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EFT V: The Prince of Aquitaine whose Tournament is DestroyedRound 12


1. In one work, this author wrote a story about a peasant named "Misty" who discusses the spring of Raspberry Water. In a short story by this author, the title character listens to the doctor Trifon Ivanych tell of his attempts to soothe his patient Alexandra prior to her death, while in another story, a group of boys led by Pavlusha tell the protagonist ghost stories. In addition to “The District Doctor” and “Bezhin Meadow,” he wrote a novel that sees Pavel shot during a duel with a character who later dies of typhus after botching an autopsy. That character is the friend and houseguest of medical student Arkady Kirsanov, Bazarov. For 10 points, identify this author of Sportsman’s Sketches and Fathers and Sons.ANSWER: Ivan Turgenev

2. During early embryonic development in this organism, PAL-1 and GLD-1 are localized to the anterior and posterior respectively. X-inactivation in this organism occurs by downregulating both X chromosomes equally rather than inactivating one or the other. The lin-4 non-coding RNA was originally discovered in this organism, and Andrew Fire used this organism to elucidate RNAi. In states of crowding or starvation, this organism can go directly from stage L2 to a dauer state, and during development this organism undergoes exactly 191 apoptotic events. The fate of every cell in this organism has been mapped, and Sydney Brenner originally pioneered its study. This organism has hermaphrodite and male sexes. For 10 points, name this nematode and common model organism.ANSWER: Caenorhabditis Elegans

3. One member of this movement wrote “Affirmations cut off slices of reality” to show how the “Negation of Negation” is the only way of approaching the Ultimate. Marius Victorinus, who wrote many treatises against Arianism, was part of this school of philosophy, whose members included Iamblichus and Proclus. Its founder used the terms psyche and physis to refer to the upper and lower portions of the soul, which forms a trinity with the One and the Intellect. His student wrote the Isagoge, and helped edit his The Enneads. For 10 points, identify this school of philosophy led by Plotinus, which sought to revive the ideas of the author of Symposium and The Republic.ANSWER: Neoplatonism

4. This artist created a painting of his parents in which his mother holds a spoon up to his father’s mouth. This artist depicted his wife in a black dress standing above a giant forest. He also painted the ceiling of the Paris Opera House, and a self-portrait shows him painting a picture of a red bull and depicts him with seven fingers. Besides painting Bella with a White Collar, he depicted a burning synagogue on the right and a menorah in front of the title event, whose victim wears a black-striped towel. Another work depicts a figure with a green face and a goat looking eye-to-eye in the background, and a series of houses with some of them upside-down and a woman milking a cow stand in the foreground. For 10 points, name this artist of The White Crucifixion and I and the VillageANSWER: Marc Chagall 5. In Greek mythology, the Crinaeae inhabit these places, and Egeria, the wife of Numa Pompillius, turned into one of these after Numa’s death. Apollo turned Castalia into one of these objects, which stands next to the Oracle at Delphi. After being chased by Alpheus, Arethusa was turned into one of these. One of these objects named for the nymph Pirene was a favorite spot of Pegasus, while Pegasus also created one of these sacred to the Muses known as the Hippocrene one. During the contest for the control of Athens, Poseidon gave the Athenians one of these objects, which they rejected. For 10 points, name these objects, another of which was the one “of Youth” searched for by Ponce de Leon, which are sources of underground water.ANSWER: Spring or Well or Fountain

6. Under the substitution model, processes of this type build a chain of deferred operations. Languages like Ada, Pascal, and C require an unbounded amount of memory to realize these procedures, necessitating use of "looping constructs" like "for" and "while". The IEEE Scheme standard requires the "tail-" form of this property, so procedures like Euclid's algorithm will never exhaust the stack space. For ten points, identify this class of procedures exemplified by the natural solution to Towers of Hanoi and by Merge sort, which contrasts with iterative and in which a function is defined in terms of itself.ANSWER: Recursive

