english for palestine -...

Post on 22-Feb-2018






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شرق خان يونس –مديرية الرتبية والتعليم

English For Palestine

المادة التدرٌبٌة للفصل األول


أ. رياض سليمان الفرا أ. حيي فضل األغا



-ٌوسف ابو جامع –محمود عٌادة –طمة منٌفً اف

رهام البشٌتً –منى خفاجة –هبة طومان –اسالم الغلبان


أ. رهام البشٌتً


A new Friend

عزٌزي ولً أمر الطالب / الرجاء تدرٌب الطالب على مفردات الوحدة األولى .

Word Meaning Word Meaning

welcome ٌرحب driver سائق

new جدٌد teacher معلم/معلمة

pupil طالب farmer مزارع

spell ٌهجأ favourite مفضل

job مهنة /وظٌفة Oxford ) (مدٌنة فً برٌطانٌاأكسفورد

engineer مهندس/ مهندسة family عائلة

housewife ربة منزل hobby هواٌة

doctor طبٌب/طبٌبة swimming السباحة

dentist طبٌب اسنان drawing الرسم

nurse ممرض/ممرضة reading القراءة

أهم التراكٌب :

brothers and sisters do you have?How many ما عدد اخوتك واخواتك؟

I have a brother and three sisters . نجٌب على هذا السؤال هكذا

: مالحظة

اسمه ولٌد

His His name’s Walid .

نوراسمها Her Her name’s Nour

Unit (1)

has have I - We

They - You

He - She



-What does he do? He’s a farmer ماذا ٌعمل

-What does she do? She’s a nurse ؟ لتعمماذا

? What’s your favourite hobby -ماهً هواٌتك المفضلة ؟

My favourite hobby is drawing .

?What ‘s your favourite colour - ؟ ما هو اللون المفضل لدٌك

My favourite colour is blue.

:تصنٌف كلمات الوحدة كما ٌلً

Family الوان عائلة Colours Hobbies مهن هواٌا ت Jobs Cities مدن

Grand father Orange Drawing Doctor Jerusalem

Grandmother Black Reading Nurse Bethlehem

Mum/mother White Swimming Dentist Gaza

Dad/father Red Playing football Engineer Nablus

Sister Yellow Singing Driver Haifa

Brother Blue Farmer London

Uncle Green Housewife Oxford

A) Listening

1. Listen then number the pictures :

2. Listen and choose the correct answer:

1. I ‘m .................. ( Hala – Fiona )

2. I’m ........... ( 10 – 9 )

3. I’m from ..................... ( London – Bethlehem )


4. I have ................. brothers . ( two – one )

B) Speaking

1. Match (A) with (B) :

(A) (B)

1. What’s your name ? ( ) She’s a nurse.

2. How old is Fiona ? ( ) He’s from Jerusalem

3. What does she do ? ( ) I ‘ m Nour

4. Where’s Walid from ? ( ) My favourite colour is red

5. What’s your favourite colour? ( ) She’ s ten

2. Complete the following dialogue :

fine - many – Hello - hobby – have - Walid –

swimming – goodbye

Hamazh : Hello , ....................

Walid : .................. , Hamazh.

Hamazh: How are you ?

Walid: I'm …………………….. thanks .

Hamazh : How ................ sisters do you have?

Walid : I ............. three sisters.

Hamazh: What’s your favourite ..................... ?

Walid : MY favourite hobby is ......................

Hamazh: Goodbye

Walid: ………………………….


C ) Reading

1-Read then answer the questions :

Walid is from Gaza , he’s ten years old . He has a sister and

two brothers . His father is an engineer , and his mother is a

housewife. His favorite hobby is playing football .

a) Put (T ) or (F) :

Walid is from Nablus . ( )

His dad is a doctor . ( )

b) Choose :

He has ............ sister . ( one – two )

He is ........... years old . ( 9 – 10)

c) Answer :

What’s his favourite hobby ? ........................................................................

D) Vocabulary

1-Complete the sentences:

1. Omar has four .............................

2. My favourite .................. is drawing .

3. My uncle is a ......................

2-Odd one out :

doctor – driver – blue

Gaza – hobby – Nablus

two – sister – brother.

swimming – drawing – housewife

3-Classify :

drawing – dad- grey – orange- reading – sister

Family عائلة Hobbies هواٌات Colours الوان

hobby – farmer- brothers


E) Structure

1-Choose the correct :

1. Omar .............. no brothers. ( have – has )

2. She ......... a teacher . ( is – are )

3. ............. name’s Fiona . ( Her – His )

2-Correct the mistakes :

He’s a engineer . .............

