environmental problems, their causes, and sustainability gsi – unit 1 an environmental science...

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Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and SustainabilityEnvironmental Problems, Their Causes, and SustainabilityGSI – Unit 1An Environmental Science Overview

GSI – Unit 1An Environmental Science Overview

Spruce and Fir forest affected by pests, disease, and acid rain, near Clingman's Dome (6643 feet), Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee.

What is wrong with this map?What is wrong with this map?

How may prongs to you see?

What do you see?

What factors influence your inferences What factors influence your inferences and perceptions?and perceptions?What factors influence your inferences What factors influence your inferences and perceptions?and perceptions?

Read the following story and then indicate your response to each of the statements printed below the story. A business man had just turned off the lights in the store when a man appeared and demanded money. The owner opened the cash register. The contents of the cash register were scooped up and the man sped away. A member of the police force was notified promptly.

 Indicate your response to each of the following statements, by checking "True" if you believe it to be true, "False" if you believe it to be false, and "???" if you cannot determine whether it is true or false (True False ???)

_____ A man appeared after the owner had turned off the store lights._____ A man received cash._____ The robber was a man._____ The man who opened the cash register was the owner._____ The store owner scooped up the contents of the cash register._____ Someone opened a cash register._____ The cash register was empty when the owner opened it._____ After the man scooped up the contents of the cash register, he ran away.







Find OutFind OutSurvey 10 people (at least two Survey 10 people (at least two adults) and ask the following adults) and ask the following questions:questions:

1.1.What do you think is our greatest What do you think is our greatest environmental concern? Why?environmental concern? Why?2.2.Where did you learn about this Where did you learn about this concern?concern?

Share your results FridayShare your results Friday

Science WarsScience Wars

o Science Warso Environmental Scare Storieso Global Warming Superstars o The Value of Skepticism

How those on both sides of the aisle use facts and 'not-so-facts' to support their own agendas.

Fig. 1-1 p. 5

World Population and Exponential GrowthWorld Population and Exponential GrowthWorld Population and Exponential GrowthWorld Population and Exponential Growth


As the human As the human population grows population grows what might be what might be the impact on the impact on the following:the following:

(1)(1) resources use resources use and waste and waste

(2)(2) poverty poverty

(3)(3) loss of loss of biodiversitybiodiversity

(4)(4) Global Climate Global Climate ChangeChange


o World Populationo The Population Bomb?

Fig. 1-10, p. 17

Depletion of nonrenewable resources


Human Capital Human Economic

and Cultural Systems

Pollution and waste

Degradation of renewable resources


Goods and services

Natural Capital


How do we deal How do we deal with with Environmental Environmental Problems?Problems?

How do we deal How do we deal with with Environmental Environmental Problems?Problems?

Current Emphasis (Reactive)

Sustainability Emphasis (Proactive)

Current Emphasis (Reactive)

Sustainability Emphasis (Proactive)

Fig. 1-16, p. 18

Back to Essential Questions

Trust me


Tar sands Timmy

Story of Stuff

Story of stuff questions

Resource Use and WasteResource Use and Waste

Story of Stuff – The CritiqueStory of Stuff – The Critique

o Indoctrination?Indoctrination?o Part 1Part 1o Part 2Part 2o Part 3Part 3o Part 4Part 4

Ecological FootprintEcological Footprint

What is an ecological footprint?

Personal Ecological Footprint

Age of Consumption – Examples of over consumptionAge of Consumption – Examples of over consumption

Living on interest vs. Living on principalLiving on interest vs. Living on principal

Living on Interest (Sustainably)Living on Interest (Sustainably)

Imagine you win $1,000,000 in Imagine you win $1,000,000 in the lotterythe lottery

Invest the capital (1 million) at Invest the capital (1 million) at 10% interest.10% interest.

You will have a sustainable You will have a sustainable income of $100,000 per year. income of $100,000 per year. Without depleting your capital Without depleting your capital (1 million)(1 million)

Living on PrincipalLiving on Principal

If you spent $200,000 per year, If you spent $200,000 per year, your 1million would be gone your 1million would be gone early in the 7early in the 7thth year year

If you spent $110,000 per year, If you spent $110,000 per year, you would be bankrupt early in you would be bankrupt early in the 18the 18thth year. year.

How would you prefer to live?How would you prefer to live?

How do we live now?How do we live now?


Population GrowthPopulation Growth

Fig. 1-4, p. 8

Who is Overpopulated?

Are we living Are we living Sustainably?Sustainably?


Is the problem we face Is the problem we face population size or resource population size or resource use?use?

Activity – Doubling time

““The Big Five”The Big Five”

Disease Overpopulation Water Shortages Climate Changes Biodiversity Loss Poverty Malnutrition

Disease Overpopulation Water Shortages Climate Changes Biodiversity Loss Poverty Malnutrition

What are Our Greatest Environmental Problems?What are Our Greatest Environmental Problems?

