egyptian amduat, isis raising the djed

Post on 10-Apr-2015






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This document contains material for the Ritual Mystery Play "The Twelve Hours of the Night". It is part of a collection of Egyptian Mystery Plays.


Isis raising the DjedTransformation into a Ment Bird

The Mothers, part 2

Dazzle Star

The Mystery Temple of the Dazzle Star 2010.

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This book contains material for the mystery play “The Twelve Hours of the Night”. It is part of a collection of Egyptian mystery plays.

Text@ Dazzle Star

Necessities: baby doll, straw, tea lights, oils to let the tree smell, gong, music celestial spirit track 8, people are seated on the pattern of the black and white pillars of the Tree of Life. Mirrors; four phases of the Moon, sun and moon mirror, gong, Mask and Sheet for Osiris, crook, flail, red and white crown. 28 tea lights

Personnel: 1. Isis 2. Anubis 3. Astarte at Malkuth 4. at tiphareth Osiris in his coffin. 5. King of Biblos at Kether 6. Thoth the Moon god is the Narrator, the People take place on the black and white pillar

Thoth Opening the Veils, drawing the Duat star Open the double doors of the Horizon in the North, the quarter of the Sun at Midnight. In this realm of Velvet dark blackness shines the Moon, indicator of Time and Transformations. In my temple I invite the forces of Gold and Black to share with us the secrets of Sorrow and Fire

Anubis Walks in front of the procession when the Golden Pillar walks in. When everybody is seated he walks to the bottom the Pillar, Opening the Veils, drawing the Duat star 1 the opener of the Ways give access to the Golden pillar so that the transforming forces will become available during this ritual.

Isis Walks in front of the procession when the Black Pillar walks in. When everybody is seated she walks to the bottom of the Pillar, Opening the Veils, drawing the Duat star I the Mother of Sorrows give access to the Black Pillar so that the Purifying waters of growing knowledge will clean us.

Triangle walks in Osiris, King of Biblos, Queen Astarte, they enwrap Osiris in sheets and put on the Mask. They lay him down and then draw the Power Lines.

King Byblos and Queen Astarte Between the House of Knowledge in the Heavens and the House of Flowers we support our palace with a mighty Tree who is rooted in the earth and reaches with its branches towards the heavens.

King Biblos The leafs of this Tree touch the night sky and gently caress the Goddess Nuit.

Thoth In the mean time Isis is still looking for the lost body of her husband Osiris. She wanders for years, weeping and searching for the casket. Often she hears rumors that a golden coffin has been seen floating along the Nile by the inhabitants of one of the villages. She keeps following the rumors and so she crosses the border, Egypt and comes into the land of Byblos.Here the rumors speak of a wonderful tree that suddenly had started to grow on the shore, exactly on the borderline between land and sea. This news reached Isis and she becomes hopeful to finally find the body of her dead husband. Isis asks every man and woman if they have seen coffin that contains Osiris. In the end she learns that the coffin became entrapped in a tamarisk bush. As if by magic the bush shot up and became a magnificent tree. The towering tree enclosed the ornate box within its huge trunk. Isis learns that the king of Byblos fell in love with this tree so much that he had it cut down and made into a giant pillar to

support the roof of his palace. Now Isis knows for sure that the coffin came ashore here. Because of the divine presence of the Body of Osiris, the bush had sprouted and grown into a large tree, which now supports the Palace of the King. Isis and Anubis immediately travel to that palace. When they have arrived there Isis tries to come into contact with personnel of the palace. She meets the Queen’s maidens. She tells them she is an Egyptian head dresser. She pleats their hair and she breaths, and the girlsget surrounded by a divine scent. This attracts the attention ofQueen Astarte and the queen took a liking to her and she asked Isis to take care of her young son, the prince. In this way Isis and her son Anubis are able to enter into the palace and they find the Tree trunk.

Anubis and Isis go to Malkuth of the Tree

Anubis I smell a divine smell. I smell the nearness of my father. Look at this gigantic pillar, it grows right towards heaven.

Isis I agree, this must be the right place to look for the body of my deceased husband. Look here to the surface of the wood, I see the gold still glittering which is the remnant of the coffin in which Osiris was captured. I will take on the job that is offered to me by Queen Astarte. I will nurture her child for her. This gives me the opportunity to be close to the tree and the coffin. At last I will be near to my husband.

