english class x chapter -1 two gentlemen...

Post on 19-Mar-2018






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Ques.1 Why the people address ladies and gentlemen? Ans. people address ladies and gentlemen to than those are educated.

Ques.2 What are the qualities of a gentleman? Ans. Gentleman should be educated, soft spoken and a kind person.

Ques.3 Which quality do you want to adopt form your idol person? Ans. I want to adop his polite nature and soft spoken and helping behavior.


Ques.1 Why didn’t Luigi, the driver, approve of the two boys? Ans. The two boys shabby appearance put the suspicious Luigi off. He felt much better fruit would be available in Verona., Hence, he asked the narrator and his friend not to buy strawberries from the two untidily dressed boys with tangled hair.

Ques.2 What different jobs did Nicola and Jacopo perform to make a living? Ans. They performed various jobs to earn their livelihood. They were involved in selling fruits, shining shoes, supplying newspapers in buses and showing tourists the town.

Ques.3 How were the boys useful to the author? Ans. The boys were useful to the author because the author was new to the place and the boys furnished him information about good restaurants, got him seats for the opera and brought packs of American cigarettes fur him. They also showed him places like Juliet’s Tomb.

Ques.4 Why were the boys in the deserted square at night? What character traits do they exhibit? Ans. The boys were in the deserted square at night as they were waiting for the last bus from Padua. They wanted to. sell newspapers to the passengers of that bus and earn some more money. They exhibit the character of being hard working and dedicated. Ques.5 What favour did Jacopo ask for from the narrator when he volunteered to do something for the two brothers? Ans. The narrator was to leave Verona on Monday. He asked the two if he could do something for them. Jacopo told the narrator that he with his brother Nicola went to the countryside every Sunday. Jacopo asked him if he could take them there in his car. Ques.6 The narrator asks the boys, ‘Must you work so hard? You both look rather tired.’ The boys reply, ‘We are not complaining, sir.’ What do you learn about the boys from their reply?

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Ans. The boy’s reply shows their determination, self-confidence and their selfless attitude towards Life. Even the narrator was astonished to see the two young boys toiling so hard, but they were indifferent to their hardships. .

Ques.7 The nurse suggested the narrator to go inside the room In the hospital. Why did he reject her suggestion? Ans. The narrator rejected her suggestion because he did not want to disturb the family reunion. Moreover, he also did not want to hurt the feelings of the two boys. He wanted them to believe that their secret was safe. Ques.8 When the narrator asks the boys about their problems, they are evasive. Why don’t they disclose their problems? Ans. Nicola and Jacopo believed in fighting their own battle in life. They did not like totake the support of anybody. Therefore, they did not disclose their problems.

Ques.9 Describe the first meeting of the narrator with the two boys. Ans. The narrator and his friend met Nicola and Jacopo at the outskirts of Verona. The two boys were selling wild strawberries. Though shabbily dressed, the boys Felt an impression on the narrator and his friend. He purchased their biggest basket as he had a feeling of friendship for the boys.

Ques.10 Why were the narrator and his companion impressed by the two boys? Ans. The narrator and his companion were impressed by the two boys as their eyes were thoughtful and sincere, The little boys had something magnetic about them as the narrator and his companion were readily drawn towards them.

Ques.11 Why was the author surprised to see Nicola and Jacopo working as shoeshine boys? or

Why was the narrator astonished after seeing the boys at The public square? Ans. The author was astonished to see the two boys at the public square because they were shining shoes of people The narrator had thought the boys only sold fruit to earn their livelihood as he had earlier seen them selling strawberries.


Ques.1 Justify the title of the story ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’. Why? Ans. The two boys, despite being of tender age, display qualifies of true gentlemen. Like gentlemen, they took care of their ailing sister. They did odd jobs, but never complained. Moreover, they don’t want anybody’s sympathy. Like a gentleman would do, they bore their hardships themselves.

Ques.2 Who are called the two gentlemen in the story Two Gentlemen of Verona’? Why? (B.2012) or

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Though Nicola and Jacopo are two young boys, the narrator addresses them as two gentlemen. What special qualities male them fit to be called gentlemen? Ans. Nicola and Jacopo display the qualities of hard work and sincerity. They do their duties and

understand their responsibilities towards their sister, who is suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. Moreover, they never let the world know about their hardships. Hence, they have rightly been addressed as gentlemen.

Ques.3 ‘They were childish enough and in many ways quite artless’. Who says It, and why? Ans. The narrator says these words for the two young brothers. The narrator finds the behaviour and attitude of the two boys quite interesting. They are wise but innocent. The younger one is full of life and the elder one keeps a charming smile on his face.

Ques.4 ‘We do many things, sir’ Nicola answered. Describe the difficult jobs undertaken by the boys for their “livelihood (B.2012)

or Nicola says, ‘We do many things, sir’. What are the things that he and his brother do?

or What all errands did Nicola and Jacopo run for their living? Ans. The two boys did many jobs. They sold strawberries on the outskirts of Verona. They polished shoes. They hawked newspapers and even acted as tourists guides. They also arranged the opera tickets and American cigarettes for the narrator.

Ques.5 How does the story, ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ give promise of greater hope for human society? (B.2012) Ans. The two young boys shouldered the responsibility of paying for the treatment of their sick sister. They work hard and tirelessly and never complain. They also had a sense of patriotism. Hence they give hope that there are people in this world who still care for their loved ones arid also their country.

Ques.6 Draw the contrast between ‘childish’ and ‘artless’ faces and the ‘seriousness’ beyond their years visible on them. (Two Gentlemen of Verona) (B.2012) Ans. At first glance, the two boys may seem to be “childish” and “artless”, but there is a very deep and serious side to them also. The hardships of their lives have matured them beyond their tender age.

Ques.7 Appearances are deceptive. Discuss with reference to the two boys. Ans. A casual glance at the two boys would provoke hardly an interest in them. Yet, this appearance of theirs proved to be very deceptive. Behind their shabbiness hid their nobility, devotion, sense of sacrifice, sense of responsibility and their willingness to work. War had made them poverty-stricken, but it could not rob them of the richness of their hearts. They give a new hope for humanity.

Ques.8 What was the difference between the personality of Jacopo and Nicola? Ans. Jacopo was very lively, in fact as lively as a squirrel. On the other hand, we find a

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seriousness and maturity in Nicola. Jacopo was frank by nature whereas Nicola was sober and reserved.

Ques.9 What were the hardships faced by Nicola and Jacopo? (B.2011) Ans. The two boys faced a lot of hardships in their lives. The war devastated their lives completely. They lost everything. To look after their sister and themselves, they had to do all kinds of odd lobs.

Ques.10 Do you think the boys looked after Lucia willingly? Ans. I think the boys looked after Lucia willingly because no one was forcing them to work so hard to earn money. They their own needs to save that money for their sister. They tried to get the best treatment out of love, care and devotion for their sister. Ques.11Why did Nicola and Jacopo go to Poleta every Sunday? Ans. The sister of the two young boys was suffering from tuberculosis and was admitted in the hospital in Poleta. They visited their sister every Sunday. They also used to pay the treatment charges at the hospital.

Ques.12 He smiled uncomfortably. ‘Just plans, sir,’ he answered in a low voice. What made Nicola say this? Why was he uncomfortable? Ans. Once the narrator asked Nicola that he had noticed the two brothers working so much that they must be making a lot of money. They were not using this money on clothes and used very little money on food. The narrator wondered what they did with their money. Nicola did not want to share his personal problems with anybody, so he felt embarrassed and turned pale. The narrator asked if they wanted to move to America with their savings. Nicola told him that it would make them happy to go there but presently they had some other plans. The narrator wanted to know about the plans but Nicola did not like to disclose the secrets of his life, so he was uncomfortable telling about his plans.


Ques.1 As the narrator, write an article on the lesson of love, faith and trust that you have learnt from the two young boys of Verona. Ans. Two Gentlemen of Verona-A Hope for Humanity Two Gentlemen of Verona—A Hope tar Humanity The power of love, faith and trust 9ot only rewards an individual, but the entire human society with optimism, hope an inspiration. I came across two young boys named Nicola and Jacopo on my trip to Verona. I always found them struggling to earn their living by running petty errands. I was told that boys lost everything in the war After the war, they found their sister, Lucia suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. They earned and saved money to keep their sister in a good hospital and get her treated. These small children held on to their values in such difficult circumstances when even adults would often give up or loss hope. Such love, faith and trust are difficult to find in this harsh world today. The boys became my heroes.

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Ques.2 War Had Not Broken Their Spirit’. In the light of the above line, bring out the central theme of the story. Ans. The life of two young brothers, Nicola and Jacopo, was destroyed by the war. They lost their home and family and became orphans. Nobody was there to help them. They were out of money. They suffered starvation. But they did not lose their courage and faced life with fortitude. They took up the responsibility of their ailing sister and got her admitted into a hospital. Neither scarcity of work harshness of life intimidated them. They were stronger than war arid defeated [t. They never lost their moral values anc. always faced problems as brave soldiers. They did many kinds of work to earn money, but never looked for any help from anybody.

Ques.3 “Their selfless action brought a new nobility to human life, gave promise of a greater hope for human society.” Ans. You read the lines given above (47th para of Two Gentlemen of Verona) and get motivated. You understand that sacrifice and devotion make a person a complete human being. Write a Letter to your friend telling him about the value of sincerity and hard work.. 15, DXY Colony Meerut City — 250001 10th May. 2OXX Dear Anirudh,

Hi! Many thanks for your letter arid for the novel. The novel is really. very interesting. Apartfrom the novel, I have recently read a nice story named ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona This story tells that sacrifice Ice and devotion give a hope for the entire humanity. Two young brothers- Nicole and Jacopo perform many odd jobs to earn their livelihood. They work day and night to collect money for the treatment of their sister, Lucia, who is suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. They don’t spend money on themselves or their hobbies. They don’t care for themselves and only think about the treatment of their sister. They pay the bill of the hospital regularly. They believe in hard work and sincerity; these qualities raise their personalities above those of normal people. They are full of moral values. I suggest you to read the story so that you can be more devoted to your work. Catch you later. Bye! Yours affectionately Ashok

Ques4.Even if the boys were untidy and shabbily dressed, the author and his companion found them interesting found and fascinating. Comment. or ‘Appearances are deceptive’. Discuss with reference to Nicola and Jacopo. Ans. Nicola and Jacopo- the two young brothers, were into a situation in which they could not take care of their dress and outfits.