Hala have two sisters . ..............

I is from Gaza . .............

How old brothers do you have ? .................

F) Writing

1-Re- write the words :

irdvre shoefwuie ocodrt recthae

................. ............. ............ ...............

2- Order the sentences :

sister – I – a – have .................................................

from – is – Gaza – Walid ................................................

a – He – doctor – is ...............................................


My name’s ............... . I’m .................. years old .I’m from ...........

I have ......... sisters and ............brothers . My favourite hobby is ………………….

4- Copy:

I’m from Palestine


Our house

عزٌزي ولً أمر الطالب / الرجاء تدرٌب الطالب على مفردات الوحدة الثانٌة .

Word Meaning Word Meaning

bedroom غرفة النوم Sleep ٌنام

bathroom الحمام have a shower ٌستحم

living room غرفة المعٌشة watch TV ٌشاهد التلفاز

kitchen المطبخ Cook تطبخ

garden الحدٌقة read a newspaper ٌقرأ الجرٌدة

أهم التراكٌب :

-Where is ( dad ) …. ? .... ) أٌن ) األب

He's / She's in …… هً فً ........ \هو

-What is he / she doing ? تفعل ؟ \ماذا ٌفعل

He / she isn’t in …. هً لٌست فً .... \هو

They aren’t in ….. ..... ًهم لٌسو ف

مالحظة : ٌرجى تدرٌب الطالب على األماكن الموجودة فً البٌت و استخداماتها

- bedroom sleeping

-kitchen cooking

- bathroom having a shower

- living room watching TV

Unit (2)


مثال :

- Mum is cooking in the kitchen

-Dad is sleeping in his bedroom

A) Listening

1- Listen and number the picture:-

2- Listen and circle :-

1- bedroom bathroom living room .

2- sleeping cooking reading

3- her his their

B) Speaking

1- Match (A) with (B):-

(A) (B)

1-Where are Fiona and Walid ? ( ) I am reading a newspaper

2-What are you doing ( ) No, he isn’t .

3-Is dad in the living room ? ( ) They're in the garden .

4-Are Hala and Amal in the kitchen ? ( ) Yes, they are .


2- Complete the dialogue

Sami : Hello, ………………………… .

Amal : ………………………, Sami .

Sami : Where's mum ? She isn’t in the kitchen .

Amal : She is in the ………………….. .

Sami : What is doing ?

Amal : She is …………………… .

Sami : Where is dad ?

Amal : He's …………………. TV in the living room .

C) Reading

1) Read the passage ,then answer :-

Welcome to our house . come and see all the rooms .

This is the kitchen .Mum is cooking .This is the bathroom . Dad is in

the bathroom . He is having a shower .

Look out the window . you can see the garden .What a lovely house ! .

a) Answer these question :-

1- What is mum doing ? ………………………………………………………………………………

2- Where is dad ? ………………………………………………………………………………………

b) Put ( ) or ( X ):

1- Mum is watching TV . ( )

2- Dad is having a shower . ( )

3- There isn’t a garden in the house . ( )

cooking - Hello – Amal - kitchen - watching


c- Complete :

1- What a lovely ………………… .

2- ……………….. to our house .

2- Odd one out :

1- bedroom – bathroom – cooking .

2- sleeping – playing - kitchen .

3- garden – watch – read .

3- correct the mistakes :

1- My dad is having a shower in the living room . ( )

2- My mum is cooking in the bedroom . ( )

3- Sami is playing with toys in the bathroom . ( )

D) Vocabulary

1) Read and complete:

a- Omar is having a shower in the …………………………

b- Maram is playing in the ……………………. .

c- Grandfather is sleeping in his ……………………………….

d- Grandmother is cooking in the …………………………… .

e- Dad and mum is watching TV in the ………………………. .

2) Classify:

Verbs Rooms family

bedroom – Dad – sleep – cook- bathroom -uncle

bedroom , bathroom , living room , kitchen , garden


E) Language

1- Choose the correct answer:-

a- Omar ( is – are ) having a shower .

b- She is in ( her – his ) bedroom .

c- Dad ( isn’t – aren’t ) in the kitchen .

d- She is ( cook – cooking ) .

e- Uncle and aunt ( is - are ) in the garden .

