energy saving

Post on 09-May-2015






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energy saving project


Are you an energy saver?

How much energy do we use at home?

How do we light up our houses?

We saw that people use more normal light bulbs and fluorescent ligths, and few people use energy efficient light bulbs.

How do we heat up water?

In conclusions about hot water and warm, we saw that all the people interviwed use non-renewable energy and don’t use renewable energy. For example: Solar Energy.

Which electrical appliances have we


With this project, we can see: People have a lot of electrical

appliances, more than they need. People spend more energy than the

necessary. The society it’s very adapted with the

news tecnologies.

What is your house like?

Electricity bill

Gas or diesel bill

In this section we saw that everybody use a lot of electricity. However , people don’t use much gas or diesel.

A cause that people use a lot of electricity is that, people spend more than they need,and they aren’t an energy savers. However they use the necessary gas or diesel.


What do you think about energy saving?“We think this is very interesting, because if people doesn’t has energy saving , in the future the world can change”

So we can fight to prevent the fatal change.

Are you an energy saver?In this question everybody say “ Yes, I am

an energy saving”. However we think that a lot of people it isn’t an energy saving.

So we say: You can be an energy saver!

“Being aware of how much energy we use is being on the

way to using less”.

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