eight tensions in the worship community of the pentecostal movement dr. randal l. quackenbush

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Eight Tensions in the Worship Community of the Pentecostal


Dr. Randal L. Quackenbush

Influences Upon Early Pentecostalism

•18th Century Wesleyan-Holiness Movement 19th Century Movements•Reformed Revivalist•Healing •Pre-millennialism•Missions •Frontier Revivalism •Holiness movement

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Eight Tensions in the Worship Community of the Pentecostal


Dr. Randal L. Quackenbush

Formational Values for Worship in the Pentecostal Movement

•Legitimate hunger for spiritual power•Reaction against dry, ritualistic worship•A rejection of all that was considered “liturgical”•Spontaneity over structure•Informality over formality•Rejection of creeds•Marked by comparatively loud volume

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Formational Values for Worship in the Pentecostal Movement

•Formal church calendar shunned•Embrace of four types of congregational songs: Hymns, Psalms, Gospel songs, & Choruses

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Causes of more recent tensions


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1.The Use of Hymns versus “Other” Songs

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Eight Tensions in the Worship Community of the Pentecostal


Dr. Randal L. Quackenbush

“Though there are different opinions, customs, [and] methods concerning Christian singing, friction should not be allowed to develop. Each should follow their own persuasions, refraining from criticizing his neighbor who holds different ideas concerning Christian singing; and let each continue in his own way, ‘singing and making melody in our hearts unto the Lord.” - Phil Kerr, 1939

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Current “Guidelines for Worship” AOG(excerpt)

•A legitimate variety of music should be encouraged by leadership•The hymnal should be recognized and used for its historical and traditional value as a reservoir of biblical truth•Generational differences must be considered so the needs and desires of the entire body of Christ will be met

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Current “Guidelines for Worship” AOG(excerpt)

•Spiritual leaders must disallow any music that does not exalt Christ and build up His body of believers

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•Establish a criteria for song selection •Criteria should include strength of lyric (theologically sound), be congregationally appropriate/singable, strength of melody/musical•Use criteria for both hymns and new songs

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•Present all songs in a manner/style that is relevant for a congregation’s demographic

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

2. “Worship” versus “Evangelistic” Focus in Services

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Eight Tensions in the Worship Community of the Pentecostal


Dr. Randal L. Quackenbush

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•Most churches have worked through this tension•Dialog has led to an awareness of the need for service planners to view a worship service through the lens of the un-churched•An emphasis in relevant, biblical worship•The use of verbiage and structure with consideration for the un-churched

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

3. “Planned Programs” versus “Spirit- led” Services

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

“Leadership should prepare, and have as its motto: ‘Subject to change without notice.’” -Phil Kerr, 1939

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•Fresh embrace of the Gifts of Utterance (prophecy, tongues and interpretation) and instruction on order/propriety (1 Cor 14)•For those who lead services to create breathing room/spaces for the interruptions of the Spirit

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•For worship leaders to prepare their teams for spontaneity •For evaluation, lavish & loving communication among church leadership in this regard

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

4. Trained versus Untrained Music Leaders

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

• “A thorough knowledge of the art of musical composition was possessed by very few famous hymn-writers.”

• “Every great hymn seems to have been the result of a definite spiritual crisis in the life of the writer.”

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Eight Tensions in the Worship Community of the Pentecostal


Dr. Randal L. Quackenbush

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•Champion the thought that church music should have a high standard •Create a culture of improvement that develops musicians, instrumentalists and vocalists

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•Consider the long term impact of the current state, seemingly perilous for church choirs and orchestras•Perpetuate the notion that skilled church musicians must be biblically trained and that those biblically trained should be musically skilled. Not an “either – or.”

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

5. “Performance” versus “Participation”

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Eight Tensions in the Worship Community of the Pentecostal


Dr. Randal L. Quackenbush

The Unfortunate Knee-jerk Reaction

•The elimination of many choirs and orchestras•The disenfranchising of thousands of choir and orchestra members – relationally, ministerially, artistically•The disregard of roughly 1900 years of choral singing in the Church

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The Unfortunate Knee-jerk Reaction

•The scattering of many fine instrumentalists from our churches, for they will find an outlet for their ministry

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•Re-engage in conversation that asks different questions•Train our choir/orchestra members to be “leaders of worship” and not “performers.” •A fresh appreciation for the NT communal characteristics that church choirs and orchestras facilitate

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6. Topical versus Expositional Preaching

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Eight Tensions in the Worship Community of the Pentecostal


Dr. Randal L. Quackenbush

Topical preaching is based on selecting a topic to preach on, then finding scriptural passages to support the teaching points of that topic.