Endangered Planet 1990

Planet in Peril 2007

Developed Countries vs. Developing Developed Countries vs. Developing CountriesCountriesDeveloped Countries vs. Developing Developed Countries vs. Developing CountriesCountries

Developed CountriesDeveloped CountriesDeveloped countries enjoy a higher standard Developed countries enjoy a higher standard

of living, including:of living, including: a longer life expectancya longer life expectancy a decrease in infant mortalitya decrease in infant mortality greater food production than food needsgreater food production than food needs decreased air and water pollutiondecreased air and water pollution a decrease in poverty overalla decrease in poverty overall

Developing CountriesDeveloping Countries Poverty produces harmful environmental Poverty produces harmful environmental

effectseffects Soil, water, and forests are depletedSoil, water, and forests are depleted Pollution levels are high. Pollution levels are high. Infant mortality rate is 8 times higher than Infant mortality rate is 8 times higher than

in developed countries in developed countries Wages are very low with poor working Wages are very low with poor working

conditions as the normconditions as the norm

GlobalizationGlobalizationGlobalization leads to a world socially, economically, and environmentally more interconnected

Technology, international trade, and human mobility allow people to interact with others

Environmentally sustainable development rewards sustainable activities and discourages harmful activities

Globalization leads to a world socially, economically, and environmentally more interconnected

Technology, international trade, and human mobility allow people to interact with others

Environmentally sustainable development rewards sustainable activities and discourages harmful activities

Where are your shoes made? Why?

Where is your computer made?

Where does your food come from?

If we stopped buying Chinese products what would happen to China’s economy? How would that impact the United States?

How does a global economy impact cultural diversity?

Back to Essential Questions

o Globalization Part 1o Globalization Part 2


Natural capital/natural resources are those in the environment or those obtained from the environment: food, water, air, shelter, petroleum, etc


Natural capital/natural resources are those in the environment or those obtained from the environment: food, water, air, shelter, petroleum, etc

Perpetual resources are renewed continuously, like solar energy

Perpetual resources are renewed continuously, like solar energy

Renewable resources must not be used up faster than they are able to be replaced, like grasslands, fresh water and air, fertile soil, etc

Renewable resources must not be used up faster than they are able to be replaced, like grasslands, fresh water and air, fertile soil, etc

Non-renewable resources are those that exist in fixed quantity or stock in the earth’s crust.

Non-renewable resources are those that exist in fixed quantity or stock in the earth’s crust.

Environmental degradationEnvironmental degradation occurs when the use of resources exceeds the rate occurs when the use of resources exceeds the rate of replacementof replacement.. sustainable yieldsustainable yield is the highest rate of use on an indefinite is the highest rate of use on an indefinite scale without degradation or depletionscale without degradation or depletion

Non-Renewable ResourcesNon-Renewable Resources

Energy Resources (oil, coal, natural gas, etc.) Energy Resources (oil, coal, natural gas, etc.)

Metallic Resources (copper, iron, aluminum, etc.) Metallic Resources (copper, iron, aluminum, etc.)

Non-Metallic Resources (salt, clay, sand, phosphates, etc.)Non-Metallic Resources (salt, clay, sand, phosphates, etc.)

Solutions: To prevent economic depletion include: recycle, reuse, and conserve Solutions: To prevent economic depletion include: recycle, reuse, and conserve

Physically Depleted Physically Depleted - when a resources - when a resources completely exhaustedcompletely exhausted

Economically DepletedEconomically Depleted – when the resource – when the resource costs too much to costs too much to obtain what is leftobtain what is left

Back to Essential Questions

What is pollution? Pollutants are chemicals at high enough levels in the environment to harm people or other living organisms

Where do pollutants come from, and what are their harmful effects? Pollutants may enter the environment naturally (for example, volcanic eruptions) or through human activities such as burning coal; pollution tends to occur in or near urban and industrial areas

Sources:Point sources of pollutants are single, identifiable sources, such as automobiles or industrial plants. They are easier to identify and control than non-point sources Non-point sources are dispersed, such as pesticides in the air and water runoff. They are difficult to identify. Pesticides sprayed into the air may be carried from their source. Fertilizer runoff enters streams away from the source.

What is pollution? Pollutants are chemicals at high enough levels in the environment to harm people or other living organisms

Where do pollutants come from, and what are their harmful effects? Pollutants may enter the environment naturally (for example, volcanic eruptions) or through human activities such as burning coal; pollution tends to occur in or near urban and industrial areas

Sources:Point sources of pollutants are single, identifiable sources, such as automobiles or industrial plants. They are easier to identify and control than non-point sources Non-point sources are dispersed, such as pesticides in the air and water runoff. They are difficult to identify. Pesticides sprayed into the air may be carried from their source. Fertilizer runoff enters streams away from the source.

