emotional aromatherapy - kumara institute...emotional aromatherapy 4 emotional aromatherapy was...

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By Paula Muran


By Paula Muran

© 2013 PAULA MURAN. All rights reserved. No part of this book including the pictures may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, videotaping or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws.

Address inquiries to askpaula@paulamuran.com or mailed to PO Box 12125, Scottsdale, Arizona 85267




Introduction ...................................................................................4

The Concept ................................................................................... 5

Aroma and Scent Memory ..............................................................6

All about Energy .............................................................................8

Emotional Aromatherapy Healing Sprays ......................................9

How to Use the Sprays .................................................................18

Easy Solutions to Common Situations..........................................20

Chakra System ............................................................................. 21

Energy-Frame ...............................................................................24

Awakening the Healer Within: Practitioner’s Handbook ...............26

Final Thoughts .............................................................................32


Emotional Aromatherapy was created in the early 1990s when emotional

healing was in its infancy. I pioneered the use of using a vibrational formula

with essential oils.

My original product was a gem elixir created using layouts of crystals, minerals

and gemstones rather than one single stone. The gem elixirs were also

targeted to release limiting beliefs.

To make people’s lives simpler and to include the vibrational frequency of

gem elixirs, I partnered them with natural essential oils and created Emotional

Aromatherapy healing sprays.

Unlike other sprays on the market, Emotional Aromatherapy is a healing




I am certain you have walked into a church, yoga studio, or healing space

and felt a powerful sense of love and did not want to leave, or have you been

in a room or the mall and perceived some sort of negativity and instantly felt

drained or tired? This energy, whether positive or negative, is created from the

thoughts and feelings of the people present.

When energy is light and uplifting, it provides a sensation of peacefulness.

When energy is negative, it becomes heavy and lingers. This heavier energy,

if we stay in its presence long enough, can cause fatigue, a “blah” feeling and

even anxiety.

One of the main concepts of basic healing is to change heavier energy to a

lighter energy and move it along within the physical body.

The Concept


“Behave so the aroma of your actions may enhance the general sweetness of the atmosphere.” Henry David Thoreau

Because smell is the most acute of the five senses, it can affect memories,

feelings and even blood pressure. Aroma, in particular, conjures up a “scent

memory,” which everyone has experienced at some point in life. For example,

the smell of hot apple pie, a roasting chicken, rain and a fresh bouquet of

flowers soothe us. Many times, aromas evoke childhood memories and good


Essential oils date as far back as ancient Egypt, three thousand years

before Christ, when they were used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

During these times, ancient beliefs entwined medicine with mysticism, and

the healing powers of plants were evidence of their divine nature. Myrrh,

for example, is referenced countless times in the Bible and is known to

interact with psycho-neurological receptors that repress the sensation of

pain. The Bible describes holy ointments infused with fragrant herbs for the

enhancement of virtues; it shows Jesus using aromatic plants to heal ailments

and relates King Solomon’s praises of their seductive powers.

Scientific research shows that aromas bypass our thinking mind and

create changes in our emotions. Furthermore, research has proven that the

interactions between essential oils and brain receptors promote healing,

relaxation and immunological reactions. Evidence exists that fragrant

compounds have a profound effect on our mind and behavior. As essential

oils are inhaled, they activate receptors in the olfactory bulb at the top of the

nasal cavity. These, in turn, induce nerve impulses, which rapidly travel to

the brain, where they trigger other responses in areas involving heart rate,

blood pressure, breathing, memory and emotions, including stress levels.

Aromatherapy promises to restore balance and natural healing.

Aroma and Scent Memory


Energy is all around us and emanates from everything on this planet, from our

hands to the trees.

Energy also emits in a thin vapor from our skin, our largest organ, all day long.

Some people see it as an aura. Regardless of whether there is a color or not,

energy vents from the physical body, from the thoughts we have.

In stressful situations and in illness, energy becomes heavy; causing a type of

“stuck” feeling, and this energy slows bodily functions and begins to debilitate

the physical body.

As our body becomes more stressed, so does our mind. How we feel and what

we think change, too, and these changes contribute to our well-being. Stress

and negativity carry a heavier vibration than laughter and fun.