2- Answer the following questions:

1- Is dad in the kitchen ? No, ……………………………………….

2- Is mum in the garden ? Yes, …………………………………….

(F) Writing

1) Re-arrange the letters :-

igconok lesegnip eadrngi

…………….……………… …….……………………. ……………….………………

2) Re arrange:-

a) is – playing - garden – Walid – the – in ……………………………………………………

b) you – are –What –doing ?..................................................................

c) in – is – Mum – cooking - the kitchen ………………………………………………

3- Copy .

Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine


Lost !

عزٌزي ولً أمر الطالب / الرجاء تدرٌب الطالب على مفردات الوحدة الثالثة .

Word Meaning Word Meaning

shelf رف find ٌجد

bin سلة sweater كنزة صوفٌة

chair ًكرس toy لعبة

drawer ُدرج lamp لمبة

T-shirt بلوزة class ًصف دراس

shoes حداء friend قدٌص

bag حقٌبة can ٌستطٌع

: / عزٌزي الطالب تستخدم تلك حروف الجر لتحدٌد مواضع األشٌاء مالحظة

** Prepositions : حروف الجر

on على next to بجانب behond خلف

in ًف under تحت in front of أمام


I can't find my book. ًأنا ال أستطٌع أن أجد كتاب

It's in the drawer نه على الرف ا

Unit (3)


عزٌزي الطالب/ لكل ضمٌر فاعل ٌوجد ضمٌر ملكٌة مثلمالحظة :

** Pronouns :- الضمائر

I my He his

You your She her

they there

A) Listening

1- Lisen and circle :

1- The sweater is ( in / on ) the drawer .

2- The ( shirt / shoe ) is next to the lamp .

3- It′s ( his / her ) socks .

4-Fiona′s books ( are / arent ) on the desk .

2- Listen and put ( √ ):

( A ) (B) (C) (D)

B) Speaking

1) Complete the dialogue :-

( Heba - you - under - bag - fine - No - Hello )

Rola Heba

Hello, …………………………..….. . ………..…………….. , Rola .

How are ………………………….… ? I′m ……………………..……… .

Is this your ………………………… ? …………………..…….its Heba′s .

Please , Ican′t find my pencil . Its ………………………… the chair .


2- complete :

1- I can't find my book .

Its …………..………….the ………….……..…….

2- I can't find my socks .

The socks are …………….the ……….…….

3- I can't find my boots .

The boots are ………………the …………….

C) Reading

1-Look ,read and put ( ) or ( X )

1- The book is under the drawer. ( )

2- Hala is in front of Fiona . ( )

3- The rabbit is in front of the bin . ( )

D) Vocabulary

1 – Match :-

1- draw lf ……………………….

2-cup mp ……………………….

3-she er ………………………..

5-la board ……………………….

2) Circle the odd one out:

a) cupboard - drawer - shelf - lamp

b) dad - friends - mum - aunt

c) sweater - farmer - sock - t-shirt

d) pen - book - bin - bag


E) Language

1- Choose :-

2-Complete with : ( his - her their )

1) Tala ……………… pencil . 5) Miss Rana………………. Class .

2) Walid ……………..… ruler . 6) Dad ………………. Shoe .

3) Mum ………………….. car . 7) Bilal and Ali ………………. Hats.

4) Mum and dad ……………….. bed room . 8) Hala and Rana …………..balls .

F) Writing

1) Re- order :-

a) your - pencil - Is - this ? ……………………………………….

b) the shelf - on - are - The books ………………………………………. .

c) the bed - under - The shoes ………………………………………… .

2) Copy :-

The sweater is on the drawer .




in front of

next to


next to







Shopping list

عزٌزي ولً أمر الطالب / الرجاء تدرٌب الطالب على مفردات الوحدة الرابعة .

Word Meaning Word Meaning

Bag كٌس potatoes بطاطس

bottle زجاجة milk حلٌب

can علبة صفٌح pasta معكرونة

carton كرتونة olives زٌتون

kilo كٌلو lemonade عصٌر لٌمون

packet بكٌت biscuits بسكوٌت

أهم التراكٌب :

What would you like ? : ٌسأل البائع

I'd like ………………… ٌجٌب المشتري:

How much is it ? : عندما نسأل عن الثمن نقول

A) Listening

1-Listen then number.

Unit (4)


2-Listen then circle the word you hear.