7. Immediately before the negotiations of this treaty, one country involved recently had a change in power from the Alignment Party to the Consolidation. One side began receiving 1.3 billion dollars per year of military aid in order to facilitate modernization efforts after this agreement. The first part of this treaty promised the full implementation of Security Council resolution 242, and during the negotiations the parties would often shut themselves in their cabins and refuse to speak to each other. Partly facilitated by Cyrus Vance and Zbigniew Brzezinski, it set the precedent for the Oslo Accords and allowed free passage through the Suez Canal. For 10 points, name these agreements signed between Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat, facilitated by Jimmy Carter at the namesake Presidential retreat.ANSWER: Camp David Accords

8. This character is gap-toothed and has traveled to Rome and Jerusalem, and is deaf in one ear. After using a metaphor of golden and wooden vessels, this character explains that “advice is no commandment.” One of this person's associates owns a book called Valerie and Theophraste. Jankin, her much younger husband, hit her when she tore pages out of that book after which he agreed to give her control in their marriage. She and her best friend are both called Alison, and she laments, “Alas that ever love was sin!” She also relates a story about a knight who must find out what women want most. For 10 points, name this oft-married character from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.ANSWER: the Wife of Bath

9. In 1818 this figure was called forth to testify to a committee led by Serjeant Onslow to state why he wanted the usury laws of England to be repealed. One of this writer’s works, which were heavily edited by Paul Sraffa, is a discussion using examples of Portugese wine and English cloth. He called for the adoption of a metal rather than paper currency in his “The High Price of Bullion.” This thinker was also an opponent of trade protectionism and wrote “Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock.” He also proposed an iron law of wages. For 10 points, identify this economist who formulated the concept of comparative advantage.ANSWER: David Ricardo

10. This man passed a bill which narrowed the gangway to the ballot box, preventing aristocrats from influencing voters, and he rose to prominence during the Cimbrian Wars. Towards the end of his life, he escaped to Eturia, sacked Ostia with a new army, before joining forces with Cinna to take back control of Rome. Despite the efforts of Sulpicius Rufus, this man was exiled in a power struggle during the Social War. This uncle of Julius Caesar succeeded Quintus Metellus as commander in the war against Numidia, but was disgraced when Jugurtha surrendered to his quaestor. For 10 points, name this Roman General of the 2nd and 1st centuries BC, a longtime rival of Sulla.ANSWER: Gaius Marius

11. At one point in this work, Roth finds an injured bird on the beach and squeezes it to death with his hands. Many of its characters try to climb Mount Anaka, and near its beginning, Croft orders his men to kill enemy soldiers because they shattered Private Toglio's elbow. Broken into four parts with titles like “Wave” and “Argil and Mold,” this book's first pages include a map of Anopopei, as well as an argument between General Cummings and his subordinate Lieutenant Hearn. Detailing the everyday life of an American regiment fighting the Japanese, for 10 points, identify this novel set in and around the Philippines during World War II, a work of Norman Mailer.ANSWER: The Naked and the Dead

12. This opera quotes Gluck and was in turn quoted by Saint-Saëns, in the “Tortoises” movement of Carnival of the Animals. One number from this opera is a duet where one part consists of buzzing noises, and characters include John Styx and Public Opinion. The title character, a violinist, is in love with Chloe, while his wife loves Aristaeus, who is really Pluto in disguise. Pluto later leads the gods to revolt against ambrosia and go to a party in the titular location. In the end, it is Jupiter who throws a thunderbolt to make the title character look back and lose Eurydice. For 10 points, name this opera by Jacques Offenbach which includes a famous can-can.ANSWER: Orpheus in the Underworld [or Orphée aux enfers; you can prompt on Orpheus]

13. This molecule’s binding to the G109A receptor on adipocytes decreases the flux of free fatty acids to the liver and increases HDL levels, though it is often given with laropiprant to reduce flushing. It can be synthesized from tryptophan via a kynurenine intermediate, and mutations in SLC6A19 decreases the levels of this vitamin in the bloodstream; that mutation causes Hartnup’s disease. Consisting of a carboxyl group bound to pyridine, a deficiency of this vitamin, which is the precursor for the electron carriers NAD and NADP, causes a disease with diarrhea, dermatosis, and dementia, known as pellagra. For 10 points, name this substance also known as Vitamin B3.ANSWER: Niacin or Nicotinic acid or Vitamin PP