The premise of Emotional Aromatherapy is to clear and enhance energy.

Each spray works with “energy body” to release emotional stressors.

There is nothing on the market today that does what Emotional Aromatherapy

can do. Each spray positively influences energy and creates change while

calming the nervous system and allowing the body to completely relax and


All about Energy


Emotional Aromatherapy:Aromatherapy with a Twist of Energy!

Healing Sprays

Mist away confusion, clear angry exchanges or enhance love, and balance

with a little peace—all with just one spritz. As you work with each spray set an

intention. Named after familiar emotional issues we all deal with, listed below

are the Emotional Aromatherapy healing sprays.


Abundance spray attracts energy. The best way to work with Abundance is

to set an intention for something you want to attract. Let’s use money as an


First, set a “goal” such as “I will make a six-figure income in 12 months.” Then,

mist around your body and in your environment. Practice your intention daily

by repeating it and spraying Abundance around you and your surroundings for

at least three weeks.

Abundance spray will begin to mist away doubting energy and open up the

energy field around you to draw in your intention.

Mist your hands, second chakra and solar plexus down the spine and around

the body. Use the spray daily in your environment.

For instance, if you own a store, mist the merchandise or the cash register with


Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of oakmoss and patchouli essential oils.

Gem Elixir: Golden Ray. Positive Intention: I Am Abundant. Main Chakra: Two.



Balance spray calms the nervous system and drops your shoulders, relaxes

muscles and gently gives that “ahha” feeling. This spray is excellent to use in

any stressful situation.

Balance brings us gently back into the physical body, and it is best used to

create harmony, release stress and calm energy. Use Balance after the shower

to maintain the focus of the day.

Mist around the shoulders, heart and solar plexus, down the centerline of the

body and generally around the room. Mist desks, paperwork, children and

other family members, too.

Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of grapefruit, tangerine, geranium and

clary sage essential oils.

Gem Elixir: Balance. Positive Intention: I Am Balance. Main Chakra: Three.

Clearing Confusion

Clearing Confusion spray is effective when thoughts and emotions are

conflicting or unclear. Clearing Confusion helps with indecision, chaos and

focus and enhances understanding and releases anxiety.

Head colds are a perfect example of emotional confusion. Anytime situations

present a challenge, simply mist Clearing Confusion and watch the energy

instantly change.

Clearing Confusion is wonderful to use around broken computers and product

instructions. Mist around the equipment and directions, wait for a few minutes

and everything becomes very clear. Or spray homework papers and generally

around the office and house with Clearing Confusion.

Clearing Confusion keeps us balanced and grounded and help us to assimilate

information. Don’t forget to include Clearing Confusion in workshops and



Mist around the head and solar plexus and generally out into the

surroundings. Clearing Confusion and Clearing Fear enhance prosperity

better than Abundance does. Most often there is fear or confusion issue about

money, rather than the actual flow of money in our lives.

Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of rosemary, peppermint and cardamom

essential oils.

Gem Elixir: I Release Confusion. Positive Intention: I Know. Main Chakra: Three.

Clearing Fear

Clearing Fear spray simply mists away fear—known or unknown. It is helpful

in clearing anxiety, stress, tension and panic. It is one of my favorite sprays

because we do not realize how much fear is around and how many different

situations in life cause us to be fearful.

Clearing Fear instantly changes the energy around fear, no matter what its

cause. Mist Clearing Fear around the house, car and children, spouses and

bedrooms. When fear, anxiety and tension arise, spritz around the solar plexus.

Mist around the body when important new endeavors begin such as careers,

schooling and relationships. After emotional breakups, use Clearing Fear and


When fearful exchanges arise regarding love, let Clearing Fear come to the

rescue and diminish negative energy. Mist the throat when the fear of speaking

or singing occurs. Spritz educational material when fear arises concerning exams.

Artists, mist the second chakra and the hands when creating paintings or

drawings. Mist into corners and behind doors, where negative energy hides.

Use Clearing Fear daily to release fearful situations by misting around the

shoulders, heart and solar plexus and generally around the body.

Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of rosewood, frankincense, lemon and

geranium essential oils.

Gem Elixir: I Release Fear. Positive Intention: I Am Love. Main Chakra: Three.


Clearing Anger

Clearing Anger spray is remarkable! It clears angry energy faster than anything

else does. Mist directly out into the room whenever anger or rage is present,

and watch as Clearing Anger miraculously shifts the energy.

It is often difficult to stay centered and focused during angry exchanges.

Mist around the shoulders, heart and generally around the body, and in room

corners, where negative energy always collects. Mist Clearing Anger around

bitterness and resentment to easily diminish it. Use Clearing Anger to help

children control their anger. Mist their bedrooms and toys, too.

Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of sandalwood, geranium, lavender and

ylang-ylang essential oils.

Gem Elixir: I Release Anger. Positive Intention: I Release Anger. Main Chakra: Three.


Forgiveness spray is the first step toward surrender. We must forgive the

past before we can move forward. Many of us speak the phrase “Okay, I

forgive you” and never really mean it. For true forgiveness to occur, we must

completely connect with the heart. Forgiveness is good for meditation and


Mist around the base chakra, heart, throat and third eye and along the

midpoint of the body and generally around the room Forgiveness works well

with Clearing Fear and Healing Feminine.

Contents: Purified water, lavender and lemon essential oils.

Gem Elixir: Forgiveness. Positive Intention: I Forgive. Main Chakra: Four.


I Am Love

I Am Love spray is excellent to use for any occasion that requires a calming

of energy. Use I Am Love as a “love blanket” by misting all around the house,

family members and friends and, of course, yourself! Mist anything; everything

deserves to be loved, including pets and plants.

Mist I Am Love around the body when the desire to eat chocolate creeps in, or

mist your bed sheets, partners and children at bedtime. I Am Love is excellent

to use around adolescent children.

Mist the solar plexus, heart, throat and crown chakras and down the spine,

around the shoulders and into the environment. Mist yoga mats to encourage

deeper levels of release in postures. For feng shui, spray entryways, especially

to bedrooms and the front door, with I Am Love. Leave a bottle handy for

clients to use daily.

Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of orange, lavender and ylang-ylang

essential oils.

Gem Elixir: I Am Love. Positive Intention: I Am Love. Main Chakra: Four.


Grounded spray keeps us firmly anchored in the present moment. We don’t

realize how easy it is to escape from a current life situation due to emotional

stress. When we become ungrounded, we separate from our wholeness,

causing more issues to become present.

Being spaced-out and tripping over things are symptoms of being ungrounded.

Staying present is essential for spiritual growth and healing to take place. Use

Grounded around the solar plexus, feet and knees.

Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of spruce, fir and patchouli essential oils.

Gem Elixir: Grounded. Positive Intention: I Am Present. Main Chakra: One.



Surround yourself with serenity. Peace spray contributes a spiritual quality to

Balance and further enhances the energy. Peace arrives when the body and

mind is completely quiet and at ease. It is that deep feeling in meditation when

nothing else matters.

Mist directly out into the environment, around the body and down the

centerline. Peace is excellent for use in yoga classes and for meditation


Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of lemon and geranium essential oils.

Gem Elixir: I Am That I Am. Positive Intention: I Am Peace. Main Chakras: Four and



Protection spray instantly creates a sacred space when it is used. Protection

is an absolute staple in everyone’s home. It’s excellent to use for clearing any

type of energy.

Mist Protection around the shoulders and down the back, behind doors and

in corners to clear out negative energy. Use Protection around the inside of a

doorframe and walk through the door. This simple procedure instantly gathers

any negative energy and transmutes it. Spray the entire perimeter to protect

the dwelling and its occupants. Leave a bottle for clients to use daily.

Contents: Purified water, pennyroyal flower essence and proprietary blend of spruce,

fir, cedar wood and ylang-ylang essential oils.

Positive Intention: I Am Protected. Main Chakras: All Seven.



