively (thelatter inequality was introduced in [38]).

We first apply the Werner state to our conditionalsteering inequality (8), with measurements in the PauliX and Z-bases on each side. The inequality then readsas,

H(σBx |σAx ) +H(σBz |σAz ) ≥ 1. (25)

For the Werner state, the left hand side of this inequality(25) reduces to

H(σBx |σAx ) +H(σBz |σAz ) = (26)

= −(1 + p)log[(1 + p)/2] + (1− p)log[(1− p)/2]

and violation occurs for all values of p >∼ 0.78. For ourthree-setting inequality (21), we use measurements in theX, Y , and Z-bases, and thus for N = 2, the inequality(21) reads as

H(σBx |σAx ) +H(σBy |σAy ) +H(σBz |σAz ) ≥ 2. (27)

Applied to the Werner state, the left side is now−3/2(1 + p)log[(1 + p)/2] + (1 − p)log[(1 − p)/2], andthe inequality is violated for all p >∼ 0.65.

For states with completely mixed marginals, and whenΩB = ΩA, there is no difference between the violation ofour symmetric inequality (16) and our conditional steer-ing inequality (8). This is also true for our steering in-equalities using complete sets of mutually unbiased bases,(22) and (21). The Werner state thus violates the sym-metric inequalities (16) and (22) in the same regimes asit violates the corresponding conditional inequalities, ascalculated above. This is not surprising, since the Wernerstate is symmetric between parties.

It is somewhat surprising, however, that the violationsof the entropic steering inequalities presented here occur


for a smaller range of Werner states than do the variance-based inequalities in [9]. This is fundamentally differentfrom the result shown for the continuous-variable case byWalborn et al.. Those authors showed that the entropicsteering inequality here reproduced as Eq. (5) detectssteering in a larger class of states than the variance-based Reid criterion. In the continuous variable case,Heisenberg’s variance uncertainty relation is implied byBialynicki-Birula and Mycielski’s entropic uncertainty re-lation (4). Because of this, all states violating Reid’s cri-terion must also violate Walborn et al.’s steering inequal-ity. The same is not true for finite discrete variables sincethe maximum entropy state with a well defined varianceis no longer a Gaussian, but a uniform distribution. Cer-tainly for two-level discrete systems, there is not muchqualitative difference in characterizing the uncertaintywith entropies or with variances. For higher dimensions,however, entropic measures of uncertainty are superiorbecause a sharply peaked bimodal distribution is muchmore well determined (and so has much smaller entropy)than a single-peaked distribution of the same variance.

While the Werner states violate both symmetric andconditional entropic steering inequalities in the samemanner, the same does not happen for all entangledstates, as illustrated in Figures 1a and 1b, which sur-vey the violation of the symmetric inequality (22) vsthe violation of the asymmetric (conditional) inequality(21) for large distributions of random two-qubit states.Figure 1a examines these violations for 105 uniformly-sampled pure states, while Figure 1b examines these vi-olations for 105 uniformly-sampled arbitrary states. Thesampling method is described in [6]. States in the lowerright quadrant violate the conditional inequality, but notthe symmetric inequality. The well-defined diagonal linein these plots shows that a state never violates the sym-metric steering inequality (22) by a larger amount thanthe conditional steering inequality (21), as expected.

To further demonstrate the asymmetry between par-ties, we surveyed the violation of the conditional inequal-ity (21) in the Alice-Bob direction versus the violationof the conditional inequality in the Bob-Alice direction(seen in Figures 2a and 2b) for a large distribution ofstates whose set of measurement bases has been chosento maximize violation in both directions. In Fig. 2a, eachpoint is one of 5×103 pure two-qubit states sampled uni-formly, each of which is measured in 500 different sets ofmeasurement bases, chosen randomly and independentlyby Alice and Bob, to find the one which maximizes viola-tion in both directions. Figure 2b samples 5×103 general(not necessarily pure) two-qubit states, each one similarlyoptimized using 500 different sets of measurement bases.

The states in the second and fourth quadrants ofFigs. 2a and 2b violate our entropic conditional steeringinequality in only one direction. Note however, that theseresults do not imply that there are no other inequalitieswhich could demonstrate steering in the other direction.We know a priori that no pure state is exclusively one-way steerable because pure states are fundamentally sym-

metric between parties. As shown by a Schmidt decom-position, the sets of eigenvalues of the reduced densityoperators of a pure bipartite state are identical, whichmeans their marginal statistics must be identical as wellwith the right set of measurement bases. In particular,for every set of measurement bases giving a particularvalue for the sum of conditional entropies H(A|B), theremust exist another set of measurement bases giving thesame value for the sum of conditional entropies H(B|A).An optimal choice of local measurement basis requiresthat if the pure state is steerable one way, it must besteerable the other way as well. Those points in the off-diagonal quadrants of Fig. 2a are due to our inequalitiesbeing sufficient, but not necessary criteria for EPR steer-ing. What is not clear is whether there are mixed statesthat may be exclusively one-way steerable.