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When they met the narrator for the first time, they were untidy and poorly dressed. Despite their shabbiness and poor appearance, there was something special about them. Their appearance was deceptive. Behind their looks hid their qualities such as sacrifice, devotion, love, faith, confidence and hard work. They faced all the challenges thrown up by adversity. These qualities were shining in their eyes. Hence, the narrator and his companion found the boys interesting and strangely fascinating. From this we can really believe that ‘Appearances are deceptive’. Ques.5Nicola and Jacopo loved their sister very much. They understood their responsibility to her. Give your view on or it

or Do you think the boys Iooked after Lucia willingly? Give your answer with reasons. Ans. The Iwo young boys did many things to make a living. But they never spent anything on themselves. They lived shabbily. Even the narrator was astonished to see the boys working so hard. However, the boys never complained. They ran all kinds of errands to save money for their ailing sister who was undergoing treatment. They never disclosed their hardships before their sister or anybody else. The two boys earned handsomely, but never bothered about their own needs. They could have splurged it all, if they wanted - to but they never did. The care of Lucia and her treatment were their utmost concerns. They loved their sister very much and shouldered her responsibility willingly.

Ques.6 After her brothers’ visit, Lucia writes a page in her diary about her past life and her present situation. ‘‘ As Lucia, write the diary entry in about 150 words. Ans. Tuesday, 9:00 pm 11th December 20XX Dear Diary Today Nicola and Jacopo, my two lovely younger brothers, came to meet me in pal They both were shabbily dressed and with unkempt hair. Though they were trying to show me that they were happy in their current state. I know about the harshness they are facing. Idid not feel comfortable seeing them in that situation. They give me happiness Whenever they come to meet me. Gone are the days when we would enjoy life with our parents in our home. Nicola and Jacopo were so choosy about their food and clothes. They would always prefer the best things to use. Butthings have changed drastically for us. They have to work beyond their capacity to earn money, so that they can pay the bills of the hospital. They cannot afford decent clothes and healthy food for themselves. I want to work for them, but cannot do so because of my illness. I only can wish for their healthy future. Pear God, hear my prayer.

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Ques.7 How does the story “Two Gentlemen of Verona’ promise hope for society? Ans. ‘If we take a glance at our society, we shall find the people working for only their own interests, Nobody cares about others, but their own selfish needs. This tendency of the people will kill any hope for humanity. “Two Gentlemen of Verona” is a story of hope for society. The two boys, Nicola and Jacopo. are mature beyond their age. They work for the well-being of their sister Lucia, who is suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. They do many odd jobs to earn money for her treatment. They don’t fear the difficulties that come in their way. They bear their hardships themselves, and don’t seek help from others. To achieve their goal, they never adopt any wrong way. They are honest, loving, brave and sincere. They believe in sacrifice, sincerity and devotion. They promise a new hope for society.


• To test students’ prior knowledge and use it as a scaffold to promote comprehension of the text. • To encourage students to use different words to describe the qualities of a ‘gentleman

Procedure • Students will work in pairs or groups. • After completion, the students could exchange their work for better understanding.


Ques.1 What are the qualities of a ‘gentleman’? Work with your partner and complete the following web-chart I listing the qualities of a gentleman. Courteous

Qualities of a Gentleman

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Does a gentleman have consideration for others and their feelings? Ans.

Yes a gentleman does have consideration for others and their feelings. A gentleman respects others and he takes of their feelings. Does a gentleman have consideration for others and their feelings? ACTIVITY 2 (STORY BASED) Ques.2 Based on your discussion above about the qualities of a gentlemen, what do you think the story is about? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ans. I believe that the story is about two gentlemen, who are considerate and sensitive to the feelings of others. Apart from this, the story is about two gentlemen who have a sense of responsibility, dependability and dignity (expand these hints).

ACTIVITY 3 (DISCUSSION BASED) ACTIVITY ADJECTIVES • To test students’ previous knowledge of problems faced by children who work at a young age. • To encourage students to suggest solutions to these problems.

Procedure •Students will discuss within their group and fill in all the details that they know. • They will present their views to the class in groups.

Qualities of a Gentleman


Humble Sensitive




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Many times you see some children selling fruits, newspapers, household items etc on the roads or in the markets. Discuss with your classmates why they work at an early age instead of going to school. Also suggest solutions to their problems and complete the table given below. Ans.

Reasons for not Going to School Solution to the Problems Lack of Money Many government schemes have made

education of the young almost free. Lack of Interest The students must be made to realize that

education is very important for the future. No Guardian …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………

Several NGOs and government organizations can be approached to provide a helping hand. …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………


To enable the students to • comprehend the lesson locally and globally. • infer the contextual meaning of the text. Procedure • This activity will be done individually or in groups. •After completion, the students can exchange their work for better understanding. Based on your reading of the story, answer the following questions by ticking the correct option.

(i) The driver did not approve of the narrator buying fruit from the two boys because (a) the boys were untidy and poorly dressed. (b) the strawberries were not fresh. (c) they were asking for a heavy price. (d) the driver did not approve of small boys who worked.

(ii) The narrator was most impressed by the boy’s (a) desire to earn money. (b) willingness to work. (c) ability to perform many tasks. (d) sense of fun.

(iii) Nicola was not pleased when Jacopo asked the narrator to drive them to Poleta as he (a) did not want a stranger to become involved with their plan. (b) preferred going to Poleta by train so that he could enjoy the scenery.

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(c) did not want to ask anyone for favours. (d) did not want to take help from someone he did not know well.

(iv) The narrator did not go inside Lucia’s room as (a) he did not want to intrude on their privacy. (b) he thought that the boys would object. (c) Lucia would not welcome a stranger. (d) the boys would feel he was spying on them.

(v) The boys were the first to join the Resistance Movement against the Germans because (a) the Germans had hurt their sister. (b) the Germans ruled the city. (C) the Germans had ruined their family. (d) the Germans had destroyed their home.

(vi) The author did not speak to the boys on their return journey because (a) he thought the boys would prefer to keep their secret. (b) he thought the boys were ashamed of their sister condition. (c) he thought they wouldn’t tell him the truth. (d) he thought the boys might ask him for money for. their sister.

Ans. (i) (a) the boys were untidy and poorly dressed. (ii) (b) willingness to work. (iii) (c) did not want to ask anyone for favours. (iv) (a) he did not want to intrude on their privacy. (v) (c) the Germans had ruined their family. (vi) (a) he thought the boys would prefer to keep their secret.


What do you understand by the following statements? Ques.1 “We do many things, sir”, Nicola answered seriously. He glanced at us hopefully. Ans. Nicola intimated the two friends that they did many jd to earn money. He also informed the gentlemen that the also worked to take visitors for a tour around the city. He looked at the Iwo gentlemen with the hope of getting. more work from them, so that he would be able to earn more money.

Ques.2 He Coloured deeply under his sunburn, then greenpale. Ans. He coloured deeply refers to the embarrassment which Nicola felt as he did not expect anyone to notice comment about their personal matters. This also made him turn pale as he did not want to share his problem with anyone.

Ques.3He smiled uncomfortably. “Just plans, sir,” answered in a low voice. Ans. This statement shows that Nicola behaves like an intelligent and a mature boy. He does not like reveal his secret plans to others.

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• Yet, in both these boyish faces, there was a seriousness which was far beyond their years. Life treated Jacopo and Nicola very harshly. They had to fend for themselves and forgot all the joys of childhood. With the responsibility of their sister, the two were forced into adulthood prematurely.


Lookat the words in italics in the following examples (a) We bought their biggest basket, then set off towards town. (b) One night we came upon them in the windy and deserted square. (c) He bit his lip, then in a rather put out tone he said, ‘very well.’ (d) I shook my head and turned away.

Here a few more. Match the phrases to their meanings.

Phrases Meanings

Set Up Break down Set off Put up with Put off Put on come in come across come up against Turn down Turn in Turn to

To start on a journey To tolerate a situation or a person To lose control of your feelings and start crying To enter To be Laced with or opposed by To start/establish a company To refuse/reject To postpone To try to get help/advice/sympathy from someone To wear To meet or find by chance To inform on or deliver up

Ans. Phrases Meanings

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Set Up Break down Set off Put up with Put off Put on come in come across come up against Turn down Turn in Turn to

To start/establish a company To lose control of your feelings and start crying To start on a journey To tolerate a situation or a person To postpone To wear To enter To meet or find by chance To be Laced with or opposed by To refuse/reject To inform on or deliver up To try to get help/advice/sympathy from someone

Now, use some of the given phrases to complete the following sentences. (a) The landlord was suspicious of the two men staying in his flat, so he called the police

and ………..... them ………..... (b) Early in the morning, we packed our bags and ………..... for a hike over the mountain. (c) Janvi ………..... some photogr4phs of her grandfather in the old trunk. (d) My father ………..... his own business 10 years ago. (e) The bank ………..... Paul’s request for a loan. (f) The corporation’s decision to reduce the leave of the employees ………………. a lot of

opposition. Ans. (a) turned, in. (b) set off (c) came across (c) set up (e) turned down (f) came up against


Two Gentlemen of Verona is written in the first person. A story written’ in the first person is a first hand account of events told or narrated through the eyes of a single character. It is usually the main character. Stories written in the first person are easily identified by the use of the pronoun ‘I’ rather than ‘he’ or ‘she’. if the narrator does not see or experience an event first hand, it cannot be a part of the story. All scenes in the story are filtered through this person’s unique perception. The third person is a narrative mode in which both the reader and author observe the situation through the senses and thoughts of more than one character. From this, one sees and knows all that happens and everything that the characters are thinking. In this mode of narration, the narrator can tell the reader things that the main character does not know. He may also tell the things that none of the characters know. Rewrite any part of the story you like in the third person. Ans. (Sample) Part of the Story from Paragraph Nos. 25 to 27 as per the Textbook is being considered here.

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The narrator informed Nicola that he was leaving on Monday and asked if he could do anything for the boys. Nicola did not wish to ask for any favour, but Jacopo told him that the two brothers went to the countryside to a place called Poleta every Sunday. It was 30 km from the town and they hired bicycles to go there. Jacopo asked him t he could take them there by his car. The narrator had already asked his driver Luigi to take a holiday on Sunday, so he assured the boys that he would drive them there himself.



