elementary school site testing coordinator training aims dpa

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ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TESTING COORDINATOR TRAINING AIMS DPA. SPRING 2005. CCSA for Grades 1 and 2. CCSA materials will arrive at sites March 16 and 17 Tests are administered March 29 – April 1 Included in your shipment: Box Inventory Form from A & R - PowerPoint PPT Presentation





CCSA for Grades 1 and 2

CCSA materials will arrive at sites March 16 and 17 Tests are administered March 29 – April 1

Included in your shipment: Box Inventory Form from A & R CCSA Grades 1 and 2 Reading and Math booklets Consumable Booklets Teacher Instructions 2 Barcode labels Return Box Labels for Accountability & Research

Note: CCSA Extended Writing is an extension of the Quarterly Writing Assessment – no writing materials are sent


CCSA – How to Schedule

Can be given in any order

Some new items this year to align with new articulated standards

Reading: Grade 1 - 25 items

Grade 2 – 35 items

Mathematics: Grade 1 – 25 items

Grade 2 – 35 items


What is new for 2005?

New Testing Contractor – CTB/McGraw-Hill

AIMS DPA (Dual Purpose Assessment) – Aligned to the new Articulated Reading and Mathematics Standards

AIMS DPA– Reading and Math are longer this year to allow reporting of results down to concept level

TerraNova – Grade 2 (replaces Stan 9)

New packaging procedures

New Test Calendar

Clarified Testing Accommodations

New TestsAIMS DPA - Reading




30TerraNovaReading/LanguageArts Items



AlignedAddresses one PO per item Do Not All



New TestsAIMS DPA - Mathematics






AlignedAddresses one PO per item

Do Not AllAlign




AIMS DPA Testing Window is April 11 - 14 Mandatory that this schedule be followed

Monday, April 11 – Writing (Must be done on this date only)

Tuesday, April 12 – Reading and/or Math Wednesday, April 13 – Reading and/or Math

Thursday, April 14 – Reading and/or Math

Make-up testing window is April 11 - 22


How To Schedule the AIMS DPA

Writing (April 11) Two sessions of one hour each on the SAME DAY with a significant break between sessions

Reading and Math (April 12-14) Reading has 3 sessions of 45 minutes each Math has 3 sessions of 45 minutes each Schedule two testing sessions on each of the three remaining testing days – any combination of Reading and Math sessions is fine The content tested on each day may vary as long as all students within the same grade within the same school are testing on the same content


Timing of AIMS DPA

All AIMS DPA tests are untimed. The times given represent the estimated time necessary for the vast majority of students to complete the test

For students who are not finished in the allotted time, arrangements must be made to allow them to finish the test

No AIMS DPA testing session may carry over tothe next school day.


When Will Materials Arrive and What Will be Included?

AIMS DPA materials will arrive at sites April 5 and 6

Included in your shipment: Accountability and Research Inventory Sheet

Materials Inventory from CTB/McGraw-Hill

DPA Reading/Writing/Mathematics test booklets Forms A – P

DPA Reading/Writing/Mathematics Answer Documents

Barcode Labels (one master, one label for test, one extra) and barcode instructions

DPA Test Administrator’s Manual/Directions

A & R Return Box Labels


TerraNova – Grade 2

TerraNova materials will arrive at sites: April 5 – 6 TerraNova will be administered: April 12 and April 13 TerraNova make-up window is: April 14 – 22

Included in your shipment: Accountability and Research Inventory Sheet Packing list from CTB/McGraw-Hill TerraNova 2nd Edition ConsumableTest Books TerraNova Test Directions Return Box Labels


TerraNova Gr. 2 – How to Schedule

Schedule for two days – April 12 and 13

Reading/Language - 2 sessions – one of 41 mins. and one of 34 mins.

Mathematics– 2 sessions – one of 30 mins. and one of 30 mins.