1-Thirteen thirty twelve twenty

2- Can bag bottle packet

3- Pasta milk biscuits potatoes

4-Fifty bottle forty biscuits

B) Speaking

1-Read then match.

1- Where would you like to go? ( ) Two dinars.

2- What would you like? ( ) to the market.

3- How much is it? ( ) thank you.

4- Here you are? ( ) I'd like a can of olive.

2-Complete the dialogue:

)fine - much – are -Good morning - would -two )

Good morning ………………….

What .............you like ? I'd ………….a kilo of apples.

How ............... is it ? It's …………… dinars.

Here you ................... Thank you.

Hani Mona


C) Reading

1-Read the passage then answer the questions below:

Ahmad wants to go to the market . He would like to buy three kilos of

apples , two cans of olives and a bag of pasta by six dinars .He wouldn't like

to buy a packet of biscuits.

a-Answer the questions below.

1-Where does Ahmad want to go?


2-How many kilos of apples would he like to buy?


b-Choose the correct answer.

1- Ahmad want to go to the ( farm – market – school).

2- He want to buy ( 2 -3 - 4) cans of olives.

3- Ahmad wouldn't like to buy a ( can- bottle- packet) of biscuits.

c-Put ( T ) or ( F ).

1-( ) Ahmad would like to buy three kilos of apples.

2-( ) He wouldn't buy two cans of olives.

3-( ) He buy three kilos of apples by 3 dinars.

D) Vocabulary

1-Read and complete:

(milk - olives – potatoes – lemonade)

1-a can of ………………….. 3- a kilo of ………….……..

2-a carton of ……………………. 4- a bottle of ……………………


2-Look then write the word correctly.

gab nca ttbole okil

.................. .................. ..................

E) Language

1-Correct the mistakes. 1- I'd like two can of olives. ( )

2- How many is a carton of milk. ( )

2-0dd one out. 1- can bottle packet water

2- forty fifty biscuits thirty

3- bag milk pasta olives

F) Writing

1- Write: Thirteen …………………. 6 …………….………….

Twenty …………………. 9 …………..…………….

Five ……………………. 15 …………….………….


I'd like a packet of biscuits ,please .


On Sundays I …..

عزٌزي ولً أمر الطالب / الرجاء تدرٌب الطالب على مفردات الوحدة السادسة .

Word Meaning Word Meaning

subject مادة read ٌقرأ

English لغة انجلٌزٌة stories قصص

PE رٌاضة favourite المفضل

maths رٌاضٌات weekend نهاٌة االسبوع

religion دٌن music موسٌقى

Arabic لغة عربٌة mosque مسجد

science علوم beach الشاطئ

today الٌوم playground ًالماله

sing ًٌغن football كرة القدم

songs ًاغان basketball كرة السلة

أهم التراكٌب :

-What subjects do you have today? ماهً المواد التً ستدرسها الٌوم؟

-What subjects do you have on Sundays? األحد؟ ما هً المواد التً ستدرسها ٌوم

مالحظة :

andعند تعداد مادتٌن نستخدم : للربط بٌنهم مثال

On Sundays I have English and Arabic.-

, ( بٌن المواد و and قبل الكلمة األخٌرة ) عأما عند تعداد اكثر من مادتٌن نض

On Sundays I have English, Arabic and maths.

Unit (6)


-What's your favourite subject? ماهً المادة المفضلة لدٌك؟

My favourite subject is English. االنجلٌزٌة. المادة المفضلة لدي هً اللغة

-What do you do at the weekend? ماذا ستفعل فً عطلة نهاٌة االسبوع؟

At the weekend , I go to the beach.

A) Listening

1- Listen and number the pictures:

2-Listen and circle the word you hear:

1. Sunday Saturday Tuesday Thursday

2. Arabic English science religion

3. numbers flowers songs stories

4. learn read jump run

B) Speaking

1-Match (A) with (B):

(A) (B)

1. What's your favourite subject? ( ) I play football.

2. When do you have religion? ( ) Numbers.

3. What do you do at the weekend? ( )My favourite subject is PE.

4. What subjects do we have today? ( ) On Tuesday

5. What do you learn in maths? ( ) We have Arabic.


2-Complete the dialogue:

Fridays – science – Fiona – favourite – Good morning – subject

– playground - today

Hala : Good morning, _______.

Fiona : ____________, Hala.

Hala : What subjects do you have ________?