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

“Expositional preaching is the communication of a biblical concept, derived from and transmitted through a historical, grammatical, and literary study of a passage in its context, which the Holy Spirit first applies to the personality and experience of the preacher, then through the preacher, applies to the hearer.”   -Dr. Haddon Robinson, Biblical Preaching

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•The tension between topical and expositional preaching is a rather polite discussion compared to those over musical styles•The shift still taking place is not without heartfelt discussions based on deep philosophical convictions

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•An understanding that the consummate Pentecostal preacher is, in fact, spirit-anointed and academically equipped to parcel the Scriptures in a manner that contributes to the discipling of their congregants

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

7. Welcoming versus Not Welcoming the Gifts of Utterance in Worship Services

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Characteristics of the Early Pentecostal Movement with Regard to the

Gifts of Utterance

•These “divine interruptions” were most welcome•Welcome at any time in the service, including during the sermon

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Characteristics of the Early Pentecostal Movement with Regard to the

Gifts of Utterance•Service leaders were encouraged to “leave room for sacred pauses” for tongues (to be followed by an interpretation) and prophecy•The Gifts of Utterance, especially tongues, were the distinguishing mark identifying the Pentecostal Church from other Evangelical churches

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Eight Tensions in the Worship Community of the Pentecostal


Dr. Randal L. Quackenbush

“Are Pentecostal churches still Pentecostal?”

If praxis does not support doctrine, then why would pastors/churches identify with the distinctive they desire to forsake?

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•A hunger for empowerment•An embrace of all New Testament theology, including doctrine associated with the Pentecostal experience•Biblical teaching on the subject from Pentecostal pulpits and in Pentecostal seminaries

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•A creation of “sacred pauses” in services where discerning leaders give room for “divine interruptions”•The realization that “biblical teaching moments” that follow such interruptions will give believers and unbelievers understanding

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

8. Sacred versus Secular Elements in Worship Services

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Loose definitions:

•Sacred – that which once held a holy place in the heart of the Pentecostal Church

•Secular – influences of secular culture/society upon the Pentecostal Church

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Generational Impact

•Senior population – miss the familiar, meaningful Pentecostal “liturgy” they once enjoyed•Baby Boomers – an embrace, for the most part, of the “rock concert” atmosphere

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Generational Impact

•X & Y Generations – a split between identification with the “rock concert” setting and a desire for more organic, unproduced worship services that include a connection with traditional, historical elements of worship. Desire for substance over fluff is key for both X & Y.

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Generational Impact

“We are a liturgical post-rock band. We believe that art is sacred and try to make music that reflects that.” -Gungor

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•Suggest church leaders asking better questions•Careful evaluation of new elements prior to implementation•Creative insertion of meaningful, historic liturgy•Regular assessment of all service elements

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Points to Ponder in an Effort to Move Toward a Solution

•For elements that have diminished in effectiveness, thoughtful discussion of how meaning can be added. The net impact could mean salvaging an element instead of discarding it. This is not to say that some ineffective elements should, in fact, be discontinued. It is believed that some should.

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

4 Keys to the Future of Pentecostal Worship

1.Unity - Valuing All Generations (Ps 133)Anointing

Refreshing Blessing Life Forevermore

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

4 Keys to the Future of Pentecostal Worship

2.Characteristics of the New Testament Church – A Fresh Embrace

•May Pentecostal leaders embrace each of the nine spiritual gifts (1 Cor 12)•May the instructions given in 1 Cor 14 regarding the 3 Gifts of Utterance be taught and followed

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

4 Keys to the Future of Pentecostal Worship

2.Characteristics of the New Testament Church – A Fresh Embrace

•May those who are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ be equally unashamed of the Pentecostal experience

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

4 Keys to the Future of Pentecostal Worship

3.Historical Appreciation – 2000 years & 100 years

•2000 years of liturgical worship•100 years in the Pentecostal tradition•Careful assessment instead of flippant disregard

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

4 Keys to the Future of Pentecostal Worship

3.Historical Appreciation – 2000 years & 100 years

•Linkage with Christian heritage and Pentecostal roots•Awareness of dangers of maturation, sophistication, calcification and institutionalization

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

4 Keys to the Future of Pentecostal Worship

3.Historical Appreciation – 2000 years & 100 years

•Refusal to allow the un-churched to dictate worship service programming•Recall of how the proclamation of the gospel and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit fueled the growth of the church in the NT

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4 Keys to the Future of Pentecostal Worship

4. The Gift of Teaching – Informing our Congregants

•Biblical worship•Pentecostal worship•The history of worship in the Church•Proper emphasis of valuable truths leading to fruit. Fruit which shall remain.

8 Tensions/Worship Community/Pentecostal Movement

Eight Tensions in the Worship Community of the Pentecostal


Dr. Randal L. Quackenbush

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