Ques.1 Who hurt animal? Rich or Poor? Ans. The rich people hunt the animal.

Ques.2 Why do the rich people hunt animal? Ans. The rich people hunt the animal for their entertainment.

Ques.3 Why the people in the habit of hunting animal? Ans. The people are in the habit of hunting animal for animal skin, teeth, horns and other valuable things which we get from animals.


Ques.1 What comment did Miss Mebb in maize after Mrs. Packletide had fired the shot? Why did Miss Mebb in maize this comment? How did Mrs. Paclzletide react to this comment? Ans. Miss Mebbin revealed that Mrs. Packletide had killed the goat instead of the tiger. The tiger had simply died due to heart failure. She made this comment to make Mrs. Packletide realise that she was unsuccessful in her ilission. Mrs. Packletide was very annoyed after knowing the fact.

Ques.2 How did the villagers react to the tiger’s death? Ans. The villagers were very happy after the tiger hunt. All of them gathered at the scene and the message was carried to the rest of the villagers. They started beating drums, which made Mrs Packletide feel very happy and excited.

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Ques.3 Do you think Mrs. Paclzletide was able to achieve her heart’s desire? Give reasons for

your answer. Ans.Mrs. Packietide was only partly able to achieve her heart’s desire. Although her photographs were published in the magazines, Loona Bimberton declined her offer for the luncheon party, which was Mrs. Packletide’s main motive behind the tiger shoot. Moreover, she suffered huge losses in the hunt.

Ques.4 What kind of a tiger was chosen by the villagers? Ans. The villagers found an old and weak tiger that could not even hunt in the forest and thus began hurting for easy prey like domestic animals in a nearby village. The tiger had become so old that it had lost all its strength and ferociousness.

Ques.5 How did Miss Mebbin manage to get her week-end cottage? Why did she plant so many tiger lilies in her garden? Ans. Miss Mebbin blackmailed Mrs. Packletide to get the week-end cottage to keep her mouth shut about knowing the fact that the tiger had not been killed by her actually and had died due to heart failure. She planted tiger-lilies in the garden because they were symbolic of how she had managed to get the cottage i.e., due to a tiger.

Ques.6 In what way did the villagers help Mrs. Pathietide shoot the tiger? (B.2012) or

How did the villagers help Mrs. Pathletide achieve her wish to get even with Loona 8mberton? Ans.It was only due to the villagers’ help that Mrs. Packletide could shoot the tiger. They posted children to see that the tiger did not move away to other grounds. Women were prohibited to sing so that the noise would disturb the tiger. A goat was also tied at the scene to attract the tiger to a particular place.

Ques.7 Who was Miss Mebbin? Was she really devoted to Mrs. Pathietide? How did she behave during the tiger shooting? (B.2012)

or Do you think that Louisa Mebbin was devoted to Mrs.Paclzletide? Give reasons for your answer. Ans. Miss Mebbin was Mrs. Packletide’s paid companion, who would assist her during the tiger hunt. Miss Mebbin was not at all devoted to Mrs. Packletide. She behaved like a professional companion who was just concerned about her payment and intended to save as much as possible. On the whole her behaviour was quite money minded and arrogant.


Ques.1 How does the writer create humour in this story? Ans. The author creates humour in the story through various situations and mainly with the use of language which brings out the humorous situations more clearly. The tone is satirical, which makes the whole story very entertaining. The whole scene of the hunting ground and the exchange of dialogues between Miss Mebbin and Mrs. Packletide are

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the most humorous and bring out the situations very well. We are amused how the villagers manipulate the situation to their advantage. Then the killing of the goat by the bullet and the death of the tiger by heart failure caused by the noise of the rifle-bullet are quite amusing incidents. Miss Mebbin’s protective ‘elder sister attitude’ towards money, her ‘morbid dread of performing, even a bit more than she was paid for’ add pleasant pungency to the humour. At the end, we are also left with a message to understand which has also been done in a humorous way.

Ques.6 Do you think the tiger shooting organised by the villagers was a serious affair? Give reasons for your answer. Ans. Mrs. Packletide wanted to procure a tiger-skin of her own shoot and throw a luncheon party ostensibly in Loona’s honour. She wanted to avoid every risk, so she offered a thousand rupees to the villagers for ensuring that the tiger was available. The villagers took their job seriously and provided Mrs. Packletide the opportunity of fulfilling her desire. Mrs. Packle tide fired a shot which hit the goat instead of the tiger, but the tiger died as a result of heart failure caused by the sudden report of the rifle. Because the shot was not accurate, what should have been serious turned out to be ludicrous. A person who is vain is full of self-importance and can only think of himself/herself and can go to great lengths to prove his/her superiority. Do you think Mrs. Paclzletlde Is vain? Give reasons in support of your answer. Mrs. Packletide is essentially vain and jealous in nature. She actually went to great lengths just to prove herself superior to Loona Bimberton. She was jealous of Loona Bimbert On’S fame and could do anything to get the same or more attention. To arrange for the tiger hunt and then to keep Miss Mebbin’S mouth shut, she paid heavily. She threw a luncheon party to actually honour herself and not Louisa, which indicates how much importance she attached to herself. She poses before the cameras with pride even when she had not shot the tiger and arranges that the news and photographs of her adventure are published in newspapers and magazines. This shows her self-obsessed nature.


Ques.1 What does the author mean by “circumstances proved propitious?” Ans. Mrs. Packletde wished to hunt a tiger as she wanted to prove her superiority over her rival Mrs. Loona Bimberton Her archival had been boasting of having been carried eleven miles in an aeroplane by an Algerian aviator. Situations were fourable. It so happened that an old, weak tiger, who could no longer hunt for big-game in the forest, began hunting for easy prey in a nearby village. Mrs. Packletide took advantage of the situation and made a plan so that she may act an easy chance to kill a tiger safely without too much effort. She offered the villagers one thousand rupees and in turn they created conditions so that the tiger would not stray away from the region. All in all, the situation was really in favour of Mrs. Packletide.

Ques.2 What does the author mean by, ‘the world swayed by hunger and love’?

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Ans. The author means that the world takes action according to its needs related to hunger and

feelings of love. On the other hand, Mrs. Packletide’s actions were controlled by disgust and jealousy against Loona Bimberton.

Ques.3 Mrs. Pathletide was a good shot. Discuss. Ans. Driven by envy, Mrs. Packletideci decided to hunt a tiger. This shows that she was bold and courageous. But she was not at all a seasoned hunter. Her aim went wrong as she killed the goat instead of the tiger.

Ques.4 What traits of Mrs. Pathletide’s character does the idea of hosting the lunch bring out? Ans.Mrs. Packletide wanted to throw a lunch in the honour of Loona Bimberton. However, she is an envious woman who wants to out show her rival and gain the attention of the people. The idea of hosting the lunch brings out that she is jealous and wishes to show her superiority over others.

Ques.5 Do you think the writer is trying to maize fun of ‘the main characters in the story i.e., Mrs. Paclzletide, ( Miss Mebbin and Loona Bimberton? Pith out instances from the story that point to this fact. Ans.Yes, the writer is making fun of the main characters. Some instances are given in quotes against the names of the characters MrsPackletide ‘Not that the lust to kill . .. per million of inhabitants.” “was an exception; her dislike of LoonaBimberton.” “already that luncheon party immeasurably nearer’ Miss Mebbin “she had a morbid dread she had been paid for.” “adopted a IDrotective elder sister attitude headlong from less sympathetic hands.” LoonaBimbertOn “Had recently been carried eleven miles talked of nothing else;” “she refused to look at an illustrated paper was a model of repressed emotions.”


Ques.1 “In a world that is supposed to be chiefly swayed by hunger and by love, MrsPackletide was an exception, her movements and motives were largely governed by dislike of LoonaBimberton.” It’s Mrs.Packletide’s vanity that had made her enact the tiger hunting drama. Write an E-mail to your friend telling him the shallowness and hollowness of those others by showing-off. who always try to belittle

To : premkumar2l06@gmail.com Subject Vaniy Leads to Shallowness of the Heart

Dear Prem,

Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth Group of Schools 6th Mile Stone Mawana Road Meerut-250001

How are you? Recently I read a chapter in my book which has taught me a great lesson of life. I wish to share my feelings with you. In the story, Mrs.Packletide decided to kill a tiger only because she wanted to hog the limelight away from her arch rival. However, she ended up suffering a huge loss. The story showed me that vanity is very harmful and should be kept away from us. We should aim towards being a better human being and not better than others. Our actions should not be driven by desires of getting praised by others. Instead we should work for the contentment of the heart. I hope that you would also like the lesson. Write to me after reading it. With Regards, Santosh

Ques.2 “The incidental expenses are so heavy,” She confides to enquiring friends. Ans.Later on, Mrs.Paclzletide understands that trying to maize a false brave image is certainly not right and can cause more harm than providing attention and praise. Now, write an article keeping the sense of the words given above.

Don’t Portray What You Are Not By RashmiKaushik

The story ‘Mrs.Packletide’s tiger’ is a very apt depiction about how things can backfire if we try to portray ourselves as someone we are not. Mrs.Packietide incurred huge losses in her bid to outdo her arch rival. One can easily interpret that actions driven by envy are bound to take us on paths on which we are sure to get harmed. We lose our originality and become dissatisfied with ourselves. Some jealousy may be a motivating factor, but when our intentions start to be guided by it, then we become prone to hurting ourselves one way or the other. We should always aim towards becoming a better human being. ACTION PLAN FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT APPLY YOUR SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE PRE READING ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY 1 (CROSSWORD PUZZLE) OBJECTIVE

To enhance the students’ vocabulary and use it effectively. Procedure

• The students will solve the crossword individually. • After completion of the worksheet, the student should exchange their work with their

partners. • The students must total up the correct answers and award marks.

The crossword given below contains the names of 10 animals how many can you locate?


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Objective 2(Br

ain-Teaser) Objective

• To test students previous knowledge about the question.

• To encourage students to find the answer.




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• Students will discuss and fill in the details that they know about, ‘Why do people hunt’? Complete the web-chart giving various reasons for the same.