My favorite! Surrender spray beautifully releases tight energy. This release

loosens control and awakens creativity. When we control situations, we lack

creativity. Our authentic self can only shine through when we surrender the


Surrender is excellent to use daily for meditation, yoga and prayer. Mist

around the second chakra and generally around the body and room. Clearing

Fear and Surrender work beautifully together because we are most often in

some sort of fear about letting go.

Mist around the entire body, especially the shoulders, heart, second and third

chakras. In yoga class, allow for deeper release into poses with Surrender


Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of orange, tangerine and mandarin

essential oils.

Gem Elixir: I Surrender. Positive Intention: I Surrender. Main Chakras: Two and Four.

Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara spray is a more spiritual spray and is used to clear away limiting

energy so we can clearly see our soul path.

Mist Sanat Kumara to bring a beautiful layer of unconditional love into all

environments. It works best when you set an intention first, and then mist

around the body and room.

For example, a teacher at a massage school was having a difficult time with

students taking the anatomy exam. She selected Sanat Kumara, and sprayed

around the room and within seconds the students calmed, took the exam and

all passed. Sanat Kumara creates miracles of all kinds and is excellent to use

in difficult situations.

Use it when you are stuck in certain behavioral patterns and have become


resistant to change, or when fear becomes overwhelming and it is difficult to

move forward. Sanat Kumara assists in all situations with divine grace.

Mist generally around the room, heart chakra and around the body. This is an

excellent spray for yoga, prayer and meditation.

Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of jasmine and rose essential oils.

Gem Elixir: Sanat Kumara. Positive Intention: I Am That I Am. Chakras: All Twelve.

Open to Receive

Open to Receive spray creates energetic opening in our energy fields for

healing to take place. Cleanse your aura (energy field) with Open to Receive

and become open to grace.

Underlying emotional agendas block healing from taking place. It becomes

difficult to benefit from healing sessions when we are not open to receive


Mist the house with Open to Receive, use in yoga studios, massage therapy

and other healing practices. I Am Worthy and Open to Receive work very well


Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of frankincense, spruce, ylang-ylang and

cedar wood essential oils.

Gem Elixir: Open to Receive. Positive Intention: I Am Open. Main Chakras: Six and



Clearing Resistance

Resistance is stubbornness that stops us from achieving life goals. It sits in

front of fear, meaning that even though we do not perceive any personal fear,

it is present and hiding the resistance. Clearing Resistance spray provides a

nudge forward by clearing away “energetic” obstacles.

Mist around the heart and generally around the body to dissolve stumbling

blocks and experience personal power. Mist the solar plexus, around the body

and down the spine.

Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of vetiver, patchouli and lavender

essential oils.

Gem Elixir: I Release Resistance. Positive Intention: I Trust. Main Chakra: Three.

Healing Feminine

I created Healing Feminine spray to help clear away the patterning of the

archetypal woman patterning that we all participate in as women. Healing

Feminine releases generational guilt and fears that only women experience in

life and it helps us to connect with our feminine self.

Healing Feminine is also good to use when men are overwhelmed with

feminine energy.

Mist around the lower back and pelvic area if there is confusion and anger.

To create harmony, mist around the left side of the body, solar plexus, lower

abdomen, heart, over the shoulders and around the back of the heart to

penetrate deeply into the fourth chakra.

Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of clary sage, tangerine and orange

essential oils.

Gem Elixir: Healing Feminine. Positive Intention: I Forgive. Main Chakras: Two and



I Am Worthy

Fill the air with self-esteem and worthiness. I Am Worthy spray gently moves

away energy that is “stuck” around unworthiness.

Use daily and mist the second, third and fourth chakras and generally around

the room. Abundance and I Am Worthy work very well together.

Contents: Purified water, proprietary blend of bergamot, sandalwood, frankincense

and cedar wood essential oils.

Gem Elixir: I Am Worthy. Positive Statement: I Am Worthy. Main Chakra: Two.

Sacred Union

Sacred Union spray clears away conflicting energy. Enhance meditation and

prayer with Sacred Union. Don’t forget to mist altars and meditation pillows;

mist around the second and fourth chakras, too.

Sacred Union has a more spiritual effect than Balance spray and assists in

relationship challenges and opens the heart.