Fiona : Today I have English, maths and ________.

Hala : What's your _________ subject?

Fiona : My favourite _________ is English.

Hala : What do you do on _________?

Fiona : On Fridays I go to the __________.

C) Reading

1- Read and answer:

Hala is a good pupil at school. On Sundays, she has maths, English and

PE. Her favourite subject is religion. In religion, she learn about Islam. At

the weekend, she goes to the playground. She likes playing basketball.


1. What subjects does Hala have on Sundays?


2. What's her favourite subject?


3-What does she do at the weekend?


b-Put or :

1. Hala is a good teacher. ( )

2. On Sundays, she has math, English and PE. ( )

3. In religion, she learns about Islam. ( )

4. At the weekend, she goes to the beach. ( )



1. Hala is _______ at school. (good – bad)

2. On _________ she has maths. (Saturdays - Sundays)

3. Her favourite subject is ________. (religion – science)

4. She likes playing __________. (football – basketball)

D) Vocabulary

1) Odd one out:

1- science religion numbers Arabic

2- English Monday Tuesday Friday

3- beach songs mosque playground

4- football basketball volleyball computer

2) circle the correct answer:







watch TV

listen to music

read stories







3-Choose the correct answer:

1. In (Arabic – science) we read stories.

2. On Fridays I (watch – play) computer games.

3. At the (weekend – Saturdays) I play football.

4. In maths we learn about (animals – numbers).

5. My favourite subject is (PE – mosque).



Monday – learn – maths – read – Tuesday – religion –

Days Subjects Verbs

E) Language

1- Choose the correct word: 1. We have Arabic ______ Tuesdays. (in – on – at)

2. ______ the weekend we listen to music. (in – on – at)

3. _______ do you do on Mondays? (When – What – Where)


1. On Arabic we read stories. _______

2. What do you have English. _______

3. In the weekend I watch TV. _______

F) Writing

1-Write correct words:

raiAbc shgEnli suicm smbnuer chabe

2-Rearrange the sentences:

1. have – Today – English – we - Arabic. – and………………………………………………………

2. favourite – What's – subject? – your………………………………………………………………..

3. is – subject – maths. – favourite – My……………………………………………………………….


My favourite subject is English.


At the restaurant

عزٌزي ولً أمر الطالب / الرجاء تدرٌب الطالب على مفردات الوحدة السابعة .

Word Meaning Word Meaning

Ask ٌسأل at the restaurant فً المطعم

Please من فضلك Fork شوكة

ask for ٌبحث عن knife سكٌن

Could ٌستطٌع napkin فوطة

Of course نعم بالطبع spoon ملعقة

excuse me من فضلك glass كأس

Menu قائمة المحتوٌات Bill فاتورة

- تصنٌف المأكوالت والمشروبات

Food طعام Drinksمشروبات Desserts حلوٌات

Fish سمك Tea شاي Cake كٌك

Chicken دجاج Milk حلٌب kunafeh كنافة

Rice أرز Water ماء Chocolate شوكالتة

Salad سلطة Juice عصٌر ice cream البوظة

Meat لحم coffee قهوة


لٌمونlemonade جزر Carrots


برتقالorange juice بطاطا Potatoes

Tomatoes طماطم

Unit (7)


أهم التراكٌب:

- Excuse me . Could I have a knife, please? من فضلك هل أستطٌع الحصول على سكٌنة رجاء

- Fiona asks for spoon. فٌونا تبحث عن ملعقة

مالحظة : عزٌزي ولً األمر , علٌك تدرٌب ابنك على قول هذا السؤال واإلجابة :

- Excuse me . Could I have a pen , pleas ? عذراً , ممكن قلم من فضلك

Yes, of course نعم بالطبع

-What would you like to eat? ماذا تحب أن تأكل؟

I'd like chicken , please . أرغب ببعض الدجاج من فضلك

-What would you like to drink ? ماذا تحب أن تشرب؟

I'd like lemonade , please أرٌد عصٌر لٌمون من فضلك

- What would you like for dessert ? ماذا تحب أن تأكل من التحلٌة

- I'd like Chocolate Ice cream , please أرٌد بوظة بالشوكالتة من فضلك؟

A) Listening

1- Listen and circle

1. Ben - Mum - Walid - Fiona .

2. spoon - fork - knife - glass .

3. meat - potatoes - bananas - carrots .

4. water - lemonade - tea - coffee .