Read these lines and write the answers to the questions given below. It was MrsPackletide’s pleasure and intention that she should shoot a tiger, for which

the compelling motive was the fact that LoonaBimberton had recently personally procured a tiger skin and a barrage of press photographs could successfully counter that sort of thing.

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Ques.1 Why did MrsPacIIetide want to kiII a tiger? Ans.MrsPackletide was jealous of the fame received by LoonaBimberton. She also wanted to achieve similar fame and thus made a plan to kill a tiger in any way possible. Ques.2 What does it tell you about her? Ans.The plan to kill a tiger just for the sake of fame like LoonaBimberton, clearly reveals MrsPackletide jealous character. She did not have the talent to hurt but she went out of her way to achieve her target, which also lets us know about her nature, which is to create false impressions.

Ques.3 What is the tone of the story writer? Ans. The tone of the story writer is very entertaining at satirical. The whole story is narrated in a very humorous way, which also gives us a lesson that one should n chase dreams just to outnumber or defeat others.

Ques.4What do you think the story is all about? Ans. The story is all about a jealous woman who, in order receive fame, engaged in a tiger hunt and in the process suffered a huge loss of money.


• Comprehend the lesson locally and globally. • Infer the contextual meaning of the text.


• Every student individually will attempt the multiple choice questions. • After completion of the worksheet, the students should exchange their work with their

partners and correct it.


Based on your reading of the story, answer the following questions by ticking the correct options.

1.LoonaBimberton had gained popularity because…….

(a) she killed a tiger. (b) she caught a lion. (c) she was flown eleven miles in an aeroplane. (d) she was involved in social activities.

2.“Circumstances proved propitious.” Her ‘propitious means……… (a) against (b) favourable. (c) not better (d) normal.

3.The tiger was kiIIed by…………

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(a) a heart attack. (b) a bullet. (c) Loona. (d) Miss Mebbin.

MrsPackletide’s Tiger (Section C) 4.Louisa Mebbin adopted a protective elder sister attitude towards

(a) MrsPackletide (b) LoonaBimberfon (c) the villagers. (d) money.

5.…………made her notice that the goat was in extreme pain because of the deadly bullet wound.

(a) LoonaBimberton. (b) Louisa Mebbin. (c) MrsPackletide. (c) The villagers Ans.(c) she was flown eleven miles in an aeroplane

2. (b) favourable. 3. (a) heart attack. 4. (d) money. 5. (b) Louisa Mebbin


Ques.1 Choose extracts from the story that illustrate the character of the people listed in the table given below. There are some words given to help you. You may add words of your own. One has been done as an example.

vain jealous competitive shrewd stingy materialistic spiteful manipulative Characters Extract from the Story What This Tells Us about the Character Mrs. Packletide • The compelling motive for her sudden deviation Competitive

towards the footsteps of Nimrod Competitive was the fact that LoonaBimberton had recently been carried eleven miles in an aeroplane by an Algerian aviator and talked of nothing else; only a Personally procured tiger skin and a heavy harvest of press photographs could successfully counter that sort of thing. • MrsPackletide had offered a thousand rupees for …………….. theOpportunity of shooting a tiger without over-much risk or exertion. •MrsPackletide faced the cameras with a light …………….. heart and her pictured fame reached from the pages of theTexas Weekly Snapshot to the illustrated Monday supplement of the NovoeVremya.

Louisa Mebbin • It’s an old tiger I think you ought to get it ……………..

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cheaper A thousand rupees is a lot of money. • Louisa Mebbin adopted a protective elder sister …………….. attitude towards money in general, irrespective of nationality or denomination. • ‘How amused everyone would be if they knew …………….. what really happened, ‘said Louisa Mebbin a few days after the ball. • Louisa Mebbin’sprehy week-end cottage, …………….. christened by her ‘Las Fauves’ and gay in summer time with its garden borders of tiger-lilies, is the wonder and admiration of her friends

LoonaBimberton • As for LoonaBimberton she refused to …………….. look at an illustrated paper for weeks and her letter of thanks for the gift of a tiger-claw brooch was a model of repressedemotions. • There are limits beyond which repressed …………….. emotions become dangerous .

Ans. Characters Extract from the Story What This Tells Us about the Character

Mrs. Packletide • The compelling motive for her sudden deviation Competitive towards the footsteps of Nimrod Competitive was the fact that LoonaBimberton had recently been carried eleven miles in an aeroplane by an Algerian aviator and talked of nothing else; only a Personally procured tiger skin and a heavy harvest of press photographs could successfully counter that sort of thing. • MrsPackletide had offered a thousand rupees for Shrewd, the Opportunity of shooting a tiger without intelligent, clever over-much risk or exertion. • MrsPackletide faced the cameras with a light Manipulative, heart and her pictured fame reached from the calculative pages of the Texas Weekly Snapshot to the illustrated Monday supplement of the NovoeVremya.

Louisa Mebbin • It’s an old tiger I think you ought to get it Stingy cheaper A thousand rupees is a lot of money. • Louisa Mebbin adopted a protective elder sister Materialistic attitude towards money in general, irrespective of

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nationality or denomination. • ‘How amused everyone would be if they knew Spiteful, shrewd what really happened, ‘said Louisa Mebbin a few days after the ball. • Louisa Mebbin’sprehy week-end cottage, Materialistic, christened by her ‘Las Fauves’ and gay in summer opportunistic, time with its garden borders of tiger-lilies, is the vain wonder and admiration of her friends

LoonaBimberton • As for LoonaBimberton she refused to Jealousenvious look at an illustrated paper for weeks and her letter of thanks for the gift of a tiger-claw brooch was a model of repressed emotions. • There are limits beyond which repressed emotions become dangerous . Vain, revengeful


There are many amusing lines in the story. Here are a few of them. Rewrite each one in ordinary prose so that the meaning is retained. One has been done for you as an example Ques.1It was MrsPaclzletide’s pleasure and intention that she should shoot a tiger. Ans.MrsPackletide wanted to shoot a tiger

Ques.2MrsPathletide had already arranged in her mind the lunch she would give at her

house in Curzon Street, ostensibly in LoonaBimberton’shonour, with a tiger skin rug occupying most of the foreground and all of the conversation. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Ans. MrsPackletide had planned in advance about the luncheon party she would throw to belittle LoonaBimberton, where the only topic of discussion would be the tiger hunt.

Ques.3Mothers carrying their babies homes through the jungle after the day’s work in the fields hushed their singing lest they might curtail the restful sleep of the venerable herd-robber. Ans. Mothers carrying their babies were asked not to make any kind of noise while passing through the jungle. So that the tiger was not disturbed from its sleep.

Ques.4 Louisa Mebbin adopted a protective elder sister attitude towards money in general respective of nationality or denomination. Ans.Louisa Mebbin was very possessive about money matters, be it from any source.

Ques.5 Evidently, the wrong animal had been hit and the beast of prey had succumbed to heart failure, caused by the sudden report of the report rifle accelerated by senile decay.

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As for LoonaBimberton, she refused to look at an illustrated paper for weeks and her letter of thanks for the gift of a tiger claw brooch was a model of repressed emotions. Ans.LoonaSimberton was jealous of MrsPackletide and her letter was a proof of her subdued feelings.


An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines, normally contradictory terms. The most common form of oxymoron involves an adjective noun combination of two words like failed success’. Some examples of oxymoronsare—dark Sunshine, cold sun, living dead, dark light, almost exactly etc. The story MrsPackletide’s tiger has a number of oxymorons. Can you identify them and L4,rite them down in your notebooks? Ans.The following are some of the oxymorons in the story elaborate, carelessness, venerable, herd—robber, disagreeably, pleasant, pardonably annoyed, immeasurably, nearer.


Ques.1 Sometimes writers highlight certain negative aspects In society or human beings by making fun of them. This is called satire. In your groups discuss whether you would classify this story as a satire. Give reasons to support your answer. Ans.The story is a complete satire, where the writer has shown the negative aspects of vanity in a way which is pretty humorous. The whole story revolves around three women characters and their intentions, which are suffering from complexities and wrong attitudes. Mrs Packletide’s jealous and hollow nature, the hypocrisy of LoonaBimberton and the greediness of Miss Mebbin are all expressed through satire.


In groups of four, construct the dialogues and enact the following situations from the story. 1.MrsPackletide and the headman of the village/other villagers discussing the details of the tiger shooting. 2.Miss Mebbin blackmailing MrsPackletide into gifting her a cottage. 3.LoonaBimberton and a lady-friend discussing MrsPackletide’s hunting success. Ans.One sample dialogue has been constructed for better understanding. Other situations can be enacted in the similar way. Sample Dialogue Miss Mebbin blackmailing MrsPackletide into gifting her a cottage. MrsPackletide I am so happy that I have finally achieved what I wanted to. Miss Mebbin Yes, that is true. It was a nice experience for me also. MrsPackletide Now I am satisfied because I have outdone LoonaBimberton. She has made me suffer a lot from jealousy. Miss Mebbin I did not know that this tiger hunt meant so much to you.

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MrsPackletide I have not been able to sleep peacefully from the day she has gained fame. It’s

now that I feel relieved. Miss Mebbin But what if she comes to know that you had actually not killed the tiger? It had died on its own due to heart failure. MrsPackletide Yes, I know that’s true. I would have been happier if I would have killed the iger. But who will believe it and how will others come to know about the truth? Miss Mebbin (smiling) I have seen a week-end cottage near Darking. I truly liked its ambience and now it’s my dream to possess it at any cost. MrsPackletide But why are you telling me about this? It’s your desire and you can go ahead with it. Miss Mebbin Needless to say, but I would like you to buy me that as a remembrance for the truth I am going to hide from your rival, who would be very pleased to know the fact. MrsPackletide How can you be so mean? I have already paid your fees and everything was pre- decided. Miss Mebbin You know how I am. I know that a little more from your side will keep me happy and quiet forever. After all, this tiger hunt meant a lot to you. MrsPackletide Okay, I am ready for the deal, but never show me your face again.

ACTIVITY 7 (BRAIN-TEASER) Choose the most appropriate options from those given below (i) The Maasaj tribe in Africa hunt lions because

(a) they live near the forests of Africa. (b) they view it as a sign of bravery and personal achievement. (c) they are a hunting tribe. (d) they adorn their bodies with the body parts of the lion.