Effects of Pollution: They can disrupt or degrade life-support systems of any organism They damage human health, wildlife, and property They can produce nuisances in noise, smells, tastes, and sights

Effects of Pollution: They can disrupt or degrade life-support systems of any organism They damage human health, wildlife, and property They can produce nuisances in noise, smells, tastes, and sights

Dealing With PollutionDealing With Pollution

Prevention (Input Control) reduces or eliminates the production of pollutants

Prevention (Input Control) reduces or eliminates the production of pollutants

Cleanup (Output Control) cleans up or dilutes pollutants after they have been produced

It is a temporary bandage without long-term pollution control technology (like the catalytic converter)

The pollutant is removed but may cause pollution in another place (for example, burning garbage/burying it)

It is expensive to reduce

pollution to an acceptable level. Prevention is less expensive in the long run

Cleanup (Output Control) cleans up or dilutes pollutants after they have been produced

It is a temporary bandage without long-term pollution control technology (like the catalytic converter)

The pollutant is removed but may cause pollution in another place (for example, burning garbage/burying it)

It is expensive to reduce

pollution to an acceptable level. Prevention is less expensive in the long run

Three factors determine the severity Three factors determine the severity of a pollutant’s harmful effects: of a pollutant’s harmful effects: chemical nature, concentration, and chemical nature, concentration, and persistence.persistence.

Pollutants are classified into four Pollutants are classified into four categories based on persistence: categories based on persistence: degradable, biodegradable, slowly degradable, biodegradable, slowly degradable, and non-degradable degradable, and non-degradable

PersistentPersistent is how long a pollutant is how long a pollutant stays in the air , water or soil.stays in the air , water or soil.

NonpersistentNonpersistent (degradable) (degradable)

NondegradableNondegradable – does not – does not breakdown in the environmentbreakdown in the environment

Tragedy of the CommonsTragedy of the Commons Describes the overuse or degradation of freely Describes the overuse or degradation of freely

available resources such as ocean pollution, abuse available resources such as ocean pollution, abuse of national parks, air pollution, etc. of national parks, air pollution, etc.

No one individual owns these free-access resourcesNo one individual owns these free-access resources

o Tragedy of the Commons – OverviewTragedy of the Commons – Overviewo John Stossel – Tragedy of the CommonsJohn Stossel – Tragedy of the Commons

Limiting access to these resources is one possible way to protect themLimiting access to these resources is one possible way to protect them Reducing the population might also allow these resources to be used below Reducing the population might also allow these resources to be used below

estimated sustainable yieldsestimated sustainable yields Converting free-access resources to private ownership is another possible Converting free-access resources to private ownership is another possible

means to protect themmeans to protect them Private owners may not actually protect the resourcesPrivate owners may not actually protect the resources Global resources such as oceans, air, and migratory birds cannot be divided up Global resources such as oceans, air, and migratory birds cannot be divided up

and made private propertyand made private property

Tragedy of the CommonsTragedy of the Commons Describes the overuse or degradation of freely Describes the overuse or degradation of freely

available resources such as ocean pollution, abuse available resources such as ocean pollution, abuse of national parks, air pollution, etc. of national parks, air pollution, etc.

No one individual owns these free-access resourcesNo one individual owns these free-access resources

o Tragedy of the Commons – OverviewTragedy of the Commons – Overviewo John Stossel – Tragedy of the CommonsJohn Stossel – Tragedy of the Commons

Limiting access to these resources is one possible way to protect themLimiting access to these resources is one possible way to protect them Reducing the population might also allow these resources to be used below Reducing the population might also allow these resources to be used below

estimated sustainable yieldsestimated sustainable yields Converting free-access resources to private ownership is another possible Converting free-access resources to private ownership is another possible

means to protect themmeans to protect them Private owners may not actually protect the resourcesPrivate owners may not actually protect the resources Global resources such as oceans, air, and migratory birds cannot be divided up Global resources such as oceans, air, and migratory birds cannot be divided up

and made private propertyand made private property

Environmental InteractionsEnvironmental Interactions

Fig. 1-14 p. 15


Ideas must Ideas must make make environmental environmental sense and sense and economic economic sense in order sense in order to be to be successfulsuccessful

Lack ofaccess to:


Enough fuel forheating and cooking


Clean drinking water

Adequate health care

1.6 billion (25%)

1.1 billion (17%)

1.1 billion (17%)

1.1 billion (17%)Enough food for

good health

2 billion (32%)

2.4 billion(38%)

Some of the Harmful Some of the Harmful Effects of PovertyEffects of Poverty

Fig. 1-17, p. 25

Reduce human births and wasteful resourceuse to prevent environmental overload and depletion and degradation of resources.

Controls a species’population size and resource use by interactions with its environment and other species.

Runs on renewablesolar energy.

Rely mostly on renewable solar energy.

Recycles nutrients and wastes. There is little waste in nature.

Uses biodiversity to maintain itself and adapt to new environ-mental conditions.

Prevent and reducepollution and recycleand reuse resources.

Preserve biodiversity by protecting ecosystem services and habitats and preventing premature extinction of species.


Principles of Sustainability

How Nature Works Lessons for Us

Aldo Leopold’s Environmental EthicsAldo Leopold’s Environmental Ethics

Individuals matter.Individuals matter. … … land is to be loved land is to be loved

and respected is an and respected is an extension of ethics.extension of ethics.

We abuse land We abuse land because we regard it because we regard it as a commodity…as a commodity…

Figure 1-AFigure 1-A

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