envision it! word cards gr3...grade 3 unit 2 week 3 • prudy’s problem routine for lesson...

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0328477133_G3U2W3_052-057.indd 1 2/19/10 5:13 PM

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 3 • Prudy’s Problem

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce Look at all the beautiful butterflies. Butterflies are insects with large, often brightly colored wings. Let’s say the word together: butterflies.

Demonstrate Butterflies flew across the field. The butterflies sat and flapped their wings. Monarch butterflies are orange and black.

Apply Tell what you know about the life cycle of butterflies.

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: butterflies.

Pencil Talk •Drawapictureofsomebutterflies.Use

bright colors in your picture. Write a sentencedescribingyourpicture.Usetheword butterflies in your sentence.

•Makealistofwordsthatcometomindwhen you think about butterflies. When you have finished, exchange lists with aclassmate.Whatwordsdidheorshethink of that you didn’t?


My favorite thing about butterflies is __________.

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Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 3 • Prudy’s Problem

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce This collection is neatly displayed on shelves. A collection is a group of things gathered from many places and belonging together. Let’s say the word together: collection.

Demonstrate Jenna has a baseball card collection. I recently added two new stamps to my collection. Howie got a collection of old coins from his grandfather.

Apply What are some things that people put into collections?

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: collection.

Team Talk •Withyourpartner,discussyour

collections. When did you start your collection? How do you add to it? What is the most prized item in your collection?


I would love to have a collection of __________.

Iamnotinterestedinkeepingacollectionof __________.

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Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 3 • Prudy’s Problem

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce The dinosaur skeleton is enormous. Enormous means “very, very large or huge.” Let’s say the word together: enormous.

Demonstrate A supertanker is enormous. The weightlifter has an enormous appetite. A blue whale is an enormous animal.

Apply Would you rather clean an enormous house or a tiny house? Why?

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: enormous.

Pencil Talk •Drawapictureofanenormousbuilding.

Write a sentence about your picture. Use the word enormous in your sentence.



Big is to enormous as small is to __________.

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Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 3 • Prudy’s Problem

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce The clothes are scattered on the floor. Scattered means “separated and went in different directions.” Let’s say the word together: scattered.

Demonstrate He’ll never find all the scattered papers. It took an hour to put my scattered clothes away. The scattered kittens came together when I put their food out.

Apply If you wanted to find something in your room, would you want it to be scattered or in order?

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: scattered.

All Together •I’mgoingtodescribesomethings.Ifthey

are scattered, say “Scattered.” If they are in order, say “Not scattered.”

an alphabetized row of books

leaves in a storm

dirty clothes thrown all over the room

•ListenasIsaythefollowingchant.Thenwe’ll say the chant together.

We put some things away with care, But the scattered things are everywhere.

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Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 3 • Prudy’s Problem

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce These shoelaces are bright yellow. Shoelaces are strings or cords used for fastening shoes. Let’s say the word together: shoelaces.

Demonstrate Carla knows how to tie her shoelaces. I need extra long shoelaces for my hiking boots. Jorge tripped on his untied shoelaces.

Apply What would happen to your shoes if they didn’t have shoelaces?

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: shoelaces.

Action! •Demonstratehowtotieyourshoelaces.

•Trytotieyourshoelaceswithyoureyesclosed. Is it easy or hard to do?

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Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 3 • Prudy’s Problem

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce The boys strain as they pull the rope. Strain means “draw too tight, stretch too much.” Let’s say the word together: strain.

Demonstrate The nets strain from the weight of the fish. Don’t strain yourself picking up that box of books. Ann has to strain to see out that high window.

Apply What might happen if you strain yourself with too much exercising?

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: strain.

All Together •I’mgoingtotellyoualittlestory.Use

the word strain to answer the question I ask you.

The twins want to put a box in their closet. They try to put it on the top shelf, but they can’t quite reach it. They get on their toes and stretch as far as they can. What do the twins do?

•I’mgoingtotellyouasentence.Mac might strain his back lifting weights. What word could replace strain in the sentence? Let’s say the word together.

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