eng 83 r week 2 day 1

Post on 15-Jun-2015






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Eng 83R Tuesday, 9/3

AgendaLiterature Circle Sign-UpsThe Dictionary (Ch. 4)Review Summary Assignment Review Context CluesTopic (Ch. 6)Annotating/Underlining Vocabulary Assignment #2

Homework Please put the following on the counter:

Context Clues Assignment Summary Assignment

We will review these later in the class

Literature Circle Sign-Up I will pass around the Literature Circle

Sign-up. Please indicate your preference. On Thursday I will give you your

assignment and Literature Circle packets.

We are going to postpone the first Literature Circle to the fourth week of class, on 9/17/13.

The DictionaryEntryways Ch. 4“The only place in which success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

-Vidal Sassoon

Dictionary In the previous chapter we learned all

about context clues. But sometimes we encounter problems with words, for example: There aren’t any context clues Context alone isn’t enough or several

meanings are possible. You need to understand the exact

meaning of a word

Three Important Dictionary Skills How to locate a word in a traditional

dictionary and an online one How to interpret dictionary

pronunciation symbols How to pick the right definition

Types of Dictionaries Collegiate: designed for college students Pocket: smaller and not as complete

On-Line Dictionarywww.learnersdictionary.com

Let’s look up Instrinsic www.learnersdictionary.com

Guide Words One way to find a given word in a dictionary is

to use guidewords—the pair of words at the very top of each dictionary page.

Which word below would be found on the dictionary page with the guidewords floodlight/flower?

Floral Flying Fleet

The dictionary entry will provide:1. Spelling and syllables2. Pronunciation3. Part of speech4. Definitions5. Synonyms or antonyms

Intrinsic(ĭn-trĭnʹzĭk) adjective. Relating or belonging to the essential nature of a thing; inherent. Antonym: extrinsic.

Dictionary Scavenger Hunt Read the instructions carefully. You may work alone or with a partner. When you are done, bring your paper to


Let’s Practice in the book

As time permits: Exercise 4.1 Exercise 4-4 Exercise 4-5

At 12:45 we will take a 5-minute break. When you return, please pick up your homework assignments, and we will review them.

Let’s review the summary & context clues assignment

Drive Ch. 1 & Context Clues How difficult was the reading? What about the summary?

Did you write notes in the margin Did you make an outline?

Let’s go over the questions Any questions on the context clues?

Topic, Ch. 6

Topic One of the very essential

comprehension skills for understanding a paragraph is determining the topic.

In order to learn the clues to the topic, you’ll use inductive reasoning to figure them out.

Topic What is inductive reasoning? Using particular examples to reach a

general conclusion about something. Without realizing this, you use inductive

reasoning constantly in your everyday life. When you walk up to two friends that are

talking, and you listen for a minute, you can figure out what they are saying, right?

Topic Mike: Well it wasn’t difficult at all. Brian: Yeah, even the two essay

questions weren’t bad. Mike Uh-huh. I finished them, and I

actually had time to reread my answers. Brian: Me, too, and the multiple choice

questions were really easy.

Topic To determine the topic of a paragraph,

ask yourself, Who or what is this paragraph about. Sometimes the answer will be obvious. Authors often give clues to the topic.

The topic… Can be a single word, few words, phrase Is not a sentence Often repeated several times within a

paragraph May be seen in the title or heading May appear in bold face or italic type

In order to be a successful student, it is important that the student is organized. Being organized includes using a planner and/or a calendar. Next, a successful student needs to attend all classes and arrive at least 5 minutes early. Thirdly, a successful student must complete all homework assignments. Finally, a successful student must participate in class.

What is the topic of this paragraph? Successful students

Experts say that exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress, relax muscles, and promote a sense of well-being. Most people find that they have more energy when they exercise regularly. Make exercise a daily habit and top priority in your life.

The topic of this sentence isa. reducing stressb. exercisec. prioritizing your lifed. energy


• Enchiladas• Mexican food• Tacos• Nachos• Burritos

• Dogs• Cats• Fish• Pets• Turtles

Topics English Geography College courses History Math

Football Baseball Basketball Soccer Sports

Let’s Practice Page 136 (214).

Annotation & Underlining-Drive Ch. 5

Annotation•What does “annotation” mean?• “A critical or explanatory note or body of notes added to a text.”• For the sake of this class, annotation is adding notes to a text; however, it also includes, highlighting, underlining, and using symbols.• Annotating is a useful tool for improving reading comprehension and for remembering the assigned text. • Keep it simple. You are trying to connect with the reading in some way. Use the tools that work best for you. •Make the reading personal. Try to find some way to connect with the material.


Step One: Circle unknown words. As you read, circle each word you come across that is unfamiliar. You may need to come back and reread the sentences before and after the word to get at the meaning of the word.

Step Two: Def Mark definitions. Underline, highlight or circle sentences that provide you

with a definition. It is useful to write "def " in the margin so you can locate the definition quickly.

Step Three: X Mark sentences that provide examples by marking an "X" next to the sentence.


Step Four: ? Make notes to yourself in the margins. As you read, write any questions or comments that crop up in your mind in the margin next to the passage

Step Four: Place a star next to important passages. This is extremely helpful when taking a test that requires you to read a passage, because the questions that follow the reading will most likely refer back to these points.

Step Five: If you read something in the passage that relates to something else, draw arrows.

Homework for Thursday Entryways Ch. 3: Chapter Check pp. 48-

49; Review exercises pp. 50-54 Entryways Ch. 4 Chapter Check pp. 93;

Review exercises pp 94-98. Vocabulary Assignment #2

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