Contents: Purified water, ylang-ylang essential oil.

Gem Elixir: Sacred Union. Positive Statement: I Am Union. Main Chakra: Two.


We naturally want to look at labels or open bottles to sniff their contents

before using products; however, Emotional Aromatherapy works differently.

The best selection process begins by ignoring the labels as you select sprays.

Turn the bottles around so the labels are not showing, and permit your inner

wisdom to choose the best spray for yourself.

Sometimes walking away for a minute or two helps clear the energy enough for

you to make an immediate selection.

When we look at labels, we engage our ego personality, which most definitely

will refuse the selection and say, for instance, “I’m not in fear.” Reading the

label first actually stops the flow of energy, and we gain nothing by using the


Or allow current life situations to guide you toward the appropriate Emotional

Aromatherapy. For example, if a child is angry, select Clearing Anger and


Before using any emotional aromatherapy spray, shake the bottles a few times

to activate the vibrations. Then silently or aloud repeat the name of the spray.

For instance, say “I clear fear” or “I clear confusion,” and then mist around

the body, shoulders, solar plexus, feet and hands and generally in and around

the room. Do not mist directly into the face or eyes; essential oils can irritate

delicate facial skin.

Emotional Aromatherapy releases stale energy around the body or enhances

energy in the immediate surroundings. Each time the vibrational sprays are

used, your immediate surroundings shift to a higher frequency.

I have many clients who place the sprays in a box or bag near the front door

and blindly select before they walk out the house. When life becomes too

difficult, choose one of the sprays and simply clear the energy. Within minutes

you have a new outlook on life.

How to Use the Sprays


When juggling children with school, spouses and other family demands; when

time is limited and stress is high; and when anger or exhaustion sets in, stash

a bottle of Surrender or I Am Love in the car or your purse. Then simply mist

around children and inside your car to enjoy an instant release!

Mist inside the car with Balance before children are picked-up from school.

This helps them stay grounded and refreshed after a long day at school — and

helps you, too!

Select one, two or three different Emotional Aromatherapy sprays at any time,

and mist around

• thephysicalbody

• thehome,officeandcar

• childrenandpets

• doorways

• receptionareas

• clients

The sprays are perfect for any type of healing practice, especially feng shui.

They are ideal for clearing rooms, splendid for clearing fear and confusion,

superb for protecting against negative energy and heavenly for meditations,

prayer and yoga.

With just one spritz, change becomes effortless.

Enjoy immediate results!


Use the chart below as a guide to finding the perfect spray.

Easy Solutions to Common Situations

Symptoms Spray

Overwhelming feelings, confusion, lack of focus and concentration, unclear thinking, poor decision-making and deficient comprehension

Clearing Confusion, Balance, Peace

Irritability, anger and deep rage, quarrels or arguments

Clearing Anger, Balance

Panic attacks, stress and any type of fear, terror, trauma, resistance or shock

Clearing Fear, I Am Love

Lack of calmness and decreased sensation of love around everything

I Am Love, Peace

Fatigue, depression, lack of harmony and feeling off center.

Balance, I Am Love, Peace

Feelings of betrayal, abandonment, jealousy, guilt, neediness and shame

Forgiveness, Balance, Healing Feminine

Buildup of negative energy and energy bombardment


Not staying in the present or grounded; spaced-out

Grounded, Balance, Clearing Confusion

Increase flow of healing, abundance and love I Am Worthy, Clearing Confusion, Clearing Fear

Difficulty meditating, unbalanced male and female energy

Sacred Union, Balance

Tightness; closed to love Open to Receive

Lack of harmony and serenity; imbalance Peace

Skeptical, difficult situations Sanat Kumara

Release controlling situations, emotional trauma

Surrender, Clearing Fear, Balance

Meditations, prayer, sacred spaces and personal altars

Peace, Sanat Kumara


The physical body is affected by change through many systems. One such

system is called the chakra system. The word “chakra” comes from Sanskrit

and means wheel or circle. The chakras are circles of energy or fields of

consciousness. The chakra system coordinates its energy and influences

through the endocrine and nervous systems.

