english project

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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Teaching short stories in the past to primary school children.




• Dear Diary July 2, 2013 July 16, 2013 July 23, 2013

• Bedminster College

July 02, 2013

Dear Diary,

I’ve just arrived to London, I’m very excited. I’m going to be here for three weeks, in Bedminster College, a very big school where I am going to meet people from all around the world. It’s not my first time in the UK so it won’t be difficult for me to get used to the food, the people, the weather, …

I am at the airport right now, waiting for the bus to take us to the school. I’m with a group of Spanish people. They seem to be very nice and I suppose we’ll become good friends. Most of them are from Madrid, the others are from Valencia and Galicia, and I’m the only Catalan. I already know a few because we went together to Bristol last year; it’s nice to be with them again.

The bus has just arrived and I am starting to feel nervous. Will I like the school? The teachers? My classmates? I hope so. I love meeting people from other countries and making new friends. My friends and I can’t wait to get there, last year was fun but we want this year to be even better.

I have to leave; they want us to get on the bus. I’m very excited!!


July 16, 2013 Dear Diary, I’m having so much fun! I’ve made a lot of friends. I am learning a lot of English. Every day is great but today has been quite interesting.

The day started well, like all the others. I went to breakfast with my roommates and then to class. Angela, a girl from Valencia, is the only Spanish person a part from me in my class so we always sit together. After class we went to lunch and then we had to choose which activity we wanted to do. We could go to drama class, play football or go indoor climbing. I was with Angela, both of us are quite adventurous so we decided to go climbing and convinced Marta and Cristina to come with us.

The teacher was very nice and showed us what to do. We were having fun until Marta got to the top and looked backwards.

She started to scream and she was so frightened that she threw up on our teacher who was going to help her. She was very embarrassed when she got down, but we couldn’t stop laughing, you should have seen the teacher’s face!

I’ll never forget this day it has been interesting and I’ve had a lot of fun.


July 22, 2013 Dear Diary,

I’m so upset! Tomorrow we are going back home, I don’t want to leave!Today is our last day in Bedminster College, we’re all very sad, most of us have spent all day crying. We’ve made very good friends, from Spain and other countries: Russia, France, Italy… I hate to think that I’m probably not going to see any of them again except the Spanish ones.

This last week has been the best, we already knew everybody perfectly and it felt as we had been friends for a long time. The ones who I’ve spent most time with were from Spain and France. We were a group of ten girls that always went together, I can’t imagine going back home and not being with them, it’s going to be very strange.

Yesterday we went on an excursion and we tried not to think about Sunday, the day we leave. We went to a museum, to Piccadilly Circus and then we went shopping in Oxford Street.

Today almost all the groups have left, except for the Spanish ones. We’ve been packing all morning and taking photos of the college and with our friends.

I have to leave, I’m going to lunch.


It was a hot summer day, I was at the airport. I had just arrived to London. I was going to spend the next three weeks in Bedminster College with people from all around the world.

I was waiting with a Spanish group for the bus to take us to the school. I introduced myself to everyone and started talking to the people who would be living with me these weeks. I got to meet Angela, Cristina and Marta, three lovely girls from Valencia who would become my best friends later on. The rest were from Madrid and Galicia. Everyone was anxious to get to the school, who would have told us that we would all become such good friends and that this summer would be the best of all.


The three weeks passed very quickly. On the first week we met the people who we lived with, we were distributed in different classes depending on our English level, we met our teachers,… We basically got to know how the school worked. The second and third week were very exciting, we already knew everyone and the College.

Every morning we went to class and in the afternoon we could choose which activities we wanted to do. This was complicated because all of them were fun, we could go to dance classes, to yoga… But I’ll never forget the indoor climbing class.

It was Thursday and we had just had lunch. Natalia and me wanted to go indoor climbing, we wanted Marta and Cristina (the other two girls from Valencia) to come too, but there was a problem, Marta was scared of heights.

We finally got them to come with us. Everything started fine. We were the only ones who went to that class so the teacher, Mr.Roman, could pay us more attention. He showed us how to use the climbing equipment and helped us with our climbing.

We were getting good at it; even Marta seemed to be having fun until she got to the top and looked back. Natalia and me were on the ground and Cristina was far from her.

Everything happened very quickly. She started to scream and cry, other people from other classes came to see what was happening, our teacher started to climb telling her to keep calm. Suddenly she slipped, she almost fell. She had got so frightened that she threw up, the problem was that she threw up on our teacher.

Mr. Roman closed his eyes and made a great effort to not say anything. He helped her get down and went to the bathroom. Angela, Cristina and me told the people to go away and calmed Marta.

When Mr. Roman came back she apologized. He told her that these things happened that she shouldn’t worry.

Marta was very embarrassed so we decided to get back to our residence. We told her it hadn’t been her fault, that these things happened, but she felt annoyed.

We never went back to his class again. However, the day before we went home, we remembered what had happened and couldn’t avoid laughing, it had been very funny. Even Marta recognized it.

We did many things those three weeks, some were fun and adventurous and others weren’t so much. We played cricket and football, dressed up in front of all the school, danced in a talent show,… I had a great time and will always miss that place and all the people I met.


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