14. This movie begins to the background music “O mio babbino caro” from Gianni Schichi. Judi Dench plays the novelist Eleanor, who refuses to let the heroine consult her Baedeker guide in the plaza at Santa Croce. In one scene in this movie, the character played by Julian Barnes surprises the heroine by kissing her in a field of poppies; that same character, George Emerson, elopes with her to Florence at the end of the movie. Daniel Day Lewis also appears in this movie as the heroine’s unsuccessful suitor Cecil Vyse. For 10 points, name this movie which stars Helena Bonham Carter as heroine Lucy Honeychurch, which was adapted from a novel written by E.M. Forster.ANSWER: A Room with a View

15. A novel set in this country sardonically calls its social structure “the Rooster Coop,” and is narrated by a driver who becomes an entrepreneur after cutting the throat of his master with a broken whiskey bottle. This country is the setting of The White Tiger, as well as the novels The Financial Expert and The Guide, which are set in its fictional town of Malgudi. A classic poem from this country depicts a fixed game of dice in which Yudhisthira loses his kingdom, leading to the Kurukshetra War. That poem is attributed to Vyasa, and describes the rivalry between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. For 10 points, name this country whose epic poets used Sanskrit to write the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.ANSWER: India

16. When the interparticle distance of a gas is less than this value, it obeys Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac statistics, while when it is greater than this value the gas obeys Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics. The existence of this quantity was proven in an experiment which used a 54-volt potential difference to fire electrons at a nickel target; this gave a value of this

quantity which agreed with the predictions of Bragg’s Law. First measured for electrons in the Davisson-Germer experiment, this value can be calculated by dividing Planck’s constant by the momentum. For 10 points, name this quantity which explains why particles have wavelike behavior, a wavelength named for a German physicist.ANSWER: [Thermal] De Broglie Wavelength

17. In this piece, the tuba only has fourteen notes, all of them at the beginning and end of the slow movement. The last movement revolves around the motif E-F sharp-G-Fsharp-E-E, and this work's third movement opens with a prominent timpani passage reminiscent of the scherzo of Beethoven's ninth. The second movement of this symphony inspired the spiritual "Goin' Home" with a melody first stated by a solo English Horn. Despite its name and pentatonicism, it is dubious whether this work contains Native American folk songs. For 10 points, identify this symphony written during the composer's visit to the United States, by Antonin Dvorak.ANSWER: Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 or From the New World (Dvorak's name is not required after it is read)

18. In one battle, this man along with Maximilian I defeated a group of French cavalry under Jacques de la Palice at Guinegate. One important advisor to this man was Thomas Cromwell, who was deposed by the Earl of Norfolk and executed. Early in this man’s reign, the pope Leo X bestowed the title “Defender of the Faith” upon him in recognition of his book, Defense of the Seven Sacraments. During his reign, a rebellion arose centered in the north of England known as the Pilgrimage of Grace. Important legislation passed under this man included, the Dissolution of the Monasteries and the 1534 Act of Supremacy, which placed power over the English church into royal hands. For 10 points, name this man who replaced the pope with the head of the Church in England following a dispute with Rome over his desire to divorce Catherine of Aragon in favor of Ann Boleyn.ANSWER: Henry VIII

19. One member of this group was allegedly reburied in Pisa Cathedral in the 400’s. That member of this group produced a cryptic set of lines about a fish from the Mediterranean and a fish from Jordan. A Gospel produced by one member of this group describes the Harrowing of Hell and he paid for Christ’s burial. In addition to Nicodemus, Paul of Tarsus was said to be one before he learned about the “seed of Abraham.” They included among their ranks the poorer people as opposed to the priestly class. Unlike their counterparts that rejected oral law, they believed that God gave Moses the knowledge of the Law. For 10 points, identify these peoples who were opposed to the Sadduccees.ANSWER: Pharisees

20. Lord Howe’s fleet in the Hudson River prompted this man to lead a secret committee. He founded a Manumission Society in his home state, but he first worked with Robert Livingston. Samuel Huntington succeeded this man as leader of the Contintental Congress. He ran against George Clinton to be governor of his home state. Giving opinions on cases like Chisholm v. Georgia and Georgia v. Brailsford in one post, this politician was also the namesake of a treaty with Great Brittain. Elevated to his highest post when George Washington signed into law the Judiciary Act of 1789, for 10 points, identify this first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.ANSWER: John Jay