There are seven main body chakras and one on each palm, one on the bottom

of each foot and five above the head. Smaller chakras are found in other

locations around the body.

The energy from these fields of consciousness begins at the molecular level. It

travels outward, emitting a field of energy around the body called the aura.

Oftentimes, energy venting from the chakras gets stuck causing discomfort,

pain and illness. It is important to keep the energy spinning clockwise in the

chakras to maintain optimum good health.

The first chakra is located in the perineum area of the body, also called the sitz

bones region. The second chakra is the pelvic region, and the third is the solar

plexus. The first three chakras are known as the lower self or the subconscious

of the body.

The fourth chakra is located where the physical heart is. The fifth is the throat;

the sixth is the third eye or mind’s eye; and the seventh is the top of the head

or crown chakra. These are considered the higher Self within the physical body.

The chakras correspond to different colors and vibrational tones as well as to

the organs. The color is merely an electrical charge vaporizing from the body.

Chakras also correspond to certain emotional patterns, both positive and

negative, as described earlier in this book.

Chakra System


Color Note Sound

First chakra, Red Muladhara, perineum


Second chakra, Svadhisthana, pelvic area Orange


Third chakra, Manipura, solar plexus Yellow


Fourth chakra, Anahata, heart Green


Fifth chakra, Vishuddha, throat Blue


Sixth chakra, Ajna, third eye or mind’s-eye Indigo


Seventh chakra, Sahasrara, top of head Violet

B Silence

The five chakras above the head connect us to more subtle energies. The

eighth chakra is about six inches above the head, and it looks like a halo. It

is the soul-center or the communication gateway. This is the chakra through

which spiritual guidance is directed. The chakras then build above the head in

a funnel-like direction. The widest part of the funnel is the twelfth chakra.

The ninth chakra is wider and about 12 inches above the eighth. It represents

unconditional love. This love vibration begins at the ninth chakra, circulates

through the fourth (heart), into the second (creative self-expression) and back

to the ninth chakra.

The tenth chakra is wider, about 15 inches above the ninth, and represents a

deep level of compassion. The tenth chakra weaves compassion through the

fifth chakra (throat) and down through the first chakra of survival and back to

the tenth chakra.

The eleventh chakra is wider and about 15 inches above the tenth.

The twelfth chakra is the widest part of the funnel; it connects us with the

absolute energy of All That There Is (God/Goddess). The eleventh and twelfth

chakras are equal in status.


I see the chakras as golden discs that lie horizontally in the physical body,

parallel to the floor, with the spinal column going through the middle of the

chakra discs, building an interior cylinder.

When using the sprays with the chakras, mist across the chakra from one side

of the body to the other, rather than directly into the chakra. This method

provides the deepest level of healing and captures a wider range of energy.

Any one of the vibrational sprays is perfect for chakra balancing and healing.


I created the phrase “energy-frame” to describe a layered energy field. When

vibrational sprays are sprayed into a room, you can affect greater levels of


One way to describe an “energy-frame” is in a healing environment. Before

clients arrive, tune in and focus on the client. Bring them clearly into the mind’s

eye (third eye), and select two or three vibrational sprays without looking at

the labels.

Mist generally around the room first with Healing Feminine or Protection,

and then add any of the other sprays. This process layers the vibrations

simultaneously and completely clears “stuck” energy away, creating a sacred


In a non-healing environment, use this same method to protect houses, family

members, friends or anyone or anything that is not in the immediate vicinity —

for example, a house you want to sell. Imagine the house clearly in your mind’s

eye. Select I Am Worthy, Clearing Fear, Clearing Confusion and Balance, or

turn the labels of the sprays around and make your own selections.

Imagine standing in the entrance way of the house and mist I Am Worthy

directly out in front of you, wait a few minutes and use Clearing Fear, Clearing

Confusion and Balance in the same way. If you would like, repeat the process

in about three to four hours. This enforces the “energy-frame” and clears away

any negative energy that prevents the house from selling.

