elephant powerpoint for genious hour

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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*Asian Elephants

*Asian elephants live in the scrub forests of India, Nepal, and Southeast Asia.

*Asian males have tusks, but Asian females do not.

*They live in the forests and grasslands.

*They travel far to get food and water. Asian elephants eat leaves, grass, and other plant parts.

*They dig for roots and water with their tusks.

*They reach for fruit with their trunks.

*Elephants spend most of their day eating.

*Asian Elephants

*Baby Asian elephants are called calves. They weigh about 200 pounds and 91 kilograms at birth.

*Elephants are fully grown by age 17. They can live to be 60 years old.

*Asian elephants are a little smaller than African elephants. Asian elephants can weigh up to 11,000 pounds and 4,990 kilograms.

*Asian elephants have lite gray skin.

*Fun Facts

*Elephants do not need very much sleep.

*Elephants cannot jump.

*African Elephants

*African elephants are huge mammals.

*They can stand 13 feet and 4 meters tall.

*African elephants have thick, gray skin and large ears.

*They use their two tusks to dig and to fight off enemies. They tear bark from trees with their tusks.

*The tusks of an African elephant weighs about 50-100 pounds.

*African Elephants

*African elephants live in Africa.

*They find food on flat, grassy savannas.

*Elephants need trees and water to stay cool in the hot sun.

*Every day, elephants eat more than 200 pounds and 91 kilograms of food. They grab grass, fruit or leaves with their trunks.

*Where they live

*African elephants live in savannas and woodlands in Africa. 2 species of elephants live in Africa-Savanna elephants and Forest elephants.

*Indian elephants live in 11 counties including India and Indonesia and go between forests and grasslands depending on where there is more food.

*Sumatran elephants are found only in Sumatran and they like living in forests.

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