Astarte gives the little baby prince to Isis. I like you, you lady from Egypt; I trust you with the care for my child. I can see your fine manners; you must be a well educated lady. I think my child will be able to learn a lot of you, and of the fine manners of Egypt.

Isis goes to Yesod. It is night little baby. As I take care for you I start to love you. Sleep little prince, I put you down in a soft bed of straw at the bottom of the Tree. I will weave a spell of protection about you. You will become immortal by this, you will live forever. I will start to nurture you with the divine juices of my healing handsinstead of with thy mothers milk. 1 will rub your skin with the fat of salamanders. I put you in a bed of burning coals and incense. I will wrap you into a spell that will make you immortal.

Transformation into a swallow

Anubis puts a little Myrrh perfume on his hand and holds it under Isis' nose as if feeding birds by hand. See, all the birds of Punt Come down on Egypt, Pregnant with Myrrh. The first bird that comes down Is attracted by my bait. She is as fragrant as the perfume of Punt Her claw is saturated with balsam How I long to do this To free Osiris with you by my side I want to be with you When he utters his cry of freedom My bird, pregnant with Myrrh.

Thoth speaks while Isis lays down the baby in the bed of straw.. Isis starts a ritual that needs to be done for 28 days and then the child will shine eternal as a night star. To do this the child will sleep amidst the flames while the Goddess transforms herself into a swallow and flutters about mournfully chirping for her dead husband. In the night she brings him to the pillar where thecoffin is hidden. There she lights a fire and speaks the magicwords she lays down

The sleeping boy in the flames. The fire starts to bum away a1l that is human in him, but she does not watch over him, she turns herself into a swallow and begins to fly around the pillar, wailing and mourning over her dead husband.

Isis I am Isis…..(magical name) who is truth-speaking, I am a Ment bird. I am a Ment bird and the Scorpion Goddess, and the daughter of Ra. 0 you gods, may your savor be sweet. A flame goes up from the horizon.

o you Osiris who are the Djed. Firmly rooted in the Big City of the Other World. I have brought the snake who guards his coils. Give me your hands, and I will safely arrive on the Island of Fire.

Bow down to me, then I will tell what I have seen. Horus is in command of the Sacred Bark, and the

Throne, the Mother, the Wife of his father Osiris has been given to him.

While I fly as a swallow and encircles the Djed, Seth is bounds because of what he has done.

Thoth Raise the Full Moon Mirror and sounds the gong Everyone takes a candle and spirals around the child

while saying their part of the text. Light one candle of the circle around the child

1. On the first night of the full moon we start by giving you eternal life. (gong)

2. On the second night we clean you with fire to purify you, and transform all your human qualities into divine blessings. (gong)

3. On the third night we clean you from all vices, drink from the sweat of the goddess. (gong)

4. On the fourth day we look at your shining face, the little prince starts to glow. (gong)

5. On the fifth day our my hearts reach out to you and weadore your sweet face in the lights of the rising fire. (gong)

6. On the sixth day we give you the Ankh, the Sign of Life (gong)

7. On the seventh day you connect with the smell of the Tree, which will empower you forever. (gong)

Tiphareth Enlightening the Backbone of Osiris

Isis What is in the Nome of Sekhem (Lethopolis) has been allotted to me, and I am obedient to Osirsis. I fly up along the Djed and I make an inspection and I return to speak about what I see.

Guardians of the Past, Let me pass, that I may report on my errand. I am one who goes in esteemed and who goes out distinguished at the portal of the Lord of AII.

I am pure on that great tomb-plateau, for I am c1eansed of my evil. I discard my wrongdoing. I cast to the ground the Hills which were on my flesh. My sparkling energies lighten the Djed, the Tree and the Ment Bird.

Thoth raises the waning Moon Mirror and sounds the Gong

Everyone takes a candle and spirals around the child and Osiris while saying their part of the text.

Everybody puts a candle on the backbone of Osiris, then return to place.

1. The moon is waning and we see the half sickle in the sky. The spell goes on ... (gong)

2. On the ninth day we speak words of love to you, together we make a gateway to transcended love. (gong)

3. On the tenth day we softly caress your skin; your magical body becomes alive. (gong)

4. On the eleventh day we softly whisper your name, your magical name spoken with power gives you access to all the worlds. (gong) .