(ii) Solo hunting has been banned because (a) it is dangerous. (b) of the declining lion population. (c) too many hunters have been killed. (d) it creates pride in the minds of the successful hunters.

(iii) The hunting of lionesses is discouraged because (a) they bear the cubs. (b) they run much faster. (c) they are more fierce. (d) they can’t be spotted easily.

(iv) The Maasaj warriors chase a lion with rattle bells to (a) awaken it. (b) make it run faster. (c) make it angry. (d) frighten it.

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(v) The Maasaj use three parts of the lion. They are (a) the mane, tail and claws. (b) the mane, nails and claws. (c) the mane, tail and nails. (d) the whiskers, tail and claws.

(vi) The tail is given to (a) the strongest warrior. (b) the fastest warrior. (c) the youngest warrior. (d) the bravest warrior. Ans. (i) (b) they view It as a sign of bravery and personal achievement (ii) (b) of the declining lion population (iii) (a) they bear the cubs (iv) (c) make it angry (v) (a) the mane, tail and claws (vi) (a) the strongest warrior




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Ques.1 Do you like singing? Ans. Yes we like singing. Ques.2 Who is the nightingale of India? Ans. Sarojini Naidu is the nightangle of India. Ques.3 What are the quality of Frog and nightingale? Ans. Nightanagle who loves singing and frog love enjoys rain. NCERT QUESTIONS SHORT QUESTION ANSWERS Ques.1 What happened when a nightingale came and sang, sitting on the sumac tree? Ans. One night, a nightingale came and sat on the sumac tree, She began to sing melodiously. All The creatures admired her song. Everybody was pleasantly surprised to hear such a melodious voice. They were mesmerised and even asked her to sing once more. Ques.2 How did the creatures of Bingle Bog react to the nightingale’s singing? Ans. All the creatures of Single Bog appreciated her singing. They cheered and clapped her songs. Creatures from long distances gathered to enjoy the melodious song. They listened to her with rapt attention and were totally enchanted.

Ques.3 Which are the different ways in which the frog asserts his importance? Ans. He told the nightingale that he was a great singer and the owner of the sumac tree. He showed himself as an expert singer. He also Informed her that he could give her training to sing better. He tried to prove that she was a beginner. Ques.4 Why is the frog’s joy both sweet and bitter? Ans. The frog’s joy was sweet because he was earning money as he charged fees for the songs of the nightingale. His joy was bitter because the nightingale had broken his self-proclaimed supremacy in the bog. Ques.5 Why was the frog angry? Ans. The nightingales tired song became unsteady and was not appealing. The other creatures didn’t like her song as they were not melodious anymore. the cash receipts fell greatly. Hence, the frog got angry with her. Ques.6 How did the frog become the unrivalled king of the bog again? Ans. He exploited the nightingale to the extent of causing her death. He made her sing day and night and in rain. Consequently, one of her veins burst and she died. In this way, the frog became the unrivalled king of the-bog again.

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Ques.7 “Well, poor bird-she should have known That your song must be your own. That’s why I sing with panache.”

Though an excellent and naturally talented singer the nightingale is, she is called a poor Singer and stupid animal by the frog. Write a paragraph about how the nightingale lacked worldly wisdom which led to her miserable demise. Ans. In today’s world, it is required to have worldly wisdom, otherwise a person has to face the circumstances which the nightingale faces. The nightingale sings beautifully, but she easily comes under the influence of the cunning frog. Dueto lack of worldly wisdom, she is easily be fooled by him.

Gullible as the nightingale Is, she believed the frog to be a great authority on music. She does not use her intelligence works only according to the instructions of the frog, who earns money from her talent. He starts torturing her the nightingale becomes sorrowful and pale. Had she shown a better sense of selfconfidence she would not have been exploited by the dominating frog and her life could have been saved. LONG QUESTION ANSWRS Ques.1“In today’s manipulative world) it does not work to have talent only, you also need to understand how to utilise It properly.” Comment. Ans.It is apparent that the nightingale is full of the natural talent of singing. AU the creatures in the bog applause her songs, but the frog criticises her. However, she rightly assesses her song as having no divinity, but an element of originality, thus, exhibiting her critical acumen. Though she is a talented singer, she does not know how to use her talent in a correct manner. She is ridiculed, exploited and tortured by the heartless and cruel frog, who asks her to puff out her lungs with passion to follow the latest fashion ofthe stage. Surely the nightingale was too gullible to understand her own talent and falls into the cunning clutches of the sinister frog) Her sad end could have been avoided if she knew how to use her talent. Ques.2 In spite of having a melodious voice and being a crowd puller, the nightingale turns out to be a loser and dies. How far is she responsible for her own downfall? Ans. One cannot deny that the evil and sly frog was very much responsible for the innocent nightingale’s miserable demise. B* one also has to agree that the nightingale was also to be blamed for her tragic end. The nightingale is too gullible. That’s why she is easily deceived by the sinister and wily frog. She gets ‘training’ to give more’ pleasure to her audience. She has no confidence in her own abilities. So, she easily gives in and follows the frogs. commands in the name of training. But the greatest weakness of her personality is that she is unable to understand the intentions of the cruel frog, who can bear her talent. She is really responsible for her own downfall as she does not oppose the cunning frog.

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HOTS QUESTIONS Ques.1 Bring out the irony in the frogs statement ‘your song must be your own’. Ans. It is really ironical that a creature, having a cacophony of a voice, is advising a melodious singer, “your song must be your own.” Moreover, the frog had undermined the nightingale earlier when she had said that her song was her own. He then rebuked her for being boastful. However, later he himself said that your song must be your own. Ques.2 Do you think the end is justified? Ans. The end may not seem to be justified as the poor nightingale dies. But unfortunately, in reality too, it is the clever and manipulative who win. Those who are meek and docile often fail because they are unable to understand cunning people. The end is not justified, but surely gives a strong message.

Ques.3 Do you think the nightingale is ‘brainless’? Give reasons for your answer. Ans. Yes, the nightingale was truly ‘brainless’. Firstly, she couldn’t see through the initial talk of the frog, when he impressed her with his knowledge and talent in singing Secondly, she couldn’t understand why the frog had been making her sing non-stop. Thirdly, she couldn’t understand the hint of the frog, when he talked of‘sixty shillings’ that she owed him. In a way, she did not realise that the frog was slowly destroying her.

Ques.4 Do you agree with the frog’s inference of the nightingale’s character? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans. The frog’s inference of the nightingale’s character is absolutely right. He calls her as timid and foolish. He also says that she was far too prone to influence. The sly and wily frog easily manipulated her, which finally led to her demise. The nightingale had no confidence and easily believed what the frog told her. Hence, his inference was correct.

Ques.5 How was the frog benefited in two ways? Ans. The frog benefited greatly by using his cunningness in a sinister way. He made a lot of money from the nightingale’s concerts. Also, he got rid of his rival by putting her to physical and mental torture and again established his supremacy. Ques.6 The frog claims to be the best trainer in the field of music. Do you agree? Justify your answer. Ans. It is absolutely wrong to say that the frog was a good trainer of music. Six hours singing in the rain, his constantly rebuking the nightingale and exploiting her mentally andfinancially

proves that he was a bad trainer who slowly but surely drove an innocent bird to a miserable death. Ques.7 The frog judged the nightingale’s song critically. Do you think he was fair in his judgement? Justify your answer.

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Ans. Going through the poem, I can say that the frog was not in his judgement. He was jealous of the nightingale’s tar for singing and wanted to demoralise her. He intention criticised the nightingale’s song by calling it ‘too long; lacking a certain force’. Ques.8 “You still owe me sixty shillings.” Who said these words and to whom? What does the speaker mean here? Ans. The frog spoke these words to the nightingale. He asked he nightingale that she must make the public happier by givethem something sharp and thrilling to increase audience. He reminded her that she still owed him shillings as fees for the coaching he had given her. Ques.9 What made the nightingale sad and sorrowful? Ans. Excessive singing and harsh behaviour of the frog made the nightingale sad and sorrowful. She had to sing for long hours, which made her throat harsh and rough. She lostthe charm of her singing and listeners lost interest in her song. All this threw her into an unpleasant situation. Ques.10 “And the frog observed them glitter with a joy both sweet and bitter.” Comment. Ans. The poet describes that at night, distinguished personalities from the royalty came to attend nightingale’s concert. The frog was happy that he was going to earn more day. On the other hand, he was bitter because he jealous of the nightingale’s popularity among the listers.

Ques.11 Explain the line, “But-oh, well-at least it’s mine” into your own words. Ans. The frog criticised the nightingale’s song by saying that it was not too bad but it was too much long. The technique was excellent, but the song lacked vigour. The nightingale humbly told him that she thought her song was not divine, but it was at least hers. Ques.12 “Puffed up, burst a vein and died.” Who died here and why? Ans.The frog asks the nightingale to be passionate about her singing. She is in tears and bears all insults of the frog .Following his instructions, she puts in more force in her. Ques.13 The frog proudly countered the nightingale. Comment on this statement. Ans.The frog Introduced himself as the owner of the sumac tree. He also praised his singing and said he was famous for his fine hollow Sound. He boasted that in the capacity of a music critic he was a columnist in ‘Bog Trumpet’. VALUE BASED QUESTION Ques.1 The nightingale was responsible for her own fate. Elucidate. Ans.The nightingale met an unfortunate end, but to some extent she was herself responsible for her miserable fate. She had no confidence in her abilities and was easily influenced and

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tricked by the frog. She was too gullible to understand that the frog was actually exploiting her. Ques.2 Comment on the frog’s character from the poem “The Frog and the Nightingale”. Ans. The frog is a manipulative and sinister personality. He is very cunning and shrewd. He tricks the nightingale in believing that he is a well wisher, but exploits her to the extent of causing her death. Ques.3 In the poem, “The Frog and the Nightingale”, the frog symbolises the modern brutes in the society who exploit and abuse the innocent for their potential gains. Explain. Ans. The manipulative frog tricks the poor nightingale into believing that he is a well wisher. He further uses tier to make a lot of money and in the process also destroys the quality of her voice. The innocent bird was unable to understand that she was being exploited. Formative Assessment Apply your Subject Knowledge Pre Reading Activities Objective

• To enhance vocabulary and use it effectively

Procedure In all activities

• The teacher will distribute the worksheets among the students. • The students will solve them individually. • After completion of an activity, the students will exchange their work with their partners

for correction.