1. An account of this company, founded by Thomas Durant with the financial backing of George Train, is heavily discussed in a book by Jay Boyd Crawford. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this company founded in 1864 whose shares of which were sold to Congressmen at a low price by Oakes Ames. Its primary purpose was legitimizing a contact given by Union Pacific in constructing a railroad. ANSWER: Credit Mobilier of America[10] This President achieved the rank of lieutenant general by leading attacks at places like Vicksburg. During his presidency, the Credit Mobilier and Whiskey Ring scandals occurred.ANSWER: Ulysses Grant[10] Another Civil War general who ran for the Presidency was this dude, who formulated a precursor to the Anaconda plan. He was called Old Fuss and Feathers and was wounded at Lundy’s Lane during the War of 1812.ANSWER: Winfield Scott

2. Among other things, it stresses encapsulation, or the practice of separating an abstraction’s interface from its implementation. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this paradigm of computer science which revolves around the use of classes for programming, exemplified by languages like Java and C++.ANSWER: object-oriented programming or OOP[10] Another key tenet of OOP is this property by which new subclasses can be created from old classes, or superclasses, and retain all the features of the old classes.ANSWER: inheritance[10] When an object is instantiated, or created, this is the first method, or function, called by the program. It is typically used to set initial values for variables.ANSWER: constructor method

3. At one point in this work, Madame Pozdnishef and Trukhashevsky play a Beethoven violin sonata of the same name. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this work that documents Pozdnyshev and the steps that lead him to murder his wife.ANSWER: “Kreutzer Sonata”[10] This is the Russian author of “The Kreutzer Sonata,” who also wrote “Alyosha the Pot.”ANSWER: Leo Tolstoy[10] This collection of three Tolstoy short stories, which depict the various times of year throughout the title port city, outline his disdain for war.ANSWER: Sevastopol Sketches or Sevastopol Stories

4. The simplest statement of this law is that absorbance is equal to epsilon times the concentration times the path length. For 10 points each:[10] Name this law, which tells you how much light a sample of a given concentration absorbs, given the molar absorptivity of the compound.ANSWER: Beer-Lambert law[10] The Beer-Lambert law is the operating principle behind these devices, which shine monochromatic light through a sample in a cuvette.ANSWER: Spectrophotometer[10] Spectrophotometers, via the Bradford or Lowry assays, are commonly used to find the concentration of these polymers, which consist of amino acids linked via amide bonds.ANSWER: Proteins or peptides

5. For 10 points each, answer the following about the career of Alexander the Great:[10] In conquering the Persian Empire, Alexander defeated this Persian ruler at the battles of Issus and Gaugamela, and later married this man’s daughter, Stateira. ANSWER: Darius III (prompt on Darius)[10] Alexander besieged this Phoenician island city-state, eventually seizing it after constructing a large causeway or mole.ANSWER: Tyre[10] Alexander’s conquests reached as far as this body of water now in Pakistan, which lends its name to a civilization based at Harappa and Mohenjo Daro.ANSWER: Indus River

6. In one of his poems, the speaker tells Postumus how the fleeting years fall away and virtue will not stop the onset of age. For 10 points each:[10] Name this Roman poet under Augustus who wrote 17 epodes and a whole slew of odes.ANSWER: Horace (or Quintius Horatius Flaccus)[10] In this “Epistle to Piso,” Horace emphasizes characteristics of good writing such as beginning a story “in media res,” but also admits that even the masters mess up, as when “great Homer nods.”ANSWER: Ars Poetica or The Art of Poetry[10] Horace published several works of this title, the first of which notes that nobody is happy with his own condition. A later poet, Juvenal, also published five books in this genre.ANSWER: Satires

