england and france

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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England and France. BY: Zac , Grayson, Madi , Emalee , and Shayla. The battle for flanders. This is how the 100 years of war started - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


England and France

BY: Zac, Grayson, Madi, Emalee, and Shayla

The battle for flanders This is how the 100 years of war started Wine had become a considerably popular

drink in England, but England could not grow the grapes to manufacture wine so they traded with France through the city of Flanders.

Then the French wanted to control Flanders for its wealth

The English could not permit this because this would mean the French would control the main source of trade income.

Through the course of the war The French had assembled a great fleet

to support the army to crush all resistance in Flanders when the ships were anchored in a dense pack English attacked and destroyed them

The English now had control of the sea and could invade France

End of the conflict As the war dragged on the English were

slowly forced back As the war ended it marked the end of

English attempts to control continental territory

100 Years of War

1382 1430 1470

WAR OF ROSES After the 100 years of War, the Kings of

England got into a huge fight about who should be king.

The war of Roses were members of the House of Lancaster and the house of York that fought civil war.

The wars between House of Lancaster and House of York was caused by when king Richards II was overthrew by his cousin.

WAR OF ROSES The war of Roses began on May 22,

1455-1485. The white rose represent the York's and

the red rose represented the Lancaster. Later on king Henry VII united the red and white rose which was called tutor rose.

There was six battles that were fought in the War of Roses

Joan of Arc"One life is all we

have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying." - Joan of Arc 

Joan of Arc Born in 1412 in Domremy, France. At the age of 12 she began having

mystical visions and she felt the voice of God commanding her to renew the French Nation in these visions she saw: St. Michael and St. Catherine

People looked up to her as a mythical leader and won the hearts of the French.

Joan of Arc She was given the control of the French Army

and allowed to lead them to battle. It eventually led them to victories.

English and members of the French Clergy put her on trial for witch craft.

She confessed that she was a witch, for that reason she was executed by being burnt to death.

26 years later they declared her officially innocent

She was declared a Saint in 1920.

Edward 1

• He was the son of King Henry. • He was born on the 1 of October • Edward married: Eleanor of Castile 1241–1290

their surviving children were Joan of Acre, Alphonso, Earl of Chester, Edward

• King Edward I died on July 7, 1307 at Burgh-by-Sands, Cumberland, England. He was buried at Westminster Abbey

• After he died his son Edward became King.

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