Activity 1 (Crossword Puzzle) Ques. Complete the crossword that consists of the synonyms of personality traits such as arrogant, shrewd, gullible and dominating.

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Ans. Across Down 2. Manipulative 1. Arrogant 5, Foolish 3. Proud 7. Simple 4. Egoistic 8. Innocent 6. Calculative 10. Rude 9. Overbearing

Activity 2 (Brain-Teaser) Listed below are a few character traits of people. Some are positive qualities, while others arenot. Tic? marl? the ones you feel are desirable qualities in a person.

Characteristic Desirable Insensitive Humorous Naive Opportunistic

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Creative Disapproving Commanding Benevolent Simple Overbearing Sly Territorial High-headed Egoistic Humble Foolish Original Helpful Calculative Crafty Wise Generous Characteristic Gentle Aggressive Manipulative Patronising Submissive

Ans.Desirable Qualities In a Person Humorous Creative Benevolent Simple Humble Original Helpful Wise Generous Gentle Activity 3 (Brain-Teaser) Ques. Before you read the poem, complete .t word-web with the words that we. a frog and a nightingale.

Ugly Croak


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Post Reading Activities Activity 1 (Study Based) Objectives • To enable the students to comprehend the lesson locally and globally, • To enable the students to sequence events.


Web-shaped feet Rude voice



Protruding eyes Green



Innocent Smaller than a cow



Sings sweetly Mango trees Nightingale




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Procedure •The teacher should distribute the worksheet and ask the students to write the paragraph by rearranging the order of events given. • Alternatively the teacher can write the jumbled inputs on the blackboard, • The teacher should discuss the correct answers and ask the students to correct their work. The following is a summary of the poem, but it is jumbled up. Write out the events in their correct order to form a continuous paragraph.

(a) As a result, her voice lost its beauty and the other creatures stopped coming to hear her sing. (b) Soon the nightingale became famous and creatures from miles around ame to hear her sing. (c) All the creatures in the bog cheered and clapped at her beautiful song. (d) He offered to train the nightingale, so that she could sing even more beautifully. (e) So the frog could once more sing at night in his bog, unrivalled. (f) The next night, the frog introduced himself. (g) The frog charged an admission fee and earned a lot of money from these concerts. (h) A frog croaked all night in a bog, in a loud unpleasant voice. (i) But the frog made the nightingale rehearse too much and also in the rain. (j) One night, a nightingale suddenly began to sing. (k) Finally, the nightingale burst a vein and died.

Ans. (h) A frog croaked all night in a bog, in a loud unpleasant voice. (j) One night, a nightingale suddenly began to sing. (c) All the creatures in the bog cheered and clapped at her beautiful song. (f) The next night, the frog introduced himself. (d) He offered to train the nightingale, so that she could sing even more beautifully. (b (b)Soon the nightingale became famous and creatures from miles around came to hear

her sing. (g) The frog charged an admission tee and earned a lot of money from these concerts. (i) But the frog made the nightingale rehearse too much and also in the rain. (a) As a result, her voice lost its beauty and the other creatures stopped coming to hear

her sing. (k) Finally, the nightingale burst a vein and died. (e) So the frog could once more sing at night In his bog, unrivalled. Activity 2 (Discussion Based) Discuss with your classmates about the character of the nightingale. Now, write a paragraph based on the main points of discussion. Ans. Students may develop their answer by using the hints given below • Gullible

Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth Group of Schools 6th Mile Stone Mawana Road Meerut-250001

• Sweet • Polite

• Timid • Impressionable

Activity 3 (Literary and Knowledge Based)

Now that you have read the poem, add more personality traits to the word-web of the frogand the nightingale as depicted in the poem. Then complete the table given below. Some of the words in the box below the table may help you.

Characters Extract Personality Traits Nightingale Frog Nightingale Frog Frog Nightingale Nightingale Frog Frog Frog

Sorry- was that you who spoke? Yes, ……….you see I’m the frog who owns this tree In this bog I’ve long known for my splendid baritone. Did you. ...did you like my song? Not too bad but far too long The technique was fine of course but. It lacked a certain force. Without proper training such as I and few others can supply. you’ll remain a mere beginner. but with me you’ll be a winner. But I can’t sing in this weather. ……..This is a fairy tale — And you’re Mozart in disguise come to earth before my eyes. Come, my dear we’ll sing together. We must aim for better billings. You still owe me sixty shillings. Brainless bird-you’re on the stage use your wits and follow fashion

Polite, Timorous Territorial (living in a particular territory) boastful, proud Hesitant. Modest Dismissive superior, patronizing Dominanting, superior, haughty, boastful Timid, nervous Eager to please, flattering Polite, possessive, hypocrite Crafty, selfish, mercenary Arrogant, overbearing, authoritative

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Puff your lungs out with your passion. I tried to teach her. But she was a stupid creature.

Dismissive, deceitful. clever, arrogant

Activity 4 (Group Discussion) Ques. Discuss in the class about the character of the frog. Now, write the main points based on discussion in the form of a short note. Ans. Students may develop their answer by using the hints given below

• Sinister • Patronising • Selfish • Clever • Sky

Activity 5 (Thinking Process) Ques.1 Divide yourselves into groups of four or five and brainstorm on the given situation in order to create an imaginary dialogue or a comic strip. Keep in mind the characters and situations while doing so. Representatives from each group could then present the dialogues/read them to the class. Situations (a) The efforts made by the other creatures of the bog to still the frog’s determination ‘to display his heart’s elation’. (b) The first time the nightingale sings. (c) The nightingale is awestruck when the frog introduced himself. (d) The practice session when it is raining. (e) The nightingale is reprimanded by the frog when the box office crashes. - Ans. The points to be used for each situation in the imaginaiy dialogues are gwen below for your guidance. (a)The creatures living in the bog hate the croaking of the frog, They pray to him to stop his croaking. When he does not stop, they throw bricks and stones at him to stop his baritone. They also try beating him with sticks to stop. They also publicly insult him anJ complain against him, but he does not stop. These are the efforts made by the other creatures to still the frog’s determination ‘to display his heart’s elation’. (b) When the nightingale sings the first time, the frog is dumbstruck with amazement at its melodious voice and just gapes at her. All the creatures in the bog admire the nightingale’s singing talent. They clap when she finishes her song, as they had never heard such wonderful singing. Ducks swim towards her and herons wade towards her to hear her better. The ‘loon also appreciates her singing, The toads, teals and tiddlers in the bog were filled With fascination and delight by her singing; they expressed this by saying, ‘bravo’, too divine’, ‘encore’ and so on. (c) The nightingale is awestruck by the frog when he introduces himself, because she is impressed with his constructive criticism of her singing, that it ‘lacked a certain force’, which he

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could help her get through ‘training’ given by him. She is gullible enough to believe that he is an expert in singing and by his gentle tone, is convinced by him. (d) When it starts raining, the nightingale tells the frog that she can’t sing in this weather, He tells her to put on a scarf and sash and start singing. She sings with the frog for six hours, when she gets exhausted. Her throat is hoarse: She is sleep deprived and is quiet as all her energy is finished. Her voice quivers due to all this. (e) The box office crashes when her singing is no longer as good as it was before. At first the frog tries to guide her to add more trills to her singing, but later on, when she is very tired with singing and the audience is less, he scolds her. He tells her thatshe is brainless and should show more enthusiasm ml the singing. The nightingale tries too hard and...1 bursts a vein, which causes her death. Activity 6 (Extract Based) On the basis of your understanding of the poem, complete the sentences given below by choosing the most appropriate options. 1. The frog’s aim was to (a) make the nightingale a sensation. (b) make the nightingale as good a singer as him. (c)maintain his supremacy in the bog. (d) make a lot of money. 2. The animals reacted to the nightingale’s songs with (a)hatred. (b) admiration. (c)indifference. (d) politeness. 3. The nightingale accepted the frog’s tutelage she (a) was not confident of herself. (b) wanted to become as good a singer as the frog. (c) wanted to become a professional singer. (d) was not a resident of Bingle Bog. Ans. 1. (c) maintain his supremacy in the bog.

2. (b) admiration. 3. (a) was not confident of herself.

Activity 7 (Extract Based) Read the stanza given below and complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate options.

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Day by day the nightingale Grew more sorrowful and pale Night on night her tired song Zipped and trilled and bounced along, Till the birds and beasts grew tired At a voices so uninspired And the ticket office gross Crashed and she grew more morose For her ears were now addicted To applause quite unrestricted, And to sing into the night All alone gave no delight.

Ques.1 The Nightingale was sorrowful and pale because (a) she had been practicing in the rain. (b) she had been performing all night. (c) she was losing confidence in herself. (d) she was falling ill. Ques.2 The audience was tired of her song because (a) they had heard it many times. (b) it had become mechanical. (c) she looked tired. (d) she had added trills to her song. Ques.3 She no longer enjoyed singing alone as (a) she wanted to sing only for a titled crowd. (b) she was now used to the appreciation she got. (c) the frog was no longer with her. (d) she had become proud of herself. Ans. 1. (b) she had been performing all night. 2. (b) it had become mechanical. 3. (b) she was now used to the appreciation she got. Activity 8 (Diary Based) Ques.1 You are a friend of the nightingale. Somebody informed you about her painful end. You are vety sad. Express your feelings by writing a diaiy entry. Ans. Students may develop their answer using the following hints • Good friend

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• Tmsted others easily • No worldly wisdom • No confidence • Warned her many times • Unfortunate demise Activity 9 (Group Task) “The Frog and the Nightingale” is a spoof on the ‘present society. Study the mind map given below. Divide yourselves into groups, select a box and discuss the statement given. Then present your views to the class.