5. On the twelfth day we give you the gift of the tears of Isis, who provide water for you to grow. (gong)

6. On the thirteenth day we give you Ma'at; that all your words and deeds be performed in truth. (gong)

7. On the fourteenth day we give you silence.... (gong)

Daath black moon Isis is Crying

Isis crying awaking the queen and the king O you keepers of the Gate to the Past, make a way for me, for I am one like you. I go out into the Light, I walk on my feet. I have power in my strides.

O you God of the Sun at Midnight, by your light I get to know the secret ways which give access to field of Rushes. See, I have come, having felled my enemies to the ground and my body of light is purified.

I have full knowledge of the Transformation into a Ment Bird. I get access to the City of the Otherworld. I shall go forth into the Light, and I will not be turned away in the Realm of the Death. I am a swallow.

Thoth raises the dark Moon Mirror and sounds the Gong Isis takes her seat at Daath Everyone takes a candle and spirals around the child and

Osiris and Isis while saying their part of the text. Everybody puts a candle around Isis, then return to place.

1. The moon is dark, nature is silent and the swallow still encircles the Pillar. The spell goes on (gong)

2. On the sixteenth day we sing to songs so that your ears are filled with our joy. (gong)

3. On the seventeenth day we kiss your eyes and they open and twinkle like stars. (gong)

4. On the eighteenth day the Mother gives you the breath of eternal life. (gong)

5. On the nineteenth day the Mother gives you part of her life's essence and fills your veins with blood. (gong)

6. On the twentieth day she touches your skin and feels your soft touch. (gong)

7. On the twenty-first day the mother gives you the gift to taste the juice of Salvia. (gong)

Astarte Words of these strange happenings reach me. I cannot not believe these tales, so I go and see for myself. The coming night, I will hide myself and witness what happens.

Isis stands, walks to the moon altar, caresses the child, raises it high so that everybody sees it, and puts it in the middle of the circle of flames.

Astarte screams and goes to the moon altar and takes out the child.

Isis You have broken the spell to make your child immortal. I am Isis, Queen of Upper and Lower Egypt, Widow of Osiris the King. This magic would have turned your child into a god. But now his immortality is lost. I have come to Byblos because the Pillar which upholds your palaceIncorporates- the coffin of my dead husband. I want to have this Pillar, because Osiris deserves a proper funeral.

Kether waxing moon King of Byblos in Kether

Thoth raises the waxing Moon Mirror and sounds the Gong

Everyone places the candle in a row from the bottom to the top of the Tree, taking the candles off Osiris.

It is the first quarter of the waxing moon now, and the spell comes to its height. In these last days Osiris will receive his powers and with it He will gain eternal life.

King and Queen We are happy to be of help to Isis, the Great Goddess of Egypt. We will help to raise the Djed; They help Osiris upright.

Anubis gives crook On the twenty third day I give you the crook of good ruler ship (gong)

Isis gives flail On the twenty fourth day I give you the flail of severity, used when necessary. (gong)

Anubis raises sun mirror On the twenty fifty day I give you the life- force of the sun.(gong)

Anubis raises sun mirror On the twenty fifty day I give you the life- force of the sun.(gong)

Isis raises moon mirror On the twenty sixth day I give you the power of flux and reflux of the moon. (gong)

Anubis white crown I crown you with the white crown of Upper Egypt. (gong)

Isis red crown This is the last night. After this the spell is set. On this day I crown you with the red crown of Lower Egypt and this will make you live For Ever and Ever. You guard all life with all the powers within you. You are eternal life!!! (gong)

Thoth Raise the Full Moon Mirror

Thoth Then Isis instantly cut it the Pillar into pieces so that the coffin was be taken out. Then she drenched all the pieces of wood in oil, wrapped them in [me linen and asked the queen to keep them in the temple of Byblos.

Then she left Byblos by boat, and headed for Egypt. The wood of the Tree remains in Biblos as a token of this divine mystery, which repeats itself in Zep Tepi for ever and ever.

Isis and Anubis Annoint everybody with Myrrh oil and leave the temple.

Astarte and the King of Byblos close the Power Lines.

Thoth closing the Veils, withdrawing the Duat star. I close the double doors of the Horizon in the North, the quarter of the Sun at Midnight. In this realm of Velvet dark blackness the Full moon shines. The Pillars of Gold and of Black withdraw to the unseen realms.

Black and Golden Pillar process out of the Temple.

Thoth. The Ritual is closed, the Waters of the Moon are at rest and the Tamarisk Tree will grow near to the shores of the oceans to remind of this mystery.

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