Make-ups – done within the April 14 -22 window


Inventorying Materials

Do not wait to inventory materials at the last minute. Open boxes and check materials immediately upon receipt

Verify that materials received compare to the inventory list

Report any discrepancies to Bert at 617-8187 Save all original boxes for returning your documents


AIMS DPA Test Security

There is a greater emphasis on test security this year

Test materials must be kept in locked storage when not in use

Test must be administered exactly as stated in the Administration Directions

Do not reproduce any test materials, (except manuals posted to the ADE website)


More On Test Security

State Board Rule R7-2-310 B, C, and D concern test security

Violations of test security are a serious matter that could result in disciplinary actions including revoking of certification and withholding of school funds

NEW: All school/district personnel who have access to the AIMS DPA materials must sign a “Test Security Agreement” prior to test administration (See Test Administration Directions or

Test Coordinator’s Manual)

Return only the building administrators’ signed agreements with testing materials (will be filed at testing warehouse)

Principals will maintain signed agreements of building staff


AIMS DPA Test Security

Do not disclose any actual test items Do not provide answers to students Do not change a student’s answer Do not allow students to share information during

testing Do not preview or postview, read, study, examine

the actual test Do not review, read, study, examine any

student’s answers (including drafts)


Test Preparation

Test Setting

Make arrangements for testing rooms that provide adequate lighting and ventilation and will be free from distractions and noise

All visual aids that may assist a student on the test must be removed or covered upEx. Word walls, multiplication tables, rules of punctuation, and


Have an adequate supply of pencils, dictionaries* and thesauri*

* for writing portion of AIMS DPA only


More On Test Preparation

Student Demographic Information for AIMS DPA

Students write their names on the front of the test book

Test form must be coded on back of answer document

Student Barcode Labels for AIMS DPA are to be placed on the front of the student answer document. DO NOT USE the Master Label on the answer document

Barcode Labels contain all required information except for information regarding accommodations

Box 11 is to be filled out for all students, with or without a barcode label, who receive standard or non-standard accommodations or use a large print or Braille version of the test


More on Barcode Labels for AIMS DPA

If student does NOT have a barcode label, all demographic data on the back of answer document must be hand bubbled. Instructions are in the Test Administration Directions

If a label is placed incorrectly or damaged, then an entirely new

answer document needs to be used and demographic information bubbled in by hand

New: An answer document can not have both a barcode label and handwritten Name, DOB, Matric # or SAIS# – it is one or the other

Important Note: All unused barcode labels are to be returned


TerraNova Pre-coded Materials

Barcode labels will not be provided for TerraNova testers

Grade 2 will receive slip sheets A slip sheet is a pre-coded demographic’s page that will be

placed inside the front cover of the student’s test book.

Pre-coded items include:- Student Name- Student Birth Date- Student Gender- Student SAIS Number


Precautions for Answer Documents

No. 2 pencil must be used Do not try to remove labels, if there is a problem with the label use a new

answer document and hand fill in student demographics Be sure test form is recorded on back of answer document for AIMS DPA Do not use correction fluid anywhere Do not allow students to use extra paper to answer extended-response

questions Only answers written in allotted space will be scored Do not use pen, crayon, markers, or colored pencils on any part Do not attach “sticky” notes Do not attach paper clips, tape, staples or glue Do not photocopy an answer document Use of scratch paper prohibited on AIMS DPA


During Testing

Monitor that Test Administrators and Proctors are “actively”

proctoring and watching for student misconduct and cheating:

Use of calculators or other electronic devices Use of scratch paper for AIMS DPA Use of inappropriate reference materials Working on incorrect session or test Disruptive behavior


Reportable Testing Incidents

Problems with testing materials (Call Bert, 617-8187)- Defective test books or answer documents- Lost or missing test materials, etc.

Misconduct by students (Call Cindy, 225-5418)- Cheating- Stealing test materials, etc.

Misconduct by faculty (Call Cindy, 225-5418) - Reviewing the test - Giving hints/answers to students, etc.


Special Education

There are NO out-of-levels this year

Types of Accommodations:

- Standard Accommodations

- Non-Standard Accommodations


Standard Accommodations

Standard Accommodations are provisions made in how a student accesses and demonstrates learning. These do not substantially change the instructional level, the content, or the performance criteria of the test. Scores are still comparable toother scores Ex. - Specific spot to test - Small group

- One on one - Pencil grip - Color overlay


Non-Standard Accommodations

Non-Standard accommodations reflect changes in the test administration that affect standardization and, thus, the comparability of scores, and may also involve substantial changes in what a student is expected to learn and to demonstrate

Ex. - Calculator on Math - Read the reading portions of AIMS - Grammar check and spell check are on

Non-Standard accommodations can only be used if it is on the IEP and it is part of the classroom instruction

Specific concerns with Special Education Students are to be addressed first with the Special Education teacher at your site, or a Special Education Project Specialist, or the Exceptional Education Department

Testing Coordinators and Special Education teachers need to coordinate their efforts – the testing coordinator is not solely responsible for accommodating Special Education students


Who Can Receive Accommodations?