7. In one analogy the author of this work notes that wax can change shape, color, and texture but still be wax.[10] Identify this philosophical guidebook in which the author renounces all beliefs which are even slightly doubtful and then starts from the ground up. This work also concludes that the body is distinct from the mind.ANSWER: Meditations on First Philosophy[10] This French dualist philosopher and mathematician who declared “I think, therefore I am,” wrote Meditations on First Philosophy.ANSWER: René Descartes[10] This other Descartes work starts as an autobiography, but is mainly concerned with laying down guidelines for scientific inquiry.ANSWER: Discourse on the Method

8. Most waltzes, including Strauss’s “On the Beautiful Blue Danube” and Weber’s “Invitation to the Dance,” are in this time signature. For 10 points:[10] Identify this time signature, also the time signature of the polonaise and sarabande.ANSWER: 3/4 [three-four][10] 3/4 is an example of this type of time signature, in which beats can be subdivided into two equal parts.ANSWER: simple meter [or simple time][10] This type of Baroque dance in 3/4 was the standard third part of the eighteenth-century symphony. Some famous ones are by Boccherini and Petzold, though the latter, in G, was formerly attributed to Bach.ANSWER: minuet

9. A skeleton is seen with the Latin message “I was once what you are, and what I am you will become.” written above it. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this 1428 work using single point perspective located in the Santa-Maria Novella that depicts a crucified Christ bordered by St. John and the Virgin Mary.ANSWER: The Holy Trinity[10] Found in the Brancacci Chapel, this other painting, which might have been done with Masolino, depicts a fish being caught from Lake Genezaret on the left, which contains a coin he uses to pay a temple on the right side.ANSWER: The Tribute Money [10] The Tribute Money and The Holy Trinity are works of this 15th-century Italian artist.ANSWER: Tomasso Masaccio

10. This empire’s domain included the city of Djenne, which owned a mud mosque in its center. For 10 points each:[10] Name this empire started in the Kangaba region and whose rulers include Mansa Musa, under whose reign the city of Timbuktu was acquired.ANSWER: Mali[10] This other city in present day Mali that lies on the Niger River provided residents of the Mali empire a post for economic progress and is also known for being the burial site of Muhammad Askia.ANSWER: Gao[10] Following the fall of the Mali Empire, this empire sprung up in western Africa under the leadership of rulers like Sonni Ali. It based its capital on the aforementioned city of Gao, until some pesky Moroccans destroyed it at the Battle of Tondibi.ANSWER: Songhai or Songhay

11. One group of this type is based out of Norte del Valle, and the DEA is currently trying to prevent them from gaining a greater foothold in Phoenix. For 10 points each:[10] Name these organizations that were originally organized to coordinate cocaine shipping and distribution.ANSWER: drug cartels[10] Juan David Ochoa Velazquez’s drug cartel made this central Colombian city the most violent one in the world in the 1980’s. Along with the cartel run from Cali and the one from Norte del Valle, this city is home to the most active Colombian cartel.ANSWER: Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia[10] The La Quiebra Tunnel connects Medellin to this most commercially useful and longest river of Colombia.ANSWER: Magdalena

12. This man wrote an essay on the Battle of Themopylae called The Hot Gates, while his novel The Pyramid is set in Stilbourne and focuses on the architect Oliver. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this English author that won a Nobel Prize in the 80's, the author of Pincher Martin and To the Ends of the Earth.ANSWER: William Golding[10] This work by William Golding, his masterpiece, describes a restructuration of society with little boys like Ralph, Jack Merridew and Piggy on an island.ANSWER: The Lord of the Flies[10] Sharing its name with a Susan Glaspell play about three generations of Felix Fejeverary and a collaboration between Joseph Conrad and Ford Maddox Ford, this William Golding novel is about Neanderthals.ANSWER: The Inheritors

13. It used the stimulus of a loud noise in order to teach a certain child to fear white fuzzy things. For 10 points each:[10] Name this experiment, which classically conditioned the subject to fear rats.ANSWER: Little Albert Experiment[10] The Little Albert experiment was performed by this man, who eventually applied his psychological knowledge to advertising.ANSWER: John Watson[10] John Watson rejected this behaviorist psychological phenomenon in one of his papers, which states given how one response that is pleasureful occurs with some event, chances are it is more likely that that event occur again.ANSWER: law of effect

