enquesta- symbiosis prelims with answers

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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Symbiosis is a fest organized by Loyola School Jamshedpur. It has a quiz named Enquesta, here are the prelims. ENJOY


INCUESTAPrelims Answers

Q1.This is a test for what ?

Answer : Color Blindness


With Nitrogen being the most abundant gas in the atmosphere, then followed by Oxygen. Which is the third most abundant gas in the atmosphere ?

Answer : Argon

Q3. This Google Doodle is based on whom ?

Answer- Gregor Mendel

Q4.Dr F Thomas, Nobel Prize winner in

medicine in the year in 1990, made breakthrough in the treatment of lukemia ? What did he do for the first time ?

Answers : Bone Marrow Transplantation


In the Hippocratic oath by whom does the individual doctor swear to uphold the standards of the professional behavior ?

Answer : APOLLO

Q6. Whenever you visit an eye doctor or opthamolgist, you see this, what is it called ?

Answer: Snellen Chart

Q7. What is hidden ?

Answer: Jurassic Park

8. Name this device.

Answer : sphygmomanometer

Q9. Identify this Padma Bhusan Awardee?

Answers: Dr Devi Shetty

10. The British planted it in New Delhi,

they described it as the natural air conditioner. What am I talking about ?

Answer: Neem

11.Which creature performs ‘waggle

dance’ to share information about the distance of a food source ?

Answer Honey Bee


• What is the Largest organ of the human body ?

Answer : Skin


• Selaginella bryopteris is a lithophytic plant with medicinal properties. grows on the hills of tropical areas, particularly the Arawali Mountain terrains from east to west in India. The dry plants have traditionally been used as a remedy for several human health complications for centuries in India, particularly by tribal peoples.

• How do we know it better?

Answer: Sanjeevni Buti

14. What is this symbol called ?

Answer: Caduceus

* 15.What is this ? or What is hidden ?

AnswerThis is the IUCN classification for

‘Classification of Conservation status of animals’

EX – ExtinctEW – Extinct in the WildCR – Critically EndangeredEN – EndangeredVU – VulnerableNT – Not ThreatenedLC – Least Concern

16*. Connect ?

Answer: They gave the cell theory. Rudolf Virchow, Matthias Schleiden and

Theodor Schwann.

*17. Where would you find this ?

Answer: Rafflesia


• Which fruit is mostly known in India by its American name but throughout the world it is known by its Indian name ?

Answer: PineapplePeople in India mostly call it Pineapple, and

people in Europe and the American continents call it ANANAS

*19. From 2008 this medicine became very famous, this is the only cure of a very famous disease. Which disease

am I talking about ?

Answer: Swine Flu


• Fabindia is currently test marketing a cola based on an unusual ingredient in some Indian cities, and are planning to launch it very soon. What is its primary ingredient ?

Answer: Tulsi

Best Of Luck

For the finals

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