Students eligible for testing accommodations: Special Education Students Students with 504 Plan English Learners

All students eligible for testing accommodations may

receive standard accommodations, but only Special Education

students who receive non-standard accommodations as part of

their classroom instruction may receive non-standard

accommodations for testing


English Learners

Students identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) or who have been identified as Fluent English Proficient (FEP) for two or fewer years are eligible for certain standard accommodations

as needed

To access ELL information go to http://tusdstats.tusd.k12.az.us/ , then click on Language Assessment (under Special Programs)

Accommodations for English Learners include: - Use of a published translation dictionary throughout the test - Provide exact oral translation of test directions into student’s native language (no written translations allowed) - Simplify language in directions in English only


Coding for Testing Accommodations

“J” codes must be completed in the Other Information grid on the inside front cover of the answer document for ALL students who receive non-standard accommodations

“J” column codes are in the Test Administration Directions and on slide 31


More on “J” Code

1 = Non-standard accommodation in reading2 = Non-standard accommodation in mathematics3 = Non-standard accommodation in writing4 = Non-standard accommodation in reading & mathematics5 = Non-standard accommodation in reading & writing6 = Non-standard accommodation in writing & mathematics7 = Non-standard accommodation in reading, writing, & mathematics8 = Home schooled** student tested at your school ** For home schooled students, also mark Box 6 on the backside of the answer document

Other Information (Column J) - Inside cover of answer document

Only J needs to be filled in with a 1 - 8 Refer to Administrator’s Manual for codes



When to Transcribe

If student uses a word processor, tape recorder, scribe, Braille test book, Braillewriter, or a Large Print test book, student’s response MUST BE TRANSCRIBED into an answer document for scoring purposes

When transcribing, use exact words

Applies to all tests


Organizing Scorables After Testing

Handling Answer Documents For All Tests

Make sure barcodes are affixed correctly, are not damaged, and there are no extraneous marks

Separate used (scorable) answer documents from other non-scorable materials

Check to make all transcribing has been done when necessary Check answer documents and test books to ensure that loose sheets of

paper, paper clips, or sticky notes have not been left inside, and that answer documents have not been left inside test booklets

Answer documents should be arranged face up in grade-level stacks Separate stacks with colored sheets Place stacks of answer documents in original boxes and affix colored A & R

Scorable label Materials need to be returned in separate boxes: CCSA in CCSA labeled

boxes, TerraNova in TerraNova labeled boxes, etc.


Organizing Non-Scorables After Testing

Handling All other Testing Materials For All Tests

Organize the non-scorables (includes unused or flawed answer documents) by document type

Make sure to count the number of each type and document on the inventory sheet

New this year: Return all unused AIMS DPA barcode labels. They do not need to be counted

Place non-scorables together by document type in original boxes and affix “Non-Scorable A & R label


Return of Test Materials

New this year - all AIMS DPA and TerraNova testing materials must be returned at the same time to the testing warehouse

CCSA materials (scorables and nonscorables) will be picked up on the day your AIMS and TerraNova are delivered – April 5 or April 6

NOTE: CCSA are the only test materials being picked up.

Please call Bert at 617-8187 to sign-up for a TerraNova and AIMS DPA return time.



IDEAL Integrated Data to Enhance Arizona's Learning

IDEAL is a single location on the internet for all Arizona stakeholders to access an information system of educational data, resources and services to increase student learning.

– The Direction – Upcoming Resources and Information – AIMS Sample Tests - Multiple Grade Levels

Here is the link to access the above: http://www.ideal.ade.az.gov/You will need to login as a guest or you can create your own account.


Useful Websites

This presentation can be found at the TUSDStats website: http://tusdstats.tusd.k12.az.us/ , then click on Resources link

To access information about ELLs: https://tusdstats.tusd.k12.az.us/planning/biled/biled_front.asp

or go to TUSDStats homepage and click on Language Assessment which is under Special Programs

To access AIMS Practice Tests: http://www.ade.az.gov/standards/aims/http://www.ideal.ade.az.gov/


Phew--- We Made it!

Thanks so much for your participation today and taking so much of your valuable time to help your site with testing!

We at A & R know what a commitment of time being a coordinator is. There is no “just” reward.

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