Ans.Shallow Thinking Patterns These patterns dwell only on self-interest, are mostly materialistic and do not give any long-term gain. They solve immediate issues without leading us to any permanentsolution to the problems which confront us, they lead us to fickle-mindedness. Fickle-minded People Such people change their mind whenever some instance or circumstance confronts them. They do not think about the overall situation, but react to events as they occur. Such people are very common in our materialistic society. Materialistic SocietyOur society today is governed by immediate material gain, displaying our superiority and such other traits. Acquiring things or prestige is our only goal in such a society. We strive for success in our ventures, whatever the cost. Instant Success, Results at Arty Cost We want to be successful and let others know of our success. We don’t bother about the cost involved even if it means selling our art. Even a person can die to prove that he is successful, just like the nightingale in the poem. Commercialisation of Art As part of this striving for success, even a talented artist is commercialised for immediate gain. The frog tried this with the nightingale and initially succeeded. But the creativity of the artist is killed in the process, just like the nightingale’s

Shallow Thinking Patterns

Fickle-Minded People

Commercialisation Of Art

Instant Success, Results at Any Cost

Materialistic Aociety

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talent evaporated due to too much practice. Activity 10 (Class Discussion) Ques.1 Discuss in your class about how a person tries to put down another person when that person Is succeeding In his or her life. Our self-image is often based on what others male us believe. A poor self-Image can do irreparable damage to us. Do you agree with this statement? Elaborate with suitable reasons and examples. Ans.Our self-image is often based on what others make us believe we are. A poor self-image can do irreparable damage to us. When a person is rebuked all the time for his real or created deficiencies, he loses his confidence arid become more susceptible to external influences. This is evident from this poem also. The nightingale is melodious, simple-hearted and innocent, but the frog is a shrewd, crafty, and deceptive villain. The frog felt that the nightingale had threatened his sovereignty in Bingle Bog. So he devised a plan to finish the nightingale. He went to her and praised her song, but he told her it lacked a certain force. He would train her to get it, so he started ‘training the nightingale. Due to her sweet voice, all the birds and animals of Single Bog came to hear her. He started charging money for that. In this way, he earned much money. To make more and more money, the frog asked her to add more trills to her singing. He continued reminding her that she still owed him sixty shillings. He makes her sing so much that her vein bursts and she dies. Similarly, crafty, cruel and scheming beings triumph over simple-hearted, innocent and talented beings.

Activity 11 (Article Based)

Write an obituary for the nightingale. You may begin like this—May the kind soul ……………. (or you may make use of your own beginning) Ans.May God provide the kind and departed soul with peacel May God bless hen! The nightingale was a simple-hearted. innocent and unsuspecting creature, She personified real human qualities and h1 no ill-will against anybody. Also, she didn’t suspect anyone of evil, She respected all and thought that all are like her. That why she was easily deceived by the sty and wily frog. She did not suspect that the frog intended to kill her and so she easily gave In and followed his commands in the name. of training, She died like a martyr to the cause of singing. Activity 12 (DiaryWriting) The nightingale has scaled the heights of success. But now the audience is dwindling, the frog is unhappy and reprimands her all the time. She is mentally and physically exhausted and fears failure. As the nightingale write a diary entry highlighting her fears and analysing the reasons for her failure. Ans.

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Friday 19th November, 2OXX I had enjoyed the heights of success in the fields of singing. I had seen a huge and appreciative audience, But lately singing is becoming both boring and tiring for me as well as for my audience. Now, the audience rarely applauses my singing. The cash collection is falling rapidly. I am staring down at my failure. I think my non-stop singing is the main reason for my failure. But my trainer keeps on pushing me. I don’t think it is doing any good. It is simply making matters worse for me. Tomorrow, I will put my foot down I will tell him that I need rest for some time. I hope that he agrees or else I will have to leave his tutelage. Wish me luck. The Nightingale Activity 13 (Dialogue Based) The frog got angry when the nightingale did not perform well on the stage. Have a role play in class keeping this scene in mind. You can use imaginative dialogues. Ans.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Activity 14 (Listening Task) Listen to a poem on a similar theme by Mary Howitt and compare the Fly to VikramSeth’sNightingale.

Nightingale Fly

…………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………


Nightingale Fly

Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth Group of Schools 6th Mile Stone Mawana Road Meerut-250001

She is gullible and believes every word that the frog speaks to her.

She speaks into the spider’s face and does not accept what the spider says. She is not gullible.

She accepts everything that the frog tells her. She is Innocent and does not understand how the frog is trying to finish her off.

She speaks what she knows and challenges whateverthe spider says. She is worldly-wise and knows that the spider is trying to trap her.

She is trapped by the frog and dies in the attempt to follow what he had told her.

She refuses to be trapped and remains alive.

Projects 1 Ques.1 Collect information about two famous singers of your country. Paste their picture in your project fire and write their bio sketches. Ans. Bio Sketch 1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Bio Sketch 2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Project 2 Ques.1You meet Mr. Ram Kishan, who Is the closest friend of your father. Mr. Ram Kishan is the Managing Director of a big company and believes in ‘truth’ and ‘non-violence’ He follows a very simple lifestyle and helps others. Interview him and ask about his success story. Now, write a report based on the interview. Ans.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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PRE KNOWLEDGE QUESTION Ques.1 When do you generally use a mirror? Ans. Yes. Ques.2 Is a mirror essential for us? Ans. Yes Ques.3 What are the effects of old age? Ans. Wrinkled skill, grey hair, weak eyes back bend. NCERT QUESTIONS SHORT QUESTION ANSWERS

Ques.1 What is the poetic device used when the mirror says ‘I swallow’? Ans. Personification is the poetic device used here.. The mirror is given the qualities of a person. Ques.2 How does the mirror usually pass its time? Ans. The mirror usually passes its time by contemplating the opposite wall. The mirror has been staring down on the wall for so long that it feels that the wall has become a part of the mirror. Ques.3 What disturbs the mirror’s contemplation of the opposite wall? Ans.3 When someone, mentioned as ‘faces’, comes and stands in between the mirror and the opposite wall, the mirror’s contemplation of the opposite wall is disturbed. Also, when there is darkness, the mirror cannot contemplate the wall. Ques.4 Why does the mirror appear to be a lake in the second stanza? What aspect of the mirror do you think is being referred to here? Ans.The mirror is compared to a lake which has depth. Just as a lake shows the true reflection of a person, so does the mirror and both have depth. Here, the poet talks not only about external beauty, but also the internal beauty of a person. Ques.5 How does the woman feel about looking at her reflection? Ans.The woman has lost her young looks because she is now an old woman. She was pretty in her youth. Now, there are wrinkles on her face. When the woman looks at her reflection, she feels sorrow and pain. She gets to know that time and ageing have spoiled her beauty. Ques.6 What is the woman searching for in the depths of the lake?

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Ans. She is searching for her lost youth and beauty in the depths of the lake. The woman was once young and pretty and admired her beauty in the mirror. Alas! her youthful charm has been lost. Ques.7 How does the narrator convey the fact that the woman Looking at her reflection In the lake is deeply distressed? Ans.The woman is searching for her lost youth and beauty in the depths of the lake. When she fails, she turns to the candles or the moon, who are liars, as they don’t tell her about the reality that she has grown aged. She weeps and reacts angrily by making violent movements of her hands. Ques.8 What makes the woman start crying? Ans.Every morning, she looks at her reflection in the mirror, hoping that one day or the other she will discover her lost youth and beauty, but she always fails and consequently, she starts crying. Ques.9 What do you think the ‘terrible fish’ in the last line symbolises? What Is the poetic device used here? or What does the phrase, terrible fish” symbolise in the poem,”Mirror”? Ans.The woman is agitated because of her lost youth and she is unable to digest the reality. Now that she has grown old, she feels like a terrible fish out of water. The poetic device used here is ‘simile’. HOTS QUESTIONS Ques.1 What does the poet mean by, she has drowned a young girl’? Ans.The woman has been looking at herself in the lake since her young age. She has been coming to the lake to take a glimpse at her beauty for years now. The lake has seen her transformation from a young girl to an old lady. Hence, the use of the phrase. Ques.2 “Those Liars, the candles or the moon.” Explain. Ans.The candles and the moon are liars because their dim light hides reality. The woman likes to see her face in their light as the candles and the moon hide the wrinkles and blemishes on her face. They create only illusions about her youth and beauty. Ques.3 “The eye of a little God”. What do you understand by these words? (BOARD QUES. 2012) or Why does the poet describe the mirror as an eye of a little God? Ans.Like God, the mirror also sees everyone as being on the same platform. It means that it sees everything and everyone without any prejudices and any preconceived notions. Hence, the

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comparison has been made. Ques.4 “I am not cruel”. What does the mirror want to say here? (BOARD QUES. 2012) or Why does the mirror say, “lam not cruel”? Ans. The mirror always speaks the truth. It never creates any illusion. This might be cruel to human beings as we always run away from the truth as it is harsh. Here perhaps the reference is to the woman who thinks the mirror is cruel as it reflects her old age, wrinkles and ugliness. Ques.5 How is the mirror Important to the woman? Why then does she dislike It? (BOARD QUES. 2011) or Why does the woman dislike the mirror? or Why is the mirror important to the woman? Ans. The mirror has become an integral part of the woman’s life. She, perhaps, once saw herself as a beautiful young lady. However, the mirror now shows the reality of her old age which makes her dislike the mirror. She still searches for her lost attractiveness. Ques.6 What Lesson does the mirror convey? Ans.The mirror conveys the lesson that we should accept the reality of life happily. The woman in the poem was young, beauty and charming a few years ago, but now she has lost her beauty as she has grown old. The mirror always gives an exact image of whatever appears before it. It has no preconceptions or personal likes and dislikes. It shows only the truth. LONG QUESTION ASNWERS

Ques.7 “Whatever I see I swallow immediately just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.” Why does the mirror say this?