Create an “energy-frame” around friends and family members who are not

present. When a spouse or friend encounters some sort of confusion, select

Clearing Confusion and Balance. Imagine the people standing with you; now

tune in to their energy, and mist right out in front of you. This action creates an

“energy-frame” around that person and healing begins. Also imagine spraying

down their spine, around the shoulders, desk, chair and wherever else is

necessary. Wait a few hours and repeat the process by using the same sprays



or new ones. Your intention, along with the energy from the vibrational sprays,

creates change in their energy fields.

Use this same procedure to heighten relationships. Select I Am Love,

Forgiveness and Peace. Again, place your partner clearly in your mind’s

eye (third eye), and mist directly out into the space and in front of you. This

method creates an “energy-frame” around your partner and you.

Create successful careers or business practices with Open to Receive,

Abundance, Clearing Fear and Clearing Confusion. Begin with Open to Receive

and mist directly out in front of you; wait a few seconds and add Clearing

Confusion. Then, wait and mist Clearing Fear, and follow up with Abundance

after waiting a few moments longer. The “energy-frame” layers and sets

change into place.

As for school exams, which always present a challenge, choose Clearing Fear

and Clearing Confusion and imagine the test clearly in your mind’s eye. Mist

directly out in front of you pretending the test is right there; mist imaginary

textbooks, too. Before the actual exam, spray around your own body with

the same sprays as this helps reinforce the energy. Repeat this process if



“The most eloquent prayer is the prayer through hands that heal and bless.” Billy Graham, American evangelist

In this section you will find how Emotional Aromatherapy works with your

particular healing modality.

Emotional Aromatherapy works directly with your energy body. When used in a

healing environment, a powerful energy healing field is created to help release

stagnant emotional energy.

Allow your clients to choose sprays before the session begins. To start, turn

the bottles around so the labels are not showing, and ask your clients to

select up to four different sprays. This will give you an instant picture of their

emotional makeup prior to the session. Remember to shake the bottles to

activate the vibrational components before you use them

Don’t forget to mist after each client leaves to prepare the space for the next

person and to clear you.

You can reach deeper levels of healing when you use the vibrational sprays in

your healing practice.

Awakening the Healer Within:Practitioner’s Handbook


Re-Patterning or Emotional Healing Therapy

Emotional Aromatherapy sprays are perfect companions to all types of

emotional re-patterning therapy. Because each emotional aromatherapy spray

has a specific task, different sprays can be used throughout the entire healing


Use the sprays to release energy constrictions, which cause stiffness, bodily

discomfort and tension — all symptoms of stagnant emotional energy.

Between sessions, refresh the office with Protection and Peace to clear away

collected negative energy. This leaves the office renewed for the next client

and keeps you grounded and alert.

In therapies in which there is an emotional release built into the modality,

Emotional Aromatherapy is the perfect partner. Clearing Fear or Forgiveness

retrieves lost emotional memories.

Forgiveness, Clearing Fear or Healing Feminine sprayed near or on the

abdomen encourages deeply buried emotions to dissolve.

Mist I Release Fear and Clearing Confusion around the lower back and around

the kidneys; mist Clearing Anger around the liver and gall bladder and I Am

Love around the heart.

Other areas of congested energy are the chakras, endocrine glands and the

back of the neck and shoulders.


Massage Therapy

Emotional Aromatherapy and massage are excellent partners. The sprays are

a convenient and fast-acting way to clear energy during sessions. Each one of

the healing sprays creates a sensation of harmony.

Mist the office before the client arrives with Protection. Prepare the massage

table with Balance, Clearing Fear and Healing Feminine or select other sprays

for the session.

Limiting emotions, such as fear and anger, become caught in the musculature,

causing knots. Clearing Fear relaxes neck and shoulder tension. Mist Peace,

Surrender, Clearing Fear and I Am Love on the shoulders or the back of the

neck or other muscle groups to loosen the effects of daily stress. Clearing

Anger is good to use around the hips and groin areas.

Each Emotional Aromatherapy spray is an excellent companion for massage



Psychotherapy and dialogue therapies benefit from Emotional Aromatherapy.