5. eat - drink - ask - like.


He (Walid )

has Walid has chocolate and ice cream .

She (Fiona )


2- Listen and number the pictures :

B) Speaking

1- Complete the mini dialogue:

Walid : ………………..…. I have a pen , please .

Fiona : Yes , of …………….…..

Hala : What …………… you like to eat ?

Amal : I'd …………. Chicken , please .

2- Match group (A) with (B):-

1. could I have aknife , please ( ) Beth

2. What does Ali ask for dessert ( ) I'd like coffee

3. How much is the bill ? ( ) yes, of course

4. What would you like to drink ( ) chocolate ice cream

5. Who doesn't want ice cream ( ) 70 dinars.

C ) Reading

1- Odd on out :

a. spoon – fork – knife - apple

b. water - rice - lemon - fish

c. tea – meat – juice - coffee






D) Vocabulary

1- Classify:

Food Desert Drink

E) Language

1-Choose :

1. could I ( have – has ) a knife .

2. (What – Where )would you like for drink ?

3. What (do – does ) mum ask for ?

4. (Would – Could)I have a fork , please ?

F) Writing

1. Supply the missing letter : ( I - o - e - a )

F …….. rk gl.…...ss kn…..…fe cak ………

2. Re – arrange to form correct words:

t a w r e


e t a


I n k f e


N – k – p – I – a – n


iec cream – rice - kunafah – fish– lemonade – coffee


3. Re – arrange :

1. like – I'd – please – fish


2. bill – is – The – dinars – 60


3. sixty – hundred – seventy – eighty – ninety


4. drink – What – you – would – to – like



My favourite season

عزٌزي ولً أمر الطالب / الرجاء تدرٌب الطالب على مفردات الوحدة الثامنة

Meaning Word Meaning Word

spring فصل الربٌع dry الجو جاف

summer فصل الصٌف wet الجو رطب

autumn فصل الخرٌف go on holiday ٌذهب فً اجازة

winter فصل الشتاء have a picnic ٌذهب فً نزهة

windy الجو عاصف Build a snowman ٌبنً رجل الثلج

rainy الجو ماطر stay indoors ٌبقى فً المنزل

sunny الجو مشمس go outdoors ٌخرج فً الهواء الطلق

snowy الجو مثلج pick olives ٌقطف الزٌتون

hot الجو حار go swimming ٌذهب للسباحة

cold الجو بارد fly a kite ٌطٌر طائرة ورقٌة

أهم التراكٌب :

1- In autumn , it's windy and dry . فً الخرٌف ،الجو عاصف وجاف

2- In summer , it's sunny and hot . فً الصٌف ،الجو مشمس وحار

3- In winter , it's snowy and cold . فً الشتاء ،الجو مثلج وبارد

4- In spring , it's rainy and wet . فً الربٌع ، الجو ماطر ورطب

Unit (8)


5- What do you like to do in spring?. ماذا تحب أن تفعل فً فصل الربٌع ؟

In spring, I like to go outdoors . . فً الربٌع ، أحب أن أخرج فً الهواء الطلق

6-What's your favourite season? . ما فصل السنة المفضل لك ؟

My favourite season is autumn . . فصل السنة المفضل لً هو الخرٌف

7-What do you like to do ? ماذا تحب ان تفعل ؟

I like to pick olives . أحب أن أقطف الزٌتون

A) Listening

1- Listen and circle :-

1- spring sunny summer

2- hot wet kite

3- holiday windy activity

4- snowy rainy sunny

2- Listen and number :-

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

I like ….. He likes …… She likes : مالحظة


B) Speaking

1- Complete the dialogue :-

Hala : Good morning , ………….……………….

Fiona : ……………………………….. Hala .

Hala : What's your favourite ……………………?

Fiona: My favourite season is ………………….

Hala : What do you …………….….to do ?

Fiona : I like to go ……………………………..

Hala : Goodbye ,Fiona .

Fiona : ……………………………. , Hala

2- Match :-

1- In autumn ( ) it's cold and snowy .

2- In winter ( ) it's dry and windy .

3- In spring ( ) it's hot and sunny.

4- In summer ( ) it's wet and rainy.

C) Reading

1- Read the passage ,then answer :

Walid is from Palestine .His favourite season is autumn . In

autumn he doesn't like to stay indoors .He likes to pick olives with

his family .

a) Answer :-

1- Where is Walid from ?


