emergency preparedness & safety tips

Post on 06-May-2015






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Emergency Preparedness& Safety Tips

EAGLE ALERT is a mass notification system that serves as an additional method of communication in the event of an emergency. EAGLE ALERT messages are sent to students, faculty, and staff via: • e-mail • Phone• Text messaging

• Pull the fire alarm and evacuate immediately.

• Call 911.

• For small fires use the fire extinguisher.

• Close windows and doors to contain the fire if possible.

• Turn off the lights.

• Do not block doors.

• Evacuate the building to a safe area — at least 500 feet from the building.

• Do not use elevators

• If trapped on a second floor or higher, hang an article of clothing out the window to signal emergency personnel.

• Stay close to the floor to avoid the effects of smoke inhalation.

• Weather radios and weather apps for electronic devices provide immediate information about significant weather events, giving you extra time to prepare.

• GSU Public Safety receives the same weather information that you would receive from weather radios/apps.

• GSU Public Safety encourages all departments to have a weather radio and actively monitor all bulletins.


• Severe Thunderstorm Bulletin – Conditions are such that a thunderstorm may develop. Keep a close eye on changing weather and be prepared to take action if necessary.

• Severe Thunderstorm Watch - There is a possibility of a storm developing greater in intensity than the severe thunderstorm bulletin. Keep a close eye on the changing weather and be prepared to take action if necessary.

• Severe Thunderstorm Warnings – A severe thunderstorm has developed and will probably affect the area in the severe thunderstorm bulletin. Protect yourself from the wind. Seek the lowest level in the building. Stay away from windows, cancel all outdoor activities and do not use phones unless there is an emergency.

• Tornado Watch – Weather conditions are such that a tornado may develop. Stay alert and watch for changing weather conditions, listen to your local news reports and weather updates, and be ready to seek shelter at a moment’s notice.

• Tornado Warning – A tornado has been sighted and protection measures should be taken. Take shelter in the building’s basement or the lowest level immediately near the interior wall away from windows and doors. Curl up in a ball or fetal position by the interior wall, place your hands over your head, and remain in that position until the threat has passed. Listen to your local radio for updates.

• If you are in a vehicle, trailer or mobile home:Get out immediately and go to a nearby sturdy building or storm shelter and seek shelter on its lowest floor.

• If you are outside without nearby shelter: Lie down in a ditch, ravine, or depression nearby and cover your head with your hands.

• Hurricane Watch – A hurricane may threaten within 24 hours. Stayed tuned to radio or television for all weather service advisories.

• Hurricane Warning – A hurricane is expected to strike an area within 24 hours. The University will be closed. Every effort will be made to direct personnel safely off campus.

• If you cannot evacuate the affected area, stay indoors, and away from windows.

• Be aware that the calm “eye” of the storm is deceptive; the storm is not over. Stay inside until local officials say it is safe to leave the home.

• Be on alert for tornadoes. Stay indoors, in the center of your building, in a closet or bathroom without windows.

• Stay away from flood-waters.

• A Hazardous Material release must be reported immediately by calling 911 or the GSU Police Department at 912-478-5234.

• When reporting the incident, be specific about the material involved and approximate quantities.

• Evacuate the affected area at once and if possible seal it off to prevent further contamination of other areas or personnel.


• If a building evacuation is required, activate the building alarm and evacuate the building through routes that do not cross the contaminated area.

• If an explosive device is suspected, call 911 or contact the GSU Police Department at 912-478-5234. Leave the suspected explosive device alone and keep others away from it.

• If a bomb threat is received by telephone, remain calm and attempt to gather as much information as possible (where is the bomb, time it will go off, what does it look like, what kind of bomb).

• Forbid the use of telephones within the building.


• Notify the building occupants calmly and quietly via word of mouth then wait for evacuation instructions.

• Always be aware of your environment and any possible dangers.

• Mentally rehearse how you would react in various types of emergency situations.

• Be familiar with two exits whenever you enter a building or room. Ask about building emergency action plans.

• Program local and campus emergency numbers into your cell phone.

• Participate in Eagle Alert campus emergency notification system.

Your Options in an Active Shooter Incident:Escape, Hide/Barricade or Fight Back

Escape:• Leave the area and go to a safe location.• Contact 911 or GSU Police at 912-478-5234 and give all

the information regarding the shooter or incident you may know.

• Locate the nearest classroom/closet/office with a door. Lock or barricade the door with any available items.

• Block or cover windows to the hallway and close blinds. Turn off the room lights.

• Call 911 or GSU Police Department at 912-478-5234.

• Silence your cell phone and other electronics in the room.

• Place signs in exterior windows so responders will know where you are located.

• After securing the room, position people out of sight as best as possible.

• Look for possible window exits if you are on or near the ground floor.

• Fight back only as a last resort and when your life is in imminent danger.

• Organize others and formulate a plan.

• Throw books, chairs, book bags, etc. at the shooter.

• Overpower the shooter and disarm him. Don’t be a victim!

• For more information from the University System of Georgia visit: welcome.georgiasouthern.edu/publicsafety/shooter.htm

• Building Evacuation – When the building alarm is activated during an emergency, leave by the emergency evacuation route for the area in which you are located. If an exit is blocked, use the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.

• Once outside, clear an area safely away from the building. Keep the streets, fire lanes, fire hydrants, and walkways clear for emergency personnel and vehicles.


• Campus Area Evacuation – GSU Police will announce evacuation of all or part of the campus grounds.

• All persons are to immediately vacate the area in question and move to another area as directed.


• Never walk alone at night.

• NEVER leave items unsecured.

• Lock your bike (U-lock).

• Place items in your vehicle’s glove box, under the seat or in the trunk.

• Lock your doors.

• ALWAYS wear a seat belt.

• When going on a trip let someone know when you leave, when you expect to arrive at your destination and your route of travel.

• Immediately report suspicious person(s) and/or incident(s) to GSU Police 912-478-5234.

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