Ans. The mirror says that whatever it views it acceptsthat as, true. Whatever it sees it reflects without any distortion Generally, the people are affected by love or dislike. People don’t reveal the truth many a timeandspeak after being affected by love or hatred but the mirror not like that. It is not affected by emotions. It does not promote illusions. Illusions take a person far from the world of reality. It conveys the message that we should face and accept reality without indulging in self-pity. It reflects everything accurately. objectively and in a dispassionate way. The mirror does not judge others on any preconceived notions. Ques.8 What opinion do you form of the mirror in Sylvia Plath’s poem of the same name? or What does the poetess Sylvia Plath want to convey to the readers and how does she describe

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the mirror? Ans. Sylvia Plath in her poem has personified the mirror, which in a monologue portrays the harsh but true reality of human life. Nobody wants to look old and haggard and we do not want to accept the truth that ageing and death are inevitable. Through the means of a woman who is agitated over her reflection in the mirror, the mirror reveals that it portrays things as they are i.e., in an. accurate and objective manner. The mirror is truthful exact, unbiased and unprejudiced. It is neither cruel nor indifferent. It is only truthful. It is also called as ‘the eye of a little God’ as it is, impartial and only sees the truth. Like God, it gives a true reflection of the objects that appear before it. VALUE BASED QUESTIONS

Ques.1 “I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.” She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands. In the poem ‘Mirror’ the woman has a great faith on the mirror. Though it is painful to her to face her charmless face, yet she comes to it and views herself in it. Ans.Now, suppose you are the woman who has been examining herself in the mirror, since a young age. At present you are an old woman and have lost your beauty. Write a diary entry in which you express your pain. Sunday, 10:00pm 30th December, 2OXX Dear Diary The mirror in my house is very important for me and It has been my companion for many years. I used to look in it to examine my charming and pretty face. This act always gave me pleasure andjoy. In the past, I was young and beautiful, but now that youth and beauty seem to have dissolved in the mirror. I cannot be ugly and wrinkled.Where hasmy charm gone? Who is responsible for it? I know the answer. Tine does no: leave anybody unscathed. I know that the mirror is not a liar. The mirror is reflecting my real appearance. Now, I must acceptthe bitter truth of old age. Ques.2 imagine you are the mirror. Write a speech that you would like to deliver to the humans who come to see their reflection in you. The beginning of the speech Is given below. Complete it. Good Morning dear humans. I feel honoured to have been given the opportunity to express my feelings and share my thoughs with you. As you know, all my life is spent in faithfully reflecting all that comes before my eyes… Ans. I believe in truth. I show only the truth. I beautifully record the actions and reactions of the person who looks into me. I show Things as they are, as I have no preconceptions. I am not

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biased against anyone. I know that people approach me hoping that they will look beautiful in me but they must realise they will see what they are. I have no role in making them beautiful. I am not like candles or the moon, who hide the true appearance in their glow. I was, I am and I will be faithful. Just judge yourself and accept the reality that youth and beauty don’t last. They are as fleeting as everything in this changI19 world, as change is the law of nature. Thank you! FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT APPLY YOUR SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE PRE READING ACTIVITIES OBJECTIVES

• To test students’ prior knowledge and use it as a scaffold to promote comprehension of the text. • To encourage students to use different words to describe the effects of old age. PROCEDURE • The teacher can distribute copies of the activities to the students. • After completion, the students will exchange their workwith their partners. • The teacher will call out the correct answers so that the students can check the worksheets of their partners. ACTIVITY 1 (BRAIN-TEASER) Ques.1 What are the effects of old age? Work with your partner and complete the following web-chart by listing the effects of old age. Ans.




Effects of Old age


Effects of Old age

Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth Group of Schools 6th Mile Stone Mawana Road Meerut-250001

Irritation ACTIVITY 2 (GROUP DISCUSSION) Ques.2 In pairs, discuss the following questions. (a) When do you generally use a mirror? (b) Is a mirror essential for us? (c) Given below is a list of possible reasons why a person uses a mirror. Tick the ones you agree with. (i) To check one’s appearance. (ii) To look beautiful. (iii) To make sure one is neat and tidy before going out. (iv) To check for a pimple or grey hair. (v) To apply make-up. (vi) To make a phone call. (vii) As a decorative item at home. Ans. (a)We generally use a mirror to see our face, to check our appearance, to apply/remove make-up and to ensure our neatness and tidiness. (b) Yes, a mirror is essential for us. in modern life, a mirror has become the constant

companion of beauty conscious people. (c)The possible reasons for using a mirror are (i) To check one’s appearance. (iii) To make sure that one is neat and tidy before going out. (iv) To check for a pimple or grey hair. (v) To apply make-up. OBJECTIVES • To enable the students to comprehend the lesson locally and globally as well as infer the contextual meaning of the text. The teacher could use it as a diagnostic test after the students have finished reading the poem. PROCEDURE • The teacher can distribute copies of the activities to the students. • After completion of the worksheet, the students their exchange their work with their partners. • The teacher will call out the correct answers so that the students can correct them.

Loss of Appetite

Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth Group of Schools 6th Mile Stone Mawana Road Meerut-250001

ACTIVITY 1 (EXTRACT BASED) On the basis of your understanding of the poem, answer the following questions by ticking the correct choice. Ques.1 When the mirror is being described as unmisted by love or dislike, we understand that the mirror is (a) not misted. (b) not prejudiced. (c) has four angles. (d) is silver in colour. Ques.2 The other word for ‘contemplation’ is (a) contempt. (b) meditation. (c) mediation. (d) thoughtful. Ques.3 When the mirror says ‘it has no preconceptions’ it means that (a) it reflects back an image objectively. (b) it modifies an image as it reflects it. (c) it beautifies an image as it reflects it. (d) it gives a biased view of a person/object. Ques.4 The phrase ‘agitation of the hand’ suggests that the person is (a) very ill (b) very upset. (c) very angry. (d) very happy. Ques.5 The mirror has been called ‘a four cornered God’ because (a) it is square shaped. (b) like God it watches you unbiased and fair from all four angles. (c) it reflects back all that it sees. (d) it never stops reflecting. Ques.6 The ‘speckles’ refer to (a) a pink object. (b) the opposite wall which has spots on it. (c) a person with pink pimples. (d) pink spots in general. Ques.7 By saying ‘now I am a lake’ the narrator wants to show that (a) the poem is not only about external beauty, but also the inside of a person. (b) the lake can also reflect surfaces. (c) the depth of the lake is important. (d) the lake does not show as exact an image as mirror. Ans. 1. (b)notprejudiced 2. (b) meditation. 3. (a) it reflects back an image objectively.

Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth Group of Schools 6th Mile Stone Mawana Road Meerut-250001

4. (b) very upset. 5. (b) like God it watches you unbiased and fair from all four angles. 6. (b) the opposite wall which has spots on it. 7. (a) the poem is not only about external beauty, but also the inside of a person. ACTIVITY 2 (DISCUSSION BASED) Discuss in the class about the feelings of the woman as she looks into the mirror. Now, write a short note on it. (Word limit 80-100 words) Ans.The students may develop their answer by using the following hints • Once young and pretty • Used to admire own beauty for hours • Loved the mirror • Now old and wrinkled • The mirror reflects blemishes and lost charm • The bitter truth • Dislike of the mirror ACTIVITY 3 (LITERARY BASED) Read the poem silently and answer the following questions. (a) List out the adjectives that have been used to describe the mirror. Add a few more adjectives to the list. Ans.Adjectives used in the poem are exact, truthful, four cornered, unmisted, cruel. Some more adjectives are silvery, reflective, objective. (b) In the second stanza, why has the narrator replaced the mirror with a lake? What is he/she trying to focus on? Ans.The mirror is compared to a rake which has depth. Just as a lake shows the true reflection of a person, so does the mirror and both have depth. The poem is focusing on the depths of the woman’s face which shows wrinkles, revealing the fact that she has grown old. ACTIVITY 4 (COMPARISON BASED) Discuss with your classmates about the symbolic significance of the Comparison between the woman and the terrible fish as given in ‘Mirror’. Now, write a report based on the main points discussed. Ans. The students may develop their answer by using the following hints • The woman was once young and pretty. • Now wrinkled and old. • The mirror shows the reality. • Woman is not ready to accept the truth. • Behaves as a fish out of water. ACTIVITY 5 (GARNISHING BASED)

Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth Group of Schools 6th Mile Stone Mawana Road Meerut-250001

Find the various instances of personification used in this poem. Ans.Personification is a figure of speech (generally considered a type of metaphor) in which an inanimate object or abstraction is given human qualities or abilities. These are listed below line wise

Line Number of poem Details of Personificaion

1 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 8

11 12 14 15

I am silver and exact I gave no preconceptions I see Swallow Not cruel, only truthful The eye of a little God Meditate I have looked I think it is a part of my heart Searching my reaches Those liars, the candles or the moon Rewards me I am important

ACTIVITY 6 (DISCUSSION BASED) ‘We should face and accept reality.’ Comment on this statement after a discussi0 with your classmates. Ans. The students may develop their answer by using the following hints • Illusions make us prone to influence and lies. • Reality may be the harsh truth. • We cannot run away from the truth. • Neglecting or rejecting reality is more harmful. ACTIVITY 7 (EXTRACT BASED) Read the given lines and answer the questions that follow by ticking the correct options. A woman bends over me, Searching my reaches for what she really is. Then, she turns to those liars, the candles or, the moon.

Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth Group of Schools 6th Mile Stone Mawana Road Meerut-250001

(i) What is the woman bending over? (a) The mirror. (b) The lake. (c) The opposite wall. (d) The moon and the candles. (ii) Why have the candles and the moon been called ‘liars’? (a) Because they make people beautiful. (b) Because they hide the blemishes of people with their soft light. (c) Because they hide the blemishes and make people look beautiful in their soft glow. (d) Because they can’t talk. (iii) Why does she turn to them in spite of calling them ‘liars’? (a) The reality is too harsh for her to bear. (b) She is desperately looking for someone to comfort her. (c) She wants to be told that she is still beautiful. (d) She can hide her signs of graying in their light. Ans. (i) (b) The lake. (ii) (c) Because they hide the blemishes and make people look beautiful in their soft

glow. (iii) (c) She wants to be told that she is still beautiful. ACTIVITY 8 (GROUP DISCUSSION) Discuss with your friends in the class about what is more important, physical beauty or the beauty of the soul? Now, write your views based on the discussion. Ans. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………… PROJECTS 1 Ques.1 Your aunt is about 60 years old. She was very beautiful in her younger days. But now having aged, she has lost the charm of her face. But she does not worry about it and remains happy. She is involved in various social activities. Interview her and collect her views on the topic ‘True Beauty’. Now, write an article on the same topic. Ans. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………

Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth Group of Schools 6th Mile Stone Mawana Road Meerut-250001

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………… PROJECT 2 Ques.1 Meet some old and mature people around your home. Ask them about the problems they face in their old age. Now, write a report based on your experience with them. Ans. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………

Shanti Niketan Vidyapeeth Group of Schools 6th Mile Stone Mawana Road Meerut-250001

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