14. This bonus is about lasers, which are devices that have two mirrors and a pumping medium. For 10 points each:[10] The waves of light emitted by a laser have identical frequency, phase, wavelength, and polarization, meaning that they have the spatial version of this property.ANSWER: Coherence[10] Electrons in a medium within a laser exist in this state, in which more of them are in the excited state than the ground state. This state is achieved by pumping.ANSWER: Population inversion[10] Lasers are commonly fired at pellets of fuel in this type of nuclear fusion reactor, examples of which include the National Ignition Facility. They are contrasted with magnetic confinement reactors.ANSWER: Inertial confinement fusion

15. The first ruling house of this nation was the Piast, whose patriarch Mieszko converted to Christianity. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this Eastern European nation which got partitioned three times, ceasing to exist for the entire 19th century and up until the end of World War I.ANSWER: Poland[10] In modern day times, Poland’s leadership has included Lech Walesa, who started this movement in the Gdansk shipyards.ANSWER: Solidarity[10] This last Jagiellonian king shares his name with his father who was sometimes called ‘the Old.’ANSWER: Sigismund II Augustus or Zygmunt II

16. By the novel's end the protagonist has taken Pearl Blossom as a concubine, while his wife has strangled their second daughter to their inability to feed her. For 10 points each:[10] Name this novel whose protagonist is the husband of O-Lan.ANSWER: The Good Earth[10] The Good Earth is the first volume of a trilogy, along with Sons and A House Divided, which was written by this Chinese-American author.ANSWER: Pearl Buck[10] This man, married to O-Lan is the protagonist of The Good Earth. His sons schemes are chronicles in Sons, while his grandchildren's troubles are described in A House Divided.ANSWER: Wang Lung [accept either]

17. Identify these trickster figures from various mythologies, for 10 points each:[10] This spider god from West Africa was responsible for obtaining the first stories from the sky-god Nyame after completing a series of tasks. ANSWER: Anansi[10] This god, a hunchbacked flute player with a detachable penis, is the Hopi trickster god. He supposedly carries babies on his back and distributes them to women.ANSWER: Kokopelli[10] Eshu, a god who once confused a bunch of people by wearing a hat that was half red and half black, is the trickster god of these Nigerian people, whose other gods include the thunder deity Shango.ANSWER: Yoruba

18. Minor characters in this opera include Goro and Kate, and the title character sings “Un bel di vedremo” while imagining her husband’s return. For 10 points:[10] Name this Puccini opera, in which Cio-Cio-San kills herself upon learning that Pinkerton has abandoned her.ANSWER: Madama Butterfly[10] The tune used for Yamadori’s theme in Madama Butterfly crops up as the march “Mi-ya sama” in Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado. That operetta features this character, who as the Lord High Executioner has “a little list” of people who would not be missed if they were executed.ANSWER: Ko-Ko[10] Another opera set in Japan is Iris, by this composer of Cavalleria Rusticana and L’Amico Fritz.ANSWER: Pietro Mascagni

19. Goldbeter and Koshland expanded upon this theory, and an important part of it was derived by Briggs and Haldane, who proposed a quasi-steady state approximation. For 10 points each:[10] Name this theory of enzyme kinetics name for two people. The parameters from it are sometimes shown on a Lineweaver-Burke plot.ANSWER: Michaelis-Menten kinetics[10] Michaelis-Menten kinetics tends to break down when the enzyme displays this kind of behavior, in which a molecule binding to a site other than the active site influences the rate of the enzyme.ANSWER: Allosteric regulation[10] At a substrate concentration equal to K sub M, the enzyme achieves this fraction of its maximum velocity.ASNWER: One-half

20. Identify the following about Buddhism, for 10 points:[10] In Buddhism, this term refers to the teachings of the Buddha. In Hinduism, it refers to one’s duty as determined by one’s station in life.ANSWER: dharma[10] This term refers to the “three baskets” of Theravada Buddhism. Its Digha Nikaya section contains an assortment of treatises like the Khuddaka Nikava.ANSWER: Tripitaka or Pali Canon[10] This term denotes any Theravada Buddhist who has completely cut himself off from the world and freed himself of Samsara. Functionally equivalent to one meaning fo the word tathagata, this state is achieved when one acquiers Nibbana.ANSWER: arhat

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