As seen in Fig. 2b, we find some mixed states which arecandidates for being exclusively one-way steerable, thatis, which may allow only one-way steering even whenall possible sets of measurement bases are considered. InFig. 2c, we plot the violations of one of these mixed statesin 105 different measurement bases chosen randomly andindependently by Alice and Bob to see what effect mea-surement basis has on an experimenter’s ability to violateour steering inequalities. There is a striking linear trendin this plot, which suggests that the difference betweenviolations in either direction is nearly constant, that ei-ther Alice’s or Bob’s advantage in witnessing EPR steer-ing is nearly independent of their choice of measurementbasis (and therefore fundamental to the state itself). Weexamined this trend in over 300 arbitrary random den-sity matrices, and it is found to a varying degree in allstates observed. The same trend is also seen when Al-ice and Bob’s measurement bases are fixed to be equal toone another, though without the extra degree of freedom,finding optimal measurement bases is less likely. Thetrend is more pronounced for states with higher optimalviolation, and diminishes in states with lower maximalviolation. Though our inequalities cannot witness exclu-sive one-way steerability, our studies suggest that there isa fundamental asymmetry between parties in two-qubitsystems whose marginal states have different purities.Again, we must reiterate that since the violation of anEPR-steering inequality is a sufficient, but not necessarycondition for the state to be EPR-steerable, what we dois rule out all but those candidate states from being ex-clusively one-way steerable.


Before going further, we note that Maassen andUffink’s uncertainty relation (6) relies on R and S hav-ing nondegenerate eigenvalues. Since then, more gen-eral entropic uncertainty relations have been discovered[39] which allow R and S to be any pair of discrete ob-servables (without changing the form of the uncertaintyrelation). In addition, Krishna and Parasarathy [39] have


Conditional Violation Conditioned on Alice

Conditional Violation Conditioned on Bob







(a) Scatterplot for optimal pure states (b) Scatterplot for optimal uniformly sampled two-qubit states

(c) Scatterplot for local transformations of a candidate state

Conditional Violation Conditioned on Alice

Conditional Violation Conditioned on Alice

Conditional Violation Conditioned on Bob

Conditional Violation Conditioned on Bob

FIG. 2: Scatterplots of the violation in number of bits of the conditional steering inequalities when using an optimalset of mutually unbiased bases. The violation of the inequality conditioned on Alice’s measurements is plottedagainst the violation of the inequality conditioned on Bob’s measurements. In Figs. 2a and 2b, each point is arandom 2-qubit state whose set of measurement bases have been selected for maximum violation. For higherviolation, the scatterplots approach a diagonal line, where more entangled states tend to be more symmetricbetween parties. Fig. 2c examines the violation of a candidate 2-qubit state in many different independently randomsets of measurement bases. States in the upper left quadrants are ones where Alice’s uncertainty is less than Bob’suncertainty. In the lower right quadrants, Bob’s uncertainty is less than Alice’s. Fig. 2b is color coded according topurity as defined in Fig. 1b.

shown that for any set of generalized measurements, i.e.,any POVMs (Positive Operator Valued Measures), withmeasurement operators Fi and Gj

H(F ) +H(G) ≥ log(ΩPOVM), (28)

: ΩPOVM ≡ mini,j


||FiGj ||2


: ||F || ≡ max|ψ〉

√|〈ψ|F †F |ψ〉|. (30)

This uncertainty relation (28) allows us to create steer-ing inequalities for POVMs in the same way as was donefor projective measurements. The LHS constraints arecontingent only upon measurement probabilities adher-ing to entropic uncertainty relations, not on those mea-surements being projective. If we let FAi and GAj be

discrete sets of POVMs on party A, and let FBi andGBj be sets of POVMs obeying entropic uncertaintyrelation (28), it can be readily shown that

H(FB |FA) +H(GB |GA) ≥ log(ΩBPOVM) (31)

is a valid steering inequality for POVMs where ΩBPOVMis ΩPOVM for measurements on party B. Since we nolonger have to restrict ourselves to projective Von Neu-mann measurements, we can study EPR steering whenwe can only interact indirectly with the system as withweak measurements [40].


Our steering inequalities were formed from pairs or setsof non-commuting observables on a single quantum sys-tem conditioned on the corresponding observables of an-other quantum system. However, the derivation of oursteering inequalities does not require the observables onthe second system to be the same as those of the first. Forexample, in the inequality derived by Walborn et al. (5),we require that xB and kB be conjugate to one another inaccordance with the uncertainty relation (4). The observ-ables xA and kA need not be the position and momentumof system A (respectively) to have a valid steering in-equality; any pair of observables for system A will do. Infact, we can even condition both xB and kB on the sameobservable; this would make a valid steering inequality,though it would be impossible to violate in principle be-cause conditioning on only one observable of system Aonly changes what would be the local state of systemB from which one draws measurement probabilities. Inthis case, all measurements are made on the same stateof system B, which must satisfy the uncertainty relation(4).