2- What's his favourite season ?



Good morning







b) Put () or (X) :-

1- ( ) Walid likes to stay indoors .

2- ( ) Walid likes to help his family.

3- ( ) Walid likes to pick olives in winter.

c) Choose :-

1- Walid is from ( London – Palestine – Egypt ).

2- He likes to pick olives with his ( friends – teachers – family ).

3- Walid ( likes – doesn't like ) to stay indoors.

(D) Vocabulary


weather Day season

2- Odd one out :-

1- ride fly build summer

2- windy window snowy rainy

3- autumn spring Sunday summer

E) Language

1- Choose :-

1- (In – On ) summer it's hot .

2- He (like - likes ) to fly a kite .

3- (What's – Where's ) your favourite season ? .

4- Amal's favourite season ( are – is ) spring.

Monday – hot – spring– Tuesday-cold-winter


2- Correct the underlined mistakes :

1- I doesn't like to have a picnic . (………………..……………..…..).

2- Where's your favourite season ? (………….…..…………..………..).

3- I like to building a snowman . (………..……………………..……).

F) Writing

1- Read and write :-

1- In autumn , I like to …………………..my kite .

2- I like to stay ………………………

3- He ………………….to ride a bike .

4- In spring it's ………………………….

2- Put in order :-

1- windy . / In / it's / autumn


2- season ? / What's / favourite / your


3- Copy :

My favourite season is spring .

indoors – fly – rainy – likes


i. Listening

1) Listen and number :-

2) Listen and choose :-

a. Hala is from ( Haifa – Bethlehem – Akka ) .

b. We need (three – two – six ) cartons of milk.

c. Dad is (sleeping – cooking -having a shower ) .

ii. Speaking

1) Match (A) with (B):

1-What's your favourite coulor? ( ) She's in the kitchen.

2- How many brothers do you have ? ( ) My favourite coulor is red.

3- Where's mum ? ( ) I have two brothers

2) Complete the following dialogue :-

-Good afternoon ,…………………….. ………………………..………….,Hala

-What ……….……… do we have today? We have ………………….

-What do you do on …………………….? I go to the ……………………...

………………………………..., Hamza . Goodbye , ………………………………

iii. Reading

1) Read and put number of the sentence :-

........................سم الطالب /...ا

زمن االمتحان / ساعة و نصف

امتحان نهاٌة الفصل الدراسً األول


الصف الرابع األساسً

Goodbye –Good afternoon-English-Hamza –Hala - mosque-Fridays-subjects

1-I'd like a packet of pasta. 2-She's a housewife 3 – He isn't sleeping

(4 points )

( 7 Marks )

(3 points )

(3 points )

( 7 Marks )

(3 points )




2) Read the passage then answer the questions :-

Ali is a good boy .He's nine . His mum is a teacher .He has a sister . His

favourite hoppy is swimming .

a). Put ( / ) or ( x ) :-

1- ( ) Ali's mum is a nurse .

2- ( ) Ali has one sister.

3- ( ) His favourite hoppy is drawing .

b). Answer :- 1-How old is Ali ?..............................................

iv. Vocabulary

1) Write the word under the picture :-

…………………………. ………………………………. ……………………………….. ……………………………

2) Classify :-

3) Odd one out:-

1- spoon fork knife religion.

2-spring summer Sunday winter .

3- lamp napkin bin shelf.

4- sleeping bathroom living room bedroom .

subjects food days

spoon - maths - bedroom - spring

Sunday – Arabic – cake – Monday – orange – PE

(4 points )

( 7 Marks )

(2 points )

(3 points )

(2 points )


v. Language

1) Choose the correct answer :

1-. The boots are (on – in ) the cupboard .

2- Amal is in ( her – his ) bedroom .

3- Bilal (is – are) ten .

4 - I ( has – have ) a brother .

2)Correct the mistakes:

1- I'd like four bag of pasta . (…………………………………)

2- 20+20= 50 . (…………………………….)

3- In Sundays I play football . (………………………………)

vi. Writing

1) Re- arrange :

1- on – The – pen- shelf. – the – is .


2- favourite / My / is /summer . /season


2) Answer these questions

1-What would you like to drink ? ....................................................................

2- Where are you from? ........................................................................

Best wishes

( 7 Marks )

(4 points )

3) Copy

My favourite season is spring .

( 7 Marks )

(2 points )

(1 points )

(2 points )

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