Three essential sprays to use in dialogue therapies are Clearing Confusion,

I Am Love and Balance. The clearing effect quickly dissolves away confusing

energy, allowing you and the client to achieve clarity on pertinent issues.

Grounded spray works well in harnessing the spiraling energies that are

associated with verbal releases in psychotherapies.

Mist I Am Worthy, Clearing Fear and Clearing Confusion to release self-esteem

issues. Open to Receive and Clearing Fear help clients release the barriers to


Clearing Resistance is good for stopping procrastination. During intense

emotional release, mist Clearing Anger followed by I Am Love. Mist Balance


during times of emotional stress.

When spraying a client, mist across the body and around the shoulders to

capture the heart and around the umbilicus area for a greater release.

Remember to mist the office with Protection after each client. This clears the

office, giving the next person a refreshed and clean space to settle in and heal.

Cranio/Sacral Therapy

I love watching how the sprays affect the body during cranio/sacral therapy it

is a perfect marriage of energy. No matter how much emotional clearing work

is achieved the physical body always needs to participate.

The subtle movements of cranio/sacral therapy gently release tightly wound

energy in the physical body and free “stuck” emotions.

I have been fortunate to work alongside a cranio/sacral therapist during a

session when the sprays were used. The client sank deeply into her body while

a tremendous amount of energy was released.

Forgiveness and Clearing Resistance offer deep levels of healing. To continue

the healing that began on the table, offer the client the sprays to take home

and use daily.


Spinal adjustments release energy along the central nervous system. Mist

Clearing Fear, Clearing Anger and Surrender to release stored energy along

the spine and help the adjustment to hold. Balance is a must-have in all

chiropractic offices. Protection and Peace help keep the office energized

during a hectic day.


Spiritual Healing, Reiki, Shamanic Healing

Before any Reiki session, mist the table and the room with Healing Feminine

and Clearing Fear, and choose sprays specific for the treatment session.

After calling in the Reiki symbols, mist Peace and Surrender. Finish and wrap

the client with I Am Love. Clients certainly will remember their sessions. Mist

Protection to cleanse the office between clients. At seminars, use Clearing

Confusion to prevent the audience from becoming overwhelmed.

Intuitive Sessions

Clearing Confusion and Surrender sprays work miracles during psychic and

tarot readings, astrology and other reading sessions.

Tune in and select other sprays during and after the session to enhance the

energy. Don’t forget to mist Protection before the session begins as well as

afterwards to clear the energy. This will help you go deeper and stay more


Feng Shui

Another perfect companion to Emotional Aromatherapy is feng shui. The art

of feng shui is the clearing and movement of energy. The vibrational sprays do

exactly the same thing.

Clearing Confusion is an absolute must-have for any feng shui practitioner, as

it clears away conflicting energy in households and businesses. Mist Clearing

Confusion before walking into a client’s house, and then continue with Balance

to harmonize the energy that is out of alignment. Protection and Peace are

perfect choices to clear away stagnant energy and create a sacred space.

Anytime energy needs to change in the house, office, school, barn, garden or

greenhouse, the sprays are ideal to use. Before leaving the house, mist I Am


Love around the entire house or office. Then leave I Am Love on the counter

with a business card. It is a perfect finishing spray.

Coaches and Teachers

As a holistic practitioner, you have many clients, many challenges and

many potential approaches to take with clients. Yet you have one overriding

objective: to achieve the deepest level of healing. Emotional Aromatherapy is

the perfect partner to shift energy while you are teaching or coaching clients.

Clearing Confusion and Balance keep the audience alert and focused on the

lecture. Mist handouts with I Am Love and Balance for better comprehension

of subject matters. Selling products? Mist the entire table with Clearing Fear,

Clearing Confusion, I Am Worthy or Abundance to increase sales.


Final Thoughts

Emotional Aromatherapy healing sprays are a powerful way to

instantly enhance energy and clear away any unwanted energy.

Changing energy is the key to good health and feeling good.

When we feel good, we are more productive and attract positive

situations into our lives.

Pick up a bottle of Emotional Aromatherapy and instantly change

the energy with just one spritz!

I am honored to have this opportunity to bring this healing system

to you.


Paula Muran


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