With this additional freedom in deriving steering in-equalities, we can examine entanglement between differ-ent degrees of freedom. For example, violation of

h(xB |σzA) + h(kB |σyA) ≥ log(πe) (32)


H(σzA|xB) +H(σyA|kB) ≥ 1. (33)


witnesses EPR steering between the position-momentumdegree of freedom of one system, and the spin-polarization of the other. By using the discrete uncer-tainty relation for coarse-grained position and momen-tum [30], we can witness such entanglement in the labora-tory. We call these steering inequalities between differentdegrees of freedom hybrid -steering inequalities. Hybrid-steering inequalities may prove useful in the study ofhybrid-entangled states, i.e., states which are entangledacross different degrees of freedom [20].


In classical information theory [17], the mutual infor-mation can be interpreted as the channel capacity of acommunication system with source at party A and re-ceiver at party B (or also the other way around), givingour EPR-steering inequalities special utility in quantuminformation protocols. In particular, security in quantumkey distribution (QKD) schemes requires that Alice andBob are able to prove that the quantum systems trans-mitted on quantum channels have not been interceptedby Eve.

Recently, it has been shown that EPR steering islinked to the secret key rate in one-sided device-independent quantum key distribution (1sDIQKD) [41].1sDIQKD lies between conventional QKD and fulldevice-independent QKD [13, 42] in that only one of theusers trusts his/her measurement device. This connec-tion was shown for asymmetric EPR steering. It is thusan interesting question as to what link can be made be-tween the symmetric EPR-steering inequalities and se-cure transmission rates in a quantum channel.

Intuitively, violating a symmetric EPR-steering in-equality rules out the possibility that Eve performs in-dependent (incoherent) attacks on either Alice or Bob’schannel all of the time, since enough of the joint statesshared by Alice and Bob must be correlated enough torule out local hidden states for both parties. Thus ifEve is constrained to perform only incoherent attackson either party, violating a symmetric steering inequalityshould guarantee a nonzero secret key rate, since someof Alice’s and Bob’s shared systems would have to havebeen untouched by Eve, meaning that Eve could not havea perfect LHS model for all of Alice and Bob’s systems.

In the more general situation, Eve cannot be limitedto incoherent attacks, though it is still possible to formu-late secret key rates in terms of the mutual information[43]. For now it remains an open question as to whetherthe degree of violation of our symmetric EPR-steering in-equalities (in bits) provides a lower bound to the securekey transmission rate.


In this paper, we have shown how any set of oper-ators obeying an entropic uncertainty relation can giverise to an entropic steering inequality. Specifically: we’vederived steering inequalities for pairs of arbitrary observ-ables; we’ve derived steering inequalities for completesets of mutually unbiased observables; we’ve derived sym-metric steering inequalities and hybrid-steering inequali-ties; and we’ve derived steering inequalities for POVM’s.In addition, we have examined the possibility of exclusiveone-way steering in two-qubit states, and looked at pos-sible applications for these steering inequalities in QKD.

These steering inequalities provide a new generalmeans of witnessing entanglement and EPR steering.Given an entangled pair of N -dimensional quantum sys-tems, tomographic reconstruction of the density matrixrequires on the order of N4 measurements, though it of-fers a complete description of the bipartite state. Vi-olating our steering inequalities on the other hand re-quires only on the order of N2 measurements, and insome cases only on the order of N measurements for oursum/difference steering inequalities (14).

Though our entropic steering inequalities are general,they are not superior to all other forms of steering in-equality. As shown in Sec. 7 and Ref. [9], for two-qubitsystems, there are states which will violate a variance-based EPR-steering inequality and fail to violate the cor-responding entropic steering inequality with the sameset of measurements. The strength of our inequalitiesrests in their being expressed in terms of entropies, usedin information theory. Other entropic inequalities havebeen used to show that EPR steering proves security in1sDIQKD [41].

Our entropic steering inequalities also provide furtherevidence that there may exist states which exhibit steer-ing in only one direction. Some states (i.e., those in ei-ther off-diagonal quadrant of Figures 2a and 2b), violateour entropic steering inequality in one direction, but notin the other, even when using an optimal set of mea-surement bases. This is an analogue, for the discretecase, of a phenomenon that has been shown to occur incontinuous-variable systems by Midgley et al. [24]. Nei-ther of these results are definitive proof of the existenceof exclusively one-way steerable states. There could beinequalities that witness one-way steering where our en-tropic inequalities fail to do so. A general proof wouldrequire a necessary and sufficient criterion for one-wayand for two-way steering, but the inequalities presentedhere could provide a direction for further research.

We gratefully acknowledge insightful discussions withGregory A. Howland, as well as support from DARPADSO InPho Grant No. W911NF-10-1-0404. CJB ac-knowledges support from ARO W911NF-09-1-0385 andNSF PHY-1203931. SPW acknowledges funding sup-port from the Future Emerging Technologies FET-OpenProgram, within the 7th Framework Programme ofthe European Commission, under Grant No. 255914,


PHORBITECH and Brazilian agencies CNPq, CAPES,FAPERJ and the INCT-Informacao Quantica. EGC

acknowledges funding support from an ARC DECRADE120100559.

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